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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’analyse économique des changements climatiques : débat expert, couverture médiatique et influence sur l’opinion publique

Guertin-Armstrong, Simon 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Le reti nel mondo della scienza: tre elaborati sulla collaborazione scientifica. / Networks in Sciences: Three Essays on Scientific Collaboration

TOGNI, LARA 16 April 2013 (has links)
Questa tesi di dottorato si pone come scopo lo studio della relazione complessa tra produttività e collaborazione scientifica sia di tipo formale sia informale. L’approccio che è adottato cerca di superare il classico trade-off che emerge dalla letteratura sulle reti e sulla teoria dei giochi; infatti, questa tesi rappresenta il tentativo di sviluppare una sintesi dell’approccio micro e macro allo studio delle collaborazioni scientifiche. A tal fine, il classico bagaglio metodologico è stato arricchito utilizzando tecniche di analisi complementari, quali l’analisi delle reti (e.g.: indici di centralità delle reti e coefficienti di clustering), l’econometria (e.g.: modelli di regressione ZIP e modelli di regressione troncati) ed infine l’economia sperimentale (e.g.: esperimenti in laboratorio). In particolare, sono state prese in considerazione due diverse comunità scientifiche con lo scopo di porre in evidenza le caratteristiche che le contraddistinguono: la comunità dei Geografi Top e la comunità degli Economisti italiani. Questa tesi è strutturata con il fine ultimo di porre in evidenza il ruolo che gli incentivi individuali degli scienziati parte della rete giocano nel modellare le strutture di collaborazione all’interno della rete stessa; ma, allo stesso tempo, nell’influenzare la propria produttività scientifica. Questa tesi è composta da tre diversi elaborati, ciascuno dei quali guarda al fenomeno della collaborazione e della produzione scientifica seguendo prospettive differenti, per permettermi di mettere in evidenza il ruolo giocato da quattro pilastri (i.e.: reti, comunità scientifiche, comportamenti collaborativi, incentivi individuali e conseguenze collettive) sulla base dei quali si fondano le strutture e la dinamica del “mondo della scienza”. / The aim of this thesis is to study the complex relationship between scientific productivity and (formal and informal) scientific collaborations. We follow an approach which goes beyond the classical trade-off that emerged from the literature around networks studies and game theory, in the attempt of developing a synthesis between a micro and a macro approach. In doing so, we enrich the toolset of available methodologies by adopting instruments which are typical of Network Analysis (e.g.: networks’ indices of centrality and clustering), Econometrics (e.g.: ZIP and Censored regressions), and Experimental Economics (e.g.: Laboratory experiments). In particular, we look at two different scientific communities, in order to capture different characteristics of the networks: the community of Top geographers, and the community of Italian economists. This thesis is structured with a view to emphasising the role that the incentives which move scientists within their network of collaboration play on shaping the network itself, but also on influencing their scientific productivity. The thesis is composed of three different essays, each of which approaches the phenomena of scientific production and collaboration from different perspectives, allowing me to highlight the role played by four basic components (i.e.: networks, scientific communities, collaborative behaviours, individual incentives and collective outcomes) in shaping the structure and dynamics of the “world of science”.

Perspektiven eines Integrierten Master- und Promotionsstudiengangs in Economics

Berg, Robert, Kuhn, Thomas, Zenker, Anja 24 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die internationale Ausrichtung der akademischen Bildung ist nicht nur eine moderne Randerscheinung, sondern hat sich in den letzten Jahren als unverzichtbar im Wettbewerb der Hochschulen um Studierende und hochqualifizierten wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs erwiesen. Ausgehend davon wird in diesem Papier ein Konzept für die Integration des postgradualen Master- und Promotionsstudiums in Economics präsentiert. Ein besonderes Merkmal dieses Konzeptes stellt die Bifurkation des Studienverlaufs nach einem gemeinsamen zweijährigen Kurssystem dar, wonach sowohl Graduierung als Master, als auch nach einer sich anschließenden Forschungs- und Kollegphase die Promotion erfolgen kann. Ziel ist es, nicht nur die Chancen und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Ökonomen/innen auf dem nationalen und internationalen Arbeitsmarkt für hochqualifizierte Tätigkeiten zu erhöhen, sondern auch die Attraktivität des postgradualen Studiums und die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses zu gewährleisten. / The international orientation of the academic education is not only a modern side issue but in recent years it has proven as indispensable in the competition of universities among students and highly-qualified young scientists. Based on this, the paper presents an approach for the integration of the postgraduate master and doctoral studies in economics. A specific feature of this approach is the bifurcation of the course of study after a two-year curriculum course system. Afterwards both the graduation as Master and the PhD after a subsequently research and college phase can be made. The aim is not only to increase the chance and the competitiveness of economists in the international labour market for highly-qualified activities but also to ensure the attractiveness of the postgraduate studies and the future of high-qualified young scientists.

