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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

/Répétition/ (mot barré) : la non-représentation du vouloir-dire et le dernier retour de l’histoire de l’art par le dispraître / /Repetition/ (crossed) : non-representation of “vouloir-dire” and the Last Return of the History of Art by Disappearing

Son, Ji min 28 June 2017 (has links)
Dans sa provenance platonicienne, l’idéal de l’incarnation de l’Idée doit à la fois affronter des individualités (pré)déterminées et qualitativement différentes (le pluralisme) – qui sont répétitions et répétées elles-mêmes. Il doit devenir le vouloir-dire de la personne qui s’efforce de mettre en œuvre ce dernier et qui cherche à franchir les limites ontologiques de la représentation. Cependant, l’irréalisabilité de la pure répétition du vouloir-dire – ou de n’importe quel « sujet » – atteste de la présence absente du même dans le processus de sa mise en œuvre ; la répétition est toujours déjà répétition différenciatrice, son acte même toujours susceptible d’être perçu comme mimétique en pratique. Lorsque nous « créons », nous cherchons une différence absolue (singularisation) tout en visant l’universalité du vouloir-dire, l’Univocité. Autrement dit, c’est l’inévitabilité de la répétition différenciatrice (« nouveauté ») qui se répète et tend vers un dernier résultat censé être absolument univoque et intersubjectivement compris et jugé. Cette inévitabilité signifie-t-elle une (ou la dernière) impasse théorique – une « fin » – insurmontable ? Comment les artistes, les historiens d’art et les philosophes s’y prennent-ils ? Entre l’origine et le futur de l’art, quelle puissance de la répétition devrait-on y chercher pour ne plus répéter « une répétition pour toute » ? / From its Platonic source, the ideal of embodiment of Idea must face individualities which are (pre)determined and qualitatively different – and are themselves repetitions repeated. It must become “what-is-wanted-to-be-said” or “meaning” (“vouloir-dire”) of the person who endeavors to realize it and to attempt to exceed the ontological limits of representation. Meanwhile, the unrealizability of pure repetition of the “vouloir-dire” – like any other “subject matter” – testifies to the absent presence of the same in the process of its realization; each and every repetition is always already a differential repetition, and its act itself always susceptible to be taken as mimetic in practice. When we “create”, we search for the absolute difference (singularization) while aiming at a universality of the “vouloir-dire”, Univocity. Put another way, it is the inevitability of the differential repetition (“newness”) that repeats itself and moves towards the last outcome that is meant to be unique in itself and intersubjectively understood and judged. Does this inevitability point towards a (or the last) insurmountable theoretical stalemate – “an end”? How do artists, art-historians, and philosophers deal with this problem? Between the origin and the future of art, what sort of force of repetition do we have to look for in order to finally no longer repeat “one repetition for all”?

