Spelling suggestions: "subject:"infant""
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VIOL?NCIA DENUNCIADA CONTRA CRIAN?AS E ADOLESCENTES, NOS CONSELHOS TUTELARES DE FEIRA DE SANTANA - BA, 2003-2004.Barbara, Josele de Farias Rodrigues Santa 31 July 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-07-31 / The violence against children and adolescents has been considered an important
question of public health, in the different countries and socio-cultural contexts,
occupying place of prominence in the directed international politics to the Human Rights.
Objective: to characterize the violence against children and adolescents, how much to
the aspects related to the victims and aggressors.
Materials and Method: One is about a transversal study, with secondary data of the
registers of the denunciations of violence against children and adolescents, in the
Advice To tutor I and II of the city of Fair of Santana, in the period of 2003 and 2004.
The data had been collected through a form, consisting changeable partnerdemographic
related the child and vitimizados adolescents, to familiar and the
aggressive ones; characterization of the violence forms; e encaminhamentos in the Net
of Attendance. Analyses had been carried through descriptive, through the calculation of
the absolute and simple frequencies, as well as bivaried analysis, through the
association between et?ria band ((1 year; 2-5 years; 6-9 years; 10-13 years; 14-16
years; e 17-19 years complete) and sex of the adolescent child, with other 0 variable
related to the forms of violence and characterization of the aggressors.
Results: They had totalized 1293 registers of denunciations of violence against children
and adolescents, in the Advice To tutor I and II. The place of bigger occurrence of these
registers was the domicile with 1011 (78.1%) of the registers. The types of more
frequent viol?ncias had been the recklessness, the physical violence and the
psychological violence; more frequently in the 2-5 bands years, 6-9 years and 10-13
years, and important ratios in minors of 1 year. The sexual violence presented greater
prevalence between adolescents, much even so with registers in all the other bands of
age. The different forms of violence had been equivalents between the sexos. The data
of etnia and escolaridade of the victims had presented decreases ratio and registers,
compromising the analysis. The main source of denunciation was anonymous 398
(30.8%). The mother was the main aggressor, with 646 (47.7%) of the registers of
physical, psychological violence and familiar recklessness. The data related to the age
and state of conscience of the aggressor did not meet in the registers.
Final Considerations: The results of this research had pointed with respect to the
necessity of sensitization and formation of the professionals of the Net how much to the
register of important 0 variable, on to the ethnic aspects, among others, searching the
improvement in the quality of the registers in the Advice To tutor; as well as the
necessity of complementary research, with primary data and minute analyses, in view of
contributing with the actions of confrontation and spreading of it It dials Denunciation ;
important subsidy it to be able public and local institutions, in the elaboration of politics
directed to the social development, protection and prevention of the violence, as well as
in the qualification of the attendance of the cases for the Net. / A viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes tem sido considerada uma importante
quest?o de sa?de p?blica, nos diferentes pa?ses e contextos s?cio-culturais, ocupando
lugar de destaque nas pol?ticas internacionais voltadas aos Direitos Humanos.
Objetivo: caracterizar a viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes, quanto aos aspectos
relacionados ?s v?timas e agressores.
Materiais e M?todo: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, com dados secund?rios dos
registros das den?ncias de viol?ncia contra crian?as e adolescentes, nos Conselhos
Tutelares I e II do munic?pio de Feira de Santana, no per?odo de 2003 e 2004. Os dados
foram coletados atrav?s de um formul?rio, constando vari?veis s?cio-demogr?ficas
relacionadas ? crian?a e adolescentes vitimizados, aos familiares e agressores;
caracteriza??o das formas de viol?ncia; e encaminhamentos na Rede de Atendimento.
Foram realizadas an?lises descritiva, atrav?s do c?lculo das freq??ncias absolutas e
simples, assim como an?lise bivariada, atrav?s da associa??o entre faixa et?ria (≤ 1
ano; 2-5 anos; 6-9 anos; 10-13 anos; 14-16 anos; e 17-19 anos completo) e sexo da
crian?a/ adolescente, com outras vari?veis relacionadas ?s formas de viol?ncia e
caracteriza??o dos agressores.