Perspektiven eines Integrierten Master- und Promotionsstudiengangs in Economics

Berg, Robert, Kuhn, Thomas, Zenker, Anja 24 November 2014 (has links)
Die internationale Ausrichtung der akademischen Bildung ist nicht nur eine moderne Randerscheinung, sondern hat sich in den letzten Jahren als unverzichtbar im Wettbewerb der Hochschulen um Studierende und hochqualifizierten wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs erwiesen. Ausgehend davon wird in diesem Papier ein Konzept für die Integration des postgradualen Master- und Promotionsstudiums in Economics präsentiert. Ein besonderes Merkmal dieses Konzeptes stellt die Bifurkation des Studienverlaufs nach einem gemeinsamen zweijährigen Kurssystem dar, wonach sowohl Graduierung als Master, als auch nach einer sich anschließenden Forschungs- und Kollegphase die Promotion erfolgen kann. Ziel ist es, nicht nur die Chancen und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Ökonomen/innen auf dem nationalen und internationalen Arbeitsmarkt für hochqualifizierte Tätigkeiten zu erhöhen, sondern auch die Attraktivität des postgradualen Studiums und die Zukunft des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses zu gewährleisten. / The international orientation of the academic education is not only a modern side issue but in recent years it has proven as indispensable in the competition of universities among students and highly-qualified young scientists. Based on this, the paper presents an approach for the integration of the postgraduate master and doctoral studies in economics. A specific feature of this approach is the bifurcation of the course of study after a two-year curriculum course system. Afterwards both the graduation as Master and the PhD after a subsequently research and college phase can be made. The aim is not only to increase the chance and the competitiveness of economists in the international labour market for highly-qualified activities but also to ensure the attractiveness of the postgraduate studies and the future of high-qualified young scientists.

José Garrido Torres nas sombras do poder: um economista na construção do projeto de modernização de 1964

Penholato, Diego Batista January 2017 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo apresentar a trajetória profissional de José Garrido Torres e, a partir dela, compreender o debate em torno do desenvolvimento econômico no Brasil entre o início dos anos 1940 e a primeira metade da década de 1970. Investigamos a produção intelectual e as atividades desempenhadas por Garrido Torres em diversos órgãos públicos e privados, no Brasil e no exterior, e, através dela, pretendemos discutir de que maneira uma determinada proposta de modernização econômica e social trouxe consigo uma clara proposta política calcada na luta contra o comunismo, o totalitarismo, através da disseminação de valores que pregavam a reestruturação da economia brasileira e suas formas de financiamentos tendo em vista os pressupostos da livre iniciativa. Examinamos ainda, como se articulou um projeto de modernização que se consolidou no aparato do Estado brasileiro a partir do golpe civil-militar de 1964. Tal projeto, sistematicamente discutido a partir da formação do IPES, é fundamental para o entendimento do conjunto de reformas colocadas em práticas após o golpe de Estado. / This research aims to present the professional career of José Garrido Torres and, from it, understand the debate on the economic development in Brazil between the early 1940s and the first half of the 1970s. We investigated the intellectual production and the activities performed by Garrido Torres in various public and private institutions in Brazil and abroad. We intend to discuss how a specific proposal for economic and social modernization has brought a clear policy proposal squashed in fight against communism, totalitarianism, through the dissemination of values they preached the restructuring of the Brazilian economy and its forms of financing in view of the assumptions of free enterprise. We have also audited, as articulated a modernization project that was consolidated in the Brazilian state apparatus from the civil-military coup of 1964. This project, systematically discussed from the formation of the IPES is fundamental to understanding the set of reforms put in practice after the coup. / Bibliografia: p. 133-139 / Autorizado a reprodução e divulgação total ou parcial deste trabalho, por qualquer meio convencional ou eletrônico, para fins de estudo e pesquisa, desde de que citada a fonte. / Texto em português e resumos em inglês e português

Clément Colson (1853-1939), la science économique de son époque et ses prolongements / Clément Colson (1853-1939), the economics of his time and his extensions.

