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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbarhet, färg & form : En grafisk profilguide för visuell kommunikation av hållbarhet

Olsson, Sarianna, Fredholm, Nellie January 2022 (has links)
Uppmärksamhet på miljön och att uppnå ett mer hållbart sätt att leva har ökat bland allmänheten och företag under flera år. Denna artikel har som ändamål att undersöka hur ett företag kan förmedla sina värderingar om hållbarhet inte bara genom ord och texter utan också genom grafisk design och visuell kommunikation. Artikeln djupdyker i grafiska profiler och identiteter och undersöker hur man med hjälp av dem kan visuellt uttrycka ett företags fokus på och värderingar kring hållbara tillverkning, förpackning samt hållbarhet för företaget och dess anställda. Artikeln bidrar med forskning som kan hjälpa designers att kommunicera specifika värderingar, i denna kontext hållbarhet, genom grafik samt visuella element, och dessutom hur man potentiellt kan förhålla sig till ämnen som “greenwashing”. Resultaten baseras på relevant litteratur i området, information samlad ifrån metoder som fokusgruppdiskussion och internetenkät, samt en visuell gestaltning i form av en grafisk profil för ett mock-up företag. / Awareness of the environment and achieving a more sustainable way of life has increased among the general public and companies for several years. The purpose of this article is to investigate how a company might convey its values ​​of sustainability not only through words and texts but also through graphic design and visual communication. The article delves into graphic profiles and brand identities and examines how they can be used to visually express a company's focus on, and values ​​around sustainable manufacturing, packaging, and sustainability for the company and its employees. The article contributes research that could help designers, in the context of sustainability, deliver specific messages and values through graphics and visual elements, as well as how one can potentially approach topics such as "greenwashing". The results are based on relevant literature in the area, information gathered from methods such as focus groups and surveys, as well as a practical design in the form of a graphic profile for a mock-up company.


Mateus Forero, Andrea D. 01 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Djuret som designelement i svenska magasinannonser / The animal as a design element in Swedish magazine advertisements

Eriksson Alm, Agnes, Golubeva, Darja January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund Den djupt rotade rela;onen mellan människa och djur användsidag ibland av reklammakare. A: använda djur som e:designelement för a: få kontakt mellan mo:agaren ochannonsens budskap kan appliceras på olika vis av varierandeorsak. Idag saknas det studier på svenska av magasinannonsermed djur som designelement.SyHe SyHet med denna studie är a: kartlägga användandet av djur imagasinannonsering, för a: få en översikt på hur en annonssom innehåller djur designas ur e: grafiskt perspek;v ochvilken roll djuret har i annonssammanhang.Metod Strategin som använts i denna studie är kvan;ta;vinnehållsanalys. Metoden är visuell analys som baserar sig påli:eraturstudier, de:a föregås av en pilotstudie för a:kartlägga ;llgängligt material och definiera urval.Resultat Resultatet, som omfa:ar 36 magasinannonser med djur, visar a:den populäraste magasingenren bland annonser är Mode ochSkönhet och det djur som oHast påträffas är Hunden. Denvanligaste rollen som djuret representeras som är som Kär vän;ll människan. Inget framträdande mönster över användningenav färg, kontrast eller något annat grafiskt designval iuOormningen av annonserna.Slutsatser Slutsatser som kan dras denna studie visar a: användningen avdjur i magasinannonser är e: sä: för reklammakaren a: skapaen rela;on ;ll mo:agaren, framför allt genom a: använda detpopulära husdjuret Hund. Djurets roll är oHa passivt iannonssammanhang, men de är enkla a: känna igen och kandärför bidra ;ll a: fånga mo:agarens uppmärksamhet.Rekommenda;oner Denna studie kan ses som en grund för vidare forskning inomnågon av det kartlagda området. Förslagsvis kan man förlängaundersökningsperioden och analysera annonser med djurunder en längre ;dsram. / Background The deeply set rela;onship between man and animals aresome;mes used today by adver;sers. Using animals as arecognizable connector between the viewer and the message ofthe adver;sement can be applied in different ways and withvariable purposes. Today there is a lack of research made onSwedish magazine adver;sements that employ animals as adesign elementAim The aim of this study is to map the use of animals in magazineadver;sing, in order to get an overview of how ads with animalsas a design element are implemented, in a graphical sense, aswell as what role the animal plays in the ad seUng.Method The strategy for this study is quan;ta;ve content analysis. Themethod is a visual analysis based on a literature review, this ispre-empted by a pilot study in order to map the availablematerial and to set boundaries for the selec;on.Results The result, that includes 36 magazine ads, shows that the mostpopular magazine genre in which to adver;se using animals asdesign elements are Fashion and Beauty, and the most commonanimal used is The Dog. The most commonly used rollrepresented by an animal Is as a Loved one to man. Nodiscernible pa:ern has been discovered in the use of colour,contrast or any of the graphic design of the ads.Conclusions Conclusions that can be drawn from this study is that the use ofanimals in magazine adver;sing is a way for the adver;sers tocreate a rela;onship with the viewer, primarily through the useof the popular pet The Dog. The role of animals in adver;sing areoHen as a passive element, but they are easily recognizable.RekommendationsThis study can be seen as a base for con;nual research in someof the mapped subjects. It is advised that the research period isextended, and the ;meframe of the study material expanded.

