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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Savoirs et pratiques autour de la tuberculose à Dakar, 1924-1969 : le destin d’une maladie sociale, du colonial au postcolonial

Camara, Fatoumata 04 1900 (has links)
Alors que des stratégies ont été développées par les pouvoirs publiques qui officiaient à Dakar depuis les années 1920 pour contenir l’évolution de la tuberculose, maladie sociale alors identifiée comme constituant un obstacle aux projets socio-politiques et économique de la France en Afrique de l’ouest, cette maladie continuait en 2019, environ 40 ans après la décolonisation du Sénégal, à figurer parmi les préoccupations des autorités sanitaires de la ville. Se posent dès lors plusieurs questions: pourquoi, en dépit de l’existence d’un vaccin antituberculeux depuis les années 1920 et malgré la découverte de médicaments spécifiques au cours des années 1940-1950, la tuberculose continue de défier les plans mis en œuvre à Dakar pour contenir son évolution? Quels ont été les moyens mobilisés pour stopper son évolution? La lutte contre la tuberculose à Dakar impliquait-elle une action sur les facteurs qui favorisaient l’extension de la maladie? Serait-ce l’exécution des mesures antituberculeuses qui était défaillante? L’hypothèse qui sous-tend cette thèse est que la lutte contre la tuberculose ne constituait pas une priorité pour les autorités sanitaires de Dakar mais aussi que l’inadéquation des différentes mesures préventives et curatives opposées à cette maladie explique les limites de l’action jusque-là entreprise et, par conséquent, sa persistance dans cette ville. À travers une évaluation de l’organisation et de l’exécution des différentes mesures qui ont été prises depuis 1924, ce travail de recherche tente de faire la lumière sur les facteurs explicatifs de la persistance de la tuberculose à Dakar jusqu’en 1969 et d’identifier des continuités, et pas seulement des ruptures, entre la période coloniale et nationale pour mieux saisir la place actuelle de la maladie infectieuse au pays. Ce travail envisage aussi de voir en référence à quels savoirs et à quelles pratiques ont été opérés les choix concernant les mesures à opposer à la tuberculose. Il cherche également à étudier les modalités d’exécution des différentes mesures arrêtées pour stopper le développement de cette maladie afin de saisir les distances entre les intentions et les gestes posés. Pour évaluer l’incidence des différents plans de lutte mis en œuvre contre la tuberculose à Dakar dans la durée choisie, une attention est enfin portée à leur réception ainsi que les attitudes qu’elles ont suscitées chez la population dakaroise. / While strategies had been developed by the public authorities that had been operating in Dakar since the 1920s to contain the spread of tuberculosis, a social disease then identified as an obstacle to France's socio-political and economic projects in Dakar and West Africa, in 2019, some 40 years after Senegal's decolonization, the disease continued to be a concern for the city's health authorities. This raises several questions: Why, despite the manufacture of an anti-tuberculosis vaccine since the 1920s and the discovery of specific drugs in the 1940s and 1950s, tuberculosis continues to defy the plans implemented in Dakar to contain its spread? What has been done to halt its spread? Did the fight against tuberculosis in Dakar also involve action on the factors that contributed to the spread of the disease? Was it the implementation of TB control measures that was failing? The hypothesis underlying this thesis is that the fight against tuberculosis was not a priority for Dakar health authorities, but also that the inadequacy of the various preventive and curative measures against this disease explains the limits of the action taken so far and, consequently, the persistence of tuberculosis in this city. Through an evaluation of the organization and execution of the various measures taken since 1924, this thesis attempts to shed light on the factors explaining the persistence of tuberculosis in Dakar until 1969 and to identify continuities, and not only breaks, between the colonial and national periods in order to better understand the current place of the infectious disease in the country. It also envisages seeing with reference to what knowledge and practices were maked choices concerning measures to combat tuberculosis and seeks to study the modalities of implementation of the various measures adopted to halt the development of this disease in order to grasp distances between intentions and actions taken. In order to assess the impact of the various plans to combat tuberculosis in Dakar over the chosen period, attention is also paid to their reception and the attitudes that they have aroused among the population of Dakar.

