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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

文字、圖形選單介面之使用績效及滿意度關係之實證研究 / An Empirical Investigation of the influence on literatura menu interface and graph menu interface have on user Performance and Satisfaction

周萍萍, Chou, Ping-Ping Unknown Date (has links)
圖例選單自80年代麥金塔電腦中開始使用後,由於Windows作業系統的普及,愈來愈多的應用軟體採用圖例選單或圖例加文字選單。本研究試圖加入一些可能會影響使用效果的使用者特質變數:如年齡、性別、電腦使用者經驗、使用者對工作熟悉度等,及工作性質變數:如工作複雜度高低,來探討三種不同之人機介面呈現方式:文字選單、圖例選單、文字加圖例選單的客觀使用績效及主觀滿意度。   本研究以自行發展之三種不同的選單軟體為實驗工具,選用二種不同之工作性質:文書處理(複雜度較高)及圖書查詢(複雜度較低),分別以政大及政大實小的242位學生為受試者進行實驗。全部測驗時間約一個小時至一個半小時,每班同學隨機分為三組,分別使用某一種選單的實驗工具,測驗只分五部份:事前說明、利用選單完成指定工作、記憶性測驗、滿意度測量、及使用者特質問卷。除事前說明外,其他部份均採線上作業,所有結果均自動記錄在電腦檔案中。   本研究結論可分三方面:(1)使用不同的選單在使用績效(完成工作所需時間、正確性、重複處理次數)、記憶性及主觀滿意度 (系統學習性、系統使用性、文字或圖例安排恰當、文字或圖例幫助記憶、及有趣性上)呈顯著差異,顯示三種不同之選單確實對客觀使用績效及主觀滿意度有影響。(2)使用者特質如性別、過去使用電腦的經驗、學歷、對測驗工作的熟悉程度會影響使用績效,但使用者特質並不會間接影響三種選單的使用績效。(3)工作性質的複雜度,影響選單的複雜度,而由於螢幕畫面大小固定,選單的複雜度會影響選單中每一選項所能佔用之位置大小,選項佔用位置的大小對圖例加文字選單之使用績效及滿意度影響最大,對圖例選單次之,文字選單又次之。所以不同的工作性質,三種選單之使用績效及滿意度表現呈不同方式。但是在記憶性測量及主觀有趣性判斷上,圖例選單或圖例加文字選單的表現卻不受工作性質影響,始終優於文字選單。


邱煌傑, Chiu,Jack Unknown Date (has links)
這幾年由於市場利率逐漸走低,大量資金尋求收益較高之商品,結果造成訴求高收益之各式結構型(條件式)商品如雨後春筍般地冒出,而銷售量也屢創新高,由於結構型商品之所以能夠讓投資者獲得「可能的」之高收益,主要原因是理財商品內都包含了各種選擇權,只要符合選擇權之執行條件,則產品就可以獲得高收益,但是未能符合選擇權之執行條件時,投資人資金往往就只能求得到期保本,而損失了一些利息收入。 另外也由於這些產品投資年期都不是一兩年而已,有些長達十年以上,往往一投資其資金就會被固定在那裡,若投資人沒有考量清楚或在理專強力促銷下購買,常常會發生投資人短期內就想解約贖回之狀況,解約時就像壽險商品一樣,大都解約價格已經折價了許多本金,這就是時有聽聞客戶與銀行之間投資糾紛的來由,這也促使主管機關-金管會陸續頒布相關管理規範來建立投資秩序與環境。 本研究內容擬提出一個投資產品之管理應用工具-「投資菜單」來解決以上爭議,「投資菜單」之於理財產品策略工具就好比「平衡計分卡」之於企業績效管理工具一樣,此工具可以幫助金控投資產品委員會檢視過去產品績效,進而決策未來上架產品方向;以期希望能夠從下而上一致性地、整體性地解決顧客端、理專端、公司營運管理端與主管機關四方所各自關心的重點,以期降低客戶交易糾紛、增加業務銷售速度以及提升財富管理業務整體形象。

