Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foresight"" "subject:"boresight""
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Images of the Future, Participatory Foresight and Innovation Culture: Exploring the Potential of Communication via Social Networks to develop Open Innovation EcosystemsGuillo, Mario 29 May 2014 (has links)
Innovation has increasingly become a crucial factor in the development of contemporary societies, to such an extent that Innovation has now come to be regarded as a key issue for the achievement of sustainable economic growth and resilient social welfare systems. Therefore, the phenomenon of Innovation has been extensively analysed during the past century; and analyses have been carried out from a wide range of approaches: Economics, Technical Studies, and Cultural Studies, amongst others. However, practically none of those works tried to deepen the link between Innovation and Foresight (especially with its more integrative approaches: Images of the Future and Participatory Foresight). The aim of this research is to contribute to theoretical development within the cross-disciplinary field of Foresight and Innovation through the analysis of the links existing between these two aspects and the proposal of new ways to approach their study (based on the use of social media communication tools). This doctoral dissertation comprises a total of 5 essays (2 articles, 2 book chapters and 1 paper at an international congress) plus 4 annexes (2 articles, 1 book chapter and 1 paper at a national congress). All these essays and annexes are the result of the work that the candidate carried out as a researcher of FUTURLAB – The Foresight Laboratory (University of Alicante), with the invaluable help of the researchers from the Finland Futures Research Centre (Finland).
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La distinction entre la formation et l’exécution du contrat : contribution à l’étude du contrat dans le temps / Distinction between the stage of formation and execution at the contract : contribution to the study on the contract of durationVan Haecke-Lepic, Sabine 07 December 2017 (has links)
C’est au cours de l’étude de la distinction entre la formation et l'exécution du contrat que s’est imposée une réflexion sur une autre alternative au modèle du contrat à exécution instantanée : le contrat de durée. En consacrant un modèle de contrat hors du temps le droit contractuel s’est construit sur une chimère. En effet, en niant l’infiltration du temps dans le contrat, les frontières entre la formation et l’exécution se sont fissurées. Devant cet état de fait, les attentes de clarification de la réforme furent nombreuses. Cependant, la réforme du droit des contrats bien que codifiant les apports épars de la jurisprudence n’en a pas tiré les conséquences de fond en consacrant une possible incomplétude du contrat à sa formation. En continuant à ignorer l’impact de la durée sur les contrats qui s’exécutent dans le temps, la réforme a aggravé l’éclatement des concepts et a empêché le droit commun d’évoluer.L’auteur s’est attaché donc à vouloir englober l’ensemble de la réalité contractuelle en faisant émerger à côté du modèle du contrat échange, le modèle du contrat de durée. La proposition d’un contrat de durée serait donc de nature à réconcilier le droit contractuel entre la culture contractuelle de l’échange et la culture contractuelle de la coopération qui prend naissance dans la durée. La durée du contrat transforme le contrat et émancipe son exécution en permettant au moment de la formation une certaine incomplétude. / While studying the distinction between the preparation and the execution of a contract, a reflection on a new alternative to the contract of instantaneous performance imposed itself: an adjustable circumstance-based contract. Devoted to a timeless model of contract, contract law has built itself on a pipe dream. Indeed, the negation of time’s infiltration in a contract led the boundaries between preparation and execution to crack apart. In front of this situation the expectations for clarification with the reform were numerous. However, the 2016 reform of contract law, although systematising the scattered provisions of case law, did not drew the needed conclusions by sanctioning the possible incompleteness of a contract in its preparation. Still ignoring time’s impact in time-based contracts, the 2016 reform has worsened the splitting of concepts and prevented the evolution of common right. Thus the author focused on embracing the whole of contractual reality and developing alongside the swap contract: the adjustable circumstance-based contract. Contract law has indeed been confronted to types of contract that struggled to integrate duration but which, in the need to happen alongside a unique swap model, distorted its concepts. This is why the offer of an adjustable circumstance-based contract would be able to reconcile, in contract law, the contract culture of swap and the contract culture of cooperation which arise in duration.
