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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nya sätt att läsa - Innovation genom metoden Design Thinking : En utvärderande studie av läspodden från Zon 164

Rehn, Andreas, Wennström, Viktor January 2020 (has links)
Del 1 På uppdrag av Stockholms stads kulturförvaltning och Kista bibliotek har vi arbetat fram nya lösningar för att engagera unga killar i Kista i bibliotekets verksamhet. Målgruppen unga killar mellan 13-19 år valdes då denna grupp i stor utsträckning saknas på biblioteket idag. Genom fokusgrupper och samtal med ungdomarna har vi fått insikter om deras önskemål. Dessa insikter har bearbetats och lett fram till fyra olika koncept. Vi valde att arbeta vidare med två koncept som vidareutvecklades till konceptet Zon 164. Där ingår vår innovation läspodden som förhöjer läsupplevelsen och utställningen arketyper. Båda är framtagna lösningar som möter ungdomarnas behov av förebilder, att ha en plats att vara på, att känna gemenskap samt att ha roligt med sina vänner. Genom konceptet Zon 164 hoppas vi att Kista bibliotek kan utmana föreställningen om vad läsning samt biblioteksverksamhet är och bli en plats där unga killar i större utsträckning känner sig delaktiga. Del 2 För att fortsätta arbetet med läspodden utfördes en mer djupgående analys i syfte att undersöka huruvida läspoddens egenskaper faktiskt förhöjde läsupplevelsen eller inte samt huruvida läspodden främjade återgivning av information. Två separata studier, kvantitativa och kvalitativa, utfördes på två grupper om 33 och 10 personer. Resultaten från den första undersökningen visar på att användande av läspodden upplevs som positiv och att läsupplevelsen ansågs bli förhöjd. Resultaten från den andra undersökningen visade ett svagt positivt samband mellan användning av läspodden och informationsåtergivning, men inga slutsatser kring kausalitet kan dras. / Part 1 On behalf of the Stockholm City Cultural Administration and Kista Library, we have worked out new solutions to engage young guys in Kista in the library's daily activities. The target group of young guys between the ages of 13-19 was chosen as this group is mainly missing from the library today. Through focus groups and conversations with young people, we have gained insight into their wishes. These insights have been processed and led to four different concepts. We chose to work on two concepts that were further developed into the concept Zone 164. This includes our innovation, the reading pod, which enhances the reading experience and the exhibition archetypes. Both are developed solutions that meet young people's need for role models, to have a place to be, to feel community, and to have fun with their friends. Through the Zone 164 concept, we hope that Kista Library can challenge the notion of what reading and library activities are and become a place where young guys can feel more involved. Part 2 In order to continue the work with the reading pod, a more in-depth analysis was carried out to investigate whether the properties of the reading pod enhanced the reading experience or not and whether the reading pod promoted the reproduction of information. Two separate studies, quantitative and qualitative, were conducted on two groups of 33 and 10 persons. The results of the first study show that the use of the reading pod is perceived as positive and that the reading experience was considered to be enhanced. The results of the second study showed a weak positive relationship between the use of the reading pod and information retrieval, but no conclusions about causality can be drawn.

Improving the user experience of touchscreen text-based code editor in an industrial robot controller / Förbättring av användarupplevelsen för textbaserad kodredigerare med pekskärm i en industriell robotkontroller

