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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hotet mot Narnia : Den andre i Aslans rike

Hallgren Sanderson, Julia January 2015 (has links)
This essay seeks to investigate identity formation and the role of the oriental other, the Calormene, in C.S. Lewis popular children’s books, The Chronicles of Narnia, as well as the threat levelled at Narnia and what it constitutes. The oriental other as a threatening corruption is a common image in European colonial discourse, therefore a brief summary on post-colonial theory and critique thereupon and a background on the occidental attitude towards the discursive Orient based mainly on Orientalism by Edward W. Said, as well as a short account of Emile Durkheims theory on social divisions of labour and identity formation in groups is provided in the first theoretical section, Images of the Other. In the second section the Narnian identity and what it is composed of is examined. Here I argue that the Narnian identity is connected to an ideal and primordial English identity. This is shown primarily through the linking of Narnian nature and food with the English countryside and its “plain food”. Consequently, food in the Narnian space possesses a great power. The food of the Other corrupts while the hearty Narnian or English food holds the power to redeem those corrupted. The third section is dedicated to the threat against Narnia. This is composed mainly of Calormenes and Witches, both of which are described to be ancient and whose evil, I argue, nonetheless is an eventual consequence of rational thinking and modernity. In the fourth section the Calormene, the Other in Narnia, is examined. The Calormene society is inextricably linked to slavery, which is portrayed as the utmost consequence of rationality, and characterized by its spiritual poverty. This section also discusses how the Narnian can be corrupted and turned “Other”.

Skogen berör alla : Maktrelationer inom skogsbruket i Jokkmokks kommun 1980-1990 / Forest affects all : Power relations in forestry in the municipality of Jokkmokk 1980-1990

Anderson, Agnes January 2017 (has links)
Skogsbruket har en lång historia i Sverige och kom under 1900-talet att hamna i en rad konflikter med intressegrupper som förespråkade skogens immateriella värden. Syftet med denna diskursanalys är att redogöra för de maktrelationer som var rådande under 1980-talets skogsbruk i Jokkmokks kommun. Undersökningen ämnar i första hand att lyfta de röster som under 1980- talets skogsbruk i Jokkmokks kommun tystades av de intressegrupper som prioriterade skogens materiella värden. Hur den koloniserade har agerat och reagerat kommer följaktligen att behandlas. Undersökningen påvisar att Jokkmokks kommun blev överexploaterad under 1980-talet vilket kom att skapa maktrelationer mellan skogens intressegrupper. Avverkningarna påverkade både rennäringen och den lokala befolkningen och 1980-talet går således att ses som en fortsatt postkolonial era där en kolonial diskurs är rådande. Undersökningen visar även att det fanns möjlighet att göra motstånd men att de röster som förespråkade skogens immateriella värden försummades. / Forestry has a long history in Sweden and came during the 20th century to end up in a series of conflicts with the interest groups advocating the immaterial values of the forest. The purpose of this discourse analysis is to describe the power relationships that were prevalent during the 1980s forestry in the municipality of Jokkmokk. This study primarily focuses on highlighting the voices during the 1980s forestry in the municipality of Jokkmokk who were silenced by groups that prioritize the material values of the forest. How the colonized have acted and reacted will also be discussed. This study shows that the municipality of Jokkmokk became overly exploited in the 1980s which came to create the power relationships between forest interest groups. Felling affected both reindeer herding and the local population and it is possible to speak of the 1980s as a continued post-colonial era where a colonial discourse is prevalent. The survey also shows that it was possible to resist but that the votes in favor of the forest's immaterial values were easily neglected.

"Väck inte den björn som sover" : En intervjustudie med pedagoger om deras arbete med rasism på fritidshem / "Don't wake a sleeping bear" : An interview-based research with educators about their work with racism in schoolage edu-care

Do, Carina January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

"När ljuset börjar falla lika" : Sökandet efter en jämlik modernitet i Sonja Berg Pleijels Java-serie

