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Nedläggning av folkbibliotek : Är ideellt idealt? / Closure of libraries : is nonprofit ideal?Andersson, Heléne January 2015 (has links)
This study examines the closure of public libraries, and the nonprofit organizations takeover of them as a phenomenon. The aim is to understand why the nonprofit takeover is common and what the takeover symbolizes and if the discourse in media invokes the views on libraries and the profession.Interviews were made with librarians, politicians and representatives of a nonprofit organization to study different sides of the phenomenon. Other empirical data were found in local and national newspapers and media-channels. I discovered that public libraries are highly valued by both politicians and the community. The study also showed that a library in a community makes people feel valued. It is often the economical problems of the communities that increases the risk of library closures. The politicians request in media, where they sometimes demand nonprofit organizations to take over library activity, can reflect upon the value of the profession and the opinions about the field. The takeover seems to be an effort of keeping the symbol that the library represents in the community and it also seems to be a symbol for the community. The symbol is for example associated with a democratic meeting-place, education and integration. The librarian is associated with good service. This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science.
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Bilden av bilden : En diskursanalys av hur bildämnets samhällsrelevans motiveras / Apprehending art educationBreséus, Roberth January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to describe how the art subject´s societal relevance is motivated. The questions asked were: How is the art subject's societal relevance in school policy, state's public investigations and public art subject debate motivated? And how is the future development of the art subject described therein? The method used was based on Faircloughs critical discourse analysis and studied text extracts from publicly accessible publications. The results showed a complex and multifaceted discourse. Furthermore, the analysis showed several intertextual and interdiscursive relations, but also its potential future development with a discourse comprised predominantly of concrete statements. The conclusion was that school policy discourse emphasized to a large extent the democratic societal relevance, the discourse in state public investigations used largely a beneficial economic relevance, and the discourse of the art subject debate showed a tendency to pursue an analytical, critical, and communicative relevance. However, there were elements within each discourse that were reminiscent of each other. The future development of the subject highlighted the need to ensure the desirable creative commodity and a necessity of a more theoretical inclined subject, and a need to develop the subject as support to ensure democracy.
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Det (o)politiska biblioteket : En diskursanalytisk studie av bibliotekarien som tjänsteman i ett politiskt landskap / The (un)political library : A discourse analytical study of the librarian as an official in a political landscape.Feuk, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the discourses that appear in the media concerning the librarian, as an official, in a political landscape. The method and theory used is critical discourse analysis, based on Fairclough's three-dimensional model for discourse analysis. 47 articles, editorials and debate articles related to the Lenninger affair have been analysed. Through the material three discourses emerge: The discourse of the correct and knowledgeable official, The discourse of the politician who owns the cultural policy issue and The discourse of the absent librarian.Together the discourses show the complex interplay that exists between librarians and politicians in a changing political landscape. The established image of politicians who stay at arm's length from library activities is under negotiation. With new parties the former roles are no longer self-evident. The arms of politicians can be perceived as getting shorter.The study shows the importance of finding an approach to the new political landscape as an official. The librarian also needs to be active in defining his own professional role and to be heard in the debate about professional ethics and what role the library should have in society. Politicians who do not listen to the librarian’s knowledge risk creating a breeding ground for activist librarians who shape the library's activities based on their own values. The legitimacy of the library appears to be threatened if there is not a clear common vision for it from librarians and politicians.
