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The causes of victory and defeat in the light of chapter eight of the Holy Qur'anal-Mushawwah, Khalid bin Addallah 30 November 2002 (has links)
The present study covers the causes of victory and defeat in the light of chapter eight of the Holy Qur'an.
It has been prompted by the current situation facing Muslims in many parts of the world, which is characterized by despair, reversals and loss, This study is thus reflexive in nature.
In order to obtain a satisfactory response to this predicament, the relevant text in addition to several of its commentaries were scrutinized. The latter search remained unsatisfactory since their focus of inquiry was merely exegetical and failed to reveal any didactic element, which is crucial for obtaining guidance.
This work has successfully managed to deduce this aspect from the text which amplifies the importance of extensive sacrifice for gaining glory. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Islamic studies)
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Patients' satisfaction with health care services provided in the city of Johannesburg municipality clinicsRamela, Irene Ntebo 11 1900 (has links)
The study aimed at describing patients’ satisfaction with health care services provided in the city of
Johannesburg. The research sample consisted of adult male and female patients who visited region E
clinics for health services. Questionnaires were used to collect data and descriptive statistics for data
analysis. Findings indicated that patients were generally satisfied with health care services provided.
Recommendations included ongoing staff training to improve quality of health care and public
information and education campaigns to foster community awareness and understanding of health
services, develop a sense of ownership thereof, and encourage positive participation. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health studies)
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Stigmatiserad, ensam och utlämnad : Att leva och vårdas med meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - En litteraturstudieJonsson, Elin, Nordström Brown, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
Background: Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a multidrug-resistant bacterium that causes serious infections. Specific measures to prevent the spread of MRSA are required within health care, and insufficient knowledge and lack of compliance to these measures have been identified in healthcare professionals. The need to adhere to special guidelines in order to prevent the spread of infection have been shown to create negative feelings for carriers of multidrug-resistant bacterium. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate different aspects of living and being cared for with known carriage of MRSA. The fist aspect aimed to investigate how people experience their knowledge and the information they receive from the healthcare. The second aspect aimed to investigate their feelings and existence in relation to their carriage. The third aspect aimed investigate their experiences and encounters with health care. Method: Literature study with systematic approach and inductive method. The results were analysed with inspiration from thematic synthesis and based on ten qualitative original articles. Results: Getting MRSA was shocking and shameful, and many blamed the health care for contracting MRSA. Living with MRSA had a negative impact on daily life. Life felt lonely and isolated, and people were scared to infect others. Being cared for with MRSA was described with experiences of lack knowledge from the health care professionals, inconsistencies in adherence to hygiene measures and unprofessional behaviour. Being cared for in isolation had a negative impact on the persons’ independence, their relations with the health care professionals and the quality of care. Conclusion: Getting MRSA is perceived as stigmatising and frightening, and the health care fails to provide adequate information to counteract these feelings. People feel sadness, abandonment and uncertainty about the future. The behaviour of health care professionals and their compliance with hygiene measures is inconsistent. This results in people feeling extradited to health care, which contributes to enhanced feelings of shame and stigmatisation, and people with MRSA do not receive health care on equal terms. / Bakgrund: Meticillinresistenta Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) är en multiresistent bakterie som orsakar allvarliga infektioner. För att förhindra spridning av MRSA krävs särskilda hygienrutiner inom vården, och otillräcklig kunskap och bristande följsamhet till dessa har identifierats hos vårdpersonal. För att inte sprida smitta behöver personer med bärarskap av multiresistenta bakterier förhålla sig till särskilda riktlinjer, vilket har visat sig skapa negativa känslor för personerna. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka olika aspekter av att leva och vårdas med känt bärarskap av MRSA. Den första aspekten syftade till att undersöka hur personerna upplever sin kunskap och informationen de får från vården. Den andra aspekten syftade till att undersöka deras känslor och tillvaro i relation till bärarskapet. Den tredje aspekten syftade till att undersöka deras erfarenheter och upplevelser av mötet med vården. Metod: Litteraturstudie med systematisk ansats och induktiv metod. Resultatet analyserades med inspiration av tematisk syntes och baseras på tio kvalitativa originalartiklar. Resultat: Att få MRSA var chockartat och skamfyllt, och många beskyllde vården för att ha fått MRSA. Att leva med MRSA påverkade vardagen negativt. Livet kändes begränsat, ensamt och isolerat och personerna var rädda för att smitta andra. Att vårdas med MRSA beskrevs med upplevelser av bristande kunskap hos vårdpersonalen, inkonsekvens i följsamhet till hygienrutiner och oprofessionellt bemötande. Att vårdas under isolering för MRSA inverkade negativt på personernas upplevelse av självständighet, relationen till vårdpersonalen och kvaliteten på omvårdnaden. Slutsats: Att få MRSA upplevs stigmatiserande och skrämmande och vården misslyckas med att ge adekvat information för att motverka dessa känslor. Personerna känner sorg, övergivenhet och framtiden känns osäker. Vårdpersonalens beteende och följsamhet till hygienrutiner är inkonsekvent, vilket gör att personerna känner sig utlämnade till vården. Detta bidrar till förstärkta känslor av skam och stigmatisering, och personer med MRSA får inte vård på lika villkor.
