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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ibland litar jag på mig själv. : En intervjustudie ur elevperspektiv kring skolsjälvbild/ academic self-concept, utifrån hanterbarhet och begriplighet kopplat till särskilt stöd.

Boras, Andrea, Helgesson, Birgitta January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med intervjustudien är att beskriva några elevers känsla av begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet av sin skolvardag utifrån det särskilda stöd som ges i relation till språk, - läs – och skrivutveckling. Undersökningen utgår från ett elevperspektiv med fokus på elevernas upplevelser och uppfattningar av sin skolvardag kopplat till hinder och svårigheter de möter kring skoluppgifter de får i skolan. Samtliga intervjuade elever i studien går andra året på gymnasiet och har läs- och skrivsvårigheter, samt är i behov av särskilt stöd. Vår empiri är insamlad genom kvalitativa elevintervjuer som analyserats med hjälp av tematisk analys. Vi har i vår studie en teoretisk utgångspunkt i den salutogena teorin med fokus på KASAM (Antonovsky, 1987). Studiens resultat pekar på att det finns ett samband mellan elevernas känsla av sammanhang kopplat till upplevd stress, samt att elevernas känsla av begriplighet och hanterbarhet är tätt förknippade med varandra. Våra intervjuundersökningar visar att elevernas självbild påverkar hur de ser på de hinder och svårigheter som de möter i sin skolvardag. De ämnen som särskilt pekas ut som svåra att ta sig an av eleverna, är de ämnen som har ord och begrepp som ska förstås i ett särskilt sammanhang och ämnet svenska pekades ut flest gånger av informanterna. I resultaten framkommer även att det särskilda stöd som förekommer på gymnasiet, skiljer sig från det tidigare erbjudna stödet på högstadiet. De slutsatser som med hjälp av denna kvalitativa studie kan dras, är att samtliga intervjuade elever beskriver en bild av det särskilda stödet på gymnasiet som varken tillgängligt eller utformat på rätt sätt, för att de ska kunna uppleva en känsla av sammanhang av sin skolvardag. Detta skapar i sin tur en frustration och en känsla av otillräcklighet hos eleverna, då det ofta bli de själva som får föra fram sina stödbehov och strida för att få tillgång till det stöd de har rätt till. Eleverna beskriver också att lärarna på gymnasiet inte har tillräcklig kunskap gällande stödbehovet kopplat till deras faktiska svårigheter. Ytterligare en slutsats som vi utifrån vår analys kan dra, är att samtliga elever uttrycker ett behov av stöd utanför klassrummet i en lugn miljö, vilket är i motsats till vad tidigare forskning kommit fram till. Sammanfattningsvis kan sägas att vår slutsats blir att utifrån våra intervjuanalyser konstatera att det finns ett samband mellan KASAM och hur eleverna hanterar sin skolvardag och de uppgifter de får. Att begripa vad som förväntas och på så sätt hantera sin situation tolkas utifrån vår studie som avgörande för att få till en fungerande kunskapsutveckling och ett bra mående utan stress. Att kunna skapa en skoltillvaro med meningsfullhet och begriplighet verkar vara avgörande för hur eleverna lyckas med att få till en känsla av sammanhang av sin skoltillvaro.


