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Has CSR started to sell? Based on the Covid-19 pandemic : An insight from consumers’ perspectiveWålinder, Isabelle, Begovic, Orhan January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to explore if consumers evaluate CSR more into their purchase criterion compared to before the Covid-19 pandemic. CSR activities, consumer buying behavior, and CSR as a purchase criterion were combined in a conceptual framework. The consumer decision-making model was used as a framework in consumer buying behavior. In CSR as a purchase criterion, three factors were used to conclude if consumers started to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The empirical data was collected through two semi-structured focus groups. Group A was ensembled through a convenience sampling method but evolved to a snowball effect. Group B was ensembled through a purposive sampling method. The findings indicated that consumers did not start to evaluate CSR more as a purchase criterion. The main reason was the financial situation. However, consumers have started to buy more sustainable food, especially locally produced during the pandemic which indicated an increased awareness towards CSR as a purchase criterion. The findings also showed that the Covid-19 pandemic influenced consumers' awareness of CSR but the implemented safety precautions in grocery stores had a limited effect on consumers. The research field of consumer buying behavior in the context of CSR can be complemented with the findings in this study. This study contributed to a deeper understanding of consumer buying behavior and if they value CSR in their purchases during the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Ledarskap i krissituationer : En undersökning om covid-19-pandemins påverkanpå ledarskap / Leadership in crisis situations : A study about the impact of the covid-19-pandemic on leadershipAndersson, Linus, Grönvall, Marcus January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Covid-19-pandemin har ställt stora krav på arbetsplatserna. Tidigare forskning visar att organisationer påverkas på många olika sätt i krissituationer. Hur dessa kriser bemöts och hanteras av ledare kan vara avgörande för organisationens framtid. I och med att både ledarskap och kriser är svåra att definiera är ledarskapsrollen i kriser intressant samt aktuellt eftersom vii skrivande stund befinner oss mitt i covid-19-pandemin. Problem: Den snabba smittspridningen har ställt krav på arbetsplatser som i sin tur påverkatsmycket av detta. Tidigare rutiner och vanor kan inte följas på samma sätt som tidigare vilket kan skapa oro och problem inom företag. Det krävs hantering av situationen med covid-19-pandemin samtidigt som företag måste lyckas utföra sina vardagliga arbetsuppgifter föröverlevnad på lång sikt. Oavsett om den nya vardagen gynnar eller hämmar företag måsteåtgärder vidtas. Ledarna måste använda sina egenskaper för att hantera situationen på bästa möjliga sätt samtidigt som deras egna tankar och åsikter spelar mindre roll när det ställs krav på att saker och ting måste utföras på ett specifikt sätt. Det finns inte mycket erfarenheter som kan användas kring varje specifik kris eftersom en del är helt nya och unika krävs det att ledare är medvetna om vad som skulle kunna uppkomma och hur de ska agera. Ledare behöver besitta olika typer av kompetenser beroende på kris för att lyckas hantera den komplexa situationen som organisationen står inför. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ledarskapets utförande har påverkats undercovid-19-pandemin. Tanken med denna undersökning är att både involvera ledare och medarbetare. Utifrån ledare och medarbetare är målet att skapa en förståelse utifrån deras uppfattningar för att erhålla en tydligare bild på hur ledarskap faktiskt har påverkats av covid-19-pandemin. Metod: Vår forskningsstrategi var att genomföra en fallstudie för att skapa en större förståelse hur ledarskap påverkas vid krissituationer. I undersökningen används två kvalitativa metoderför att både få en bred och djup förståelse utifrån respondenterna. En avgränsning har gjorts i undersökningen till att undersöka en liten del av Volvo Lastvagnar AB och specifikt hur ledarskapet har påverkats inom denna del. Studiens