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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det sociala arbetets hantverk : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares tolkningar av föräldraskap i relation till det goda, det bristande och det ”tillräckligt bra”.

Pettersson, Jaqueline, Jansson, Marielle January 2022 (has links)
Familj har historiskt sett konstruerats och framställts som mamma, pappa, barn, vilket har standardiserat en samhällsnorm om den ideala familjen. Det finns normer och föreställningar om vad som är ett bra föräldraskap och vilka förmågor en förälder ska ha. En kärnuppgift för socialsekreterare i barnutredningar är att göra riskbedömningar och bedöma föräldraförmåga. En kartläggning från 2021 visade att det fanns brister i två tredjedelar av ärendena gällande barn. Syftet med denna studie är att få en fördjupad förståelse för socialsekreterares tolkningar av det goda, det bristande och det ”tillräckligt bra” föräldraskapet i barnutredningar. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar har sex socialsekreterare fått ta del av en vinjett att resonera kring i enskilda intervjuer. Datamaterialet har sedan analyserats i relation till tidigare forskning och med socialkonstruktivism som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultatet visade att bedömningar av föräldraförmåga är ett komplext arbete. Deltagarna lyfter svårigheterna med att applicera begreppet ”tillräckligt bra” i praktiken. Det arbete som görs då föräldraförmåga bedöms kategoriseras som ett socialt hantverk. Resultatet belyste även en organisatorisk komplexitet som innebär att utredningar görs av socialsekreterare men fastställande om ingripande insatser beslutas av annan part baserat på socialsekreterarnas subjektiva utredningar. / Historically family has been constructed and presented as mother, father, child, which has standardized a societal norm as the ideal family. There are norms and perceptions of what constitutes good parenting and what abilities a good parent should have. A core task for social workers in child investigations is to make risk-assessments and assess parenting ability. A mapping from 2021 showed that there were shortcomings in two thirds of cases concerning children. The purpose of this study was to gain an in-depth understanding of social workers' interpretations of the good, the deficient and the "good enough" parenting in child investigations. To answer the questions of the study, six social workers were given a vignette to resonate about in individual interviews. The collected material was analyzed along with previous research and social constructivism as a theoretical perspective. The results showed that assessing parental abilities is a complex work. The participants highlight the difficulties of practically applying “good enough” in their work. Assessing parental abilities is categorized as a social craft. The results also highlighted an organizational complexity, as assessments are performed by social workers whereas decisions about interventions are decided by another part, however based on their subjective investigations.

"En så kallad sjuk organisationskultur" : En kvalitativ studie som belyser hur organisationskulturen kan ligga till grund för att människor lämnar en organisation / "A so-called sick organizational culture” : A qualitative study that emphasizes how the organizational culture can be the reason behind why people are leaving an organization

Pettersson, Frida, Norgren, Julia January 2022 (has links)
Författare: Frida Pettersson & Julia Norgren Datum: 2022-05-24 Nivå: Kandidatuppsats, företagsekonomi, 15 HP Handledare: Annika Schilling Examinator: Mikael Lundgren Titel: ”En så kallad sjuk organisationskultur” - En kvalitativ studie som belyser hur organisationskulturen kan ligga till grund för att människor lämnar en organisation Syfte: Studiens syfte är att klarlägga hur innehållet i en organisationskultur kan påverka människor att lämna alternativt bli uteslutna ur en organisation. Metod: Studien behandlar fenomenet organisationskultur och tog med utgångspunkt i detkomplexa ämnet avstamp i en kvalitativ studie med en abduktiv forskningsansats. Studien har också tillämpat en fallstudiedesign där semistrukturerade intervjuer och kompletterande observationer varit den datainsamlingsmetod som nyttjats. Slutsats: Studiens resultat visar på att organisationskulturen är en bidragande faktor till att människor väljer att lämna alternativt blir uteslutna ur en organisation. Studien har belyst diverse strukturer inom organisationen som alla kan benämnas som tämligen ohälsosamma när man talar om organisationskultur. Vi kan med utgångspunkt i det konstatera att den ohälsosamma organisationskultur som idag präglar arbetsplatsen har bidragit till den höga personalomsättning och således också den exkludering som kommit att karaktärisera organisationen.  Nyckelord: Ohälsosam organisationskultur, maktstrukturer, ohälsosamt ledarskap, frånvarande ledarskap, exkludering. / Authors: Frida Pettersson & Julia Norgren Date: 2022-05-24 Level: Bachelor thesis, Business administration, 15 credits Advisor: Annika Schilling Examiner: Mikael Lundgren Title: “A so-called sick organizational culture” – A qualitative study that emphasizes how the organizational culture can be the reason behind why people are leaving an organization.  Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify how the content of an organizational culture can affect people to leave or be excluded from an organization. Method: The study addresses the phenomenon organizational culture and on the basis of the complexity of the subject a qualitative study with an abductive research approach was chosen. The study also applied a case study design where semi-structured interviews and supplementary observations where the data collection method that was used. Conclusion: The result of the study shows that the organizational culture is a contributor to why people leave or become excluded from an organization. The study has elucidatedstructures within the organization that can all be described as rather toxic when talking about organizational culture. Based on that we can ascertain that the organizational culture thatdistinguishes the workplace today has contributed to the high staff turnover and thus also the exclusion which has come to characterize the organization. Keywords: Toxic organizational culture, power structures, toxic leadership, absent leadership,exclusion.

