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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Regional Food Proucts in the Tourist Home Country. The Case of South Tyrol

Weyh, Lukas Hans Walther January 2020 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship of regional food products in the tourist home country with destination marketing and management at the example of South Tyrol. South Tyrol was chosen as research area, because the 2 sectors have, on their own, a big standing in the region as well as a cooperate in many different ways. This has led to a symbiosis inside and outside the destination, making it an interesting area to research. While the interplay of the culinary assets of a destination with tourism within the destination is increasingly recognized, developed and used by researchers, planners, companies and authorities, the possible relationship of these sectors outside the destination remains an under-researched area. As Alderighi et al. (2016) found out in a study, an (empirical) connection between availability of local specialities in the tourist home (markets) and the intention of (re-)visit the place is evident. Therefore, this thesis uncovers different tools and mechanisms in (destination) marketing and management for the incorporation of regional food products in the tourist home country. Additionally, experts from the sectors of food and tourism, DMO, will share their considerations and limitations. Theory and practice will be opposed, where as the concepts of “region branding” and “sensory destination marketing” will be elaborated.

Analyzing the environmental sustainability of an urban vertical hydroponic system / Utvärdering av den miljömässiga hållbarheten av en urban vertikal hydroponisk odling

Barge, Unni January 2020 (has links)
Food systems are considered one of the most important anthropogenic activities contributing to climate change. On the other hand, climate change influences the conditions for growth with more frequent droughts and heatwaves. This contradiction poses a significant challenge to future food systems, which need not only become more sustainable, but also increase its production to feed a growing population, as stated in both the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and the Swedish action plan on food. This has given rise to alternative ways of producing food, such as urban farming and, in particular vertical hydroponic farming, where food is grown indoors in a controlled environment with artificial lighting and with a minimum use of water and without pesticides. In this study, a vertical hydroponic farm located in Stockholm, Sweden, is examined using life cycle assessment in terms of environmental sustainability. The farm, located in a basement space, works together with the building in a symbiotic network, where the farm provides the building with excess heat from the lighting, and in turn obtains carbon dioxide from an office floor. The findings from the study show that electricity is a major contributor to the environmental performance of the farm, along with the infrastructure employed. The impacts of water use in the farm, is very low, along with the impacts associated with the delivery of the crops; illustrating the advantages of producing food locally. By substituting the synthetic fertilizers employed to biofertilizers, and by substituting the plastic bag material to renewable material, reductions in greenhouse gases are possible. The symbiotic development between the farm and the building is shown very beneficial to the farm, highlighting the importance of synergies between actors in urban areas. / Livsmedelsindustrin anses vara en av de största antropogena drivkrafterna bakom klimatförändringarna. Å andra sidan så förändrar klimatförändringar i sig förutsättningarna för hållbar odling, med mer frekventa torrperioder, extrem värme och extrem nederbörd. Denna konträra situation ställer stora krav på framtidens livsmedelsindustri, som dessutom måste producera mer mat för att mätta en ökande befolkning; ett åtagande som står angivet både i FN:s globala mål och i den svenska Livsmedelsstrategin. Många forskare menar att dagens livsmedelsindustri inte kommer klara denna omställning, och att alternativa metoder för att producera mat behövs. Urban odling har föreslagits som en del av lösningen, och i synnerhet vertikal hydroponisk odling där grödor växer inomhus i en kontrollerad miljö med artificiell belysning, låg vattenanvändning och utan bekämpningsmedel. Den här studien undersökte en vertikal hydroponisk odling i Stockholm, och bedömde dess miljömässiga hållbarhet med hjälp av en livscykelanalys. Odlingen, som sker i en källarlokal, samarbetar med den omslutande byggnaden i en urban symbios, där odlingen förser byggnaden med spillvärme från belysningen, och får i sin tur koldioxid från en kontorslokal. Enligt resultat från studien bidrar elektriciteten till den största miljöpåverkan, men även infrastruktur har stor påverkan. Vattenanvändningen i odlingen är däremot väldigt låg, och miljöpåverkan från leveransen av varorna är mycket låg, vilket belyser fördelarna med att odla mat lokalt. Odlingen kan bland annat minska sin miljöpåverkan genom att byta ut det nuvarande konstgödslet till biogödsel och genom att byta ut plastpåsarnas material till förnybar plast. Symbiosen mellan odlingen och byggnaden visade sig vara väldigt gynnsam, vilket vidare belyser vikten av samspel mellan olika aktörer i den urbana miljön.