Braga, Isa Maria 10 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-27T13:54:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isa Maria Braga.pdf: 631892 bytes, checksum: 1780821dc052f10dbcf1cdb2ecd596bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-10 / The present study had the purpose to search elements to better understand the unsatisfactory results of incidence in learning of reading and writing in literacy classes in the municipality of Goiânia, Goiás, despite the investments made in elementary teachers training and improving the functioning of schools. The investigation primarily consisted the analysis of responses from elementary teachers linked to the municipal education system, given in open questionnaire, seeking to learn their thinking about their own theoretical concepts and practices in relation to literacy. also used for analysis, the study of pedagogical proposals of the Municipal Education Department and some interviews with some teachers. Although, the research general objective was to capture the look of the elementary teachers by identifying and analyzing their theoretical and methodological conceptions appropriation of literacy as widespread in the official proposals, and his own vision for their room class practice. The results analysis, points out the adaptation in education proposals of MED difficulties of elementary teachers, on the other hand, would not be contributing to such ownership that occurs because of a theoretical eclecticism certain and weak linkage between theory and practice. Besides, there are initial training and continuing education programs indications of the teachers would not reflecting favorably on their actions in the classroom. / A presente pesquisa teve por finalidade buscar elementos para compreender melhor a incidência de resultados insatisfatórios na aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita em classes de alfabetização no município de Goiânia (GO), a despeito dos investimentos feitos na formação de professores e na melhoria do funcionamento das escolas. A investigação consistiu, principalmente, da análise de respostas de professoras alfabetizadoras vinculadas à Rede Municipal de Educação, dadas em questionário aberto, visando conhecer seu pensamento sobre as suas próprias concepções teóricas e suas práticas em relação à alfabetização. Foram, também, utilizadas para análise, o estudo de propostas pedagógicas da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e entrevistas feitas com algumas professoras. Desse modo, o objetivo geral da pesquisa foi captar o olhar das professoras alfabetizadoras por meio da identificação e análise de suas apropriações das concepções teóricas e metodológicas da alfabetização, tal como difundidas nas propostas oficiais, e de sua própria visão sobre suas práticas em sala de aula. A análise dos resultados aponta dificuldades das professoras em se apropriar das propostas pedagógicas da SME que, por sua vez, não estariam contribuindo para que ocorra essa apropriação, devido a certo ecletismo teórico e pouca vinculação da teoria com a prática. Além disso, há indícios de que a formação inicial e os programas de formação continuada das professoras não estariam repercutindo favoravelmente em suas ações na sala de aula.

Elever i koncentrationssvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om läsinlärning hos elever som be- döms vara i koncentrationssvårigheter / Pupils in concentration difficulties : qualitative study on reading learning among pupils who are considered to be in concentration difficulties

Hanell, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
I lärarutbildningen har det funnits möjlighet att tillägna sig olika tillvägagångssätt för hur undervisning i klassrummet planeras och struktureras. Detta har utvecklat ett starkt intresse hos mig för att söka vidare kring hur elever i koncentrationssvårigheter hanteras i klassrum. Inom området koncentrationssvårigheter och läsinlärning fattas det forskning. Därmed är området i behov av vidare forskning. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur lärare i skolans tidigare år beskriver läsinlär- ning hos elever som bedöms vara i koncentrationssvårigheter. Detta gjordes genom semi- strukturerade intervjuer med sex lärare från tre olika skolor och intervjumaterialet analysera- des genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att de lärare som blev intervjuade har en överensstämmande syn på elever i koncentrationssvårigheter. Lärarna anser att undervisningen bör vara strukturerad och väl planerad, men även att undervisningen bör variera inom det igenkända. Möjligheterna att dela på gruppen och att fler lärare arbetar tillsammans ses som mycket positivt. Men att nivåanpassa de texter som eleverna stöter på anses vara en utmaning. Studien visar att koncentrationssvårigheter påverkar läsinlärningen till viss del, men att andra faktorer kan påverka läsinlärningen. / In the teacher education, there has been the opportunity to adopt different approaches to how classroom teaching is planned and structured. This has, for me, developed a strong interest to investigate further how students in concentration difficulties are handled in classrooms. However, in the area of concentration difficulties and reading learning, research is scarce. Thus, the area is in need of further research. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers in the earlier years of the school describe reading learning among pupils who are considered to be in concentration difficulties. This was done through semi-structured interviews with six teachers from three different schools and the data was analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The result shows that the teachers who were interviewed have a consistent view of pupils in concentration difficulties. The teachers believe that the teaching should be structured and well planned, but also that the teaching should vary within what is familiar to the pupils. The opportunities to divide the group of pupils and the fact that more teachers work together are seen as very positive. Adapting the level of texts that pupils encounter, though, is considered a challenge. The study shows that concentration difficulties affect reading learning partially, but that oth- er factors also affect reading learning.

