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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Varför matturism? Möjligheter och incitament för utveckling

Ågren, Viktoria January 2021 (has links)
Food tourism has recently become a trend throughout the world, and Sweden is not an exception. Regions and municipalities are now increasingly beginning to discover the potential benefits of food tourism development. Food and local food culture are nowadays increasingly considered as a powerful tool to differentiate and create autenticity in order to excel in the global tourism market. Projects aiming to promote food tourism is becoming more common in Sweden, but there are few studies on the subject. This study aims to explore the incentives for the implementation of publicly funded projects aiming to promote food tourism at Swedish destinations with a special focus on the High Coast area of Sweden, while also investigating opportunities and ways to promote food tourism in this area. The study showed that the most common incentives for the implementation of publicly funded projects aiming to promote food tourism in Sweden today were increased local food production through the promotion of local food producs and creating cross-sectoral collaboration, connection local businesses and public actors. The High Coast area showed to have good opportunities for the development of food tourism, if development takes place through regional planning, with cross-sectoral collaboration and with a focus on sustainability and local food products. Conditions should also be provided for shorter food chains.

Skiddestinationers omställning från vinter till året-runt : En balansgång mellan olika intressen i en destinationsutvecklingsprocess

Jansson, Johanna, Jordskogen, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur skiddestinationsaktörer arbetar strategiskt hållbart i omställningen till året runt-destination. För att uppfylla syftet ämnar uppsatsen besvara frågor kring omvandlingsprocessen som behandlar möjligheter och utmaningar för en destination samt aktörers hantering av kommersiella kontra miljömässiga intressen. Uppsatsen bygger på en fallstudie där vi använde oss av Branäs skidanläggning som case. Studien har en metodologisk röd tråd där vi utifrån studiens problemställning har följt en tematisk modell där tre teoretiska teman; destinationsutveckling, planering och hållbar turismutveckling, varit vägledande genom hela studien, och således även utgjort studiens teoretiska ramverk. Studien genomfördes via fyra kvalitativa intervjuer med berörda nyckelaktörer för Branäs utveckling, samt dokumentanalys av ett planeringsdokument i form av en fördjupad översiktsplan för Branäsområdets utveckling. Det empiriska materialet har tematiskt analyserats för att identifiera mönster, skillnader och likheter i aktörernas svar som sedan ställts i relation till teori i studiens analyskapitel. I analysen har vi tagit avstamp i vårt teoretiska ramverk där vårt empiriska resultat diskuteras i relation till tidigare forskning för att därefter i slutsatserna besvara våra frågeställningar, som bygger på studiens tematiska modell. Studiens slutsatser indikerar att det finns såväl möjligheter som utmaningar i samband med säsongsbetonade destinationers omställningsprocess och hur olika intressen hanteras. Studien visar att en säsongsförlängning inte automatiskt leder till ökad hållbarhet. Trots att säsongsförlängningen kan ha stora fördelar ur ett ekonomiskt, socialt och miljömässigt perspektiv, så kan det även bidra med utmaningar och konsekvenser för miljön. Utmaningarna ligger främst i att beakta och balansera olika miljömässiga och kommersiella intressen. Utvecklingsprocessen kan samtidigt resultera i att en spänning mellan kommersiella och miljömässiga och intressen uppstår. Denna spänning måste hanteras tidigt i planeringsprocessen via dialog och samverkan mellan olika aktörer. Samtidigt spelar lagstiftning, vilket ibland upplevs som ett hinder i utvecklingsprocessen, en viktig roll för att balansera olika intressen och främja miljömässig hållbarhet. / The purpose of this paper is to investigate how ski destination stakeholders’ work strategically sustainable in the transition to a year-round destination. To fulfill the purpose, the paper aims to answer questions about the transformation process that address opportunities and challenges for a destination and stakeholders’ handling of commercial versus environmental interests. The paper is based on a case study where we used Branäs ski resort as a case. The study has a methodological common thread where we, based on the study's problem, have followed a thematic model where three theoretical themes; destination development, planning and sustainable tourism development, have been guiding throughout the study, and thus also constituted the study's theoretical framework. The study was conducted through four qualitative interviews with key actors involved in the development of Branäs, and document analysis of a planning document of the Branäs area. The empirical material has been analyzed thematically to identify patterns, differences and similarities in the actors' responses, which were then placed in relation to theory in the study's analysis chapter. The analysis has been based on our theoretical framework where our empirical results are discussed in relation to previous research. In the conclusions we answer our questions, which are based on the study's thematic model. The study's conclusions indicate that there are both opportunities and challenges in connection with the transition process of seasonal destinations and how different interests are managed. The study shows that extending the season does not automatically lead to increased sustainability. Although seasonal extension can have great benefits from an economic, social and environmental perspective, it can also contribute to challenges and consequences for the environment. The challenges lie mainly in considering and balancing different environmental and commercial interests. At the same time, the development process may result in a tension between these interests. This tension needs to be addressed early in the planning process through dialogue and collaboration between different stakeholders. At the same time, legislation, which is sometimes perceived as an obstacle in the development process, plays an important role in balancing different interests and promoting environmental sustainability.