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Assessing foresight to advance management of complex global problemsBerze, Ottilia E. 15 April 2019 (has links)
Many people do not like thinking about the future. If they do, over 50% of Canadians think “our way of life” (p. 7) will end within 100 years and over 80% of Canadians think “we need to change our worldview and way of life if we are to create a better future for the world” (Randle & Eckersley, 2015, p. 9). There is a good reason for this. Alarms have sounded over global urgent complex problems with potential for catastrophic consequences such as the development of artificial intelligence, climate change, mass extinction, nuclear war and pandemics (Marien & Halal, 2011). Society is also increasingly fragmenting as imminent crises build on lack of understanding, the sense of incapacity to act, fear, distrust, blame and a lack of hope. This struggle for humanity’s survival is complicated by the turbulent global environment in which institutions continue to follow path-dependent trajectories set forth in a different time and context. Governments at various levels face a problem of “fit” between current structures and processes, that have not progressed sufficiently to meet changing needs of a global society mired in complexity and governance challenges.
However, hope exists. Incremental progress on many fronts and a massive amount of efforts and resources are being engaged worldwide. There are emerging fields, lenses and tools that can potentially alleviate complex problems and address this emergency. The purpose of this dissertation is to understand and assess dialogue-based foresight practices being applied towards complex problems in Canada to provide insights into how these practices can assist society to alleviate global urgent complex problems and their impacts, within this backdrop of looming crises.
Foresight, alternatively known as future studies or scenario-building, is a forward-looking practice recognized and used globally with over 100 research organizations focused on foresight, widespread usage by firms and over 18 countries involved in foresight activities (Berze, 2014b). Overall literature findings suggest foresight is widely and at least incrementally effective with a number of impacts in various areas (Calof, Miller, & Jackson, 2012; March, Therond, & Leenhardt, 2012; Meissner, Gokhberg, & Sokolov, 2013) but the extent of this effectiveness, the mechanisms involved, and the specific foresight benefits per type of project needs further research and evidence. For instance, limited literature exists on whether foresight can transform complex situations and if so, under what conditions. Thus, opportunities exist for assessing and increasing foresight’s impact.
This dissertation is a contextualized, systematic empirical study that taps into transdisciplinary literature and practice, case studies of how foresight has been used to address specific types of complex problems in Canada, as well as surveys and interviews with foresight experts and participants. This dissertation uses a foresight community scan and a comparative case study approach to provide practical and theoretical benefits to foresight and complex problem area stakeholders. The research focuses on studying the broad interactions of foresight and identifying the impacts of dialogue-based foresight projects on people and the outcomes of complex problems.
The dissertation concludes that dialogue-based foresight is a valuable and unique practice for ameliorating complex problems and their consequences. Insights are offered towards dialogue-based foresight’s potential contributions within the context of other efforts directed at humanity’s struggle for survival and global complex problems. These insights can then foster the further development and application of dialogue-based foresight on a global scale to alleviate complex problems and their effects. The dissertation outlines recommendations on key next steps to realize these potential contributions. / Graduate
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L'économie du quotidien : une étude de la précarité à travers l'exemple des pratiques agricoles domestiques dans le monde rural russe / The everyday economy : a study of precariousness from the example of the agricultural domestic practices in the Russian rural worldMainguy, Glenn 07 December 2016 (has links)
Après la crise des années 1990, le monde rural, à l’image de la société russe, est traversé, à partir des années 2000, par un processus de normalisation économique et sociale. Cette thèse étudie ce phénomène – par le bas – à partir d’une enquête ethnographique menée au sein des espaces ruraux russes, portant sur les pratiques de la vie quotidienne dans divers lieux et auprès de différents acteurs en situation de précarité. L’argumentation développée obéit à un double mouvement. Elle montre d’une part comment le développement de l’économie de marché a généré au sein de la population rurale des formes diverses de précarité et d’autre part que l’investissement des individus au sein de l’économie domestique peut être considéré comme un moyen de se protéger contre le risque de précarisation, en se reconstruisant des formes de vie stables et en réduisant par là-même l’incertitude de leur existence. D’une part, l’examen de l’organisation de l’économie domestique est centré sur la mise en