Från läsinlärning till matematik : En studie om sambandet mellan tidig fonologisk medvetenhet och matematiksvårigheter i skolår 2

Lennström, Anna January 2011 (has links)
I vilken grad ett barn är fonologiskt medvetet är i många fall avgörande för hur barnets läsinlärning kommer att fortlöpa, varför det är av stor vikt att redan tidigt arbeta för att stärka den fonologiska medvetenheten. En tillfredsställande läsförmåga är central för inlärningen även i andra skolämnen än svenska. Forskning har på senare tid visat att det finns ett tydligt samband mellan läs- och skrivsvårigheter och svårigheter i matematik. I denna studie undersöks huruvida det finns någon koppling mellan tidiga fonologiska svårigheter och matematiksvårigheter två år senare hos en grupp elever. Med kvantitativa metoder och genom analyser av bedömningar i olika diagnos- och kartläggningsmaterial har ett resultat kunnat presenteras som visar att majoriteten av de elever som i förskoleklassen uppvisade tecken på fonologiska svårigheter även hade matematiksvårigheter i år 2. Sambandet är dock inte entydigt, då det samtidigt påvisats att svårigheterna i matematik i år 2 var mer utbredda än väntat och långt ifrån alla dessa elever hade fonologiska svårigheter i förskoleklassen. / The degree to which a child is phonologically aware is in many cases crucial to the child's ability to learn how to read. Therefore it is vital, at a young age, to work towards strengthening the phonological awareness among young children. Satisfactory reading skills are central to learning in other school subjects besides reading and writing. Recent research has shown that there is a clear link between reading problems and difficulties in mathematics. This study examines whether there is any connection within a group of students between early phonological difficulties and difficulties in mathematics two years later. With quantitative methods, and through analysis of assessments of different diagnostic and mapping materials, results have been presented showing that the majority of the students in the preschool class that showed signs of phonological difficulties also had difficulties in mathematics in second grade. However, the relationship is not unambiguous, since the results also demonstrated that the difficulties in mathematics in second grade were more widespread than expected, and far from all of these students had phonological difficulties in the preschool class.

Hur och varför f–3-lärare arbetar med Kiwimetoden : – särskilt i relation till elever med lässvårigheter. / How and why primary school teachers use the Kiwi method : – especially in relation to pupils with reading difficulties.

Andreasson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe how and why primary school teachers use the Kiwi method – especially in relation to reading difficulties. To answer this purpose, I conducted qualitative interviews with three primary school teachers. The interviews were transcribed since I made the estimation that they would provide with a more comprehensive material to the study that way. The result showed that the teachers did not make any differences in their teaching regardless whether they were planning for pupils with or without reading difficulties. Adjustments were made to all pupils, to meet all their special needs. They did so since the Kiwi method advocates meaningful teaching, where reading should be rewarding already from the beginning. The Kiwi method’s key stones are reading aloud, unified reading, guided reading and independent reading. All three of the teachers used these key stones in their teaching, but in different ways. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur och varför lärare arbetar med Kiwimetoden, särskilt i relation till elever med lässvårigheter. För att svara på detta syfte genomfördes kvalitativa in- tervjuer med tre lärare som arbetar med Kiwimetoden inom årskurs 1–3. Intervjuerna transkri- berades, eftersom bedömningen gjordes att det skulle resultera i ett rikare material till under- sökningen. Resultatet visade att lärarna inte gjorde någon skillnad på undervisningen oavsett om det gällde elever med eller utan lässvårigheter. Anpassningar gjordes nämligen åt alla elever, för att möta alla elevers särskilda behov. Detta gjordes eftersom Kiwimetoden förespråkar me- ningsfull undervisning där det ska löna sig att läsa redan från start. Kiwimetodens hörnstenar är högläsning, gemensam läsning, vägledd läsning och självständig läsning. Alla lärarna an- vände sig av dessa i sin läsundervisning, men på olika sätt.

