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Den livsviktiga anknytningen i skuggan av missbruk : En systematisk litteraturstudie om barnets anknytning i förhållande till deras missbrukande mödrar / The Essential Attachment in the Shadow of Abuse : A Systematic Literature Review on Child Attachment in Relation to Their Substance-Abusing MothersCameron, Emma January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this study was to examine how a child's attachment is influenced by having an alcohol- or drug-abusing mother. The importance of secure attachment for a child's positive development, made exploring the issues surrounding substance abuse, and its impact on the child's essential attachment, of great interest. A systematic literature review was conducted to analyze the published research on the topic. The results provide valuable insights into attachment, maternal substance abuse, and related risks and protective factors. Furthermore, the findings shed light on the increased vulnerability of children whose mothers have engaged in substance abuse before, during, and after pregnancy, indicating a higher likelihood of developing insecure attachment patterns. However, it is important to note that there is no consensus among researchers. Some results suggest that children growing up with substance-abusing mothers do not necessarily exhibit insecure attachment or develop problems later in life due to the substance abuse. The gathered empirical evidence, however, supports the effectiveness of interventions targeting substance-abusing mothers in promoting security in the child's attachment. Nevertheless, it is crucial not to solely focus on interventions for mothers, but also to consider the measures that can be offered to children in unfavorable home environments, with the best interests of the child as a central principle in social work.
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Utsatthetens dimensioner : En kvalitativ studie om kvinnor i missbruk och hur dessa relaterar till utsatthet, stigma och skam. / Dimensions of vulnerability : A qualitative study of women in addiction and how these relate to vulnerability, stigma and shame.Fransson, Clara, Papic, Nikolina January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine and to contribute with knowledge about exposed women with substance abuse problems and alcohol abuse problems. Further, our study seeks to examine and understand different dimensions of vulnerability of being a woman with abuse problems, and also to understand the stigma and shame connected to the studied group and the found dimensions. Therefore, our study is based on six different autobiographies containing experiences and interpretations of the Swedish societies, from the women in this field. The main result of our study shows that the studied women are vulnerable in different dimensions, connected to physical and sexual abuse, authorities, economy and family. Other results show that the exposed women with abuse problems are a stigmatized group, ascribed with negative characteristics, by the norms and values in the Swedish societies. These results reflect our society's lack of knowledge, and normalizes the stereotypes about these women. Due to the norms and values of our societies, a lot of the women in this field have untold stories because of the perceived stigma that we illustrate, which is negative since the subject needs even more attention. They tend not to ask for help, since there is an unwritten rule about this field being shameful and taboo. Goffman’s theory about stigma is a part of our study, which is strongly connected to shame, used to analyze the result of our collected data.
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Ett värdigt liv : En studie om socialsekreterares tolkning och tillämpning av LVM ur ett åldersperspektiv. / A dignified life : A study of social workers interpretation and application of LVM from an age perspective.Petersson, Nora, Andersson, Nicolina January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study has been to investigate if age is impacting the social workers interpretationand application of the Swedish compulsory care legislation for people with substance abuse, Lag(1988:870) om vård av missbrukare i vissa fall [LVM]. This with a specific focus on the elderly,thus clients over 65 years. Moreover it aims to examine whether the Swedish legal principles ofequality and objectivity are complied with in the practice of social work. The study is based oneight qualitative semi-structured interviews with eight social workers, at the time working withhandling of such matters. The theories used in the analysis are social constructivism with theunderlying concepts of age-coding and client construction, as well as ageism. The findings of thestudy show, despite the fact that the social workers clarifies that all people are covered by theLVM-legislation, that younger client groups are given higher priority than the older whenallocating resources based on the law. The reasons were found to be several, but were, amongother things, attributed to the fact that rehabilitation opportunities were seen less for the elderly,that the social indication of the law was seen as more applicable on a young’s life circumstances,as well as ethical doubts about the use of compulsory care occurred to a greater extent regardingthe elderly. The social worker’s interpretations and applications of the law were seen to beinfluenced by social age-constructions that exist in Swedish society. Constructions which, if theyare not noticed and questioned, can imply discriminatory practices towards the elderly, and thusageism-effects.