resultat: Det är näst intill ingenting som är sig likt jämfört med ledarskapet innancovid-19-pandemin. Det som visat sig vara den största påverkande faktorn på ledarskapet harvarit distansarbete. Trots att ledarna inte upplever att ledarskapet fungerat bra upplevermedarbetarna det vilket visar att de finns olika uppfattningar kring detta område. Undersökningen visar även att det finns olika uppfattningar kring arbetsutförandet. Dessa olika uppfattningar har påverkat avdelningen positivt då det genererat flera nya lösningar på problem som uppstått. Medarbetarna har fått större ansvar för arbetsutförandet vilket har lett till merkreativa lösningar jämfört med tidigare. Genom att ledarna har givit mer ansvar tillmedarbetarna har det visat sig att deras livssituation påverkats positivt genom mer egenplanering av arbetet. / The written language of this paper is Swedish. Background: The Covid-19 virus has come to demand huge requirements for all businesses. Research shows that different organizations has been affected in different ways during critical situations, how these situations is being answered and handled by the leaders can be crucial for the organizations future. However good leadership and critical situations is hard to define, the role of a leader during crisis is a very interesting subject in this moment when we are actually living during a pandemic right now. Problem: The quick development around the spread of infection has demanded a lot for companies. Old routines and habits can’t be followed in the same way as before which causes worries inside the company by the employees. Management around the pandemic situation are important and at the same time the company has to proceed and manage to keep their regular work going on and manage to survive at longer terms. Even though this new way of work gains or inhibits the company some measures have to take action. The leaders must use their knowledge to handle certain situations in the best possible way. At the same time their own thoughts and opinions does not play a role in this when the work must be dealt with in a specific way. There is not a lot of experience when it comes to handle a specific crisis because the crises are brand new and unique which means that the leaders have to be beware of what can show up and how to take action for it. A leader needs to have a lot of knowledge around different areas depending on the situation to actually manage the complex situation the organization is facing. Purpose: The purpose of this essay is to investigate the outcome of how leadership has been affected during the pandemic. The thought of this investigation is to involve leaders for the companies and also the employees. Our target is to create an understanding based on their thoughts on how to keep up a clear view on how good leadership actually has been affected during the pandemic. Method: Our research strategy was to implement a study that creates a bigger understanding on how leadership affects during a critical crisis. In this investigation we’ve used two qualitative methods to get a wider and deeper knowledge based on the respondents. During this investigation a boundary has been made during the research for a small part of the company Volvo Lastvagnar AB on how specific the leadership has been affected. The result: It’s basically nothing that is what it used to be when it comes to leadership compared to what it was before the pandemic. The study shows that the biggest element on leadership has been the distance work. The leaders do not believe that their style of leadership is doing great for the company, although if we ask the employees, they think it works which shows that there are a lot of different opinions in this area. The study shows that around during different working situations, there are a lot of opinions that actually affected the company positively because it has generated new and improved solutions on upcoming problems. The employees have been titled with more responsibility during work which has led to more creative solutions compared to earlier. By the bigger responsibility handed out by the leaders, the employees have a more positive feeling when it comes to life in general just because they have their own structure and planning of their work.