An examination of social media marketing strategies by Ohio show livestock producers and how they influence business

Kinion, Charles Kane 09 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

<b>Augmenting Group Contributions Online: </b><b>How do Visual Chart Structures Applied to Social Data Affect Group Perceptions and Contributions</b>

Marlen Promann (18437544) 01 May 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Humans are social beings and throughout our evolution we have survived and thrived thanks to our ability to cooperate [7]. Overcoming our current societal challenges from sustainability and energy conservation [8] to democracy, public health, and community building [9] will all require our continued cooperation. Yet, many of these present us with a dilemma where our short-term personal goals are at odds with the collective long-term benefits. For example, many of us listen NPR radio but never make a donation to help cover its operational costs. The success of cooperation during such dilemmatic situations often depends on communication, reward and punishment structures, social norms and cues [10], [11], [12], [13]. But how to encourage cooperation online where social cues are not readily available?</p><p dir="ltr">Accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the prevalence of digital technologies, cooperation among individuals increasingly happens online where data-based feedback supports our decisions. Problematically, people online are often not only remote and asynchronous, but often also anonymous, which has resulted in de-individuation and antinormative behavior [14]. Social data, information that users share about themselves via digital technologies, may offer opportunities for social feedback design that affords perceptions of social cohesion and may support successful cooperation online.</p><p dir="ltr">This dissertation seeks to answer the normative question of how to design for cooperation in social data feedback charts in dilemmatic situations online. I conducted mixed methods design research by combining theory-driven design with a series of controlled experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk to understand the perceptual and behavioral effects of visually unifying social data feedback charts. To achieve this, I mapped the design space for home energy feedback (<i>Chapter 2</i>) to guide my iterative and user-centered theorizing about how visual unity in social feedback charts might prime viewers with unified group perceptions (<i>Chapter 3</i>). I then validated my theorizing with controlled perceptual (<i>Chapter 4</i>) and decision experiments (<i>Chapter 5</i>).</p><p dir="ltr">The triangulated results offer evidence for visually unifying cues in feedback charts affecting social data interpretation (<i>Chapter 4</i>) and cooperation online (<i>Chapter 5</i>). Two visual properties: data point <i>proximity</i> and <i>enclosure</i> -, trigger variable levels of perceivable social unity that play a partial role in participants’ decision to cooperate in a non-monetary social dilemma situation online. I discuss the implications for future research and design (<i>Chapter 6</i>).</p>

Vägen till 2.0 : Att hantera en allvarlig hjärnskada / The journey to 2.0 : Coping with a serious brain injury

Blom, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Mitt masterprojekt är en bok som syftar till att stötta anhöriga till personer med förvärvad hjärnskada, där jag använder mig själv och min egen rehabilitering efter en smitningsolycka som fallstudie. / My master project is a book that aims to support relatives of people with aquired brain injuries, where I use myself and my own rehabilitetion after a hit-and-run accident as a case study.