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Ett integrerat förebyggande arbete mot samsjuklighet hos socialtjänstens klienter. : En kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggare inom socialpsykiatrins möjligheter och hinder. / An integrated preventions focused work against comorbidly among social service clients. : A qualitative study of healthcare administration in social psychiatry’s opportunities and obstacles.Brundin, Elin, Ekelundh, Sally January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of if and how a prevention focused work against addiction is integrated into healthcare administrations in social psychiatry’s regular work. More specifically, this study focuses on what in the professional regular work influences such an approach. Individuals who suffer from comorbidity regarding addiction and mental illness belong to one of the most vulnerable groups in society. This type of dual diagnosis increases the risk of negative consequences for the individual. Previous research has a clear focus on what should be done to achieve an integrated approach and how it should be implemented. The research mentioned presents an ideal picture, although it does not address whether the approach is used in the practice of social work or, if so, how. The discussion regarding integrated prevention work is very relevant in the presence of the two ongoing investigations into comorbidity (SOU 2021:93) and the new Social Services Act (SOU 2020:47). We find a knowledge gap in that the healthcare administrations practical work with an integrated preventions focused approach has not been sufficiently illuminated. A qualitative method in the form of six digital semi-structured interviews was conducted. The theories that have been used to analyze the empirical data are human-treated organizations, Lipsky’s theory of street-level bureaucracy, the concept of room for maneuver and the relational perspective. The results of this study show that a good relationship between the healthcare administrator and the clients is crucial to give the healthcare administrator the opportunity to identify hazardous use, abuse or addiction in clients. The respondents believe that prevention towards escalating use requires a functioning collaboration with the addiction administrators. The possibilities to collaborate are hampered by the specialization in social services and a flexible and vibrant organization is a prerequisite for integrated prevention work to function in the future.
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Att lägga pussel utan alla bitar : En rättslig analys om svårigheterna i att definera en relevant produktmarknad för onlineplattformar / Market definition in the digital economy : A legal analysis about the difficulties of defining a relevant product market for online platformsMalmquist, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Den digitala ekonomin har medfört tillämpningssvårigheter för flera delar av den europe- iska konkurrensrätten, vilket inte minst gäller definitionen av en relevant produktmarknad. Marknadsdefinitionen skapar en ram för den konkurrensrättsliga analysen genom att identifiera dominanta marknadsaktörer. Ett felaktigt eller missvisande resultat kan således medföra att även den efterföljande analysen blir felaktig. Marknadsdefinitionen spelar således en viktig roll i det konkurrensrättsliga regelverket. De metoder som används för detta ändamål har emellertid genom tillväxten av den digitala ekonomin och dess aktörer blivit utdaterad. Den digitala ekonomin kännetecknas av förekomsten av onlineplattformar. En onlineplattform är en flersidig marknad som tillhandahåller olika tjänster till olika grupper. Verksamhetsmodellen förknippas ofta med starka indirekta nätverkseffekter, stora byteskostnader, användningen av gratistjänster och extensiv datainsamling. Dessa särdrag försvårar definitionen av en relevant marknad eftersom flera av de ekonomiska koncept som styr marknadsdefinitionen inte är förenliga med denna typ av marknad. För det första råder oklarhet om