Exploring 3D User Interface Technologies for Improving the Gaming Experience

Kulshreshth, Arun 01 January 2015 (has links)
3D user interface technologies have the potential to make games more immersive & engaging and thus potentially provide a better user experience to gamers. Although 3D user interface technologies are available for games, it is still unclear how their usage affects game play and if there are any user performance benefits. A systematic study of these technologies in game environments is required to understand how game play is affected and how we can optimize the usage in order to achieve better game play experience. This dissertation seeks to improve the gaming experience by exploring several 3DUI technologies. In this work, we focused on stereoscopic 3D viewing (to improve viewing experience) coupled with motion based control, head tracking (to make games more engaging), and faster gesture based menu selection (to reduce cognitive burden associated with menu interaction while playing). We first studied each of these technologies in isolation to understand their benefits for games. We present the results of our experiments to evaluate benefits of stereoscopic 3D (when coupled with motion based control) and head tracking in games. We discuss the reasons behind these findings and provide recommendations for game designers who want to make use of these technologies to enhance gaming experiences. We also present the results of our experiments with finger-based menu selection techniques with an aim to find out the fastest technique. Based on these findings, we custom designed an air-combat game prototype which simultaneously uses stereoscopic 3D, head tracking, and finger-count shortcuts to prove that these technologies could be useful for games if the game is designed with these technologies in mind. Additionally, to enhance depth discrimination and minimize visual discomfort, the game dynamically optimizes stereoscopic 3D parameters (convergence and separation) based on the user's look direction. We conducted a within subjects experiment where we examined performance data and self-reported data on users perception of the game. Our results indicate that participants performed significantly better when all the 3DUI technologies (stereoscopic 3D, head-tracking and finger-count gestures) were available simultaneously with head tracking as a dominant factor. We explore the individual contribution of each of these technologies to the overall gaming experience and discuss the reasons behind our findings. Our experiments indicate that 3D user interface technologies could make gaming experience better if used effectively. The games must be designed to make use of the 3D user interface technologies available in order to provide a better gaming experience to the user. We explored a few technologies as part of this work and obtained some design guidelines for future game designers. We hope that our work will serve as the framework for the future explorations of making games better using 3D user interface technologies.