Skönlitteratur i undervisningen : En studie gjord på lärares användning och elevers tankar kring skönlitteratur i undervisningen

Wallberg, Ulrika, Andersson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
Vi har valt att undersöka hur skönlitteratur används i undervisningen då vi anser att skönlitteratur kan utveckla lärandet och användas i många olika aspekter i undervisningen. Vårt gemensamma intresse av skönlitteratur skapade tanken att se hur det används i klassrummet. Målet var att få en insikt i hur skönlitteraturen används i undervisningen och få lärarnas samt elevernas tankar kring ämnet och hur de överensstämmer. För att få informationen om detta gjordes kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta lärare, en skolbibliotekarie och hundra elever. Resultaten visar hur lärarna arbetar kring skönlitteratur och även deras syn på hur den skulle kunna användas. Även elevernas tankar kring skönlitteratur i både undervisning och hemmamiljö sammanställdes. Analysen av resultaten visar att skönlitteratur används i ämnet svenska och att det då är störst fokus på högläsning. Eleverna ser till största del positivt på skönlitteratur och vill ha mer av det i undervisningen. Lärarna menar att de skulle vilja använda skönlitteratur mycket mer men att det framförallt är tidsbrist som hindrar dem. / We chose to examine how fictional literature is used in education because we believe that fictional literature can aid learning and be used in many different aspects of education. We share a mutual interest in fictional literature and wanted to see how it is being used in the classrooms. The goal was to gain insight into how teachers, as well as students, are using fictional literature, their thoughts about the subject, and if the teacher´s and student´s views correspond. To gain this information we chose to conduct qualitative interviews with eight teachers, one librarian, and one hundred students. The results show how the teachers implement fictional literature in their education, as well as their view on how it could be used further. We also compiled information from the students in regard to both using fictional literature in the classroom as well as how they use it at home. The analysis show that fictional literature is used when learning Swedish and that the focus is on reading aloud. The students mostly view fictional literature positively and would like to see more of it in their learning. The teachers reported that they would like to use it more as well, but that lack of time prevents them from doing so.

Concepções e práticas do ensino de leitura em turmas de alfabetização em São Luís do Maranhão

Correia, Joelma Reis [UNESP] 06 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:31:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-01-06Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:22:48Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 correia_jr_dr_mar.pdf: 1314853 bytes, checksum: f0737e3a5239cd6c95855727616c49ef (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa de doutorado tem como objetivo compreender as concepções de leitura e a sua influência na apropriação de conceitos de leitura pelos alunos por meio da análise da prática pedagógica. Orientada por esse objetivo geral busco, ainda, caracterizar as opções teórico-metodológicas que orientam a ação docente no ensino da leitura e analisar essas opções e sua influência na apropriação, pelos alunos, de conceitos de leitura. Para a efetivação do objetivo proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa em educação do tipo etnográfica com duas turmas do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Rede Municipal localizada na cidade de São Luís no Estado do Maranhão. Assim, tornaram-se sujeitos da pesquisa as duas professoras, uma de cada série, bem como seus alunos. O processo de geração de dados ocorreu durante o segundo semestre do ano de 2009, com a utilização dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e o caderno de Português das crianças. Os dados gerados foram analisados a partir da organização dos seguintes núcleos temáticos: a concepção de linguagem das professoras alfabetizadoras; a concepção de leitura; a metodologia do ensino da leitura; a apropriação do conceito de leitura pelos alunos e a ação da pesquisadora. Além disso, me orientei pela análise microgenética com o objetivo de centrar o olhar para o aspecto particular da situação com atenção às “pistas” significativas para extrair dados. Autores como Mikhail Bakhtin e estudiosos da área da leitura, Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, dentre outros, foram fundamentais para nortear a análise dos dados. As conclusões revelam que as concepções de leitura das professoras exercem grande influência na formação do conceito de leitura como ato de pronúncia, em vez de aproximar os alunos de uma concepção de leitura... / This research doctorate group has how objective understand the read conceptions and its influence on appropiation of concept of litarecy by students through the analyses of the pedagogical pratice.Guided by this general objective I moreover seek to characterize the theoretical-methodological options that guide the docent action on the teach reading and analyze these options and their influence on appropriation of reading concepts by the schoolchildren. To effectuation of the objective proposed a ethnografic research was held with two classes of the second year of High School on a municipal school located on São Luiz city on state of Maranhão. Thus, two schoolteachers became subjectives of the research, one of each classes, even as their schoolchildren. The process of data colection happened during the second semester of 2009, with the use of the following instruments: partipant observation, semi-structured interview and the portuguese workbook of the children. The data collected were analyzed from the organization of the following thematic categories: the language conception of the literacy teacher; the conception of reading; the methodology of teaching reading; the learning of reading conception by the scoolchildren and the researcher‟s action. Furthermore I also guide me by the microgenetic analyzes aiming necessarily see the particular aspect of the situation with attention of the significant “slops” to extract data. Authors like Mikhail, Bakhtin and scholars of reading area, like Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, and others, were fundamental for doing the data analyses. The findings reveal that the conception of reading of the schoolteachers exert great influence on concept formation of reading how a act pronunciation, instead bring the schoolchildren on a reading conception with assignment meaning and how cultural practice