flersidiga marknader ska behandlas som en gemensam marknad omfattande samtliga användarsidor, eller om de olika användarsidorna ska behandlas som separata marknader. För det andra försvåras marknadsdefinitionen av förekomsten av s.k. indirekta nätverkseffekter eftersom efterfrågan på en sida av marknaden ofta har en direkt påverkan på efterfrågan på den andra sidan av marknaden. För det tredje kan man inte utföra SSNIP-testet när tjänsterna som tillhandahålls av onlineplattformen är gratis. Framställningen har visat att litteraturen och praxis är oenig kring hur dessa frågor ska besvaras. Enligt litteraturen bör frågan angående om en eller flera marknader ska definieras besvaras baserat på om marknaden utgör en s.k. flersidig transaktionsmarknad eller en flersidig icke-transaktionsmarknad. I praxis har istället fokus lagts vid de konkurrensrättsliga begränsningarna som respektive sida utsätts för. Angående hur de indirekta nätverkseffekterna ska beaktas råder liknande oklarheter. I litteraturen har man försökt skapa kalkyler som kan beräkna lönsamheten som respektive sida spelar för den andra. I praxis är det svårt att urskilja några särskilda mönster men i ett fall har kommissionen till stor del baserat en plattforms utbytbarhet på den nyttan marknadens andra sida skapar för den granskade sidan. Angående hur utbytbarhet ska mätas i frånvaro av pris finns flera alternativ. I praxis har ett vanligt tillvägagångssätt varit att basera prövningen på tjänsternas funktioner. En annan lösning har varit att genomföra ett SSNIP-liknande test baserat på kvalitetsminskning. I litteraturen har även förslaget lyfts att se data som den kostnad som betalas av gratisanvändarna. Som framställningen illustrerar saknar ett sådant tillvägagångssätt emellertid helt rättsligt stöd och framstår som problematiskt av flera anledningar. Sammantaget visar framställningen att det, trots de olika lösningarna på problemen, finns stora behov av enhetliga klargöranden kring hur den digitala ekonomins särdrag ska beaktas i marknadsdefinitionen. Detta är särskilt viktigt eftersom förekomsten av denna typ av marknader sannolikt inte kommer avta.
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"Jag insåg hur stor påverkan min pappas missbruk hade på mig" : En kvalitativ studie om eventuella konsekvenser som kan uppstå utifrån erfarenheter av att växa upp med en förälder som har ett substansbruk / "I realized how much impact my father´s abuse had on me" : A qualitative study on the potential consequences of growing up with a parent who has a substance use disorderVeseli, Albina, Ståhl, Saga January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka personers erfarenheter och upplevelser av att växa upp med en förälder som har ett missbruk. I vår kvalitativa studie har sex självbiografier analyserats genom en tematisk analysmetod. Resultatet för uppsatsen påvisar att en uppväxt med en förälder med ett substansbruk kan medföra emotionella och praktiska konsekvenser. Vidare visar resultatet att personerna har som barn behövt tillgodose sina behov som till exempel omsorg eller mat. Det som även var gemensamt för barnen var de otrygga förhållandena i hemmet och att de fick agera förälder i hemmet. Det huvudsakliga resultatet presenterar att de anknytningsmönster som framträder hos barn till föräldrar med substansbruk visar på en otrygg anknytningsstil. / The aim of this study was to examine people´s experiences and perceptions of growing up with a parent who has a substance abuse problem. In this qualitative study, six autobiographies were analyzed by a thematic analysis method. The results show that growing up with a parent with substance abuse can have emotional and practical consequences. Further, the results show that as children, the subjects had to provide for thei needs such as care or food. What was also common for the children was the insecure conditions at home and having to act as a parent at home. The main result shows that the attachment patterns that emerge in children of parents with substance use show an insecure attachment style.