Resultados: Totalizaram 1293 registros de den?ncias de viol?ncia contra crian?as e
adolescentes, nos Conselhos Tutelares I e II. O local de maior ocorr?ncia desses
registros foi o domic?lio com 1011 (78,1%) dos registros. Os tipos de viol?ncias mais
freq?entes foram a neglig?ncia, a viol?ncia f?sica e a viol?ncia psicol?gica; com maior
freq??ncia nas faixas de 2-5 anos, 6-9 anos e 10-13 anos, e importantes propor??es em
menores de 1 ano. A viol?ncia sexual apresentou maior preval?ncia entre adolescentes,
muito embora com registros em todas as outras faixas de idade. As diferentes formas
de viol?ncia foram equivalentes entre os sexos. Os dados de etnia e escolaridade das
v?timas apresentaram baixas propor??es e registros, comprometendo a an?lise. A
principal fonte de den?ncia foi an?nima 398 (30,8%). A m?e foi o principal agressor,
com 646 (47,7%) dos registros de viol?ncia f?sica, psicol?gica e neglig?ncia familiar. Os
dados relacionados ? idade e estado de consci?ncia do agressor n?o se encontravam
nos registros.
Considera??es Finais: Os resultados desta pesquisa apontaram para a necessidade
de sensibiliza??o e forma??o dos profissionais da Rede quanto ao registro de
importantes vari?veis, ligadas aos aspectos ?tnicos, entre outras, buscando o
aprimoramento na qualidade dos registros nos Conselhos Tutelares; assim como a
necessidade de pesquisas complementares, com dados prim?rios e an?lises
minuciosas, tendo em vista contribuir com as a??es de enfrentamento e divulga??o do
Disque Den?ncia ; importante subs?dio para o poder p?blico e institui??es locais, na
elabora??o de pol?ticas voltadas ao desenvolvimento social, prote??o e preven??o da
viol?ncia, assim como na qualifica??o do atendimento dos casos pela Red
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Um estado de arte sem arte: estratégias para acompanhamento de crianças e adolescentes / A state of art without art: strategies for accompaniment of children and youngstersOkuyama, Priscyla Mamy 26 September 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de mapear e analisar processos clínicos e de aprendizagens das crianças e adolescentes com sofrimento psíquico intenso, deficiência mental e em situação de vulnerabilidade social inseridas em um grupo terapêutico intitulado Conhecidências do Centro - grupo para crianças e jovens que faz parte da programação de um serviço público de saúde mental, que se propõe a realizar o acompanhamento dos participantes e experimentações junto com eles em espaços menos protegidos, não especializados, em espaços de uso comum da sociedade. Nos encontros deste grupo com instituições educacionais, de saúde e culturais, criou-se a demanda de pensar os processos de convivência, de experimentação e de aprendizagem dessas crianças e jovens, bem como dos profissionais das instituições que convivem com as mesmas. É possível que além de demandar das crianças, aprendizagem e adaptação, quem lida com elas também aprenda e se afete com elas também? Quais experimentações, experiências e interferências são possíveis com essa infância e juventude que foge das normas? O que se pode aprender com essas crianças (com ou sem deficiências e em situações de sofrimento psíquico), a fim de que acolhamos suas diferenças em nossa prática pedagógica e clínica? Essas são algumas das perguntas que dispararam a feitura desse trabalho e que deseja problematizar, assim como apresentar algumas pistas e hipóteses que podem contribuir para a produção de pensamento e de estratégias éticas e políticas no trabalho de acompanhar crianças e adolescentes. / The following research was developed aiming to chart and analyze clinical and learning processes of children and adolescents with intense psychical suffering, mental deficiency and at socially vulnerable conditions inserted in a therapeutic group entitled Conhecidências do Centro - a group for children and youngsters thats part of the program in a public service for mental health, and that proposes itself to accomplish the accompaniment of the participants and conjoint experimentations in less protected spaces, non specialized, of societys common use. At the groups meetings with educational, health and cultural institutions, it was created a demand to think the processes of acquaintanceship, experimentation and learning of these children and youngsters, as well as those of the institutions professionals who coexist with them. Is it possible that beyond demanding learning and adaptation of the children, those who deal with them also learn and affect themselves? Which experimentations, experiences and interferences are possible with an infancy and youth that strays from the standards? What can be learned with these children (with or without deficiencies and at psychical suffering situations), in order to receive their differences at our pedagogical and clinical practice? These are some of the questions that trigger the making of this work and that wishes to problematize, as well as present some clues and hypotheses which can contribute for the production of thinking and political and ethical strategies in the work of accompany children and youngsters.
