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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hjälpa andra att må bra på bekostnad av sin egen hälsa : En kvantitativ studie utförd på yrkesverksamma inom vård och omsorg i hemmet

Solnevik Milojevic, Beatrice, Åström, Ida January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för om hög arbetsbelastning bidrar till ohälsa ochsjukfrånvaro bland anställda inom vård och omsorg i hemmet. Vidare kommer olika faktorersinverkan på arbetsbelastning och hälsa att kartläggas för att åstadkomma förslag som kan inverkapositivt på medarbetarnas upplevda hälsa. Metod: Studien har utgått från en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv forskningsansats. Empiriskdata har samlats in med hjälp av två olika frågeformulär där det ena riktar sig till enhetscheferoch det andra till anställda inom vård och omsorg i hemmet. Den teoretiska referensramen utgårfrån vetenskapliga artiklar och litterära källor. Slutsats: I studien konstaterades det att hög arbetsbelastning delvis har negativ inverkan påmedarbetarnas hälsa. Vidare framgick det att obalans mellan krav och kontroll samt avsaknad avhälsofrämjande åtgärder påverkar medarbetarnas upplevda arbetsbelastning samt hälsa i negativ aspekt.

Kvinnans sexuella hälsa efter mastektomi : En litteraturstudie / Women's sexual health after mastectomy : A literature study

Nygård Gillberg, Lina, Södervall, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är ett folkhälsoproblem som i Sverige drabbar cirka 9000 kvinnor årligen. Mastektomi är en behandling mot bröstcancer som orsakar stress, sorg och ångest vilket kan leda till en negativ självbild och minskad livskvalitet. Sexuell hälsa har betydelse på kvinnors generella livskvalitet och bör uppmärksammas. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa den sexuella hälsan hos kvinnor som har genomgått mastektomi efter en bröstcancerdiagnos. Metod: En litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats, där fem artiklar var kvalitativa och sex var kvantitativa. Resultat: Tre kategorier identifierades: Kroppsuppfattningens betydelse för sexuell hälsa efter mastektomi, värdet av en förtroendefull intim relation för att återfå och bibehålla sexuell hälsa efter mastektomi och betydelsen av stöd för återhämtning från sexuell ohälsa efter mastektomi. Kvinnor som genomfört en mastektomi upplevde sexuell ohälsa i förhållande till en förändrad kroppsbild. Minskad vaginal lubrikation, smärta vid samlag och minskad sexuell lust var några av flertal problem som kvinnorna upplevde. Stöd från anhöriga och vården var väsentligt för en snabbare återhämtning. Konklusion: Kvinnor upplevde att kroppen förändrades, vilket leder till sexuell dysfunktion och sexuell ohälsa. Kvinnorna behövde ensamtid för återhämtning samtidigt som stödet från anhöriga var avgörande för läkningsprocessen. Forskning och kunskap kring sexuell ohälsa är bristande och bör uppmärksammas av hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. / Background: Breast cancer is a public health problem that in Sweden affects approximately 9,000 women annually. Mastectomy is a treatment for breast cancer that causes stress, sadness and anxiety, which can lead to a negative self-image and reduced quality of life. Sexual health has meaning on women’s general quality of lifeand should be paid attention to. Aim: The aim was to shed light on the sexual health of women who have undergone mastectomy after a breast cancer diagnosis. Method: A literature study with an inductive approach, where five articles were qualitative andsix were quantitative. Results: Three categories were identified: The meaning of body image for sexual health after mastectomy, the value of a trustful intimate relationship to regain and maintain sexual health after a mastectomy and the importance of support for recovery from sexual ill- health after a mastectomy. Women who underwent a mastectomy experienced sexual discomfort in relation to a changed body image. Decreased vaginal lubrication, pain during intercourse and decreased sexual desire are some of many problems the women experienced. Support from relatives and care was felt to be essential for a faster healing process. Conclusion: Women experienced that the body changes in connection with mastectomy, which leads to sexual dysfunction and sexual illness. The women need time alone to recover, while the support of relatives is crucial in the healing process. Research and knowledge about sexual ill-health is lacking and should be paid attention to by healthcare professionals.

Ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro : En komparativ fallstudie / Leadership importance for employee sickness absence : A comparative case study

Berggren Quintana, Clara, Consoli, Isabella January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaro har länge varit ett centralt och politiskt samhällsproblem i Sverige. En orsakande faktor för medarbetarnas ohälsa är stress och psykiska påfrestningar, vilket bland annat kan påverkas av ledarskap. Det finns olika ledarstilar som chefer kan tillämpa, vilka har olika påverkan på medarbetarnas hälsa. Dessa är transformativ och transaktionell ledarstil samt demokratisk eller relationsorienterad ledarstil och auktoritär eller uppgiftsorienterad ledarstil. Fördelaktigt för de anställdas hälsa är ledarskap som tillämpar Kaizen som arbetsmetod vilket förklaras som att verksamheten kontinuerligt ska förändras till det bättre. Således visar tidigare forskning att ledarskapet kan ha betydelse för medarbetarnas psykosociala hälsa på arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera skillnaden mellan chefers ledarskap på avdelningar med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro. För att besvara syftet utgår studien från teorier om ledarstilar och arbetsmetoden Kaizen. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har både chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på problemet tagits tillvara på i undersökningen genom en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med en iterativ växelverkan mellan deduktiv och induktiv ansats. En komparativ metod har genomförts då två jämförbara avdelningar, med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro, har studerats. Slutsats: Studiens resultat är att chefers ledarskap skiljer sig utifrån vilka ledarstilar som tillämpas samt i vilken grad chefer arbetar enligt Kaizen. Chefer som har olika ledarskap har även medarbetare med olika sjukfrånvaro, således kan chefers ledarskap ha betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro. / Background: Sickness absence have long been a central and political societal problem in Sweden. One factor that has caused employee’s ill health is job strain and psychic stress which may be influenced by leadership. There are different leadership styles that managers can apply which have different effects on employee health. These are transformative and transactional leadership styles as well as democratic or relationship-oriented leadership styles and authoritarian or task-oriented leadership styles. Advantageously for employee health is leaders who apply Kaizen as a working method. Kaizen can be described as continuous improvements. Thus, leadership is significant for employees' psychosocial health in the workplace. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the difference between managers' leadership in departments with high and low sick leave. To answer the purpose, the study is based on theories of leadership styles and the Kaizen method. Method: To answer the purpose of this study, both managers and employees have given their perspective to the problem. They have participated in the survey through a qualitative and quantitative study with an iterative interaction between deductive and inductive approach. The study has been carried out using a comparative method by studying two comparable departments with reported high or low sickness absence.   Conclusion: The result of this study is that the leadership differs according to the leadership styles applied and to what extent managers work according to Kaizen. Managers with different leadership also have employees with different sickness absence. Thus, manager’s leadership can be important for employees' sickness absence.

Attityder till användning av ett digitalt verktyg för att förebygga arbetsrelaterad ohälsa i populationen statsfinansierade anställda : en enkätstudie / Attitudes towards a digital tool to preventwork-related ill health in the populationgovernment-funded employees : a survey study

