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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evidensbaserad praktik : Socialt fältarbete i Rinkeby-Kista stadsdelsförvaltning

Ingram, Sofia, Larsen, Lotta January 2014 (has links)
Allt högre krav ställs på en vetenskapligt grundad praktik inom det sociala arbetet, en så kallad evidensbaserad praktik. Studiens syfte är att undersöka evidensbasering i det sociala arbetets praktik. Detta uppnås genom en undersökning av arbetsmetoder och synen på evidensbaserat arbete hos fältassistenter verksamma i Rinkeby-Kista stadsdelsförvaltning. Studien genomförs med hjälp av intervjuer vilka analyseras tillsammans med olika dokument och ställs mot det teoretiska ramverket. Dokumenten utgörs av en populärvetenskaplig artikel och två arbetsplatsannonser samt skriftlig information från fältassistenterna. Författarna utgår därmed ifrån en kombination av olika sätt att inhämta kunskap. Det teoretiska ramverket utgörs av Socialstyrelsens modell för evidensbaserat arbete och tillämpad teoretisk litteratur gällande evidensbasering, socialt arbete och fältarbete. Studiens resultat visar enligt författarna att det råder en osäkerhet kring evidensbegreppet bland de fältassistenter som ingår i undersökningen. Detta leder till att den evidensbaserade praktiken till stor del utförs utan en professionell medvetenhet. / Increasingly high demands, in western welfare states, are placed on a scientifically based social work practice; a so-called evidence based practice. The aim for the study is to investigate evidence based social work practice. This is achieved through a study of the work methods of detached youth workers from Rinkeyby-Kista district administration in Stockholm and their view on evidence based social work. The study is conducted using interviews which together with various documents are analyzed and set against a theoretical framework. The documents consist of a popular science article, two job advertisements and data from detached youth workers. The authors thus use different methods of collecting data. The theoretical framework consists of the National Board model for evidence based work and applied theoretical literature regarding evidence based practice, social work and outreach work. The results demonstrate that there is uncertainty about the concept of evidence based practice among detached youth workers included in the survey. This furthermore leads to an evidence based practice which is largely carried out without a professional awareness.

Tillsammans mot våldsbejakande extremism : Socialtjänstens samverkan med säkerhetssamordnare / Together against violent extremism : The municipal social service's collaboration with security coordinators

Lindahl, Carl, Lindholm, Jonny January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur kommuner arbetar mot våldsbejakande extremism. Intervjuer har genomförts med lokala samordnare mot våldsbejakande extremism och personal inom socialtjänsten i tre olika stora kommuner, som kommit olika långt i sitt arbete mot våldsbejakande extremism. Av resultatet framträder kunskap, lokalkännedom och samverkan som återkommande teman, och dessa diskuteras mot bakgrund av tidigare forskning med utgångspunkt i domänteori. När resultatet analyseras dras slutsatsen att det gör skillnad om initiativ till arbetet mot våldsbejakande extremism kommer underifrån (professionens domän) eller ovanifrån (politikens eller förvaltningens domäner), men att ökad samverkan leder till att våldsbejakande extremism hanteras mer som ett socialt problem och mindre som ett säkerhetspolitiskt problem.

"Om de beskriver att de är ledsna då kan jag skicka en ledsen emoji, senare glada emojis för att vi också ska bli glada" : Relationsskapande bland fältarbetare och ungdomar på digitala plattformar / "If they describe that they are sad then I can send them a sad emoji, later happy emojis so that we also will be happy" : Relationship building among field workers and young people on digital platforms