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Gurilândia (1948 - 1956). A formação de crianças e professores na página do Estado de Minas / Gurilândia (1948 1956). The children´s and teacher´s education at the Estado de Minas newspaper.Santos, Andre Carazza dos 08 December 2008 (has links)
Esta dissertação teve por objetivo investigar o suplemento infantil do jornal Estado de Minas, intitulado Gurilândia, no período de 1948 a 1956. Criado em um momento de expansão do mercado consumidor destinado às crianças e valendo-se de condições favoráveis de produção e circulação, explicadas por seu vínculo com o jornal Estado de Minas, o Gurilândia alcançou uma popularidade entre o público mineiro testemunhada por sua longevidade, visto que ainda hoje é produzido. O recorte temporal, necessário para viabilizar a pesquisa, privilegiou os primeiros anos de circulação do suplemento, momento no qual foi dirigido por Celso Brant. Confluiu para essa escolha a representatividade de Brant no cenário cultural e político mineiro, bem como a especificidade do projeto editorial da publicação no período que esteve sob sua responsabilidade. Assim sendo, foi definido, como corpus de análise, os números do suplemento infantil que circularam sob a direção de Celso Brant, ou seja, de 25 de janeiro de 1948 a 18 de março de 1956. Quantitativamente, isso representou 341 números da publicação. O diálogo com a área da História dos Livros, dos Impressos, da Leitura e da Infância subsidiou a tentativa de entendimento dos aspectos da produção, circulação e uso do suplemento infantil. A análise do conteúdo do Gurilândia permitiu concluir que o constante caminhar sobre uma linha educativa foi a marca constitutiva dessa publicação. Para dar corpo a essa proposta, o suplemento lançou mão do estreitamento dos laços com as instituições escolares mineiras, além de veicular uma grande parte de conteúdo com interesses escolares. Esse projeto educativo ficou ainda mais explícito quando se percebeu que pessoas ligadas à Revista do Ensino e à Escola de Aperfeiçoamento, provavelmente as principais responsáveis pela formação de professores mineiros na primeira metade do século XX, contribuíram regularmente no Gurilândia. Embora destinado prioritariamente ao público infantil, o suplemento também incluiu seções direcionadas aos professores, de um teor marcadamente escolanovista. Constatou-se, por fim, que a produção da imprensa escrita infantil desse período foi marcada por duas tendências principais: publicações com predominância de intenções recreativas e publicações com predominância de intenções educativas e até escolares. A análise do Gurilândia permite, seguramente, que o suplemento infantil do Estado de Minas seja encaixado nesse segundo grupo. / This research aims to analyze the children section of the Estado de Minas newspaper called Gurilândia during the period of 1948 to 1956. Gurilândia was created in a booming period for the children consumer market and was benefited by favorable conditions for its production and circulation by the Estado de Minas entrepreneurship group. Due to these facts, Gurilândia became very popular in the state of Minas Gerais, and it is until today printed. The decision to focus on the 1948-1956 years was based on the period in which Celso Brant, an influential person in the cultural and political scene in Minas Gerais during that time, was in charge of Gurilândia. From 01/25/1948 to 03/18/1956 Celso Brant implemented an innovative editorial project to that children supplement, and this research is direct to the 341 editions of Gurilândia under the Celso Brant management. The analyses of production, circulation and use of Gurilândia in this research are influenced by the dialogue with the fields of History of Books, Printing, Reading and Childhood. The main conclusion of this research is that under Celso Brant direction Gurilândia was developed under an editorial line determined by contemporary educational and pedagogic theories. Gurilândia was an important channel to the diffusion of educational material and it was always open to contributions by scholars and other educational institutions from Minas Gerais State. Many professionals linked to Revista do Ensino and Escola de Aperfeiçoamento, important institutions to the formation and education of many teachers during the first half of twentieth century in Minas Gerais State, made regular contributions to Gurilândia. An interesting aspect of Gurilândia is the production of special content not only to children, but also to teachers, under the influence of Escola Nova educational theories. During that time the editorial production aimed at the children market followed basically two movements: one towards the humor and games content, and other towards a more educative material. This research concludes that under Celso Brant direction Gurilândia can without doubts be included in the second group.