Éthéréalisation : amorces d'une contre-histoire

Thibault, Ghislain 10 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est une enquête épistémologique qui s’interroge sur la persistance de « l’éther » dans le champ de la technologie. De façon générale, le mot « éther » évoque un modèle conceptuel de la physique pré-einsteinienne, celui d’un milieu invisible permettant la propagation de la lumière et des ondes électromagnétiques. Or, ce n’est là qu’une des figures de l’éther. Dans plusieurs mythologies et cosmogonies anciennes, le nom « éther » désignait le feu originel contenu dans les plus hautes régions célestes. Aristote nommait « éther », par exemple, le « cinquième être », ou « cinquième élément ». La chimie a aussi sa propre figure de l’éther où il donne son nom à un composé chimique, le C4H10O, qui a été utilisé comme premier anesthésiant général à la fin du XIXe siècle. L’apparition soutenue dans l’histoire de ces figures disparates de l’éther, qui a priori ne semblent pas entretenir de relation entre elles, est pour nous la marque de la persistance de l’éther. Nous défendons ici l’argument selon lequel cette persistance ne se résume pas à la constance de l’attribution d’un mot ou d’un nom à différents phénomènes dans l’histoire, mais à l’actualisation d’une même signature, éthérogène. À l’invitation d’Agamben et en nous inspirant des travaux de Nietzsche et Foucault sur l’histoire-généalogie et ceux de Derrida sur la déconstruction, notre thèse amorce une enquête historique motivée par un approfondissement d’une telle théorisation de la signature. Pour y parvenir, nous proposons de placer l’éther, ou plutôt la signature-éther, au cœur de différentes enquêtes historiques préoccupées par le problème de la technologie. En abordant sous cet angle des enjeux disparates – la légitimation des savoirs narratifs, la suspension des sens, la pseudoscience et la magie, les révolutions de l’information, l’obsession pour le sans-fil, l’économie du corps, la virtualisation de la communication, etc. –, nous proposons dans cette thèse autant d’amorces pour une histoire autre, une contre-histoire. / This dissertation stands as an epistemological inquiry into the persistence of the notion of ether within technology’s discursive field. Most often, the word “ether” is understood as a conceptual model in pre-einsteinian physics which designates the medium responsible for the propagation of electromagnetic waves and light. However, this proves to be only one of the many figures of ether. In multiple mythologies and cosmogonies, ether was also the name employed to refer to a sublime and pure fire filling the highest spaces of the universe. Aristotle, for example, named “ether” what he considered to be the “fifth being,” or the “fifth element.” Chemistry also makes use of ether, where the name denominates the compound C4H10O, used as the first general anaesthetic agent at the end of the nineteenth century. From our point of view, the sustained occurrences of ether in these different figures, so disparate indeed that they appear unrelated, marks the manifestation of its persistence. We argue that this persistence should not be narrowed down to a constant attribution of a “word” or a “name” to several historical phenomenons, but rather should be viewed as the actualization of a same etherogeneous “signature.” Responding to an invitation by Italian philosopher Agamben, and building on Nietzsche’s and Foucault’s history-genealogy as well as on Derrida’s deconstruction, our dissertation proposes an historical program oriented towards a theorization of the signature. To do so, we suggest locating the ether, or rather the ether-signature, at the heart of several historical inquiries concerned with the contemporary problem with technology. Approaching some of theses issues –the legitimating of narrative knowledge, the suspension of the senses, pseudoscience and mysticism, information and industrial revolutions, wireless obsessions, body and corporeality, virtualization of communication, etc. –, our dissertation aims at locating and articulating as many baits towards an-other history, a counter-history.

The first and second proofs for the world's pre-eternity in al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-falasafah

Mall, Zakariah Dawood 08 1900 (has links)
The Philosophers such as ibn-Sina had maintained that time and space were co-eternal with Allah, emanating by necessity from His Attributes, and not being the results of a deliberate act of creation. This must be the case, for otherwise nothing would have been present to induce Him to create the world after a period of non-existence. Al-Ghazali's refutation of this is that Allah had decreed in pre-eternity that the world would materialize at a future, predetermined date, selecting an instance for its birth from a myriad like-instances by exercising His Free Will and manifesting therewith a cause with a delayed effect. The Philosophers' explanation of local phenomena as resulting from the perpetual motion of the spheres is flawed, since perpetual celestial motions would result in perpetual, not transient phenomena. Time, the measure of motion, does not extend beyond the physical realm. Time, and hence motion, is finite. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Ancient Languages & Cultures)

Hermeneutical principles in Contra Arianos of Athanasius of Alexandra.