Westerberg, Ann-Sofie January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion En bra arbetsmiljö är av stor vikt för ett hälsosamt arbetsliv. Många människor drabbas av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa som kunde varit möjlig att förebygga om den uppmärksammats i tid. Att utifrån både nationella och internationella styrdokument arbeta för en hållbart arbetsliv med en hälsofrämjande arbetsmiljö är av hög folkhälsovetenskaplig relevans. Syfte I populationen anställda på statligt finansierade arbetsplatser undersöka attityder till användandet av ett digitalt verktyg för regelbunden avstämning av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa samt utformning av sådant verktyg. Undersöka om attityderna skiljer åt mellan åldersgrupper samt mellan arbetstagare som upplever hög eller låg arbetsrelaterad utmattning. Metod En enkätstudie som inkluderade 33 respondenter genomfördes i april 2022 där frågorna var av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ karaktär. Fishers exakta test användes för numerisk data och kvalitativ innehållsanalys för fritextsvar. Resultat Majoriteten hade positiv attityd till användandet av ett digitalt verktyg för regelbunden avstämning av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa. Ingen skillnad i attityd kunde identifieras mellan åldersgrupper eller grupper med olika nivå på arbetsrelaterad utmattning. Det framkom att det behövs rimliga krav på de anställda i arbetslivet och att ett digitalt verktyg skulle kunna bidra till att fånga tidiga tecken på ohälsa och vara ett hjälpmedel för det hälsofrämjande arbetet. Fysiska möten ansågs dock fortfarande viktiga. Slutsats Studien visar att statsfinansierade anställda generellt har en positiv attityd till ett digitalt verktyg som regelbundet stämmer av arbetsrelaterad ohälsa. Studien beskriver också tankar kring för- och nackdelar gällande utformning av ett sådant digitalt verktyg. Ett av önskemålen var tätare uppföljningar av hälsa och arbetsmiljö med ett digitalt verktyg. / Introduction A healthy work environment is important for a sustainable working life. Many people suffer from ill health connected to working life that could have been prevented if it had been noticed in time. Based on both national and international governing documents, working for a sustainable working life with a health-promoting workenvironment, is very relevant from a public health perspective. Aim In the population employed at government-funded workplaces, investigate attitudes to the use of a digital tool for regular reconciliation of work-related ill health and the design of such a tool. Investigate whether attitudes differ between age groups and between workers who experience high or low work-related exhaustion. Methods A survey study including 33 respondents was conducted in april 2022 where the questions were of both a qualitative and quantitative nature. Fischer’s Exact test was used for numerical data and qualitative content analysis for free-text answers. Results The majority had a positive attitude towards the use of a digital tool for regular reconciliation of work-related ill health. No difference in attitude could be identified between age groups or groups with different levels of work-related exhaustion. It emerged that reasonable demands are needed on employees in working life and that a digital toolcould help to capture early signs of ill health and be a tool for health promotion work. Physical meetings, however, were still considered important. Conclusion This study shows that government-funded employees generally have apositive attitude towards a digital tool that regularly checks work-related ill health. This study also describes pros and cons regarding the design of such a digital tool. One of the  wishes was closer follow-ups of health and working environment with a digital tool.

“Ett ljus i tunneln, att ha nån sorts planhärifrån” : En kvalitativ studie om individer med ohälsa som byter karriär mitt i livet / “A light at the end of the tunnel, a plan out of here” : A qualitative research of individuals with ill health changing careers midlife

Bengtsson, Jessica, Hesslegård, Linn January 2024 (has links)
One in three employees in Sweden experiences work-related health problems due to stress, high workload etc. This can result in ill health with problems such as anxiety and sleep problems. An increasing number of adults are changing careers due to these circumstances. This study examines which factors can impact a decision of changing careers, how the decision-making process is carried out and how a midlife career change can affect the individual’s well-being for the better. The study was based on aqualitative method with seven respondents, who had all made a career change. The study aims to answer the following questions:- Which influencing factors can lead to a career change?- What does the process of decision-making within career change look like for individuals experiencing ill health?- Can a career-change result in a better well-being, health and self-esteem?The following theories have been applied in the study: Hodkinson and Sparkes Careership theory, Albert Bandura's Theory of Self-efficacy and Work-life balance. The results of the study show that the main factors leading to a career change are mental health issues, stress and general well-being. Other common factors have been the desire to find a more meaningful job and achieve better balance in life. The result of the study also shows that the decision-making process for individuals with ill health changing careers can vary, where some underwent voluntarily and others involuntarily breaking points. The result also shows that individuals often make choices based on their action-horizon and well-known fields, but that logic, reason and emotions all come to play when changing careers. In the result it has emerged that support from relatives such as family and friends has been a significant part, but also that study and career-counselors had an important part. In terms of well-being, health and self-esteem, the results show that all respondents experience an improved overall-health after their career change.

