Spelling suggestions: "subject:"idéale.""
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Storbritannien och EU : En idéanalys av debatten kring Storbritanniens stundande folkomröstningPersson, Herman January 2016 (has links)
Sammanfattning: Denna uppsats ämnar ta reda på vilket förhållande de fyra brittiska partierna; Det Konservativa Partiet, Labour, Liberaldemokraterna och UKIP vill att Storbritannien ska ha till EU framöver. Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är debatten kring den folkomröstning Storbritannien kommer att genomföra angående EU-medlemskapet 23e juni 2016. Fokus i uppsatsen ligger på partiernas syn på statens roll i samhället och staters roll i internationell politik. Uppsatsen svarar även på vilka konsekvenser partierna ser som möjliga vid respektive utfall av folkomröstningen och vilka ämnen man lägger tyngdpunkt på i debatten. För att få svar på frågorna genomförs en beskrivande idéanalys. Som teoretisk grund används Europeisk integrationsteori och internationella relationer, IR-teori. Uppsatsen visar att partiernas inställning till EU och utrikespolitik inte är uniform. Inom gruppen partier som vill att Storbritannien blir kvar i EU ryms en mängd motsägelsefulla åsikter och vad ett eventuellt utträde ur EU skulle leda till är trots djupgående debatt mycket oklart.
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Kontroversen Indiens dotter : En kvalitativ idéanalys av dokumentärfilmen Indiens dotterEddegård, My January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to describe what the documentary film India’s daughter tells the viewer about the Indian society through an idea analysis. India’s daughter, released in 2015, directly became a big discussion. Since documentary films are sources of information and might affect opinions it is interesting to analyze one. To be able to examine what is said in the film, the following question will be used: What is said about women and their place in the Indian society, Does the ideas show that change is needed or not? and Is there anything that points to that what is said in the documentary affects people’s opinion? The theories used in this essay is feminism and conservatism as ideal types to describe in what direction the ideas are heading, and theories about how media affects opinions to see if what is said in the film actually matters. The result shows that the content of the film and the ideas about women does matter for people’s opinion. It is also clear that there are at least two different ideas about what place women should have in the society, even though the idea that change is needed is the most popular.
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Feministiskt initiativ - en idéanalysWizelius, Akira January 2008 (has links)
Feminist initiative – an idea analysis. On the fourth of April in the year 2005 Feministic initiative (Fi) was created, it was an main response to the slow changes in the Swedish society, which claimed to establish an equal society. Equality has become one of the major indicators of a contemporary democratic society. The Swedish government has long proclaimed to reach this goal, but even though Sweden currently lies in the front among the democratic societies, while you consider equality issues, especially between the sexes, there is still a lot that need to be done in the Swedish society. Feministic initiative began as an organization and established a political party and participated in the election during the year 2006, but failed to reach a place in the parliament. Recently Feministic initiative said that they will participate in the upcoming election in the year 2010. It made me wonder which feministic ideals that Feministic initiative actually practices. Feminism is a broad ideology, and a reaction against the society that claims to be democratic but systematically oppresses women. This oppression created feminism; but there is different views of feminism, my main objective in this paper is to present a few different feministic directions. These are, radicalfeminism, marxistic feminism, liberalfeminism, socialistic feminism, post-modernfeminism and black (women’s) feminism. From these theories will I create a analyze frame and try to locate different kinds of feministic ideas within Feministic initiatives policy documents called F! for a feministic policy, election manifest and platform for Feministic initiative Thus, the main focus in this paper to do an idea analyze and focus on Feministic initiative, do they really use the different ideas expressed within the different types of feminism that I consider in this paper in a equal manner? The conclusion is that Feministic initiative is tendentious, Feministic initiative uses ideas, perspectives and expressions that are typical for radicalfeminism more than they use ideas, perspectives and expressions from other types of feminism.
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Fi för sociala medier : En idéanalys av Feministiskt Initiativs närvaro på sociala medierDrakenfors, Malin January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Analys av Moderata samlingspartiets program 1921–2020 : Liberalism och konservatism utifrån frihetsbegreppetKärkkäinen, Catarina January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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En marin doktrin, varför då?Hallén, Björn January 2021 (has links)
Denna uppsats frågeställning tar oss på en resa från kalla krigets kyligaste period med den strategiska kultur som präglade den svenska säkerhetsstrategin till läget idag med de förändringar som skett på vägen. Genom att fokusera på de försvarspropositioner och svenska marina doktriner eller doktrinliknande dokument som getts ut inom ramen för det tidsfönster som valts, 1980-2020, skapas en förståelse och en relation mellan det auktoritära och det auktoritäras beroenderelation. Beroenderelationen till befolkningen och omvärlden samt spårbarheten av detta i de marina doktrinerna. Harald Høiback har forskat inom militära doktriner och utvecklat en teori om vikten av balansen mellan de hörnstenar som ingår eller bör ingå i en militärdoktrin, för att doktrinen ska fylla det syfte som avses. Tillsammans med Elizabeth Kiers teori om strategisk kultur skapas ett verktyg som gör att analysen och förståelsen för vad som har varit, det som är och det som kan komma att bli, ökar. Balansen mellan det auktoritära och militärteori kan inledningsvis tyckas vara självklar men komplexiteten kopplat till säkerhetsstrategi gör att syftet med doktrinen emellanåt varierar, hur har det då sett ut, hur ser det ut idag, och hur kan det tänkas se ut framöver?
