Spelling suggestions: "subject:"driving forces"" "subject:"driving amorces""
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Källsortering och återvinning : upplevda problem, orsaker och tänkbara lösningarStrindin, Pernilla, Wärnfeldt, Teresa January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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O mapeamento dos conflitos socioambientais de Mato Grosso: denunciando injustiças ambientais e anunciando táticas de resistênciaSilva, Michelle Tatiane Jaber da 23 March 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-23 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso / The State of Mato Grosso-Brazil, locus of this research, is singular from the ecological point of view, encompassing three important biomes: Amazon, Cerrado (Savannah) and Pantanal, and also a peculiar ecosystem called Araguaia. However, in this landscape there is a contrast between the results of the search for economic growth strongly centred on the activities of the agribusiness, of the power plants and other activities that are the driving force of significant socio-environmental conflicts. These conflicts that emerge when at least one of the groups has the continuity of their ways of life threatened by undesirable environmental impacts, due to the action of other groups. The understanding of such a diverse dynamic that is present in this territory is emphasized in this research, since the main aim of this thesis is to map the main social environmental conflicts that are in the 12 planning regions of Mato Grosso, from the narratives of the vulnerable social groups. In this context, we consider that the vulnerable social groups are the most affected by this model and we presuppose that in places where the conflicts are more intense, the tactics of resistance and organized forms are also more expressive. So, in order to investigate such issues, we started in 2008 a research Project Mapping of identities and territories of the State of Mato Grosso , developed by the Environmental Education, Communication and Arts Research Group of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, sponsored by the Mato Grosso State Research Support Foundation. In this project we have promoted two Seminars on Social Mapping, which occurred in the city of Cuiabá-MT, in 2008 and 2010. In each one about 250 people took part in the seminar, representatives of several social groups of the State. To understand this vigorous broth we used a methodological complexity which composes the epistemological contribution provided by the phenomenology, linked to the praxis of the social map and by the axiological values inspired in the cartography of the imaginary. In this way, we presented in this thesis a general view of the socio-environmental conflicts that were mapped, allowing for a picture of the global landscape of MT. Besides, we offered some settings of the local landscape, showing the struggles of some specific social groups, which are: Mata Cavalo Slave`s Descendant Black Community (Quilombo), Pantanal`s Community of São Pedro de Joselândia Community, Xavante People of the Indigenous Land of Marãwaitsédé and Rubbertappers of Guariba & Roosevelt Extractivist Reserve. Subsidized by the use of technologies of the geo-referenced database processing, we presented a spatialization of the Map on the socioenvironmental conflicts of the State of Mato Grosso with 194 points of conflicts identified, places where death threatens and slave work exists. The participant`s narratives point to the understanding that the mapped conflicts are expressions of the development model that leads to the destructions of the ecosystems and the annihilation of singular forms of life. The mapping reveals that the main direct driving forces of the conflicts are: dispute for the land, dispute for water, deforestation, burning and abusive use of agricultural pesticides. Opposite to the striking practices, several tactics of resistance appear, that go from the legal procedures to the most subversive ones. Thus, from an environmental education point of viewthat aims for the social changes with ecological responsibility, we consider that the results shown in this study may become a referential to the researchers, governments and civil society; that when elaborating public policies, they can take into account the socio-environmental conflicts in their decisionmakings, seeking for the participation as one of the driving forces of the conceptual, political and scientific for the world transformation. / O Estado de Mato Grosso-Brasil, lócus desta pesquisa, é singular do ponto de vista ecológico, abrangendo três importantes biomas: Amazônia, Cerrado e Pantanal, além de um peculiar ecossistema chamado Araguaia. Entretanto, contrastam nessa paisagem os resultados da busca pelo crescimento econômico, centrada fortemente na atividade do agronegócio, das usinas hidrelétricas e de outras atividades que são propulsoras de significativos conflitos socioambientais. Conflitos estes, aflorados quando pelo menos um dos grupos tem a continuidade do seu modo de vida ameaçada por impactos ambientais indesejáveis, decorrentes da ação de outros grupos. A compreensão dessa dinâmica tão diversa que se faz presente neste território ganha relevo nesta pesquisa, pois, o objetivo central