Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dialogues."" "subject:"analogues.""
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Climate change adaptation processes : Regional and sectoral stakeholder perspectives / Anpassningsprocesser inför klimatförändringar : Regionala och sektoriella intressentperspektivAndré, Karin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses how societal adaptation processes in public and private sectors at the regional to local level in Sweden are enacted. The thesis pays particular attention to critical factors that constrain or enable adaptation by focussing on: who are the stakeholders, how do different stakeholders perceive their capacity to adapt, and the role of stakeholder interaction in facilitating adaptation processes A combination of two analytical perspectives is used where one is based on key concepts within adaptation literature, and the other draws on boundary crossing and transdisciplinary knowledge production (stakeholders, adaptive capacity, and science-based stakeholder dialogues). The study is conducted within the scope of two overall case studies of local adaptation processes within an urban region, and a land-use based sector, the private forestry sector. The cases are setting the scene for the collection of empirical material which is achieved through qualitative methods, primarily focus groups discussions with local and regional, public and private stakeholders with an interest in, and responsibility for adaptation. The focus groups meetings are organized as a series of meetings to which different participatory techniques are applied. The study also builds on a comprehensive stakeholder mapping. First, the results suggest a systematic method for identifying stakeholders in adaptation research, policy, and planning applicable in both sectors and regions that combines top-down knowledge with experience and knowledge based on bottom-up processes. Second, the analysis of perceived adaptive capacities reveal several facilitating and constraining factors that relates both to the characteristics of climate risks, experience of climate variability and extreme weather events, and responsibility- and decision-making structures. Third, the analysis of the interaction between local experts and scientists show that there is potential for the boundary spanning function of science-based stakeholder dialogues in facilitating adaptation through stimulating questions and sharing different knowledge bases and experiences among the participants. However further attention needs to be taken to the institutional environment and the role of so called anchoring devices that help local experts to contextualise, discus and thus anchor scientific knowledge in their own decision-making context. In conclusion, there are both commonalities between adaptation processes in the two case studies and some marked differences, e.g., regarding the concept of adaptation, what type of adaptation actions that are identified, the perceived opportunities for adaptation and degree of complexity. / Denna avhandling analyserar hur klimatanpassningsprocesser inom privata och offentliga sektorer på regional till lokal nivå i Sverige initieras, utvecklas och genomförs. Avhandlingen ägnar särskild uppmärksamhet åt identifiering av vilka intressenter (”stakeholders”) som är involverade i att underlätta och genomföra anpassning, uppfattningar om anpassningsförmåga samt vilken roll interaktion mellan olika intressenter kan ha för att underlätta anpassning. En kombination av två analytiska perspektiv används som bygger på tidigare forskning om klimatanpassningsprocesser samt transdisciplinär kunskapsproduktion. Studien genomförs inom ramen för två övergripande fallstudier av anpassningsprocesser i en urban region samt den privata skogssektorn. Fallstudierna utgör grunden för insamlingen av det empiriska materialet som bygger på kvalitativa metoder. Den främsta metoden är fokusgruppsdiskussioner med lokala och regionala, privata och offentliga aktörer med intresse av, eller ansvar för klimatanpassning. Fokusgrupperna organiseras som en serie möten där olika deltagandetekniker tillämpas. Studien bygger också på en omfattande intressentkartläggning. I avhandlingen utvecklas och ges förslag på en stegvis metod för att identifiera intressenter för anpassningsprocesser som kan användas inom forskning och praktik. Studien analyserar också hur olika intressentgrupper upplever förmågan att hantera klimatförändringar. Ett antal möjliggörande och begränsande faktorer identifieras så som karaktären på de upplevda klimatriskerna, erfarenhet av klimatvariationer och extrema väderhändelser, samt ansvar- och beslutsstrukturer. Slutligen, analyseras om och i så fall hur interaktionen mellan lokala experter och forskare som deltar i intressantdialoger (”science-based stakeholder dialogues”) kan underlätta anpassning. Resultaten visar att det finns potential genom att deltagarna ges möjlighet att ställa frågor tillvarandra och dela med sig av sina olika kunskapsbaser och erfarenheter, samt utforska olika anpassningsalternativ. Däremot behövs vidare studier för att undersöka betydelsen av det institutionella sammanhanget samt hur olika verktyg (”anchoring devices”) kan bidra när det gäller att förankra och omsätta kunskap om klimatförändringar i olika beslutskontexter. Avslutningsvis visar denna studie på att det finns både likheter och skillnader i hur anpassningsprocesser kommer till uttryck bland de olika aktörsgrupperna inom fallstudierna, t.ex. när det gäller hur begreppet anpassning används, vilken typ av anpassning som identifieras, upplevda möjligheter för anpassning samt graden av komplexitet.
