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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

SKÄLIGT ELLER OSKÄLIGT? : - Gränsdragningsproblem vid en marknadsrättslig bedömning av oskälighet - i avtalsvillkor på delar av bredband- och digital-TV-marknaden. / FAIR OR UNFAIR? : - Distinction and boundary problems in terms of contract on parts of the broadband- and digital-TV-market - a commercial law assessment of unfairness

Edman, Anders, Prochazka, Andreas, Antman, Lena January 2006 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bredbands- och digital-TV-marknaden växer kraftigt och det är av stor betydelse ur konsumentsynpunkt att företagen tillämpar skäliga avtalsvillkor. I denna uppsats granskas ett antal standardavtal utfärdade av företagen på respektive marknad. Företagen vars villkor vi analyserar är Universal Telecom, Glocalnet och Tyfon Svenska AB som tillhandahåller bredbandstjänster, samt Viasat, Boxer och Canal Digital, som levererar digital-TV. Det rör sig i dessa fall om ensidigt upprättade standardavtal där konsumenten inte har möjlighet till individuell förhandling. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bringa klarhet i hur man går tillväga vid en oskälighetsbedömning av villkor i standardavtal riktade till konsumenter samt vilken lagstiftning som till övervägande del används inom området. Vi vill även utreda om dessa avtal innehåller oskäliga avtalsvillkor samt i förekommande fall presentera vilka slags oskäliga avtalsvillkor det rör sig om. Vid en oskälighetsbedömning skall hänsyn tas till god sed, tvingande konsumentskyddande lagstiftning, allmänna tvingande rättsprinciper, dispositiv lag samt om obalans uppkommer till följd av en avtalsbestämmelse. Avtalsvillkoren får heller inte vara vilseledande eller otydligt utformade. De lagar som främst tillämpas på dessa marknader är AVLK, EkomL, KkL och KtjL. De två sistnämnda lagarna är dock inte direkt tillämpliga utan får tillämpas analogt. Vid ingången av arbetet misstänkte vi att det kunde vara svårt att hitta oskäliga avtalsvillkor i så stora företag som vi faktiskt valt, men i samtliga av de granskade standardavtalen förekom oskäliga avtalsvillkor. En gemensam nämnare för företagen är att deras avtal innehöll villkor som på ett eller annat sätt oskäligt begränsade konsumentens rätt till ersättning, s.k. ansvarsbegränsningsklausuler. Alla företagen har även villkorsändringsklausuler som bedömts som oskäliga eftersom de ger näringsidkaren ensidig rätt att ändra i villkoren avseende pris, tjänst eller dylikt. Villkor som föreskriver formkrav vid uppsägning, reklamation eller andra meddelanden återfanns i inte mindre än tre av de granskade företagen. Detta är anmärkningsvärt eftersom det med stöd av förarbetena till KkL och tidigare avgöranden har bedömts som oskäligt en längre tid. En del av de undersökta bolagen försöker utnyttja sig av force majeure-klausuler för att slippa prestera sin del av avtalet. Force majeure är omständigheter som det inte kan rådas över, exempelvis krig och naturkatastrofer. Många av företagen utvidgar innebörden till att innefatta även andra omständigheter som ligger inom kontrollsfären.

Jämförande reklam : Och domstolarnas syn på rättfärdigandegrunderna i förhållande till rekvisiten i 18§ MFL.