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Övergången från låst tillöppet behandlingshem : En studie av hur SIS LVM-hem ochbehandlingshem arbetar med kvinnliga klienterinför en placering utifrån paragraf §27 / Transition From Lockedtoo Open Treatment Home : A study how Sis LVM-home and treatment homeworks with female drug addicts for a placementaccording to § 27Chaabi, Mahir January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie kommer det att undersökas hur SIS LVM-hem och behandlingshemarbetar med kvinnliga klienter inför en § 27 placering. Att förbereda enmissbrukare inför behandling kan utspela sig på flera olika sätt i Sverige. Därmissbrukare som befinner sig i ett missbruk kan bli tvångsomhänderta ochplacerade på låst behandling ifall deras missbruk har gått till den gränsen attindividen utsätter sin hälsa för så pass allvarlig fara så att det kan leda till att denavlider. När en individ placeras på låst behandling är avsikten att den skaförberedas succesivt för behandling i öppnare former enligt §27. I denna studiehar jag valt att studera ett perspektiv som involverar hur Statensinstitutionsstyrelse LVM-hem för kvinnor och ett behandlingshem arbetar med attanpassa övergången från låst behandling till öppet behandlingshem. Dåmissbruksvården är bred och de finns olika former av låsta behandlingar ochöppna behandlingar så föll valet på SIS LVM-hem för kvinnor ochbehandlingshem. Valet av avgränsning till kvinnor är på grund att som (Statensinstitutionsstyrelse (2020) redovisar är kvinnor mera utsatta än männen när dethamnar i ett drogmissbruk.I studien utformades 11 semistrukturerade intervjuer där sex var från SIS LVMhem och fem från behandlingshem. Valet av teoretiskt perspektiv föll påsamverkansteori, coping och socialt nätverk. I resultatet framkommer det att medkontinuerlig och strategisk samverkan kan missbruksvården förbättra övergångenfrån låst behandling till öppet behandlingshem. De berörda enheterna som arbetarmed missbrukaren bör gemensamt studera klientensbehov med avsikten för attförstärka deras coping strategier så att klienten bygger upp en resiliens motmissbruk. Genom att studera klienters sociala nätverk kan man kartlägga vilkenpåverkan de olika individerna har i klientens nätverk för att vägleda de tillpositiva förebilder så det upprätthåller nykterhet efter att behandlingen är klar. / In this study I will research Sis LVM-home and treatment home works withfemale drug addicts for a placement according to § 27. To prepare a drug addictfor treatment have different approaches in Sweden. Where if the drug addict is ina serious drug addiction they can be forcibly acquired and placed in a locked drugtreatment institution before they can start their treatment in more open treatmentoptions according to § 27.Based on that I have chosen to study how staff work from the lockedrehabilitation facilities, Statens institutionsstyrelse LVM-hem for women and onetreatment home. Works with the transition from locked rehab facilities to openfacility paragraph § 27 for women from 18 years and above. Due to the broaddrug treatment in Sweden where there are many kinds of forms of locked facilitiesand open facilities, I have chosen SIS LVM-homes and treatment home wherethey live. The reason why I chose to study women drug addicts is based on(Statens institutionsstyrelse (2020) that they are in general more exposed thanmen during drug addiction.In this study, I have conducted 11 semi structured interviews where six are fromSIS LVM-homes and five from treatment home. The choice of theoreticalperspective is cooperation, coping and social network. As stated in the results,with a continuous strategic cooperation you can improve the transaction fromlocked to open facility. Where it is important that the concerned units commonlystudy the client's needs with the intention to improve the clients' coping strategiesso they can build up a resilience against drug addiction. By studying the socialnetwork, one can chart what kind of impact different kind of individuals have onthe client’s social network. This is used to guide the drug addicted person towhich people have a good impact on them so they can maintain a life sober whenthe rehab is done.
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"NÄR DERAS MISSBRUK TOG ÖVER- HÖLL VI DET FÖR OSS SJÄLVA" : En livsvärldsfenomenologisk studie om vuxna barn som levt i familj med missbrukDel Toro, Aylin, Samuelsson, Zemone January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to describe and understand the meaning of adult children´s experience of growing up in a family with addiction. The study is based on a lifeworld phenomenological approach where the adult children have been the focus. The data collection consisted of five open interviews, where the adult children gave their experience of their childhood. The result of the study shows that adult children all have experienced the sense of shame/stigma, de-prioritized, a dysfunctional everyday life, a body that reacts and a body that remembers. This has led to various challenges and consequences while growing up, the adult children have handled this differently according to their own abilities and circumstances. It has also resulted in challenges in adulthood, which also have been handled differently depending on the person. Based on the results, it has been possible to understand the importance of preventive work towards families where there is an addiction problem. Something that further needs continuous research to prevent dysfunctional upbringing.