desta tese é mapear os principais conflitos socioambientais presentes nas 12 regiões de planejamento de Mato Grosso e suas causas propulsoras, a partir das narrativas dos grupos sociais vulneráveis. Avaliamos essencial dar visibilidade a estes dilemas, denunciando os conflitos socioambientais de MT, desvelando os riscos que os ecossistemas mato-grossenses estão expostos, as mazelas a que os grupos sociais vulneráveis estão subjugados, e, anunciando novas formas de supressão das violências desenvolvimentistas, agora sob a égide da sustentabilidade. Neste contexto, consideramos que os grupos sociais vulneráveis são os principais atingidos por esse modelo e presumimos que em locais onde os conflitos são mais intensos, as táticas de resistência e formas organizativas são também mais expressivas. Assim, a fim de investigar tais questões, iniciamos em 2008 o projeto de pesquisa Mapeamento das identidades e territórios do Estado de Mato Grosso , desenvolvido pelo Grupo Pesquisador em Educação Ambiental, Comunicação e Arte, da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso, sob financiamento da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Mato Grosso. Neste projeto promovemos dois Seminários de Mapeamento Social, ocorridos na cidade de Cuiabá-MT, nos anos de 2008 e 2010. Em cada um deles reunimos aproximadamente 250 pessoas, representantes dos diversos grupos sociais do Estado. Para uma compreensão deste caldo vigoroso recorremos a uma complexidade metodológica que compõe o aporte epistemológico propiciado pela fenomenologia, aliada à práxis do mapa social e pelos valores axiológicos inspirados na cartografia do imaginário. Deste modo, apresentamos nesta tese um panorama geral dos conflitos socioambientais mapeados, possibilitando um retrato da paisagem global de MT. Além disso, oferecemos alguns cenários da paisagem local, evidenciando as lutas de alguns grupos sociais específicos, sendo eles: Comunidade Quilombola de Mata Cavalo, Comunidade Pantaneira de São Pedro de Joselândia, Povo Xavante da Terra Indígena de Marãwaitsédé e Seringueiros da Reserva Extrativista Guariba & Roosevelt. Subsidiados pelo uso de tecnologias de processamento de dados georreferenciados, apresentamos uma espacialização do Mapa dos conflitos socioambientais do Estado de Mato Grosso com os 194 pontos de ocorrência de conflitos identificados, locais em que existem ameaças de morte e trabalho escravo. As narrativas dos entrevistados apontam a compreensão de que os conflitos mapeados são expressões do modelo de desenvolvimento que levam a destruição dos ecossistemas e o aniquilamento de formas singulares de vidas. O mapeamento revela que as principais forças motrizes diretas (driving forces) dos conflitos são: disputas por terra, disputa por água, desmatamento, queimada e uso abusivo de agrotóxicos. No contraponto às práticas impactantes, surgem diversas táticas de resistência que vão desde as vias legais até as mais subversivas. Assim, inscritos em uma educação ambiental que almeja a transformação social com responsabilidade ecológica, consideramos que os resultados apontados neste estudo podem se tornar um referencial aos pesquisadores, governos e sociedade civil; que ao elaborarem as políticas públicas, consigam considerar os conflitos socioambientais nas tomadas de decisão, buscando a participação como uma das molas propulsoras da guinada conceitual, política e científica.
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Social Innovation : Driving Forces of Social Innovation in MNCTam, Hoising, Osadcha, Liudmyla January 2017 (has links)
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) currently face not only a dynamic business environment and challenging profit target, but also increased expectations from the public to take responsibility for addressing social, economic, and environmental issues. There is a tendency that the leading companies in the global market, especially MNCs, put more effort to the Social Innovation (SI). This study is to investigate what drives the MNCs to be involved in social innovation. In order to find out the reasons, we make use of the literature related to social innovation and social entrepreneurship to develop a framework of the motivation of MNCs towards social innovation. The framework combines three different perspectives (Individualistic Perspective, Organizational Perspective, and Institutional Perspective) to describe the motivation of MNCs. It includes ten main factors: philanthropy, ethics, self-awareness, new business opportunities, interfuntional collaboration, corporate culture, laws and regulations, market demands, strategic collaboration and territorial development. The study is also built on rich data collected through semi-structured interviews together with secondary sources from four MNCs in the different industries: KPMG, Coca-Cola, Porsche, and Philips. However, the empirical evidence indicates a revised framework of motivations of the social innovation in MNCs, including six main factors: self-awareness, new business opportunities, interfuntional collaboration, corporate culture, market demands, and strategic collaboration. Our research made a step into unexplored field of motivation of the MNC being involved in SI and hopefully will go further to investigate the rationale for such involvement.