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Saúde Mental e Infância: reflexões sobre a demanda de um CAPSi / Mental Health and Childhood: Reflections on the demand of a CAPSiSantos, Hítalla Fernandes dos, 92-98241-5151 25 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Hítalla Fernandes dos Santos (hitallapsy@gmail.com) on 2018-12-10T12:45:31Z
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Ata.pdf: 305252 bytes, checksum: fcc0a0ab742f549dff815fc1d66ffa3b (MD5)
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Ata.pdf: 305252 bytes, checksum: fcc0a0ab742f549dff815fc1d66ffa3b (MD5)
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Ata.pdf: 305252 bytes, checksum: fcc0a0ab742f549dff815fc1d66ffa3b (MD5)
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Previous issue date: 2018-10-25 / FAPEAM - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas / This dissertation analyzes the psychiatric demand that is present at the Psychosocial Attention Center – CAPSi (in Portuguese) – in east side of Manaus, so it is based on public policies on children and teenaged’s mental health. It was studied and researched the mental disorders prevalent in children between 6 to 10 years old, the reasons and the complaints that are presented by the child's parents or their responsible at the time of the hosted, and the dynamics established in the team in treatment or in some new referrals. The theoretical references used address complementary themes and they interact with themselves about mental health and childhood from the perception and concepts of Critical Social Psychology. First, it is described the historical trajectory of childhood in the World, in Brazil and also in the State of Amazonas, indicating the existence of children's plurality, as well as the urgent need to recognize unique features of each child. In a second time, it is important to relate the historical evolution of the mental health field in Brazil and in the State of Amazonas; it reflects a significant delay in the implementation of public policy established by the Health Ministry. The theoretical referential is closed when the pathologization and the children medicalization are addressed as a device of biopower, that make the child in docile body with medicine in the search to that it responds exactly what they want. As a methodological resource this study goes deeper in the field-theme from the entrance into East CAPSi, using the documentary analysis of medical records and the participant observation, and open interview with the Direction of the place, from where fictional narratives were extracted and interlinked with the narratives that were collected in the experience of years with young children and their parents in the school level as a means of. It was analyzed 146 medical records, 115 were from boys and 31 were from girls; a statistical survey was made on all the medical records of these children hosted by the East CAPSi in the period from July 2016 to June 2017, the data were entered into the Statistical Package for Social Sciences – SPSS. It is believe that the figures presented go beyond the quantitative. Intrinsically, they indicate information associated to the service offered by East CAPSi. Through the fictional narratives constructed and qualitative analysis of the data, it is concluded that in the face of a different social historical reality hygienist period, occurred until the middle of the 19th century, where the real conception of childhood is not the same, it is possible to find similar actions that lead the practice of professionals in the mental health service. This reality finds support in the dynamics of work established by East CAPSi. The research has shown that the vast majority of the mental disorders received are related to the child's behavior. The most attended are conduct disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - AD/HD or TDAH (in Portuguese). It also showed the