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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interkulturell undervisning i ett mångkulturellt klassrum / Intercultural teaching in a multicultural classroom

A. Hafiz, Ahmad, Wennberth, Johan January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Internationalisation et interculturalité : le cas du groupe Utilities-Performance au Chili / Internationalization and Interculturalism : study of Utilities-Performance Group in Chile

Ditta, Geoffrey 21 June 2019 (has links)
La gestion de ressources humaines internationales a été l’un des premiers challenges pour toutes compagnies qui désirent travailler et développer son activité sur une région étrangère. Les différents mouvements de ces ressources humaines et de ces compétences provoquent un phénomène de transportation des cultures mondiales. Au travers du développement humain à l’étranger, la diversité doit être acceptée. Le mélange des cultures nous met face à de nouveaux conflits au sein même des entreprises internationales. Les conflits interculturels, les compétences interculturelles, le management de l’interculturalité sont autant de thèmes auxquels les multinationales n’étaient pas confrontées au cours des décennies antérieures. Dans le cadre de l’internationalisation des entreprises, nous entendons travailler sur ces dissemblances pour démontrer comment les humains peuvent accepter et cultiver les différences culturelles en sociétés. Un nouveau rapport de l’OCDE note que le modèle économique du Chili, axé sur les ressources naturelles, est sur le point d’atteindre ses limites. Le Chili a déjà œuvré pour alléger les pressions accrues que sa croissance économique rapide fait peser sur son environnement, notamment en renforçant ses instances de protection de l’écosystème et en appliquant de nouveaux instruments, dont une taxe carbone. Il doit poursuivre dans cette voie et mettre en œuvre pleinement les mesures pour endiguer les risques qui menacent son sol, son air et son eau. « Le Chili est l’un des poumons économiques de l’Amérique latine, mais il reste à savoir si, au cours du quart de siècle à venir, il pourra maintenir cette croissance tout en protégeant son patrimoine naturel », a déclaré le Directeur de l’environnement de l’OCDE, M. Simon Upton, lors du lancement de l’Examen environnemental à Santiago. Le ministère du Commerce encourage le développement des PME françaises sur toute la surface du globe. Dans la ville de Santiago au Chili, nous verrons comment le groupe Utilities-Performance spécialiste de l’économie d’énergies y a développé son activité. / The international management of human resources has been one of the first challenges of any company wishing to work and develop activity in another region. The various movements of this human resources and competencies have implicated phenomena of culture transportation worldwide. Inside the development of human resource abroad, diversity acceptance must be considered. The mix of different cultures shows us new conflicts inside an international company. Intercultural conflicts, the intercultural competencies, management of interculturalism, are topics multinational companies did not face decades ago. Researcher worked on this differences and how humans can accept and cultivate the cultural differences in society. Chile has taken steps to address the rising environmental pressures from its rapid economic growth, strengthening its environmental institutions and introducing new instruments, including a carbon tax. It now needs to move ahead and thoroughly implement policy measures to stem the threat to its land, air and water. Chile is an economic powerhouse in Latin America, and the question for the next quarter century is whether it will be able to continue to deliver that growth in a way that protects its environmental asset base, said OECD Environment Director Simon Upton, launching the Review in Santiago. The French Ministry of Commerce encourages the development of the SMEs all around the world. In the city of Santiago, Chile, we will see how the Utilities-Performance group, which specializes in energy efficiency, developed his activity.

Přistěhovalectví a velkoměsto: Politika integrace imigrantů v Berlíně a Vídni 1971-2011 / Immigration and City: Integration Policies in Berlin and Vienna 1971-2011

Dimitrov, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The doctoral thesis compares and interprets the development of local integration policies of (West) Berlin and Vienna in 1971-2011 on the background of the transformation of Germany and Austria from ethnically homogenous to multicultural countries. Both metropolises first balanced between refusing the permanent integration of immigrants ("temporary integration") and selection of foreigners suitable for integration, later searched for a balance between the traditional concept of assimilation and the more modern multicultural approach; in the last decade they favoured the diversity policy, in more or less close connection to the concept of interculturalism. Although both cities represent essentially similar cases, this development was not straightforward and simultaneous, especially in the first phase before the migration crisis at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s. The research study focuses mainly on two questions: why the development of local integration policy in West Berlin started significantly earlier than in Vienna and why both cities started to support diversity policy at the beginning of the new century. The comparative framework derived from the "contrast of contexts" method interprets the development of local integration policies in the context of the national and transnational political...