Jones, Marvin D. 30 August 2004 (has links)
To accomplish the purpose of this thesis an examination of the hermeneutical method expounded by Athanasius will be made. There are three books that comprise Contra Arianos so the progression of this thesis will follow the progression of the stated Athanasian work. This thesis will also review the relevant passages that Athanasius utilizes to present his case for the Eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ. This review will adequately demonstrate the Athanasian Trinitarian concept of eternal, functional subordination of the Son to the Father. The thesis will also review the word ”homoousios” in order to support the conclusions of Contra Arianos. The word ”homoousios” was the term that became the official recognized position of orthodox Christology at the Council of Nicea. The need for such a review arises from the academic concern that the word ”homoousios” may exclude the idea of functional subordination. A review of this word (along with its history) seems appropriate. However, the conclusion (and defense of that conclusion) that will be presented is that homoousios is not mutually incompatible with the idea of ”functional subordination” in a temporal or eternal relationship. This term and concept will adequately demonstrate that an eternal, functional subordination relationship exists between the Father and Son from the Athanasian point of view. Historical and background studies, which will help interpret and clarify cultural meanings, will also be employed to enhance the study of this thesis. Finally, certain conclusions will be presented showing the results of the study. The conclusions will attempt to answer questions that have undoubtedly arisen in the mind of the informed reader of ancient theology and may help identify and even address contemporary issues concerning the Christological and Trinitarian doctrines. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Theological Studies)

The social meaning of love in the Gospel of John

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham 30 November 2003 (has links)
The concept of love abounds in the Bible but it is questionable whether the same un-derstanding that the antique audiences of the biblical documents could have had of this concept is prevalent in our time. The reason for such doubt lies, simply, in the noticeable absence of regard for each other among (even devout) people. The study was directed towards an investigation of theological and popular views on biblical love as well as a brief overview of lexicographical works by known scholars as regards the noun  and the verb . It was found that, despite the vol-ume of entries, not much in the way of clarification of the meaning of  and re-lated words is available. There is, indeed, a dire lack of contemporary social-scien-tific related data as regards this important concept and related matters. The world of the New Testament differs widely from the one we live in and a brief overview was given from social-scientific sources on the historical-cultural aspects of the first century Mediterranean world. This was done from the perspective of making use of such data in the exegesis of three shorts text-segments selected from the Gospel of John. The text-segments John 3: 16; 13: 34-45 and 21: 15-17 are well-known for the bear-ing they have on the noun  and the verb  in the Fourth Gospel as well as the popular meaning/s that is quite commonly ascribed to the texts. Exegesis was done from a grammatical-historical paradigm with joint usage of applicable historical-cultural data. / Biblical and Ancient studies / D. Th. (New Testament)

Johannese perspektiewe oor inklusiwiteit en eksklusiwiteit van verlossing / Johannine perspectives on inclusivity and exclusivity of salvation

Rousseau, Pieter Abraham 06 1900 (has links)
Die Johannese geskrifte (Evangelie en Briewe) word veralgemenend binne die Christendom gelees en die uniekheidsbeklemtoninge ten opsigte van Jesus as enige Verlosser word ook so verstaan. Hierdie hoofsaaklik sosiaal-wetenskaplike ondersoek was gefokus op Johannes se aansprake ten opsigte van Jesus en is gedoen om bewus te maak van die sosiaal-kulturele onderbou van die geskrifte. As sodanig is dit bedoe! om heuristies in te werk ten einde bestaande hermeneuse beter te dien sodat die boodskap van die Nuwe Testament effektiewer oorgedra kan word. Dit is ook gepoog om bevindinge uit die studie deur te trek na die gesekulariseerde samelewing en pluralistiese religieuse standpunt wat te Iande bestaan. Die teksgedeeltes wat eksegeties ondersoek is, bevat die aspekte van aanvaarding of verwerping van Jesus as die unieke Godsagent wat ewige /ewe meedeel. Dit het geblyk dat die begrip in Johannes nie net op oneindigheid in die hiemamaals dui nie, maar veral op kwaliteit in die hede. Johannes se postulaat is dat Jesus konstant hierdie lewe meedeel aan hulle wat in Hom glo. Die vraag na relevansie van 'n religie uit Judaistiese oorsprong in 'n AfroWesterse samelewing en kultuur is vanuit die aspekte van kulturele relatiwisme en relatiwiteit hanteer. Dit word aanvaar dat die ingrype van God deur Jesus Christus binne die Israelitiese volksmilieu en Mediterreense kultuur plaasgevind het, maar dat dit wat Johannes aan sy lesers herbevestig het, vir aile mense relevant is. Jesus is die unieke Godsagent wat ewige lewe meedeel, wat, as sodanig, nie menslike sterflikheid negeer nie, maar dit transendeer. / The social-scientific research for this treatise concentrated on John's assertion of Jesus' uniqueness. The selected Scripture portions for exegesis contain the aspects of receiving or rejecting Him as God's Agent who bestows eternal life. Eternal lifo in John does not so much denote never ending life, but rather excellent quality of life in the present. The relevancy of a religion from a Judaistic origin in an Afro-Western cultural society was treated on the aspects of cultural relativism and cultural relativity. The conclusion accedes to the fact that God's interaction with man in the person of Jesus Christ took place within an Israelite national milieu and Mediterranean culture, but what John reasserted is relevant for all time- the life that Jesus bestows does not negate mortality, but transcends it. / New Testament / M. Th. (Nuwe Testament)

