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Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhälletAhlner, Ida, Thisell, Felicia January 2008 (has links)
How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions. This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector. Our aim with this report is to find out the concept of the creative sector, what it stands for, and also to look into how the creative sector runs in practice.
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I ljugen, I ljugen, jag är ej en kvinna! : En queerteoretisk analys av huvudkaraktären Tinto och maskeradmotivet i C.J.L. Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke.Ims Johansson, Jesper January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to do an analysis of the characters and the theater/masquerade motif in C.J.L. Almqvist’s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen’s Diadem), based on queer theory, by using Judith Butlers’s Gender Trouble. As an alternative to the Swedish, gender determined, feminine pronoun ”hon”, which has been used by earlier critics concerning the main character of the book, ”hen” is proposed. By using the pronoun ”hen” the mistake made by the earlier critics who, without reflection, state that the character is a woman, will hopefully be avoided. In this analysis, the fact that the main character Tinto – generally known as Tintomara – is an androgyne, is demonstrated. The analysis of Drottningens juvelsmycke also shows that the other characters of the book try to – by heteronormative patterns – define Tinto’s gender identity according to their own requests and purposes. The recurrent theater/masquerade motif, which is closely connected with the main character of the novel, reflects the drift of the gender identities between fiction and reality, between acting and real life. By not staying or getting caught in any specific heteronormative gender identity, Tinto reveals the binary gender categories ”man” and ”woman” as non-natural constructions, just as true or false as any other gender.
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Kultur i förändring : En vidgad syn på kultursektorn och dess roll för samhälletAhlner, Ida, Thisell, Felicia January 2008 (has links)
<p>How can you do a right measurement of culture as well as with other social sectors and with what can culture contribute when it comes to a town´s development? We found out that in Linköping the regional federation Ostsam recently (2005) started mapping the region's creative centers in order to look into the spreading of the culture in the county, and then use the uniqueness of the culture as an advantage in society- planning contexts. The reason was that both municipal - and State directions detected that the culture has a broader importance when it comes to building up society and infrastructure than earlier considered. This is called Cultural planning and is the foundation- method that Östsam used when working with their new projekt The creative sector. The outcome of the Östsam study resulted in an exciting study basis to work further on with and to examine through own demarcations and directions.</p><p>This research manages the matter of the creative sector as an extension to the cultural sector. Our aim with this report is to find out the concept of the creative sector, what it stands for, and also to look into how the creative sector runs in practice.</p>
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I ljugen, I ljugen, jag är ej en kvinna! : En queerteoretisk analys av huvudkaraktären Tinto och maskeradmotivet i C.J.L. Almqvists Drottningens juvelsmycke.Ims Johansson, Jesper January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this paper is to do an analysis of the characters and the theater/masquerade motif in C.J.L. Almqvist’s Drottningens juvelsmycke (The Queen’s Diadem), based on queer theory, by using Judith Butlers’s Gender Trouble. As an alternative to the Swedish, gender determined, feminine pronoun ”hon”, which has been used by earlier critics concerning the main character of the book, ”hen” is proposed. By using the pronoun ”hen” the mistake made by the earlier critics who, without reflection, state that the character is a woman, will hopefully be avoided. In this analysis, the fact that the main character Tinto – generally known as Tintomara – is an androgyne, is demonstrated. The analysis of Drottningens juvelsmycke also shows that the other characters of the book try to – by heteronormative patterns – define Tinto’s gender identity according to their own requests and purposes. The recurrent theater/masquerade motif, which is closely connected with the main character of the novel, reflects the drift of the gender identities between fiction and reality, between acting and real life. By not staying or getting caught in any specific heteronormative gender identity, Tinto reveals the binary gender categories ”man” and ”woman” as non-natural constructions, just as true or false as any other gender.</p>
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"Månntro hon är homo?" : Om lesbiska kvinnors identitetsformering och livsvillkor 1950-1965Hedlund, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
The construction of an identity among lesbian women during 1950-‐1965 is in focus in this master ́s thesis. My starting point is that identity, such as lesbian or any other identity, is formed in relation to other people and groups, as well as society. This thesis will also examine how lesbian women met and formed bonds with like-minded, and whether these aspects changed, during the defined time period. The empirics is made up by letters written by women to Riksförbundet för sexuellt likaberättigande (a Swedish organisation for lesbian and gays) as well as an interview with two lesbian women who were born in 1938 and 1940. The theoretical approach is queer theory and phenomenology. In summary: I have found that women in this study to a great extent formed their identity in relation to prevailing scientific ideas that claimed to explicate homosexuality. Disappointments in marriage and personal failures were stressed by the women writers in order to explain their lesbian desires. Some of them also put equal weight on the relationship between a high sexual drive/nymphomania and homosexuality. Among many lesbians outside Stockholm in the 1950’s personal ads played a major role in order for them to meet with like-minded women. The women in this study travelled long distances with the aim to visit pen friends in other parts of Sweden. Through those penfriends they were also introduced to other lesbian women, showing how lesbian networks emerged and grew.
