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Mot målen med missbruksvården : En studie av förbättringsarbete rörande bedömning och systematisk uppföljning till nytta för individ och organisation i 13 kommunerVejklint, Mattias January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund Socialtjänsten saknar register för uppföljning av kvalitet. Utan kunskap om vilka insatser som socialtjänsten ger riskerar personer att blir utan effektiva insatser eller utsätts för insatser som kan vara till mer skada än nytta. Syfte Förbättrad livssituation för individer i socialtjänstens missbruks- och beroendevård genom systematisk uppföljning. Öka användningen av Addiction Severity Index- (ASI) för att följa och utveckla socialtjänstens insatser. Identifiera faktorer som bidrar till eller försvåra användandet av ASI. Metod Programteorin innehållande fem förbättringsområden togs fram. Förbättringsarbetet följdes upp genom genomförda ASI-intervjuer. Förbättringsarbetet studerades med mixad metod. Kvantitativ data med tidsserieanalys och kvalitativ data med tematisk analys. Resultaten har analyserats genom Modell för implementering i olika kontexter. Resultat Användning av ASI-intervjuer ökade men nådde ej målen. Studien av förbättringsarbetet ger få svar på vad som påverkar användningen av ASI. Starkare koppling av faktorer med negativ inverkan på ASI-användningen än positiva inverkan. Slutsatser Förbättringsarbete på flera områden gav ökad ASI-användning. Förbättringsarbete kan bedrivas samtidigt i ett läns kommuner. Det finns intresse för förenklade ASI-intervjuer men försöket gav ej underlag att dra slutsatser. Studien visar faktorer som påverkar användningen av ASI men att det krävs fördjupningar för att generaliserbara slutsatser. / BackgroundSocial services do not have registers for monitoring quality. Without knowledge of what interventions the social services provide already exposed groups risk missing follow-up and improvement of care and support. Purpose Improved life situation for individuals in social services addiction care through systematic follow-up. Increase the use of Addiction Severity Index (ASI) to monitor and improve social services. Identify factors that contribute to or hamper the use of ASI. Method A program theory was developed. The improvement work was studied with a mixed method. Quantitative data with time series analysis and qualitative data with thematic analysis. Results was analysed through Model for implementation in different contexts. Results The use of ASI interviews increased but did not reach the targets. The study of the improvement gives few answers to what affects the use of ASI. Stronger coupling of factors with a negative impact on ASI usage than positive impact. Conclusion Improvement in multiple areas increased use of ASI. Improvement can be carried out simultaneously in 13 municipalities in a county. There is interest in simplified ASI interviews, but the trial did not provide evidence to draw conclusions. The study shows factors that affect the use of ASI, but that there is a need for more studies to generalize conclusions.
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Kvinna eller man, spelar det någon roll? : En kritisk diskursanalys av språkliga genuskonstruktioner i LVM-domar / Female or male, does it matter? : A critical discourse analysis of linguistic gender constructions in LVM judgmentsPetersson, Emma, Karlsson, Josefina January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how conceptions of gender are expressed in the construction of women and men in judgments on the Care of Substance Abusers (Special Provisions) Act (LVM). According to Swedish law everyone must be treated equally, regardless of gender. In addition, the social services have an important responsibility to promote gender equality. At the same time there are conceptions of gender in our society that have been shown to influence the treatment of women and men. It is therefore important to examine, from a gender perspective, whether and how conceptions of gender are expressed in judgments. The empirical material consisted of 30 court cases, whereof 14 cases concerned women and 16 cases concerned men. The data has been analysed through the method “critical discourse analysis”, which focuses on the implicit rather than the explicit. The method allowed us to examine the language in judgments. The main results showed that, despite of a neutral law, women and men were described different. Through the descriptions, four discourses were found. Two on each gender, which acted as opposites. Women as passive victims versus men as active agents. Women as deviant versus men as the norm. The gender discourses showed conceptions of gender that expressed a separation and a hierarchy between women and men.