A filosofia dionisíaca de Nietzsche: supressão da metafísica e pathos afirmativo / The Dionysian philosophy: suppression of metaphysics and pathos affirmative

Catafesta, Leonardo Augusto 14 December 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:26:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Leonardo Augusto Catafesta.pdf: 452585 bytes, checksum: 515c147274cd20b36866601e5be4e4ad (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-12-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This paper aims to investigate the conception of Dionysian philosophy presented by Friedrich Nietzsche in his final writings. The German philosopher articulates the Dionysian notion along with the notion of Apollo in his first published book, namely, The birth of the tragedy (1872). In this work, there is a direct influence of Wagner s music and Schopenhauer s philosophy in the main theoretical conceptions, thus initiating a metaphysic of artist because, according to his conception, life can only be vindicated while aesthetic phenomenon. Since his work Too human (1878), the Dionysian concept disappears from Nietzschian texts, even in later fragments, returning only in the so called third phase, that is, from Thus spoke Zarathustra (1883), this time under a new approach Nietzsche completely disengages himself from Wagner and Schopenhoauer by not working with the metaphysic of artist or using the concept of Apollo. With a more mature thinking, the German philosopher diffuses his Dionysian philosophy proposing to be completely free from the metaphysic and at the same time affirming existence without boundaries. To do so, it is mainly necessary to transpose the Dionysian into philosophical pathos. Nietzsche makes use of tragic wisdom as the main instrument for such transposition for, only then, one can converse as regards Dionysian philosophy. Understanding tragic wisdom not as theoretical knowledge, but as the understanding and acceptance of the incessant fight that pervades all fractions of life, Nietzsche can declare himself as the first tragic philosopher. Not to fall in pessimism that depreciates life, due to his relentless fighting character, the philosopher exploits game notion. With it, man establishes common sense to the coming-to-be, interlining himself as supreme creator. Thus, a child s image is the example of the most skillful player because he or she inexorably throws him or herself at it without worrying about victory or defeat -- the important thing is to play the game. Hence, the path to understand Dionysian philosophy without presupposed metaphysisists is open. For Nietzsche metaphysic is articulated with the duplication of worlds a real world is envisioned as a condition of the apparent world . Having the need for truth as modus operandi, metaphysic mendaciously created a fixed and immutable world to justify the flow from the coming-to-be. According to the nietzschinian view, this entails the denial of effectiveness because by privileging the real world the apparent world is refuted, the only sphere on which the phenomenon life is possible. With the conception of the eternal recurrence of it, Nietzsche reaches a thought without metaphysic duality, overcoming the instant/everlasting dichotomy. For the metaphysic tradition, eternity has always been transcendent to the instant, as the eternal recurrence, eternity and instant have become equivalent, in other words, the instant is conceived as eternal. Moreover, to reach supreme affirmation of eternal recurrence, Nietzsche has notion of amor fati as being the great formula for the Yes, ie, of