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Le sujet à l’épreuve de la guérison, une intégrité affective au fondement de notre consistance / The subject facing with the ordeal of healing, an affective integrity as our consistency foundationJulien, Valérie 22 January 2016 (has links)
La maladie soit un mal dont il faille guérir, c’est ce que déjà l’instinct nous dicte, mais il s’agit de savoir si l’instinct suffit à rendre raison de l’évidence, autrement dit si la raison peut même rendre raison de ce qui résiste à son emprise de rationalité. En bref s’il est possible de tenir un discours “raisonnable” sur une question qui d’emblée met en jeu le sujet.Ce travail s’inscrit dans une perspective de phénoménologie herméneutique. Il questionne cette occurrence critique du vivre qui est la confrontation à la “grande maladie”, c’est-à-dire celle que la “nature” ne suffit pas à guérir, et recherche ce que l’effort fait pour entreprendre de guérir nous apprend sur notre humanité. A distance d’une perspective qui voudrait saisir “l’essence de la guérison,” mon propos est d’interpréter ce qui se joue dans la dynamique du sujet qui entreprend de guérir autrement dit de garder le sens de l’engagement, indépendamment des conditions objectives de sa guérison. Car la prise en compte de l’exigence individuelle et collective de santé pourrait occulter la part subjective du rapport à la santé dans la part croissante accordée à la conception du soin et du bon soin. Avec les meilleures intentions du monde la recherche de la santé pourrait faire l’économie de la question de la participation du sujet au projet de bien vivre et se traduire par une nouvelle entreprise de normalisation de l’humanité. Je choisis d’examiner les conditions de possibilité et de maintien de notre résistance en tant que sujet car la confrontation à la maladie nous dessaisit de notre pouvoir et nous assigne à prendre position pour la vie, pour un sens de la vie, malgré l’exposition à la mort. Moment de vérité – et en ce sens événement - où l’être du sujet, est mis en jeu. Ainsi, à contre-courant de l’évidence qui est que la maladie est l’épreuve, nous explorerons l’hypothèse d’une épreuve de la guérison même. Je tente alors d’éclairer de biais à quel sujet s’adresse la pratique médicale pour susciter un questionnement et si possible ouvrir un champ de ressources pour les personnes en charge de guérison. Un champ de ressources qui invite à réinvestir autrement notre rapport au sensible et à l’illusion de sa maîtrise compassionnelle. Un champ de ressources qui tisse et retisse le lien à la vie, dont la première épreuve pour nous est toujours “affective,” convaincue que si seul le sujet décide de sa guérison, nul ne peut guérir seul.Le déploiement de mon argumentation explore l’enracinement ou non du sujet dans l’affectivité du vivre, réinterroge le lien contingent ou nécessaire de l’affectivité et de la liberté ainsi que le rapport du même et de l’autre dans la responsabilité.Je voudrais montrer que le phénomène de la résilience ne permet pas de fonder l’hypothèse d’une possibilité d’intégrité du sujet. J’émets l’hypothèse sans doute épineuse que la culpabilité chemine en complice du mal physique et moral et altère ainsi la possibilité d’engagement d’un sujet résistant. Qu’une intégrité affective, au cœur du sujet a toujours précédé le mal et affirme avant toute destructivité et tout négativité une générosité de soi.Je m’engage enfin à explorer la faculté d’aimer comme une réalité de premier ordre pour penser l’intégrité d’un sujet, animé de joie de vivre qui entreprend de porter le bien. De ce dont procède cette générosité, c’est ce que nous appelons dans le cadre de notre recherche guérison. / Instinct tells us that sickness is an ill from which we must recover, but we must know if instinct is enough to explain what is evident, in other words, if reason can even account for what resists its hold on rationality. In short, if it's possible to argue "with reason" on a question which, from the outset, involves the subject. This work falls within the scope of hermeneutic phenomenology. It questions the critical life experience of confronting "serious illness", meaning an illness that "nature" cannot cure, and looks at what the effort required to recover teaches us about our humanity. Separate from the perspective which seeks to identify “the essence of the cure,” my aim is to interpret what is at play in the subject's personality, who undertakes to recover, in other words maintains their commitment, independently of the objective conditions for recovery. As taking into consideration both individual and collective health requirements could mask the subjective element of the relationship to health in the growing importance accorded to the concept of care and ‘’good’’ care. With the best intentions in the world health research could avoid the question of the subject's participation in defining "living well" and transform itself into a new attempt to normalize humanity. I have chosen to examine the conditions for the possibility of and upholding