På väg mot en interkulturell mission : En postkolonial feministteologisk analys av Equmeniakyrkans internationella mission / Towards an Intercultural Mission : A postcolonial feminist theological analysis of the international mission in the Uniting Church in Sweden

Gillerstrand, Inger January 2019 (has links)
The statement and the title of the thesis "Towards an intercultural mission" is the starting point for the essay's purpose and examination. Interculturalism is an ideal in which equality and re-ciprocity are characterized by cross-cultural relationships, which is also an objective of international mission. For an intercultural mission, it is therefore necessary to examine which factors may hinder an intercultural approach, which, for this study, justifies searching for underlying unequal structures. The theoretical frame of reference for the analysis is postcolonial theory and feminist theology, which makes it possible to visualize such structures. The purpose of the thesis is therefore to analyze the intention of the international mission work in the Uniting Church in Sweden based on postcolonial feminist theology, and to propose criteria that need to be found for the mission work to be characterized by an intercultural approach. In order to achieve the purpose, it is necessary to answer the following general questions: 1. Is there an awareness of unequal power structures in the culture-crossing relationships in the intentional discourse on mission in the Uniting Church in Sweden? 2. How does interculturalism appear in the international mission in the Uniting Church in Sweden?And; 3. What criteria need to be found for the mission work to be characterized by an intercultural approach?With the help of qualitative content analysis of the Church's public text material, which constitutes the study object; six thematic areas have emerged; gender equality, woman's vulnerability, patriarchal structures, mission and worldview, postcolonial structures, and cooperation and reciprocity. The result has been analyzed on the basis of the concept of interculturality and a proposal for criteria for an intercultural approach has been prepared, among other things, with proposals for clarification of unequal power structures and a critical self-awareness about their own history and cultural values.

Entre espaces de rencontre et espaces d’intégration : le cas du jumelage interculturel à Montréal