Almgren, Sissel January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker en barnbokstrilogi, som skrevs av Sonja Berg Pleijel under sjuttiotalet, och som utspelar sig under de sista åren av nederländskt kolonialt styre i nuvarande Indonesien, och under tiden för den japanska invasionen. I uppsatsen undersöker jag hur två av modernitetens utopier kontrasteras emot varandra, den ena är idén om ett gott kolonialt styre, och den andra är idén om en värld där rättvisa och frihet råder. I alla tre böcker visas exempel upp på varför ett etiskt kolonialt styre varken är möjligt eller önskvärt, och hur utopin om en rättvis värld kan realiseras inom den enskilde människan, även om den inte kan realiseras i världen. För att komma åt dessa frågor kommer jag att sätta boken i ett historiskt idésammanhang, och diskutera de tankar som hörde till de ethische politiek, som var den officiella koloniala policyn i Nederländerna under den tid som boken utspelar sig. Dessa idéer uttrycks ibland av bokens karaktärer, och dessa argumenteras alltid emot eller avslöjas som ohållbara eller felaktiga. Jag kommer dessutom att jämföra bokserien med några barnböcker som gavs ut i Nederländerna under trettio- och fyrtiotalet, och som var tydligt inspirerade av denna tankeströmning. Genom att jämföra Sonja Berg Pleijels böcker med dessa blir argumenten emot denna idéströmning i dessa böcker, och därmed analysen av de två kontrasterande modernitetsprojekten ännu tydligare. Dessutom sätter jag in Sonja Berg Pleijels böcker i det svenska sjuttiotalssammanhang i vilket de skrevs.

Den bortglömda förhandlaren : Sultanen av Sulus agens och handlingsutrymme under amerikansk kolonisering 1899-1904 / The forgotten negotiator : The Sultan of Sulu's agency and room for manoeuvre during U.S coloinzation 1899-1904

Ottosson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
The purpose and aim of this study is to offer a hitherto lacking perspective on the Sulu Archipelago’s history during the early years of American colonial rule – that of the native Sulu Sultan. Existing research, albeit new, tends to favour a U.S centred view. With concurrences as a theoretical framework and a theoretical understanding of the social and political power dynamics in the Sultanate, this study aims to challenge that perspective by examining the last Sultan of Sulu, Jamalul Kiram II’s agency and room for manoeuvre in relation to the bilateral Kiram-Bates treaty between the Sultanate of Sulu in the southern Philippines and the United States, represented by Colonel John C. Bates. Through a qualitative analysis of letters, official documents and a memoire originating from, or regarding, the time period, this study indicates that the Sultan’s agency and room for manoeuvre in relation to the Kiram-Bates treaty has been overlooked by scholars, and his position somewhat poorly understood. The Sultan did not simply sign the treaty according to American wishes. He negotiated terms, and influenced the outcome of above all the signing, and he at least reacted to and navigated the abrogation of the agreement in a way that has not been sufficiently described before. These findings prompt further research from a concurrences perspective to more thoroughly understand the history, and perhaps even the contemporary state, of the Sulu Archipelago and the Sulu Sultanate.

Kristendomens historia är äldre än tryckpressen : En studie av teologiska läroböckers framställning av ortodox kyrklighet / The History of Christianity Precedes the Printing Press : A study of how the orthodox church is represented in theological course literature

Leikun Goldschmidt, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

En analys av Socialdemokraternas (2018) och Moderaternas (2017) kriminalpolitiska program utifrån ett ”vi och dom” perspektiv

Jansson, Karin, Schützer, Josefine Nina Gabriella January 2020 (has links)
Vi kommer i den här uppsatsen analysera Moderaternas och Socialdemokraternas kriminalpolitiska program från 2017 respektive 2018, utifrån ett ”vi och dom” perspektiv. I de flesta europeiska länder baseras segregationen på en uppdelning mellan ”vi” och ”dom”. Språk och tal relaterat till detta förstärker och återskapar uppdelningen samt föreställningar om vitas maktövertag. Vår mening är att det leder till en strukturell rasism som gör att föreställningar om människors inneboende olika värde cementeras i gemene person och effekten blir en ökad främlingsfientlighet i samhället. Politiken har ett stort ansvar i att forma människors föreställningsvärld och det är därför intressant att analysera hur just de politiska partierna formulerar sig utifrån en föreställning om ett ”vi” och ett ”dom” i samhället. Kriminalpolitik är ett politiskt område som rör upp känslor och den allmänna debatten runt kriminalitet har i stor utsträckning kopplats till migrations- och integrationsdebatten. Analysen är genomförd med hjälp av Carol Lee Bacchis (2009) verktyg för diskursanalys; ”What’s the problem represented to be?” (WPR), vilket har hjälpt oss tydliggöra den problemformulering som partierna kopplar kriminalitet till. Vi ser i de kriminalpolitiska programmen att det finns en tydlig koppling till föreställningen om ”vi och dom” och hur stora delar av programmen är uppbyggda efter denna logik. I stor utsträckning är det de utsatta områdena som får stå för de geografiska och rumsliga platser dit ”dom” knyts och det är sedan till dessa platser mycket av problemformuleringen kopplas. Moderaterna lägger i sitt program ett större fokus på ”invandraren” som ett hot medan Socialdemokraterna lägger större vikt på begreppet ”trygghet” som svensk norm. Genomgående i programmen förstås begrepp kopplade till subjektskategorin ”invandraren” som en del av problemformuleringen kring kriminalitet och begrepp kopplade till ”svenskhet som det eftersträvansvärda. De två partierna använder sig av ett språk vilket innehåller begrepp som för gemene person är laddat med olika värderingar och underförstådda antaganden.