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“Vi vill och försöker, men det är inte alltid vi kan.” : En kvalitativ studie om skolpersonalens perspektiv på socialt arbete med elever som lever med föräldrar i missbruksmiljö / “We want to and we try, but we can't always” : A qualitative study of school staff perspectives on social work with students living with parents in a substance abusing environmentBahrami, Sozan, Muse, Habon January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur skolpersonalen uppmärksammar och arbetar med barn som växer upp med en förälder eller flera föräldrar med ett skadligt bruk av alkohol eller andra droger. Studien undersöker även hur skolpersonalen upplever tillgången till resurser för detta arbete och syftar till att lyfta fram det sociala arbetet i skolan. Med hjälp av intervjuer med de yrkesverksamma i skolan studeras deras perspektiv på förebyggande arbete i relation till barn i utsatta miljöer. Intervjupersonerna arbetar på grundskolan i Stockholms samt Västerås län och har olika yrkesroller. Empirin i denna undersökning omfattas av en kvalitativ intervjustudie och därmed har data samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visar att skolpersonalen understryker betydelsen av relationsskapande med barn som lever med en eller flera föräldrar med skadligt bruk. Resultatet framhäver även att brist på resurser för skolans arbete med dessa barn minskar möjligheterna att förstärka skyddsfaktorer som kan hindra framtida problem hos barnen. Synliggörande av barnens egna beteenden menas vara betydelsefullt i arbetet med att kunna identifiera och fånga upp de barn som lever i skadliga levnadsförhållanden. Den utvecklingsekologiska teorin används som en ram för denna studie då teorin centrerar kring barnets sammanhang. Begreppet risk- och skyddsfaktor har haft stor relevans för vår studie eftersom den hjälper oss att förstå barnens beteenden, de riskfaktorer som barnet utsätts för och hur skolan kan vara en skyddsfaktor. Begreppet ökar även vår förståelse för barnet som individ på en social och strukturell nivå. Studiens slutsats kan delas upp i tre delar och kopplar till de teman denna undersökning fått fram utifrån den tematiska analysen: (1) Förekomsten av bristande resurser i det förebyggande sociala arbetet i skolan; (2) betydelsen av relationsbyggande mellan elever och skolpersonal; (3) och observationer av barns avvikande beteende. / This study investigates how school personnel notice and work with children who grow up with one or more parents with harmful use of alcohol or other drugs. The study also examines how the school staff perceives the availability of resources for this work and aims to highlight the social work in the school. With the help of interviews with the professionals in the school, their perspective on preventive work in relation to children in vulnerable environments is studied. The interviewees work at primary schools in Stockholm and Västerås counties and have different work roles. The empirical work in this investigation is covered by a qualitative interview study and thus the data has been collected through semi-structured interviews. The results show that school staff emphasize the importance of relationship building with children who live with one or more parents with harmful use. The result also highlights that a lack of resources for the school's work with these children reduces the opportunities to strengthen protective factors that can prevent future problems in the children. Making the children's own behaviors visible is said to be important in the work of being able to identify and catch the children who live in harmful living conditions. The developmental ecology theory is used as a framework for this study as the theory centers around the context of the child. The concept of risk and protective factor has had great relevance to our study because it helps us understand the children's behavior, the risk factors the child is exposed to and how the school can be a protective factor. The concept also increases our understanding of the child as an individual on a social and structural level. The study's conclusion can be divided into three parts and links to the themes that this research has produced based on the thematic analysis: (1) The existence of a lack of resources in the preventive social work in the school; (2) the importance of relationship building between students and school staff; (3) and observations of children's deviant behavior.