Truedsson, Jonas January 2010 (has links)
Jämförande reklam innebär att en produkt ställs mot en konkurrent eller dennes produkt för att jämföra olika egenskaper. Detta kan ske direkt, genom att en produkt jämförs med en tydligt utpekad konkurrents produkt, men också indirekt genom att marknadsföra sig som ”billigast på marknaden” eller liknande uttryck och på så sätt jämför sig med konkurrenterna utan att nämna någon vid namn. Andra former av jämförande reklam är prisjämförelser samt tester och undersökningar. Denna marknadsföringsform har inte alltid varit tillåten i Sverige och ansågs tidigare inte utgöra god marknadsföringssed. Den åsikten ändrades under andra hälften av 1900-talet och i 1975 års marknadsföringslag var jämförande reklam fullt tillåtet under vissa i propositionen nämnda förutsättningar. Dessa förutsättningar finns numera representerade i marknadsföringslagens 18§. De rekvisit som där återges är kumulativa för att förhindra att otillbörlig marknadsföring vilseleder konsumenterna eller snedvrider konkurrensen. Syftet med jämförande reklam är att på ett objektivt sätt framhäva skillnader genom att särskilja varumärken. En annan effekt är att sådan reklam fungerar som en konsumentupplysning och har en konkurrensuppmuntrande effekt. Tillsammans med åsikten att reklamen skall vara skyddad av TF och YGL utgör dessa effekter de starkaste grunderna för den jämförande reklamens rättfärdigande. Eftersom dessa grunder bara kommer till uttryck i diverse förarbeten och doktrin, har det varit upp till domstolarna att bedöma deras omfattning och styrka som argument. Detta i motsats till rekvisiten för dess tillåtlighet som finns i 18§ MFL. Konsumentupplysningen är ett argument ofta nämnt i domskälen men sällan angivet som skäl för att tillåta annars otillbörlig marknadsföring. Den konkurrensuppmuntrande effekten får anses vara ett något starkare argument, speciellt i samband med lågprisföretag. Marknadsföringsåtgärder skyddas inte av TF eller YGL om de kan anses vara av rent kommersiell natur och ha ett rent kommersiellt förhållande till föremål. Domstolen har i enlighet med uttalanden i förarbetena ansett att företräde skall ges till TF och YGL vid oklarheter. Detta med hänsyn till det intresse de anses skydda. / Comparative advertising means that a product is placed against a competitor in order to compare different properties. This can be done directly, by comparing a product with a well known, named, competitor’s product, but it can also be done indirectly by promoting yourself as being “the cheapest on the market”. The purpose of comparative advertising is to highlight differences between marks in an objective way. Other effects are consumer enlightenment and the encouragement of competition. These effects combined with the opinion that comparative advertising should be protected by the freedom of speech and the freedom of press, compose the strongest argument for the justification of comparative advertising. While the prerequisites for admissibility are clearly expressed in 18§ MFL, the arguments for the justification of comparative advertising are only mentioned in various legislative history and doctrine. This means that it is up to the courts to assess their significance and strength of argument. Consumer information is an argument often cited in case law but rarely given as a reason to allow otherwise improper marketing. The interest of increased competition may be regarded as a somewhat stronger argument and justify some intrusions of the prerequisites in 18§, especially concerning low-cost companies. Promotional measures are not protected by TF or YGL if they are considered being of a purely commercial nature and having a purely commercial relation to the subject. Courts have ruled that when in doubt, TF and YGL has preference.

®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke / The ® Symbol : Clarifying on Registered Trademark

Pettersson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union.</p><p>When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark. This symbol indicates that the good or service can be trusted and also tells other companies that the trademark can be protected from possible infringements. Originally the symbol comes from American trademark law and in the USA there are certain regulations on how to use the symbol, regulations that we don’t have in Sweden or Europe.</p><p>However, trademark registrations are done approximately in the same way in USA, Sweden and EU. In the USA an application is sent to USPTO which is correspondent to PRV in Sweden and OHIM in the EU. There are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled before and registration can take place and these conditions are also very similar if we compare the different systems. There are different systems for registration of trademarks, except the national systems. If you want to register a trademark in the EU there’s a certain system and if you’re looking to get a registration outside the Union you can do this through another system.</p><p>Occasionally, some companies use the ® symbol without actually having a registration in the country where the good or service is promoted and sometimes they don’t even have a registration at all, in any country. When this happens, these companies are most often suited in court. One of these cases occurred in Germany in 1989. A German company had been marketing a blood filter that was imported from Italy. The trademark was registered in Italy but not in Germany and another operator on the German reacted. The German court found that the use of the ® symbol without a German registration was improper but considered that a prohibition might be restrictive to the principle of free movement of goods in the EU. This consideration proved to be accurate after a decision from the EU court of the. There are further cases like this one from the market courts of Sweden and Finland but in these particular cases there were no registration existing at all, not in any country. The courts passed sentence on these companies for misleading advertising.</p><p>It has been proven that cases like these are not always easy to settle since national laws are affected and sometimes controlled by laws or directives of the EU. Hopefully, the new harmonized marketing law will make it easier further on. Still, there are no regulations on the use of the ® symbol in Sweden or the EU and since it seems to cause problems, if not very often, I think it would be good to introduce some common rules for this.</p>