Concepções e práticas do ensino de leitura em turmas de alfabetização em São Luís do Maranhão /

Correia, Joelma Reis. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Dagoberto Buim Arena / Banca: Lázara Nanci de Barros Amâncio / Banca: Maria Rosa Rodrigues Martins de Camargo / Banca: Cyntia Graziella Guizelim Simõees Girotto / Banca: Stela Miller / Resumo: Esta pesquisa de doutorado tem como objetivo compreender as concepções de leitura e a sua influência na apropriação de conceitos de leitura pelos alunos por meio da análise da prática pedagógica. Orientada por esse objetivo geral busco, ainda, caracterizar as opções teórico-metodológicas que orientam a ação docente no ensino da leitura e analisar essas opções e sua influência na apropriação, pelos alunos, de conceitos de leitura. Para a efetivação do objetivo proposto foi realizada uma pesquisa em educação do tipo etnográfica com duas turmas do 2º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da Rede Municipal localizada na cidade de São Luís no Estado do Maranhão. Assim, tornaram-se sujeitos da pesquisa as duas professoras, uma de cada série, bem como seus alunos. O processo de geração de dados ocorreu durante o segundo semestre do ano de 2009, com a utilização dos seguintes instrumentos: observação participante, entrevista semi-estruturada e o caderno de Português das crianças. Os dados gerados foram analisados a partir da organização dos seguintes núcleos temáticos: a concepção de linguagem das professoras alfabetizadoras; a concepção de leitura; a metodologia do ensino da leitura; a apropriação do conceito de leitura pelos alunos e a ação da pesquisadora. Além disso, me orientei pela análise microgenética com o objetivo de centrar o olhar para o aspecto particular da situação com atenção às "pistas" significativas para extrair dados. Autores como Mikhail Bakhtin e estudiosos da área da leitura, Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, dentre outros, foram fundamentais para nortear a análise dos dados. As conclusões revelam que as concepções de leitura das professoras exercem grande influência na formação do conceito de leitura como ato de pronúncia, em vez de aproximar os alunos de uma concepção de leitura... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This research doctorate group has how objective understand the read conceptions and its influence on appropiation of concept of litarecy by students through the analyses of the pedagogical pratice.Guided by this general objective I moreover seek to characterize the theoretical-methodological options that guide the docent action on the teach reading and analyze these options and their influence on appropriation of reading concepts by the schoolchildren. To effectuation of the objective proposed a ethnografic research was held with two classes of the second year of High School on a municipal school located on São Luiz city on state of Maranhão. Thus, two schoolteachers became subjectives of the research, one of each classes, even as their schoolchildren. The process of data colection happened during the second semester of 2009, with the use of the following instruments: partipant observation, semi-structured interview and the portuguese workbook of the children. The data collected were analyzed from the organization of the following thematic categories: the language conception of the literacy teacher; the conception of reading; the methodology of teaching reading; the learning of reading conception by the scoolchildren and the researcher‟s action. Furthermore I also guide me by the microgenetic analyzes aiming necessarily see the particular aspect of the situation with attention of the significant "slops" to extract data. Authors like Mikhail, Bakhtin and scholars of reading area, like Frank Smith, Jean Foucambert, Josette Jolibert, and others, were fundamental for doing the data analyses. The findings reveal that the conception of reading of the schoolteachers exert great influence on concept formation of reading how a act pronunciation, instead bring the schoolchildren on a reading conception with assignment meaning and how cultural practice / Doutor