A Content Analysis of A&E's Hoarders

Redwine, Samantha J 01 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The interest in hoarding has peaked since its first clinical definition in 1996 and is evident by six television shows centered on the topic. This thesis reports the results a content analysis of two seasons (21 episodes) of the popular T.V. series A&E’s Hoarders. People rationalize hoarding in ways that both differ and overlap. Doctors, professional organizers, hoarders and their loved ones collectively frame hoarding as a medical and mental health problem. The results suggest that Americans’ perceptions of hoarding behavior has shifted from one that is deviant behavior to one that is medicalized.

Kvinnan som önskar kejsarsnitt : Vårdpersonalens perspektiv

Fleron, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Planerat kejsarsnitt på moderns önskan där inga medicinska indikationer föreligger är omtalat i medier. Indikationer för kejsarsnitt på moderns önskan anger att skälen ska vara tillräckligt tungt vägande, faktorer av betydelse är förlossningsrädsla, ålder, tidigare kejsarsnitt eller övergrepp. Men vid närmare analys finns det ingen konkret information om hur dessa indikationer ska bedömas. Ett stort missnöje hos kvinnor framgår på sociala medier och i debattartiklar angående rätten om kejsarsnitt. Detta skapar polarisering inom förlossningsvården mellan kvinnor och vårdpersonal. För att stärka den reproduktiva hälsan är det viktigt att ytterligare belysa vårdens perspektiv i denna aktuella fråga. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur barnmorskor, obstetriker och neonataloger resonerar och beslutar angående kvinnor som önskar kejsarsnitt utan medicinska indikationer. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med tio intervjuer med vårdpersonal. En innehållsanalys tillämpades för att analysera resultatet. Resultat: Två övergripande teman framtogs, processen och aspekter kopplat till kvinnan. Resultatet gav en djupare bild av hur bedömningar görs utifrån kartläggande samtal med kvinnan. Även vad de kort-och långsiktiga perspektiven är som vårdpersonalen måste tänka på vid beslutet. Rätten till kejsarsnitt som kvinnor uttalar höll inte vårdpersonalen med om, de refererade till lagen som säger att man inte kan kräva en operation utan medicinsk indikation. Slutsats: Tillräckligt tungt vägande skäl för kejsarsnitt på moderns önskan går inte att göra utifrån en checklista. Det görs som individuella sammanvägda beslut utifrån kvinnans situation och framtid. Beslutet är multifaktoriellt. / Background: The wish for a planned cesarean section on maternal request where no medical indication exist is well mentioned in the media. The indications for a cesarean section on maternal request are based on if they are sufficiently important reasons, which can be fear of vaginal birth, age, a former cesarean, or experiences of sexual trauma. In a closer analysis of the indications there was no concrete information on how the decision was going to be made by health professionals. There is a big discontentment from women which can be seen on websites and social media where they talk about the right to a cesarean section. This creates a polarization between the women and the health workers at the maternity wards. To strengthen women’s health and reproduction this is an important aspect to bring forward. Aim: The aim of this study was to illustrate how mid wifes, obstetricians and neonatologist perceives and reasons about women who wishes to have a cesarean section without medical indications.  Method: Qualitative interview study was done with ten interviews with health workers. A manifest analysis has been applied to get a result from the interviews.   Results: Two overall themes were produces, the process and aspects connected to the woman. The result gave a deeper understanding of how the decisions are being made from mapping dialogue between the health workers and the woman. The results also showed what short- and long-term consequences of a cesarean that health workers have to keep in mind when deciding. The right to a cesarean section that women speak loudly about did not resonate with the health workers, they referred to what the law says about not being able to demand an operation without any medical indication.  Conclusion: Sufficiently important reason for a cesarean section on maternal request is not possible to decide on the grounds of a checklist. The decisions are being made on individual bases based on the woman’s situation and future. The decision is multifactorial.