®-symbolen : Klargörande om registrerat varumärke / The ® Symbol : Clarifying on Registered Trademark

Pettersson, Martin January 2007 (has links)
Trademarks are distinguishing marks that are used by companies to highlight their goods or services to separate them from other companies. In Sweden, trademarks are protected by a certain Trademark Law called Varumärkeslagen. The law is a result of many years of improvements from earlier trademark laws. Since Sweden is member of the European Union, its laws are affected and in many cases inferior to laws of the Union. A new Trademark Law is about to be implemented in Sweden, thanks to a directive from the European Union. When a trademark is registered it is possible to use the symbol ® along with the trademark. This symbol indicates that the good or service can be trusted and also tells other companies that the trademark can be protected from possible infringements. Originally the symbol comes from American trademark law and in the USA there are certain regulations on how to use the symbol, regulations that we don’t have in Sweden or Europe. However, trademark registrations are done approximately in the same way in USA, Sweden and EU. In the USA an application is sent to USPTO which is correspondent to PRV in Sweden and OHIM in the EU. There are certain conditions that need to be fulfilled before and registration can take place and these conditions are also very similar if we compare the different systems. There are different systems for registration of trademarks, except the national systems. If you want to register a trademark in the EU there’s a certain system and if you’re looking to get a registration outside the Union you can do this through another system. Occasionally, some companies use the ® symbol without actually having a registration in the country where the good or service is promoted and sometimes they don’t even have a registration at all, in any country. When this happens, these companies are most often suited in court. One of these cases occurred in Germany in 1989. A German company had been marketing a blood filter that was imported from Italy. The trademark was registered in Italy but not in Germany and another operator on the German reacted. The German court found that the use of the ® symbol without a German registration was improper but considered that a prohibition might be restrictive to the principle of free movement of goods in the EU. This consideration proved to be accurate after a decision from the EU court of the. There are further cases like this one from the market courts of Sweden and Finland but in these particular cases there were no registration existing at all, not in any country. The courts passed sentence on these companies for misleading advertising. It has been proven that cases like these are not always easy to settle since national laws are affected and sometimes controlled by laws or directives of the EU. Hopefully, the new harmonized marketing law will make it easier further on. Still, there are no regulations on the use of the ® symbol in Sweden or the EU and since it seems to cause problems, if not very often, I think it would be good to introduce some common rules for this.