Reconnecting to Food: Can Sámi Indigenous Ontology help guide Sweden to a Sustainable Food System?

Kastner, Livia Lara January 2024 (has links)
Sustainable food systems are a crucial objective in the 2030 agenda as food security is under threat in large parts of the world, either currently or in the near future. Food systems connect many of the timely challenges the world faces today, touching upon various dimensions. This multidimensional character causes the search for adequate solutions to span a broad interdisciplinary field and to direct research towards new modes of knowledge, such as those carried by Indigenous peoples' traditional cultures and beliefs. Indigenous people’s food systems are considered to offer valuable insights into sustainable food practices and improve the understanding of the connection between nature and humans. In Sweden, the National Food Strategy is the guiding framework that aims for a transformation to a sustainable food system in line with the objectives of the 2030 agenda. The need for knowledge generation is recognised but refers to new and mainstream objectivist modes. Sámi Indigenous perspectives as a potential source are not recognised. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to identify potential learnings from Sámi Indigenous perspectives to strengthen the Swedish idea of a sustainable food system. To reveal learnings, a policy analysis is carried out guided by Indigenous methodology. The analysis is rooted in two core documents, namely the Sámi environmental framework (Eallinbiras) and the Swedish National Food Strategy. Commonalities and differences between Sámi perspectives and Swedish food policy are identified and discussed. Additionally, in line with Indigenous methodology, two consultations with local Sámi experts were carried out to seek guidance on the interpretations and findings of the results. Overall, it is concluded that there are various touching points where Sámi ontology could facilitate a strengthening of the food strategy and help realise the desired goals. Mainly, such involvement could steer approaches from a regulatory- to a relationship-oriented character, facilitate a deepened holistic perspective, and assign greater value to the environment, resulting in improved resilience. To realise an integration of Sámi perspectives into Swedish food strategy requires respect and the safeguarding of Indigenous rights. Certainly, many political, ontological and epistemic challenges present themselves for such an endeavour. However, some interests appear to be shared, and the potential for valuable learning is found to exist. Further research is needed to derive more concrete, practical implications and carry out participatory models to realise an integration of Sámi ontology to strengthen Swedish food policy.