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Perron-Frobenius' Theory and ApplicationsEriksson, Karl January 2023 (has links)
This is a literature study, in linear algebra, about positive and nonnegative matrices and their special properties. We say that a matrix or a vector is positive/nonnegative if all of its entries are positive/nonnegative. First, we study some generalities and become acquainted with two types of nonnegative matrices; irreducible and reducible. After exploring their characteristics we investigate and prove the two main theorems of this subject, namely Perron's and Perron-Frobenius' theorem. In short Perron's theorem from 1907 tells us that the spectral radius of a positive matrix is a simple eigenvalue of the matrix and that its eigenvector can be taken to be positive. In 1912, Georg Frobenius generalized Perron's results also to irreducible nonnegative matrices. The two theorems have a wide range of applications in both pure mathematics and practical matters. In real world scenarios, many measurements are nonnegative (length, time, amount, etc.) and so their mathematical formulations often relate to Perron-Frobenius theory. The theory's importance to linear dynamical systems, such as Markov chains, cannot be overstated; it determines when, and to what, an iterative process will converge. This result is in turn the underlying theory for the page-ranking algorithm developed by Google in 1998. We will see examples of all these applications in chapters four and five where we will be particularly interested in different types of Markov chains. The theory in this thesis can be found in many books. Here, most of the material is gathered from Horn-Johnson [5], Meyer [9] and Shapiro [10]. However, all of the theorems and proofs are formulated in my own way and the examples and illustrations are concocted by myself, unless otherwise noted. / Det här är en litteraturstudie, inom linjär algebra, om positiva och icke-negativa matriser och deras speciella egenskaper. Vi säger att en matris eller en vektor är positiv/icke-negativ om alla dess element är positiva/icke-negativa. Inledningsvis går vi igenom några grundläggande begrepp och bekanta oss med två typer av icke-negativa matriser; irreducibla och reducibla. Efter att vi utforskat deras egenskaper så studerar vi och bevisar ämnets två huvudsatser; Perrons och Perron-Frobenius sats. Kortfattat så säger Perrons sats, från 1907, att spektralradien för en positiv matris är ett simpelt egenvärde till matrisen och att dess egenvektor kan tas positiv. År 1912 så generaliserade Georg Frobenius Perrons resultat till att gälla också för irreducibla icke-negativa matriser. De två satserna har både många teoretiska och praktiska tillämpningar. Många verkliga scenarios har icke-negativa mått (längd, tid, mängd o.s.v) och därför relaterar dess matematiska formulering till Perron-Frobenius teori. Teorin är betydande även för linjära dynamiska system, såsom Markov-kedjor, eftersom den avgör när, och till vad, en iterativ process konvergerar. Det resultatet är i sin tur den underliggande teorin bakom algoritmen PageRank som utvecklades av Google år 1998. Vi kommer se exempel på alla dessa tillämpningar i kapitel fyra och fem, där vi speciellt intresserar oss för olika typer av Markov-kedjor. Teorin i den här artikeln kan hittas i många böcker. Det mesta av materialet som presenteras här har hämtats från Horn-Johnson [5], Meyer [9] och Shapiro [10]. Däremot är alla satser och bevis formulerade på mitt eget sätt och alla exempel, samt illustrationer, har jag skapat själv, om inget annat sägs.