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En kritisk diskursanalys av läroplanens djursynGustafsson, Simon January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie avser en kritiskt diskursiv dokumentanalys av Läroplanen för Förskolan Lpfö98/16 med syfte att förstå och tydliggöra vilken djursyn som präglar dokumentet och således förskolan som verksamhet. Med samma ansats analyseras delar av två ytterligare dokument, från FN respektive Livsmedelsverket, för att jämföra dokumentens olika perspektiv och sätta studiens resultat i en tydligare kontext. Det teoretiska ramverket utgår ifrån poststrukturella perspektiv med fokus på Foucaults och Faircloughs teorier kring diskurser, vilka leder in till Faircloughs modell av kritisk diskursanalys som analysmetod för studien. Analysen bryter ner dokumentens formuleringar som direkt eller indirekt gäller djur, för att belysa inkludering och/eller exkludering av dessa som grupp och hur de i läroplanens kontext ska förstås i det dagliga arbetet med förskolebarnen. Studiens resultat påvisar att djur inom läroplanens diskurs förstås på olika sätt inom olika diskursiva teman, och av dessa teman belyser studien etiska, miljö- och hälsomässiga. Gemensamt för alla diskursens analyserade teman är en övergripande antropocentrisk djursyn där djuret förstås som underlägsen människan. Uppsatsens diskussionskapitel diskuterar uppsatsens resultat i relation till förskoleverksamhetens praktiska arbete och knyter an till den nationella och internationella forskning som nämns i uppsatsens andra kapitel, gällande etablerande av tydliga värden gentemot djur och hur dessa kan bidra till en fördelaktig undervisning och hållbar framtid. Avslutningsvis ges förslag till fortsatt forskning som ger möjligheter att föra vidare frågor kring relationen människa-djur.
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Bildämnets diskursiva konstruktion: En kritisk diskursanalys av debatten om bildämnetDavenport, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
Skolämnet bild framstår förmedelst de två senaste nationella ämnesutvärderingarna av grundskolan som ett ämne kantat av motstridiga ämneskonceptioner och undervisningspraktiker, primärt en åtskillnad mellan det estetiska och teoretiska. Dikotomiseringen mellan estetik och teori har historiska rötter och kan spåras in i vår samtid. Olika sätt på vilket ämnet framställs och tillskrivs egenskaper har ofta följt denna åtskillnad.Via kritisk diskursanalys enligt Norman Fairclough tillämpas en kvalitativ textanalys på 13 tidningsartiklar från varierande webtidningar varigenom syftet med examensarbetet, att undersöka, beskriva och analysera diskursiva konstruktioner och representationer av bildämnet som framträder på olika arenor där offentlig skoldebatt uppkommer besvaras. Genom diskursanalysen identifieras sju bärande diskurser inom analysenheten (tidningsartiklarna) includerande: den bilddidaktiska tillväxtdiskursen, den bilddidaktiska språkdiskursen, den specialpedagogiska bilddiskursen, den praktisk-estetiska bilddiskursen, den medieteknologiska bilddiskursen, den bilddidaktiska demokratidiskursen samt den bilddidaktiska terapidiskursen. Analysförfarandet disponeras enligt de identifierade diskurserna vilka inbördes struktureras enligt nivåerna i Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för kritisk diskursanalys. Slutligen analyseras samtliga diskurser inbegripna i den diskursiva praktiken mot den sociala praktiken varigenom resultatet sammanställs inför konklusionerna.I uppsatsens diskussionsdel diskuteras textanalys som (del)metod samtidigt som validitets- och reliabilitetsaspekter förknippade med den valda inriktiningen av diskursanalys diskuteras och problematiseras, varpå studiens genomförande avseende urval och avgränsning problematiseras. Sedermera vägs studiens resultat mot tidigare forskning och diskuteras slutligen i betydelse till vidare forskning och yrkespraktik.
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Den osynliga modern - En kritisk diskursanalys av föräldrars språkbruk kring surrogatmödrar och surrogatmödraskap i media och dess effekterZethraeus, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study discourse in media by parents of children thatwere born through transnational commercial surrogacy arrangements, andintended parents who plan on going through this process in the future. I haveanalyzed media where this parental narrative is portrayed, using criticaldiscourse analysis combined with Carole Bacchis policy analysis WPRapproach.With the help of these I have identified primary issues that are beingportrayed in the media. I have further analyzed how these issues contribute inconsolidating existing norms surrounding the third world woman andcontribute to the justification of the commodification of the surrogate mother.This is done within a postcolonial feminist framework. The findings of thisstudy shows the glaring invisibility of the surrogate in media discourse,meaning her voice is never heard directly. Instead, interviewers and parentsalike offer a retelling of her narrative.