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BIM är ett arbetssätt som bygger på användandet av en virtuell 3D-modell som lagrar all information om objektet. Arbetssättet har växt fram för att underlätta informationshanteringen i byggbranschen och har ansetts vara verktyget för att effektivisera processerna och med det öka produktiviteten. Drivkrafterna för BIM är många men ett hinder som ofta påpekas stå i vägen för implementeringen av BIM är kompetensbrist. I och med de olika kunskapsnivåerna har begreppet BIM-mognad växt fram där olika modeller finns för att fastställa BIM-mognad hos företag och organisationer. Hindret som gör BIM-implementeringen svår är att företag arbetar utifrån olika arbetssätt vilket gör att BIM-mognad varierar både inom och mellan företagen. Nyttan av BIM erhålls inte till den grad som önskas och aktörer med hög BIM-mognad påpekar att andra aktörer brister i sitt användande. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad begreppet hög BIM-mognad innebär och hur hög BIM-mognad påverkar aktörers upplevelser av hinder och drivkrafter med BIM. Genom att erhålla praktiska kunskaper kan studien förmedla vilka hinder som kan överbryggas med hjälp av hög BIM-mognad och belysa vilka drivkrafter som är viktiga. Studien är uppdelad i två delar där första delen undersöker begreppet hög BIM-mognad för att se hur begreppet beskrivs och används i branschen. Denna delen besvaras genom data erhållen från befintlig forskning om mognadsnivåer inom BIM-implementering och djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer med tre svenska BIM-experter. Andra delen studerar hur aktörers upplevelser av hinder och drivkrafter påverkas av hög BIM-mognad. Detta besvaras genom data erhållen från befintlig forskning om hinder och drivkrafter förknippade med BIM och från ett fallstudieprojekt med hög BIM-mognad. Från djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta aktörer i olika roller i samma projekt erhölls praktiska erfarenheter om hur hinder hade överbryggats och hur nyttor skapats i projektet genom olika drivande krafter. Utifrån teorin och empirins resultat gavs ingen entydig bild av vad hög (eller låg) BIM-mognad innebär och experterna som intervjuats ställer sig kritiska till mognadsmodellen som mätmetod. Den studerade mognadstrappan togs inte fram för att mäta BIM-mognad utan skulle vara ett implementeringsverktyg men förefaller har fått en ny tillämpning med åren. Bilden som växer fram är att BIM-mognad är ett fragmenterat och tidsberoende begrepp utan någon entydighet kring vad som kan betraktas som låg eller hög mognadsgrad. När teorin jämförs med empirin väcks frågan kring vad BIM-mognad har för innebörd och betydelse för olika samverkande projektörer men även för byggbranschen och BIM-utvecklingen i stort. Experterna relaterar bedömningen av BIM-mognad till vad som krävs för att flera nyttor som följer av BIM-användning ska erhållas. Utifrån detta perspektiv anser de att BIM-mognad motsvarar nivå 2 utifrån mognadsmodellen. Experterna anser dock att branschen generellt ligger på en låg nivå vad gäller BIM-mognad. Studiens resultat öppnar upp för en fortsatt forskning inom BIM-mognad. I fallstudieprojektet upplevdes hindren som låga där det funnits specifika drivkrafter som möjliggjort implementeringen. Slutsatsen drogs även att projektet erhållit stora nyttor utifrån arbetssättet med BIM. De drivkrafter som har haft störst betydelse för implementeringen av BIM var den tydliga kravställningen från beställaren, den gemensamma plattformen och engagemanget från projektorganisationen. Nyttor projektet upplevde var bättre kommunikations- och samarbetsklimat, bra informationsflöden, ekonomi- och tidsbesparingar, visualisering, kollisionskontroller, kunskapsberikning och processeffektivitet. Hindren som fallstudieprojektet upplevde var negativa attityder, kompetensbrist, juridiska förändringar och problem med programvarorna i form av otillräckliga BIM-bibliotek och att programvarorna inte lever upp till sin marknadsföring. Både de negativa attityderna och kompetensbristen kunde överbryggas under projektet gång medan de juridiska förändringarna inte ansågs utgöra ett hinder för arbetssättet utan upplevdes mer som ett problem. / BIM is a working method based on