The “Extreme Makeover” of the American Woman: A Feminist Analysis of Cosmetic Surgery in Television

Weber, Janean Rae 29 April 2005 (has links)
No description available.

L’utérus artificiel ou l’effacement du corps maternel : de l’obstétrique à la machinique

Martin, Sylvie 11 1900 (has links)
Face au projet de l’utérus artificiel, ce mémoire est consacré à comprendre et expliquer les tenants sociohistoriques bornant son développement. Employant une méthode de « cartographie du présent », nous établissons en premier lieu la solidité empirique de l’ectogenèse, telle qu’exprimée en laboratoire et par les discours experts actuels. Cette analyse préliminaire permet de dégager la question névralgique de l’effacement du corps maternel dans la procréation, ce que nous problématisons suivant une perspective sociohistorique et anthropologique. L’hypothèse principale de ce mémoire est que l’utérus artificiel constitue l’extension radicale de représentations et pratiques existantes qui effacent de maintes façons le corps; ainsi nous cherchons à repérer le cheminement de cette radicalisation. En fouillant l’archéologie de l’assistance à la procréation – des accoucheuses médiévales à la techno-maternité contemporaine en passant par l’obstétrique moderne – notre objectif est de bien identifier la généalogie de la médicalisation, de la pathologisation et de la technicisation croissantes du corps maternel et de l’engendrement afin de caractériser la construction sociale d’une maternité machinique. Autrement dit, il s’agit de jalonner les représentations et pratiques sociales à l’oeuvre dans l’approche contemporaine de la procréation qui participent à l’oblitération du corps et ainsi créent un terreau fertile pour l’implantation de l’UA. / Faced with the present development of artificial womb technology, this master thesis aims to comprehend its sociohistorical origins and logic. Making use of a « cartography of the present » method of analysis, we start off by establishing the empirical constitution of ectogenesis, such as it is expressed in laboratory research and actual expert discourses on the subject. This preliminary analysis enables us to draw the problematic question of the erasure of the maternal body from the scene of reproduction, which we frame in a sociohistorical and anthropological perspective. Our principal hypothesis states that the artificial womb represents a radical outcome of current social representations and practices. Therefore, we try to trace the path of this radicalization by scrutinizing assisted procreation, from the medieval midwives’ practice to modern obstetrics and contemporary techno-maternity. Thus the genealogy of the increasing medicalization, pathologization, and technicization of the maternal body serves to identify the social construction of a mechanical maternity. In other words, we argue that our present mode of procreation continually erases the body and thus sets the scene for the implantation of the artificial womb.

Médicaliser la maternité en Chine du Sud : l'exemple des postes médicaux consulaires français, 1898-1938

Girouard, Kim 08 1900 (has links)
L’histoire de la médicalisation de la maternité en Chine reste encore mal connue et ce mémoire constitue une amorce pour tenter de défricher ce riche et vaste terrain. Il examine dans quel cadre et dans quelle mesure la prise en charge de la maternité des femmes chinoises a évolué au sein des postes médicaux consulaires français du sud de la Chine (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan), de l’arrivée des premiers médecins en 1898, jusqu’à la veille de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en 1938. Il démontre comment a pu se traduire l’œuvre médicale française en matière de prise en charge de la grossesse, de l’accouchement et des soins à donner au nouveau-né dans les établissements de santé consulaires, et tente de voir jusqu’à quel point, pourquoi et dans quels domaines précisément l’offre de soins à l’occidentale proposée par les Français dans ces régions a pu atteindre les futures et nouvelles mères chinoises. / The history of medicalization of maternity in China is still poorly understood and this master thesis is a first step in the attempt to clear this rich and vast ground. It examines the context in which and to what extent the care of the Chinese women’s maternity has evolved in the French medical consular posts of Southern China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan), from the arrival of the first doctors in 1898 until the eve of the Second World War in1938. It demonstrates how the French sanitary mission took care of pregnancy, childbirth, and new-born health in the consular health establishments, and attempts to see how far, why, and in what areas specifically the Western health care proposed by the French in these regions could have reached the future and new Chinese mothers.

