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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Där jag aldrig varit

Westman, Therese January 2014 (has links)
The sites I visit turned into routines a long time ago. Everywhere someone has decided what should be there and what will not fit. I retreat into my daydreams, away from everyday life. A longing for something different, something wonderful. I decided to go where I've never been, searching for something unknown. Sometimes the escape and search is similar, and with the same goal. This is a story about a journey to a new place, which is familiar in more ways than one. It's about everything that is designated, but by whom and for whom? About possibilities, to see what the world could be, potential, dreams and hope. The project aims to implement a fantasy, and show a different reality. I found a place on the border between urban buildings and vast nature. An end, a beginning and a passage. There is a tree, a symbol of knowledge and vegetation, a premonition of what's coming. The closest we come to untouched nature begins on the other side of the slope. But here, where I stand, everything is decided. I understand that my world is synthetic. My project is a site-specific design in Akalla, where I created a tree wig and a stone landscape.

Scann Loss Reduction on Phased Array Antenna / Scan Loss Reduction på Phased Array Antenn

Zhang, Wanyu January 2022 (has links)
Phased array antennas with small size and light weight are proposed to make signal transmitting more efficiently and accurately. These antennas have such advantages that they can realize beam scanning over a large range, accurately track and identify targets within the observation range. In beam scanning, the scan loss which is the difference between the scanned gain and broadside gain has a great impact on the performance of phased array antennas. This thesis aims to study how to reduce the scan loss while the beam is scanned over a wide range. One of the methods to reduce the scan loss is to widen the beam-width of the embedded radiation pattern. With the wide beam-width, the gain reduction due to beam scanning would be small. We propose a method to replace a conventional half-wavelength unit-cell in an array with a sub-array composed of 5 miniaturized elements with special phase/amplitude distribution. The size of the sub-array is finely tuned in this thesis to achieve the goal of wide beam-width without any grating lobe. Then, in order to further expand the beam-width, the ideal power divider is utilized to apply specific weight to the sub-array. The simulation result shows that the maximum scan loss for the considered case is 3.67dB over ±80° scan range with an voltage amplitude distribution of [0.234, 0.64, 0.26, 0.64, 0.234] (1) and a phase of 88° between the 5 sub-array elements, which can be realized by the ideal power divider. If the allowed gain reduction is relaxed to 5dB, the scan coverage can be extended to ±89°. / Fasstyrda antenner med eu liten storlek och låg vikt har förslegits för att göra signalöverföring effektivt och korrekt. Dessa antenner har stora fördelar i att de kan realisera stort område. De kan också följa och identifiera mål inom observationsområdet. Vid strålskanning är skanningsförlusten, som är skillnaden mellan den skannade förstärkningen och förstärkningen vid den breda sidan, följande har stor inverkan på prestandan hos fasstyrda antenner. Denna avhandling syftar till att studera hur man minskar skanningsförlusten när strålen skannar inom ett brett skanningsområde. En av metoderna för att minska skanningsförlusten är att bredda strålbredden i det inbyggda strålningsmönstret. Med en bred strålbredd blir förstärkningsminskningen på grund av strålskanning liten. Vi föreslår en metod för att ersätta en konventionell halvvågig enhetscell i en matris med en delmatris som består av 5 miniatyriserade element med speciell fas/amplitudfördelning. Storleken på delarrayen är finjusterad i denna avhandling för att uppnå målet med bred strålbredd utan någon gitterlob. För att ytterligare utöka strålbredden används sedan den ideala effektdelaren för att ge subarrayet en särskild vikt. Simuleringsresultatet visar att den maximala skanningsförlusten för det undersökta fallet är 3,67dB inom ±80° täckningsvinkel med amplitudfördelning av [0.234, 0.64, 0.26, 0.64, 0.234] (2) och fas av 88°, som kan realiseras av den idealiska effektdelaren. Om kravet på minskningen av förstårluing sänks till 5dB, kan täckningen breddas till ±89°.
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Climate and economic implications of structure and façade materials on a building's life cycle performance : A case study of a multi-family building in Sweden

Jatzkowski, Maximilian January 2023 (has links)
This study has been conducted in cooperation with OBOS Kärnhem. The objective of the study is to assess environmental impacts from different structural and facade materials to find a configuration with the lowest impact, and to assess the economic implications of different structural and façade materials. The study is conducted on a case study building planned in Linköping, Sweden. The methods that were used are the life cycle assessment (LCA) and life cycle cost (LCC) methods. Cross-laminated timber and concrete were chosen as the 2 structural materials to investigate, and sheet metal, cut slate, and wood paneling were chosen as the façade materials to investigate. The goal and scope were specified. The goal of the LCA was to analyze the climate implications of different structural and facade materials on a building’s environmental performance, while the scope was to compare the environmental impacts, specifically global warming potential, of six scenarios over a lifetime of 80 years. Later, a life cycle inventory of the materials was conducted, and the life cycle inventory was assessed. Finally, the life cycle interpretation was carried out to analyze and interpret the results. For the LCC, costs were calculated for materials and energy use and applied to the case study building. The analyses of results show that the wooden building scenarios have significantly low environmental impacts when compared with concrete buildings. The analyses of the results also show that the buildings constructed with cast-in-situ concrete have lower life cycle costs when compared with buildings constructed with cross-laminated timber. This study concludes that structural material choices affect the environmental performance of a building significantly. Facade material choices also affect the environmental performance, however much less significantly. This study also shows that, within these specific system boundaries, the most impactful life cycle stage for the wood structure building scenarios is the operational phase B6, while the most impactful life cycle stage for the concrete structure building scenarios is the material production stage A1-A3. This study further concludes that while cross-laminated timber buildings have a lower carbon footprint than concrete structure buildings, they currently cost significantly more to build. This highlights the discrepancies between the changes and choices that are required to reach the climate and sustainable development goals, and what is economically viable.
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Kunskapsfabriken / The Factory of Knowledge