place des mécanismes de protections rapprochées en réponse à la situation de précarité vécue par les acteurs. D’autre part, cette thèse met en évidence que le mouvement de repli des hommes vers la sphère domestique entraine une redéfinition de leur rôle au sein de la famille et comment leur intégration à un collectif de travail domestique permet à ceux-ci de retrouver une place légitime dans la société. Enfin, ce travail révèle la manière dont les logiques marchandes véhiculées par le développement du capitalisme sont retraduites dans les pratiques économiques ordinaires et comment elles expriment un mouvement conjugué de domestication du marché et de marchéisation de la sphère domestique. / After the crises of the 1990’s, like the overall Russian society, the rural world experienced a process of economical and social normalization. This thesis studies this phenomenon – from below – on the basis of an ethnography of the practices of everyday life carried in the Russian rural territories, in various places and concerning different people in precarious situation. The argumentation of this thesis follows a double movement. On one hand, she explains how the development of the market economy generated in the rural population various form of precarious situations, and on the other hand she demonstrates how the work of people in the household production can be interpret as a protection toward this risk and a way of rebuilding some stability and security into the conditions of their daily life. Firstly, the analysis of the organisation of the household economy is focusing on the constitution of the family solidarities and on the way they help people dealing with the insecurity of their daily life. Secondly, this thesis emphasis that the movement of retreat into the household experienced by the men lead to a redefinition of their role in the family and highlight how by their integration in the household production they manage to rehabilitate themselves within the society. Thirdly, this study shows how the market logics spread by the development of the capitalism economy are translated in the ordinaries economics practices and how these practices reveal the existence of a combine movement of domestication of the market and marketization of household economy
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Tjeders 2020 : En scenarioplanering hos ett medelstort företagEl Boustany, Alaa, Lövstaf, Knut January 2011 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Tjeders är ett anrikt företag i Malmköping som tillverkar larm och signalutrustning. I dagsläge känner Tjeders att deras varor och tjänster befinner sig i en slutfas i produktionscykeln, där vinsterna tas hem. Detta leder till att nya produkter och tjänster bör utvecklas. Metoden: Examensarbete har präglats av ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och en kvalitativ metodik. Teorin grundar sig i litteraturstudier och empirin på öppenriktade intervjuer samt omvärldsanalys i form av mediascanning. Den praktiska metoden har följt TAIDA, vilket är en övergripande modell för hur scenarioplanering sker. Diskussionen: I diskussionen sammanställs teorin med empirin där behandlas resonemangen om hur Tjeders ska gå vidare med de framkomna scenariona samt förslag kring handlade utifrån dessa. Resultatet: Examensarbete har resulterat i två scenariokors som behandlar teknik och marknad, scenariokorsen konstruerades genom en kreativ process där det insamlade materialet bearbetades. Detta är också detta examensarbetes innovationsbidrag. Empirin: Empiridata är grundad på personliga intervjuer och mediascanning. Under denna del tas också upp hantering av LOU och en kortare redogörelse för denna. Syftet: Syftet med examensarbete är att skapa några olika framtidsbeskrivningar kring teknik och marknad med relevans för Tjeders AB. Examensarbetet ska utmynna i två olika scenariokors som kan fungera som redskap i Tjeders strategiska arbete.
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The interpretation and application of dolus eventualis in South African criminal lawAwa, Linus Tambu 11 1900 (has links)
An accused cannot be held criminally liable by a court until he is considered to be
culpable, a process which entails establishing criminal capacity and intention (dolus)
or negligence (culpa). Determining a perpetrator’s necessary intent in the form of
dolus eventualis has proved to be a predicament in South African jurisprudence. This
type of intent occurs when a person does not aim to cause the unlawful act, however,
he subjectively foresees the likelihood that in pursuing with his conduct, the unlawful
result will possibly happen, and he reconciles himself to this possibility. The problem
with this form of intention, especially where the death of another is caused recklessly,
is, amongst others, reservations as to whether the perpetrator’s foresight was of a
real, reasonable or a remote possibility.
This research examines the imperatives and rationale for preceding and current
interpretations and applications of dolus eventualis and associate concepts in South
African as well as in selected foreign legal frameworks in order to provide a
comprehensive perspective on the subject. In this regard, the study challenges
conflicting judgments on the application of dolus eventualis in domestic courts,
especially as regards homicide- and putative private defence cases, amongst others.