Improving health communication : an anthropological perspective of health literacy among chronic disease patients

van Bronkhorst, Kelly Marie 01 December 2011 (has links)
This research examines the relationship between health literacy among End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) patients and its relevance for communication between patients and providers. The study was conducted among dialysis services providers at the Good Samaritan Dialysis Center and dialysis patients receiving care at the Center. Data collection techniques included individual interviews, surveys, and the Short Test of Functional Health Literacy in Adults (S-TOFHLA), which measured the health literacy level of the participants. The results of the study show that a large majority of the patients have "adequate" health literacy, which contradicts the provider's perceptions of the patient's ability to comprehend health information. Provider's perspectives are shaped by their training and work environment. The study suggests that structural barriers and communication issues impede effective patient-provider interactions. This issue is especially serious for those chronic disease patients who have limited self-management skills. / Graduation date: 2012

Gränsdragningar i Vårdens Vardag : Hanteringen av arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i det svenska välfärdssystemet / Drawing Boundaries in Everyday Healthcare Practice : Management of work-related mental ill health in the Swedish welfare system

Andersson, Réka January 2017 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa i arbetslivet är ett stort och växande problem i välfärdssamhället. Problemet har flera bottnar och väcker många frågor om vem som har ansvar, vad det egentligen är för ett slags fenomen och hur det bör hanteras. Den här studien undersöker hur arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa hanteras av yrkesverksamma inom vården, med fokus på företagshälsovård och primärvård. Intresse riktas mot hur yrkesverksamma personerna resonerar kring arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa, vilka dilemman de ställs inför och de strategier de har för att hantera dessa. Den söker också svar på ansvarsfrågan kring detta komplexa problem, inte minst i ljuset av privatiseringen av företagshälsovården. I studien används ett tvärvetenskapligt perspektiv, där begrepp från teknik- och vetenskapsstudier (STS), professionssociologi och organisationsteori kombineras för att analysera olika aspekter av vårdens hantering av arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Det empiriska materialet bygger i huvudsak på intervjuer med läkare, psykoterapeuter, kuratorer, arbetsterapeuter, psykologer, rehabiliteringskoordinatorer och  beteendevetare, men inkluderar även observationer inom primärvård och företagshälsovård. Hanteringen av arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa i vårdens vardag präglas av att orsaksbilden till problemet är komplext, ansvarsfördelningen otydlig och att psykosociala orsaker till sjukdom är kontroversiellt. I studien diskuteras utmaningarna och möjligheterna kring hanteringen av detta komplexa problem i bred bemärkelse. I analyserna uppmärksammas de yrkesverksammas gränsdragningar kring både ansvar och fenomenet arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Begreppet kunskapsinfrastruktur används för att förklara och förstå den kunskapsmässiga och materiella struktur som de yrkesverksamma verkar inom. Analyserna visar att de yrkesverksamma har ett pragmatiskt förhållningssätt och använder olika strategier för att skapa sig handlingsutrymme i hur de hanterar arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. / Mental ill health in working life is a major and growing problem in the welfare society. The problem is multifaceted and raises many questions about who is responsible, what kind of phenomenon it is and how it should be managed. This study examines how care professionals manage work-related mental ill health. Focusing on occupational healthcare and primary care, interest is directed towards how care professionals argue about workrelated mental illness, what dilemmas they face and the strategies they rely on in managing them. It also seeks to answer the question of responsibility regarding this complex problem, not least in the light of the privatization of occupational healthcare. The study uses a multidisciplinary perspective, combining concepts from technology and science studies (STS), sociology of professions and organizational theory in order to analyze various aspects of care management of work-related mental ill health. The empirical material is mainly based on interviews with physicians, psychotherapists, counsellors, occupational therapists, psychologists, rehabilitation coordinators and behavioral scientists, but also includes observations in primary care and occupational health care. The management of work-related mental ill health in everyday healthcare practice is characterized by the fact that the cause of the problem is complex, the division of responsibility unclear and that psychosocial causes of disease are controversial. The study discusses the challenges and possibilities of managing this complex problem in a broad sense. The analysis pays attention to the drawing of boundaries by the care professionals regarding both responsibility and the phenomenon of work-related mental illness. The concept of knowledge infrastructure is used to explain and understand the knowledge and material structures that the care professionals work within. The analysis shows that the care professionals have a pragmatic approach and use different strategies to create scope for dealing with work-related mental health.