Negativ avtalsbindning : i svensk marknadsrättslig praxis

Muriqi, Saranda January 2011 (has links)
One fundamental principle in Swedish contract law is that passive acceptance does not constitute a binding acceptance of an offer. Still, business owners use the consumers unknowing of this, and form offers saying passivity will lead to a binding agreement. Business owners are thus trying to “negatively bind” the consumer to agreements. There are rules prohibiting this kind of actions in the Swedish marketing law (MFL). In order to find out what constitutes this forbidden kind of agreement-entering according to the Swedish Market Court, an analysis of seven cases settled between 2002-2009 and concerning consumers in these situations, is made. The analysis is made in a comparative manner, identifying the differences and similarities in order to distinguish, if any, common principles that are used by the Market Court to settle these cases. This is of importance since new ways of entering agreements are constantly developed and increasing, especially on the Internet. Consequently, this means that the ways of negatively binding consumers to agreements are increasing as well. It is found that there are some common principles in these cases. Initially, the cases are differently evaluated depending on the existence of earlier agreements between parties. If there is an earlier agreement, the way of negatively binding the consumer to an agreement could be acceptable. Where parties did not have an earlier agreement, the cases were without exceptions regarding orders made online. It was established that using a three-step-model for orders online, would always secure the consumers awareness of actively entering the agreement, thus eliminating the chances of negatively binding the consumer.  It is also discussed whether principles of market law established in judgments by the Market Court, are of interest to cases of civil law, and it is determined that they could be.

Konkurrensbegränsande köperbjudanden : -        Står marknadsföringslagen i strid med konkurrenslagen? / Invitations to purchase that are anti-competitive : -         Is Marketing Act in conflict with Competition law?

Berg, Malin, Poulsen, Frida January 2010 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsens syfte är att söka bringa klarhet i huruvida de krav som finns i 12 § Marknadsföringslagen (MFL) är förenliga med artikel 101(1) Lissabonfördraget samt 2:1 Konkurrenslagen (KL). I arbetet kommer rättsdogmatisk metod att användas, vilket innebär redogörelse av hur de aktuella rättsreglerna är utformade (<em>de lege lata</em>) samt hur de kan tänkas revideras (<em>de lege ferenda).</em> Marknadsföring nyttjas av många företag i näringslivet, marknadsföring får företagen att synas på marknaden och därmed nå ut till konsument och näringsidkare. Att utforma ett köperbjudande, en bestämd produkt tillsammans med ett angivet pris är en marknadsföringsmetod. Hur ett köperbjudande skall vara utformat finns reglerat i 12 § MFL. Syftet med bestämmelsen i 12 § är att skydda konsumenten mot vilseledande marknadsföring som kan hindra konsumenten att fatta ett välgrundat affärsbeslut.</p><p> </p><p>Den problematik som nu uppkommit vid tillämpning av 12 § var från konkurrensverket (KKV) förutspådd. Problematiken vid tillämpningen av 12 § MFL uppstår då fristående företag tillsammans utformar ett köperbjudande i sin marknadsföring. Samarbetet om det exakta priset är något som enligt MFL är tillåtet medan det enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL utgör ett otillåtet prissamarbete. Skulle företagen för att undkomma att handla i strid med de konkurrensrättsliga bestämmelserna välja att ange ett från- eller cirkapris strider det mot de marknadsrättsliga reglerna. Förfarandet medför att företag utom den ekonomiska enheten inte har någon möjlighet att marknadsföra sig tillsammans i form av ett köperbjudande utan att agera i strid med lagen. Detta är en konsekvens som kan komma resultera i att företag väljer att utelämna priset ur marknadsföringen, något som är till nackdel för konsumenten.</p><p> </p><p>En lösning av en del av problemet vore att Sverige, precis som England inför ett tredje rekvisit för köperbjudande. Detta innebär att köperbjudandet måste ligga nära avtalsslutet. Konsumenten skall ha möjlighet att köpa produkten genom den information som anges i köperbjudandet. På så sätt skulle det vara möjligt för fristående företag att gå samman om marknadsföring som inte ligger nära avtalsslutet. De undkommer då bestämmelserna angående exakt pris som anges 12 § MFL vilket i sin tur innebär att en priskartell enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL inte ligger för handen.</p> / <p>The following essay has been written with the purpose to find out if 12 § Marketing Act (MFL) is compatible with article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and 2:1 Competition law. A legal dogmatic method was applied in the essay, which means that it took into account the rules of law (<em>de lege lata</em>) and how the law should be written (<em>de lege ferenda</em>). Marketing is used by many manufacturers with the purpose to reach out to and inform the consumer about their products. In order to reach that goal, many manufacturers use by-offers, showing a product jointly with a price. The marketing Act aims to eliminate misleading marketing procedures. Therefore, 12 § was created to regulate these invitation to purchase. The rule is constructed with the purpose to protect consumers against misleading marketing and prevent the consumer from making the wrong economical decision.</p><p> </p><p>The problems that would arise with the application of the law were already predicted by the Swedish Competition Authority before the law came into effect in the Marketing Act. The application difficulties with 12 § appeared when smaller manufacturers that were not within the same economical unit constructed a concerted invitation to purchase. The proceeding had to be considered as an illegitimate price cooperation according to article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 Competition law.</p><p> </p><p>If the manufakturers, with the wish to not act in conflict with the competition laws, would state a price that is not exact, they would act in conflict with the Marketing Act.  A consequence of this problem could be that the manufacturers do not include prices in their commercials in order to get away from the rule of invitations to purchase. This can lead to disadvantages for the consumers because they cannot take part of the prices that smaller manufacturers have, which will inevitably lead toward a limited overview of the marked on their behalf.</p><p> </p><p>To solve the problem, England has introduced a third prerequisite for invitations to purchase. The third prerequisite specifies that the invitation to purchase has to make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product. The invitation to purchase has to be close to an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. In that case, all the commercials that do not make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product will not be considered as an invitation to purchase. This would make 12 § MFL unfeasible and would lead towards a development in which the small manufacturers that are not within the same economical unit would be able to cooperate with their commercials without acting against article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 KL.</p>