Xu, Xuanling January 2023 (has links)
This project investigated the touchscreen text-based code editor in OmniCore FlexPendant to improve its usability and user experience. This is a powerful but complex application used to program industrial robots. The objective is to redesign the user interface and interactions to make them more userfriendly and intuitive, with the goal of improving efficiency. The principles for designing complex applications and touchscreen products are generated as an outcome. From an academic standpoint, the research aims to fill the gap in text-based code editors for robot controller design and inspire touchscreen code editor design in other fields. Design thinking served as the framework for the design process, which encompassed seven steps that ranged from exploration to conceptualization and user testing. Guidance for improvement is ideated by ’become a user,’ competitive analysis, and user studies. In the design phase, a high-fidelity prototype is built upon the original design with completely new interfaces, structures, and interactions. The user experience and usability are evaluated during user testing by counting task completion time, applying two standard user experience measurements, and conducting a brief interview. The results indicate that the new design achieved better completion efficiency in tasks, better user experience and usability scores, and received positive feedback from participants. The new solution meets the objectives and is considered a good reference for the design of industrial robot programming solutions. / Denna studie undersökte den pekskärm- och textbaserade kodeditorn i OmniCore FlexPendant, för att förbättra dess användbarhet och användarupplevelse. Det är en kraftfull men komplex applikation som används för att programmera industrirobotar. Målet är en omarbetning av användargränssnittet och interaktionerna för att göra dem mer användarvänliga och intuitiva, med målet att förbättra effektiviteten. Principerna för att utforma komplexa applikationer och pekskärmsprodukter genereras som ett resultat. Ur ett akademiskt perspektiv syftar forskningen till att fylla luckan gällande design av textbaserade kodeditor för robotkontroller, och inspirera vid designen av pekskärmsbaserade kodeditorer inom andra fält. ”Design thinking” tjänade som ramverk för designprocessen, vilken omfattade sju steg som sträckte sig från utforskning till konceptualisering och användartestning. Vägledning för förbättringar tas fram genom ”att vara en användare”, konkurrensanalys och användarstudier. I designfasen byggs en högupplöst prototyp baserat på den ursprungliga designen med helt nya gränssnitt, struktur och interaktioner. Användarupplevelsen och användbarheten utvärderas under användartestning genom att räkna tid, tillämpa två standardmått för användarupplevelse och genomföra en kort intervju. Resultaten visar att den nya designen uppnådde högre effektivitet i uppgifter, bättre användarupplevelse och högre användbarhetspoäng samt fick positiv feedback från deltagarna. Den nya lösningen uppfyller målen och anses vara en bra referens för design av lösningar för programmering av industrirobotar.

Elscootrar och säkerhet : Produktutvecklingens påverkan av lagar och säkerhetskrav i Sverige / E-scooters and safety

Hjertström, Albin, Simoni, Vilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Sedan etableringen 2017 har en drastisk ökning av elscootrar skett i Sverige och framförallt i Stockholms innerstad. Denna radikala förändring inom färdmedel har skakat om den rådande trafikmiljön. Olyckor och parkeringsproblematik har stått i fokus för medias rapportering kring fenomenet. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur företagen som utvecklar elscootrar arbetar med säkerhet för användarna och anpassar sin produktutveckling efter svenska lagar och trafikregler. Studien behandlar även hur man på ett säkert sätt kan integrera nya färdmedel i samhället. För att lägga en grund för arbetet har en litteraturstudie genomförts och en teoretisk referensram tagits fram. Informationsinsamlingen har skett genom kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre företag som utvecklar eller hanterar elscootrar, ansvarig för elscootrar på Stockholms Stad samt respondenter från Transportstyrelsen med regeringsuppdraget Att utreda behov av förenklade regler av eldrivna enpersonsfordon. Intervjuerna har transkriberats, kodats, delats upp i teman och analyserats. Idag är de flesta elscootrar som finns i Stockholm klassificerade som cyklar. Detta innebär utöver krav på bland annat broms och ringklocka att maxhastigheten ej får överstiga 20 km/h och motoreffekten max får vara 250 W. Flera aktörer ser en problematik i detta och en gemensam önskan hos alla respondenter är att hitta en klassificering som ger tydlighet för vad som gäller, reder ut oklarheter och främjar utvecklingen av färdmedlet. Resultatet av studien har visat att ett stort fokus ligger på säkerhet i utvecklingsprocessen och en stor del av arbetet med säkerheten sker i utvärderingsfasen. Utvecklingen sker inkrementellt för att ständigt förbättra säkerheten hos elscootrarna och förhindra att olyckor sker. Idag arbetar företag med en mer linjär process men för att hantera framtida utmaningar skulle en mer agil process kunna främja produktutvecklingen. Då att fenomenet med elscootrar fortfarande är nytt så är olycksstatistiken som finns ytterst begränsad. Den som finns pekar dock på att olycksgraden med elscootrar involverade inte är högre än för traditionella cyklar. Studien visar också att det sker en dialog mellan Stockholms Stad och de ledande scooter-företagen i Stockholm för att på ett säkert sätt integrera färdmedlet i stadstrafiken. / Since its establishment in 2017, there has been a dramatic increase of e-scooters in Sweden and especially in Stockholm city. This radical change in transport has shaken the current traffic environment. Accidents and parking problems have been the focus of media reporting of the phenomenon. The purpose of this report is to investigate how the companies that develop e-scooters work with safety for the users and adapt their product development to Swedish laws and traffic rules. The study also deals with how to safely integrate new means of transport into society. In order to lay a foundation, a literature study has been conducted and a theoretical frame of reference has been developed. Information was gathered through qualitative semi-structured interviews with three companies that develop e-scooters, responsible for e-scooters in Stockholms Stad and respondents from the Swedish Transport Agency with a government assignment to clarify the situation. The interviews have been transcribed, coded, subdivided into themes and analyzed. Today, most e-scooters in Stockholm are classified as bicycles. This means, in addition to requirements for brake and bell, that the speed must not exceed 20 km/h and the engine power must be no more than 250 W. Several affecting parties consider this classification problematic and a common wish among all interviewed respondents is to find a classification or approach to the e-scooters that gives clarity for which rules that applies, clarifies ambiguities and promotes future development of the e-scooters. The results of the study have shown that a large focus in the development process is on safety and a large part of the work to enhance safety takes place during the evaluation phase. The development is incremental in order to constantly improve the safety for the users of the e-scooters and prevent accidents from happening. Today, companies are working with a relatively linear development process, but in order to handle future challenges, a more agile work process could promote product development. Since the phenomenon of e-scooters is still new, the accident statistics are very limited. However, the statistics that exist point out that the accident rates with e-scooters involved is not higher than for traditional bicycles. The study also shows that there is a dialogue between Stockholms Stad and the leading scooter companies in Stockholm in order to safely integrate the means of transport into city traffic.