Professionalitetens gränser : Socialsekreterares erfarenheter av unga vuxna klienter med komplexa behov inom socialtjänst–ekonomiskt bistånd

Han, Kilsoo January 2020 (has links)
This study explores the experiences of the Swedish front-line social workers (socialsekreterare) in the municipal income support unit, Young Adults, monthly assessing the income support applications as well as daily processing the activation programs for young adult clients with mental ill-health combined with social-medicinal vulnerabilities, also referred to as young adults with complex needs. Furthermore, this study aims to illuminate the ever changing conditions of the Swedish welfare state and its underlying driving forces through the lens of the social workers. 9 Semi-structured distance interviews with 11 social workers from 6 municipalities belonging to 5 regions in Sweden, were conducted for the collection of qualitative data. It has been analyzed by the inductive-deductive coding as well as a theoretical frame consisting of concepts such as discretiona and advocacy of M. Lipsky, and reciprocal interaction (Wechselwirkung), form and contents, and call of G.Simmel. The result and analysis show that the rehabilitative approach based on the interactions and relations with the clients, is prevalent through the social workers’ processing of the activation program. It seems to be effective in a dyad, between the social workers and the client while the social workers’ discretion is maximized for the utilization of the agency (unit) activation resources. However, it proved not to be as effective in a triad or more when an extern agent outside of the unit, Young Adults begins to be involved. The tension is a fact and the social workers’ discretion is minimized when they have to process the activation program for the clients who are neither “active enough” to have a job in the ordinary labor market, nor “sick enough” to be eligible for the stately activity compensation (aktivitetsersättning) from the Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) which heavily relies on the medicinal expertise for its decision making. The social workers’ experience to fail to deliver the best possible results out of the activation programs, and the client relationship built on the rehabilitative approach turns out to be unsustainable, which can indicate the discrepancy between the rehabilitative approach as well as the activation programs, as content, and the unit, Young Adults, as form. Even though the social workers daily carry the ideological as well as the social-political tensions between the medicalization and the activation through the ever changing reality of the Swedish welfare state, their mandate to make an impact on the decision making of the activity compensation program, is rather limited, reflecting the Swedish welfare state’s expectation for the professionalism of the social workers. Rather striking that the social workers, however, confess that they in spite of the pressure of organizational efficiency as well as socio-economic discourse of digitalization undermining the concept of the unit, Young Adults, are not willing to give up the rehabilitative approach for the client’s sake but also to protect their unit, Young Adults, which postulate that they are not the gatekeepers in the agency but the advocate for the clients. In this moment, they also seem to know, and even have the call, the essential, if not mandatory, element needed to be landed in the perfect society of G. Simmel.