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Hur fysiskt aktiva är individer med beroendeproblematik inom öppenvården i Sverige? : En enkätstudie av fysisk aktivitetsnivå hos individer i en av de mest utsatta grupperna i samhället. / How physically active are individuals with addiction within the outpatient care in Sweden? : A survey study of physical activity levels among individuals in one of the most vulnerable groups in society.Holm, Mats January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet har identifierats som en möjlig komponent i tillfrisknande för personer med beroendeproblematik. Studier visar en positiv inverkan av fysisk aktivitet på abstinenssymtom och återfall. Trots detta finns det begränsad forskning om vardaglig fysisk aktivitetsnivå hos individer med beroendeproblematik. Ett ökat fokus på detta område kan leda till utveckling av effektiva interventioner och bättre resursallokering inom beroendevården. Syfte: Studien syftade till att undersöka aktivitetsnivåerna hos personer med beroendeproblematik Metod: En tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes där data samlades in genom en enkätundersökning bland deltagare inom öppenvården för beroendeproblematik. En analys av aktivitetsnivåer, kön, ålder och boendeform genomfördes för att undersöka möjliga samband. Resultat: Studien hade 27 deltagare varav majoriteten var män (82%), med 63% som uppnådde lägsta rekommenderade aktivitetsnivå, vilket är lägra än samhället i stort. Trots få deltagare indikerar studiens resultat tendenser till att boendeform och stigande ålder påverkade aktivitetsnivåer negativt, där egen bostad associerades med lägre aktivitet än gruppboende. Konklusion: Baserat på studiens resultat krävs riktade insatser mot att förbättra aktivitetsnivåer hos individer med beroendeproblematik, särskilt de som bor i eget boende. Integration av fysioterapeutiska insatser i behandlingsplaner och ökat samarbete mellan socialtjänst och sjukvård rekommenderas för att förbättra vårdkvaliteten. Denna studie, vars resultat kan jämställas med en pilotstudie understryker behovet av fler och större studier för att bekräfta och utveckla studiens resultat. / Background: Physical activity has been identified as a potential component in the recovery process for individuals with substance use disorders. Studies show a positive impact of physical activity on withdrawal symptoms and relapse rates. Despite this, there is limited research on the daily physical activity levels of individuals with substance use disorders. Increased focus on this area could lead to the development of effective interventions and better resource allocation within addiction treatment services. Purpose: The study aimed to examine the activity levels of individuals with addiction issues. Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted where data was collected through a survey among participants in outpatient care for addiction issues. An analysis of activity levels, gender, age, and housing form was conducted to examine possible correlations. Results: The study had 27 participants, the majority of whom were men (82%), with 63% achieving recommended physical activity levels, which is lower than the general population. Despite few participants, the study's results indicate trends where housing form and increasing age negatively affected activity levels, with own housing associated with lower activity than group housing. Conclusion: Based on the study's results, targeted efforts are needed to improve activity levels among individuals with addiction issues, especially those living in their own homes. Integration of physiotherapeutic interventions into treatment plans and increased collaboration between social services and healthcare are recommended to improve the quality of care. This study, which can be seen as a pilot study, underscores the need for more and larger studies to confirm and develop the study's results.