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Konsumenten och matsvinn : En studie om hur svenska konsumenters inköp av livsmedel påverkats av en global pandemi samt konsumenters attityd-beteendegap i relation tillmiljömedvetenhet och matsvinn / The consumer and food waste : The pandemic and its effect on Swedish consumers and the Attitude-Behaviour gap in relation to environmental awareness and food wasteBagheri, Diana, Egana Otarola, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Utbrottet av Covid-19 pandemin har lett till förändrade vanor och beteenden. Det framhålls att konsumenter blir alltmer miljömedvetna samtidigt som hushållen är den sektor där mest matsvinn uppstår. Författarna har via redan existerande forskning funnit att uppkomsten av matsvinn har förändrats i hushållen som påföljd av Covid-19 pandemin i andra länder. Forskning på huruvida det har påverkat uppkomsten av matsvinn i Sverige existerar inte i dagsläget. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur en disruptiv händelse som en global pandemi påverkar den upplevda förändringen i uppkomsten matsvinn hos svenska konsumenter. Vidare syftar studien till att identifiera och analysera konsumenters förändring i inköp av livsmedel till följd av Covid-19 pandemin. Studien ämnar att undersöka konsumenters miljömedvetenhet och om det finns några attityd-beteendegap för matsvinn och hållbara livsmedel. Metod: Denna fallstudie av induktiv karaktär har en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Den empiriska datainsamlingen består av 13 stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med svenska konsumenter. Slutsats: Studiens datainsamling visar att det föreligger förändringar i konsumenters inköp av livsmedel innan och under covid-19 pandemin. Faktorer till uppkomsten av matsvinn har visat liten skillnad innan och under Covid-19 pandemin. Fortsättningsvis visar resultatet att konsumenter inte agerar i enlighet med sina attityder om hållbara livsmedel. Samtliga konsumenter anser att matsvinn är ett miljöproblem men det finns diskrepanser mellan deras attityder och beteenden. / Introduction: Food waste is a complex problem which affects the environment, the economy and social factors. The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has led to dramatic changes in habits and behaviours. It is accentuated that consumers are more and more environmentally aware but at the same time the consumer household is the sector where most of all food waste emerges. The following study has, through already existing research conducted in other countries, found that the occurrence of food waste has been altered. Research about the changes in food waste emergence caused by the Corona pandemic in Sweden does not exist by the time of this investigation. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate how a disruptive event such as a global pandemic affects the perceived alteration of food waste emergence produced by Swedish consumers. Furthermore, this study aims to identify and analyze the altered buying process of daily goods caused by the Corona pandemic. The paper also intends to study the environmental awareness of the consumers and if there exists any attitude behaviour gaps in food waste and sustainable food products. Method: This case-study is of an inductive character and has a quantitative research nature. The empirical data collection consists of thirteen semi-structured interviews with Swedish consumers. Conclusion: From the data collection of the study, it is found that there exist changes in the consumers’ food buying behaviours before and during the pandemic. Causes for the perceived emergence of food waste have shown small changes before and during Covid-19. Further, the result shows the consumers do not behave in accordance with their attitudes towards sustainable products. Every consumer considers food waste to be an environmental problem however there exists discrepancies between their attitudes and behaviours.
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Den psykiska hälsan bland gymnasieelever under covid-19-pandemin : En kvalitativ studie utifrån skolkuratorers perspektivAntonsson, Daniel, Bagheri, Gisoo January 2021 (has links)
The aim of the study was to examine, based on school counselors’ experiences, the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the mental health of upper secondary school students. To examine this, six qualitative interviews were conducted with school counselors currently working in upper secondary school. The results showed that some students have problems maintaining routines in everyday life during the covid-19 pandemic. The school entails an automatic structure that has disappeared for the students in connection with distance education during the pandemic. Distance education and other restrictions in society have also meant that students have spent more time at home, which means that a safe and supportive family has become increasingly important. As a result of upper secondary school students spending more time at home and not meeting their classmates at school to the same degree as before the pandemic, some have also lost or impaired their relationships with friends. This in turn has according to the informants, contributed to increased loneliness and isolation. Mental problems such as stress, anxiety, difficulty sleeping, and lack of motivation are common topics in the conversations between the school counselors and the students linked to the pandemic. / Syftet med uppsatsen var att utifrån skolkuratorers erfarenheter undersöka vilken påverkan covid-19-pandemin haft på gymnasieelevers psykiska hälsa. För att undersöka detta har sex kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med skolkuratorer verksamma inom gymnasieskolan. Resultatet visade på att vissa gymnasieelever fått problem med att upprätthålla rutiner i vardagen under covid-19-pandemin. Skolan medför en automatisk struktur som försvunnit för eleverna i samband med distansundervisning under pandemin. Distansundervisning och andra samhällsrestriktioner har också medfört att gymnasieleverna spenderat mer tid i hemmet vilket gör att en trygg och stöttande familj blivit allt viktigare. Som följd av att gymnasieelever spenderat mer tid hemma och inte träffat deras klasskamrater i skolan samma grad som före pandemin så har också en del elever tappat eller försämrat sina relationer till vänner. Detta har i sin tur enligt informanterna bidragit till en ökad ensamhet och isolering. Psykiska besvär som stress, ångest, sömnsvårigheter och motivationsbrist är vanligt förekommande ämnen i samtalen mellan skolkurator och eleverna kopplat till pandemin.