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"Hotfull man sköts av polis" : En kritisk diskursanalys av hur polisen konstrueras i svensk riks- kontra lokaljournalistik / ”Threatening man shot by policeman” : A critical discourse analysis of how the police is constructed in Swedish national- versus local journalismAndersson, Joacim January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine if local newspapers construction of the Swedish authorities differs from the national newspapers. This was done using a qualitative method, using the Swedish police authority as a practical example. This by analyzing two articles each from five different news events concerning the police and their job. One article from the local newspaper from were the event took place, and one article from one of the most read national newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter. To then compare the results between the articles. Previous studies show that the Swedish police takes a big part of the construction of themselves in the media. This partly by being one of the main sources of information for the journalists. The police also tend to be constructed in a positive way in some sort of ”hero”-discourse, and with a lack of critical questioning from the journalists. Some studies have also showed that the local media tend to lean into the aforementioned construction of the police in a greater extent than national media. This study came to a similar conclusion as the previous studies has done. The local media tend to construct the police in some sort of ”hero”-discourse more often than the national media. This discourse is often presented in connection with a stressed or threatening situation, which in a way justifies the actions done by the police.
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Digitaliseringens möjligheter och hinder – diskurser hos lärare och företagJonsson, Arvid, Persson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
In this degree project, a critical discourse analysis was conducted regarding the coming changes in the Swedish curriculum concerning educational technology. The empiric data was transcripts from qualitative interviews with four teachers, teaching mathematics at upper secondary school in Sweden, and three representatives from educational technology companies, developing software and/or hardware for use in school environments.The aim of the study was to describe the discourses of these two social practices and to point out differences and similarities. The degree project also includes an evaluation of theoretical perspectives within discourse analysis.From the analysis, two discursive practices emerged. Each discursive practice was defined by a number of separate discursive strategies. The biggest difference was, in our opinion, the degree to which the interviewees expressed confidence in their work when talking about the coming changes of digitalization. The teachers showed low levels of professional confidence regarding their resourcefulness while the company representatives showed strong belief in their ability and conviction. The two discursive practices also showed interdiscursive strategies, e.g. descriptions of school praxis, economics and technology optimism.The results indicate a one-sided interdiscursivity for the descriptions of school praxis. Sociocultural change in the field of educational technology is discussed as a possible cause of the discursive differences.
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På tal om estetik - en diskursanalytisk studie av två av statens offentliga utredningarDornwald, Katharina, Davidsson, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Davidsson, Karin & Dornwald, Katharina. På tal om estetik. En diskursanalytisk studieav Statens Offentliga Utredningar/Speaking about aesthetics. A discourse analytic studyof two official government reports. Examensarbete på avancerad nivå, 15högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Lärande och Samhälle, enheten för Kultur, språk ochmedier, KME 2013.Denna uppsats ingår som en del av lärarutbildningen med KME-inriktning (kulturmedier-estetik), 210 högskolepoäng på Malmö högskola. Vi har undersökt hurbegreppet estetik används i två av statens offentliga utredningar, SOU 1999:63 ochSOU 2008:109. Dessa föregår lärarutbildningsreformerna 2001 och 2011. Genom attgranska rapporterna ville vi undersöka vilka olika diskurser som framträder i de tvåutredningarna med fokus på olika sätt att definiera, använda och beskriva begreppetestetik. Vi har genomfört en diskursanalys med utgångspunkt i Faircloughs kritiskadiskursanalys, CDA. Vi har använt oss av CDA som både teori och metod med syfte attsynliggöra hur begreppet estetik används i offentliga utredningar och vad det skullekunna ha för påverkan på vilken status estetik får i lärarutbildningar. Vi ger även enövergripande redovisning för