Bergman, Malin January 2016 (has links)
”Varje människa bär på en samling utav kunskap. Tänk om man kunde skapa en miljö där alla människor kunde få slå upp dörrarna till sitt lilla magasin. En miljö där man ser varje människa som en möjlighet. En möjlighet till att lära sig mer. En resurs i Kunskapsfabriken.” Kunskapsfabriken slår upp dörrarna i kvarteret Kronan och välkomnar stadens människor. Som en del utav Sundbyberg centrum bidrar byggnaden med ett center för det icke-formella lärandet där kreativitet, skapande och gemenskap är i fokus. Kunskapsutbytet, praktisk kunskap och tron på att alla människor är en möjlighet till att lära sig mer genomsyrar projektet. Kunskapsfabriken arbetar aktivt med integration och ger plats åt SFI-utbildning i programmet. Den traditionella språkundervisningen kan på så sätt kombineras med ett program för det praktiska lärandet där språket inte är en nödvändighet. Där kroppen och framförallt händerna blir det viktigaste verktyget för lärande. / ”Every individual carries a collection of knowledge. What if you could create a space where everyone could open the doors to their own little depository? A space where every individual is seen as an opportunity. An opportunity to learn more. A resource in the Factory of Knowledge.” The Factory of Knowledge opens its doors and welcomes the people of the city. As a part of central Sundbyberg it acts as a center for non-formal education where creativity, creation and community are the focal points. The sharing of knowledge, practical knowledge and the belief in every individual as an opportunity to learn more permeates the project. The Factory of Knowledge actively strives towards integration and makes space for ”Swedish for Immigrants”-education. The traditional language pedagogy can therefore becombined with a program for practical learning where language is not a necessity. Where our body and above all our hands become the most important tool for learning.
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Trädsligheter - Hotell i Mariefred / Treeishness - Hotel in Mariefred

Eygun Kihlberg, Adrian January 2015 (has links)
Grundförutsättningarna för projektet var uppgiften att skapa ett mindre hotell i småstaden Mariefred som skulle relatera till staden på ett meningsfullt sätt. För att hantera hotelltypologins motstridiga behov av å ena sidan publika, livfulla ytor å andra sidan privata, lugna rum tog projektet inspiration av de rogivande träden på den i övrigt livfulla tomten som angavs i uppgiften. Hotellets olika rum, rumsgrupper och planlösning har därmed inspirerats av en trädanalogi. I projektet har även flödande rumssamband undersökts för att hantera verksamhetens stora behov av kommunikationsytor. I byggnaden har dessa försökts minimerats och planlösningen präglas istället av funktionsspecifika rumsgrupperingar ordnade efter förmodade flöden av gäster, personal och övrig logistik. Utrymme för flexibilitet i planlösning var även en del av processen med följden av stor variation av sammankopplade hotellrum eller möjlighet till extraprogram i bottenplan. En betydande utmaningen i processen var att låta trädanalogin vara en inspiration för meningsfull arkitektur utan att landa i det alltför pretentiösa. En annan stor utmaning var att få de flödande, flexibla rumssambanden till en funktionell planlösning och fortfarande ha möjlighet att utveckla projektet arkitektoniskt i övrigt. / The basis of the project was the assignment of creating a small hotel in the town of Mariefred that would relate to the town in a meaningful way. To handle the conflicting needs of the hotel typology consisting of - on the one hand public, vibrant parts and on the other hand private, quiet hotel rooms - the project took inspiration from the trees in the assigned site which gave peace to a relatively lively place. The hotel’s various rooms, group of rooms and the plan has thus been inspired by a tree analogy.  The project also has examined a plan characterised of rooms and functions connected in a flow with minimised space solely dedicated for circulation. Groups of rooms with specific functions is organised according to presumed flows of guests, staff and other logistics. Flexibility in the plan was also part of the process with the result of a big variety of interconnected hotel rooms and the possibility of temporary additional programs on the ground floor.  A significant challenge in the process was to let the tree analogy stay as an inspiration for meaningful architecture without being pretentious. Another big challenge was to get the flowing, flexible room relationships to a functional floor plan and still be able to develop the project architecturally otherwise.
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Opera i Stockholm, Galärvarvet

Andersson, Joakim January 2011 (has links)
Suggestion for a new operahouse in stockholm, förslag på nytt operahus i stockholm. Stockholmsoperan.

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