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Betydelsen av kommunikation och ökad miljödebatt i media för icke-statligt miljöarbete : En kvalitativ intervjustudie angående miljöorganisationers uppfattningar / The meaning of communication and increased envionmental debate in media for non-governmental environmental work : A qualitative interview study of environmental non-governmental organizations conceptionsHultberg, Moa, Andersson, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Forskning visar att informations- och kommunikationstekniker är en viktig del för aktörer såsom miljöorganisationer. Olika kommunikationstekniker och olika typer av media har utvecklats med hög hastighet sedan 1980- och 90-talet och utvecklingen fortsätter (Statens Medieråd, 2016, Myndigheten för press, radio och tv, 2019). Forskning visar också att miljöproblem och miljöfrågan samtidigt tar större plats i olika medier idag än tidigare, speciellt tydlig blir ökningen i sociala medier som Facebook (Söderpalm & von Lochow, 2019). Organisationernas kommunikationsmetoder påverkas nu ännu mer av covid-19 pandemin som genererat i rekommendationer att minska den personliga kontakten i vardagen (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2020). Syftet med studien är att undersöka huruvida svenska lokala icke-statliga miljöorganisationer, i kommuner angränsande till sjön Vättern, påverkas av miljödebattens större utrymme i media och vilka kommunikationsmetoder organisationerna använder samt hur organisationerna upplever utvecklingen av informations- och kommunikationsteknikerna. Metoden är baserad på kvalitativa halvstrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från miljöorganisationer/miljögrupper från kommuner angränsande till sjön Vättern. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att samtliga organisationer i studien har anammat, till en viss grad, den tekniska kommunikationsutvecklingen och att de nyare kommunikationsmedlen, som sociala medier, varit betydelsefulla. Fler organisationer använder också kommunikationsvägar som stämmer överens med statistiken kring vilka mediekanaler som samhället använder mest. Även covid-19 tycks ha påverkat samtliga organisationer genom att den, bland annat, påtvingat omstrukturering av organisationernas projekt. Resultatet visar dock att organisationerna skiljer sig åt i frågan om det större fokuset på miljödebatten. Vissa är mycket positiva medan andra tvivlar på omfattningen av debattens utökning. / Previous research show that information- and communication technologies is an important aspect to actors such as environmental organisations. Statistics also show that communication techniques, or different types of media, has developed in a high speed since the 1980s and 1990s, and the development continues (Statens Medieråd, 2016, Myndigheten för press, radio och tv, 2019). Research also show that environmental discussions gains more attention in different types of media today than before. The increase has become especially noticeable in social media, for example Facebook (Söderpalm & von Lochow, 2019). The environmental organisations communication methods is now even further affected of the pandemic covid-19, which has generated in recommendations to limit the everyday social contact (Folkhälsomyndigheten, 2020). The aim of the study is to examine how local environmental nongovernmental organisations, located near the lake Vättern in Sweden, are affected by the attention different environmental discussions has gained in media and what types of communication methods the organisations use together with how the organisations perceive the development of information- and communication technologies. The methodology is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with representatives from environmental nongovernmental organisations and groups in municipalities adjacent to the lake Vättern. The material has then been analysed though a qualitative content analysis. The result states that all organisations have embraced, to an extent, the technical communication development and that the more recent communication techniques, like social media, has been valuable. Several organisations also use communication techniques that correspond with statistics of which media channels the society use the most. Even covid-19 seems to have had an effect all organisations through, for instance, forced a reconstruction of older programmes to match the governments recommendations. Although, the results show that the organisations differ in opinion about the increased environmental debate. Some are more positive while others doubt the extent of the debates increase.