Konkurrensbegränsande köperbjudanden : -        Står marknadsföringslagen i strid med konkurrenslagen? / Invitations to purchase that are anti-competitive : -         Is Marketing Act in conflict with Competition law?

Berg, Malin, Poulsen, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att söka bringa klarhet i huruvida de krav som finns i 12 § Marknadsföringslagen (MFL) är förenliga med artikel 101(1) Lissabonfördraget samt 2:1 Konkurrenslagen (KL). I arbetet kommer rättsdogmatisk metod att användas, vilket innebär redogörelse av hur de aktuella rättsreglerna är utformade (de lege lata) samt hur de kan tänkas revideras (de lege ferenda). Marknadsföring nyttjas av många företag i näringslivet, marknadsföring får företagen att synas på marknaden och därmed nå ut till konsument och näringsidkare. Att utforma ett köperbjudande, en bestämd produkt tillsammans med ett angivet pris är en marknadsföringsmetod. Hur ett köperbjudande skall vara utformat finns reglerat i 12 § MFL. Syftet med bestämmelsen i 12 § är att skydda konsumenten mot vilseledande marknadsföring som kan hindra konsumenten att fatta ett välgrundat affärsbeslut.   Den problematik som nu uppkommit vid tillämpning av 12 § var från konkurrensverket (KKV) förutspådd. Problematiken vid tillämpningen av 12 § MFL uppstår då fristående företag tillsammans utformar ett köperbjudande i sin marknadsföring. Samarbetet om det exakta priset är något som enligt MFL är tillåtet medan det enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL utgör ett otillåtet prissamarbete. Skulle företagen för att undkomma att handla i strid med de konkurrensrättsliga bestämmelserna välja att ange ett från- eller cirkapris strider det mot de marknadsrättsliga reglerna. Förfarandet medför att företag utom den ekonomiska enheten inte har någon möjlighet att marknadsföra sig tillsammans i form av ett köperbjudande utan att agera i strid med lagen. Detta är en konsekvens som kan komma resultera i att företag väljer att utelämna priset ur marknadsföringen, något som är till nackdel för konsumenten.   En lösning av en del av problemet vore att Sverige, precis som England inför ett tredje rekvisit för köperbjudande. Detta innebär att köperbjudandet måste ligga nära avtalsslutet. Konsumenten skall ha möjlighet att köpa produkten genom den information som anges i köperbjudandet. På så sätt skulle det vara möjligt för fristående företag att gå samman om marknadsföring som inte ligger nära avtalsslutet. De undkommer då bestämmelserna angående exakt pris som anges 12 § MFL vilket i sin tur innebär att en priskartell enligt artikel 101 (1) Lissabonfördraget och 2:1 KL inte ligger för handen. / The following essay has been written with the purpose to find out if 12 § Marketing Act (MFL) is compatible with article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and 2:1 Competition law. A legal dogmatic method was applied in the essay, which means that it took into account the rules of law (de lege lata) and how the law should be written (de lege ferenda). Marketing is used by many manufacturers with the purpose to reach out to and inform the consumer about their products. In order to reach that goal, many manufacturers use by-offers, showing a product jointly with a price. The marketing Act aims to eliminate misleading marketing procedures. Therefore, 12 § was created to regulate these invitation to purchase. The rule is constructed with the purpose to protect consumers against misleading marketing and prevent the consumer from making the wrong economical decision.   The problems that would arise with the application of the law were already predicted by the Swedish Competition Authority before the law came into effect in the Marketing Act. The application difficulties with 12 § appeared when smaller manufacturers that were not within the same economical unit constructed a concerted invitation to purchase. The proceeding had to be considered as an illegitimate price cooperation according to article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 Competition law.   