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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ヒエロニュムスの「ヘブライ的真理」の研究 : その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを手がかりに / ヒエロニュムス ノ「ヘブライテキ シンリ」ノ ケンキュウ : ソノ セイショ ホンヤクロン ト キュウヤク インヨウ リカイ トオ テガカリ ニ / ヒエロニュムスのヘブライ的真理の研究 : その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを手がかりに

加藤 哲平, Teppei Kato 02 March 2017 (has links)
ギリシア語訳旧約聖書である七十人訳の擁護者たちに対し、ヒエロニュムス(347–420)はヘブライ語原典の優越性、すなわち「ヘブライ的真理」を主張した。しかし、その聖書翻訳論と旧約引用理解とを考慮すると、ヒエロニュムスが「ヘブライ的真理」と言うとき、彼はヘブライ語テクストと七十人訳との文献学的な問題に留まらず、これら二者と新約聖書における旧約引用との神学的な問題をも解決しようとしていたと言える。 / Against many defenders of the Septuagint, namely, the Greek translation of the Old Testament, Jerome (347–420) claims the superiority of the original Hebrew text. Jerome names this idea Hebraica veritas, or "Hebrew Truth." Considering his theory of biblical translation and his understanding of Old Testament quotations in the New Testament, this study concludes that Jerome's real purpose concerning Hebraica veritas is to solve not only the philological problem between the Hebrew text and the Septuagint, but also the theological problem between these two texts and the Old Testament quotations. / 博士(神学) / Doctor of Theology / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Comment en sommes-nous arrivés à « God Hates Fags » ? : analyse de la matrice des possibilités interprétatives de Lévitique 18,22 et 20,13

Haskel-Martinez, Brandon 10 1900 (has links)
Historiquement et jusqu’à aujourd’hui, la Bible a été utilisée afin de justifier une homophobie, soit-elle religieuse ou laïque. Les passages de prédilection employés à cet effet sont le récit de Sodome et de Gomorrhe en Genèse (Gn) 19 et les interdits du Lévitique (Lv) en 18,22 et 20,13. Depuis au moins les travaux de Derrick Sherwin Bailey (1955), le récit de Genèse 19 est souvent interprété à travers le prisme du thème de l'inhospitalité au sein des traditions chrétiennes, plutôt qu’un interdit spécifique de l'homosexualité. En revanche, les extraits du Lévitique, en tant que textes de loi, présentaient un autre type d'autorité et ont eu droit à une réception distincte. Ainsi, selon une approche historique maximaliste, il serait considéré comme historiquement illégal pour un homme d'avoir des rapports sexuels avec un autre homme, sous peine de mort. Dans le cadre de ce mémoire, je propose d'explorer Lv 18,22; 20,13 et ses interprétations contemporaines, à partir d'une analyse exégétique et d’une excursion comparatiste en histoire des religions. En somme, quelles lectures pouvons-nous faire du Lévitique 18,22 et 20,13 concernant les relations sexuelles entre hommes à la lumière du contexte sociohistorique du Proche-Orient ancien ? / Historically and up to the present day, the Bible has been used to justify homophobia, whether religious or secular. The preferred passages employed for this purpose are the account of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis (Gen) 19 and the prohibitions in Leviticus (Lev) 18:22 and 20:13. Since at least the works of Derrick Sherwin Bailey (1955), the narrative of Genesis 19 has often been interpreted through the lens of the theme of inhospitality within Christian traditions, rather than as a specific prohibition of homosexuality. On the other hand, the Leviticus verses, as legal texts, held a different type of authority and received distinct reception. Thus, according to a maximalist historical approach, it would be considered historically illegal for a man to engage in sexual relations with another man, punishable by death. In the scope of this paper, I propose to explore Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 and their contemporary interpretations through exegesis and a comparative excursion into the history of religions. Ultimately, what interpretations can we derive from Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 regarding sexual relations between men in light of the sociohistorical context of the ancient Near East?