the use of a virtual 3D model that stores all information about the object. This approach has been developed to facilitate information management in the construction industry and has been regarded as the tool to increase the efficiency and productivity. The driving forces for BIM are many, but one often mentioned obstacle for BIM implementation is the lack of competence. With the different levels of knowledge, the concept of BIM maturity has emerged where different models exist to determine BIM maturity in companies and organizations. An obstacle that makes BIM implementation difficult is the different ways of working used in the industry which makes BIM maturity varies both within and between companies. The benefits of BIM are not obtained to the extent that is desired and actors with high BIM maturity point out that the other actors are lacking in competence. The purpose of this paper is to investigate what the concept of high BIM maturity means and how high BIM maturity affects the actors' perception of obstacles and driving forces with BIM. By gaining practical knowledge, the study can convey which obstacles that can be overcome with the help of high BIM maturity and highlight which driving forces that are important. The study is divided into two parts where the first part examines the concept of high BIM maturity to see how the concept is described and used in the industry. This part is answered through data obtained from existing research on BIM maturity levels and in-depth semi-structured interviews with three Swedish BIM experts. The second part examine how the perception of obstacles and driving forces is affected by high BIM maturity. This is answered through data obtained from existing research on obstacles and driving forces associated with BIM and from a case study project with high BIM maturity. From in-depth semi-structured interviews with eight actors in different roles in the same project, practical experience was gained on how obstacles were overcome and how benefits were created in the project through different driving forces. Based on theory and empirical results, no clear picture was given of what high (or low) BIM maturity means and the interviewed experts were critical of the maturity model as a measurement method. The maturity model was developed as an implementation tool and not as a tool to measure BIM maturity, but it seems to have gained a different roll over the years. The picture that emerges is that BIM maturity is a fragmented and time-dependent concept with no clarity about what can be regarded as low or high degrees of maturity. When the theoretical results are compared with the empirical, the question of what significance BIM maturity has for various collaborating actor’s is raised, but also for the construction industry and BIM development as a whole. The experts relate the assessment of BIM maturity to what is needed to obtain several benefits that result from using BIM. From this perspective, they believe that BIM maturity corresponds to level 2 based on the studied maturity model, but the experts generally believe that the industry is at low levels in terms of BIM maturity. The results of the study open up for further research in BIM maturity. In the studied project, the obstacles were perceived to be low where specific driving forces had enabled the implementation. It was also concluded that the project received great benefits based on the working method with BIM. The most important driving forces for the implementation of BIM were the clear requirements from the client, the platform used and the commitment from the project organization. The benefits of the project were a better communication and collaboration climate, good information flows, financial and time savings, visualization, collision controls, knowledge enrichment and process efficiency. The obstacles that the case study project experienced were negative attitudes, lack of competence, legal changes and problems with the software in the form of inadequate BIM libraries and that the software did not live up to its marketing. Both negative attitudes and the lack of competence could be overcome during the project. The legal changes were not considered as an obstacle but more experienced as a problem.