unrestricted affirmation for joy and pleasure as well as pain and suffering. In this sense, we can understand the Dionysian philosophy proposed by Nietzsche in his last writings while total suppression of affirmative pathos and metaphysic par excellence. / O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste na investigação da concepção da filosofia dionisíaca apresentada por Friedrich Nietzsche em seus escritos finais. O filósofo alemão lança a noção de dionisíaco, ao lado da noção de apolíneo, em seu primeiro livro publicado, a saber, O nascimento da tragédia (1872). Nesta obra há uma influência direta da música de Wagner e da filosofia de Schopenhauer nas principais concepções teóricas, surgindo, assim, uma metafísica de artista , pois a vida, na concepção de Nietzsche, só pode ser justificada enquanto fenômeno estético. Desde a obra Humano demasiado humano (1878), o conceito de dionisíaco desaparece dos textos nietzschianos, inclusive nos fragmentos póstumos, retornando apenas na chamada terceira fase do autor, ou seja, a partir de Assim falou Zaratustra (1883), só que agora sob uma nova abordagem: Nietzsche desvencilha-se completamente de Wagner e Schopenhauer, não trabalha sob uma metafísica de artista e não necessita mais da noção de apolíneo. Com o pensamento mais maduro, o filósofo alemão lança sua filosofia dionisíaca com a proposta de ser totalmente livre da metafísica ao mesmo tempo em que afirma irrestritamente a existência. Para isso, é necessário, primeiramente, transpor o dionisíaco em pathos filosófico. Nietzsche utiliza a sabedoria trágica como principal instrumento para tal transposição, pois, apenas assim, pode-se falar em filosofia dionisíaca. Entendendo a sabedoria trágica não como um conhecimento teórico, mas como a compreensão e aceitação da luta incessante que permeia todos os âmbitos da vida, Nietzsche pode declarar-se o primeiro filósofo trágico. E, para não cair num pessimismo que deprecie a vida, devido o seu caráter de luta sem trégua, o filósofo utiliza a noção de jogo. Com esta noção, o homem instaura sentido ao vir-a-ser, pautando-se como supremo criador. Deste modo, a imagem da criança é o exemplo do mais hábil jogador, pois se entrega inexoravelmente sem se preocupar com vitórias ou derrotas: o importante é jogar. Assim, abre-se o caminho para entender a filosofia dionisíaca sem pressupostos metafísicos. A metafísica, para Nietzsche, se articula com a duplicação de mundos: um mundo verdadeiro é concebido como condição do mundo aparente . Tendo a vontade de verdade como modus operandi, a metafísica criou mendazmente um mundo fixo e imutável para justificar o fluxo proveniente do vir-a-ser. Isso acarreta, segundo a visão nietzschiana, a negação da efetividade, pois, ao privilegiar o mundo verdadeiro, nega-se o mundo aparente, único âmbito no qual o fenômeno vida é possível. Com a concepção do eterno retorno do mesmo, Nietzsche atinge um pensamento sem dualidades metafísicas, superando também a dicotomia instante/eternidade. Para a tradição metafísica, a eternidade sempre foi transcendente ao instante, com o eterno retorno, eternidade e instante passam a ser equivalentes, ou seja, o instante é concebido como eterno. E, para atingir a afirmação suprema do eterno retorno, Nietzsche dispõe da noção de amor fati como sendo a grande fórmula para o Sim, ou seja, da afirmação irrestrita tanto da alegria e do prazer, quanto da dor e do sofrimento. Neste sentido, podemos compreender a filosofia dionisíaca, proposta por Nietzsche em seus últimos escritos, enquanto supressão total da metafísica e pathos afirmativo por excelência.