Panov, Philip, Rauofi, Peggah January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka fältarbetares egna upplevelser av relationsskapande mellan dem och ungdomar på internet och sociala medier. Åtta semistrukturerade kvalitativa intervjuer genomfördes med fältarbetare från socialtjänsten som arbetar med ungdomar på internet och sociala medier. Empiriinsamlingen har bearbetats utifrån hermeneutisk tradition och har därefter analyserats genom teorin symbolisk interaktionism. Resultatet visar att fältarbetare använder sig av informationsspridning, aktiviteter och ett förenklat språk på digitala plattformar som olika tillvägagångssätt för att skapa relationer med ungdomar online. De upplever att förtjänsten med digitalt fältarbete är att relationsskapandet inte enbart är begränsat till fysiska miljöer. Internet möjliggör för anonyma möten och ungdomar kan då berätta om upplevelser som de annars inte vågar tala om. Fältarbetare kan i kommunikationen använda sig av symboler såsom emojis för att ersätta avsaknaden av kroppsspråk, gester, mimik och tonfall. Utmaningar som de upplever i relationsskapandet handlar om negativa aspekter av anonyma möten och emoji-användande samt om lagar som är förknippade till det digitala arbetet. Anonyma möten bidrar även till att fältarbetare inte kan fysiskt ingripa vid oro kring en ungdom då den har möjlighet att maskera sin identitet. De professionella upplever att emojis kan hämma etableringen av relationer med ungdomar om de unga uppfattar verktyget som opassande. Lagar kring fältarbetet online är en betydande utmaning för fältarbetarna eftersom de upplever att de inte kan interagera med ungdomar på de vis som de önskar. Slutligen tyder resultatet på att ansikte-mot-ansikte interaktion har en stor betydelse när fältarbetarna försöker skapa relationer till ungdomar digitalt. Det pekar på att digitala etableringar av relationer mer används som ett komplement till de relationer som skapas i fysiska miljöer. / The purpose of this study was to investigate field workers' own experiences of relationship building between them and young people on the internet and social media. Eight semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with social field workers from the social services who work with young people on the internet and social media. The collection of empirics has been processed on the basis of hermeneutic tradition and has subsequently been analyzed through the theory of symbolic interactionism. The results show that social field workers use information dissemination, activities and a simplified language on digital platforms as different approaches to create relationships with young people online. The professional’s experience that the benefit of digital field work is that relationship building is not only limited to physical environments. The Internet enables anonymous meetings and for young people to share experiences that they otherwise do not dare to talk about. Social field workers can in their communication use symbols such as emojis to replace the loss of body language, gestures, facial expressions and tone of voice. Challenges that they experience in relationship building are about negative aspects of anonymous meetings and emoji usage, as well as about the legal context of this platform. Anonymous meetings also contribute to social field workers not being able to physically intervene in the event of concerns about young people as they have the opportunity to mask their identity. The professionals feel that emojis can inhibit the establishment of relationships with young people if the young people perceive the tool as inappropriate. Laws regarding social fieldwork online are a significant challenge for the professionals because they experience that they cannot interact with them in ways they want. Finally, the results suggest that face-to-face interaction is of great importance when field workers try to create relationships with young people on digital platforms. This indicates that digital establishments of relationships are more used as a complement to the relationships that are created in physical environments.

”Inte som att läsa hemma direkt” : Faktorer som påverkar besökares tillgänglighet till introducerande konstutställningstexter / ”Not like reading at home exactly” : Factors that influence visitors accessibility to introductory art exhibitions labels

Tengblad, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the factors that influence whether visitors to art exhibitions experience accessible introductory art labels or not. From the need of making art exhibitions and their communication available to more people of society the aim with this study is to increase awareness about the factors that influence accessibility and generate ideas about useful theory concerning accessible labels. By connecting theory concerning the purpose of art exhibitions, the social context of art exhibitions, orientation and disorientation and different views related to exhibition labels the author, by influence from the swedish Special pedagogy educational authority (Specialpedagogiska skolmyndigheten) accessibility model ”tillgänglighetsmodellen”, creates a accessibility model concerning the context of introductory art labels. The study gathered material from visitor interviews and observations from two different art exhibition institutions in Stockholm: Bonniers Konsthall and Spritmuseum, one art gallery and one cultural museum with an art exhibition feature. The analysis from the field work then formed the content of the accessibility model concerning the context of introductory art labels. As a background to the ideas behind the labels interviews where also performed with personnel in command of the communication concerning the labels. The results show that the visitors experience of accessible introductory art labels can be related to physical, social and pedagogical factors. Where the physical factors included reading situation, placing, lighting and soundscape. The social factors included other visitors, the willingness to ”do things right” and disorientation, confusion and uncertainty. The pedagogical factors included legibility, readability and well worth reading. The study also shows that the visitors pre-knowledge of art and habit of visiting art exhibitions could influence the visitors experience of accessibility. Where visitors without pre-knowledge about art history in the art gallery Bonniers Konsthall all found the texts non-accessible depending on a mix of physical, social and pedagogical factors. At the cultural museum Spritmuseum however visitors without pre-knowledge of art could find the text accessible. There a positive experience of the reading situation, including lightning and few other visitors, made visitors feel that the text where more accessible even when they experienced some difficulty with the accessibility related to pedagogical factors like text length. The study shows that the different factors of accessibility related to introductory art labels interacted and influenced the overall experience of text accessibility. This is a two years master's thesis in Museum and cultural heritage studies.