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Gender-Related Terms in English Depositions, Examinations and Journals, 1670–1720Lilja, Sara January 2007 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on gender-related terms as well as adjectives and demonstratives in connection with these terms used in texts from the period 1670–1720. The material in the study has been drawn from both English and American sources and comes from three text categories: depositions, examinations and journals. Two of these text categories represent authentic and speech-related language use (depositions and examinations), whereas the third (journals) is representative of a non-speech-related, non-fictional text category. While previous studies of gender-related terms have primarily investigated fictional material, this study focuses on text categories which have received little attention so far. The overarching research question addressed in this study concerns the use and distribution of gender-related terms, especially with regard to referent gender. Data analyses are both quantitative and qualitative, and several linguistic and extra-linguistic factors are taken into account, such as the semantic domain to which the individual gender-related term belongs, region of origin and referent gender. Adjectives and demonstratives collocating with the gender-related terms are also investigated, as previous research has shown that referent gender has an impact on the use of adjectives as well. The results show that the use of gender-related terms is influenced by both region of origin and referent gender. It is suggested that this is due in part to the difference in nature between Early Modern English society and the early American colonies, and in part due to the social roles which men and women had. Referent gender also has an impact on the type of adjectives used in connection with gender-related terms: adjectives collocating with gender-related terms denoting men have positive connotations to a larger extent than do adjectives collocating with their female counterparts; meanwhile, gender-related terms denoting women tend to collocate with negative adjectives.
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Samtalet i musikterapi : en hermeneutisk analys av tre sessioner / The Verbal Dialogue in Music Therapy : a Hermeneutic Analysis of Three Music Therapy SessionsLindblad, Katarina January 2012 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen handlar om samtalet i musikterapi, ett ämne som är sparsamt beskrivet i litteraturen. En kort beskrivning av musikterapi som klinisk och aka- demisk disciplin ges, och en litteraturgenomgång görs av några böcker kring sam- talsmetodik och det lilla som finns skrivet om samtal i musikterapi. Studien byg- ger på tre musikterapisessioner arrangerade speciellt för studien och intervjuer med de tre musikterapeuterna. Sessionerna filmades och intervjuerna spelades in och skrevs ut. Det är en kvalitativ studie upplagd som en experimentell, instru- mentell, flerfaldig fallstudie. Det teoretiska perspektivet är hermeneutik och ana- lysmetoden hermeneutisk tolkningsanalys. Analysen av filmerna är inspirerad av fenomenologi. I uppsatsen ges en beskrivning i kondenserad form av de tre mu- sikterapisessionerna och intervjuerna sammanfattas. Därefter redogörs för analys- resultatet som framstår som tvådelat. Första delen är en tematisering av de verbala interventioner som förekommer under de studerade sessionerna. Interventionerna tematiseras som frågor, andra interventioner, tystnad, paradoxer och omformule- ringar, metaforer och tolkningar. Hur de talar om musik lyfts fram i ett särskilt avsnitt. Andra delen är ett utforskande av vilka funktioner samtalen tycks ha un- der dessa sessioner. Tanken prövas att de kan; leda till ökad trygghet, som i sin tur kan leda till att ett verkligt möte kan uppstå; fördjupa