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Obligatorisk Sexualitet och Asexuell Existens : Patologiserad olust, (a)sexuella (icke)subjekt och frånvaro av begär som (o)möjliggjord position.Lindgren, Matilda January 2007 (has links)
<p>Mot bakgrund av att asexualitet på senare år formulerats som en möjlig sexuell identitet, orientering eller preferens är syftet med uppsatsen att teoretisera den asexuella positionen – här definierat som ”frånvaro av lust till sexuell praktik”. Detta görs genom en nära läsning av fyra texter som varit centrala inom feministisk och queer teoribildning, med intentionen att undersöka hur asexualitet positioneras i relation till dessa teorier. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtas från feministiska och konstruktivistiska teorier om kön, sexualitet, makt och subjektstatus, främst Michel Foucault (1976)och Judith Butler (1990). Mina läsningar visar att i Gayle Rubins sexuella värdehierarki (1984) tilldelas positioner utifrån sexuellt aktörskap, och det är således sexuella subjekt som kan emanciperas. I Adrienne Rich’s text om obligatorisk heterosexualitet (1980) tillskrivs även den icke-sexuella kvinnan aktörskapet att undkomma tvångsheterosexualisering - Rich’s införande av ett lesbiskt kontinuum kan ses som en dekonstruktion av en sexuell kategori. I min läsning av Michael Warner (1993) frågar jag huruvida den queera metoden även kan användas till att ifrågasätta normer om att vara sexuell, och i min läsning av Butler (1990) diskuterar jag frånvaro av begär i relation till möjliga subjektspositioner inom ramen för en heterosexuell matris. I min slutdiskussion återknyter jag till Foucault, och problematiserar (a)sexualitet ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv. Jag avslutar med att problematisera den gränsdragning mellan sexuellt och icke-sexuellt vi alla ständigt avkrävs att göra.</p>
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Aspects of Porous Graphitic Carbon as Packing Material in Capillary Liquid ChromatographyTörnkvist, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>In this thesis, porous graphitic carbon (PGC) has been used as packing material in packed capillary liquid chromatography. The unique chromatographic properties of PGC has been studied in some detail and applied to different analytical challenges using both electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ultra violet (UV) absorbance detection. </p><p>The crucial importance of disengaging the conductive PGC chromatographic separation media from the high voltage mass spectrometric interface has been shown. In the absence of a grounded point between the column and ESI emitter, a current through the column was present, and changed retention behaviors for 3-O-methyl-DOPA and tyrosine were observed. An alteration of the chromatographic properties was also seen when PGC was chemically oxidized with permanganate, possibly due to an oxidation of the few surface groups present on the PGC material. </p><p>The dynamic adsorption of the chiral selector lasalocid onto the PGC support resulted in a useful and stable chiral stationary phase. Extraordinary enantioselectivity was observed for 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamine, and enantioseparation was also achieved for other amines, amino acids, acids and alcohols. </p><p>Finally, a new strategy for separation of small biologically active compounds in plasma and brain tissue has been developed. With PGC as stationary phase it was possible to utilize a mobile phase of high content of organic modifier, without the addition of ion-pairing agents, and still selectively separate the analytes. </p>
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Obligatorisk Sexualitet och Asexuell Existens : Patologiserad olust, (a)sexuella (icke)subjekt och frånvaro av begär som (o)möjliggjord position.Lindgren, Matilda January 2007 (has links)
Mot bakgrund av att asexualitet på senare år formulerats som en möjlig sexuell identitet, orientering eller preferens är syftet med uppsatsen att teoretisera den asexuella positionen – här definierat som ”frånvaro av lust till sexuell praktik”. Detta görs genom en nära läsning av fyra texter som varit centrala inom feministisk och queer teoribildning, med intentionen att undersöka hur asexualitet positioneras i relation till dessa teorier. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna hämtas från feministiska och konstruktivistiska teorier om kön, sexualitet, makt och subjektstatus, främst Michel Foucault (1976)och Judith Butler (1990). Mina läsningar visar att i Gayle Rubins sexuella värdehierarki (1984) tilldelas positioner utifrån sexuellt aktörskap, och det är således sexuella subjekt som kan emanciperas. I Adrienne Rich’s text om obligatorisk heterosexualitet (1980) tillskrivs även den icke-sexuella kvinnan aktörskapet att undkomma tvångsheterosexualisering - Rich’s införande av ett lesbiskt kontinuum kan ses som en dekonstruktion av en sexuell kategori. I min läsning av Michael Warner (1993) frågar jag huruvida den queera metoden även kan användas till att ifrågasätta normer om att vara sexuell, och i min läsning av Butler (1990) diskuterar jag frånvaro av begär i relation till möjliga subjektspositioner inom ramen för en heterosexuell matris. I min slutdiskussion återknyter jag till Foucault, och problematiserar (a)sexualitet ur ett könsmaktsperspektiv. Jag avslutar med att problematisera den gränsdragning mellan sexuellt och icke-sexuellt vi alla ständigt avkrävs att göra.
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Aspects of Porous Graphitic Carbon as Packing Material in Capillary Liquid ChromatographyTörnkvist, Anna January 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, porous graphitic carbon (PGC) has been used as packing material in packed capillary liquid chromatography. The unique chromatographic properties of PGC has been studied in some detail and applied to different analytical challenges using both electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and ultra violet (UV) absorbance detection. The crucial importance of disengaging the conductive PGC chromatographic separation media from the high voltage mass spectrometric interface has been shown. In the absence of a grounded point between the column and ESI emitter, a current through the column was present, and changed retention behaviors for 3-O-methyl-DOPA and tyrosine were observed. An alteration of the chromatographic properties was also seen when PGC was chemically oxidized with permanganate, possibly due to an oxidation of the few surface groups present on the PGC material. The dynamic adsorption of the chiral selector lasalocid onto the PGC support resulted in a useful and stable chiral stationary phase. Extraordinary enantioselectivity was observed for 1-(1-naphthyl)ethylamine, and enantioseparation was also achieved for other amines, amino acids, acids and alcohols. Finally, a new strategy for separation of small biologically active compounds in plasma and brain tissue has been developed. With PGC as stationary phase it was possible to utilize a mobile phase of high content of organic modifier, without the addition of ion-pairing agents, and still selectively separate the analytes.
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