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Kvalitetsdriven styrning av hälso- och sjukvård : Drivkrafter till kvalitetsarbete och hur vårdens styrning kan ta vara på och förstärka demBjörk, Jenny January 2021 (has links)
Svensk hälso- och sjukvård är av god kvalitet men det finns också utmaningar. Forskningen identifierar utmaningar med tillgänglighet och personcentrering och det finns brist på personal. Framöver kommer det bli färre som ska försörja fler och finansieringen av hälso- och sjukvården kan påverkas. Samtidigt är utvecklingstakten snabb, speciellt när det gäller digitalisering och medicinteknik. Dagens styrning har fått kritik för att inte ta tillvara den kompetens och engagemang som finns. För att klara av vårdens utmaningar och ta vara på möjligheterna behöver styrningen fokusera på lärande och utveckling med fokus på de professionella drivkrafterna. Syftet med denna studie var att utforska drivkrafterna bakom framgångsrikt kvalitetsarbete samt identifiera metoder att förstärka dessa i avtalsutformning och uppföljning. Sex ledare för barn- och ungdomsmedicinska mottagningar i Region Stockholm intervjuades. Resultatet visade att drivkrafter till förbättringsarbete var kopplade till ledarskapet, det dagliga arbetet och individuella drivkrafter. När det gäller hur styrningen kan ta till vara och förstärka dessa drivkrafter var det kopplat till dialog, frihet och begränsningar, stöd, arbetsmiljön, ekonomi och faktorer kopplade till relationen till beställarorganisationen. Rekommendationer utifrån forskning var att styrningen bör kommunicera en tydlig riktning som inkluderar personcentrering och systemsyn samt använda sig av dialoger som fokuserar på lärande och utveckling. Personer som kan ha nytta av denna studie är individer som i sitt arbete gör upphandlingar och uppföljning av hälso- och sjukvård, kvalitetsansvariga och ledare. / Swedish health care is of good quality, but there are also challenges. Research identifies challenges with accessibility, person-centeredness and a lack of health care workers. In the future, there will be fewer who must provide for more and it might influence financing of health care. At the same time, the pace of development is rapid, especially when it comes to digitalization and medical technology. Today's governance has received criticism for not taking advantage of the skills and commitment that exist. To meet the challenges of healthcare, governance must focus on learning and development with a focus on the professional driving forces. The purpose of this study was to explore the driving forces behind successful quality improvement (QI) and identify methods to strengthen these in contract design and follow-up. Six leaders for paediatrics and adolescent medicine clinics in the Stockholm Region were interviewed. The results show that driving forces for QI are linked to leadership, daily work and individual driving forces. The study shows that the driving forces are linked with dialogue, freedom and restrictions, support, the work environment, finances and factors linked to the relationship with the contract organization. Research recommends that governance should focus on communicating a clear direction that includes person-centeredness and a systems perspective, and dialogues that focus on learning and development. Those who can benefit from this study is those who do procurement and follow-up of health care services, quality managers and leaders. / <p>2021-06-06</p>
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Seniorers onlinehandel : En kvantitativ- och kvalitativ studie om faktorer och anpassningar som påverkar seniorers handel online / Seniors online shopping : A quantitative and qualitative study on factors and adaptations affecting seniors' online shoppingLevin, Emelie, Hildingsson, Engla January 2023 (has links)
Studier visar att det framför allt är äldre som lever i ett digitalt utanförskap i Sverige. Många pensionärer behöver hjälp att utföra digitala aktiviteter och däribland att handla online. Detta tyder på att det finns ett behov av att anpassa digitala medier till äldre. Denna studie ämnar således fördjupa förståelsen för det digitala utanförskapet, och de faktorer som påverkar seniorers intentioner och möjligheter att handla online. Detta för att sedan granska på vilket sätt anpassningar av onlinehandeln kan öka seniorers intention att handla online. Faktorerna baseras på modellen Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) och teorin Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) och testas genom 12 teser. En metodkombination har använts, vilket har genererat 97 enkätsvar och 4 intervjuer, vilka har genomförts på seniorer över 55 år. Resultatet visar att svenska seniorer idag lever i ett digital utanförskaps på grund av ett ointresse och okunskap för den digitala tekniken. Studien visar att icke-användare har fler barriärer och färre drivkrafter i förhållande till användare. Användarna har överkommit barriärerna och har drivkrafterna som påverkar deras intention att handla online positivt. Således kan drivkrafterna användas för att överkomma barriärerna. Detta bör göras genom anpassningar i form av utbildningar, utformning av tydliga hemsidor, tillgänglighetsanpassad kundservice och säkra leveransprocesser. / It is mainly the elderly who lives in a digital exclusion in Sweden. Many elderly needs help to carry out digital activities, including online shopping. This suggests that there is a need to adapt digital media to the elderly. This study intends to deepen the understanding of digital exclusion, and the factors that influence seniors' intentions and opportunities to shop online. The study will then examine how adjustments to online shopping can increase seniors' intention to shop online. The factors are based on the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model (UTAUT) and the Innovation Resistance Theory (IRT) and is tested through 12 theses. A combination of methods conducted on seniors aged 55 and over generated 97 survey responses and 4 interviews. The result shows that Swedish seniors today live in a digital exclusion due to a lack of interest and knowledge of digital technology. The study indicates that non-users have more barriers and fewer driving forces in relation to users. The users overcome the barriers by utilizing driving forces which positively influence their intention to shop online. Therefore, the driving forces can be used to overcome the barriers. This should be done through adaptations in the form of education, design of distinct websites, accessible customer service and secure delivery processes.