Dislexia: a produção do diagnóstico e seus efeitos no processo de escolarização / Dyslexia: the production of diagnosis and its effect on the schooling process

Braga, Sabrina Gasparetti 31 August 2011 (has links)
Atualmente, a temática da dislexia e do transtorno déficit de atenção/hiperatividade passou a ocupar os mais diversos espaços acadêmicos e políticos, com manchetes de especialistas nos programas de televisão, rádio, jornais, e criação de diversos projetos de lei que se propõem a criar serviços de diagnóstico e tratamento nas secretarias de educação. Em todos esses espaços sociais, estes supostos distúrbios são apresentados como doenças neurológicas, que explicariam dificuldades encontradas pelas crianças em seu processo de escolarização. Se, por um lado, temos este quadro de afirmação da suposta doença; por outro há um conjunto de autores que têm questionado tais distúrbios e reiterado a necessidade de compreender a complexidade do processo de alfabetização das crianças iniciantes (no caso da dislexia) e todo o contexto sociocultural que envolve o comportamento das crianças na atualidade (no caso do TDAH). O presente trabalho, por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa de estudo de caso, investiga a história do processo de escolarização, a produção do diagnóstico de dislexia e seus efeitos nas relações escolares de crianças em fase inicial de aquisição da leitura e da escrita. Foram realizadas entrevistas com a mãe, coordenadora pedagógica, professoras e criança diagnosticada, além da análise do laudo realizado por equipe multidisciplinar. No discurso da mãe sobre a história escolar do filho surge o tema das dificuldades escolares trazido como um problema da criança, que teria algo a menos ou em quem faltaria algo a mais. Esta concepção instaura um processo diagnóstico, gerando um tratamento que constitui o processo de medicalização e de culpabilização da criança e de sua família pelo não aprender na escola. As vozes das professoras, não escutadas durante o processo diagnóstico, denunciam que diferentes concepções de desenvolvimento, de aprendizagem e crenças sobre os alunos resultam em relações, ações pedagógicas e, portanto, possibilidades de aprendizagem também distintas. O diagnóstico encontrado, foi realizado ao largo da escola o que evidencia a concepção de desenvolvimento humano na qual se pauta, partindo do pressuposto que a dificuldade pertence à criança. A avaliação incluiu apenas aplicação de testes de diversas áreas tais como psicologia, fonoaudiologia e neurologia, ignorando resultados de pesquisas recentes que inviabilizam o uso de alguns deles por não estarem relacionados ao alegado distúrbio e utilizando outros relacionados exatamente ao motivo do encaminhamento para a avaliação: questões de leitura e escrita. Ter um diagnóstico de dislexia cristaliza um movimento, um processo dinâmico que é o de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Desta forma o diagnóstico segue orientado somente para a falta e para as dificuldades estabelecendo limites a priori para o desenvolvimento do sujeito. Além desses efeitos relacionados à aprendizagem, existem outros decorrentes da medicação que parecem inerentes ao diagnóstico de dislexia acompanhado de TDAH. A criança vive na escola relações estigmatizadas que contribuíram na constituição de sua subjetividade, pautada na doença e nas limitações impostas pelo rótulo diagnóstico / Nowadays dyslexia and ADDH (Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity) topics are gaining larger place in the media. This stimulates a series of law projects intended to create public services of diagnosis and treatment. In this attempt of controlling and managing the problem, these so called \"disorders\", are rather quickly defined by operators and specialists as neurological diseases, which would logically explain the difficulties incurred by children during their schooling process and partially solve teachers and parents headaches on that matter. If practitioners now tend to legitimate this supposed illness, on the other hand, there are many serious authors questioning such straight definition, empathizing two ideas: the urgent necessity of fully understand the complexity of literacy process in beginner children and the necessity to grasp the sociocultural context that surrounds children education and behavior in the present time. This work investigates, by means of a qualitative case study, the diagnosis dyslexia of a child during the schooling process acquiring reading and writing abilities, and consequences of this diagnosis on his relations at school. We hereby present interviews with the mother, the pedagogical coordinator, with the teachers and with the diagnosed child himself. The study also presents the analysis of the report made by the multidisciplinary team responsible for evaluation. The mother of the child that is object of the study presents her sons problems as a lack of something that differentiates him from others in the educational process. This conception establishes the base for the diagnosis process, and results in a treatment that starts medicalization, blaming the child and his family and justifying the inability to learn at school. The voice of the teachers, unheard during the diagnosis process, denounces that different conceptions of development and learning as well as different beliefs about the students end up in distinguished relations, pedagogical actions and learning possibilities for the pupils. The diagnosis found was achieved without considering the school, which highlights the idea of human development on the basis of this approach, assuming as its starting point that the difficulty belongs to the child. The evaluation included tests in many areas such as psychology, phonoaudiology and neurology; ignoring the results of recent researches that discredit some of these methods for not being related with dyslexia. They also use other methods, which are connected exactly to the motifs why the evaluation was requested at the first place: questions referring to reading and writing ability. Declaring dyslexia crystallizes a movement, a dynamic process that is learning and developing. By this way the diagnosis focuses on the difficulties building up barriers to growth of the subject. Besides those effects related to learning, there are other effects, due to medication, that seems inherent to the diagnosis of dyslexia followed by the one of ADDH. The child lives stigmatized relations at school that contribute to the constitution of his subjectivity, based on the illness and limitations imposed by the diagnostic label