young children expressiveness medicated with Risperidon, presented as the magic formula that is capable of changing the child's restless behavior. The research also revealed how distant the State of Amazonas is from that is recommended in GM Ordinance No. 336, it has a CAPSi for a city with more than 2 million people. Directly, it implies in the daily professionals practices and results in a large number of new referrals to services that could be attend internally, it was not the waiting list. / A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar a demanda psiquiátrica acolhida no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial – CAPSi Leste de Manaus, logo, embasamo-nos nas políticas públicas em saúde mental infantojuvenil. Investigamos quais os transtornos mentais prevalentes em crianças de 6-10 anos, quais motivos/queixas são apresentados pelos responsáveis da criança no momento do acolhimento, bem como a dinâmica estabelecida entre a equipe no tratamento ou em eventuais novos encaminhamentos. O referencial teórico utilizado aborda temas complementares e que dialogam entre si sobre a saúde mental e infância a partir da percepção e conceitos da Psicologia Social Crítica. Para tanto, inicialmente traça-se a trajetória histórica da infância no Mundo, no Brasil e também no Amazonas, apontando para a existência da pluralidade infantil, bem como a urgência em reconhecer as singularidades que constituem cada criança. Em um segundo momento, faz-se importante traçar o percurso histórico trilhado no campo da saúde mental no Brasil e no Amazonas; o qual reflete um atraso significativo na implantação da política pública instituída pelo Ministério da Saúde. Fecha-se o referencial teórico ao abordar a patologização e medicalização infantil como dispositivo do biopoder, que torna a criança em corpo dócil com medicamento na busca que ela responda exatamente o que desejam. Como recurso metodológico aprofundamo-nos no campo-tema a partir da entrada no CAPSi Leste, utilizando a análise documental dos prontuários, observação participante e entrevista aberta com a Direção, onde foram extraídas narrativas ficcionais que se entrelaçaram com as narrativas colhidas na vivência de anos com crianças pequenas e seus pais no âmbito escolar, como instrumentos. Analisamos 146 prontuários, sendo 115 de meninos e de 31 meninas; foi realizado um levantamento estatístico acerca de todos os prontuários destas crianças/usuárias acolhidas pelo CAPSi Leste no período de julho de 2016 a junho de 2017, os dados foram dispostos no SPSS – Statistical Package for Social Sciences. Acreditamos que os números apresentados vão além do quantitativo: eles revelam informações intrinsecamente ligadas ao serviço ofertado pelo CAPSi. Mediante as narrativas ficcionais construídas e análise qualitativa dos dados, concluímos que mesmo diante de uma realidade histórica social diferente do período higienista ocorrido até a metade do século XIX, onde a própria concepção de infância não é a mesma; é possível encontrar ações semelhantes que continuam regendo a prática dos profissionais no serviço de saúde mental. Tal realidade encontra respaldo na dinâmica de trabalho estabelecida pelo CAPSi Leste, cuja investigação revelou que a grande maioria dos transtornos mentais acolhidos estão relacionados ao comportamento da criança, são os transtornos de conduta e TDAH os mais atendidos; bem como revelou a expressividade de crianças pequenas medicadas com Risperidona apresentada como a fórmula mágica capaz de modificar o comportamento agitado da criança. A investigação revelou ainda o quão distante estamos enquanto Estado do Amazonas do que é preconizada na Portaria GM nº 336, tendo um CAPSi para uma cidade de mais de 2 milhões de pessoas, implicando diretamente nas práticas diárias dos profissionais, resultando em um grande número de novos encaminhamentos para serviços que poderiam ser tratados internamente, não fosse a lista de espera.
