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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anmälningsskyldigheten inom skolan : sex rektorers förhållningssätt till anmälningsskyldigheten inom skolan

Dahlin, Kalle January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to examine what effects the law has on principals’ approaches to mandatory reporting of child maltreatment (Social Services Act 14:1§). Moreover, the aim is to study if the regulation gets the impact intended. To respond to the purpose, legal science methods in the form of sociology of law were employed aided by qualitative semi-structured research interviews. The interviews comprised six principals in six different schools in the Stockholm area. The interviews were analyzed based on sociology of law theory, earlier research and relevant regulations in social law. The outcome indicates that principals’ understanding of the intentions behind mandatory reporting of child maltreatment is limited in some aspects. There is a difference between the interviewed principals’ official approaches and how they answer that they apply mandatory reporting in practice. When deciding how to apply the mandatory reporting, the child’s best interest is weighed against the parents’ right not to be reported to the authorities unless there is a real concern in the child. The principals suggest that in situations when a report does not lead to action, the reporting creates a bad relationship between the parents and the school. According to the principals, these situations affect the children and their wellbeing

Missbrukares rätt till ekonomiskt bistånd : En rättssociologisk studie

Asp, Anna January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how the needs of social assistance for people with substance abuse are assessed in accordance to The Swedish Social Services Act 4th chapter 1§. The purpose was also to examine how substance abuse is assessed as a social problem by social workers, how the municipal guidelines concerning social assistance for substance abuser were constructed in relation to the Social Service Act and finally how social workers made their assessments of the need of social assistance to people with substance abuse in relation to the legislation. The sample was made among the municipalities in the county of Stockholm. Municipal guidelines were studied in 18 municipalities by content analysis. A sample of 11 social workers was chosen from 5 municipalities. A vignette study was used as method. The results have been analyzed by using a sociology of law approach, based on the theory of the law as mainly a ruling function. The results of the study show that both the construction of municipal guidelines and social workers’ assessment of the need of social assistance to people with substance abuse were based on restrictions with no connection in The Social Service Act. Social workers who did work in a municipal, where there were no special guidelines regarding social assistance to individuals with substance abuse, more frequently made their assessments according to the law. The result was the opposite for social workers working in municipals with special guidelines regarding social assistance to individuals with substance abuse. The results also indicated that social workers, as well as municipal politicians, showed little knowledge and ability to align the social work to current legislation and legal practice.

"... hans blod skall av människor bliva utgjutet ..." : om inställningen till dödsstraff

Stenbäck, Tomas January 1998 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen behandlar människors syn på dödsstraff. Jag har velat ta reda på om fler människor är för dödsstraff idag jämfört med hur många det brukar vara, vilket hävdats i media, eller om den höga opinionen beror på det sätt som frågorna ställts. Jag har också velat ta reda på vad som ligger bakom folks ställningstagande för eller mot dödsstraffet. Jag har använt mig av en enkät och ett antal intervjuer för att senare kvalitativt analysera både enkäten och intervjuerna. Dessutom har jag tagit mig friheten att jämföra mina kvalitativa enkätsvar med två andra - kvantitativa - undersökningar; jag har inte varit intresserad av att se mina resultat i form av procent i förhållande till de andra, det som varit av intresse för mig har varit att se om sättet att svara skiljer sig om frågan ställs annorlunda. Enkät- och intervjufrågorna har gällt inställningen till dödsstraff och närliggande frågor; svaren har jag analyserat och grupperat för att få en översiktlig bild över svaren. Intervjuerna har, förutom att ge en bild av respektive intervjupersons personliga uppfattningar i frågan, fått fungera som illustration till enkätsvaren av hur man kan tänka runt dödsstraffet; jag har sedan studerat svaren för att försöka finna en etisk utgångspunkt, eller flera, bakom sättet att ta ställning till dödsstraffsfrågan. Det jag kommit fram till är att svaren skiljer sig beroende på hur man frågar och att svaren som lämnas ofta är motsägelsefulla och ännu oftare inkonsekventa. Slutsatserna är att svaren, när det gäller att ta ställning för eller mot dödsstraff, blir annorlunda beroende på hur en fråga ställs; svaren varierar alltså med frågorna. När man svarar använder man sig, i första hand av känslor och i andra hand av intellektuellt resonerande kring frågeställningen. Det verkar som många saknar ett genomtänkt etiskt resonerande och istället svarar känslomässigt, direkt när frågan ställs; eller att de tillfrågade använder sig av olika etiska modeller när de besvarar olika frågor. En följd av detta är att man inte kan lita på resultat från opinions- och attitydundersökningar - åtminstone inte när det gäller människors inställning till dödsstraff.