The development of an incapacity management framework for an Open Distance Learning institution in South Africa / Die ontwikkeling van 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir ’n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika / Ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuthuthukiswa kokuphatha kohlaka lwemfundo evulelekile yesikhungo esifundisa ngokwasekhaya eNingizimu Afrika

Van Staden, Petrus Jacobus Nicolaas 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study was conducted within the interpretive research paradigm. Anchored in organisational justice theory, the study explored the incapacity management practices at an open distance learning (ODL) institution in South Africa. A qualitative research methodology, which applied a case study design, was used in this study. A purposeful sample of 16 (N=16) participants was chosen based on their experiences, knowledge and understanding on the topic of incapacity management. Semi-structured interviews were used as the primary data collection method, and documents were used as a secondary data collection source for triangulation purposes. The data analysis and reporting of the participants’ lived experiences drew on the thematic analysis technique. At theoretical level, the study provided insight into the notions of incapacity management in the workplace; the regulatory obligations in managing incapacity; and lastly, reasonable practices to accommodate incapacity. The literature review confirmed that an effective incapacity management framework should have four main dimensions, namely a supportive institutional culture; a policy and procedure providing for incapacity management practices; provisions for reasonable accommodation; and a multidisciplinary approach. From the empirical phase it emerged that although the literature presupposes a healthy institutional culture to ensure well-managed incapacity in the workplace, the current institutional culture at the institution under study was negative. This study also found several challenges relating to incapacity management in the ODL institution, namely a lack of knowledge and understanding of incapacity management due to the absence of a policy and procedure; a lack of understanding of the incapacity condition; and a lack of reciprocal communication among the key role players. The findings also demonstrated that reasonable accommodation practices could be improved and that the management of incapacity in the workplace requires a multidisciplinary approach. The study proposes an incapacity management framework for the ODL institution that encompasses the identified prerequisites and challenges. The study also added insights to the human resource management body of knowledge, especially knowledge of the management of incapacity due to ill health in the workplace, with specific reference to the ODL institution. / Hierdie studie is binne die interpretiewe navorsingsparadigma uitgevoer. Geanker in organisatoriese geregtigheidsteorie, ondersoek hierdie studie die onbekwaamheidsbestuurpraktyke by 'n opeafstandsonderriginstelling in Suid-Afrika. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie wat 'n gevallestudie-ontwerp toegepas het, is in hierdie studie gebruik. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 16 (N=16) is gekies op grond van hulle ervarings, kennis en begrip van die onderwerp van onbekwaamheid bestuur. Semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude is gebruik as die primêre data-insamelingsmetode, en dokumente is gebruik as ’n sekondêre data-insamelingsbron vir trianguleringsdoeleindes. Tematiese ontledingstegniek is aangewend in die data-ontleding en -verslagdoening van die deelnemers se geleefde ervarings. Op teoretiese vlak, het die studie insig gebied in die opvattings van onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die werkplek; die regulatiewe verpligtings in onbekwaamheidsbestuur; en laastens, redelike praktyke om die onbekwaamheid te akkommodeer. Die literatuuroorsig het bevestig dat 'n effektiewe onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vier hoofdimensies moet hê, naamlik 'n ondersteunende kultuur in die instelling; ’n beleid en prosedure wat voorsiening maak vir onbekwaamheidsbestuurspraktyke; redelike