of our resistance as a subject for the confrontation with illness strips us of our power and obliges us to make a stand for life, for a meaning to life, despite being exposed to death. The moment of truth – and in this sense an event – where the self of the subject, is at stake. Faced with illness, the subject experiences an ordeal which is intimately bound to their attitude to life, which itself is no longer evident. I try to throw some light on which subject medical practice addresses to elicit interrogation and if possible to open a new area of resources for people responsible for healing. Resources which lead to a rethinking of our relationship to sensitive subjects and the illusion of one’s compassionate control. Resources which reconsider the subject’s capacity to resist “the way things are”. Resources which make and remake the vital link to life, of which the primary test for us is always “emotional,” convinced that if the subject alone decides their recovery, none can heal alone.My reasoning will explore the entrenchment, or not, of the subject in the affectivity of life, look again at the potential or necessary link between affectivity and liberty as well as the connection between the one and the other to responsibility.This will lead us to question the paradigm of resilience to consider the subject's capacity for integration, to question guilt as the norm which regulates the moral conscience and disaffection with love in order to remain master of one's self.I want to show that the phenomenon of resilience does not permit the hypothesis of a possible integrity of the subject; resilience can also be considered as an artifact produced by an individual who assembles an attitude to the disaster residing in them and destroying them bit by bit.I put forward the, without doubt thorny, hypothesis, that guilt is an accomplice of the physical and moral ill and thereby alters a resistant subject's ability to confront the situation. That emotional integrity, “at the heart of the subject” has always preceded the ill and affirms before any destructiveness and negativity a “generosity of self.”Lastly, I will explore the ability to love as a reality of the highest importance to consider the integrity of a subject, filled with the love of life who undertakes to spread "good". From this, comes this generosity, this is what, in the framework of our research, we call “healing.”
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Revelations in the Green Chapel: The Gawain-poet as Monastic AuthorSheridan, Patricia T. 01 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Le discours des vices et des vertus aux époques carolingiennes et ottonienne. De l'écrit à l'image (IXe - XIe siècle) / The discourse of vices and virtues in the Carolingian and Ottonian periods. From writing to image (9th-11th century)Rodrigues, Perrine 17 October 2018 (has links)
Le discours des vices et des vertus est une étude qui porte sur la définition des notions de bien et de mal, de droit et d’interdit dans le cadre de la renouatio carolingienne, débutée sous le règne de Charlemagne et poursuivit sous ses successeurs, puis redynamisée sous le règne des Ottoniens. Les genres littéraires et artistiques où apparaissent les allégories des vices et des vertus constituent un corpus très varié de sources (judiciaire, morale, iconographique…). La diversité des sources permet de faire émerger la définition d’un idéal permettant de conduire l’homme à son salut, tout en mettant en place des codes moraux et une norme qui permettent d’encadrer la société dans tous les domaines. / The discourse of vices and virtues is a study which deals with the definition of the notions of good and evil, law and prohibition in the context of Carolingian renouatio, begun under the reign of Charlemagne and continued under his successors, then revitalized under the reign of Ottonians. The literary and artistic genres in which allegories of vices and virtues appear, constitute a very varied corpus of sources (judicial, moral, iconographic, etc.). The diversity of sources makes it possible to emerge the definition of an ideal allowing to lead the man to his salvation, while setting up moral codes and a norm which make it possible to regulate the society in all areas.
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The effect of orphanhood on the psychosocial development of pre-primary and primary school learnersMoime, Winnifred Motsei 01 1900 (has links)
D.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Although the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is still very much a silent issue in South Africa, the AIDS pandemic has become a public problem which is threatening to a significant proportion of the population of South Africa (Heartbeat 2002:1; Kaseke and Gumbo 2001:53). HIV infections are on the rise and people are dying every day of AIDS related diseases (Msomi, 2000:8). Thus, the overall aim of this research was to determine how the HIV/AIDS orphans’/vulnerable children’ psychosocial status is affected by the HIV/AIDS disease.