Bourassa-Lapointe, Laurence 08 1900 (has links)
Au Québec, les activités de jumelage interculturel existent depuis 1980, issues du monde communautaire. Elles sont l’une des seules activités qui mettent en contact de façon planifiée des membres de la société d’accueil, nés ici ou ailleurs, avec des personnes nouvellement arrivées dans la province, sur une base volontaire. Un des objectifs de ces activités est de faciliter l’intégration de ces dernières. Le jumelage interculturel est souvent présenté comme une manière idéale de faciliter la rencontre et le contact intergroupe, mais ces activités ne sont pas exemptes de défis et d’enjeux délicats, liés aux relations de pouvoir qui existent entre les participantes et les participants, aux angles morts de la théorie du contact et aux critiques de la notion d’intégration. Ce mémoire est le résultat d’une recherche de terrain ethnographique réalisé à l’automne 2021, dans un organisme communautaire qui organise des activités de jumelage interculturel, dans la ville de Montréal. Le jumelage interculturel se dévoile comme un espace parfait pour étudier les dynamiques d’interactions entre les membres de différents groupes, dans un contexte où ces activités se situent à l’intersection entre plusieurs visions concernant l’intégration : celle du gouvernement du Québec, qui finance ces activités, celle de la personne responsable du jumelage et de l’organisme qui organise le jumelage interculturel, celles des participantes et participants et celle de la chercheuse, elle-même portant sa propre culture académique, qui influence sa perspective. Ce mémoire analyse, à l’aide d’un cadre théorique inspiré de l’analyse systémique, de la philosophie herméneutique de Gadamer et de la théorie des frontières de Barth, les effets du contact sur les personnes participantes et leurs perceptions. Dans un premier temps, ce mémoire fait émerger une autre perspective sur la notion d’intégration, à travers l’analyse d’une situation interculturelle issue du terrain. Dans un deuxième temps, il met en lumière le fait que dans les activités de jumelage interculturel, les frontières entre les groupes, loin de disparaître, continuent de se maintenir. Toutefois, pour certaines personnes, le dialogue et la rencontre mènent à un changement d’état d’esprit et à une réorganisation des catégories utilisées pour classer la réalité. Ce mémoire présente comment le jumelage interculturel peut faciliter de telles transformations, mais également comment il peut les limiter, à travers la réification des préjugés basés sur la hiérarchisation des cultures et le culturalisme. / In Quebec, intercultural twinning activities have existed since 1980, stemming from the community sector. They are one of the only activities that bring members of the host society, born here or elsewhere, directly into contact with newcomers in the province on a voluntary basis. One of the objectives of these activities is to facilitate their integration. Intercultural twinning is often presented as an ideal way to facilitate intergroup contact but these activities are not exempt from challenges and delicate issues, related to the power relations that exist between the participants, to the blind spots of contact theory and criticisms of the notion of integration. This paper is the result of an ethnographic field research in a community organization that organizes intercultural twinning activities in the city of Montreal. Intercultural twinning is revealed as a perfect space to study the dynamics of interactions between members of different groups, in a context where these activities arise at the intersection between several visions concerning integration: that of the Government of Quebec, which funds these activities, that of the person in charge of the twinning and of the organization which organizes the intercultural twinning, those of the participants and that of the researcher, herself carrying her own academic culture, which influences her perspective. This dissertation analyzes, using a theoretical framework inspired by systemic analysis, Gadamer's hermeneutical philosophy and Barth's theory of borders, the effects of contact on participants and their perceptions. At first, this paper brings out another perspective on the notion of integration, through the analysis of an intercultural situation from the field. Secondly, it highlights the fact that in intercultural twinning activities, the boundaries between groups, far from disappearing, continue to be maintained. However, for some people, dialogue and encounter lead to a change of mindset and a reorganization of the categories used to classify reality. This paper presents how intercultural twinning can facilitate such transformations, but also how it can limit them, through the reification of prejudices based on the hierarchy of cultures and culturalism.

Preparing Students to Work in a Globally Diverse World: The Relationship of College Students' Backgrounds and College Experiences to Their Orientation Toward Diversity

Fulford, Cynthia Naneva 28 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Language, religion, and difference : North African and Turkish Jewish immigrants in Canada