Abraham's Final Lekh-Lekha : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the Akedah / Abraham’s Final לך-לך : Maimonides and Ibn Kaspi on Disobedience in the Akedah

Saleh, Leo January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Välsignad förbannelse : En retorisk analys av bibliskt material i Black Metallyrik

Jonsäll, Hans January 2015 (has links)
This bachelor thesis offers a rhetorical analysis of the album Maranatha by Swedish Black Metal artist Funeral Mist. Its main focus is on the intertextuality between the song "Blessed Curse" and the biblical book Deuteronomy, especially Deut 28 from which it has sampled a large portion of text. In the analysis I uncover the similarities and differences between the two texts in order to explain how the biblical fragments constitute new meanings when rearranged and taken out of their original context. The analysis concludes with relating the material to its new context i.e. the album Maranatha and the Black Metal scene by explaining other intertexts and references to the Bible and discussing which genre is best suited to describe the album as a whole. The results of the study show that the biblical quotations in the lyrics convey radically different messages and meanings compared to their original content in Deut 28. This in turn acknowledge how dependent linguistic symbols are on their context. I finish off my thesis with a few reflections on the moral and ethical implications of this use of biblical material concerning the anti-christian agenda supported by members of the Black Metal scene and specifically how Daniel Rostén of Funeral Mist view his own work and agenda.

Moaning like a dove : Isaiah's dove texts as the background to the dove in Mark 1:10

Chamberlain, Peter January 2016 (has links)
There is no consensus regarding the interpretation of the "Spirit like a dove" comparison in Jesus' baptism (Mk 1:10). Although scholars have proposed at least fifty different interpretations of the dove comparison, no study appears to have considered Isaiah's three dove texts as the background for the Markan dove (cf. Is 38:14; 59:11; 60:8). This neglect is surprising considering the abundance of Isaianic allusions in Mark's Prologue (Mk 1:1-15), and the growing awareness that Isaiah is the hermeneutical key for both the Markan Prologue and Jesus' baptism within it. Indeed, Mark connects the dove image inseparably to the Spirit's "descent" from heaven, which alludes to Yahweh's descent in a New Exodus deliverance in Isaiah 63:19 [MT]. Furthermore, each Isaianic dove text uses the same simile, "like a dove" or "like doves," which appears in Mark 1:10, and shares the theme of lament and restoration which fits the context of Mark's baptism account. This study therefore argues that the dove image in Mark 1:10 is a symbol which evokes metonymically Isaiah's three dove texts. So the Spirit is "like a dove" not because any quality of the Spirit resembles that of a dove, but because the dove recalls the Isaianic theme of lament and restoration associated with doves in this Scriptural tradition. After discussing the Markan dove in terms of simile, symbol, and metonymy, the study examines the Isaianic dove texts in the MT and LXX and argues that they form a single motif. Next, later Jewish references to the Isaianic dove texts are considered, while an Appendix examines further dove references in Jewish and Greco-Roman literature. Finally, the study argues that the Markan dove coheres in function with the Isaianic dove motif and symbolizes the Spirit's effect upon and through Jesus by evoking metonymically the Isaianic dove texts.


Michael James Greenan (9719168) 15 December 2020 (has links)
<p>The research in this thesis attempts to select texts from the African American Spirituals and the Bible that are appropriate for secondary language arts instruction, specifically for grades 9-12. The paper first gives an overview of legal justifications and educational reasons for teaching religious literature in public schools. Then, relevant educational standards are discussed, and, using the standards as an initial guide, I identify common themes within the Spirituals and Bible, which, from my analysis of various literatures, are slavery, chosenness, and coded language. Next, I describe my systematic effort to choose texts from the Spirituals and the Bible. To help accomplish this, I draw primarily from two tomes: <i>Go Down Moses: Celebrating the African-American Spiritual</i> and <i>Biblical Literacy: The Essential Bible Stories Everyone Needs to Know</i>. After I describe the research process of selecting texts, I form judgments about which biblical passages and African American Spirituals are particularly worthy of study, along with their applicable and mutual themes. </p>

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