Carbon Offsetting, a new form of CO2lonialism? : Local implications of tree-planting projects in East Africa / Klimatkompensation, en ny form av CO2lonialisering? : Sociala effekter av trädplanteringsprojekt i östra Afrika

Larsson, Cecilia, Orvehed, Moa January 2021 (has links)
Carbon offsetting has a growing presence on the global climate action agenda where it is promoted as a triple-win for the environment, business and development. However, the opinions on carbon offsetting are divided. Projects with agroforestry and participatory methods are highlighted as having more positive aspects, but critics emphasize that carbon offsetting can become an excuse for the Global North to continue business as usual while using the Global South as a carbon dump. Carbon offsetting can reproduce unequal power structures where countries, while formally decolonized, are still affected by coloniality. This study examines carbon offsetting through tree planting projects and the potential discrepancies between discourse and documented effects in East Africa with focus on Uganda. Four projects are compared with each other, focusing on documented social effects and impacts on land access. We analyze how power structures are expressed in carbon offsetting generally and in the projects. This is a literature study with a combined theoretical framework of political ecology and the decolonial approach. Findings imply that there, to varying degrees, are discrepancies between rhetoric and reality for the projects. Differences between the projects’ outcomes mainly boil down to their planting method, degree of participation and operating logic. All the projects are to varying degrees based on a coloniality, permeated by power structures and have some level of exclusion. However, findings also imply that best practices involve the local communities in a bottom up approach with an agroforestry method and carbon offsetting as a co-benefit.

On Collapse

Constan, Lea January 2021 (has links)
This project is an active exploration of subjectivities through the medium of weaving. In a narrative illustrated with woven works, the emotional trajectory of this person of mixed cultural background through Swedish society is described. First, the work is contextualized in terms of the larger politico-cultural-discursive context, entitled the outside. It is then positioned in terms of the individual context, the inside, largely dramatized as the developments in the art of western tapestry in the past century. This culminates in the final works, three of which are presented in the final exhibition. They are entitled monads, the etymology of which, in Greek, relates to the words one, alone, or singularity. Each is a conceptual microcosm proposing a different light distribution scheme. They are imprints of alternative actualizing tendencies. There could only be one; at the end of the experiment, Schrodinger’s cat is either dead or alive. The collapse involves the very structure of the ground, and is therefore embedded directly into the weave structure. But remember, each act of observation is an irreversible disturbance to the system. In the interpretation of the primary emanation arises difference, but in which direction will the pendulum swing, and on what forces does its motion hinge? Do subjectivities follow the locality assumption? Do you produce subjectivities or do they produce you?

[..] ”Nej, jag bestämmer nu, lyssna på mig nu!” [..] : En kvalitativ studie om barns olika positioner och hur de konstituerar makt och motstånd samt hur det i sin tur möjliggör för inflytande i rollek utifrån Klara Dolks tolkning av Michel Foucaults teori. / [..] "No, I make the decisions now, listen to me now!" [..]  : A qualitativestudy of children’s different positions and how they constitute power and resistanceand how this turn enables influence in role play based on Klara Dolk’s interpretationof Michel Foucault’s theory.