FABIENNE TORRES SCHIAVO 06 February 2024 (has links)
[pt] A busca por uma realidade mais sustentável, desde Brundtland até os Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável, vem ganhando destaque na agenda global. O avanço tecnológico, as transformações digitais e a urbanização acelerada, sem precedentes, integram essa agenda, quando se fala em smart cities. Estas, na teoria incluem os objetivos da sustentabilidade e do bem-estar, mas na prática, ainda são centradas em tecnologias e ficam distantes dos impactos significativos nos desafios atuais. Aplicar novas tecnologias em antigas soluções sem que o cidadão enxergue sentido e usabilidade não basta. É preciso desenvolver soluções inovadoras que, com o uso das tecnologias, alavanquem um desenvolvimento genuinamente sustentável e gere o bem-estar das pessoas. A lacuna na literatura acerca da inexistência de modelos que contribuam para uma ampla adoção e permitam a operacionalização da transição para smart cities, combinado com a ampla e crescente adoção do Design Thinking, deu início a esta pesquisa, que parte da hipótese que o Design Thinking é uma estratégia colaborativa adequada a ser adotada para gerar projetos inovadores para smart cities, atendendo às necessidades de bem-estar das pessoas e do desenvolvimento de forma sustentável. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi, assim, desenvolver um modelo que use a abordagem do Design Thinking para criação de projetos com foco em smart cities, sob a ótica do bem-estar das pessoas e do desenvolvimento sustentável. A metodologia aplicada abrangeu pesquisas bibliográfica, documental, ex-post-facto e de campo, incluindo uma fase de pesquisa-ação. Primeiro houve uma fundamentação teórica, realizada por meio de revisão da literatura existente a respeito das smart cities, que resultou da identificação de seus elementos essenciais, e das etapas de operacionalização do Design Thinking. Por meio de pesquisa documental e ex-post facto de estudos de casos foi analisado se e como o Design Thinking tem sido aplicado em smart cities, quais foram as motivações para sua adoção e os pontos positivos e negativos da operacionalização a partir dos modelos existentes. As informações geradas embasaram teoricamente a criação de um modelo específico de Design Thinking para Smart City. Este modelo foi testado em campo, no bairro de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro. Envolveu um Diagnóstico com a população local, com aplicação de 388 questionários e atividades de verificação da aplicabilidade dos dois produtos criados para este modelo – o Mapa das Forças Locais Atuantes e o Mapa de Inovação Local. Junto com estes dois produtos, soma-se aos resultados a inclusão de duas etapas frente aos modelos existentes: Descoberta e Distribuição, esta última com foco na descentralização e multiplicação das soluções. A pesquisa alcançou seu objetivo de desenvolvimento do modelo proposto, confirmando a hipótese inicial e contribuindo para a operacionalização de pequenas intervenções locais, alinhadas e integradas, para gerar impacto frentes aos desafios atuais e tornar as cidades genuinamente smart cities. Campos para novas investigações foram identificados, tais como a formulação de políticas capazes de equilibrar tecnologias e bem-estar, e o uso da identidade local como estratégia de engajamento e ação em smart city. / [en] The search for a more sustainable reality, from the Brundtland Report to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, has gained prominence in the global agenda. Concerning smart cities, unprecedented technological advancement, digital transformations, and accelerated urbanization integrate this agenda. In theory, smart cities encompass sustainability and well-being objectives, but in practice, they remain technocentric and distant from substantial impacts on current challenges. Applying new technologies to outdated solutions without citizens perceivable meaning and usability is insufficient. It is imperative to develop innovative solutions that, through technology, drive genuinely sustainable development and well-being. The literature gap on the absence of models contributing to the widespread adoption and operationalization of the transition to smart cities, coupled with the extensive adoption of Design Thinking, triggered this research. The hypothesis declares that Design Thinking is a suitable collaborative strategy for generating innovative projects for smart cities, meeting well-being needs, and promoting sustainable development. The research aimed to develop a model using the Design Thinking approach for smart city projects, focusing on well-being and sustainable development. The applied methodology encompassed bibliographic, documentary, ex-post-facto, and field research, including an action research phase. The theoretical foundation involved a literature review on smart cities, identifying essential elements, and the Design Thinking stages. The application, motivations, and positive/negative results of Design Thinking operationalization in smart cities were examined through documentary research and ex-post facto analysis of case studies. The information theoretically underpinned the creation of a specific Design Thinking model for Smart City. Field research to test the model occurred in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, involving a local population diagnosis with 388 surveys and verification activities for the applicability of two products created for this model—the Map of Local Acting Forces and the Local Innovation Map. Additionally, two stages were added to existing models: Discovery and Distribution, the latter focusing on decentralization and solution multiplication. The research achieved its goal of developing the proposed model, confirming the initial hypothesis, and contributing to operationalizing small local interventions, aligned and integrated to generate impact against current challenges and make cities genuinely smart. Areas for further investigation were identified, including formulating policies balancing technology and well-being and using local identity as a strategy for engagement and action in smart cities.