Sustainable Food Systems : Leveraging Producer-Retailer Relationships

Adolfsson, Olivia January 2024 (has links)
Abstract: An unsustainable food system in Sweden, marked by power imbalances, limited opportunities for smaller producers, and a lack of collaboration, demands solutions. Many workers in the food system operate as smaller producers, while the retail sector is highly concentrated, dominated by a few major retailers. Due to their significant market share, these retailers have the potential to drive production improvements, sustainability, and innovation by actively supporting smaller producers. However, if these issues remain unaddressed, the entire food system risks becoming increasingly vulnerable to future disruptions. This thesis aims to explain the dynamics within the Swedish food value chain, focusing on the collaboration between established retailers and smaller producers. It seeks to understand how this collaboration can be improved by both parties to foster a more sustainable food system. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews employing a dual-perspective approach from both producers and retailers, it sought an understanding of both actors’ perspectives regarding their current experiences and perceptions. Both producers and retailers acknowledge the need for collaboration, but challenges persist, particularly expressed by the producers. The main theory used, The Ladder of Partnership, highlights the necessity for trust, mutual understanding, and investment in collaboration. While some companies are making efforts, more is required for a sustainable food system. Given the retailer’s market influence, they should lead by creating opportunities for smaller producers, making strategic decisions about market inclusion, and excluding less sustainable options. The thesis advocates for accountability and shared responsibility among all actors in the food system to achieve a sustainable future. The study concludes that the Swedish food value chain relies on collaboration among various actors, and without it, the system's functionality would be compromised. / Summary: Walking into a vibrant supermarket opens up a world of diverse choices, showcasing both local and global products and turning grocery shopping into a journey through the interconnected global food system. Each item on the shelf tells a story of its own, a journey from farm to fork. Just as each product on the shelf tells a story, so too does our collective effort to foster a more sustainable future. From supporting smaller producers to advocating for environmental sustainability, every decision we make has an impact, leading to the outcome dependent on our action.  This thesis aims to explain the dynamics within the Swedish food value chain, focusing on the collaboration between established retailers and smaller producers. It seeks to understand how this collaboration could be improved by both retailers and producers regarding the essential support required for fostering a more sustainable food system. Through qualitative semi-structured interviews, this study was focusing on the relationships between producers and retailers, and it sought an understanding of both actors’ perspectives regarding their current experiences and perceptions.  In Sweden, a select few major players are dominating a significant portion of the market share. An unsustainable food system in Sweden, marked by power imbalances, limited opportunities for smaller producers and a lack of collaboration, demands solutions. The entire food system risks becoming increasingly vulnerable to future disruptions if these issues remain unaddressed. The findings reveal a complex network of interconnected factors and actors. Companies operate not only as one actor, but very often as several (e.g. producers, distributor, consumers) influencing the functioning of the entire chain. In essence, the collaboration between retailers and smaller producers in the Swedish food system presents a dynamic interplay of challenges and opportunities. While both parties acknowledge the importance of working together, there are still challenges to overcome, especially from the producers' perspective of working together with retailers.   The main theory used, The Ladder of Partnership, highlights the necessity for trust, mutual understanding, and investment in collaboration. While some companies are making efforts, more is required for a sustainable food system. Given the retailer’s market influence, they should lead by creating opportunities for smaller producers, making strategic decisions about market inclusion, and excluding less sustainable options. The thesis advocates for accountability and shared responsibility among all actors in the food system to achieve a sustainable future. The study concludes that the Swedish food value chain relies on collaboration among various actors, and without it, the system's functionality would be compromised.

Creating Food Commons : From Commodity to Common Pool Resource / Att skapa matallmänningar : Från vara till gemensam nytta