De paoli, Joachim 22 September 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est d’analyser les contributions de Clément Colson à la science économique dans le but de mieux connaître sa pensée, de mieux connaître l’École libérale française au début du XXème siècle, d’étudier l’influence qu’a pu avoir cet auteur sur ses principaux élèves, Divisia, Roy et Rueff, et d’évaluer l’actualité de certaines de ses recommandations.Le premier chapitre montre quels sont les apports théoriques de Colson à la science économique.Pour ses élèves, son principal apport serait la théorie de la détermination conjointe du salaire et du taux d’intérêt. Nous montrerons que cette théorie est proche de la règle de gestion optimale en microéconomie attribuée à Clark ; nous verrons alors que l’on peut parler de découverte multiple.Colson est également intéressant au point de vue de la méthode utilisée. Nous verrons alors qu’il utilise les statistiques et les mathématiques dans ses développements : il est à l’origine d’une évaluation pionnière du revenu de la France, son enseignement impulse le calcul économique, il peut être considéré comme un précurseur de l’économétrie en France. Le deuxième chapitre montre que Colson développe la méthode de tarification des voies de communication exploitées en monopole de Jules Dupuit en proposant des moyens pratiques de révélation des préférences. Nous verrons également que cette théorie est reprise de nos jours avec le Yield Management et par les compagnies aériennes à bas coûts. Le troisième chapitre a pour but de voir comment Colson prend en compte la question sociale. Nous verrons qu’il défend une intervention de l’État plus importante que d’autres économistes libéraux afin d’éviter que les ouvriers ne se tournent vers le socialisme. Le quatrième chapitre étudie l’intervention de l’État préconisée par Colson dans le domaine des chemins de fer. Nous verrons que dans ce domaine où l’État est très présent, l’auteur souhaite le limiter. Il préfère ainsi la concession à la régie et souhaite la construction de nouvelles lignes uniquement si elles sont rentables. Nous verrons qu’à nouveau, la crainte du socialisme n’est pas étrangère à ses positions. Sur chacun des thèmes, nous verrons que Colson accorde à la pratique une place importante. Au niveau théorique tout part de l’observation et se termine par l’observation, au niveau pratique il est marqué par les préoccupations de son époque. / The object of this dissertation is to analyse the contributions of Clément Colson to the economics in order to be better acquainted with his thought, with the French Liberal School at the beginning of the 20th century, to see the influence he had on his main students, Divisia, Roy and Rueff, and to evaluate the actuality of his recomandations. The first chapter develops the Colson’s theoretical contributions.For his students, his main contribution would be the theory of the joint setting of wage and of the interest rate. We will explain this theory is close to the optimal management rule in microeconomics attributed to Clark; we will see we can speak then about multiple discovery.Colson is interesting too from the point of view of the method used. We will see he uses statistics and mathematics in his developments: he makes one of the first assesments of the French income, his lectures develop economics calculus, he can be seen as a precursor of econometrics in France. The second chapter shows that Colson develops the Jules Dupuit pricing method for means of communications exploited by a monopoly by proposing practical way of preferences revelation. We will show too that this theory is used nowadays with the Yield Management and by airline lowcost companies.The third chapter has for purpose to see how Colson takes into account the social question. We will see he argues for a more important State intervention than other liberal economists in order to avoid workers to turn to socialism. The fourth chapter is devoted to the State intervention recommended by Colson in the field of railways. We will see that in this field in which the State is very present, the author wishes to limit it. So he prefers the concession to the public exploitation and wishes construction of new railway lines just if they are profitable. We will see again that the fear of socialism is not stranger to his positions. On each theme, we will see that Colson gives an important place to the practice. At the theoretical level all starts and finishes with the observation, at the practice level he is influenced by the preoccupations of his time.