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Intervention History of Children with Slow Expressive Language DevelopmentBelfiore, Kathleen 09 May 1996 (has links)
Children who are identified with slow expressive language development (SELD) around the age of two are producing less than fifty intelligible words or no two word phrases. Current research suggests that some children with SELD outgrow their delay while others continue to develop long term language difficulties. The literature shows varied findings of short term recovery but long term deficits, and shifts in the specific expressive language deficits ~s the child with SELD matures and encounters increased language demands. Suggestions are found for a mix of monitoring and early intervention, in step with signs of readiness and dynamic assessments, to facilitate improved performance and hasten development, particularly in the areas of metalinguistics and narratives. This study attempted to support the recommendation of early intervention, particularly for those children with an initial greater severity levels of expressive communication delay at the age of two. The 24 male and seven female SELD subjects were part of the Portland Language Development Project, a longitudinal study. Intake was at two years, and placement in the Intervention (Rx) or No Intervention (No Rx) group was a result of follow-up information gathered from parents regarding enrollment in any early intervention services before the age of four: Using mean Developmental Sentence Scores (DSS) for four outcome points, 1-tests determined that no significant differences existed in the improvement of language production between the Rx and No Rx groups. Secondly, 1-tests showed no significant differences in the two group's initial severity levels, using the Expressive Communication sub-domain of the Vine~and Adaptive Behavior Scale (V ABS), as the measure of severity at intake. A non-significant trend of consistently higher actual mean DSS scores across all outcome points, and an actual lower mean Expressive Communication score on the V ABS at intake was noted for the Rx group. A significant difference was found in the mean intake ages of the two groups, with older toddlers falling into the Rx group. Research and clinical_ implications are discussed, including attention to the length, type and content of very early intervention services, effective initial and follow up assessments, and factors that favor recommending early intervention
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Ecology of mallard ducklings on Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge, CaliforniaMauser, David M. 09 December 1991 (has links)
The ecology of female mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) and their
broods was studied during 1988-90 on Lower Klamath National Wildlife
Refuge, California. Survival of 127 radio-marked ducklings from 64
broods was 0.18 to 10 days of life, and 0.37 and 0.34 to fledging for
1988, 1989, and 1990, respectively. For the 3 years of the study,
49.2% of hens lost their entire brood; 81.2, 36.8, and 37.5% in 1988,
1989, and 1990, respectively. Ninety-three percent of mortality
occurred on or before 10 days of life. No significant differences were
detected in the proportion of radio-marked ducklings lost from early
hatched or late hatched nests. A variety of predators consumed radio-marked
ducklings; however, 49% of the cases of mortality were a result
of an unknown predator. During 1989 and 1990, 3 radio-marked ducklings
from 16 hens which appeared to lose their entire brood were fledged by
other brood hens, and of 29 radio-marked ducklings that reached 44 days
of life, 6 (20.7%) had joined other broods.
Movements, home range, and habitat use were determined for 27
radio-marked broods. Relocation movements (>1000 m in 24 hrs) occurred
in 12 of the 27 broods, primarily in the first week and after the
fourth week of life. In 1989, significantly fewer radio-marked
ducklings from broods hatching in permanent marshes survived to fledge
compared to those originating in seasonal wetlands. Mean size of home
ranges was 1.27 ± 0.47 km² and 0.62 ± 0.21 km² in 1989 and 1990,
respectively. Most habitat selection by brood rearing hens occurred at
the second order, (selection of home range area). Hens selected
seasonally flooded wetlands with a cover component and avoided open or
permanently flooded habitats.
Estimated recruitment (females fledged/adult female in the spring
population), proportional change in population size, and number of
fledged young varied markedly during the 3 years of the study.