klientens upplevelse; tyd- liggöra klientens livsberättelse. / This thesis is about verbal dialogue in music therapy, a subject which is seldom discussed in the literature. A short description of music therapy as a clinical and academic discipline is presented, and a survey is made of some of the literature on methodology in professional dialogues and what little has been written about dia- logue in music therapy. The study is based on three music therapy sessions ar- ranged especially for the purpose and interviews with the three therapists. The sessions were filmed and the interviews were recorded and copied out. It is a qualitative study, constructed as an experimental, instrumental, multiple case study. The theoretical perspective is hermeneutic and the method of analysis used was hermeneutic interpretation analysis. The method used to analyze the films was inspired by phenomenology. In the thesis the three music therapy sessions are described in condensed form and the interviews are summarized. This is followed by an analysis of the result which appears to fall into two parts. The first section is a thematisation of the verbal interventions that occur during the sessions. The interventions are thematised as questions, other interventions, silence, paradoxes and rephrasings, metaphors and interpretations. A special section is devoted to theway the therapists talk about music. The second part of the analysis explores the functions that the verbal dialogues seem to have had during the sessions. The the- ory tested is that they can; lead to a greater feeling of security, which in its turn can lead to a genuine encounter; deepen the client’s experience; clarify the cli- ent’s life story.
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Projection multilingue d'annotations pour dialogues avancésJulien, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, les applications intégrant un module de dialogues avancés sont en plein essor. En revanche, le processus d’universalisation de ces systèmes est rapidement décourageant : ceux-ci étant naturellement dépendants de la langue pour laquelle ils ont été conçus, chaque nouveau langage à intégrer requiert son propre temps de développement. Un constat qui ne s’améliore pas en considérant que la qualité est souvent tributaire de la taille de l’ensemble d’entraînement.
Ce projet cherche donc à accélérer le processus. Il rend compte de différentes méthodes permettant de générer des versions polyglottes d’un premier système fonctionnel, à l’aide de la traduction statistique. L’information afférente aux données sources est projetée afin de générer des données cibles parentes, qui diminuent d’autant le temps de développement subséquent.
En ce sens, plusieurs approches ont été expérimentées et analysées. Notamment, une méthode qui regroupe les données avant de réordonner les différents candidats de traduction permet d’obtenir de bons résultats. / For a few years now, there has been an increasing number of applications allowing advanced dialog interactions with the user. However, the universalization of those systems quickly becomes painful : since they are highly dependent on the original development language, each new language to integrate requires an additionnal and significative time investment. A matter that only gets worse considering quality usually rests on the size of training set.
This project tries to speed up the overall process. It presents various methods to generate multilingual versions of a first functionnal system, using statistical machine translation. Information from the source data is projected to another language in order to create similar target data, which then reduces the upcoming development time.
Many approaches were tested and analysed. In particular, a method that regroups data in clusters before reordering the associated translation candidates shows promising results.