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Socialt arbete med personer som har intellektuell funktiontionsnedsättning och använder droger / Social work with persons with intellectual disability who use drugsHansson, Simon, Hjorth, Mikael January 2024 (has links)
The study aims to uncover social workers understandings of substance use (SU) among people with intellectual disabilities (ID) and ways in which social work with this group should be carried out. Previous research has asserted that people with ID use drugs to a lesser extent, and therefore experience less drug related issues in general compared to the general popuation. However, people with ID experience more severe consequences from SU than others. Evidence for specific methods for working with this group is scarce. The theoretical framework for this thesis is first based in the social model of disability. This enables the use of Goffmans symbolic interactionism with an emphesis on his theories of social roles. The last piece to the theoretical framework is cooperation theory which assists in analysing the themes of issues in cooperation that professionals express. The thesis is carried out through semi-structured interviews with 6 interviewees, chosen through a combination of strategic- and snowball selection methods. The results are analysed thematically. Three main themes emerge from the empirical data: social factors, matters of cooperation between professionals and their organizations and communication styles between professionals and people with ID. The main findings of the thesis is first: that Swedish research on the topic is practically non-exictent. Second: that effective methods are developed by professionals such as writing and drawing to enhance communication and that this knowledge is not transferred and expanded upon. Third: that professionals view SU among people with ID as caused by a need for social inclusion which they get from SU. / Undersökningen syftar till att ådagalägga socialarbetares förståelse av drogbruk bland personer med intellektuellt funktionshinder (IF) och hur socialt arbete med denna målgrupp bör utföras. Tidigare forskning har visat att personer med IF använder droger i lägre grad, och därför erfar mindre drogrelaterade problem än befolkningen i övrigt. Personer med IF erfar dock allvarligare konsekvenser av sitt drogbruk än andra. Forskningsunderlaget för behandlingsmetoder är tunnsått. Uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter börjar i det sociala funktionshinderbegreppet som möjliggör användandet av Goffmans symboliska interaktionism med fokus på hans teori om sociala roller och masker. Slutligen används samverkansteori för att analysera samverkansrelaterade problem som framkommer i socialarbetares utsagor. Undersökningen utförs som semistrukturerade intervjuer med 6 intervjupersoner som valts i kombinerad strategisk urvalsprocess och snöbollsurval. Empirin analyseras sedan tematiskt. Tre huvudsakliga teman framkommer i empirin: sociala faktorer, samverkan mellan organisationer och professionella och kommunikation mellan professionella och personer med IF. Uppsatsen kommer fram till tre slutsatser. 1: Att svesnk forskning på ämnet saknas. 2: Att effektiva metoder för att arbeta med målgruppen så som att ritprata utvecklas i verksamheter men att denna kunskap inte förs vidare i organisationer över tid eller mellan organisationer och att denna kunskap behöver tas till vara och vidareutvecklas till arbetsmetoder. 3: Att socialarbetare ser drogbruk bland personer med IF som en konsekevens av ett behov av social tillhörighet.
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”När det inte funkar så är det ganska ömsesidigt” : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan socialtjänst och hälso- och sjukvård / “When it ́s not working, it ́s pretty mutual.” : A qualitative study about collaboration between social services and health careAscic, Nikolina, Trygg Pizevska, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine the collaboration between social service and healthcare from the perspective of professional’s experience regarding adults with substance abuse. The focus was therefore to examine which factors collaboration contributes to and analyse the effect on the clients. The method used was semi- structured interviews in which a total of seven professionals from the social service and health care participated and were interviewed. The results of the study were therefore based on the interviews and with the help of thematic analyses, three themes were identified. The themes include experience of collaboration, knowledge of each other’s organisations and the impact on the client. The study proved that the guideline for collaboration is unspecified and that there is a lack of knowledge among the social services and healthcare personnel about each other ́s roles and responsibilities. This leads to unrealistic expectations, conflicts of interest and different opinions on which organization should take the overall responsibility. The study also proved that these circumstances have an impact on the client which can be expressed in lack of motivation, risk of being overlooked and inadequate care for the client. These factors contribute to a lack of collaboration between the two organizations.
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