Information Retrieval Based on DOM Trees

Alarte Aleixandre, Julián 14 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] Desde hace varios años, la cantidad de información disponible en la web crece de manera exponencial. Cada día se genera una gran cantidad de información que prácticamente de inmediato está disponible en la web. Los buscadores e indexadores recorren diariamente la web para encontrar toda esa información que se ha ido añadiendo y así, ponerla a disposición del usuario devolviéndola en los resultados de las búsquedas. Sin embargo, la cantidad de información es tan grande que debe ser preprocesada con anterioridad. Dado que el usuario que realiza una búsqueda de información solamente está interesado en la información relevante, no tiene sentido que los buscadores e indexadores procesen el resto de elementos de las páginas web. El procesado de elementos irrelevantes de páginas web supone un gasto de recursos innecesario, como por ejemplo espacio de almacenamiento, tiempo de procesamiento, uso de ancho de banda, etc. Se estima que entre el 40% y el 50% del contenido de las páginas web son elementos irrelevantes. Por eso, en los últimos 20 años se han desarrollado técnicas para la detección de elementos tanto relevantes como irrelevantes de páginas web. Este objetivo se puede abordar de diversas maneras, por lo que existen técnicas diametralmente distintas para afrontar el problema. Esta tesis se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas basadas en árboles DOM para la detección de diversas partes de las páginas web, como son el contenido principal, la plantilla, y el menú. La mayoría de técnicas existentes se centran en la detección de texto dentro del contenido principal de las páginas web, ya sea eliminando la plantilla de dichas páginas o detectando directamente el contenido principal. Las técnicas que proponemos no sólo son capaces de realizar la extracción de texto, sino que, bien por eliminación de plantilla o bien por detección del contenido principal, son capaces de aislar cualquier elemento relevante de las páginas web, como por ejemplo imágenes, animaciones, videos, etc. Dichas técnicas no sólo son útiles para buscadores y rastreadores, sino que también pueden ser útiles directamente para el usuario que navega por la web. Por ejemplo, en el caso de usuarios con diversidad funcional (como sería una ceguera) puede ser interesante la eliminación de elementos irrelevantes para facilitar la lectura (o escucha) de las páginas web. Para hacer las técnicas accesibles a todo el mundo, las hemos implementado como extensiones del navegador, y son compatibles con navegadores basados en Mozilla o en Chromium. Además, estas herramientas están públicamente disponibles para que cualquier persona interesada pueda acceder a ellas y continuar con la investigación si así lo deseara. / [CA] Des de fa diversos anys, la quantitat d'informació disponible en la web creix de manera exponencial. Cada dia es genera una gran quantitat d'informació que immediatament es posa disponible en la web. Els cercadors i indexadors recorren diàriament la web per a trobar tota aqueixa informació que s'ha anat afegint i així, posar-la a la disposició de l'usuari retornant-la en els resultats de les cerques. No obstant això, la quantitat d'informació és tan gran que aquesta ha de ser preprocessada. Atés que l'usuari que realitza una cerca d'informació solament es troba interessat en la informació rellevant, no té sentit que els cercadors i indexadors processen la resta d'elements de les pàgines web. El processament d'elements irrellevants de pàgines web suposa una despesa de recursos innecessària, com per exemple espai d'emmagatzematge, temps de processament, ús d'amplada de banda, etc. S'estima que entre el 40% i el 50% del contingut de les pàgines web són elements irrellevants. Precisament per això, en els últims 20 anys s'han desenvolupat tècniques per a la detecció d'elements tant rellevants com irrellevants de pàgines web. Aquest objectiu es pot afrontar de diverses maneres, per la qual cosa existeixen tècniques diametralment diferents per a afrontar el problema. Aquesta tesi se centra en el desenvolupament de tècniques basades en arbres DOM per a la detecció de diverses parts de les pàgines web, com són el contingut principal, la plantilla, i el menú. La majoria de tècniques existents se centren en la detecció de text dins del contingut principal de les pàgines web, ja siga eliminant la plantilla d'aquestes pàgines o detectant directament el contingut principal. Les tècniques que hi proposem no sols són capaces de realitzar l'extracció de text, sinó que, bé per eliminació de plantilla o bé per detecció del contingut principal, són capaços d'aïllar qualsevol element rellevant de les pàgines web, com per exemple imatges, animacions, vídeos, etc. Aquestes tècniques no sols són útils per a cercadors i rastrejadors, sinó també poden ser útils directament per a l'usuari que navega per la web. Per exemple, en el cas d'usuaris amb diversitat funcional (com ara una ceguera) pot ser interessant l'eliminació d'elements irrellevants per a facilitar-ne la lectura (o l'escolta) de les pàgines web. Per a fer les tècniques accessibles a tothom, les hem implementades com a extensions del navegador, i són compatibles amb navegadors basats en Mozilla i en Chromium. A més, aquestes eines estan públicament disponibles perquè qualsevol persona interessada puga accedir a elles i continuar amb la investigació si així ho desitjara. / [EN] For several years, the amount of information available on the Web has been growing exponentially. Every day, a huge amount of data is generated and it is made immediately available on the Web. Indexers and crawlers browse the Web daily to find the new information that has been added, and they make it available to answer the users' search queries. However, the amount of information is so huge that it must be preprocessed. Given that users are only interested in the relevant information, it is not necessary for indexers and crawlers to process other boilerplate, redundant or useless elements of the web pages. Processing such irrelevant elements lead to an unnecessary waste of resources, such as storage space, runtime, bandwidth, etc. Different studies have shown that between 40% and 50% of the data on the Web are noisy elements. For this reason, several techniques focused on the detection of both, relevant and irrelevant data, have been developed over the last 20 years. The problems of identifying the relevant content of a web page, its template, its menu, etc. can be faced in various ways, and for this reason, there exist completely different techniques to address those problems. This thesis is focused on the development of information retrieval techniques based on DOM trees. Its goal is to detect different parts of a web page, such as the main content, the template, and the main menu. Most of the existing techniques are focused on the detection of text inside the main content of the web pages, mainly by removing the template of the web page or by inferring the main content. The techniques proposed in this thesis do not only extract text by eliminating the template or inferring the main content, but also extract any other relevant information from web pages such as images, animations, videos, etc. Our techniques are not only useful for indexers and crawlers but also for the user browsing the Web. For instance, in the case of users with functional diversity problems (such as blindness), removing noisy elements can facilitate them to read (or listen to) the web pages. To make the techniques broadly accessible to everybody, we have implemented them as browser extensions, which are compatible with Mozilla-based and Chromium-based browsers. In addition, these tools are publicly available, so any interested person can access them and continue with the research if they wish to do so. / Alarte Aleixandre, J. (2023). Information Retrieval Based on DOM Trees [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196679

Exploring the feasibility of using tabletop displays for construction design meetings

Chakrabarty, Subhanil 24 March 2011 (has links)
We have investigated the feasibility of using digital tabletop displays during design team meetings to improve access to design information. To achieve this goal, we have applied various design guidelines for tabletop interface design and requirements for digital meeting scenarios in order to implement design ideas (in a prototype named Mozaic) that specifically cater to design team meetings. Mozaic intends to improve information retrieval and browsing activities during meetings thereby improving information access through a tile based layout, pop-up menu control and filtered list. We have evaluated the features of Mozaic through an exploratory study on a tabletop display (in comparison to a commonly used desktop software tool, which was also used on the tabletop) to evaluate various design ideas and ferret out design ideas for future iterations of Mozaic. We present the result of this study as observations and user feedback and discuss them in the light of interface development for design meeting situations.

