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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Možnosti identifikace ohrožení dítěte v mateřské škole / Possibilities of identification of child's endangering in kindergarten

Bělohradská, Tereza January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the possibilities of early identification of a child's endangering in kindergarten, defining and explaining the concepts of primary prevention, endangered child, social exclusion. Furthermore, the work deals with the threat to the child due to social exclusion and in the end suggests how to address this issue. The main research goal of the work is to verify the functionality of the created detection tool for kindergarten teachers. The created detection tool provides kindergarten teachers with assistance in evaluating the child and his situation so that any problems can be detected in time. Areas that the detection tool deals with and how it has been evolved are described here. It also suggests possible procedures for solving problems based on the cooperation of the kindergarten teacher with a special pedagogue. With regard to the issue of social exclusion and early identification of child threats, the diploma thesis describes examples of good practice in preventing child threats from abroad and discussions about the possibilities of their implementation in our system. The research part of the diploma thesis is based on qualitative and quantitative methods, especially interviews and questionnaire surveys, and aims to verify the functionality of the created detection...

Socialpedagogiskt arbetsätt i skolan för elever med ADHD : Socialpedagoger / Social Pedagogical Approach in School for Students with ADHD : Social Pedagogue

Kciku, Endrita, Gashi, Majlinda January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: I skolor har det socialpedagogiska perspektivet börjat ta en större plats i det pedagogiska arbetet med elever. Grunden i socialpedagogik är den samhälleliga fostran som genom socialpedagogiskt arbetsätt leder till ett förändringsarbete. Det socialpedagogiska bemötandet är en viktig del i arbetet med elever som har ADHD. Socialpedagogiska utgångspunkten ger dessa elever individuella förutsättningar för att klara av vardagen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket socialpedagogiskt stöd elever med ADHD får i skolan. Det som ytterligare ska beaktas är socialpedagogernas arbetssätt och metoder i skolan för stödet elever erbjuds, dessutom ska socialpedagogens roll i skolan utforskas. Metod: Det är en kvalitativ studie där anställda socialpedagogoer blivit intervjuade och där det gjorts en tematisering på empirin. Resultat: Slutsatsen visar att elevers välbefinnade, närvaro och sociala svårigheter har främjats i de skolor socialpedagoger varit anställda. Dessutom är samverkansprocessen en central del i det socialpedagogiska arbetet med elever. Därför att socialpedagogen behöver samarbeta med olika professioner för elevens individuella behov. Resultatet visar att varje elev med ADHD har ett individuella socialpedagogiskt behov. / Background: In schools, the social pedagogical perspective has begun to occupy a more prominent role in the educational work with students. The foundation of social pedagogy is societal upbringing, which, through social pedagpgical methods, leads to a process of change. The social pedagogical approach is a crucial component in working with students who have ADHD. The social pedagogical framework provides these students with individual conditions to cope with their everyday lives. Purpose: The aim of the study is to investigate the social pedagogical support received by students with ADHD in school. Additionally, the working methods and approaches of social pedagogues in the school for the support offered to students with ADHD will be investigated. Furthermore, the role of the social pedagogue in the school will be explored. Method: A qualitative thematic analysis of the interviewed social pedagogues in schools. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study results in student´s well-being, attendance in school and social difficulties that social pedagogues have promoted. In addition, the collaborative process is important in the social-pedagogical work with students in school. Because the social pedagogue needs to collaborate with other professions for the student´s individual needs. The results show that each student with ADHD needs an individual social-pedagogical plan.

Pedagog Josef Soukup / Pedagogue Josef Soukup

Bandasová, Monika January 2013 (has links)
The theme of my thesis is the patriotic pedagogue Josef Věnceslav Soukup (1819-1882) whose life was full of feverish activity in the educational system. Moreover he was a prolific author of textbooks (one of his famous is The Technological Natural History) and musical works - we can mention his Wreath of fine songs which includes the song Wayfarer that is known for today. In music he paid attention to carols and Christmas songs and plays as well (the most famous is The Young Shephers of Bethlehem). J. V. Soukup excelled in almost every field, not only in pedagogy and music but also in drawing (he even taught Mikoláš Aleš, the well-known Czech painter), chemistry, technology and cultivation of plants. Moreover he contributed to many pedagogical magazines. The beginnins of his teacher's career were not easy, he strained for an appropriate position and during that time he had hardly anything to eat. He gave private lessons for food and played in pubs with the band of musicians to earn some money. However, as really hardworking and diligent student he got stipendium and thus he had not have any financial problems since that time. He knew K. S. Amerling (a great pedagogue who participated in the efforts of a higher girls' education) whose lectures he attended and was influenced by his philosophy. Josef Věnceslav...