akkommodasie; en 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering. Uit die empiriese fase het dit geblyk dat alhoewel die literatuur 'n gesonde institusionele kultuur vooronderstel wat onbekwaamheid in die werkplek effektief bestuur, die bestaande institusionele kultuur by die instelling wat bestudeer is, negatief was. Hierdie studie het bevind dat daar verskeie uitdagings is wat verband hou met onbekwaamheidsbestuur in die opeafstandsonderriginstelling, naamlik 'n gebrek aan kennis en begrip van onbekwaamheidsbestuur as gevolg van die gebrek aan 'n beleid en prosedure; 'n gebrek aan begrip van die onbekwaamheidstoestand; en 'n gebrek aan wedersydse kommunikasie tussen die sleutelrolspelers. Die bevindings het ook getoon dat redelike akkommodasie praktyke verbeter kan word en dat die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek 'n multi-dissiplinêre benadering vereis. Die studie stel 'n onbekwaamheidsbestuurraamwerk vir die opeafstandsonderriginstelling voor wat die geïdentifiseerde voorvereistes en uitdagings insluit. Die studie het ook insig gebied in die menslikehulpbronbestuur-kennisgeheel, veral kennis oor die bestuur van onbekwaamheid in die werkplek te wyte aan swak gesondheid, met spesifieke verwysings na die opeafstandsonderriginstelling. / Ucwaningo lwaqhutshwa ngokocwaningo womgomo wokuhumusha. Yakhelwe phezulu kwethiyoriyezobulungiswa, ucwaningo lwagxila ekunqundweni kwezindlela zokuphatha ezaziwa ngokuthi ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe okuthiwa yi-ODel esikhungweni saseNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo oluyindlela yokuklama oluphathelene nesimo, okuyinto esetshenziselwa ukufunda ngocwaningo lwesiqephu esithile, luye lwasetshenziswa. Kuye kwenziwa isampule olubalulekile lapho kuye kwakhethwa abantu ababebambe iqhaza abayishumi nesithupha (N=16) olwabe lwakhelwe phezulu kwesipiliyoni, ulwazi kanye nokuqonda ngodaba lokunqundwa kokuphatha. Izinhlolokhono ezihleliwe ezingaphelele ziye zasetshenziswa ngendlela yukuqoqa izibalo zangempela, kwabuye kwasetshenziswa imiqulu yemithombo yokuqoqwa kwedatha yesibili ukuqinisekisa okuhlosiwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwemininingwane kanye nokubika ebantwini abambe iqhaza ngezinto abahlangabezana nazo ezimpilweni zabo ix kwadala ukulethwa kokuhlaziya kwamasu okuhlaziya ezingqikithi ezithile. Ezingeni lesayensi, ucwaningo lusinikeza ukuqonda imibono yokunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini; izibopho zokulawula ukunqunda kokuphathwa; okokugcina,izindlela ezamukelekile zokubhekana nokunqundwa kokuphathwa. Ukubuyekezwa kwemibhalo kuqinisekise ukuthi uhlaka olusebenzayo lokunqundwa kokuphatha kumele kube nezinhlangothi ezine, okunguyisiko lokusekela izikhungoinqubomgomo nenqubo yokuhlinzeka izindlela zokunqunda ukuphatha; ukuhlinzeka izindlela ezamukelekile; kanye nenqubo ezihlukene yezifundo. Kusukela esigabeni somqondo wesasayensi kuye kwavela ukuthi nakuba imibhalo igcizelela isiko elihle neliphilasayo lemfundo ukuqinisekisa ukunqundwa kokuphatha kahle emsebenzini, isiko olukhona manje ezikhungweni alulungile. Ucwaningo luye lwathola ukuthi ziningi izingqinamba ezihambisa nokunqundwa kokuphatha ukufunda okuvulelekile ngezobuchwepheshe kuyizikhungo okuthiwa yi-ODL, okungabi khona kolwazi kanye nokuqonda mayelana nokunqundwa ukuphatha okudalwa ukungabikhona kwengqubomgomo nezingqubo ezithile; ukungaqondi izimiso zokunqunda; kanye nokuntuleka kokuxhumana ngokuvumelana phakathi kwabantu abadlala indima ebalulekile. Okuye kwatholakala kuye kwakhombisa ukuthi izindlela ezamukelekile zingathuthukiswa nokuthi ukunqundwa kokuphatha emsebenzini kudinga inqubo ehlukene yezifundo. Ucwaningo luhlongaza ingqubomgomo yokunqundwa kokuphatha kwezikhungo zemfundo evulelekile okuthiwa yi-ODL ezohlanganisa izinto ezidingekayo nezinselelo ezikhona. Ucwaningo lubuye lwafaka ukuqonda kokuba khona kwabantu abazoba umgogodla wolwazi abazoqashwa, kakhulukazi kulwazi lokunqunda ukuphatha okuzodalwa ukungabi esimweni esihle ngempilo emsebenzini, kakhulukazi uma kubhekiswa ekufundeni okuvulelekile ezikhungweni ezaziwa ngokuthi yi-ODL. / Human Resource Management / D. Com. (Business management)

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