It is evidenced that in case law concerning dolus eventualis, legal rules were not
properly articulated when determining this type of criminal intent. In this investigation,
the legislative framework applicable to dolus eventualis under international law is also
critically evaluated with the aim of facilitating the comprehension of this element in
South African law.
As the concept of dolus eventualis is an indispensable concept in South African
criminal law, recommendations are proposed on the application and interpretation of
dolus eventualis suitable to the South African landscape, which includes possible law
reform. / Criminal and Procedural Law / LL. D. (Criminal and Procedural Law)
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De la conception prospective et innovante dans les organisations municipales québécoises : vers une régénération des routines en urbanisme ?Lavoie, Nicolas 12 1900 (has links)
Les transitions écologiques et numériques, ainsi que les préoccupations relatives aux inégalités sociales, signalent l’avènement de nouveaux défis complexes pour les villes contemporaines. Ces changements soulèvent la question de la capacité dynamique des urbanistes, plus précisément leur capacité à revoir leurs outils et leurs routines de planification dans les projets urbains afin d’explorer le potentiel des nouveaux paradigmes d’action collective et de favoriser des voies de transition innovantes pour les villes. Les entreprises européennes, en particulier dans le domaine des transports publics, ont relevé ce défi, avec des résultats convaincants, en développant des outils basés sur des théories de conception innovante. L’un de ces outils méthodologiques, le processus Définition-Connaissance-Concept-Proposition (DKCP), a été utilisé pour générer une nouvelle gamme d’options de planification dans trois recherches-interventions à Montréal, au Canada. La routine traditionnelle du planificateur se concentre généralement sur une seule activité du processus, la formulation de propositions (phase P), en adaptant légèrement les anciens projets au contexte et aux règles locales. Cependant, la routine des futurs urbanistes devrait inclure de nouvelles capacités de gestion des étapes en amont des projets sous la forme d’une succession de phases DKCP. La nécessité de relever les défis complexes de la ville du XXIe siècle ouvre la voie à une nouvelle identité professionnelle : celle de « l’urbaniste innovant ». / Ecological and digital transitions, along with concerns over social inequalities, signal the advent
of complex new challenges for contemporary cities. These changes raise the issue of the dynamic
capability of urban planners: more specifically, their ability to review their tools and planning routines
in urban projects in order to explore the potential of new paradigms of collective action and foster
innovative transition paths for cities. European companies, especially in public transportation, have
responded to this challenge, with convincing results, by developing tools based on innovative design
theories. One of these methodological tools, the Definition-Knowledge-Concept-Proposition (DKCP)
process, was used to generate a new range of planning options for three urban districts in Montreal,
Canada. The traditional planner’s routine generally focuses on a single activity in the process, the
formulation of propositions (Phase P), by slightly adapting former projects to the local context and
rules. However, the future urban planners’ routine should include new capabilities for managing
upstream stages of projects in the form of a succession of DKCP phases. The need to tackle the complex
challenges of the 21st century city opens the way to a new professional identity: the “innovative urban
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GIG-MÖJLIGHETER : En omvärldsanalys kring framtidens arbetsformer, innovationsfrämjande insatser och affärsmodellsinnovation inom gig-ekonomin / GIG-OPPORTUNITIES : A foresight analysis about the future of work, innovation capabilities and business model innovation in the gig-economyNordin, Maria, Lillieroth, David January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore future forms of work and their connection to innovation capabilities. Moreover, to deep-dive into how the gig-economy might evolve through business model innovation within knowledge-intense professions. The gig-economy as a phenomenon is relatively new and previous research is limited. Due to the limited amount of research, it’s safe to assume that the gig-economy still is in an early developing phase and that possible business model development therefore is valuable to predict. The method for this study is a forecast analysis where data from 21 respondents have been collected as well as secondary sources such as newspapers, media, webbinairs and reports. Through thematic analysis of the collected data the study predicts seven upcoming and current trends. These trends lay the groundwork for a scenario prediction resulting in four potential futures for the gig-economy: The public opinion rules, The individual rules, The business giants’ rules and The niche businesses rules. The