Läsinlärning utifrån olika metoder : - En studie av hur lärare på två olika skolor arbetar med läs- och skrivinlärning i årskurs 1. / Learning to read with different methods : - A study of how teachers in two different schools with the teaching of reading and writing in grade 1.

Persson, Marianne January 2017 (has links)
In view of the new compulsory assessment support and the added learning requirements in the curriculum, the aim of this study is to investigate how teachers work with teaching reading and writing in grade 1 in relation to the method used in the school. The study uses interviews as a method to answer the questions. The result shows that both schools use a combination of methods in the teaching of reading and writing. The teachers who took part in the study are favourably inclined to the new assessment support and hope that more follow-ups of the pupils’ results can mean that resources are provided earlier for those who need it. The teachers have differing opinions about changes in teaching taking place in connection with changes or additions to the curriculum. The crucial factor appears to be how great the changes are or what the additions concern, and how they relate to existing methods.

"Va’ ska man göra då’rå, om man inte kan läsa? Då blir’e svårt!" : En studie om motivationsfaktorer, läslust och tankar kring läsning hos elever i årskurs 3

Stål, Emmy, Trusell, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker motivationsfaktorer och tankar kring skönlitterär läsning hos ett urval av elever i årskurs 3, studien syftar även till att kartlägga elevernas läsvanor. 11 elever deltog i studien och har under semistrukturerade intervjuer svarat på frågor kring läsvanor, om de har några böcker i sin hemmiljö, hur de tar del av skönlitteratur i vardagen och vad de anser kännetecknar en bra bok. Studiens resultat placeras in i en sociokulturell teoriram med huvudsaklig grund i begreppen proximal utvecklingszon och scaffolding. Resultatet visar att det primärt är yttre motivationsfaktorer, såsom beslut från lärare och vårdnadshavare, som motiverar elever till läsning. Studien visar även att det kan finnas ett visst samband mellan elevers läslust och hur många böcker en elev exponeras för, samt om de har läsande förebilder. Vidare visar resultatet att läsläxor kan ha en positiv inverkan på elevers läsvanor i hemmiljön. Resultatet står i linje med tidigare undersökningar gjorda i högre årskurser och internationell forskning. En ansats har gjorts för att hitta liknande studier gjorda i de yngre årskurserna utan närmare resultat. Detta tyder på att ämnet är till synes outforskat i Sverige och Norden. / This study investigates motivational factors and thoughts about fiction reading in a selection of students in year 3, the study also aims to map the students' reading habits. 11 students participated in the study and during semi-structured interviews answered questions about reading habits, whether they have any books in their home environment, how they partake of fiction in everyday life and what they consider to be the characteristics of a good book. The study's results are placed in a sociocultural theoretical framework with a main basis in the concepts of proximal zone of development and scaffolding. The results show that it is primarily external motivational factors, such as decisions by teachers and guardians, that motivate students to read. The study also shows that there can be a certain connection between students' desire to read and how many books a student is exposed to, as well as whether they have reading role models. Furthermore, the results show that fiction reading as homework can have a positive impact on students' reading habits in the home environment. The result is in line with previous surveys carried out in higher grades and international research. An attempt has been made to find similar studies done in the younger grades without any results. This indicates that the subject is apparently unexplored in Sweden and the Nordic countries.

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