Miljön och materialets betydelse när sex Reggio Emiliaförskolor presenterar sin verksamhet : En retorisk analys av sex förskolors hemsidor / The importance of the environment and the material when six Reggio Emilia preschool presents its activities : A rhetorical analysis of six preschool websites

Sundqvist, Karin, Näslund, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the study is to conduct a qualitative rhetorical analysis of websites where Reggio Emilia-inspired preschools present their pedagogy to gain increased knowledge of the content that is written, focusing on the environment and materials. The environment is important in the Reggio Emilia pedagogy and they are convinced that the environment is of great importance for children's play, interaction, and upbringing into a democratic society. Rhetorical text analysis examines how the schools present their activities on their websites and how the environment and material the preschools use in their activities emerges in their presentations. With the help of three research questions, we find out how the pedagogical materials used in their pedagogical activities appear and how they describe the different environments at preschool. What material do they present and how it is presented, do they describe specifically what material they use, or do they only give a general description. Do they consider the recipient's experience and background in the presentation? We use rhetorical text analysis according to Lennart Hellspong and the Reggio Emilia pedagogy to find out how well they have phrased their presentations, we have used rhetorical analysis also to analyze the images that are included in the presentations. We investigate how the transmitter's ethos, character and personality, appear in the text. How the text affects the recipient's emotions and thoughts, pathos. We look at how the transmitter uses language and thinking, logos, as a compelling, persuasive, tool. We examine the child perspective that emerges, if the children are also assigned ethos and pathos through the text and how the educator's role and relationships appear in the text. The result shows that there are very few preschools that present their pedagogical activities at all on their website. Among the few who do, it varies a bit how they do it. Some use many images to supplement the descriptive text of the presentation of their material while others do not show any images at all. Some preschools specifically describe the different materials used, while others use collective names such as natural materials. The result shows that all the presentations we analyzed describe parts of the Reggio Emilia pedagogy but only about half of the preschools use concepts that are typical of pedagogy such as "the environment as the third pedagogue", "the competent child" and "the hundred languages". / Studiens syfte är att göra en kvalitativ retorisk analys av förskolors hemsidor som är inspirerade av Reggio Emilia för att få ökad kunskap om det innehåll som skrivs fram, med fokus på verksamhetens miljö och material. Miljön är viktig i Reggio Emiliapedagogiken och man är övertygad om att miljön har stor betydelse för barns lek, samspel, och fostran in i ett demokratiskt samhälle. Genom retorisk textanalys undersöks hur förskolorna presenterar sin verksamhet, på sina hemsidor, och hur miljön och materialet de använder i sin verksamhet träder fram i deras presentationer. Med hjälp av tre forskningsfrågor tar vi reda på hur det pedagogiska materialet man använder i sin pedagogiska verksamhet framträder och hur väl man beskriver de olika miljöerna på förskolan. Vilket material som presenteras och hur det presenteras, beskrivs det specifikt vilket material man använder eller ger man bara en generell beskrivning. Tar man hänsyn till mottagarens erfarenhet och bakgrund i sin beskrivning. Vi använder retorisk textanalys enligt Lennart Hellspong och Reggio Emiliapedagogiken för att ta reda på hur väl man formulerat sina presentationer, vi har använt retorisk analys även för att analysera de bilder som finns med i presentationerna. Vi undersöker hur sändarens ethos, karaktär och personlighet, framträder i texten. Hur texten påverkar mottagarens känslor och tankar, pathos. Vi tittar på hur sändaren utnyttjar språket och tänkandet, logos, som ett övertygande, persuasivt, redskap. Vi undersöker vilken barnsyn som framträder, om även barnen tilldelas ethos och pathos genom texten och hur pedagogens roll och relationer framträder i texten. Resultatet visar att det är väldigt få förskolor som presenterar sin pedagogiska verksamhet över huvud taget på sin hemsida. Bland de få som gör det varierar det en del hur man gör det. En del använder sig av många bilder för att komplettera den beskrivande texten i presentationen av sitt material medan andra inte visar några bilder alls. Vissa beskriver specifikt vilka olika material man använde medan andra använder sig av samlingsnamn som exempelvis naturmaterial. Resultatet visar att alla de presentationer vi analyserat beskriver delar av Reggio Emiliapedagogiken men bara ca hälften använder begrepp som är typiska för pedagogiken såsom ”miljön som den tredje pedagogen”, ”det kompetenta barnet” och ”de hundra språken”.