The study was conducted in the Bojanala Region of the North West Province. A purposeful sampling was used because four (4) schools were suggested by the Department of Social Services in the Rustenburg Area due to their high populace with HIV/AIDS orphans. The other four (4) schools were suggested by the Auxiliary Services Division in the Bojanala Region of Education.
The literature revealed that failure on part of the parent, guardian and/or teachers to meet the psychological needs of the child at a certain stage in his/her development may result in personality disorders, which can become a potential danger and a source of unhappiness to the individual him/herself (cf. 2.5). Furthermore, it was evident from the literature that chronic parental illness may have a traumatic effect on young children because both parents may neglect a child (cf. 4.2). The literature also revealed that children should not be viewed as passive recipients of assistance, but as active participants who play a key role in the development of responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Receiving quality services is a right and a need not only of AIDS orphans, but also of all children (cf. 4.6).
From the quantitative data analysis, the following findings emerged, that HIV/AIDS orphans/vulnerable children are optimistic about their future. Children do not blame themselves for their parents’ death.
Arising from this research certain conclusions were drawn, recommendations were made and areas for possible future research were suggested. / Teacher Education
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The effect of orphanhood on the psychosocial development of pre-primary and primary school learnersMoime, Winnifred Motsei 01 1900 (has links)
D.Ed. (Psychology of Education) / Although the human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is still very much a silent issue in South Africa, the AIDS pandemic has become a public problem which is threatening to a significant proportion of the population of South Africa (Heartbeat 2002:1; Kaseke and Gumbo 2001:53). HIV infections are on the rise and people are dying every day of AIDS related diseases (Msomi, 2000:8). Thus, the overall aim of this research was to determine how the HIV/AIDS orphans’/vulnerable children’ psychosocial status is affected by the HIV/AIDS disease.
The study was conducted in the Bojanala Region of the North West Province. A purposeful sampling was used because four (4) schools were suggested by the Department of Social Services in the Rustenburg Area due to their high populace with HIV/AIDS orphans. The other four (4) schools were suggested by the Auxiliary Services Division in the Bojanala Region of Education.
The literature revealed that failure on part of the parent, guardian and/or teachers to meet the psychological needs of the child at a certain stage in his/her development may result in personality disorders, which can become a potential danger and a source of unhappiness to the individual him/herself (cf. 2.5). Furthermore, it was evident from the literature that chronic parental illness may have a traumatic effect on young children because both parents may neglect a child (cf. 4.2). The literature also revealed that children should not be viewed as passive recipients of assistance, but as active participants who play a key role in the development of responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Receiving quality services is a right and a need not only of AIDS orphans, but also of all children (cf. 4.6).
From the quantitative data analysis, the following findings emerged, that HIV/AIDS orphans/vulnerable children are optimistic about their future. Children do not blame themselves for their parents’ death.
Arising from this research certain conclusions were drawn, recommendations were made and areas for possible future research were suggested. / Teacher Education
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The implementation of the Batho Pele principles from patients' experiencesKhoza, Vista Lovey January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this quantitative, descriptive study was to identify shortcomings in the
implementation of the Batho Pele Principles in a public hospital. Findings were obtained
from a range of patients who had been admitted to specific units for three or more days,
and more evidence was gathered from articles in mass media. Data was collected through
a structured questionnaire from one hundred respondents (n=100) and analysed by means
of descriptive statistics. The research findings revealed that none of the Batho Pele
Principles were implemented effectively and that patients in general were not satisfied with
treatment in public hospitals. Shortcomings are attributed to insufficient management skills
and knowledge on different levels of the health care system, as well as a lack of awareness
among patients of their rights and responsibilities in health care. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)
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Personal factors influencing patients' anti-retroviral treatment adherence in Addis Ababa, EthiopiaTefera Girma Negash 11 1900 (has links)
This study attempted to identify personal (patient-related) factors influencing anti-retroviral therapy (ART) adherence in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical design was used. Structured interviews were conducted with 355 ART patients.
The findings revealed that stigma, discrimination, depression and alcohol use negatively affected patients’ ART adherence levels. However, patients’ knowledge levels had no influence on their ART adherence levels, contrary to other researchers’ reports.
Addressing stigma and discrimination at community levels might enhance patients’ abilities to take their medications in the presence of others. Healthcare professionals should be enabled to diagnose and treat depression among ART patients during the early stages. Non-adherent ART patients should be counseled about possible alcohol abuse. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health with specialisation in Medical Informatics)
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