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The dynamics of communication in global virtual software development teams : A case study in the agile context during the Covid-19 pandemicBadiale, Maria Eugenia January 2020 (has links)
The increase of globalization of business led to the creation of global virtual software development teams in which communication plays an important role. The lack of recent studies raises the need to investigate communication in the context of agile and the current Covid-19 pandemic. This study identifies in literature three factors present in global virtual software development teams: technology, culture, and trust. It aims to explore how they influence internal communication. A qualitative method is conducted on a case study by combining data collected from semi-structured interviews and observations. The case study is a global virtual software development team which implemented the agile Scrum methodology. The findings provide a deep understanding of the positive and negative influences of the factors on communication, including their interrelations and context. Some of the main findings are: (I) the best set up for collaboration among global team members is the combination of synchronous and asynchronous communication through technological tools, (II) cultural diversity leads to differences in the ways members communicate, (III) trust is the precondition of working collaboratively and communicating effectively, (IV) global team members need to occasionally have in-person interactions to nurture their interpersonal relations, (V) the agile Scrum methodology influences internal communication positively, (VI) each communication factor is influenced by time; thus, the theoretical framework developed for this study is updated with this addition, (VII) the Covid- 19 pandemic affects communication to a certain extent.
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The impact of a pandemic on brand preference in purchasing decisions of food and hygiene products: a COVID-19 perspectiveSohani, Armin, Fahmy, Tarek January 2020 (has links)
The uncontrolled spread of COVID-19 pandemic has surpassed all the expectations. Nations closed their boarders; the economy is going into recession and the whole world is suffering from the emerged pandemic. Although the effects of the pandemic economically and socially can be measured and estimated, thought the changes in the buying behaviour of customers is not easily predicted. As hygiene products demand went up and supply went down causing panic hoarding by some of the consumers. It became interesting for the researchers to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the brand preferences in purchasing decisions for hygiene and food products. As a result, the main purpose of this master thesis is to broaden the scope of consumer behaviour as a field by adding a complementary empirical perspective to the current literature on how a pandemic affects brand preference in purchasing behaviour, since it is a topic lacking in empirical research. Furthermore, based on the branding theory and the consumer behaviour theory, the PMO model was built, which provided the bases for collecting empirical data needed for this dissertation. This dissertation was conducted using a qualitative approach with an abductive reasoning. Sixteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with Swedish customers. The findings indicated aspects of price, quality, risk and loyalty became tied to the pandemic in the context of the health aspect of the COVID-19 virus. While there were not much indicating large shifts in preferred brands, there were large changes in health consciousness and qualitative demands on brands due to the pandemic affecting brand preference.
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Den hybrida arbetsplatsen - Det nya normala? : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka strukturer som skapas på en hybrid arbetsplatsEnzell, Sofie, Rundqvist, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Many organizations needed to have a remote workplace during the Covid-19 pandemic, which has led to many organizations now having a hybrid workplace after the pandemic. To understand this phenomenon, there is an importance of understanding the structures that appear within organizations that have a hybrid workplace. The aim of this study was to understand which social structures are created by communication processes in an organization, that for the first time is a hybrid workplace. The aim of the study is answered by these two questions: How are communication processes adapted in a hybrid workplace?How are structures maintained in a hybrid workplace? The theoretical approach of the study is the Theory of Structuration by Anthony Giddens. This is a case study of one organization that has a hybrid workplace. The used method was semi structured interviews, which were analyzed through a thematic analysis. The result showed that the Organization formed new structures due to new digital tools, the flexibility, the hybrid rule and the team's different actions. Since the employees of the Organization have begun to act on these aspects, new structures have been created. As they continue to follow these rules, the structures are maintained. The study has contributed to an understanding of the hybrid workplace in Sweden, which nowadays is a relatively broad phenomenon. Because the phenomenon is relatively new, it is difficult to discern how a hybrid workplace should be structured at such an early stage of a change process.