study finds that the gig-economy has a natural place in the future of work and that it can contain elements which fosters innovation capabilities, partly through open innovation and sharing of competences and knowledge. / Denna studie ämnar undersöka framtidens arbetsformer och hur dessa kan främja innovation. Dessutom djupdyker studien i hur gig-ekonomi kan komma att utvecklas genom affärsmodellsinnovation för kunskapsintensiva yrkesgrupper. Gig-ekonomi är ett relativt nytt fenomen och tidigare forskning på området är begränsat. På grund av arbetsformens unga ålder finns det anledning att tro att vi är i en tidig fas av denna affärsmodell och att det kan finnas ett värde i att undersöka hur en förväntad utveckling kommer se ut. Studien har omvärldsanalys som huvudsaklig metod där data från 21 respondenter samlats in tillsammans med sekundärdata från tidningar, medier, webbinarier och rapporter. Genom tematiska analyser framkommer sju aktuella trender. Dessa trender ligger till grund för ett scenariokors med fyra potentiella framtidsscenarion för gig-ekonomin, opinionen styr, individen styr, företagsjättarna styr och nischade företag styr. Slutsatsen mynnar ut i att gig-ekonomi har en självklar del i framtidens arbetssätt och att gig-ekonomi innehåller element som kan främja innovation, inte minst genom open innovation och delande av kompetens och kunskap.
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Can dinosaurs generate unicorns? : -A corporate approach for early stage idea validationFilomena, Melissa, Sarkar, Protik January 2018 (has links)
Companies are always trying to increase their sales and revenue, but nowadays due to technology advancement, competence and the fast moving economy this task becomes more difficult as time goes by. This is where innovation walks in, to find new ways to add value to customers, increasing profit and even find new potential markets. As part of implementing innovative practices, many companies have added corporate entrepreneurship to their structure, to look for new business models that reach diverse customers within the same industry. Getting in the mind of customers, trying to decipher unspoken needs and matching problems to new solutions is part of the insighting process that has to be done when attempting idea incubation. This research seeks to provide a methodology to make the insighting process for early idea validation, in a corporate environment, less manual and more mechanical. For this purpose the Stockholm division of Telia Company was used as study case and main source of data recollection, which brings the research results to a practical use and analysis.
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Подходы к стратегическому планированию в высшем образовании : магистерская диссертация / Approaches to Strategic Planning in Higher EducationЮрьева, Е. С., Yureva, E. S. January 2021 (has links)
В работе рассматривается применение стратегического планирования в образовании, его методы, этапы и технологии. В первой части работы рассматривается понятие «стратегическое планирование», его инструменты и этапы. Также изучаются методы и технологии стратегического планирования, говорится о значении и реализации стратегического планирования в образовании. Во второй части работы изучается и анализируется опыт России в стратегическом планировании в высшем образовании. Рассматриваются стратегии развития высшего образования, как в целом, так и на примере НИУ ВШЭ и КФУ – вузов участников программы 5-100, проводится сравнительный анализ стратегических планов данных вузов. Пользуясь результатами данного исследования, можно изучить и проанализировать картину условий развития высшего образования в РФ, выявить проблемы или преимущества использования технологий стратегического планирования в высшем образовании. Опыт применения стратегического планирования в высшем образовании может служить основой для поиска теоретических решений многих существующих проблем в высшем образовании России. / The paper examines the use of strategic planning in education, its methods, stages and technologies. The first part of the work examines the concept of "strategic planning", its tools and stages. Methods and technologies of strategic planning are also studied; the importance and implementation of strategic planning in education are discussed. The second part of the work examines and analyzes Russia's experience in strategic planning in higher education. Strategies for the development of higher education are considered, both in general and on the example of the HSE and KFU - universities participating in the 5-100 program, a comparative analysis of the strategic plans of these universities is carried out. Using the results of this study, one can study and analyze the picture of the conditions for the development of higher education in the Russian Federation, identify problems or advantages of using strategic planning technologies in higher education. The experience of using strategic planning in higher education can serve as a basis for finding theoretical solutions to many existing problems in higher education in Russia.
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