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Possibilidade de aplicação das teorias dos diálogos institucionais no ordenamento brasileiro : um estudo sobre inconstitucionalidade por omissãoFerreira, Ruan Espíndola 25 February 2014 (has links)
This paper discusses the judicial review under the focus of theories of institutional dialogues. Main objective, aims to demonstrate that the weak systematization of institutional dialogues allows to find points of their incidence in the Brazilian, specifically the unconstitutionality by omission. Aims, specifically, to analyze the relationship between the Supremo Tribunal Federal and Congress in interpreting the Constitution and in the unconstitutionality by omission. It also aims to analyze the relationship of institutional dialogue and decisionism in unconstitutional omission and analyze the unconstitutional omission from the perspective of the agenda power of the Supremo Tribunal Federal. Finally, aims to analyze technical decision in which the Supremo Tribunal Federal leaves room for the intervention of other state power in implementing the Constitution. The selected research methods are mainly bibliographic and legislative and jurisprudential research. It also used the deductive method. It was found, after detailed analysis on the institutional dialogues, they have a meager systematization, despite its two central points: the performance as an empirical theory, in which interaction will always be, more or less, among the Powers; and normative theory, that this interaction is required for generating results with less prone to error and more democratically legitimate. Thus, can be found them in the brazilian legal system, greatly as regards the unconstitutionality by omission. / O presente trabalho discorre sobre a jurisdição constitucional sob o enfoque das teorias dos diálogos institucionais. Objetiva mostrar que o conceito polissêmico dos diálogos institucionais permite encontrar traços de sua incidência no ordenamento brasileiro, sobremaneira na inconstitucionalidade por omissão. Pretende, de forma específica, analisar a relação entre o Supremo Tribunal Federal e Congresso Nacional na interpretação do texto constitucional e na inconstitucionalidade por omissão. Intenta ainda analisar a proporção entre diálogo institucional e decisionismo na omissão inconstitucional, bem como analisar a omissão inconstitucional sob a ótica do poder de agenda do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Por fim, pretende analisar as técnicas de decisão em que o Supremo Tribunal Federal deixe espaço para a intervenção de outros órgãos estatais para a concretização da Constituição. A metodologia usada é a dedutiva e os métodos de pesquisa selecionados são, sobretudo, o bibliográfico e as pesquisas legislativa e jurisprudencial. Encontrou-se, após detida análise sobre os diálogos institucionais, que elas possuem conceito amplo, apesar de seus dois pontos centrais: a atuação como teoria empírica, em que sempre haverá interação, maior ou menor, entre os Poderes; e teoria normativa, em que essa interação é desejada por gerar resultados com menor propensão ao erro e mais democraticamente legítimo. Com isso, consegue-se encontrá-las no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, sobremaneira no que se refere à inconstitucionalidade por omissão. / Mestre em Direito Público
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Judaísmo, neoplatonismo e cabala : a teoria do amor de Judá Abravanel (Leão Hebreu) nos "Diálogos de Amor"Gomes, Gilmar Araújo 20 February 2017 (has links)
Born in Lisbon in an inaccurate date between 1460 and 1470, Judah Abravanel, since young, according to his biographer João Vila-Chã, devoted himself to study, contemplation and the typical teaching and learning model of the outstanding Jewish families of his time, or that is, a model marked by a substantial program of studies which included, in particular, Greek and Hebrew heritage. However, the first characteristic that differentiates his intellectual development is the condition of being the son of Isaac Abravanel (1437-1508), counselor and treasurer of D. Afonso V, whose prominence in the Portuguese court generated disagreements against the actions of the Jews. To his father, his personality is very much obliged; both in their public performance, in the synagogue and in the court, as well as in personal orientations; his father transmitted to him the initiation into the secrets of Kabbalah and the philosophical reflections of authors like Aristotle and Maimonides. Also known as the Leone Ebreo, the study of Judah Abravanel's historical-religious identity, contained in the book Dialogues of Love, proposes a perspective of wandering being-in-exile, ie experiencing the human condition in terms of passion and pain, proper of the sephardic mentality that is strengthened from that period, like