Ülgen, Övgü 02 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à comprendre l’appartenance des immigrant.e.s à l’intersection de la langue et de la religion. Elle explore comment les vécus des juif.ves de l’Afrique du Nord et de la Turquie diffèrent les uns des autres et ce que cela dit sur l’interculturalisme et le multiculturalisme au Canada. Elle examine comment les particularités sociétales de Montréal et de Toronto s’intègrent dans les processus de négociation de la différence et créent une relation complexe entre la langue et la religion. En outre, cette thèse cherche à comprendre comment les relations entre les participant.e.s et les groupes majoritaires et les relations inter et intra-juives se forment et se transforment au fil des négociations. L’analyse des récits de vie mettent en évidence le rôle central de la langue et de la religion dans la formation de l’identité du groupe, ainsi que dans la construction de multiples modèles de facettes d’inclusion et d’exclusion vécus par les participant.e.s. Je démontre comment l’identité juive des participant.e.s est fortement attachée à la langue, plutôt que seulement à la religion. Cela permet de donner un sens à l’importance continue de la religion à l’ère « post-laïque », en particulier à la manière dont la religion culturelle est apparue comme un déterminant important de la formation de frontières des immigrant.e.s chez les communautés que j’ai interrogées. Les données empiriques de cette étude ont été recueillies sur une période totale de neuf mois entre mai 2020 et février 2021. À partir des données basées sur des entrevues de récits de vie, mon analyse de la relation complexe entre langue et religion s’appuie sur les relations des participant.e.s avec la culture majoritaire, et les relations inter et intra-juives. Au Québec, je décris en détail comment les juif.ves de l’Afrique du Nord francophones de première génération ont été pris entre les Franco-Québécois et leurs coreligionnaires, les Ashkénazes anglophones et yiddishophones, ce qui a conduit à la reconnaissance de leur communauté dans la province. Il existe des différences générationnelles importantes dans les perspectives des participant.e.s qui m’ont été communiquées. Contrairement aux participant.e.s plus jeunes, je discute comment les juif.ves de l’Afrique du Nord de première génération ont développé un sentiment d’appartenance interculturelle à travers la langue au Québec. À Toronto, les relations des participant.e.s avec la culture majoritaire et les relations intra et interethniques entre elles sont explorées à travers une critique du multiculturalisme comme un moyen de saisir un portrait plus large et structurel du pluralisme canadien. Étant donné que les relations intercommunautaires ne correspondent pas les unes aux autres, je montre comment les juif.ves hispanophones marocain.e.s et turc.que.s ne ressentent pas le besoin de naviguer leur différence entre la majorité et les Ashkénazes anglophones ou yiddishophones, ce qui entraîne à son tour la lacune de reconnaissance de la communauté à Toronto. / This dissertation seeks to understand immigrant belonging at the intersection of language and religion. It explores how the lived experiences of North African and Turkish Jewish immigrants differ from one another and what that says about interculturalism and multiculturalism in Canada. It examines how societal particularities of Montréal and Toronto embed in the processes of negotiating the difference and create a complex relation between language and religion. It further looks at how relations between participants and the majority groups and inter and intra Jewish relations form and transform in these processes. The stories I relate in this thesis highlight the centrality of language and religion in shaping group identity, and the multifaceted patterns of inclusion and exclusion experienced by the interview participants.I show how the Jewish identity of the participants is heavily attached to language, rather than just religion. This makes it possible to make sense of the continuing salience of religion in the “post-secular” age, specifically, how cultural religion emerged as an important determinant of immigrant boundary making in the communities I interviewed. The empirical data for this study was gathered over a total of nine months between May 2020 and February 2021. Using life-story interview data, my analysis of the complex relationship between language and religion relies on interviewees’ relations with the majority culture, inter and intra Jewish relations. In Québec, I describe in detail how first-generation francophone North African Jews were caught between Franco-Québécois and their coreligionists, anglophone and Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazim, which in turn led to their community being recognized in the province. There are important generational differences in the perspectives that were shared with me. In contrast to younger participants, I discuss how first-generation North African Jews developed an intercultural sense of belonging through language in Québec. In Toronto, interviewees’ relations with the majority culture and intra and inter-ethnic relations amongst them are explored through a critique of multiculturalism as a way to grasp the larger, structural picture of Canadian pluralism. Since intercommunal relations do not map onto one another, I show how hispanophone Moroccan and Turkish Jews do not feel the need to navigate their difference between the majority and English or Yiddish-speaking Ashkenazim, which in turn result in the recognition gap of the community in Toronto.

Француска књижевност у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до 1941. године / Francuska književnost u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do 1941. godine / The French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the year 1941.