Olsson, Tuva-Lisa, Hammarling, Lova January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att bidra med kunskap om hur barn positionerar varandra irollek och hur det skapar makt och motstånd. Syftet är även att bidra med kunskapom hur barns positioner skapar möjligheter och begränsningar i rollek. Studien tarinspiration ur Sheridan, Williams och Pramling Samuelssons (2014) artikel där detframkommer att barn i förskolan endast har strukturerade grupperingar 0.5–2 timmarom dagen. Det resulterar i många timmar om dagen i förskolan där barn självakonstruera sina grupper, även så kallad fri lek. Fri lek är en viktig del i förskolan ochskapar såväl möjligheter för barns utveckling likväl som det skapar begränsningarför barns utveckling. Skolverket (2022) lyfter att nästan 86% av Sveriges barn går iförskola där utbildningen utgår från Läroplanen för förskolan, Lpfö 18 (Skolverket2018) där ett mål om att alla barn ska få lika stort inflytande i utbildningen finnsskrivet. Studien har genomförts med ett baklängesarbete med kvalitativ ansatsgenom deltagande observationer som metod. Baklängesarbete innebar att syfte ochfrågeställningar omformulerades efter att resultatet var fastställt (Klingberg &Hallberg 2021). Deltagande observationer innebar att vi var delaktiga i barnens lekoch samtidigt förde fältanteckningar. Resultatet i studien analyseras utifrån KlaraDolks tolkning av Michel Foucaults teori med tre teoretiska begrepp. Studiensinsamlade empiri visade på att barn positionerar varandra i fyra olika positioner ideras rollek. Resultatet visade även på hur makt och motstånd konstitueras i barnsrollek och hur barns positioner skapar möjligheter men även begränsningar för barnsinflytande i rollek genom makt, motstånd och normer (Dolk 2013). Slutsatsen blevatt barns positioner har olika möjligheter till inflytande i rollekar som baseras påmaktstrukturer som ofta är synliga för barn, men osynliga för pedagoger. Dettaskapar både möjligheter och begränsningar för barn som pedagoger i förskolanmåste vara uppmärksamma på.

Look under the Hood: Green Cars - Red Batteries : A human rights approach on the expanded demand of Electric Cars in the run for carbon neutrality and renewable transportation

Palmgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The climate crisis is an urgent threat towards people and planet, and rapid changes are needed to decarbonize the planet. The energy sector is in a current transition to renewable-based energy, which also includes a shift to electric cars. Electric cars are motivated to be the future, which will be beneficial for the economy and the environment. The industry has also received criticism, several human rights violations occur in the supply chains of the electric cars and that it is an industry that risk increasing global inequalities. This study explores the complexity of the car industry’s transition to renewable energy, based on case studies of Volvo, Mercedes, and Volkswagen, and their sustainability work related to the supply chains of electric vehicles batteries. The purpose is to show the relation between companies and power structures, as an exemplification of the possibilities for a just energy transition from fossil fuel-based energy to renewable-based energy. The findings shows that the transition is shaped by economical values, which risks broaden the gap between Global South and Global North. It emphasized that it is an issue that needs a collective effort to change the Status Quo, to create sustainable solutions based on the three pillars of sustainable development beneficial for all, not only the Global North.

Tossingarna på Sankta : En kvalitativ undersökninng av det patientnära arbetet på Sankta Maria mentalsjukhus / The looneys at Saint : A qualitative study of the close patient work at Saint Marys asylum

Larsson, Jessica January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Mentalsjukhus upprättades på 1900-talet runt om i västvärlden för att separera obildbara sinnesslöa från samhället. Mentalsjukhusen hade ett uppfostrande syfte, men generellt blev det förvaring av patienterna. Mentalsjukhusen byggdes på moraliska samhälls-ideologier som motiverades med hjälp av medicinsk vetenskap. Med framsteg i antipsykotiska farmaka minskade behoven för mentalsjukhusen, som börjades avvecklas på 1960-talet. Syfte: Syftet är att belysa skötares upplevelser av det patientnära arbetet på Sankta Maria mentalsjukhus i Helsingborg. Metod: Tematisk analys av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Slutsats: Skötare både acklimatisera sig till rollen som skötare och kände sig motstridig till den. Utöver personal hierarkier var kunskap var en faktor till skötarnas arbete och metod / Background: Asylums were established in the 2000 - century around the western world to separate the feeble minded from society. Asylums hade a fostering purpose, but generally it became storage of patients. Asylums was foundation om society’s moral ideology and was legitimatise with the help of medical science. Progress in pharmaceuticals diminish the need for asylums, which started to get dismantled in the 1960’s. Purpose: Purpose is to enlighten psychiatric aids experience of the close patient work in Saint Marys asylum in Helsingborg.Method: A thematic analysis of semi structured interviews. Conclusion: Psychiatric aids both acclimated to the role as psychiatric aids and felt contradictory to it. Knowledge was a key factor, besides staff hierarchy, to the psychiatric aids work and method.

När kvinnan vinner : En filmanalys om maktrelationer / When the woman is the winner : A film analysis of power structures

Lemark, Cajsa January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine in which way power structures are played out in the 2022 movie The Menu (2022). Five categories of scenes with the main focus on the main character have been selected to be analyzed through a narrative movie analysis with focus on intersectionality regarding class and gender in relation to the theory of the final girl. Every scene is to be explained and then, together with the main narrative, analyzed through theories of marxism, Bourdieu’s capital theory and Clover’s final girl in focus.   The study concludes that the power structures of class and gender is played out through the main character by her using her looks as a beautiful and young woman as well as her working class background in the service industry as an escort to her advantage in getting to know the male antagonist. By doing so she can, unlike the other guests which are all upper class, escape the safe death they all face. / The purpose of this media production is to be used as a base for discussion during seminars regarding honor related violence and oppression. The mateiral is the be used during education for proffesionals in the field of social work.