dispersed Jew. The poetics present here manifests a theory of love produced with strong influence, among others, by Marsilio Ficino and Jochanan Alemanno, the latter one of the precursors Hebrew of the humanist Pico della Mirandola, and who is said to have provided a meeting between the two. Not only did his Dialogues of Love intertwines the Jewish Scriptures with the teaching of Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics and the Arabs (especially Averroes and Avicenna), but they also influenced the work of later authors such as Giordano Bruno. The Neoplatonic perspective there conceives love as a universal principle, uniting the inferior to the superior, the universe with its creator; moreover, he understands creation as an a priori given, hence "he indulges in the refutation of the Aristotelian thesis of the eternity of the world" (CALAFATE, 2000). The Neoplatonic writing of Judah Abravanel hides a structure of Kabbalah teaching, as learned from the wise Jewish theologians, who would have influenced the philosophy of Plato, as understood by Leone Ebreo. Therefore, this work has as general objective, to expose the conception of love of Judah Abravanel expressed in his Dialogues of Love, emphasizing the literary, philosophical and religious aspects that compose this work. / Nascido em Lisboa em data imprecisa entre 1460 e 1470, Judá Abravanel, desde novo, como atenta seu biógrafo João Vila-Chã, se dedicou ao estudo, à contemplação e ao típico modelo de ensino e aprendizagem das destacadas famílias judaicas de sua época, ou seja, um modelo marcado por um substancial programa de estudos em que incluíam, de modo especial, herança grega e hebraica. No entanto, a primeira característica que faz diferenciar seu desenvolvimento intelectual é a condição de ter sido filho de Isaac Abravanel (1437-1508), conselheiro e tesoureiro de D. Afonso V, cujo destaque na corte portuguesa gerou desavenças contra a atuação dos judeus. A seu pai, sua personalidade muito deve; tanto em seu desempenho público, na sinagoga e na corte, quanto em orientações pessoais; seu pai lhe transmitiu a iniciação nos segredos da Cabala e nas reflexões filosóficas de autores como Aristóteles e Maimônides. Também conhecido como Leão Hebreu, o estudo da identidade histórico-religiosa de Judá Abravanel, contida na obra Diálogos de Amor, propõe uma perspectiva de errância do ser-em-exílio, ou seja, a vivência da condição humana em termos de paixão e dor, própria da mentalidade sefardita que se fortalece a partir desse período, como judeu disperso. A poética ali presente manifesta uma teoria do amor produzida com forte influência, dentre outros, de Marsilo Ficino e Jochanan Alemanno, este último um dos precursores hebraicos do humanista Pico della Mirandola, e a quem se atribui ter proporcionado o encontro entre ambos. Não somente seus Diálogos de Amor entrelaçaram as Escrituras Judaicas com o ensino de Platão, Aristóteles, os estóicos e os árabes (sobretudo Averróis e Avicena), mas também influenciaram a obra de autores posteriores como Giordano Bruno. A perspectiva neoplatônica ali presente concebe o amor como princípio universal, unindo o inferior ao superior, o universo com o seu criador; aliás, ele entende a criação como dado apriorístico, por isto “ele se entrega à refutação da tese aristotélica da eternidade do mundo” (CALAFATE, 2000). A escrita neoplatônica de Judá Abravanel oculta uma estrutura de ensino da Cabala, como aprendida dos sábios teólogos judeus, os quais teriam influenciado a filosofia de Platão, assim entende Leão Hebreu. Portanto, esse trabalho tem como objetivo geral, expor a concepção de amor de Judá Abravanel expressa em seus Diálogos de Amor, ressaltando os aspectos literários, filosóficos e religiosos que compõem essa obra. / São Cristóvão, SE
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Traduction et analyse interactionnelle de dialogues cinématographiques en français : problématique des sous-titres en arabe / Translation and interactional analyses of cinematographic dialogues in French : the question of Arabic subtiltesIsmail, Tief 27 February 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde le dialogue du cinéma. Elle propose une description de quelques interactions verbales couramment présentes dans les échanges quotidiens à travers une analyse d’un corpus cinématographique composé de comédies récentes (Amélie Poulain, Quatre étoiles, la Doublure, Ah ! si j’étais riche, Moi, César…). Les résultats de cette étude fondamentalement descriptive, intéressent [a] le domaine de la relation entre la description des interactions et la didactique du français et de l’arabe langues étrangères ou langues secondes, et [b] la problématique de la traduction des sous-titres cinématographiques, qui constitue la partie la plus importante de son apport. Cette étude cherche, [a] d’un point de vue de didactique