Arkadien under uppbyggnad : Bilder av Sápmi och deras användning inom Sveriges koloniseringsprojekt under första halvan av 1700-talet

Jonsell, Vendela January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the images of Sápmi and the Saami people that existed among natural historians during the eighteenth century through the lens of Carl Linnaeus' Lapland journey 1732. It examines how these images were tied to the societal discourses of the time and if and how these images were used during the Swedish colonisation of Sápmi. This was done by doing a close reading of Flora Lapponica, Iter Lapponicum and Diaeta naturalis, noting emerging themes and trying to identify the societal discourses shaping these themes. The thesis finds that Linnaeus' descriptions of Sápmi and the Saami often are heavily mythologising and that Linnaeus, inspired by gothicism and primitivism, liked to use the Saami as didactic examples. However, these idealised descriptions are contradicted by Linnaeus himself. In the same texts he describes the Saami as both the pinnacles of health and as drunken and sickly. Linnaeus was also influenced by mercantilist thought and suggested many plans on how to best use Sápmis natural resources and thereby increase the Swedish states profits. The Saami, viewed as primitive but now without primitivism’s positive connotations, were seen as incapable of correctly exploiting their resources themselves. If Linnaeus' plans had been implemented they would have destroyed the Saami lifestyle Linnaeus claimed to idealise. The thesis concludes that while Linnaeus painted an idealised picture of Sápmi and the Saami in his text he did so knowing that it was at least partially false. He used these theoretical Saami to criticise his own society and as didactic examples for his fellow Swedes, but in practice had no problems with the colonial exploitation of Sápmi.

”Du skulle ta livet av dig. Du skulle det. Eller hur?” : Makt och maktlöshet i romanen Stöld utifrån en intersektionell analys med ett didaktiskt perspektiv / “You would kill yourself. You would. Right?” : Power and powerlessness in the novel Stöld based on an intersectional analysis with a didactive perspective

Adriansson, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The study aimed to investigate how power and powerlessness are created and portrayed in Ann-Helén Laestadius novel Stöld (2022) and what didactive implications the novel has for teaching at a high school level. Based on an intersectional perspective, it was analyzed when the axes of power gender, class ethnicity and age co-vary where power versus powerlessness occurs. For the analysis, the thoughts, acting and actions of three female and three male characters were studied. On an overall level, the analysis shows that Sámi as a minority group is powerless in relation to the majority society because of the historical context. On an individual level, the power perspective shifted depending on the characters age, gender or ethnicity. From a didactive perspective, the novel Stöld is relevant for teaching in upper secondary school partly based on the discourse they are in, and partly based on the possibility of applying several parts of the course syllabus with Stöld as a starting point.

Och då du länge blickar in i en avgrund, blickar avgrunden också in i dig. : Ekofobi och kolonial ångest i Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness och Algernon Blackwoods The Man Whom the Trees Loved

Söderlund Kanarp, Melika January 2024 (has links)
This thesis aims to examine the manifestation of ecophobia in negative emotional expressions in Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and “The Man Whom the Trees Loved” by Algernon Blackwood and how this relates to colonialism and colonial anxiety. The term ecophobia, popularized by Simon C. Estok, describes deep rooted, negative emotions and attitudes towards the natural environment that is prevalent in most of humanity. This thesis implements the theory of the origin of ecophobia, described by Brian Deyo as a fear of nature’s indifference towards humans and how it confronts us with our own dreaded mortality. According to theories on ecophobia, colonialism has been a successful method to expand western control over the nature that has been perceived as a threat to our existence.Previous research of Heart of Darkness and “The Man Whom the Trees Loved” have not delved into how the negative emotions toward nature and the primitive relates to the root cause of the fears – the fear of our own mortality. This thesis aims to fill that gap. The analysis shows how the main characters of each work display negative emotions according to three categories related to theories of ecophobia: a fear of the primitive core of the civilized man, a fear of transgressions that threatens western narratives and methods used to cover up the fact that we are mortal animals, and a fear of attack against ourselves or our culture that occurs when the methods and narratives fail.

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