hur begreppet estetik har används både historiskt och iskolans värld. Resultatet av vår analys visar på diskursiva skillnader i de båda SOUtexterna där vi kan se ett samband mellan utredningarna och de lärarutbildningarna som formats därefter. Vi har kommit fram till att SOU 1999:63 har möjliggjort ett radikaltanspråk på estetik på Malmö högskolas lärarutbildning, åtminstone inom vårthuvudämne KME. / Davidsson, Karin & Dornwald, Katharina. Speaking about aesthetics. A discourseanalytic study of two official government reports. Examensarbete på avancerad nivå, 15högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Lärande och Samhälle, enheten för Kultur, språk ochmedier, KME 2013.This paper is part of teacher training with KME (culture - media - aesthetics) as a majorconsisting of 210 credits at Malmö University. We have investigated how the concept ofaesthetics is used in two official government reports, SOU 1999:63 and SOU 2008:109.These present teacher education reforms in 2001 and 2011. By reviewing the reports,we wanted to investigate the different discourses that appear in the two documentsfocusing on different ways to define, use and describe the concept of aesthetics. Weconducted a discourse analysis based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, CDA.We have used CDA as both theory and method in order to highlight how the concept ofaesthetics is used in government reports and what impact it could have on the status ofaesthetics in teachers’ education. We have also given an overview on the historical useof the term aesthetics, as well as in school contexts. The results of our analysisdemonstrate the discursive differences in the various reports and we can see aconnection between the reports formation and the outcome of the teacher’s educations.We have concluded that SOU 1999:63 has made a radical approach on aestheticpossible at least in our major KME.
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Trygghet – Vår tids stora frihetsfråga? : En diskursanalys av Moderaternas valmanifest 2022 / Public safety – The main freedom question of our time? : A discourse analysis of the Swedish Moderate Party's election manifesto 2022Brännström, Linnea, Stenberg, Maja January 2023 (has links)
Title: "Public safety – The main freedom question of our time? A discourse analysis of the Swedish Moderate Party’s election manifesto 2022" The present study aims to explore the Moderate Party’s (Moderaterna) construction of public safety (trygghet) during the Swedish election campaign 2022. Mainly, the topic of choice is motivated by an interest in how a political party, whose election results were successful, navigated the mediatized politics and approached policy issues particularly important to the voters. The study's specific focus on trygghet is in view of the fact that the word is closely knit to political domains like “law and order”, which to a high extent dominated the political debate during the Swedish election 2022. The purpose of this study was achieved by examining Moderaternas election manifesto for 2022, as it holds the party’s collected ideological viewpoints and simultaneously serves as a primary outlet for media coverage on the political subjects of concern. Particularly we found it interesting to examine how the meaning of trygghet is established in response to insecurity (otrygghet) as its negative counterpart, and how Moderaternas description of the Swedish political and societal conditions in relation to trygghet contributes to shape peoples’ perceptions of their social environment. After initially identifying the political contexts in which trygghet is constructed as especially necessary in the manifesto, the theoretical and methodological framework allowed us to further examine how Moderaterna shapes the idea of trygghet, occasionally even beyond what may be considered the traditional understanding of the word. This study points out how Moderaterna largely motivates societies need for trygghet by pointing out an alleged increased crime rate in Sweden, as well as how the actors which are constructed as threatening to the public safety is consequently constructed as external from the community that is argued for. We claim that Moderaterna implicitly presents the desired community as constituted by a specific set of values, to a high degree associated with their ‘orderly’ politics. The construction of community in opposition to threaths is somewhat problematized, as we highlight how the reproduction of discourses with polarizing characteristics could potentially have adverse implications on societal level. Throughout the analysis, each theme is approached with a methodological perspective which allows us to see how Moderaternas legitimization of their politics in response to the increased need for trygghet, can be seen as a mode of exerting power.
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