Ristić Biljana 30 August 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији је приказана рецепција велике француске књижевности у српским књижевним новинама и часописима до почетка Другог светског рата, у Летопису Матице српске, Српском књижевном гласнику, Мисли, Страном прегледу, Бранковом колу, Босанској вили, Зори, Звезди, Зениту, Данасу и др.<br />Рад се бави културно - књижевним везама између Србије и Француске преко српске књижевне периодике, па је примењен компаративни и књижевно - историјски приступ.<br />Уредници часописа, као и преводиоци и критичари окупљени око часописа, дали су вредан допринос осветљавању појединих француских писаца и њихових дела, као и књижевних праваца у француској књижевности. То су углавном били људи из културног и јавног живота Србије: Јован Јовановић Змај, Ђорђе Поповић Даничар, Богдан Поповић, Јован Скерлић, Миодраг Ибровац, Светислав Петровић. Они су упућивали на поједине француске писце или дела из француске књижевности процењујући потребу и могућности наше средине да та дела прихвати и могућности тих дела да позитивно утичу на нашу књижевност или чак на развој наше друштвене средине. Рад разматра како је наша читалачка публика<br />5<br />прихватала француску књижевност и како је француска књижевност утицала на формирање укуса читалаца.<br />Дошло се до закључка да су у овом периоду у нашим новинама и часописима најзаступљенији били француски писци XIX века: Виктор Иго, Ги де Мопасан и Алфонс Доде. Најмања пажња је посвећивана француској књижевности средњег века и ренесансе.<br />Очигледно је да су се многа значајна француска књижевна дела у Србији појављивала најпре у часописима. Заступљеност француске књижевности зависила је од периода излажења часописа, од програма самих часописа, као и од уредника часописа.<br />Досадашња истраживања на ову тему фокусирала су се углавном на поједине часописе, а овај рад доводи до првих систематизација у овом домену, тј. приказује присуство француске књижевности у великом броју српских новина и часописа. Резултати истраживања дају јасну слику заступљености француске књижевности у нашој књижевној периодици од XIX века до почетка Другог светског рата.<br />Кључне речи: Француска књижевност, српске књижевне новине и часописи, француски писци, преводиоци, читалачка публика, рецепција, интеркултуралност</p> / <p>U disertaciji je prikazana recepcija velike francuske književnosti u srpskim književnim novinama i časopisima do početka Drugog svetskog rata, u Letopisu Matice srpske, Srpskom književnom glasniku, Misli, Stranom pregledu, Brankovom kolu, Bosanskoj vili, Zori, Zvezdi, Zenitu, Danasu i dr.<br />Rad se bavi kulturno - književnim vezama između Srbije i Francuske preko srpske književne periodike, pa je primenjen komparativni i književno - istorijski pristup.<br />Urednici časopisa, kao i prevodioci i kritičari okupljeni oko časopisa, dali su vredan doprinos osvetljavanju pojedinih francuskih pisaca i njihovih dela, kao i književnih pravaca u francuskoj književnosti. To su uglavnom bili ljudi iz kulturnog i javnog života Srbije: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. Oni su upućivali na pojedine francuske pisce ili dela iz francuske književnosti procenjujući potrebu i mogućnosti naše sredine da ta dela prihvati i mogućnosti tih dela da pozitivno utiču na našu književnost ili čak na razvoj naše društvene sredine. Rad razmatra kako je naša čitalačka publika<br />5<br />prihvatala francusku književnost i kako je francuska književnost uticala na formiranje ukusa čitalaca.<br />Došlo se do zaključka da su u ovom periodu u našim novinama i časopisima najzastupljeniji bili francuski pisci XIX veka: Viktor Igo, Gi de Mopasan i Alfons Dode. Najmanja pažnja je posvećivana francuskoj književnosti srednjeg veka i renesanse.<br />Očigledno je da su se mnoga značajna francuska književna dela u Srbiji pojavljivala najpre u časopisima. Zastupljenost francuske književnosti zavisila je od perioda izlaženja časopisa, od programa samih časopisa, kao i od urednika časopisa.<br />Dosadašnja istraživanja na ovu temu fokusirala su se uglavnom na pojedine časopise, a ovaj rad dovodi do prvih sistematizacija u ovom domenu, tj. prikazuje prisustvo francuske književnosti u velikom broju srpskih novina i časopisa. Rezultati istraživanja daju jasnu sliku zastupljenosti francuske književnosti u našoj književnoj periodici od XIX veka do početka Drugog svetskog rata.<br />Ključne reči: Francuska književnost, srpske književne novine i časopisi, francuski pisci, prevodioci, čitalačka publika, recepcija, interkulturalnost</p> / <p>In this PhD thesis it is shown the reception of the great French literature in Serbian literary newspapers and magazines until the beginning of the Worl War II, in the &ldquo;Letopis Matice srpske&ldquo;, &ldquo;Srpski književni glasnik&ldquo;, &ldquo;Misli&ldquo;, &ldquo;Strani pregled&ldquo;, &ldquo;Brankovo kolo&ldquo;, &ldquo;Bosanksa vila&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zora&ldquo;,&ldquo;Zvezda&ldquo;, &ldquo;Zenit&ldquo;, &ldquo;Danas&ldquo; etc.<br />The work deals with cultural-literary connections between Serbia and France across Serbian literary periodicals, so that the comparative and literary-historical approaches are applied. The editors of magazines, as well as translators and critics gathered around the magazines, contributed greatly to the illuminating of some French writers and their works, as well as the literary trends in the French literature. They were mostly people from the cultural and public life of Serbia: Jovan Jovanović Zmaj, Đorđe Popović Daničar, Bogdan Popović, Jovan Skerlić, Miodrag Ibrovac, Svetislav Petrović. They pointed to certain French writers or works from the French literature estimating the needs and possibilities of our environment to accept those works and the possibilities of those works to influence our literature positively or even the development of our social environment.<br />The work examines how our readership accepted the French literature and how the French literature influenced the forming of readers&rsquo; taste.<br />It was concluded that in our newspapers and magazines of that period the most common were the French writers of the nineteenth century: Victor Hugo, Guy de Maupassant and Alphonse Daudet. The least attention was paid to the French literature of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. It is obvious that numerous significant French literary works in Serbia appeared in magazines first. Presence of the French literature depended on the periods of issuing magazines, on the programmes of the magazines themselves, as well as on the editors of magazines.</p><p>All previous researches on this topic focused mostly on certain magazines, and this work brings to the first sistematizations in this domain, i.e. it shows the presence of the French literature in a great number of Serbian newspapers and magazines.The results of the research should give a clear picture of the presence of the French literature in our literary peiodicals from 19th century to the beginning of the Second World War.<br />Key words: French literature, Serbian literary newspapers and magazines, French writers, translators, readership, reception, interculturalism.</p>