World of Desire

Crippa, Benedetta January 2017 (has links)
This project report offers an in-depth, detailed account of my creative process and work during my two-year Master in visual communication at Konstfack, Stockholm. My degree project is a celebration of plurality and visual democracy. Starting with identifying different norms pervading the graphic design discipline in the Western world today, both in terms of aesthetic values and systems of thinking, I have worked to propose and visualize alternative possible futures.  Drawing has been my main carrier through an intense journey of un-learning and re-learning resulting in an artist’s book in unique copy.  With this book, I want to problematize the dominant discourses around objectivity as a utopian ideal with a suppressive agenda, while visualizing a world I can recognize myself in. I have used decoration as a method, emotion and femininity as explorative standpoints, giving space to the metaphorical, the ambiguous and the spiritual to challenge current visual norms.  This book emerges as an affirmation of my own quest for visual belonging  as a graphic designer and a woman; a testimony of the practice of drawing as actualized power.

Interaktiv förpackningsdesign: Grafisk formgivning av K-pop album och dess inflytande på konsumentbeteende : Hur kan formgivningen av K-pop album och relaterad merch påverka konsumentbeteende? / Interactive packaging design: The packaging design of K-pop albums and its influence on consumer behavior : How can the packaging design of K-pop albums influence consumer behavior?

Adilnor, Sana January 2022 (has links)
With the rise of Hallyu, or the global export of Korean culture also commonly known as ‘The Korean Wave’, South Korea has become a big trendsetter in recent years: whether it be within fashion and K-Beauty skincare or Korean movies and drama series, to Korean popular music, also known under the umbrella term K-pop. What these categories have in common are their strong ties to visual aesthetics and K-pop is known for its very colourful and maximalist design, which is also a key characteristic to why K-pop as a phenomenon has been particularly attractive and has managed to captivate fans all over the world. In the marvelling K-pop universe, the goal is to engage all the senses for a complete and interactive sensory experience, making the visual just as important as the auditory, and this can also be applied to the physical album design. Physical K-pop albums sell better than ever despite the digital streaming services dominating our digital age. A visual analysis was conducted on selected contemporary K-pop albums together with a survey on Swedish K-pop fans, in order to discuss how packaging design of K-pop albums can influence consumer behavior. The study showed that interactive packaging design and extra album inclusions like photocards, photo books, postcards etc. makes the fans more likely to want to collect albums and merchandise, which on its own can be viewed as a collectible item. The packaging design both facilitates and encourages fans to interact with the design not only visually, but also in a tactile way, by engaging in participatory behavior such as filming unboxing videos and posting them on social media, and it can also be associated with identity making, i.e. how they identify themselves as fans in relation to their favorite artists or towards other fans. Lastly, it is interesting to discuss how K-pop design can be heavily influenced by American and Western concepts despite being marketed as a Korean phenomena and innovation; from the visual analysis it could also be concluded that contemporary design trends draw inspiration from Western concepts such as the y2k millennium bug, retro and technology.

Kaleidoscope : Reflection through ornaments in childhood memories

Vashchenko, Yuliia January 2024 (has links)
The following work examines how childhood ornaments and memories can be translated into the material world, particularly through graphic design. This process not only creates a beautiful symbol of childhood but also offers a reflection in adulthood.

Recovery From Design

Ellison, Cassandra J 01 January 2017 (has links)
Through research, inquiry, and an evaluation of Recovery By Design, a ‘design therapy’ program that serves people with mental illness, substance use disorders, and developmental disabilities, it is my assertion that the practice of design has therapeutic potential and can aid in the process of recovery. To the novice, the practices of conception, shaping form, and praxis have empowering benefit especially when guided by Conditional and Transformation Design methods together with an emphasis on materiality and vernacular form.

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