Kombination av linjära och iterativa metoder i produktutvecklingsprocessen : En studie om hur processerna, och en kombination av processerna påverkar innovation hos företag inom tillverkningsindustrin / Combination of Linear and Iterative Methods in the Product Development Process : A study about how the processes, and a combination of the processes affect innovation in companies in the manufacturing industry

Arvidsson, Sara, Johansson, Lisa, Sjöstrand, Fanny January 2022 (has links)
Traditionellt sett är en linjär produktutvecklingsprocess det självklara valet, däremot med den teknikutveckling som skett och fortsätter att utvecklas i samhället arbetar många företag mot ett mer agilt arbetssätt. Val av produktutvecklingsprocess har en direkt påverkan på organisationens innovationsförmåga. Valet är mycket viktigt vid projekt vars mål är att ta fram något nytt som uppfyller kundens behov eller önskemål, samt för företag som vill hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Syftet med detta kandidatexamensarbete är att undersöka hur företag använder sig av olika produktutvecklingsprocesser samt om en kombination av agila och linjära processer är gynnsam. Arbetet undersöker studiens frågeställningar som tar upp hur och när agila samt linjära processeranvänds. När och hur kombineras de två processerna och bakgrunden till en eventuell kombination utav dessa. Undersöka när är den ena, den andra eller kombinationen av båda processerna är mest fördelaktigt. Samt vilka för- och nackdelar processerna har, även vilken korrelation processerna har när det kommer till främjande av innovationsgrad. Arbetet inleddes med en litteraturstudie inom de olika områdena; innovation, linjära processer, agila processer samt en möjlig kombination av dessa. Efter litteraturstudien genomfördes en empirisk studie av två företag med tre respondenter från vardera. Detta gjordes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna hade olika roller på företagen, men samtliga innefattande arbetsuppgifter berörde produktutvecklingsprocesser. Resultatet från intervjuerna har sedan analyserats och diskuterats och presenterats i en slutsats. Från den genomförda studien kan konklusionen dras att de undersökta företagen till den större delen av projekt använder sig av egna processer som i grunden är likt den traditionella Stage-Gateprocessen, men med en mer flexibel process liknande agilt vid uppstarten av projekt. En kombination av Stage-Gate och Design thinking är vanligt förekommande och kombinationen krävs för att matcha kraven på flexibilitet som ställs på företag som verkar på en ständigt föränderlig marknad. Till största utsträckning implementeras dock dessa processer separat och oftast används Design thinking som ett komplement till deras redan befintliga linjära process. / Traditionally, a linear product development process has been the obvious choice. However, with the continuously rapid technological development in society, many companies are working towards a more agile approach of developing. The choice of the product development process has a direct impact on the company's ability to innovate within projects. And, if the aim of developing something new that meets the customer’s wishes, and in the meantime stay competitive on the market. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate how companies use different product development processes, and if a combination of linear or agile processes are favorable. The thesis investigates when and how agile and linear processes are used. When and how the two processes are combined, and the reason for a potential combination. To investigate when one or the other or the combination of the two processes are most favorable. As well as which pros and cons the processes have, in correlation to the promotion of the degree of innovation. The study began with a literature study in the different areas; innovation, linear processes, agile processes and a possible combination of agile and linear processes. Then, an empirical study of two companies took place, with three respondents from each company. This study was conducted via semi-structured interviews. The respondents had different roles at the company, but all were within the field of product development processes. The result from the interviews was analyzed and discussed and, finally, presented in a conclusion. From the completed study, the conclusion can be drawn that the surveyed companies for most projects use their own processes that are like the traditional Stage-Gate process, but with a more flexible process like agile at the start of projects. A combination of Stage-Gate and Design thinking is common but also indispensable to match the flexibility placed on companies in today's constant development of the market. To the greatest extent, however, these processes are implemented separately, and Design thinking is most often used as a complement to their already existing linear process.

Multi-culturalism & Alzheimer’s Disease: Patient-centered Design as a New Care Model for Multi-cultural Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease

Ryu, Sang 01 January 2013 (has links)
The multi-cultural demographics of those who are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease should be closely examined. From a designer’s standpoint, its cultural traits can foster positive behaviors that lead to better quality of life for patients and caregivers. A patient-centered approach in design was explored in order to shape community-based care that empowers (1) individuality in care services, (2) interpersonal connection in caregiver–patient activities, and (3) a communal culture of being valued via humanitarian approaches.

O processo de design e a mudança na natureza dos games nos anos 1970 e 1980 / The design process and the nature change in games development in late 1970 and early 1980

Da Luz, Alan Richard 17 May 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho demonstra a infuência dos processos de design no desenvolvimento de games no final dos anos 1970 e início dos anos 1980 e como isso pode ter funcionado como catalisador no processo de evolução da mídia videogame, levando-a da condição de atividade de recreação baseada em habilidades motoras para condição de mídia expressiva capaz de contar histórias. Para isto foi levantado o que seria um processo de design, tanto como metodologia associada a uma prática laboral quanto como estratégia cognitiva, conseguindo assim uma estrutura formal do processo. Dez jogos foram eleitos e analisados extensivamente tanto por seu conteúdo quanto pelos processos usados em seu desenvolvimento, usando-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e também de nove entrevistas com desenvolvedores envolvidos no projeto de games no período do recorte pro posto, para termos um panorama do contexto sociocultural em soma aos processos usados por eles à época. Nessas análises, critérios do processo de design foram utilizados para conseguimos um quadro geral de sua infuência nos games. / The present work demonstrates the influence of design processes in game development in the late 1970s and early 1980s and how this may have functioned as a catalyst in the evolution process of video game media, leading it from the condition of recreational activity based in motor skills for expressive media condition able to tell stories. For this, what was a design process was raised, both as a methodology associated with a work practice and as a cognitive strategy, thus achieving a formal process structure. Ten games were chosen and analyzed extensively both for their content and for the processes used in their development, using bibliographical research and also nine interviews with developers involved in the game design in the period of the proposed cut, in order to have a panorama of the sociocultural context in addition to the processes used by them at the time. In these analyzes, criteria of the design process were used to obtain a general picture of their influence in games.