MARIO ORLANDO FAVORITO 21 March 2019 (has links)
[pt] A articulação entre psicanálise e educação para pensar o mal-estar na escola remonta aos primórdios da constituição da primeira. Se podemos encontrar em S. Freud uma oscilação entre o papel inibidor que caberia à educação e, por outro lado, um veio libertário, na medida em que esta acolhesse em seus objetivos a realidade pulsional na criança, há uma outra linha de pensamento na psicanálise que vai de S. Ferenczi a D. W. Winnicott, que permite outros encaminhamentos para a abordagem deste tema, especialmente na sua expressão atual. Esta tese objetiva investigar o que pode a psicanálise frente ao mal-estar na escola atual usando como ferramentas a genealogia do poder disciplinar e do biopoder em M. Foucault para compreender a emergência da categoria criança-aluno, os conceitos de norma e normalização para discutir os processos de medicalização e de patologização de crianças e de jovens no ambiente escolar na sociedade de controle e, finalmente, o pensamento de D. W. Winnicott e sua teoria do amadurecimento psíquico e seus desdobramentos. Aponta-se, ainda, para a propriedade desta teoria da constituição subjetiva precoce e de seus desdobramentos, que permitem pensar as formas de inserção na cultura, para os encaminhamentos diferentes do mal-estar na escola atual, compreendido como despotencialização do viver criativo. / [en] The articulation between psychoanalysis and education to think about the discontent in school dates back to the beginnings of the constitution of the former. If we can find in S. Freud an oscillation between the inhibiting role which had to be done by education and, on the other hand, a libertarian trace, in that this hosts into its objectives the instinctual reality in the child, there is another line of thought in psychoanalysis that goes from S. Ferenczi to D. W. Winnicott which allows other referrals to this theme approach, especially in its current expression. This thesis aims to investigate what psychoanalysis can do against the discontent in the current school using as tools the genealogy of the disciplinary power and the biopower in M. Foucault to understand the child-student category emergency, the standard and standardization concepts to discuss the medicalization and pathologizing processes of children and youth in the school surroundings in the control society and, finally, D. W. Winnicott s thought and his psychic maturing theory and its developments. It is still aimed to the property of this theory of the early subjective constitution and its developments, which allow to think the forms of insertion into the culture, to the different referrals of the discontent in the current school, understood as creative living disempowerment.