Sexturism i Thailand : En undersökning av fördomar och synen på sexturism

Åkesson, Andréas, Falk, Hans Filip January 2013 (has links)
This thesis presents a research of Swedes view on sex tourism in Thailand. This research is showing how Swedes sees sex tourism in Thailand and what kind of thoughts they have about it. This research also shows the Swedish view on sex tourism in Thailand and how it differs from the view of the Swedish media and their opinion about the subject. Furthermore, this research shows that the view of this subject differs depending on the respondents’ experience of travelling in Thailand. It becomes more important to study this subject with increasingly numbers of Swedes travelling to Thailand and more people find a partner in the country. This has led to a growing minority of Thai people in Sweden, which has to live with the prejudices of the Swedes. That is why it is so important to show what this prejudices are and why they exist. This topic is rather hard to study because of the sensitivity of the subject as well as people’s fixed opinions regarding this subject. It is easy to make politics of the subject because of these strong opinions, but we have tried to stay away from these already fixed opinions and instead tried to observe other peoples fixed opinions and how these fixed opinions effecting Thai women living in Sweden. It is important to understand how people’s prejudices affect the view of a country especially when it comes to tourism development.

The More the Merrier? : A Study of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Seychelles Islands

Janson, Elin, Långström, Cathrin January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT The cost of doing nothing would be very high on the fragile national ecosystems andultimately on the society of the Seychelles. ’Seychelles National Report 2012 p55 This Minor Field Study, undertaken as a Bachelor’s thesis, aims to research the Seychelleswork with sustainable tourism development and its challenges. The study was conducted onsite for two months in cooperation with the Seychelles Tourism Board. The national strategyfor sustainable tourism development is intended to maintain the uniqueness of Seychelles.Seychelles has for over 30 years been a global leader in protecting biodiversity and naturalenvironment and 51 % of the total land area consists of conservation areas. On the otherhand, Seychelles main source of income is tourism, with 40 % of the inhabitants directly orindirectly depending on tourism. As one of our interviewees put it: “the more tourism, themerrier”. The country will get better infrastructure and more jobs because of it and howcould that spoil the environment? This study looks into hotels perceptions of sustainabledevelopment in the tourism industry, their work with sustainable practices and thoughtsconcerning ecolabelling. Results show dissatisfaction with the government and that betterenvironmental governance is needed. The recent rapid development of new hotels isbecoming a rather problematic situation due to higher competition, infrastructural problemsand lack of labour force. The interest in an eco label is high, although they believe it iscomplicated to implement and is perceived as expensive. On the other hand, hotels are moreor less working in a sustainable way already.Regardless of the sustainable tourism development initiative, our interviewees had afear that Seychelles is becoming a mass tourism destination. They demand that this trend bestopped. We ask therefore, is more really merrier?