Vybrané problémy ochrany spotřebitele / Chosen problems of consumer protection

ŠTEFLÍČKOVÁ, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of diploma work was to determine consumers' awareness of their rights in the field of catering services in the Central Region in the Czech Republic. Another task was to detect the critical areas which have the greatest difficulty to respondents. As part of the questionnaire survey, which took place in November 2008 in the Central Region were asked 97 respondents.

A qualitative analysis of calorie menu labeling: Point of sale conversations with cashiers at fast-casual retsaurants

Bechtel, Kimberly 05 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / The study was conducted to examine the communication between the customer and the cashier at the point of purchase in the process of determining the impact of the labeling laws. This study used an inductive qualitative design for data collection and data analysis. Data from this study suggest that calorie counts on menu labels are discussed frequently between the customer and the cashier at the point of sale at fast-casual restaurants. The data found gives us a framework and rationale as to why previous research on the effectiveness of the calorie labeling law in the Affordable Care Act have yet to make a significant impact in reducing consumer’s total daily caloric intake when eating food away from the home and found three specific reasons as to why the calorie labeling law may not be working the way the government intended it to. First, consumers at fast-casual restaurants rely on the cashiers as calorie guides because they are not aware or knowledgeable about the recommended daily caloric intake and often underestimate the total calories in their meals. Secondly, the study’s findings indicate that when restaurants offer lower calorie choices and downsizing options like a “small pita” at Pita Pit instead of a “regular pita”, many consumers buy the downsized item or smaller portion but food chains are not downsizing their signature items. Third, the study examined if the cashiers are trained in any way to discuss new regulations and calorie count/nutritional value and not one cashier was trained specifically about the calorie labeling law and why certain foods on the menu have more calories than others even though they are influencing decision making. Conversations at the point of sale have been routinely ignored in research about the calorie labeling law and this research helps to understand the choices consumers are making with the newly implemented calorie labeling regulation. The results from this study helps us further advance our understanding as to why consumers make the food choices they do while eating at restaurants.

Consumer Loyalty in Fast-Food Restaurants in Saudi Arabia

Bukhari, Sulafah January 2015 (has links)
This study assesses the loyalty behaviour of consumers in fast-food restaurants in Saudi Arabia by studying the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. The sample consisted of 231 Saudis and non-Saudis living in Saudi Arabia. They were approached using the “snowball” technique. Participants were all over the age of eighteen, and they were customers of Al-Baik restaurants. Data was collected through a face-to-face questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software. Specifically, Cronbach’s Alpha test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. Results show that significant relationships exist between the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. It is also indicated that participants’ personalities and values were significantly related to the loyalty behaviour of consumers in Saudi Arabia. The major limitation of this study is that it was conducted in only one city, Jeddah. Therefore, additional research should be carried out in other cities with larger samples. The research results offer compelling evidence that Saudi loyalty behaviour differs from Western behaviour. Therefore, it suggests that international fast-food operators in Saudi Arabia should take local factors into account when formulating marketing strategies, such as the role of women and youth in Saudi society. This thesis makes a novel contribution to the literature, as it is the first to model the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour of consumers in a single study. It is also the first to study contributed to the literature to examine the relation between the Six Dimensional Achievement Motivation Scale (Jackson, Ahmed, and Heapy, 1976), Rokeach Value System (1973), and loyalty behaviour of consumers.

Streamlining Certification Management with Automation and Certification Retrieval : System development using ABP Framework, Angular, and MongoDB / Effektivisering av certifikathantering med automatisering och certifikathämtning : Systemutveckling med ABP Framework, Angular och MongoDB

Hassan, Nour Al Dine January 2024 (has links)
This thesis examines the certification management challenge faced by Integrity360. The decentralized approach, characterized by manual processes and disparate data sources, leads to inefficient tracking of certification status and study progress. The main objective of this project was to construct a system that automates data retrieval, ensures a complete audit, and increases security and privacy.  Leveraging the ASP.NET Boilerplate (ABP) framework, Angular, and MongoDB, an efficient and scalable system was designed, developed, and built based on DDD (domain-driven design) principles for a modular and maintainable architecture. The implemented system automates data retrieval from the Credly API, tracks exam information, manages exam vouchers, and implements a credible authentication system with role-based access control.  With the time limitations behind the full-scale implementation of all the planned features, such as a dashboard with aggregated charts and automatic report generation, the platform significantly increases the efficiency and precision of employee certification management. Future work will include these advanced functionalities and integrations with external platforms to improve the system and increase its impact on operations in Integrity360.

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