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Hur omställningen till en virtuell arbetsplats påverkar den upplevda organisationskulturen : En fallstudie om hur Scanias anställda upplevt förändringen av organisationskulturen till följd av covid-19-pandeminDedering, Line, Wiidik, Johan January 2022 (has links)
As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, organizations have been forced to undergo rapid and significant changes. One of the more extensive changes has been the transfer of work from physical offices to virtual environments, which implies that employees have been forced to adapt to new conditions. Moreover, implementing major changes is a far more complex process for larger, traditional and older organizations, since they generally have an inveterate organizational culture. Thus, there is an interest in analyzing large organizations, such as Scania, since they have been forced to undergo major changes due to covid-19, and how these changes have affected the employees' perceptions and experiences of the organizational culture. This study is based on a qualitative approach, and examines how Scania’s employees have experienced the shift from a physical workplace to a virtual workplace, and how this has affected the perceived organizational culture. The empirical data was analyzed on the basis of the study's theoretical framework, The Cultural Web, and with the help of the theory of sensemaking, as well as Schein's three levels of organizational culture. The result indicates that the transition to a virtual workplace has generated both positive and negative implications on the perceived organizational culture of Scania. This is explained by the fact that the transition to a virtual workplace has increased the individual part of sensemaking, and reduced the collective part. The results also show that employees identify more with Scania after the change than before, as they experience that the workplace has become more flexible with allowing remote work. / Till följd av covid-19-pandemin har organisationer tvingats genomgå både hastiga och stora förändringar. En av de mer omfattande förändringarna har varit förflyttningen av arbetet från de fysiska kontoren, till en virtuell miljö vilket medfört att anställda tvingats anpassa sig efter nya förutsättningar. Samtidigt har det påvisats att större, traditionella och äldre organisationer har svårare att genomföra stora förändringar på grund av en inbiten organisationskultur. Således finns ett intresse av att undersöka stora organisationer, likt Scania, som tvingats genomgå en stor förändring i samband med covid-19, och hur det har påverkat de anställdas upplevelse av organisationskulturen. Denna studie har, utifrån ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt, undersökt hur de anställda på Scania upplever att organisationskulturen har påverkats av den digitala omställningen – att gå från en fysisk arbetsplats till en virtuell. Empirin analyserades utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk The Cultural Web och med hjälp av teorin om meningsskapande, samt Scheins tre nivåer av organisationskultur. Studien visade att omställningen till en digital arbetsplats har genererat både positiva och negativa implikationer på Scanias organisationskultur. Detta då övergången till en virtuell arbetsplats har ökat den individuella delen av meningsskapande, och samtidigt minskat den kollektiva. Resultatet visar även att medarbetarna identifierar sig mer med Scania efter omställningen än tidigare, då de upplever att arbetsplatsen blivit mer flexibel genom möjligheten till distansarbete.