Etnisk diskriminering- från arbetslivet till Arbetsdomstolen? : En granskning av Arbetsdomstolens praxis gällande etnisk diskriminering

Westerberg, Hanna January 2015 (has links)
The right to non-discrimination is a fundamental part of human rights. Sweden has enacted legislation which prohibits employers from discriminating or harassing employees and job seekers. Swedish authorities also receive a substantial amount of complaints concerning ethnic discrimination in the workplace every year and there are volumes of research showing structural injustices related to discrimination. Despite these facts few employers have so far been found guilty of discrimination on ethnic grounds in Swedish courts. This thesis aims to shed lights on and analyse how the Swedish anti-discrimination legislation is utilised in the Swedish Labour Court regarding discrimination and harassment on ethnic grounds. On the basis that very few lawsuits brought on behalf of employees/job seekers have been successful it is hypothesized that there are problems either with the form of the legislation or the assessment of the court. Firstly the shape of statutes, their legislative history and preparatory works are illustrated to create an understanding for the legal pre-conditions, thereafter the judgements of the Labour Court are analysed within the theoretical framework of the thesis – composed of Critical Race Theory and Sociology of Law. The study has shown problems concerning both the legislation and the assessment of the Labour Court. The legislation does not seem to embody the awareness of discriminating structures shown by the works of the preparatory committees. Further the assessments of the Court suggest a lack of understanding of the interaction between different pre-conditions and how these create a disadvantage for people of a minority standing which affects them both in the workplace and in the judgments of the Court.

Olydnad som motstånd : Utomparlamentariska rörelsers rättsliga strategier och verktyg för hållbar aktivism

Olsson, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
The study aims to investigate how activists using civil disobedience strategically use the legal system to legitimize and raise awareness of their causes. The study will also examine how individual activists are affected and how they create long-term and sustainable activism. The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how activists relate to the legal system, as well as to explore deeper understanding of the individual impact of the activists. The methodology underlying the study is a qualitative interview where four informants have been interviewed about their experiences and impressions of legal systems as individual influences. The theories that form the basis for the study are legal strategies by Thomas Mathiesen, legal pluralism by Håkan Gustafsson and Stellan Vinthagen with additions from Jan Svanberg and Stellan Vinthagens theory about normative regulation. The study's results show that there are several tools that activists can use to create better conditions for long-term and sustainable activism. It appears that the legal system and the extraparliamentary movements have different ways of interpreting the laws and the extra-parliamentary movements rely their pluralistic normative formation upon historical absolutions. Activists form well-planned legal strategies to achieve their long-term goals. Then the purpose of working emancipatory is to morally disconnect the monistic definition of the legal system and the hegemonic social norms. It is important to create solidarity between each other and provide opportunities for dealing with the possible traumatic situations that arise in the context of action.

Från noll till att öppna Pandoras ask

Martinsen, Jessica, Vitestam, Hedda January 2019 (has links)
Barnahus (Children’s Advocacy Center) is a collaboration between authorities, created to increase the quality of crime investigations while promoting the child’s best interest and health. Due to the complexity of detecting domestic violence, it is difficult to investigate and conduct interrogations of children in a legally secure manner whilst avoiding secondary traumatization. This study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of this process by examining how social workers’ experience cases where there is suspicion of domestic violence at Barnahus in Skåne, Sweden.By utilizing a qualitative interview method, we interviewed seven social workers in Skåne about their experiences within Barnahus. The conducted interviews focused on four areas: (1) the social worker's experience of collaboration with the other authorities within Barnahus (2) the cooperation and building of an alliance with the family after a child’s hearing, (3) the child as a victim of crime from a legal point of view (4) the social workers’ liberty in taking actions in terms of interventions. The material gathered from the interviews was later sorted using an empirically-controlled qualitative thematic method and analyzed using theories of power, ethics and sociology of law.The study concludes that needs and available resources steers Barnahus operation despite national guidelines. Thus, there is a need to assess and create a flexibility regarding whether or not one should take in a child for interrogation. Further on, all social workers were unanimous in the experience that it is more difficult to approach the family, to provide interventions, when the case begins at Barnahus. The informants also confirmed the perception of the legal perspective as primary. Lastly, we found that there is a big gap between compulsive interventions and interventions with consent. We discovered that there is an ongoing discussion based on the social secretaries' desire for opportunities of middle-care and a resistance from those who believe that social services should be built on consent.

Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar

Hadjikhani, Melanie, Borg, Lena January 2010 (has links)
Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs. We use systems theory, Hasenfeld´s theory of human services organizations  and Lipsky´s grassroots bureaucrats to analyze how social worker work with clients of different experiences, knowledge and some of their own personal values for the various operations. The efforts in our work we have examined is traditional familycare and MTFC (Multi dementional Treatment Foster Care), we have found that there are different arguments for different actions, but the assessments are made virtually the same assessment model. There are requirements that govern the operation of which is matched with the objectives and resources administration. Social worker also believes that social work is a game where we do not know how the results will be.

Det är lite gambling, man kan aldrig veta hur det blir i slutändan : Socialsekreterares erfarenhet av bedömning av en viss insats för barn och ungdomar

Hadjikhani, Melanie, Borg, Lena January 2010 (has links)
<p>Social workers in this study describes various experiences of the assessments of interventions for children and adolescents. Social workers experience of the many different situations where an assessment of best effort must be made on the basis of BBIC, which is the Social Services investigation records. To make this assessment, the Social workers need social assistance and support of their colleagues and manager. Knowledge mixed with experience is also an important part when it comes to being professional and not let emotions control that could otherwise be happened when the social worker meets and builds relationships with clients. Social workers are also those who will decide which achievement the client needs from the needs. We use systems theory, Hasenfeld´s theory of human services organizations  and Lipsky´s grassroots bureaucrats to analyze how social worker work with clients of different experiences, knowledge and some of their own personal values for the various operations. The efforts in our work we have examined is traditional familycare and MTFC (Multi dementional Treatment Foster Care), we have found that there are different arguments for different actions, but the assessments are made virtually the same assessment model. There are requirements that govern the operation of which is matched with the objectives and resources administration. Social worker also believes that social work is a game where we do not know how the results will be.</p>

Kreativa lösningar : En kvalitativ undersökning om att polisanmäla hedersrelaterat våld mot barn inom socialtjänsten

Nilsson, Stina, Stenhammar, Indra January 2009 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study has been to investigate how socialworkers describe their attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and if they make different decisions when they believe the violence to be honour related and how they handle these questions. The main questions are; How does socialworkers describe their and their colleagues attitudes towards reporting childabuse to the police and when do they believe they should report? Do they describe honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that should be lifted and in what way does it affect their work? The study is written from a legal sociologist perspective with a qualitative approach. Four socialworkers were interviewed and the interviews were analyzed with an anti-racist theory and with the theory about freedom of action.</p><p>The conclusions is that the socialworkers mostly report childabuse to the police when the violence is physical. This means that children who describes to be subjected to psychological violence, including honourviolence, has poor legal security. Socialworkers describes honourviolence as a specific kind of violence that has to be lifted. Without knowledge they wont be able to help. They feel limited by the legislation and have invented <em>creative solutions</em> that focuses on the child’s best interest.</p>

Socialtjänsten och barn till irreguljära immigranter : en rättsvetenskaplig undersökning

Österling, Karin January 2006 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine how the social services could investigate and support children of irregular immigrants within the boundaries of the law. More specifically it aimed to examine the legal possibilities and obstacles for the social services to support irregular immigrants, how the officials at the social services act considering the legal aspects, and how they reason morally and ethically when dealing with irregular immigrants. To answer the aim of the study the theory of positive law was used combined with qualitative interviews with two officials at the social services. Moreover a small quantitative telephone study with officials in the social services and with voluntary organizations was made. The study has used theories of sociology of law, law and ethics, and professional (civil) disobedience. The conclusions were that children of irregular immigrants are included by the Swedish law for social services, but are hindered from getting support by the legal obligation to inform the police authorities when the social services are dealing with foreigners who did not apply for a residence permit. There is a need for the officials to be extra committed in such cases and they break the obligation to inform to be able to support the children.</p>

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