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Jordbruksmarkens värden i en föränderlig tid : en undersökning av markförändringar och bakomliggande drivkrafter i Linköpings kommun / Agricultural land values in a changing time : an investigation of land changes and underlying driving forces in Linköping municipalityArvidsson, Mathilda, Eliasson, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Bevarandet av jordbruksmark i stadsnära lägen har under en längre tid, inom den fysiska planeringen, bortprioriteras. Omständigheter som pandemi, krig och klimatförändringar har gjort att frågor som berör jordbruksmark återigen har lyfts upp till ytan. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att, utifrån en rådande samhällsutveckling, bidra med en ökad förståelse för vilka drivkrafter som ligger till grund för markanvändningsförändringar på jordbruksmark i Linköpings kommun. Detta eftersom jordbruksmark som tas i anspråk för bebyggelse och exploatering kan ses som problematisk ur både ett nationellt och internationellt livsmedelsförsörjningsperspektiv. Studiens empiri samlades in genom kvalitativa intervjuer och analyserades sedan med hjälp av teori rörande drivkrafter och markanvändningsförändringar och tematisk analys. Resultatet av vår uppsats, med förankring i tidigare forskning, påvisar en problematik i hur jordbruksmark idag hanteras inom den fysiska planeringen. Detta eftersom ett flertal olika faktorer pekar på brister när det kommer till ansvar och förvaltande av jordbruksmark. / The preservation of agricultural land in locations close to the city has for a long time been de-prioritized in physical planning. Circumstances such as pandemic, war and climate change have meant that issues affecting agricultural land have once again been raised to the surface. The purpose of this study is therefore to, based on a contemporary context, contribute to an increased understanding of the driving forces underlying land use changes on agricultural land in Linköping municipality. This is because agricultural land that is used for development and exploitation can be seen as problematic from both a national and international food supply perspective. The study's empirical evidence was collected through qualitative interviews and then analyzed using theory regarding driving forces and land use changes and thematic analysis. The result of our essay, based on previous research, demonstrates a problem in how agricultural land is managed today within physical planning. This is because a number of different factors point to shortcomings when it comes to responsibility and management of agricultural land.