Lipke, Naomi January 2024 (has links)
Researchers, environmentalists, social justice activists and policy makers have long discussed the inherent environmental and social problems prevalent in food systems. This thesis explores ways in which foodsharing can be interpreted as a movement towards a future set of economic relationships that values environmental limits and the right of individuals to access food. Contributing to a growing body of literature, I argue that foodsharing demonstrates the ability for people to organize using alternative digital tools for collection and distribution of readily abundant resources without the need for significant government or business intervention, producing a type of commons relationship.  The aim of the thesis is to explore what foodsharing, as a process of commoning, can teach us about alternative forms of economic and social exchanges. If alternative economic organizations are important for a just transition, social scientists need to go beyond arguments for their relevance to study their actual strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities to support them. Drawing on theories of commons, prefigurative politics and just transitions, this thesis looks at an alternative economy organization which succeeds despite working against the status quo, to show where the social system around it is not designed to support it and asks what it might need to reach further.  This is explored through the qualitative case study of a well-established foodsharing organization in a medium size city on the West coast of Sweden. Research questions focused on the political ideas used by the organization, the ways in which it was organized, and the reasons for and resolution of conflict. Through interviews, observations, and online research the case is elaborated upon and analyzed to reveal the unique dynamics of the studied organization. These include very specific rules for collecting and distributing food that aim to maintain transparency, solidarity, and fairness. The foodsharing organization displays some characteristics of a food commons and in other instances characteristics of a gift economy. The main contribution is a closer look at the resulting interpersonal and organizational dynamics of one alternative economy organization in order to illuminate some challenges of organizing and maintaining similar ventures in the future. If alternative economic organizations have social benefit, then they will need to be supported in the ways in which are appropriate to their form and politics. / Forskare, miljövetare, aktivister och politiker har länge pratat om de inneboende miljö- och social problem som präglar matsystemet. Denna avhandling utforskar om hur så kallad “foodsharing”, matdelning, kan tolkas som en rörelse mot framtidiga ekonomiska förhållanden som  värdesätter ekologiska gränser och individers grundläggande rätt till mat. Som ett bidrag till ett växande forskningsfält, menar jag att matdelning visar på människors förmåga  att använda digitala verktyg för att samla och distribuera överflödiga resurser utan behov av offentlig eller marknadsinvolvering, vilket skapar en typ av allmänning mellan människor.  Syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska vad matdelning, som en typ av allmänning, kan lära oss om alternativa former av ekonomiska och sociala utbyten. Om demokratiska ekonomiska verksamhet är viktigt för en rättvis omställning, så behöver samhällsvetenskapen gå bortom att argumentera för dess relevans, till att i stället studera deras styrker, svagheter, och faktiska behov. Med utgångspunkt i teorier kring allmänningar, prefigurativ politik, och rättvis omställning, tittar denna avhandling närmare på en alternativ ekonomisk organisation som lyckas även om den arbetar emot status quo, för att förstå och beskriva hur samhällssystemet inte är utformat för att stötta dem och vad de behöver för att nå längre.  Detta utforskas genom en kvalitativ fallstudie av en väl etablerad matdelningsorganisation i en medelstor stad på Sveriges västkust. Forskningsfrågorna fokuserade på den politiska idéer i organisationen, hur den organiserades, och grunderna för och metoder för att minska konflikt. Genom intervjuer, observationer, och webbaserad forskning, belyses och analyseras fallet för att visa de unika dynamikerna som präglar denna organisation. Dessa inkluderar regler för insamlingen och distributionen av mat med fokus på att upprätthålla transparens, solidaritet och rättvisa. Organisationen visar både på egenskaper av en matallmänning och av en gåvoekonomi. Det huvudsakliga bidraget är en närmare förståelse av de resulterande mellanmänskliga och organisatoriska dynamikerna i en icke-monetär organisation som arbetar utifrån principer av ömsesidighet och belyser några av utmaningarna med att organisera och upprätthålla denna typ av initiativ i framtiden. Om ömsesidiga organisationer ska skapa ett socialt värde, så behövs de stödjas på sätt som är lämpliga i relation till deras form och politik. / <p>QC 20240513</p>