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Att vara ideologiskt konsekvent under kris : En idéanalys av debatten om vaccinpass i SverigeBerenett, Emanuel, Fredriksson, Olle January 2022 (has links)
This thesis’s main purpose is to understand the recent debate in Sweden concerning the vaccine passport that was caused due to the recent spread of the corona virus. The focus is on what a variety of arguments and positions from different public political debaters have taken in a number of issues regarding vaccine passports. If they have been ideologically consistent regarding their previous ideologic positions in other debates in Sweden. First the thesis describes the three main ideologies used (liberalism, socialism and conservatism) and outlines their main positions. By doing so, the thesis can later compare what Swedish opinion leaders have argued in regards to the vaccine passport and therefore find out if they are relatable to their main ideology. This has been made possible by the implementation of the design of an Ide whose purpose is to investigate and try to understand why different sides of this debate think about how they think about vaccine passports along with if it seems consistent.. The result points to that it can indeed be found ideological inconsistencies in some varieties. For example, if opinion leaders affiliated with the liberal ideology finding the vaccine passports useful might seem to clash with the main positions of the liberal ideology.
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Debatten om digitala doktorer : En idéanalys av riksdagspartiernas syn på jämlik hälsa i framväxten av en digital vårdmarknadSegerström, Arvid January 2021 (has links)
The introduction of welfare markets in publicly financed healthcare system has together with digital innovation of healthcare delivery led to a rapid growth of direct-to-consumer telemedicine services. In Sweden, the rise of such digital doctors has sparked a debate and there are indications that these developments might affect the overreaching goals of Swedish healthcare delivery on equal terms and according to need. This thesis examines the emergence of the new digital healthcare market and the political debate surrounding these developments, in order to answer the overreaching question of what these developments mean for equity in health in the Swedish healthcare system. This is done by describing developments on the digital healthcare market in Sweden and by conducting an idea analysis of the political parties’ views on these developments. Findings indicate that healthcare providers have great influence on the digital healthcare market in Sweden at the expense of public actors. Results from the idea analysis shows that political parties mainly discuss health equity in relation to the digital healthcare market in line with social or liberal egalitarian ideas of health equity.
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Nya tider eller ideologisk urholkning? : En studie om Socialdemokraternas kassering av alliansfriheten.Börjesson, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
In Sweden, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022, the Social Democrats were inturmoil. Some factions had started openly advocating for Nato membership, while someremained staunchly opposed, favouring the status quo. This shift earned the partycriticism for having abandoned their last claim to any form of ideology. This studyproposes the use of politically aligned newspaper editorials as surrogates for studyingpolitical parties, gleaning insights into how stubborn or malleable the party isideologically, thus determining whether the Social Democrats lean more into idealism orrealism. Eight editorials are analysed and classified as Realist/Idealist andPro-/Anti-Nato. The tendency found is that there is a strong correlation between beingidealist and being against Nato-membership, and vice versa. This correlation is thenapplied to the Social Democrats, who voted for joining the alliance, to ultimately suggestthat the party today is more realist than idealist.
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Framåt till dåtiden? : En jämförande undersökning av EU:s och USA:s kommunikation gentemot Ryssland / Forward to the Past? : A comparative study examining the European Union and the United States communicative approach towards RussiaFalk, Samuel January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis has been to explore if the communicative approach towards Russia, from the European Union and the United States has changed since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. To achieve this a comparative mixed method approach has been used, based on three theories of international relations: liberalism, realism and social constructivism. The mixed method was compiled of an ideological analysis and a frequency analysis conducted on speeches and statements from leading figures from both the European Union and the United States. The main conclusion of this thesis states that the communication from both actors has changed from a liberal standpoint to a more realistic standpoint since the start of the conflict. The main difference between the actors was seen before the conflict, where the United States used a mixed approach of liberalism and realism, and the European Union used a primarily liberal approach. The changing state of the world could be used as an explanation of the changed communicative approach.
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