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Affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar : En kvalitativ studie om distinktionen mellan kvinnors och mäns företagande / Investment processes and objectives of business angels : A qualitative study on the distinction between women's and men's entrepreneurshipNyman, Hanna, Johansson, Mimmi January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar - En kvalitativ studie om distinktionen mellan kvinnors och mäns företagande Författare: Hanna Nyman och Mimmi Johansson Handledare: Hans Landström Examinator: Per-Ola Ulvenblad Nyckelord: Affärsänglar, investeringsprocesser, målsättningar, drivkrafter, könsskillnader Problemformulering: Hur skiljer sig affärsänglars investeringsprocesser och målsättningar åt beroende på affärsängelns och entreprenörens kön? Om skillnader förekommer, vad är orsaken till dessa? Syfte: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur investeringsprocesser och målsättningar ser ut beroende på om affärsängeln respektive entreprenören är kvinna eller man. Studien syftar också till att skapa förståelse för varför det förekommer skillnader mellan könen, förutsatt att skillnader föreligger. Metod: Uppsatsen har en abduktiv forskningsansats och är en kvalitativ studie. Den teoretiska referensramen har samlats in genom vetenskapliga artiklar och kurslitteratur. Vidare har det empiriska materialet samlats in genom åtta intervjuer med fyra affärsänglar, varav två är kvinnor och två är män. Första intervjutillfällena har genomförts med ostrukturerade frågor och andra intervjutillfällena med mer strukturerade frågor. Till sist har empirin analyserats utifrån tre nivåer med hjälp av analysmodellen Gioia. Slutsats: Slutsatsen som kan dras i den här studien är att affärsängelns eller entreprenörens kön inte påverkar affärsängelns bedömningar. Könet har heller inte visat sig påverka affärsänglarnas målsättningar, då skillnader i målsättningarna mellan investeringarna berodde på vad det var för typ av företag och inte på könet. Ytterligare en slutsats är att investeringsprocesserna är individuella från en investering till en annan. Trots att studien inte har påvisat skillnader finns det ändå en tro att könsskillnader föreligger på grund av att marknaderna är ojämställda. / Title: Investment processes and objectives of business angels - A qualitative study on the distinction between women’s and men’s entrepreneurship Authors: Hanna Nyman and Mimmi JohanssonTutor: Hans Landström Examiner: Per-Ola Ulvenblad Keywords: Business angels, investment processes, objectives, driving forces, gender differences Research question: How do the investment processes and objectives of business angels differ depending on the gender of the business angel and the entrepreneur? If there are differences, what is the reason for these? Purpose: The purpose of the study is to describe how investment processes and objectives look depending on whether the business angel or entrepreneur is a woman or man. The study also aims to create an understanding of why there are differences between the sexes, assuming that differences exist. Methodology: The essay has an abductive research approach and is a qualitative study. The theoretical frame of reference has been collected through scientific articles and course literature. Furthermore, the empirical material has been collected through eight interviews with four business angels, of which two are women and two are men. The first interview sessions were conducted with unstructured questions and the second interview sessions with more structured questions. Finally, the empirical evidence has been analyzed based on three levels using the Gioia analysis model. Conclusion: The conclusion that can be drawn in this study is that the gender of the business angel or entrepreneur does not affect the business angel's judgments. Gender has also not been shown to influence the business angels' objectives, as differences in the objectives between the investments depended on the type of company and not on gender. Another conclusion is that the investment processes are individual from one investment to another. Although the study has not shown differences, there is still a belief that gender differences exist because the markets are unequal.
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Motivation till hållbar utveckling : en insikt i svenska festivalarrangörers drivkrafter till avfallshantering / Motivation to a sustainable development : an insight in Swedish festival producers’ driving forces for waste managementGustavsson, Matilda, Hammarstrand, Erika, Blad Wallner, Nellie January 2022 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har intresset för och arbetet med hållbar utveckling blivit en självklarhet i många organisationer. Trots den ansedda självklarheten finns det underliggande anledningar till varför organisationer väljer att arbeta på särskilda sätt. Anledningarna kan komma från bland annat interna åsikter, krav från politiker, viljan att vara bäst eller att tjäna pengar. Att välartade strategier för avfallshantering, som en del av hållbar utveckling, ska finnas på festivaler runt om i Sverige är en självklarhet för många besökare. Valen kring hur festivaler väljer att hantera avfall kan komma att påverkas av olika drivkrafter som alla spelar en roll i vilket beslut som tas. Studiens huvudfokus är att få en djupare förståelse för varför festivalarrangörer tillämpar särskilda strategier i relation till avfallshantering, och därmed förstå vad deras drivkrafter är. För att skapa förståelsen tillämpar studien ramverket Drivers to Sustainability som hänvisar till att det finns strategiska, interna och externa drivkrafter som ligger bakom organisationers val. Studien har tillämpat en kvalitativ metod för den empiriska datainsamlingen i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer, med