Nem normal, nem patológico : mulheres em situações de violência: revelando sentidos para a atenção e o cuidado / Neither normal nor pathological : women under violence conditions: disclosing senses for attention and care / Ni lo normal ni lo patológico : mujeres en situación de violencia: revelando sentidos a la atención y al cuidado

Soares, Joannie dos Santos Fachinelli January 2016 (has links)
Esta tese centra-se na problemática da violência contra as mulheres, nas trajetórias em serviços de acolhimento e em práticas sociais e profissionais de cuidado. Baseada em estudos anteriores da autora, parte das afirmações de que serviços e práticas são inadequados, desarticulados, medicalizados e desrespeitam as mulheres vitimadas. Nesse sentido, a partir de experiências de mulheres em situação de violência buscou refletir, compartilhadamente, sua relação com os serviços e suas concepções de cuidado. Trata-se de estudo misto, que descreve e analisa a violência contra mulheres à luz de diferentes enfoques teóricos entre as teorias principalistas do direito à vida em segurança, da saúde e do gênero. O local de realização foi o Centro de Referência e Atendimento à Mulher (CRAM) do município de Porto Alegre. As participantes foram mulheres atendidas no CRAM em decorrência de situações de violência. A geração de dados ocorreu por meio de pesquisa documental em 536 formulários de atendimento, observação sistemática realizada no serviço e entrevistas em profundidade com 14 mulheres. A análise dos dados ocorreu, primeiramente, pela análise quantitativa que sistematizou registros provenientes dos formulários de atendimento do CRAM que corresponderam ao perfil dos atendimentos e das informações sociodemográficas das mulheres atendidas, bem como dos agressores. A segunda etapa correspondeu à análise dos dados qualitativos, provenientes da pesquisa documental, da observação e das entrevistas, com utilização do método da Análise de Conteúdo. Descreveu-se a organização e os processos de trabalho do CRAM, as características dos atendimentos realizados e o perfil das mulheres atendidas e dos agressores. Na análise das trajetórias, constatou-se que na maioria delas estão presentes serviços e/ou profissionais de saúde, principalmente para atendimento relacionados à saúde mental. Identificou-se que as mulheres não são adequadamente acolhidas no setor Saúde. Nos setores Segurança e Justiça, foram observadas negligências institucionais que reproduzem e potencializam a violência. O CRAM foi unanimemente bem avaliado, sendo articulador da rede de atenção. Outros serviços da rede (conselho tutelar, escola, serviços de assistência social, casas abrigos), também se constituem em pontos de apoio importantes para as mulheres, evidenciando a relevância de estabelecer adequada articulação da rede intersetorial. Na linguagem das mulheres, as experiências de sofrimento e busca de acolhimento remetem aos principais elementos para um atendimento eficaz e satisfatório que são: orientação, apoio e proteção. Atribuem às experiências de violência, os sentidos de humilhação, de culpa e de medo, as quais são geradores de intenso sofrimento e têm impactado em sua saúde. As violências impossibilitam o pleno desenvolvimento de uma vida digna. Portanto, entende-se que o enfrentamento dessas situações é necessariamente intersetorial, implicando articulação e fundamentação na garantia dos Direitos Humanos das mulheres. Conclui-se que existe, predominantemente, inadequação das práticas para a construção de projetos de acolhimento e cuidado para as mulheres em situação de violência. Nesse sentido, pensa-se que é preciso assumir nova razão terapêutica, incorporando elementos do cuidado que incluam as tecnologias relacionais e que considerem os direitos humanos, os direitos de cidadania e os aspectos subjetivos nas experiências vividas por essas mulheres. / This dissertation approaches the problem of violence against women upon trajectories in support services and in social and professional care practices. Based on previous studies by the author, it starts from statements that services and practices are inadequate, not articulated, medicalized and that they disrespect victimized women. Thus, a reflection was made from the experiences of women under violence condition by sharing their relation with the services and their care conceptions. This mixed study describes and analyzes the violence against women by considering different theoretical approaches among the Principalism theories regarding the right to safe life, to health and to gender and it was carried out in the Woman Reference and Attendance Center (CRAM) in Porto Alegre. The participants were women attended within the CRAM due to violence situations. The data were collected by means of documentation survey in 536 attendance forms, systematic observation at the service and in-depth interviews with 14 women. At first, the data underwent quantitative analysis that systematized records from CRAM attendance forms which corresponded to the attendance profile and the social and demographic information of the attended women and the offenders as well. The second step corresponded to the analysis of the qualitative data from the documental survey, the observation