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Visstidsdirektivets implementering i svensk rätt : Har korrekt implementering skett?Schultz, Mi January 2011 (has links)
The essays main intent is to examine whether there has been a proper implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG into Swedish law regarding the requirement for measures to prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term employment contracts. To achieve this purpose there is a need for an examination of current law. The essay also has some secondary purposes. One of these secondary purposes is the question of whether the implementation of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG has lead to a reduction of the workers employment protection, which is closely connected to my main question and the violation case. My other secondary purposes are to make a connection between fixed-term employment and labor market flexibilization and flexicurity, to see if the rules about fixed-term work has affected gender equality, and to discuss whether there has been a shift of power in the relationship between employers and employees. I have come to the conclusion that Sweden has not implemented the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG properly regarding the requirement for measures to prevent abuse of successive fixed-term employments. I have found that the Swedish rules that apply today may be circumvented by combining various forms of fixed-term employments and that some forms of fixed-term employment requires a more clear definition. To prevent the abuse of successive fixed-term contracts, I suggest the introduction of a maximum total duration for all forms of fixed-term employment together, combined with a rule about the maximum number of times a fixed-term employment contract may be renewed. Furthermore I have found factors indicating that a reduction of workers employment protection level has taken place, but I can not draw any firm conclusions about it because the essay has not examined the issue in a completely thorough manner. I have also found a connection between labor market flexibilization and the use of fixed-term employment and that Sweden should examine whether the flexicurity-model can provide some useful solutions to increase employment without reducing workers employment protection level. Gender equality regarding the share of fixed-term employment contracts has slightly increased, both in Sweden and in the EU, since the origin of the Council’s directive 1999/70/EG. Also I have found that the new rules for fixed-term employment may have resulted in a shift of power that favors the employer. / Uppsatsen syftar främst till att undersöka huruvida det skett en korrekt implementering av visstidsdirektivet i svensk rätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. För att uppnå detta syfte krävs en utredning av gällande rätt. Uppsatsen har också några underordnade syften. Ett av dessa underordnade syften är frågan om huruvida implementeringen av visstidsdirektivet inneburit en minskning av arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd, som är nära kopplat till min huvudsakliga fråga och överträdelseärendet. Mina andra underordnade syften är att koppla reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar till arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och flexicurity, att se om reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar påverkat jämställdhet mellan könen och att diskutera huruvida det skett förändringar i maktförhållandet mellan arbetsgivare och arbetstagare. Jag har kommit fram till slutsatsen att Sverige inte har implementerat visstidsdirektivet på ett korrekt sätt avseende kravet på åtgärder för att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar. Jag har konstaterat att de svenska reglerna som gäller idag kan kringgås genom att olika former av tidsbegränsade anställningar kombineras och att vissa av anställningsformerna kräver en tydligare definition. För att förhindra missbruk av flera på varandra följande visstidsanställningar föreslår jag att det införs en övre sammanlagd tidsgräns för alla tidsbegränsade anställningsformer kombinerat med en regel om maximalt antal gånger ett tidsbegränsat anställningsavtal får förnyas. Jag har funnit faktorer som visar på att en minskning av arbetstagarskyddet har skett, men jag kan inte dra några säkra slutsatser om det eftersom uppsatsen inte behandlat frågan på ett uttömmande sätt. Vidare har jag funnit ett samband mellan arbetsmarknadens flexibilisering och användandet av tidsbegränsade anställningar och att Sverige borde undersöka om flexicurity-modellen kan bidra med några lösningar för att öka sysselsättningen utan att minska nivån på arbetstagarnas anställningsskydd. Jämställdhet mellan könen rörande andelen tidsbegränsat anställda har ökat något, både i Sverige och EU, sedan visstidsdirektivets tillkomst. Jag har också kommit fram till att de nya reglerna om tidsbegränsade anställningar kan ha inneburit en maktförskjutning som gynnar arbetsgivaren.
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Multiple Sides, Multiple Challenges : The Need for a Uniform Approach in Defining the Relevant Product Market in Abuse of Dominance Cases on Multi-Sided MarketsGiesecke, Jacob January 2018 (has links)