Det gäller att hela tiden väga förtroende med oro : En kvalitativ studie om fältarbetares syn- och arbetssätt i det uppsökande och förebyggande arbetet med unga / It is important to constantly balance trust with concern : A qualitative study on field workers' views and practices in outreach and prevention work with young people.

Olin, Amanda, Jönsson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The social welfare committee has a responsibility to work with children and young people to prevent them from being harmed. In many municipalities, preventive work is carried out through an activity known as field work. More than half of Sweden's municipalities have field activities, but how the work is organized differs between municipalities. The purpose of the study is to investigate fieldworkers views and working methods in order to increase the understanding of fieldworkers goals and the conditions required to achieve these goals. The study is based on a qualitative approach with semi- structured interviews as a data collection method. Ten social workers with fieldwork as their explicit task have been interviewed about their perceptions and working methods. Analysis of their statements has then been made based on Bronfenbrenner's developmental ecological model, Askheim & Starrin's theory of Empowerment and Starrin's theory of Paternalism. The results of the study show that the fieldworkers goal is to discover the needs of young people, motivate them to help and create a long-term well-being of the individuals they meet. Fieldworkers believe that academic education, social skills and cooperation with others are important prerequisites for achieving these goals. In addition, it is important to have the trust of their organization, as the profession requires flexibility and results are difficult to demonstrate. The fieldworker strikes a balance between helping and controlling, aiming to help young people make wise choices and create long-term well-being.

Kriminella och normbrytande beteenden bland unga: Fältarbetares förebyggande arbete och utmaningar : - En kvalitativ studie

Haddad, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this research is to enhance comprehension of the strategies employed by field workers to prevent criminal and deviant behaviour among young people in marginalised areas. The data collected from the interviews were examined using thematic analysis and theoretical frameworks such as social capital and social bond theory. The study found that field workers prioritise building strong relationships, trust and creating a sense of purpose for youth. They achieve this by being open and inclusive, showing interest, and socialising with the youth. The activities organised by the field operations were crucial in fostering a sense of purpose in the youth’s daily lives, by catering to their interests and helping them progress.Two key tools that field workers use in their preventive work were identified in this study; field specific competence and a sense for your surroundings.The study also revealed that field workers face challenges such as uncertainty due to lack of clear guidelines, difficulties in managing some youth, and obstacles like limited resources and issues with collaborating with other organisations.

Mapping Business Model Success Factors in Low Populated Developing Areas - A Minor Field Study in Northern Namibia with Focus on Agricultural Technology / Kartläggning av framgångsfaktorer för affärsmodeller i lågbefolkade utvecklingsområden - En fältstudie i norra Namibia med fokus på lantbruksteknik