and the interviews by applying the Content Analysis method. A description detailed CRAM organization and working processes, the characteristics of the performed attendances and the attended women and offenders´ profile. The trajectories analysis showed that in most of them, services and/or health professionals are offered for mental health attendance and that the women are not properly welcome in the Health sector. Regarding Safety and Justice sectors, there has been institutional negligence which reproduces and enhances violence. CRAM service was unanimously well assessed and considered an organizer of the care network. Other network services (guardianship council, school, social support services, shelters) also are important support locations for women that evidence the relevance of establishing adequate articulation of the inter-sectoral network. In the language of women, experiences of distress and search for support address to the main elements of effective and satisfactory service, i.e.: advice, support and protection. They attribute to violence experiences the feelings of humiliation, guilt and fear which generate intense distress and impact on their health. Violence hinder the full development of a dignified life. Therefore, it is understood that the confrontation of these situations is necessarily inter-sectoral, implying articulation and foundation to safeguard the Human Rights to women. The conclusion drawn is that there is predominance of inadequate practices for the construction of support and care projects for women undergoing violence situation. Thus, it is needed to undertake a new therapeutic reason that incorporates care elements which include relation technologies and that consider human rights, citizenship rights and subjective aspects from these women´s experiences. / Esta tese aborda la problemática de la violencia contra las mujeres, en las trayectorias en servicios de acogida y en prácticas sociales y profesionales de cuidado. Considerando estudios anteriores de la autora, parte de afirmaciones de que servicios y prácticas son inadecuados, desarticulados, medicalizados y no respetan las mujeres victimadas. Desde experiencias de mujeres en situación de violencia, se buscó reflexionar compartiendo su relación con los servicios y sus concepciones de cuidado. El estudio mixto describe y analiza la violencia contra mujeres considerando diferentes enfoques teóricos entre las teorías del Principalismo del derecho a la vida en seguridad, de la salud y del género, realizado en el Centro de Referencia y Atendimiento a la Mujer (CRAM) de Porto Alegre. Participaron mujeres atendidas en el CRAM debido a situaciones de violencia. Los datos resultaron de pesquisa documental en 536 formularios de atendimiento, observación sistemática en el servicio, y entrevistas en profundidad con 14 mujeres. Los datos pasaron, primeramente, por análisis cuantitativo que sistematizó registros de los formularios de atendimiento del CRAM que correspondieron al perfil de los atendimientos y de las informaciones sociodemográficas de las mujeres atendidas y de los agresores. La segunda etapa correspondió al análisis de los datos cualitativos, provenientes de la pesquisa documental, de la observación y de las entrevistas, utilizando el método de Análisis de Contenido. Se describió la organización y los procesos de trabajo del CRAM, las características de los atendimientos realizados y el perfil de las mujeres atendidas y de los agresores. El análisis de las trayectorias mostró que en su mayoría están presentes servicios y/o profesionales de salud, principalmente para atendimiento a la salud mental y que las mujeres no son adecuadamente acogidas en el sector Salud. En los sectores Seguridad y Justicia fueron observadas negligencias institucionales que reproducen y potencializan la violencia. El CRAM fue unánimemente bien evaluado, siendo articulador de la red de cuidado. Otros servicios de la red (consejo tutelar, escuela, servicios de asistencia social, hogares de abrigo), también se constituyen en puntos de apoyo importantes para las mujeres, evidenciando la relevancia de establecerse adecuada articulación de la red intersectorial. En el lenguaje de las mujeres, las experiencias de sufrimiento y búsqueda de acogida remeten a los principales elementos para atendimiento eficaz y satisfactorio: orientación, apoyo y protección. Se les atribuyen a las experiencias de violencia, los sentidos de humillación, culpa y miedo, que generan intenso sufrimiento e impacto en su salud. Las violencias imposibilitan el pleno desarrollo de una vida digna. Así, se entiende que el enfrentamiento de esas situaciones es necesariamente intersectorial implicando articulación y fundamentación en la garantía de los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres. Se concluye que existe predominantemente inadecuación de las prácticas para la construcción de proyectos de acogida y cuidado para las mujeres en situación de violencia. Aún, es preciso asumir nueva razón terapéutica, incorporando elementos del cuidado que incluyan las tecnologías relacionales y que consideren los derechos humanos, los derechos de ciudadanía y los aspectos subjetivos en las experiencias vividas por esas mujeres.