Samproducerat ledarskap : Hur rektorer och lärare formar ledarskap i skolans vardagsarbete / Co-Produced leadership : The formation of leadership between school heads and teachers in everyday educational practice

Ludvigsson, Ann January 2009 (has links)
Denna avhandling handlar om ledarskapet i skolan. Skolan är en sammansatt verksamhet och i ledarskapet handlar det om att hantera många olika uppgifter på olika nivåer. Samtidigt som skolledare och lärare skall leva upp till samhälleliga förväntningar på skolverksamheten skall de också hantera kulturella villkor inom skolan. I avhandlingen studeras hur ledarskapet formas i och av samspelet mellan skolledare och lärare i vardagsarbetet. En fråga fokuserar på hur skolledare och lärare ser på varandra och hur de influerar och förstår varandra i vardagsarbetet. En annan fråga uppmärksammar vilken betydelse skolsammanhanget har för samspelet. För att belysa samspelet används fallstudier som forskningsstrategi. I studien ingår tre F-6-skolor med förskole-, fritidshems- och grundskoleverksamhet. Det empiriska materialet består av intervjuer och observationer. Teoretiskt har studien en socialkonstruktionistisk utgångspunkt i betydelsen av att skolledarskap ses som ett socialt fenomen. Intresset riktas mot att belysa skolledares och lärares utsagor om hur de förstår varandra och varandras ord och handlingar i det vardagliga arbetet. Resultatet ger anledning att fråga vem som egentligen leder vem. Avhandlingen visar tydligt att ledarskap är något som skolledarna och lärarna oundvikligen formar tillsammans – därav titeln Samproducerat ledarskap. Studien visar hur sociala, kulturella och politiska dimensioner i samspelet influerar skolledarnas och lärarnas agerande och ledarskapet. Konsekvensen blir ett ifrågasättande av den allt populärare bilden av ledaren som med stark hand förväntas styra sin organisation. En förståelse för att skolledarskapet är samproducerat, och att sociala, kulturella och politiska dimensioner har avgörande betydelser för hur det utövas medför en mer realistisk syn på skolledarskapets förutsättningar. / This thesis is concerned with aspects of school leadership. School work is characterised by its complexity, and school leadership requires the ability to deal with many different tasks at different organisational levels. At the same time as school heads and teachers are expected to respond to social expectations, they must also be able to deal with and respond to existing cultural considerations and prerequisites. The present study focuses on the formation of leadership during and as a result of the interplay between school heads and teachers in everyday educational practice. One research question concerns how this is formulated in heads’ and teachers’ statements, and how they perceive, influence and understand each other in their daily work together. Another research question highlights the importance of school contexts in the interplay between school heads and teachers. The underlying research strategy applied in order to illustrate the interplay between school heads and teachers is based on three case studies of so-called ‘F–6 schools’, i.e. three comprehensive schools including years 1–6, as well as pre-school classes, and leisure-time activities. The empirical research material consists of interviews and observations. This study takes a social constructionist point of departure, in the sense that school leadership is regarded as a social phenomenon, and focuses on creating a further understanding of this based on statements by school heads and teachers on how they understand each other and each others’ verbal communications and actions. The results give reason to the question of who is in fact leading who. The thesis clearly shows that leadership is produced and formed by school heads and teachers together – hence the title Co-Produced Leadership. The study shows how social, cultural and political dimensions in the interplay between school heads and teachers influence their actions and the formation of school leadership. This leads to a questioning of the increasingly popular image of the independent leader who is expected to govern her/his organisation with a firm hand. An understanding that school leadership is a product of intimate collaboration, and that social, cultural and political dimensions are vital in the formation of leadership, leads to a more realistic view concerning the possibilities and prerequisites of school leadership.

Filozofické aspekty výchovy v dialogu mezi Wolfgangem Brezinkou a Zygmuntem Baumanem / Philosophical aspects of education in dialogue between Wolfgang Brezinka and Zygmunt Bauman

Dvořáková, Jana January 2018 (has links)
The text of this work is primarily based on the works of Wolfgang Brezinka, focusing on the philosophy of education and on many sociological works by Zygmunt Bauman, which are cited for better orientation in the philosophical-educational context of the chapter focusing on the philosophy of education used in the antiquity The aim was to present the reader with at least a brief awareness of the individual aspects of the philosophy of education as presented by Brezinka and to supplement it with the possible aspects that can be taken from Bauman, who primarily focuses on exploring the socio-cultural phenomena of the modern society. Gradually, the essential characteristics, features, and characteristics that accompanied the upbringing in antiquity are presented, just as the educational aims and beliefs in relation to the upbringing that is presented by Brezinka. Furthermore, there are discussed and examined the pitfalls of modernism and postmodernism in relation to personality, culture, society and philosophical-educational possibilities as pointed out by Bauman. The amount of works on the philosophy of education is insufficient and even here, of course, it has not been possible to cover all the philosophical aspects of education which are available to the authors dealing with the philosophy of education, yet...

