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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La figure du passage dans Les cités obscures de Benoît Peeters et François Schuiten : réflexion sur le réel et l'imaginaire

Aubin, Émilie 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire propose une exploration de la relation entre réel et imaginaire à travers l'analyse d'une œuvre de bande dessinée. Cette analyse nous permettra par la suite de dégager dans cette œuvre un regard critique sur le paysage urbain contemporain. Nous poserons dans un premier chapitre les bases théoriques de notre réflexion. Le genre littéraire fantastique se présentera comme une première approche du rapport entre réel et imaginaire au sein d'un objet littéraire. Nous développerons par la suite cette mince frontière qui sépare le réel de l'imaginaire avec une approche plus philosophique. La deuxième section de ce chapitre se consacrera aux thèses de Paul Ricœur sur le pouvoir de la fiction de redécrire le réel. Nous nous pencherons tout particulièrement sur ses ouvrages La Métaphore vive et Temps et récit. Le second chapitre de ce mémoire sera consacré à la bande dessinée. Nous tenterons de dresser un portrait général des Cités obscures afin d'éclairer une figure centrale de l'œuvre, celle du « passage ». Dans cette optique, nous approfondirons notre compréhension du neuvième art en en présentant un bref historique pour ensuite identifier les différentes tensions qui agissent et articulent cet art. Nous présenterons la grille ainsi que les résultats d'une analyse sémiotique que nous avons menée sur deux albums, et tout particulièrement sur quatre planches et doubles pages. C'est par une approche herméneutique et sociologique que nous aborderons la dimension urbaine de l'œuvre dans un troisième et dernier chapitre. Les Cités obscures se présentent d'abord comme une critique des utopies architecturales et urbanistiques modernes et de leurs traces que l'on retrouve aujourd'hui dans le paysage urbain. L'œuvre propose également un nouveau regard sur les villes en s'intéressant aux espaces brouillés, non définis et aux espaces frontaliers et transitoires rappelés par la figure du « passage ». ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Les Cités obscures, Benoît Peeters, François Schuiten, Imaginaire, Réel, Bande dessinée, Fantastique, Espace urbain, Ville contemporaine

The presence of metaphor in the work of selected contemporary artists.