Modelo para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo. / Model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector.

Rocha, Alexandre Machado 27 June 2017 (has links)
A demanda por soluções de acessibilidade e de tecnologia assistiva (TA) é crescente frente ao envelhecimento e ao crescimento da população mundial previstos para as próximas décadas. Especificamente no setor de transporte aéreo, acessibilidade e soluções de tecnologia assistiva são questões críticas e, muitas vezes, complexas de serem adotadas devido a fatores como, por exemplo, os espaços restritos das aeronaves, normas rígidas dos órgãos de aviação, questões de segurança de voo e segurança nos aeroportos, e envolvimento de diversos stakeholders. Ao mesmo tempo, no campo de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos, há poucas pesquisas em relação ao processo de desenvolvimento de soluções de tecnologia assistiva e não foi encontrado nenhum modelo específico durante a revisão de literatura. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de referência para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo. O modelo proposto é focado no desenvolvimento conceitual para gerar conceitos de produtos que possam resultar na seleção de conceitos para o desenvolvimento detalhado. O trabalho analisa dois projetos de desenvolvimento de soluções de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo e utiliza a metodologia Design Research Methodology (DRM) como base de pesquisa para a criação de um modelo de referência para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva. Ao sistematizar a experiência acumulada na área de DP de TA para o setor de transporte aéreo, este trabalho propõe um modelo para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo, de forma que o processo possa ser replicado em outros projetos e em outros centros de pesquisa. Outro resultado deste trabalho é a criação de um método de análise de requisitos de usuário para auxiliar a equipe de projeto no processo de escolha das personas e soluções a serem desenvolvidas na etapa inicial de projeto. / The demand for accessibility and assistive technology solutions is growing due to both the aging population and the global population growth expected for the next decades. Specifically in the air transportation sector, accessibility and assistive technology solutions are critical issues. These solutions are sometimes of very complex adoption due to several factors like the space restriction inside an aircraft, norms and regulations from governmental and official aviation agencies, flight safety and safety in the airports, as well as the involvement of a number of stakeholders. At the same time, there is few research in the field of product development of assistive technology solutions and no specific model was found during the initial research. In this context, the aim of this research work is to propose a reference model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector. The model is focused specifically in the conceptual development stage in order to generate new product concepts that could result in selection of concepts for further detailed development. This research evaluates two projects in which assistive technology solutions where developed for the air transportation sector. It follows the guidelines of the Design Research Methodology (DRM) for the creation of the reference model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector. In order to systematize the experience accumulated in the field of product development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector, a model is proposed in a way that the process can be replicated in future projects and in other research groups. Another result of this research is the development of a method to help the selection of user requirements and solutions to be applied in the early stages of the project.

Modelo para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo. / Model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector.