The study shows that multi-sided markets pose difficulties when the relevant product market is to be defined. These difficulties pertain to two questions. The first question is whether one or several markets should be defined. In this regard, it is not easy to extract a coherent method from the cases examined. Instead, the methods applied give the impression of ad hoc-solutions, where similar circumstances result in dissimilar outcomes. Indeed, it is hard to reconcile the different market definitions in Visa International MIF and MasterCard MIF. The uncertainties are not limited to these two cases, as the methods applied in Google Shopping too give rise to ambiguities. Why was the market for general search engine platforms separated into two distinct product markets, but the market for comparison shopping services encompassed both sides? Unfortunately, this discussion was not present in the decision. This only serves to reinforce the impression that these questions are solved on an ad hoc-basis. A clear method of approaching multi-sided markets is desirable, not least because the enforcement of competition rules must be characterized by consistency and foreseeability. Hopefully, the judgement in Google Shopping will bring further clarity to this. Nonetheless, the conclusion is that one market should be defined when differences between competitive constraints on the two sides are absent. E contrario, this means that two markets should be defined when such differences are present. This is true regardless of the market in question being a transaction or a non-transaction market. This method seems preferable to strictly adhering to the division of multi-sided markets into transaction or non-transaction markets. If the Commission’s analysis is correct in that there are no differences in competitive constraints on the two sides of comparison shopping services, in combination with crossing network effects, the platform’s multi-sidedness is a necessary trait for both sides. This means that a substitute has to be multi-sided in order for it to be included on the relevant product market, which minimizes the risk for false negatives. Vice versa, the definition of two markets allows for one-sided products to be included on the relevant product market, which minimizes the risk for false positives. This is important not only for the binary finding of dominance or non-dominance, but also the degree of dominance. As concluded above, incorrectly defining one market may artificially inflate the degree of dominance into false super-dominance, and incorrectly defining several markets may artificially dilute the degree of dominance. The second question is how substitutability should be measured. It is obvious from the cases examined that qualitative measures are used and not quantitative measures. The products’ characteristics, intended use, purpose, functionalities, users’ perceptions of the product, etc. were given much attention. The SSNIP test was not applied in any of the cases. The first conclusion to be drawn from the examination above is therefore that the difficulties regarding measuring substitutability on multi-sided markets mainly concern quantitative measures. The arguments against applying a SSNIP test related to the cellophane fallacy (in two different forms, one of which was deceivingly similar to the reverse cellophane fallacy) and differences in price sensitivities between the two sides. Network effects present an additional difficulty, which may lead to exaggerated results when measuring substitutability. The second conclusion to be drawn is that there exists a reluctance to apply a SSNIP test in a way that is tailored for multi-sided markets. One method that has been proposed is to apply the test on the total sum paid by both sides, while allowing the intermediary to adjust the increase in price in accordance with its price structure. The categorical dismissal of applying the test in this way suggests that adapted versions have some time to wait before being introduced into case law and decisional practice. If they, as their proponents argue, are a robust way of broadening the evidence of possible substitutability, this is unfortunate. The risk of defining the market overly narrow or overly broad is of course present in this regard as well. A broader spectrum of evidence therefore minimizes the risk of incorrectly finding both dominance and non-dominance.
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A Competitive Environment? : Articles 101 and 102 TFEU and the European Green DealLundgren, Lars January 2021 (has links)
Europe is facing a climate and environmental crisis. To respond to this, the European Commission has launched several programmes, which aim to increase sustainability and environmental protection. This aim has been condensed into the policy document that is the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal sets out the aim of making the Union’s economy climate neutral, while improving environmental protection and protecting biodiversity. To this end, several different sectors of the economy need to be overhauled. In EU Law, a key policy area is to protect free competition. Article 101 TFEU sets out that agreements between undertakings which have as their object or effect the prevention, restriction or distortion of competition are prohibited. Similarly, Article 102 TFEU prohibits abuse by an undertaking of a dominant position. This thesis explores what happens when competition law thus intersects with the environmental policy of the Union. The thesis identifies two main situations of interaction. Undertakings can invoke environmental protection to justify a restriction of competition. The Union may also rely on its antitrust provisions to enforce sustainability by holding unsustainable practices as restrictive agreements or abuses of dominant behaviour, respectively, and thus prohibited by the antitrust provisions. Generally, the thesis concludes that there is not enough information on how the Commission and the CJEU will approach arguments relating to sustainability in its antitrust assessment. The Commission’s consumer welfare standard appears to limit environmental integration to points where a certain factor results affects the environment or sustainability on the one hand, and consumer welfare on the other. The lack of information, moreover, is in itself an issue as undertakings may abstain from environmental action if they believe they will come under scrutiny due to violations of the antitrust provisions. Therefore, a key conclusion in the thesis is that the Commission and the CJEU should set out clear guidelines for environmental action by undertakings, in relation to the antitrust provisions. Similarly, the Commission appears to be cautious to use antitrust as a tool against unsustainable practices. The Commission has, however, recently decided to open an investigation into agreements which limit sustainability, which shows that the picture may be changing.