Quattrocchi, Isabella. January 2002 (has links)
This study examines metaphoric expression as an innovative phenomenon in This study examines metaphoric expression as an innovative phenomenon in the creative process and explor.es theO!i_~s_~f_ metap~or as a model for changing our perceptions of reality. Innovation is taken to be the creation and extension of meaning via metaphoric reference and projection, an imaginative -----------"----------- ------_.--- -_. _~~- _~ ---- str~Lct~rimLOf ~~!i~f!~ !h,at !:.E!!l1v~nt~ealit and esents it as~ fiC!ion~ While fiction refers to those worlds made in the creative act of producing works of art, worlds refer to both the exterior manifestations of works, as well as the interior world as a source of symbolic worlds. This study thus explores metaphoric reference and projection as a means by which we understand and figuratively express experience and the role metaphor plays in the creative strategies of my own practice as a visual artist and those of the contemporary British artist Tony Cragg. In my own recent working practice, in relation to the innovative role of metaphor, the notion of psychic or metaphorical disruption is explored. This is understood as a suspension of logical or literal reference to reality and as the condition for a metaphoric or analogical response to experience. This form of disengagement brought about by psychological and emotional upheaval, allows me to disembark from dominant conceptual and emotional frameworks and corresponds to the semantic openings brought about by metaphoric reference and interpretation. These disruptions manifest themselves as primitive iconic conditions that provide routes in the creative process conducive to discovery, restructuring and invention. In my work this is principally achieved by the activity of drawing. I describe drawing as a mythic activity of attempting to close the gap on an elusive empirical world and as a means of making new worlds. Interpretation or reading the drawings, their surfaces and calligraphic marks, is' also part of the lyrical process of making ii fidions, metaphorical digressions and progressions towards deciphering and re-organising worlds. These worlds are both virtual and material spaces. In all the work, what appears to be disruptive or discordant brings about the condition for renewal and reorientation in the world. The \YOrk of Tony Cragg (b.1949) is discussed as an example of contemporary art pradice where metaphor is evident as a model for changing perceptions. Early in his career Cragg explored scientific models of investigation, as explanatory means for understanding the world. His work refleds an endeavour to 'humanise' these scientific models by making images that fundion as alternative and complementary 'thinking models' (Cragg in Celant :172). His working process is understood as an attempt to construct a novel referential scheme for our encounters with the physical \YOrld of objeds both natural and manufadured. His sculptures are thus interpreted as visual manifestations of metaphorical disruption and innovation. Often made from discarded waste, his sculptures emerge from the material ruin of a prior physical order, and an evolving mental order. In both instances, physically and conceptually, they carry traces of former selves, with the potential to .extend into something new. As a loose framevvork for this discussion, certain theories of mind and metaphor that provide some insights into my own \YOrking pradice and what I perceive to be those of Tony Cragg, are briefly examined. Principally, these include the theory of metaphor of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur, but also some more general views concerning cognition and imagination. These include the early theories of Giambattista Vico concerning the creative role of the imaginative and metaphorical capacities of the mind.. the creative process and explor.es theories of metaphor as a model for changing our perceptions of reality. Innovation is taken to be the creation and extension of meaning via metaphoric reference and projection, an imaginative -----------"----------- ------_.--- -_. _~~- _~ ---- str~Lct~rimLOf ~~!i~f!~ !h,at !:.E!!l1v~nt~ealit and esents it as~ fiC!ion~ While fiction refers to those worlds made in the creative act of producing works of art, worlds refer to both the exterior manifestations of works, as well as the interior world as a source of symbolic worlds. This study thus explores metaphoric reference and projection as a means by which we understand and figuratively express experience and the role metaphor plays in the creative strategies of my own practice as a visual artist and those of the contemporary British artist Tony Cragg. In my own recent working practice, in relation to the innovative role of metaphor, the notion of psychic or metaphorical disruption is explored. This is understood as a suspension of logical or literal reference to reality and as the condition for a metaphoric or analogical response to experience. This form of disengagement brought about by psychological and emotional upheaval, allows me to disembark from dominant conceptual and emotional frameworks and corresponds to the semantic openings brought about by metaphoric reference and interpretation. These disruptions manifest themselves as primitive iconic conditions that provide routes in the creative process conducive to discovery, restructuring and invention. In my work this is principally achieved by the activity of drawing. I describe drawing as a mythic activity of attempting to close the gap on an elusive empirical world and as a means of making new worlds. Interpretation or reading the drawings, their surfaces and calligraphic marks, is' also part of the lyrical process of making ii fidions, metaphorical digressions and progressions towards deciphering and re-organising worlds. These worlds are both virtual and material spaces. In all the work, what appears to be disruptive or discordant brings about the condition for renewal and reorientation in the world. The \YOrk of Tony Cragg (b.1949) is discussed as an example of contemporary art pradice where metaphor is evident as a model for changing perceptions. Early in his career Cragg explored scientific models of investigation, as explanatory means for understanding the world. His work refleds an endeavour to 'humanise' these scientific models by making images that fundion as alternative and complementary 'thinking models' (Cragg in Celant :172). His working process is understood as an attempt to construct a novel referential scheme for our encounters with the physical \YOrld of objeds both natural and manufadured. His sculptures are thus interpreted as visual manifestations of metaphorical disruption and innovation. Often made from discarded waste, his sculptures emerge from the material ruin of a prior physical order, and an evolving mental order. In both instances, physically and conceptually, they carry traces of former selves, with the potential to .extend into something new. As a loose framevvork for this discussion, certain theories of mind and metaphor that provide some insights into my own \YOrking pradice and what I perceive to be those of Tony Cragg, are briefly examined. Principally, these include the theory of metaphor of the philosopher Paul Ricoeur, but also some more general views concerning cognition and imagination. These include the early theories of Giambattista Vico concerning the creative role of the imaginative and metaphorical capacities of the mind. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2002.