El Control de gestión en organizaciones sin ánimo de lucro: el caso particular de los colegios de economistas de España

Soldevila García, Pilar 05 July 2000 (has links)
Esta investigación ha identificado los instrumentos de contabilidad de gestión que los gestores de las organizaciones no lucrativas, y más concretamente de los colegios de economistas de España, utilizan y pueden utilizar como sistemas de información para el control de la gestión y para la mejora de su eficiencia, eficacia y economía. Se han realizado tres estudios empíricos: 1. A los gestores de los colegios de economistas, para conocer situación y nivel de implantación de instrumentos de control de gestión .2. Se ha centrado en el análisis de la situación a nivel también de instrumentos de contabilidad de gestión de determinadas asociaciones inglesas que están destinadas a profesionales que ejercen en especialidades que en España pueden realizar los economistas. 3. A usuarios de los colegios, par ver nivel de calidad de los servicios y actividades que los colegios realizan y los efectos de la profesionalidad múltiple que los caracteriza. / It presents the results of a study about management control in non-profit organizations, focusing on the particular case of the Associations of Economists in Spain. In order to do it, a revision of literature and empirical studies have taken place to find out the implementation and level development of the instruments of management accounting in non-profit organizations. The study has been completed with three empirical studies, first directed to Associations of Economists in Spain, the second to associations from the UK related to the economy and the company, and, third directed to users from an Economists'Professional Association. Moreover, interviews of managers of different Associations from the UK have been made.

The Social Construction of Economic Man: The Genesis, Spread, Impact and Institutionalisation of Economic Ideas

Mackinnon, Lauchlan A. K. Unknown Date (has links)
The present thesis is concerned with the genesis, diffusion, impact and institutionalisation of economic ideas. Despite Keynes's oft-cited comments to the effect that 'the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood'(Keynes 1936: 383), and the highly visible impact of economic ideas (for example Keynesian economics, Monetarism, or economic ideas regarding deregulation and antitrust issues) on the economic system, economists have done little to systematically explore the spread and impact of economic ideas. In fact, with only a few notable exceptions, the majority of scholarly work concerning the spread and impact of economic ideas has been developed outside of the economics literature, for example in the political institutionalist literature in the social sciences. The present thesis addresses the current lack of attention to the spread and impact of economic ideas by economists by drawing on the political institutionalist, sociological, and psychology of creativity literatures to develop a framework in which the genesis, spread, impact and institutionalisation of economic ideas may be understood. To articulate the dissemination and impact of economic ideas within economics, I consider as a case study the evolution of economists' conception of the economic agent - "homo oeconomicus." I argue that the intellectual milieu or paradigm of economics is 'socially constructed' in a specific sense, namely: (i) economic ideas are created or modified by particular individuals; (ii) economic ideas are disseminated (iii) certain economic ideas are accepted by economists and (iv) economic ideas become institutionalised into the paradigm or milieu of economics. Economic ideas are, of course, disseminated not only within economics to fellow economists, but are also disseminated externally to economic policy makers and business leaders who can - and often do - take economic ideas into account when formulating policy and building economic institutions. Important economic institutions are thereby socially constructed, in the general sense proposed by Berger and Luckmann (1966). But how exactly do economic ideas enter into this process of social construction of economic institutions? Drawing from and building on structure/agency theory (e.g. Berger and Luckmann 1966; Bourdieu 1977; Bhaskar 1979/1998, 1989; Bourdieu 1990; Lawson 1997, 2003) in the wider social sciences, I provide a framework for understanding how economic ideas enter into the process of social construction of economic institutions. Finally, I take up a methodological question: if economic ideas are disseminated, and if economic ideas have a real and constitutive impact on the economic system being modelled, does 'economic science' then accurately and objectively model an independently existing economic reality, unchanged by economic theory, or does economic theory have an interdependent and 'reflexive' relationship with economic reality, as economic reality co-exists with, is shaped by, and also shapes economic theory? I argue the latter, and consider the implications for evaluating in what sense economic science is, in fact, a science in the classical sense. The thesis makes original contributions to understanding the genesis of economic ideas in the psychological creative work processes of economists; understanding the ontological location of economic ideas in the economic system; articulating the social construction of economic ideas; and highlighting the importance of the spread of economic ideas to economic practice and economic methodology.

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