Free market or food stockpiles : A comparative case study of food supply in a crisis perspective in Sweden and Finland

Bovin, Axel January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify similarities and differences in preparations by Sweden and Finland to ensure food supply in a crisis. Previous research consisting of separate studies have showed a decreased ability to ensure food supply in crisis in Sweden, and an increased ability in Finland. In a time of raising awareness, changing security concerns and political will, the contribution of this study is to simultaneously investigate the two countries and provide an understanding of the historical- and present approaches. By using comparative case study as method and applying International relations theory, a broader understanding of the different approaches by otherwise similar countries is achieved. The approaches of Sweden can be explained by using realist, neorealist, liberal and neoliberal theories while Finland’s approach best can be explained by realist and neorealist theories. The study is relevant for the field of humanitarian action and conflict since it provides an understanding of the countries contingency plans regarding food. Threat assessments from both countries identifies man-made conflicts such as terrorism, cyber-attacks, use of military force and war to have the possibility to create disruptions in the normal cycles of the society and those of surrounding countries. If these threats were to occur, basic needs must be met, one being food supply.

Vikten av vikt i kraftsporten : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie ur coachers perspektiv / The power of weight in lifting : - A qualitative interview study from a coach perspective

Björklund, Malin, Simu, Malin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Viktklassidrotter och deras kulturella kontext har genom tidigare forskning påvisats utgöra en risk för ätstörda beteenden, något som beskrivits kunna förorsakas av idrottsliga villkor. Styrkelyft och tyngdlyftning är viktklassidrotter där viktminskningsstrategier nyttjas för en ökad konkurrenskraftighet. Coacher besitter en nyckelroll i att uppmärksamma och motverka ätstörda beteenden hos sina atleter, men det saknas ett djupgående perspektiv avseende hur de förhåller sig till viktminskningsregimernas påverkan på kvinnliga atleter. Syfte Studien avser att utforska coachers erfarenheter av och förhållningssätt till etablerade viktminskningsregimer och viktkontroll inom kraftsporten. Fokus ligger på coachers erfarenheter av att ha tränat damatleter inom de, historiskt sett, mansdominerade kraftsporterna tyngdlyftning och styrkelyft. Metod Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med nio kraftsportscoacher. Intervjuerna spelades in, transkriberades ordagrant och analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat Analysen resulterade i fem kategorier: - Viktminskningskulturen är ett normaliserat fenomen inom kraftsporten, - Kraftsportens villkor kräver användandet av viktminskningsmetoder, - Risk för att ätstörda beteenden utvecklas, maskeras och/eller undgår ifrågasättande, - Identitet och samhällets kroppsideal – bromsklossar för idrottslig utveckling samt - Coacherna saknar stöd och riktlinjer – lämnas ensamma i ansvarsfrågan. Fokus på vikt och viktminskning ansågs allmänt vedertaget inom kraftsporten, vilket medförde att ätstörda beteenden kunde maskeras och förbises. Konkurrenskraftighet beskrevs ligga till grund för viktminskningsstrategierna, berättigat både inom idrotten och utanför, där samhällets utseendenormer därtill försvårade idrottslig utveckling. Coacherna eftersökte interventioner för ökad kunskap i ämnet samt åtgärdsplaner för agerande när en atlet behöver professionellt stöd. Slutsats Kraftsportsatleter existerar i en miljö som ökar risken för dysfunktionella ät- och viktkontrollerande beteenden, och bedöms vara farlig för individer med sårbarhet för att utveckla ätstörda beteenden och ätstörningar. Interventioner behövs om inte kraftsporten ska riskera att bli en miljö där ätstörningar tillåts florera fritt. / Background Previous research has found weight-class athletes to be at risk of developing disordered eating, something that could be induced by the demands of the sport. Powerlifting and weightlifting are examples of weight-class sports where weight loss strategies are utilized for increased competitiveness. Coaches have a key role in recognizing and counteract disordered eating behaviors in their athletes, but an in-depth perspective on how they address the impact of weight loss strategies in female athletes is lacking. Objective The aim of the study is to explore coaches’ experiences of and approaches to established weight loss regimes and weight control within weightlifting and powerlifting. The focus is on coaches’ experiences of having trained female athletes in the historically male-dominated sports of weightlifting and powerlifting.  Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine coaches. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analyzed using qualitative content analysis.  Results The analysis resulted in five categories: - Weight loss culture as a normalized phenomenon within the sports, - The conditions of the sports require the use of weight loss methods, - Risk of developing, disguising and/or escape questioning of disordered eating, - Athletic development is held back by identity and society’s body ideals and - Coaches lacking support and guidelines – left alone in the matter of responsibility. The focus on weight and weight loss was considered widely accepted in the sports, which meant that disordered eating could be disguised and overlooked. Competitiveness was described as the basis for the weight loss strategies, justified both within the sport and in society, where society’s body-ideals also interfered with athletic development. The coaches requested interventions for increased knowledge on the subject and action plans for when an athlete needs professional support.  Conclusion Athletes in powerlifting and weightlifting exist within an environment that increases the risk of dysfunctional eating and weight control behaviors and is deemed dangerous for individuals with susceptibility to develop disordered eating behaviors and eating disorders. To avoid a setting where eating disorders flourish freely, interventions will be needed within the sports.

Försörjningsstrategier och dess påverkan på SME : En studie på hur försörjningsstrategier för SME kan öka konkurrenskraften / Procurement Strategies and their impact on SMEs : A study of how procurement strategies for SMEs can increase competitiveness

nima, Ghasri, Carl, Strid January 2021 (has links)
ABSTRACT In this case study, various strategic methods that influence procurement, purchase and choice of suppliers are discussed. The aim of the study is to provide a clear picture and depiction of different strategies and tools that SMEs can use to increase competitiveness. In this study, a qualitative research method has been used where no measurements or tests have been conducted. The analysis in this case study concludes that the choice of suppliers and procurement strategies for a small and medium enterprises (SME) is not always an easy task, a lot of components should be considered when making a strategy. Although many theories and methods often claim that the economic factors are important, this study shows that it may be good idea for companies and organizations to see the full picture and consider certain other factors into account. The conclusion also shows that small food business companies often is affected by certain criteria like delivery security and lead time. Many of the factor that are value adding to SMEs has been shown in this study to be determined by the customer. This study is suitable for readers who work with purchase strategies and supplier choices. The reader gets through reading this study insight into different strategy related contexts that are adapted to small and medium enterprises (SME). Further research on the subject can be applied with the help of this study using both the methodological and theoretical frameworks. The results and conclusions may also be of importance in further research.

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