If the manufakturers, with the wish to not act in conflict with the competition laws, would state a price that is not exact, they would act in conflict with the Marketing Act.  A consequence of this problem could be that the manufacturers do not include prices in their commercials in order to get away from the rule of invitations to purchase. This can lead to disadvantages for the consumers because they cannot take part of the prices that smaller manufacturers have, which will inevitably lead toward a limited overview of the marked on their behalf.   To solve the problem, England has introduced a third prerequisite for invitations to purchase. The third prerequisite specifies that the invitation to purchase has to make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product. The invitation to purchase has to be close to an agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer. In that case, all the commercials that do not make it possible for the consumer to actually buy the product will not be considered as an invitation to purchase. This would make 12 § MFL unfeasible and would lead towards a development in which the small manufacturers that are not within the same economical unit would be able to cooperate with their commercials without acting against article 101 (1) Treaty of Lisbon and also 2:1 KL.

Regulating a Controversy : Inside Stakeholder Strategies and Regime Transition in the Self-Regulation of Swedish Advertising 1950–1971

Funke, Michael January 2015 (has links)
This thesis concerns the development of the self-regulation of advertising in Sweden from 1950 until 1971. Self-regulation was initiated in the 1930s due to a business desire to regulate fair competition in marketing, and while it initially was a minor operation, the 1950s and 1960s were characterized by extensive development. When self-regulation was overtaken by state policies in 1971, it included several interlocking systems, of which parts survived the introduction of the state regime. The thesis’ aim has been to analyze how the rapid regime transitions in the self-regulation regime can be understood. The existing literature identifies four major transitions that occurred during the studied time period. To understand them, the thesis has studied the policy processes leading up to these transitions. Focus has been on the business interest organizations that controlled the regime and their regulatory strategies. Theoretically, the analysis has departed from the hypothesis that tensions between these organizations, due to their members’ different market interests and varying levels of exposure to regulation and public badwill, to a significant degree informed their strategic choices as well as policy outcomes. The results show that the policy processes preceding the regime transitions were characterized by internal tensions, whereby organizations representing advertisers, and to a lesser degree media carriers, due to their members’ higher level of exposure to regulation and public badwill, successfully supported stronger market policing, while ad agencies, being less exposed, as well as a peak industry organization for the proliferation of marketing largely opposed such measures, preferring a more lenient regulation. However, due to increased exposure to regulation and bad will, the ad agencies finally abandoned their opposition and took the lead in regulatory innovation through the introduction of an extensive clearance program that survived the launch of the state regime, becoming a key component in the co-regulatory structure that followed.

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