Canclini, Sofia, Liang, Victor January 2018 (has links)
Namibia has the third lowest population density in the world and a large part of the population are dependent on small-scale subsistence farming for survival. What was found during the study is that large distances between communities has created challenges in terms of infrastructure, logistics and communication. These factors needsto be taken into consideration when conducting or starting business. This research examined success factors in existing business initiatives by and for rural farmers in northern Namibia with focus on the implementation of new technology that supports everyday work. Previous literature shows that the best way to implement and startbusiness in scarcely populated areas has not eectively been addressed. The purpose of this study is to gain a general understanding of the context and identify business model success. An eight-week eld study was performed in Namibia during spring of2018. Empirical data was gathered through qualitative interviews and workshops with farmers and business initiative takers that focus on the cultivation and processing of the staple grain mahangu. The main ndings from the research is that more businesses are forming in these rural areas and farmers are slowly adapting to the benets thatnew technology entails, although, full acceptance of new tools is slower due to the long distances, low income, and deeply rooted traditions. A major success-factor is to increase availability through small-scale empowerment of many farmers. Having many smaller businesses in a large area will increase the availability which in turn will lead to increased spread and adaption of technology. The long term benets of new businesses can support the development of the country and also increase quality of life for rural people. It was also identied that a large part of the population conduct business on the informal markets, which implies that no taxes are paid. For future research it is recommended to investigate how a transition from the informal to formal market can aect the lives of the farmers but also the national development of the country. / Namibia har den tredje lägsta befolkningstätheten i världen och en stor del av befolkningen är beroende av småskaligt lantbruk för att överleva. Det som konstaterats under studien är att stora avstånd mellan befolkningen skapar nya utmaningar när det gäller infrastruktur, logistik och kommunikation. Dessa faktorer måste beaktas vid genomförande eller påbörjande av nya verksamheter. Denna forskning undersökte framgångsfaktorer inom befintliga affärsverksamheter, av och för lantbrukare i norra Namibia med fokus på implementering av ny teknik som stödjer och underlättar det dagliga arbetet. Tidigare litteratur påvisade att nuvarande forskning, gällande det bästa sättet att genomföra och starta verksamheter i områden med låg befolkningstäthet för självförsörjande bönder är begränsad. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en generell förståelse för sammanhanget och identifiera framgångsfaktorer för existerande affärsmodeller. En 8-veckor lång fältstudie utfördes i Namibia under våren 2018. Empirisk data samlades genom kvalitativa intervjuer och workshops med bönder och affärsinitiativtagare som fokuserar på odling och bearbetning av basgrödan mahangu. Resultat visar att ny teknologi är på uppgång och bönder anpassar sig, om än långsamt, till de fördelar som ny teknik innebär. Full acceptans av nya verktyg är emellertid långsam. Detta på grund av långa avstånd, låg inkomst och djupt rotade traditioner. En viktig framgångsfaktor vore att stötta småskaliga jordbruksentreprenörer. Att ha många mindre företag i ett stort område ökar tillgängligheten vilket i sin tur leder till ökad spridning, acceptans och anpassning av ny teknik. De långsiktiga fördelarna med nya företag är att de kan öka livskvaliteten för landsbygden därmed stödja Namibias övergripande utveckling. Det identfierades också att en stor del av befolkningen bedriver verksamhet påde informella marknaderna, vilket innebär att inga skatter betalas. För framtida forskning rekommenderas att undersöka hur en övergång från den informella till den formella marknaden kan påverka böndernas liv, men också landets nationella utveckling.

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori / Organizational Culture from two perspectives : A comparative study of two ethnografies from Social Anthropology and Organization Studies

Styrenius, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
<p>This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture – one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies – considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology. Further – the Organizational Studies has more focus on power and structure, while Social Anthropology has more focus on meaning and interpretation. Finally – the research purpose of studies in Organizational Studies is a bit more normative in its characteristic, than that of Social Anthropology. The study is concluded with a discussion of the future of Social Anthropology and its studies of organizational culture. An argumentation is conducted intended to get the two disciplines to learn from each other in the area of organizational culture, and also intended to show the discipline of Social Anthropology a road to relevant studies in the area of organizational culture.</p> / <p> </p><p>Denna studie syftar till att jämföra två etnografier inom organisationskultur - en från disciplinen socialantropologi och en från disciplinen organisationsteori - med fokus på deras respektive syfte, metod och kulturbegrepp. Trots stora likheter, eller kanske tack vare likheterna, syns några grundläggande skillnader. Organisationsteorin har, jämfört med socialantropologin, angående forskningsmetod, mindre fokus på och mindre deltagande i det informella sociala livet i den studerade organisationskulturen. Angående kulturbegreppet så ser organisationsteorin kultur som något enhetligt, stabilt och tydligt avgränsat i större utsträckning än socialantropologin. Vidare har organisationsteorin större fokus på makt och struktur, medan socialantropologin har mer fokus på mening och tolkning. Slutligen är organisationsteorins syfte något mer normativ i sin karaktär än hos socialantropologin. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om socialantropologins framtid på området organisationskultur. En argumentation drivs i syfte att de två disciplinerna ska kunna lära från varandra och i syfte att visa en väg för socialantropologin att bedriva relevanta studier på området organisationskultur.</p>