des langues, à dégager des interactions pouvant contribuer à enrichir les fonctions du niveau B2 du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues. Le travail se fonde sur l’analyse de certains actes de langage rituels et fonctionnels : salutations, remerciements, excuses, demande, offre et proposition. Les différentes réalisations linguistiques de ces actes forment un inventaire susceptible d’enrichir le référentiel du français langue étrangère ainsi que celui de l’arabe langue étrangère à travers la traduction du dialogue français (les sous-titres). [b] Concernant la problématique traductionnelle, l’analyse des interactions observées (dialogues français transcrits par nous et sous-titres en arabe) font apparaître des liens entre la traduction et la culture, ainsi que des problèmes spécifiques liés aux contraintes de la traduction audiovisuelle et particulièrement au sous-titrage. Les extraits analysés dans la thèse sont repris dans les annexes, avec traduction, rétro-traduction et, au besoin, des notes explicatives, afin d’offrir la possibilité d’une lecture libre d’une partie du corpus. / This research is based on cinema dialogs. It offers a description of aspects of verbal interactions currently found in everyday life situations through a cinematograph corpus (recent French comedies : Amélie Poulain, Quatre étoiles, la Doublure, Ah ! si j’étais riche, Moi, César…). The results of this essentially descriptive study should be of interest for: [a] relations between the description of verbal interactions and the teaching/learning of French and Arabic as foreign or second languages, and [b] issues related to the translation of cinema subtitles, which are in fact the essential part of this study. The latter seeks to identify [a] in the context of the teaching/learning of foreign languages, interactions that help enrich the French B2 level (with reference to the Common European Reference Framework for Languages). The approach illustrates some pragmatic functions in the B2 level, and is based on the analysis of some speech acts (ritual and functional) including greetings, thanks, apologies, requests, offers and proposals. The different linguistic realisations of these acts propose an inventory aiming at enriching the Referential Framework for French and Arabic as foreign or second languages. Arabic is seen through the translation of subtitles. [b] With regards to translation issues, the analysis of the verbal interaction observed in the above mentioned cinema corpus (French dialogs transcribed by us and Arabic subtitles) bring forth some relations between translation and culture, in addition to problems which are specific to the constraints of audiovisual translation, with special reference to subtitling. Excerpts analysed in the dissertation are reproduced in the Annexes, with their translation, a retro-translation, and, when needed, explanatory notes, in order to offer a free reading of parts of our corpus.
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Projection multilingue d'annotations pour dialogues avancésJulien, Simon 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Обучение диалогической речи подростков на занятиях по немецкому языку в условиях этнокультурного языкового лагеря : магистерская диссертация / Teaching dialogical speech of teenagers in German language classes in an ethno-cultural language campГрошева, А. В., Grosheva, A. V. January 2022 (has links)
В настоящем диссертационном исследовании дается определение этнокультурного языкового лагеря и описываются особенности его организации на территории Уральского Федерального округа. Обучение диалогической речи подростков в условиях этнокультурного языкового лагеря осуществляется с помощью комплекса авторских упражнений по темам «Kennenlernen», «Gesundheit» и «Berufe». Выделяется четыре способа обучения диалогу, среди которых с использованием онлайн-сервисов. Упражнения апробируются в группе подростков из 10 человек с уровнем владения языком А1. Эффективность 34 разработанных упражнений определяется в конце лагерной смены на среднем и высоком уровнях сформированности навыка диалогической речи участников экспериментальной группы. / The thesis defines the ethno-cultural language camp and describes the special features of its organisation on the territory of the Ural Federal Region. Teaching dialogical speech of teenagers in an ethno-cultural language camp is carried out with the help of the author's set of exercises on the themes "Kennenlernen", "Gesundheit", and "Berufe". Four ways of teaching dialogue are distinguished, among them using online services. The exercises are tested with a group of 10 teenagers with German language level A1. The effectiveness of the 34 developed exercises is determined at the end of the camp session at the intermediate and high levels of the participants' dialogical skills in the experimental group.