A São Paulo glamourosa: encantos e desencantos (1949-1959)

Valdívia, Marcia Barros 30 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:31:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia Barros Valdivia.pdf: 8058584 bytes, checksum: ab1af89d52afc56fc3cdd8d59a30a158 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-05-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The present paper A São Paulo glamourosa. Encantos e desencantos (1949-1959) by Márcia Barros Valdívia , aims to understand a decade of 20th century that became known as Golden Years . This cliché brought a simbology that was surrounded by the modernization and industrialization from main metropolis as the city of São Paulo . Among the charms displayed in the advertisement of the products destined to the consumer market, it was the alcoholic beverage . The thematic that envolves the beverage ads , among others evoke the maximization of the happiness. Because all of this it was necessary questioning the golden decade. Thus it was possible unveiling the other golden years face where the where the dissapointment and the failure remained dormant, and the happiness was unhappy as sang by the bohemian Maysa. In this universe of enchantments and disenchantments the doctors speeches came to legitimize the necessity of treatment and vigilance but never the cure of those who were considered inadequate and patients . Finally the medicine came as a workshop for repairs and the pacients came sometimes as dependents of festive vices and by often illegal, sometimes as dependents of prescribed vices, therefore lawful. This way the difference between the medicine and the poison is the prescription and the dose / O presente trabalho A São Paulo glamourosa. Encantos e desencantos (1949-1959) tem como objetivo compreender uma década do século XX que ficou conhecida como Anos Dourados . Esse clichê trouxe toda uma simbologia que esteve envolvida pela modernização e pela industrialização das principais metrópoles como a cidade de São Paulo. Entre os encantos visualizados nas propagandas dos produtos destinados ao mercado consumidor, estava a bebida alcoólica. As temáticas que envolvem os anúncios das bebidas entre outros evocam a maximização da felicidade. Por tudo isso se fez necessário questionar a década dourada. Assim foi possível desvelar a outra face dos dourados anos, onde a desilusão e o fracasso ficaram latentes, e a felicidade foi infeliz como cantou a boêmia Maysa. Nesse universo de encantos e desencantos os discursos médicos vieram legitimar a necessidade do tratamento e da vigilância mas nunca a cura daqueles que foram considerados inadaptados e doentes. Por fim a medicina veio como uma oficina de reparos e os pacientes vieram ora como dependentes de vícios festivos e por muitas vezes ilícitos, ora como dependentes de vícios medicalizados por isso lícitos. Dessa forma a diferença entre o remédio e o veneno esteve apenas na fórmula e na dose

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