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Competition and Data Protection Law in Conflict : Data Protection as a Justification for Anti-Competitive Conduct and a Consideration in Designing Competition Law RemediesBornudd, David January 2022 (has links)
Competition and data protection law are two powerful regimes simultaneously shaping the use of digital information, which has given rise to new interactions between these areas of law. While most views on this intersection emphasize that competition and data protection law must work together, nascent developments indicate that these legal regimes may sometimes conflict. In the first place, firms faced with antitrust allegations are to an increasing extent invoking the need to protect the privacy of their users to justify their impugned conduct. Here, the conduct could either be prohibited by competition law despite of data protection or justified under competition law because of data protection. In the EU, no such justification attempt has reached court-stage, and it remains unclear how an enforcer ought to deal with such a claim. In the second place, competition law can mandate a firm to provide access to commercially valuable personal data to its rivals under a competition law remedy. Where that is the case, the question arising in this connection is whether an enforcer can and should design the remedy in a way that aligns with data protection law. If so, the issue remains of how that ought to be done. The task of the thesis has been to explore these issues, legally, economically, and coherently. The thesis has rendered four main conclusions. First, data protection has a justified role in EU competition law in two ways. On the one hand, enhanced data protection can increase the quality of a service and may thus be factored in the competitive analysis as a dimension of quality. On the other, data protection as a human right must be guaranteed in the application of competition law. Second, these perspectives can be squared with the criteria for justifying competition breaches, in that data protection can be invoked to exculpate a firm from antitrust allegations. Third, in that context, the human rights dimension of data protection may entail that the enforcer must consider data protection even if it is not invoked. However, allowing data protection interests to override competition law in this manner is relatively inefficient as it may lead to less innovation, higher costs, and lower revenues. Fourth, the profound importance of data protection in the EU necessarily means that enforcers should accommodate data protection interests in designing competition law remedies which mandate access to personal data. This may be done in several ways, including requirements to anonymize data before providing access, or to oblige the firm to be compliant with data protection law in the process of providing access. The analysis largely confirms that anonymization is the preferable option.
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Samband mellan emotionsreglering och substansbruk i en rättspsykiatrisk population / Associations between substance use and emotion regulation among forensic psychiatric patientsAndersson, Hugo, Nilsson, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Emotionsreglering har de senaste åren fått alltmer uppmärksamhet och stöd som en faktor associerat med substansbruk. Däremot finns till författarnas vetskap ingen tidigare forskning som undersökt sambandet mellan emotionsreglering och substansbruk i ett rättspsykiatriskt urval. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva substansbruket och utforska associationer mellan emotionsreglering och substansbruk i ett rättspsykiatriskt urval. Deltagarna (N = 98; 13 % kvinnor) rekryterades från en kohort av rättspsykiatriska patienter i Sverige från 2016-11-01 till 2020-11-30. Data samlades in genom journalgranskningar, självskattningar och kompletterades med semistrukturerade intervjuer. För att beskriva substansbruk i gruppen användes deskriptiv statistik. Vidare användes instrumentet Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale (DERS) för att undersöka deltagarnas svårigheter med emotionsreglering. Som mått på substansbruk använde författarna debutålder av substanskonsumtion och antalet testade substanser. För att utforska sambandet mellan emotionsreglering och substansbruk användes korrelationsmatriser. Resultatet visade att 64,3 % av deltagarna någon gång hade diagnostiserats med substansbrukssyndrom. Vidare hade 79.5 % av urvalet någon gång använt cannabis och hade i större utsträckning använt andra substanser jämfört med en generell svensk population. Studien fann inga signifikanta samband mellan emotionsreglering och substansbruk, vilket går emot