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Marta Traba ou l'art en écriture : recherches sur les dialogues entre littérature, critique d'art et arts plastiques dans l'oeuvre de Marta Traba / Marta Traba or the written art : researches on the dialogues between literature, art criticism and plastic arts in Marta Traba’s workCrousier, Elsa 25 November 2016 (has links)
Marta Traba (1923-1983), écrivaine et critique d’art argentino-colombienne, est principalement connue en Amérique latine pour ses écrits critiques, son engagement pour le développement de l’art moderne en Colombie, et plus largement pour sa « théorie de la résistance » qui prône dans les arts plastiques une défense des identités culturelles latino-américaines. Son œuvre littéraire, en revanche, est beaucoup moins connue. Or, elle est non seulement très riche, mais elle forme le pendant narratif à son œuvre critique, un ensemble de récits innervés, de manière plus ou moins profonde, des conceptions et de la culture trabiennes sur l’art. Il s’agit dès lors de reconsidérer ces deux pans de sa production écrite comme un tout cohérent, et de montrer les influences et les interactions entre sa critique d’art et sa littérature, mais également entre les arts plastiques qui forment sa culture artistique et ses écrits fictionnels. Il apparaît alors que Marta Traba conçoit et pratique son écriture critique comme une écriture « littérarisée » et, réciproquement et surtout, sa littérature comme une littérature « artialisée » : la valorisation constante du regard esthétique sur le monde et d’une sensorialité exacerbée dessine un idéal de contemplation tout au long de son œuvre littéraire ; les insertions continues d’une terminologie critique et de références aux œuvres d’art, sur un mode tantôt clairement didactique, tantôt subtilement ludique, invitent le lecteur à lire ses fictions et poèmes au prisme du sous-texte artistique qui enrichit leur sens ; enfin, le récit devient le lieu d’expérimentation des théories trabiennes de la « résistance », entre réaffirmation de la place de l’Amérique latine sur la carte de l’art mondial, mise à distance défensive des influences nord-américaines et réappropriation locale, par « transculturation », des modèles artistiques étrangers. L’étude de l’artialisation de la littérature trabienne est donc loin d’être l’analyse d’un simple procédé formel : elle dégage, nous semble-t-il, un véritable style trabien, miroir de l’écrivaine et de ses convictions. / Marta Traba (1923-1983), an Argentinian-Colombian writer and art critic, is most famous in Latin America for her critiques, her commitment to develop modern art in Colombia, and, more generally, for her “theory of resistance” which advocates the defence of the many cultural Latin-American identities in fine arts. Her literary work, however, is far less well-known. And yet, not only is it very rich, but it also constitutes the narrative counterpart to her critiques – a collection of tales innervated, to different degrees, with Traba’s notions on and knowledge of art. It is consequently about reconsidering these two sides of her written production as a consistent whole, and identifying the influences and interactions between her art critiques and her literary work, as well as between the fine arts which make up her artistic culture and her fictional writings.It then appears that Marta Traba devises and practices her critical writing “literarily” as she does, above all, her literary work “artistically”: the constant enhancement of the aesthetic eye on the world and of an intensified sensory experience shape an ideal of contemplation throughout her literary work; the continuous inserts of a critical terminology and of references to art works, sometimes in a clearly didactic mode, sometimes in a subtly playful manner, invite the reader to read her fiction stories and poems in the light of the artistic subtext which enriches their meaning; finally, the tale becomes the place where Traba’s theories of “resistance” are tested, at the crossroads of the re-affirmation of the place of Latin America on the map of international art, of the defensive distancing from North American influences, and of the local re-appropriation, by “transculturation”, of the foreign artistic models. The study of the artistic mutation of Traba’s literary work is therefore far from boiling down to the analysis of a mere formal process: from our point of view, it reveals an authentic style, Traba’s style, which is the mirror of the writer and her convictions.
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