Turismprojekt som möjlighet eller ond spiral : En studie av EU-projekt i Jämtland Härjedalen

Klemets, William, Wallberg, Mikael January 2023 (has links)
EU:s sammanhållningspolitik har sedan 1980-talet varit ett verktyg för att investera och utveckla regioner. Utvecklingen sker genom olika strukturfonder och har de senaste decennierna finansierat stora delar av turismens utveckling, särskilt i turismintensiva regioner. Jämtland Härjedalen är ett tydligt exempel på en turismintensiv region där EU-medel används till utvecklingsprojekt. EU:s finansieringssystem upplevs av stödsökande komplext och resurskrävande i både ansöknings- och genomförandeprocesserna. De regelverk som finns är vidare mycket invecklade, vilket gör processerna än mer omfattande. Den här studien syftar till att undersöka och skapa en förståelse för vilka utmaningarna är samt vilka förbättringsmöjligheter som finns. Detta har skett genom en flermetodsstudie, där datainsamlingen genomförts med både enkät och intervjuer. Enkäten och de första intervjuerna gjordes med projektägare som är verksamma i Jämtland Härjedalen, och kompletterande intervjuer gjordes med representanter från finansiärerna Tillväxtverket och Region Jämtland Härjedalen. De främsta utmaningarna och förbättringsområdena från studien kan sammanfattas enligt följande: Upplevda utmaningar: Komplex och tidspressad ansökningsprocess Finansiärernas bristande förståelse om besöksnäringen Att vara låst till målen som skrivits i ansökan Rädsla att inte få kostnader för genomförda aktiviteter godkända Komplicerad redovisning och rapportering Projekt som arbetsform Önskade förbättringar: Förenklat regelverk Förbättrad kommunikation Mindre byråkratisk ansökningsprocess Mer dialog och samverkan Tydligare ansvar och roller Vi avslutar denna studie med en sammanfattande diskussion där vi lyfter egna tankar och funderingar kring utmaningarna och förbättringsmöjligheterna som framkommit av vårt resultat. Vi ser flera stora förbättringsområden, inte minst kopplat till förenklad byråkrati, ökad samverkan och mer dialog. Projektfinansiering är ett relativt outforskat område och vi hoppas att framtida forskning kommer beröra ämnen kopplade till den EU-finansierade projektvärlden. / Since the 1980s, the EU's cohesion policy has been a tool for investing and developing regions. The development takes place through various structural funds and in recent decades has financed large parts of the development of tourism, especially in tourism-intensive regions. Jämtland Härjedalen is a clear example of a tourism-intensive region where EU funds are used for development projects. However, the EU's funding system has proven to be a complex system where applicants experience the application and implementation process as very complex and resource-intensive with complicated regulations to deal with. This study aims to investigate and create an understanding of what the challenges are and what opportunities for improvement exist. This has taken place through a mixed-method study, where the collection of data was carried out with both a questionnaire and interviews. The survey and the first interviews were done with project owners who are active in Jämtland Härjedalen, and supplementary interviews were done with representatives from the financiers Tillväxtverket and Region Jämtland Härjedalen. The main challenges and areas for improvement from the study can be summarized as following: Perceived challenges: Complex and time consuming application process The financiers lack of understanding about the hospitality industry To be locked to the goals written in the application Fear of not getting costs for completed activities approved Complicated accounting and reporting Projects as a form of working method Desired improvements: Simplified regulations Improved communication Less bureaucratic application process More dialogue and cooperation Clearer responsibilities and roles We conclude this study with a summary in which we raise our own thoughts and reflections regarding the challenges and opportunities for improvement that emerged from our results. We see several major areas of improvement, not least linked to simplified bureaucracy, increased cooperation and more dialogue. Project financing is a relatively unexplored area and we hope that future research will touch on topics connected to the EU-funded project world. / <p>2023-06-16</p>

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
<p>Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society.</p><p>The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland.</p><p>The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.</p>

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society. The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland. The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.

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