La création culturelle et les significations imaginaires sociales dans la société "démocratique" contemporaine : réflexion critique sur l'œuvre de Cornelius Castoriadis

Plante, Dominic 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de ce mémoire est d'offrir une réflexion critique sur l'œuvre de Cornelius Castoriadis, plus précisément sur son concept de création humaine (psychique, sociale, culturelle et artistique) ainsi que sur son interprétation de la création culturelle dans la société « démocratique » contemporaine. Pour ce faire, nous confronterons la pensée de Castoriadis à deux auteurs liés à l'herméneutique contemporaine, soit Paul Ricoeur et Hans-Georg Gadamer. Le dialogue entre Castoriadis et Ricoeur mettra en lumière certaines lacunes dans la conception de la psyché humaine et de la création psychique chez Castoriadis. Nous remettrons donc en question l'idée de Castoriadis selon laquelle la psyché humaine, à l'origine (chez l'infans), est dans un état totalement clos (monadique) qui serait rompu seulement avec la socialisation de la psyché. Ce dialogue montrera aussi l'importance des termes de clôture et de rupture dans la pensée de Castoriadis. Dans un deuxième temps, nous mettrons en scène un dialogue entre Castoriadis et Gadamer concernant leur compréhension du monde humain. Nous verrons alors que Castoriadis, en insistant sur l'idée que la société est une création d'un monde singulier de significations imaginaires sociales, développe cependant très peu sur l'idée de l'humanité comme monde, ainsi que sur l'importance de l'intercompréhension dans la formation du sujet et de la société. Finalement, dans le dernier chapitre nous traiterons de l'interprétation que propose Castoriadis de la création culturelle dans la société « démocratique » contemporaine, en la confrontant à celle de Gadamer. Nous verrons alors que, chez Castoriadis, la création culturelle contemporaine est interprétée à partir de l'idée selon laquelle un projet politique (le projet d'autonomie) doit resurgir dans la société. Globalement, nous arrivons à la conclusion qu'il y a une certaine mécompréhension, chez Castoriadis, de la transmission du sens et de la tradition dans la création humaine. Cette mécompréhension de Castoriadis, selon nous, s'explique à partir de sa propre conception de la création humaine qui, en étant conçue comme ex nihilo, ne permet pas de comprendre la nouvelle création humaine autrement que comme une forme radicalement nouvelle, que comme ce qui crée une rupture ontologique avec les formes précédentes, faisant en sorte qu'il néglige les liens entre les formes anciennes et les nouvelles. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Castoriadis, Gadamer, Ricoeur, culture, art contemporain, société contemporaine, herméneutique, socialisation, démocratie

In praise of movement : embodiment of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Corrêa, Amanda Lauschner January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação é interpretar o corpo enquanto instância semântica no poema O Casamento do Céu e do Inferno (1790), do poeta inglês William Blake. Sustenta-se que uma semântica profunda de TMHH instaura uma forma ativa, integrada e franca de viver. Investigaremos a concepção de corpo presente do poema a fim de validar a hipótese de que é possível ter a vida transformada pela leitura de um texto altamente poético. Essa transformação, em última instância, é uma consequência da apropriação do texto pelo leitor. Tal apropriação se dá não só pela via mental, mas de fato pela incorporação do texto literário. O trabalho será realizado com base na hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur, especialmente na dialética da conjectura e da validação. Já o livro de artista, ramo da arte conceitual do qual Blake é visto como um dos precursores, será apresentado enquanto performance e demonstração dos sentidos de corporeidade vislumbrados pela presente interpretação do poema. Em termos de embodiment, o papel da gravura em metal do processo criativo completo de Blake abre-nos possibilidades para um amplo horizonte de metáforas relacionadas às especificidades dessa técnica quando em articulação com o poema. / The general objective of this dissertation is to interpret the body as a semantic instance in the poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790), from English poet William Blake. It holds that the depth semantics of TMHH establishes an active, integrated, and franc way of living. We will investigate the conception of a present ‘body’ of the poem to validate the hypothesis that it is possible to have lives transformed by the reading of a highly poetic text. This transformation is ultimately a consequence of the appropriation of the text by the reader. Such appropriation is not only mental, but it takes place in the incorporation, or embodiment, of the literary text. The work will be based on Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics, especially the dialectics of guess and validation. The artist’s book, a field of conceptual art of which Blake is seen as precursor, will be presented as performance and demonstration of the senses of corporeality foreseen in this interpretation of the poem. In terms of embodiment, the role of engraving in Blake’s complete creative process opens to a wild horizon of metaphors concerning the specificities of this art in relation to the poem.