Alexandre Machado Rocha 27 June 2017 (has links)
A demanda por soluções de acessibilidade e de tecnologia assistiva (TA) é crescente frente ao envelhecimento e ao crescimento da população mundial previstos para as próximas décadas. Especificamente no setor de transporte aéreo, acessibilidade e soluções de tecnologia assistiva são questões críticas e, muitas vezes, complexas de serem adotadas devido a fatores como, por exemplo, os espaços restritos das aeronaves, normas rígidas dos órgãos de aviação, questões de segurança de voo e segurança nos aeroportos, e envolvimento de diversos stakeholders. Ao mesmo tempo, no campo de gestão de desenvolvimento de produtos, há poucas pesquisas em relação ao processo de desenvolvimento de soluções de tecnologia assistiva e não foi encontrado nenhum modelo específico durante a revisão de literatura. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo de referência para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo. O modelo proposto é focado no desenvolvimento conceitual para gerar conceitos de produtos que possam resultar na seleção de conceitos para o desenvolvimento detalhado. O trabalho analisa dois projetos de desenvolvimento de soluções de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo e utiliza a metodologia Design Research Methodology (DRM) como base de pesquisa para a criação de um modelo de referência para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva. Ao sistematizar a experiência acumulada na área de DP de TA para o setor de transporte aéreo, este trabalho propõe um modelo para o desenvolvimento conceitual de produtos de tecnologia assistiva para o setor de transporte aéreo, de forma que o processo possa ser replicado em outros projetos e em outros centros de pesquisa. Outro resultado deste trabalho é a criação de um método de análise de requisitos de usuário para auxiliar a equipe de projeto no processo de escolha das personas e soluções a serem desenvolvidas na etapa inicial de projeto. / The demand for accessibility and assistive technology solutions is growing due to both the aging population and the global population growth expected for the next decades. Specifically in the air transportation sector, accessibility and assistive technology solutions are critical issues. These solutions are sometimes of very complex adoption due to several factors like the space restriction inside an aircraft, norms and regulations from governmental and official aviation agencies, flight safety and safety in the airports, as well as the involvement of a number of stakeholders. At the same time, there is few research in the field of product development of assistive technology solutions and no specific model was found during the initial research. In this context, the aim of this research work is to propose a reference model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector. The model is focused specifically in the conceptual development stage in order to generate new product concepts that could result in selection of concepts for further detailed development. This research evaluates two projects in which assistive technology solutions where developed for the air transportation sector. It follows the guidelines of the Design Research Methodology (DRM) for the creation of the reference model for the conceptual development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector. In order to systematize the experience accumulated in the field of product development of assistive technology products for the air transportation sector, a model is proposed in a way that the process can be replicated in future projects and in other research groups. Another result of this research is the development of a method to help the selection of user requirements and solutions to be applied in the early stages of the project.

Inovação pelo design: uma proposta para o processo de inovação através de workshops utilizando o design thinking e o design estratégico

Stuber, Edgard Charles 12 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Mariana Dornelles Vargas (marianadv) on 2015-05-13T13:24:16Z No. of bitstreams: 1 inovacao_pelo.pdf: 5427161 bytes, checksum: 8fa399f681b83d9d8836dd8ce696cc3b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-13T13:24:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 inovacao_pelo.pdf: 5427161 bytes, checksum: 8fa399f681b83d9d8836dd8ce696cc3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Nenhuma / A inovação pelo Design é um termo que está na pauta de discussão das empresas e na pesquisa das academias atualmente, porém, sua abordagem, quando feita através de workshops, carece de referencial teórico que lhe dê suporte e embasamento. Esta dissertação investiga a contribuição dos métodos de Design no processo criativo, base da inovação, a serem utilizados de forma modular em workshops. O estudo foi dividido em duas partes, sendo a primeira composta de uma revisão acerca da evolução dos métodos e teorias sobre Design, lançando uma lente teórica no Design Thinking, no Design Estratégico e na inovação, como um modelo de aprendizagem experiencial. Na segunda parte, foi realizado uma pesquisa-ação que propôs dois workshops e que resultou em uma revisão da metodologia proposta e algumas recomendações acerca da mesma. A partir do estudo realizado, pôde-se identificar, ao longo das diferentes etapas da pesquisa, 14 variáveis relevantes para promover dinâmicas e interações que contribuem para o processo criativo durante um workshop, das quais seis foram testadas em um primeiro workshop e cinco em um segundo. Dessa forma, foi proposto um processo de workshops com três fases temporais e oito variáveis que estimulassem a geração de ideias e que resultassem em inovações. / Innovation through Design is a subject that has been much discussed in organizations and universities recently. Yet its approach, by means of workshops, lacks theoretical reference that may provide it with support and foundation. This work investigates how Design methods, when applied in modular ways in workshops, can contribute to the creative process, which is the foundation of innovation. This study was divided into two parts. The first one is a theoretical overview regarding the evolution of the Design theories and methods, focusing on Design Thinking, Strategic Design and innovation as an experiential learning process. The second part consists of an action research that proposed two workshops, resulting in a revision of the previously proposed methodology and some related recommendations. Based on this work it was possible to identify, throughout the different phases of the research, 14 relevant variables to promote dynamics and interactions that contribute to the creative process in a workshop; 6 of these variables were tested in the first workshop and 5 were tested in the second one. Thus a process of workshops was proposed in which 3 temporal phases and 8 variables could stimulate the generation of ideas that led to innovation.

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