La Nature dans l’oeuvre de Francis Ponge / Nature in the works of Francis Ponge

Choonwoo, Yee 10 November 2011 (has links)
L’objet de ce travail est d’éclairer l’esthétique et l’éthique de la poétique de Francis Ponge à partir de la notion de Nature. La première partie étudie la notion de Nature chez Ponge en tant que monde extérieur et son matérialisme qui, fortement influencé par le matérialisme antique, est caractérisé par l’antimétaphysique. Cette partie met également en relief le rapport étroit entre sa pensée matérialiste et la pensée immanente spinoziste, résumée dans l’expression de « Dieu ou la Nature ». Les aspects immanents des choses dans ses œuvres peuvent être mieux saisis, en effet, à l’aide de la notion d’« immanence » spinoziste. La deuxième partie explore, quant à elle, la relation entre la Nature et la littérature et le développement d’un nouveau lyrisme matérialiste chez Ponge. Pour lui, la littérature se naturalise et la Nature se littérarise. Son approbation de la Nature se traduit par sa contresignature apposée aux choses.Son nouveau lyrisme matérialiste, qui s’oppose au lyrisme traditionnel, se caractérise autour de notions telles que la vibration, l’aspiration, ou la « réson ». La troisième partie, enfin, examine le nouvel humanisme de Ponge ainsi que son éthique.La relation entre la Nature et l’homme s’articulera autour de thèmes éthiques essentiels comme l’altérité, le nouvel humanisme et le salut de l’homme. Son éthique consiste à vivre heureux. Nous l’aborderons à travers différents thèmes tels que la sagesse antique, l’harmonie du « non-soi » et du « soi », l’éthique de la joie, le hasard et la liberté. / The purpose of this study is to examine the aesthetics and the ethics of Francis Ponge’s poetry through the notion of Nature. The first part examines the concept of Nature in Ponge as the outside world and his materialism which, heavily influenced by ancient materialism, is characterized by the anti-metaphysical. This part also explore the close relationship between his idea and Spinoza’s immanent idea, summarized in the expression of "God, or Nature". The immanent aspects of things in his work can be fully understood with the help of the concept of "immanence" of Spinoza. The second part examines the relationship between Nature and literature and the development of Ponge’s new materialist lyricism. For him, literature becomes naturalized and nature becomes literarized. The approval of nature is reflected in his countersignature for things. His new materialist lyricism, contrasted with the traditional lyricism, is characterized by notions such as vibration, aspiration, "réson". The third part will focus on the new humanism and the ethics of Ponge. The relationship between Nature and man will be treated primarily on certain essential themes of ethics such as otherness, the new humanism and the salvation of man. His ethics is to live à happy life. Various topics, such as ancient wisdom, the harmony of the "non-self" and the "self", the ethics of joy, chance and freedom, will be discussed.

Český literární anarchismus v souvislostech socialismu a ženského hnutí (1890-1914) / Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914)

Hylmar, Radek January 2017 (has links)
Czech Literary Anarchism in the Context of Socialism and the Women's Movement (1890-1914) Abstract The thesis focuses on Czech pre-WWI anarchism. It analyses it as a modernist movement comprising various activities spanning political propaganda, proposals of social organisation and thinking about moral values as well views on the arts and literary production. The aim is to present literary texts written by anarchists against a backdrop of other types of expression. At the same time, the thesis assesses anarchism in the historical context of other political, social, artistic and philosophical movements. We study the interweaving of ideological and aesthetic schemes of Czech anarchism, especially with socialism and feminism, but also concerning decadence, Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy and writings of the German Friedrichshagen poets' and anarchists' circle. The thesis focuses on how anarchism understands human beings and their relationship to the world and society. Given the anarchists' focus on the free individual, we present strategies of emancipation from traditional conventions and institutions such as marriage, family and the state. We also concentrate on reforms concerning morals and similarities with the feminist turn to one's own bodily and psychical experiences as starting points for setting...

From Chaos to Qualia: An Analysis of Phenomenal Character in Light of Process Philosophy and Self-Organizing Systems

Moore, Gaylen Leslie 23 April 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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