VÅLD I NÄRA RELATION : Uppfattningar om allvarlighetsgraden av fysiskt våld i nära relation baserat på förövarens kön / Intimate partner violence

Kartman, Linnea, Ahlström, Elvira January 2024 (has links)
Studien syftade till att undersöka studenter vid Örebro universitets uppfattningar om allvarlighetsgraden av fysiskt våld, som utförs i nära heterosexuella parrelationer, beroende på könet på förövaren. Uppfattningarna undersöktes genom en webbaserad enkätundersökning innehållande vinjetter med fiktiva scenarion. Respondenterna (N = 107) fick ta del av ett scenario där förövaren antingen var en man eller en kvinna. Respondenterna tillhandahölls frågor tillhörande scenariot för att mäta uppfattningarna. Resultatet av studien visade signifikanta resultat gällande allvarlighetsgrad av våldet baserat på förövarens kön. Studenterna uppfattade situationen allvarligare när mannen var förövare gällande; 1) syn på incidentens allvarlighetsgrad, 2) syn på förövaren och 3) syn på den utsatta. Studiens resultat diskuterades med teoretisk utgångspunkt i könsmaktsordningen. Förståelsen för hur förövarens kön påverkar uppfattningarna om allvarlighetsgraden av våldet är viktigt för att förstå våld i nära relation som ett samhällsproblem i syfte att arbeta brottsförebyggande. Ökad kunskap inom området bidrar till att minska diskriminering och stigmatisering gällande förövare och utsatta oberoende av könstillhörighet. / The aim of this study was to examine students’ at Örebro University perceptions regarding the severity of physical violence in heterosexual intimate relations based on the gender of the perpetrator. The perceptions were examined through a web based survey containing vignettes with fictional scenarios. The participants (N = 107) received a scenario where the perpetrator was either male or female. The participants were then provided with follow up questions to measure their perceptions of the scenarios. The result of the study showed significant results regarding the severity level of the violence based on the gender of the perpetrator. The students' perceptions showed that the situation was considered more severe when the male was the perpetrator regarding; 1) severity of the situation, 2) perception regarding the perpetrator and 3) perception regarding the victim. The results of the study were discussed in relation to the theory of gendered power structures. The comprehension of how the gender of the perpetrator correlates with perceptions of severity of violence is important in understanding intimate partner violence as a societal issue in order to be able to prevent it. Increased awareness in the field contributes to reducing discrimination and stigmatization regarding perpetrators and victims, regardless of their gender.

Towards Musicking in a Public Sphere : 1-3 year olds and music pedagogues negotiating a music didactic identity in a Swedish preschool

Wassrin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores alternative ways of staging music in preschool. The ‘preschool subject of music’ is approached as a social and cultural construct that is embedded in discursive negotiations. Participants in the study are 1-3 year-old children and their music pedagogues, working in the preschool on a daily basis. In three studies, the negotiation of a local music ‘didactic identity’ is examined by answering research questions related to three different discursive levels: (i) the micro-level of face-to-face interaction; (ii) the level of pedagogue’s conceptions; and (iii) the political/societal level. Study I examines the participants’ use of semiotic resources in their co-construction of musicking events. By means of micro-analyses of video-recordings it is shown that mobility in the room is essential for the children’s access to instruments and other artefacts, and for their possibility to influence music activities. Other crucial conditions concern the pedagogues’ responsive uptake and improvisatory approach, and that the activities are open to other forms of expression. Study II explores conceptions of the ‘child’ and conceptions of ‘music’ in four music pedagogues’ talk in a group interview. Different conceptions of the ‘child’ are seen to interrelate with certain ontological and functional conceptions of ‘music’ that involve diverse opportunities for children’s (bodily) agency. This analysis is made by means of discursive psychology. Study III examines the music practices from a political and philosophical perspective, using Hannah Arendt’s concept of the ‘public sphere’. This third perspective shows how this preschool’s music practices create a public sphere by seriously putting into practice equality and plurality as values and principles that increase the equality between children and adults. Age power structures are thereby challenged, and the children can be seen as citizens in the ‘here and now’, and not in some distant future when they are grown-ups. Also, the ‘preschool subject of music’ itself becomes a negotiated issue. Implications for preschool practice and preschool teacher education are discussed, and further research is suggested within other educational areas regarding how pedagogues’ interpretations of the concept of ‘children’s participation’ and ‘influence’ impact on specific preschool subjects, such as music. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: In press.</p>

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