tidigare forskning. Det motsägelsefulla resultatet kan bero på metodologiska skillnader och/eller att deltagarna hade andra gemensamma och inflytelserika erfarenheter i relation till emotionsreglering som påverkade resultatet. / Emotional regulation has in recent years gained more attention and support as a factor associated with substance use. However, to the authors knowledge, no research has examined the association between emotional regulation and substance use in a forensic psychiatric sample. The aims of this study were to describe substance use and examine associations between emotional regulation and substance use in a sample of forensic psychiatric patients. Participants (N = 98; 13% female) were recruited from a cohort of forensic psychiatric patients in Sweden from 2016-11-01 to 2020-11-30. Data were collected through file information, self-reports and complemented with semi-structured interviews. The study used descriptive data to report the use of substances within the sample. Furthermore, the study used the instrument Difficulties in Emotional Regulation Scale (DERS) to examine the participants' emotional dysregulation. To measure substance use, the authors used age of onset of substance consumption and the number of substances tested as variables. Correlational matrices were used to explore the association between emotional regulation and substance use. The results showed that 64.3% of the participants had at some point been diagnosed with SUD. Furthermore, 79.5 % of the sample had at some point used cannabis and had to a large extent used other substances. No significant associations were found between emotional regulation and substance use. The result goes against previous research, methodological differences may cause this contradiction. Another possible explanation is that the participants had other common and influential experiences in relation to emotional regulation that influenced the result.
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Dominansmissbruk och digitala plattformar : En studie av hur artikel 102 FEUF och DMA hanterar digitala marknader, självförbehåll och utnyttjanden av insamlad data / Abuse of dominance and digital platforms : A study of the applicability of article 102 TFEU and DMA to digital markets, self-preferencing and the use of dataSöderholm, Matilda January 2024 (has links)
Dagens samhälle förändras snabbt, och digitala marknader med det. Digitaliseringen har lett till revolutionerande utvecklingar av vårt samhälle, och bakom dessa förändringar står primärt ett fåtal dominerande teknikjättar och deras plattformar. Dessa dominerande digitala plattformar, och de marknader på vilka dessa verkar, är ofta flersidiga och karaktäriseras av särskilda möjligheter till kostnadsfördelning, utveckling och ett beroende av starka nätverkseffekter, samt möjligheter att utveckla affärsmodeller som på olika sätt utnyttjar och kapitaliserar på insamlad data. Detta möjliggör inte bara upprättandet och bibehållandet av marknadsmakt på dessa marknader, utan leder även till höga inträdeshinder med resultatet att marknadens aktörer blir få och att inträdeshindren är höga. Trots att digitaliseringen till stora delar måste anses positiv, har utvecklingen även medfört nya typer av konkurrensproblematik som inte alltid kan hanteras på ett effektivt och adekvat sätt av den tidigare EU-rättsliga konkurrenslagstiftningen. Denna framställning undersöker hur EU:s konkurrenslagstiftning kan tillämpas på nyare typer av dominansmissbruk på digitala plattformar genom att analysera den tidigare regleringen av dominansmissbruk och hur denna har tillämpats rent praktiskt. För att uppnå detta mål undersöker detta arbete de särskilda utmaningar och särdrag som finns på dessa marknader, och ger en utförlig sammanfattning av hur artikel 102 FEUF har använts för att hantera dessa. Här konstateras att denna konkurrenslagstiftning lämnar en del att önska, och att inträdeshinder och risken för tippning ger starka incitament för dominanta digitala plattformar att försöka kringgå prestationsbaserad konkurrens. Framställningen utvärderar även de kompletteringar som gjorts av konkurrenslagstiftningen på dessa områden genom DMA, och hur denna reglering kan tänkas påverka hanteringen av vissa av de dominanta digitala plattformarnas beteenden framöver. Här konkluderas att DMA är en välbehövlig komplettering av tidigare konkurrensreglering på området, men att det fortfarande finns osäkerheter och utvecklingspotential, samt att de snabbföränderliga marknaderna förr eller senare kommer att hitta nya, innovativa sätt att kringgå även denna reglering. Därmed är det viktigt att den EU-rättsliga konkurrensregleringen gör vad den kan för att ligga steget före.
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