Une approche interculturelle des relations entre les nations autochtones et non-autochtones au Canada : une porte ouverte sur le postcolonialisme?

Roy, Jean-Olivier 09 1900 (has links)
La situation économique, sociale et politique des nations autochtones au Canada et leur relation avec les nations non-autochtones présentent des similarités avec les anciennes colonies européennes. Peut-on qualifier cette relation de « coloniale » ? Cette interrogation est primordiale, vu les aspects immoraux et illégaux que prit la colonisation. Nous parcourrons la pensée d’auteurs reliés au libéralisme, au nationalisme autochtone et à l’interculturalisme et nous choisirons ce dernier comme angle d’approche. Nous élaborerons ensuite le concept de colonisation interne et nous le confronterons au cas des autochtones. Puis, nous présenterons les motivations à la décolonisation ainsi que la composition d’un hypothétique État postcolonial canadien et de nations et communautés autochtones décolonisées. Finalement, nous analyserons la démarche judiciaire, la négociation d’ententes d’autonomie gouvernementale, la mobilisation des masses et l’approche des word warriors, l’objectif étant d’évaluer jusqu’à quel point ces moyens s’inscrivent dans un éventuel processus de décolonisation des nations autochtones. / The social, political and economic situation of the aboriginal nations in Canada and their relations with non-aboriginal Canadians exhibits parallels with the European colonies of the past. Are there enough of these to identify the contemporary Canadian case as "colonial"? The question is a fundamental one, given the illegal, not to mention immoral, features of colonialism. In order to answer it, this memoire explores the writing of liberal, nationalist aboriginal, and "intercultural" thinkers, and concludes in favour of the latter. Then, using the intercultural approach, the concept of "internal colonialisation" is developed and applied to the case of Canadian aboriginals. This is followed by arguments in favour of their decolonialisation as well as a hypothetical account of a postcolonial Canada. Finally, a number of strategies for bringing the latter about are evaluated: the legal justice route; negotiation over governmental autonomy; mass mobilisation; and the "word warriors" approach.