ett fokus på festivalarrangörer som en del av urvalet. De nämnda drivkrafterna appliceras på vad studiens urval av organisationer diskuterar, om deras arbete med avfallshantering, under intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att interna drivkrafter är ledande i arbetet för avfallshantering, som en del av ekologisk hållbar utveckling, resultatet visar även på att nyckelbegreppet socialt ansvarstagande är den drivkraft som är ledande som svar på varför organisationerna väljer att avfallshantera eller arbeta med hållbar utveckling överlag. Det kom även fram i resultatet att ett flertal drivkrafter, som kan anses vara viktiga, inte framkom alls som anledningar till festivalarrangörernas val. / In recent years, the interest in and work with sustainable development has become a matter of course in many organizations. Despite the perceived obviousness, there are underlying reasons as to why organizations choose to work in specific ways. The reasons can come from, among other things, internal opinions, demands from politicians, the desire to be the best or to make money. That well-known strategies for waste management, as part of sustainable development, should exist at festivals around Sweden is a matter of course for many visitors. The choices regarding how festivals choose to handle their waste may be influenced by different driving forces, all of which play a role in which decision is made. The main focus of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of why festival producers apply certain strategies in relation to waste management, and thus understand what their driving forces are. To create this understanding, the study applies the framework Drivers to Sustainability, which refers to the fact that there are strategic, internal and external driving forces behind organizations' choices. The study has applied a qualitative method for the empirical data collection in the form of semi-structured interviews, with a focus on festival producers as part of the selection. The mentioned driving forces are applied to what the study's selection of organizations discuss about their work with waste management, during the interviews. The results show that internal driving forces are leaders in the work for waste management, as part of ecologically sustainable development. The results also show that the key concept social responsibility is the driving force that is leading in response to why organizations choose to manage waste or work with sustainable development in general. It also emerged from the results that a number of, what can be considered important, driving forces were not seen at all as reasons behind the festival producers' choices. The study will be presented in Swedish.
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Integrating driving forces into the development of Adaptive Virtual OrganizationsEsparcia García, Sergio 31 March 2015 (has links)
Organizations have become the backbone of the society. Humans live around
all kinds of organizations, such as neighborhood communities, businesses, schools,
unions, political, sports, and religious organizations, etc. These organizations have
a set of members, each playing a specific role, which determines their duties and
functionalities within the organization. One of these functionalities is to offer a
range of services to members of the organization and external people. These members
must follow a set of norms to ensure the proper functioning of the organization
and should pursue the global goals of the organization.
A feature that is repeated in organizations is that they are not static but
dynamic, resulting in changes in both its structure and the way in which they
behave. In an organization, any of its elements is prone to change due to situations
that occur in the organization itself or its environment. Researchers in the field
of social sciences and organizations have studied such situations, the reasons why
they appear and solutions and actions to be taken to ensure that this situation
does not damage the organization or to take advantage of the situation. These
situations are known as ‘Forces that drive organizational change’.
Human organizations are the main source of inspiration for the Multi-Agent
Systems (MAS) based on organizations. These systems are computational abstractions
that are populated by agents instead of people, but take into account
organizational elements such as roles, services, goals, norms, etc. However, the
proposals that have been presented up to now to define this type of MAS are focused
mostly on static systems, without changes in its structure. Moreover, in the
few proposals that take into account organizational changes, they just state that
changes occur, but without specifying the reason for change. Thus, the concept of
‘forces that drive organizational change’ (and their features) is not considered.
Therefore, the objective of this PhD thesis is to translate the knowledge of the
forces that drive organizational change available in human organizations to MASbased
organizations. These forces will be formally expressed with the factors that
help to detect them. The solutions to be taken when a force is detected will also
be presented. To correctly perform this task, a formalization for virtual organizations
is designed, named Virtual Organization Formalization (VOF). Moreover,
the Artifacts for Organizational Mechanisms are proposed, which are a tool to
help in the representation of organizational knowledge and in the modeling of the
environment of the organization. This tool is based on the Agents & Artifacts
(A&A) framework. / Esparcia García, S. (2015). Integrating driving forces into the development of Adaptive Virtual Organizations [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/48538
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