Názory pedagogů na zařazování soutěživých her do prostředí mateřské školy / Educationalists' views on the inclusion of competitive games in the Kindergarten

ROTHOVÁ, Marie January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the opinions of teachers on the inclusion of competitive games in the nursery environment. The aim of the thesis is to find and analyze the opinions of a selected sample of teachers on this issue. The work is divided into four main chapters. The introductory chapters are devoted to the concept of the game of various authors and authorities, to the place of preschool child play in the environment of the kindergarten and also to the separate problems of the competitive game. The main part of the thesis is the analysis and evaluation of the research carried out. The essence of the empirical part is qualitative research. The data acquisition method is a semi-structured interview, through which educators working at the tertiary level of education are asked to include competing games in nursery schools.

Využitelnost jednotlivých volnočasových zařízení pro děti a mládež ve vybraných okresech Jihočeského kraje / Utilization of Particular Leisure Time Establishments for Children and Youth in Chosen Districts of South of Bohemia

MARKOVÁ, Jana January 2008 (has links)
Institutions for leisure time activities focused on children and youth are divided into two basic groups in this thesis. First group is represented by educational institutions whose activity is arranged by Act No. 561/2004 Coll., on pre-school, basic, secondary, tertiary and other kind of education (School Act). These institutions concern basic art education, language education and free-time activities. Non-state and non-profit organizations concerning upbringing and education of children and youth in their leisure time belong to the other group. Mostly, they are civil associations whose activity is arranged by Act No 83/1990 Coll. on gathering of citizens. For example, association Junák {--} union of scouts of the Czech republic, civil association YMCA (Young Men´s Christian Assiciation) or civil association Duha (Rainbow) belong there. The aim of this thesis is to describe the problems of institutions of free time activities in short and then bring information on particular organizations functioning in regions Český Krumlov and Prachatice. For this purpose the database of subjects functioning in these regions was created. From them, twenty organizations were chosen, investigated and described more detailed. Because of the aim, the method of qualitative research was used, to be specific, the technique of interview and technique of documents analysis were chosen. Recognized information is divided into six spheres, e.g. legal norm, financing, membership, focused activity, presentation for the public, staff and material funding. According to acquired information from these thematic spheres, separate institutions are compared and their common characteristics or the specifics of single respondents are checked. This work is established for everybody who wants to acquire basic information on free time institutions and know more about some of these organizations.

Digitalt musikskapande på fritidshemmet : - utmaningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter utifrån ett lärarperspektiv. / Digital music creation in after school programs : - challenges and developement opportunities based on teacher's perspective.

Einarsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Detta kvalitativa forskningsinriktade arbete syftar till att belysa musikskapande i samband med användning av digitala verktyg i fritidshemmets undervisning. Arbetet är grundat i att undersöka det digitala musikskapandets utmaningar och utvecklingsmöjligheter utifrån ett lärarperspektiv. Musik är en viktig del av elevernas uppväxt och utveckling av kunskaper och deras identitet. Fritidshemmet har ett viktigt uppdrag att främja eleverna i sin utveckling i musik med fritidspedagogiska arbetssätt som skiljer sig från skolans musikundervisning. Arbetet är grundat i sociokulturellt lärandeperspektiv, multimodalitet och estetiska lärprocesser. Det sociokulturella perspektivet är ett viktigt verktyg som arbetssätt i fritidshemmets musikaktiviteter. Resultatet är inhämtat genom intervjuer med verksamma lärare i fritidshem med varierad bakgrund inom området. Resultatet visar att lärarna upplever att det är ett viktigt område som borde arbetas mer med. Ett aktivt musikskapande förekommer sällan och sker ofta omedvetet. Brist på kompetens, intresse och brist på verktyg inom området är något som lärarna poängterar är en utmaning. Många lärare upplever att de inte har nog med kompetens att bedriva musikskapandeaktiviteter och framförallt inte digitalt inriktat. Trots utmaningar med området ställer lärarna sig positivt till att utveckla det digitala musikskapandet. De ser flera möjligheter och ger exempel på förändringar för att skapa rätt förutsättningar till att kunna utveckla området. Keywords:  Teacher in extended school teaching, leisure pedagogue, music creation, music, digital tools, learning tablet,  sociocultural perspective, availability, multimodality, aesthetic learning processes

De yngsta barnens möjligheter till samspel på förskolegården

Berkhuizen, Carina January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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