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Ett förändrat arbetssätt inom revisionsbranschen till följd av covid-19 pandemin : En kvalitativ studie om revisorsassistenters upplevda arbetsrelaterade stressEngström, Johanna, Bernhardsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
I samband med covid-19 pandemin har Folkhälsomyndigheten infört allmänna råd och rekommendationer om social distansering och distansarbete. Revisionsbranschen har därmed ställt om till en mer varierad arbetsplats där arbetstagarna har utfört sitt arbete helt eller delvis hemifrån och mycket tyder på att denna typ av hybrida arbetsmiljö kommer att fortsätta även efter covid-19 pandemin. Det är vanligt förekommande att revisorsassistenterna till stor del arbetar ute hos sina kunder och tidigare forskning har påvisat att en hög grad av arbetsrelaterad stress är vanligt förekommande inom revisionsbranschen. Med tanke på social distansering och distansarbete har revisionsbranschen därmed behövt hitta andra vägar för att utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, vilket i sin tur kan ha påverkat revisorsassistenternas upplevda arbetsrelaterade stress. Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur revisorsassistenternas arbetssätt har förändrats till följd av en ökad grad av distansarbete samt hur detta har påverkat den upplevda arbetsrelaterade stressen. Studien ämnar dessutom till att skapa förståelse för varför revisorsassistenter upplever arbetsrelaterad stress till följd av ett förändrat arbetssätt. För att uppfylla studiens syfte har en kvalitativ metod använts där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Respondenterna bestod av revisorsassistenter som är verksamma i Norrbotten och som jobbar på någon de fem största revisionsbyråerna i Sverige. Materialet som inhämtades vid intervjuerna har sedan analyserats med hjälp av krav-kontroll-stödmodellen för att undersöka stresspåverkan närmare. För att skapa ytterligare förståelse kring vilka stressfaktorer som är framträdande har respondenterna valts ut utifrån två olika grupper för att se om det finns några eventuella skillnader. Den ena gruppen består av revisorsassistenter som har varit verksamma både innan och under covid-19 pandemin medan den andra gruppen består av revisorsassistenter som har blivit anställda under covid-19 pandemin. Studiens slutsats är att arbetssättet har förändrats till följd av covid-19 pandemin och att stresspåverkan av denna förändring är högst individuell, där hälften av respondenterna upplever att den arbetsrelaterade stressen har ökat och den andra hälften upplever att den arbetsrelaterade stressen har minskat. Den främsta anledningen, enligt revisorsassistenterna, var att de upplever ökade eller minskade krav. Det visade sig däremot att även kontrollen och stödet hade inverkan på den upplevda arbetsrelaterade stressen. Någon tydlig skillnad i arbetsrelaterad stress mellan de två olika respondentgrupperna framkom inte, vad som däremot framkom var skillnader i upplevd effektivitet. / Due to the covid-19 pandemic the Swedish public health agency has introduced general advice and recommendations regarding social distancing and teleworking. The auditing industry has thus switched to a more varied workplace where the employees have performed their work wholly or partly from home and there are a lot that indicates that this type of hybrid work environment will continue even after the covid-19 pandemic. It is common for auditor assistants to perform their work at their clients and previous research has shown that a high degree of work-related stress is common in the auditing industry. With regards to social distancing and teleworking, the auditing industry has thus had to find other ways to perform their tasks, which in turn may have affected the auditors’ perceived work-related stress. The purpose of the study is to describe how the auditing assistants' working methods have changed as a result of an increased degree of telework and how this has affected the perceived work-related stress. The study also aims to create an understanding of why auditing assistants experience work-related stress as a result of a changed way of working. To fulfill the purpose of the study a qualitative method has been used where ten semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The respondents consisted of auditing assistants who are active in Norrbotten and work at one of the five largest auditing firms in Sweden. The material obtained during the interviews was then analyzed using the demand-control-support model to examine the stress impact in more detail. To create a further understanding of which stress factors are prominent, the respondents have been selected based on two different groups to see if there are any differences. One group consists of auditor assistants who have been employed both before and during the covid-19 pandemic whilst the other group consists of auditor assistans who were employed during the covid-19 pandemic. The conclusion of the study is that the work method has changed as a result of the covid-19 pandemic and that the stress impact of this change is highly individual, where half of the respondents feel that the work-related stress has increased and the other half feel that the work-related stress has decreased. The main reason was, according to the auditor assistants, due to the fact that they experienced an increase or a decrease in demands. However, it also turned out that the control and support had an impact on the perceived work-related stress. There was no clear difference in work-related stress between the two different respondent groups, but what emerged were differences in perceived efficiency.
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