"The spirit of ayahuasca" : de kognitiva grunderna i erfarenheten av substansen ayahuasca: en fältstudie genomförd i Pisac, Peru

Wallner, Johan January 2010 (has links)
<p>This essay aims at understanding the experience of the use of <strong>ayahuasca</strong>, and similarities and differences between interview protocols and socio-cultural identities. The work is based on field studies conducted in the Peruvian Andes, in the village of Pisac September to November 2009. What has emerged is that the experience does not seem to be dependent on cultural manifestations as much as it is dependent on general human cognition. Theories have been applied on an empirical phenomenological descriptive study. Various brain activities, along with mental mechanisms contribute to a deeper understanding of the findings in the descriptive analysis.</p><p>It seems that the cultural differences, which I have classed as typological in the phenomenological study, mostly are expressions of meaning for the informants. Furthermore, I have argued that the typical mystical experience, or if you like religious experience, is an essentially biological phenomenon related to episodic memory dealing with experiences. The typological characteristics are products of the semantic memory and these characteristics are primarily linguistic and cultural phenomena. The socio-cultural identities express the basic experience of Ayahuasca and altered states of consciousness in fundamentally similar ways, because both groups share the same human cognition. Regarding these cognitive mechanisms, I have also argued that there are mechanisms such as ”Theory of mind” and ”Active detection device” which have been active in the experiences of ayahuasca.</p>

Organisationskultur ur två perspektiv : En jämförande studie av två etnografier ifrån socialantropologi och organisationsteori / Organizational Culture from two perspectives : A comparative study of two ethnografies from Social Anthropology and Organization Studies

Styrenius, Jakob January 2009 (has links)
This study aims to compare two ethnographies of organizational culture – one from the discipline of Social Anthropology and one from the discipline of Organizational Studies – considering their purpose, their method, and their concept of culture. Despite big similarities, or perhaps thanks to the similarities, some fundamental differences are made visible. The discipline of Organizational Studies has, compared to that of Social Anthropology, regarding the research method being used, less focus on, and less participation in, the informal social life of the organizational culture of the study. Regarding the concept of culture the Organizational Studies consider culture containing more of unity, stability and clear boundaries, compared to Social Anthropology. Further – the Organizational Studies has more focus on power and structure, while Social Anthropology has more focus on meaning and interpretation. Finally – the research purpose of studies in Organizational Studies is a bit more normative in its characteristic, than that of Social Anthropology. The study is concluded with a discussion of the future of Social Anthropology and its studies of organizational culture. An argumentation is conducted intended to get the two disciplines to learn from each other in the area of organizational culture, and also intended to show the discipline of Social Anthropology a road to relevant studies in the area of organizational culture. / Denna studie syftar till att jämföra två etnografier inom organisationskultur - en från disciplinen socialantropologi och en från disciplinen organisationsteori - med fokus på deras respektive syfte, metod och kulturbegrepp. Trots stora likheter, eller kanske tack vare likheterna, syns några grundläggande skillnader. Organisationsteorin har, jämfört med socialantropologin, angående forskningsmetod, mindre fokus på och mindre deltagande i det informella sociala livet i den studerade organisationskulturen. Angående kulturbegreppet så ser organisationsteorin kultur som något enhetligt, stabilt och tydligt avgränsat i större utsträckning än socialantropologin. Vidare har organisationsteorin större fokus på makt och struktur, medan socialantropologin har mer fokus på mening och tolkning. Slutligen är organisationsteorins syfte något mer normativ i sin karaktär än hos socialantropologin. Studien avslutas med en diskussion om socialantropologins framtid på området organisationskultur. En argumentation drivs i syfte att de två disciplinerna ska kunna lära från varandra och i syfte att visa en väg för socialantropologin att bedriva relevanta studier på området organisationskultur.

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