Macau sâm assi: a construção da ideia de Lusofonia na obra Amor e dedinhos de pé, de Henrique de Senna Fernandes

Tateishi, Bruno 07 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:22:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruno Tateish.pdf: 2738906 bytes, checksum: f475e34fa1ca9c0335391b9968083a79 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-07 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Lusophony is a concept built in the intersection of Portuguese speaking cultures. Despite their marks of identity, heterogeneity can be found in linguistic manifestations that bring out the diversity of the concept. In order to understand the issue of Lusophony in the Macanese context, this study aims to observe the construction of this concept in Amor e dedinhos de pé by Henrique de Senna Fernandes, a Macao writer (1923-2010), who is considered a significant representative of literature written in Portuguese. Based on the objective of this research, we seek to answer the following research questions: 1) In what way does the chosen work contribute to the understanding of the concept of Lusophony in the Macanese context? 2) As Henrique de Senna Fernandes is Macanese, how does he represent the relationship between cultures that interfere with the construction of this concept? In order to answer these questions and to achieve the objective of this research, we will first offer an overview of the history of the Portuguese presence in Macao. Besides colleting elements of the history of the Portuguese colonization of Macao, we will present a brief overview of the literature in Portuguese produced in Macau and a brief study on the characteristics that underlie the composition of the works of Henrique de Senna Fernandes. Then, we will carry out a study on the concept of Lusophony, trying to establish relationships with some concepts developed by the Bakhtin Circle, such as identity and otherness. The study of Amor e dedinhos de pé, taken as a corpus of this work, will be divided into three parts: the search for elements that prove the existence of interculturalism in Macao, the analysis of the character Chico Frontaria as an element of contrast between Portuguese and Chinese cultures, and, finally, the issue of multilingualism in the book. This work is justified by the need to further studies on Macao and also to reflect upon the concept of Lusophony in an enunciative-discursive perspective, situating, by means of the corpus and the theoretical framework chosen, some aspects of the heterogeneity that promotes controversies among researchers and participants of the Lusophony world. This research aims to contribute to a better understanding of these issues, as conceived in works of Macanese history and literature, situating the problem in Applied Linguistics, in the contemporary discussion on identities and differences / Lusofonia é um conceito construído na intersecção de culturas de língua portuguesa. Apesar das marcas identitárias de cada uma delas, a heterogeneidade pode ser constatada em manifestações linguísticas que trazem à tona a diversidade do conceito. O objetivo deste trabalho, com o intuito de entender a questão da Lusofonia no contexto de Macau, é observar a construção deste conceito na obra Amor e dedinhos de pé, de Henrique de Senna Fernandes, escritor macaense (1923-2010), considerado significativo representante da literatura de expressão em língua portuguesa. Partindo do objetivo desta pesquisa, buscamos responder às seguintes perguntas de pesquisa: 1) Em que a obra escolhida contribui para a compreensão do conceito de Lusofonia no contexto de Macau? 2) Sendo o autor Henrique de Senna Fernandes macaense, de que maneira apresenta a relação entre culturas que interferem na construção desse conceito? Para responder a estas perguntas e alcançar o objetivo desta pesquisa realizaremos, em primeira instância, uma síntese da história da presença dos portugueses em Macau. Além do levantamento de elementos da história da colonização portuguesa em Macau, será elaborado um breve panorama da literatura de expressão em língua portuguesa produzida em Macau e um estudo sucinto sobre as características que permeiam a composição das obras de Henrique de Senna Fernandes. Em seguida, realizaremos um estudo sobre o conceito de Lusofonia, tentando estabelecer algumas relações com conceitos desenvolvidos por Bakhtin e o Círculo, tais como identidade e alteridade. O estudo da obra Amor e dedinhos de pé, tida como corpus deste trabalho, será dividido em três partes: a busca de elementos que comprovam a existência da interculturalidade em Macau, a análise do personagem Chico Frontaria enquanto elemento de contraste entre as culturas portuguesa e chinesa e, por fim, a questão do plurilinguismo na obra. Este trabalho justifica-se pela necessidade da ampliar os estudos sobre Macau e, também, refletir sobre o conceito de Lusofonia, de uma perspectiva enunciativo-discursiva, situando, por meio do corpus e da teoria escolhida, alguns aspectos da heterogeneidade constituinte e promotora de controvérsias entre os estudiosos e partícipes do mundo lusófono. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para um maior conhecimento destas questões, conforme concebida em obras de história e de literatura sobre Macau, situando o problema na Linguística Aplicada, em seu sentido contemporâneo de discussão de identidades e diferenças

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