Estimated recruitment was 0.31, 1.26, and 0.83 for 1988, 1989, and
1990, respectively. The estimated proportional change in population
size ranged from 0.73 in 1988 to 1.29 and 1.04 during 1989 and 1990,
respectively. Number of fledged young ranged from 915 in 1988 to 6,102
in 1989. Movements, habitat use, and survival of postbreeding radio-marked
mallard hens were also determined. From mid-April to early
August, 5,279 exposure days without the loss of a radio-marked hen were
tallied. Of the 4 hens which emigrated from the study area, all were
unsuccessful in rearing a brood. Unsuccessful hens moved to surveyed
areas north of the study area significantly sooner than successful
hens. Canals were the primary habitat utilized by postbreeding hens in
1988 while mixed seasonal and emergent permanent marsh were the most
frequently used habitats in 1989 and 1990. Open seasonal and mixed
seasonal marshes were the most frequently utilized habitats by
incubating hens. Radio-marked hens moved a mean distance of 1,350 m
from the nest to suspected feeding areas. / Graduation date: 1992
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Diferenciación objetos físicos versus objetos sociales y características temperamentales: Un estudio longitudinal en niños de tres a doce meses de edadDíaz Herrero, Ángela 17 July 2000 (has links)
El propósito del presente trabajo ha sido investigar si los niños reaccionan de modo diferencial ante objetos físicos y sociales en función de dimensiones del temperamento y estudiar la evolución de estas reacciones a lo largo del primer año de vida. Participaron 51 niños, nacidos a término, sin complicaciones pre ni postnatales y con peso y talla normal al nacer. La expresión de las características temperamentales ante objetos físicos y sociales fue evaluada en el laboratorio trimestralmente desde los tres hasta los doce meses de edad, a partir de una selección de la batería de situaciones denominada “Tareas evolutivas y escalas de puntuación para la evaluación del temperamento infantil en el laboratorio”. Los resultados indicaron que los niños parecen reaccionar de modo diferente ante los objetos sociales y los objetos físicos en las dimensiones temperamentales. Respecto a la evolución de esta sensibilidad diferencial, los niños mostraron mayor estabilidad cuando estaban interactuando con objetos físicos que cuando lo hacían con objetos sociales. / The aim of this research was to investigate whether infants react differentially to social and physical objects as a function of temperament dimensions and to study the evolution of these reactions during the first year of life. 51 infants took part in this study. All infants were healthy, full-term and without any pre and post-natal complications. Newborns had a normal weight and normal length at birth. The expression of infants’ temperamental traits when faced to social and physical objects was assessed in the laboratory quarterly from 3 to 12 months, using a selection of the Matheny and Wilson Developmental Tasks and Rating Scales for the Laboratory Assessment of Infant Temperament. The results indicated that the infants seem to react differentially when facing to social and physical objects. With respect to course of this differential responsiveness, the infants showed a higher stability when interacting with physical objects than that with social objects.
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Heterogenität von Mikroorganismen im Stuhl von NeugeborenenFunk, Friederike 04 August 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Besiedlung des kindlichen Darms beginnt unmittelbar mit der Geburt. Hier findet der erste Kontakt mit verschiedensten Bakterien statt. Deshalb war die zentrale Fragestellung unserer Untersuchung, wie sich die Bakterienarten bei den Geburtsmodi unterscheiden und wie sich die bakterielle Zusammensetzung im Stuhl von Neugeborenen im Laufe der Jahre verändert hat. Wir untersuchten die Stuhlproben von 42 Neugeborenen, wovon 22 vaginal und 20 per Sectio entbunden wurden, am ersten, zweiten und dritten Lebenstag auf Bakterienwachstum. Es wurden die aufgetretenen Bakteriengattungen mittels Kultur bestimmt und von den aufgetretenen Staphylokokken und Enterokokken die Arten und deren Resistenzen mittels des Phönix-Vollautomaten untersucht. Wir konnten zeigen, dass im Gegensatz zu früheren Untersuchungen heutzutage vermehrt Staphylokokken den Darm von Neugeborenen besiedeln. Außerdem fiel auf, dass per Sectio entbundene Kinder eine verminderte Heterogenität in ihrer Stuhlflora haben und erst später besiedelt werden als vaginal entbundene Kinder.
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A infância no Pampa: Contos gauchescos e Lendas do SulMarangoni, Marli Cristina Tasca 22 August 2006 (has links)
Esta Dissertação investiga a construção de identidades infantis regionais, a partir de representações da infância verificadas em Contos gauchescos e Lendas do Sul, de João Simões Lopes Neto. Para tanto, são discutidas as relações entre os universos adulto e infantil, os papéis destinados à personagem mirim, os modos de referir e caracterizar a criança, bem como suas trajetórias esperadas e possíveis no mundo narrado. Desse modo, o presente estudo demonstra a predominante constituição do sujeito infantil como herdeiro de uma tradição sócio-cultural, entendendo-se que tal referência identitária inibe a renovação da concepção social de infância, na sociedade representada. Configura-se, assim, uma abordagem ao texto literário subsidiada por aportes da História e da Antropologia, contribuindo para uma perspectiva interdisciplinar sobre a problemática da regionalidade, no âmbito dos estudos culturais. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-05T19:10:35Z
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DISSERTACAO Marli C T Marangoni.pdf: 796070 bytes, checksum: 969fa90f4172456cc6a7e780ae1acc3d (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-05T19:10:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTACAO Marli C T Marangoni.pdf: 796070 bytes, checksum: 969fa90f4172456cc6a7e780ae1acc3d (MD5) / This dissertation investigates the construction of regional identities from the infancy representations verified in Contos gauchescos and Lendas do Sul, by João Simões Lopes Neto. For that, there have been discussions about the relations between adult and infantile universes, the roles of child character, the ways to refer and characterize the child, as well as the expected and possible trajectories in the narrative. In this manner, this study demonstrates the predominant constitution of the infantile individual as an heir of a socio-cultural tradition, knowing that such identifying reference inhibits the renewal of the social conception of infancy in the shown society. Therefore, an approach to the literary text is shaped supported by History and Anthropology, contributing to an interdisciplinary perspective on regionality matters, within the ambit of cultural studies.
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L'objet maternel dans le champ des institutions de la petite enfance : une lutte de représentations autour de la place de la mère / Maternal object in the infancy institutions sector : a struggle of representations about the place of the motherWilpert, Marie-Dominique 17 December 2009 (has links)
Cette recherche se propose de mettre en lumière, dans le secteur professionnel de la petite enfance, une lutte de représentations concernant la place de la mère. La première représentation figure une mère toute dévouée, portant finalement la responsabilité exclusive de son tout-petit. La seconde fait entrer en scène une citoyenne, travailleuse et mère, qui partage sa responsabilité éducative avec le père et des tiers sociaux. L’auteure s’attache aussi à montrer que cette lutte, loin d’être seulement présente chez les professionnelles, traverse également des discours légitimés dans le secteur en termes de savoir, et des dispositifs d’action médico-sociale à destination des familles en difficulté. La seconde représentation semble aujourd’hui cohérente avec la réalité sociale du travail, et un projet démocratique, en termes d’égalité de sexe, d’accueil qualitatif des jeunes enfants, de lutte contre les inégalités sociales. Mais elle ne bénéficie pas actuellement, ni d’une véritable légitimité politique, ni de référents théoriques qui articulent suffisamment, d’une part les enjeux d’égalité démocratique entre les citoyen-ne-s, d’autre part les enjeux de santé psychique des tout-petits et de leurs familles. L’auteure vise un dépassement de certains clivages théoriques et idéologiques, afin de construire une théorie politique de la prime éducation, qui contribue à ébranler la légitimité d’un ordre social qui fait porter aux seules citoyennes la responsabilité des jeunes enfants. Cette assignation, réalisée en sourdine, produit de surcroît un renforcement des inégalités criantes, selon l’appartenance sociale, face à l’exercice de la parentalité et de la citoyenneté. / The aim of this research is to bring to light a struggle of representations concerning the place of the mother in the infancy professional sector. The first representation stands for a completely devoted mother, who then assumes the exclusive responsibility for her baby. The second representation figures both a hard-worker-citizen mother who shares her educational responsibility with the father and a social third party. The author pays particular attention to display this struggle as not being only present among professionals but also filling, between the lines, some speeches legitimated in the sector as a “knowledge”. As well as it underlies health centers plans of action for families in trouble. Nowadays, the second representation seems coherent with the social reality of work and with a democratic project, speaking in terms of sexual equality, of qualitative care of youngsters in our society and fight against social disparities. Nonetheless, it can’t be said today that this representation gained a real political legitimity nor theorical references which could hang enough together the two elements at stake: democratic equality between men and women as citizens and psychic health of the infants and their family. The author aims at going beyond some theorical and ideological theories in order to build up a political theory of infant education that could contribute to contest the legitimity of a social order which considers the female citizen as sole responsible for infants. Moreover, this insidious assignment reinforces, depending on social origin, some flagrant disparities in the way of parenting and exercising their citizenship.
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