Espaços educadores no contexto do CESCAR (Coletivo Educador de São Carlos, Araraquara, Jaboticabal e Região/SP): do conceito à formação em educação ambiental

Kunieda, Edna 06 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:29:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3333.pdf: 1396792 bytes, checksum: 96a74de82c204a584ae025cf7a4cd71a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-06 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The Coletivo Educador de São Carlos, Araraquara, Jaboticabal e Região (CESCAR), a environmental educators´s group, is guided by the precepts of Programa Nacional de Formação em EA (ProFEA) a Brazilian environmental education program that adopts the methodology of participatory-action-research proposed by the team of Board of Environmental Education of the Ministry of Environment (MMA). The proposal adopts environmental education (EE) emancipatory, transformative and criticism, fostering networking who values the local and regional initiatives. In order to understand the process of construction of CESCAR, we chose to analyse the phenomenon "educators spaces" by the experience of people who experienced this practice. We use the Hermeneutical methodology in association with Phenomenology, as strands of qualitative research. "Educators spaces" is a recent concept that in the Programa Municípios Educadores Sustentáveis a educational program that involve sustainable cities, offered by the same team of MMA, is defined as one that stimulates collective in improving their training and in the search for viable alternatives to sustainability. We take the research on "educator spaces" as a challenge because it is a concept still under development that requires discussion and build on this theoretical issue. We have established through similarities and oppositions, a framework about some of the spaces experienced by the group of environmental educators, through the analysis of twenty-four monographs. This angle allowed a glimpse of the mosaic of images assigned to the various "worlds lived" as well as to investigate the concept in a symbolic and existential perspective. / O Coletivo Educador de São Carlos, Araraquara, Jaboticabal e Região (CESCAR) constitui-se orientado pelos preceitos do Programa Nacional de Formação em Educação Ambiental (ProFEA) um programa brasileiro de Educação Ambiental que adota a metodologia da pesquisa-ação-participante - proposto pela equipe da Diretoria de Educação Ambiental do Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA). A proposta adota a Educação Ambiental (EA) emancipatória, transformadora e crítica, fomentando o trabalho em rede que valoriza as iniciativas locais e regionais. A fim de desvelar e compreender o processo de construção do CESCAR, optamos por analisar o fenômeno espaços educadores pela experiência dos sujeitos que vivenciaram essa prática. Para tanto, utilizamos a metodologia Hermenêutica aliada à Fenomenologia, como vertentes da pesquisa qualitativa. Espaços educadores é um conceito recente que no Programa Municípios Educadores Sustentáveis, proposto pela mesma equipe do MMA, define-se como aquele que estimula o coletivo no aprimoramento de sua formação e na busca de alternativas viáveis para a sustentabilidade. Tomamos como desafio a pesquisa sobre espaços educadores por se tratar de um conceito ainda em elaboração que carece de discussão e acúmulo teórico sobre esse tema. Estabelecemos por meio de aproximações e oposições, um quadro sobre alguns dos espaços vividos pelo coletivo educador, por meio da análise de vinte e quatro monografias. Esse recorte possibilitou vislumbrar o mosaico de imagens atribuído aos vários mundos vividos , além de investigar o conceito numa perspectiva simbólica e existencial.

In praise of movement : embodiment of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Corrêa, Amanda Lauschner January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo geral desta dissertação é interpretar o corpo enquanto instância semântica no poema O Casamento do Céu e do Inferno (1790), do poeta inglês William Blake. Sustenta-se que uma semântica profunda de TMHH instaura uma forma ativa, integrada e franca de viver. Investigaremos a concepção de corpo presente do poema a fim de validar a hipótese de que é possível ter a vida transformada pela leitura de um texto altamente poético. Essa transformação, em última instância, é uma consequência da apropriação do texto pelo leitor. Tal apropriação se dá não só pela via mental, mas de fato pela incorporação do texto literário. O trabalho será realizado com base na hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur, especialmente na dialética da conjectura e da validação. Já o livro de artista, ramo da arte conceitual do qual Blake é visto como um dos precursores, será apresentado enquanto performance e demonstração dos sentidos de corporeidade vislumbrados pela presente interpretação do poema. Em termos de embodiment, o papel da gravura em metal do processo criativo completo de Blake abre-nos possibilidades para um amplo horizonte de metáforas relacionadas às especificidades dessa técnica quando em articulação com o poema. / The general objective of this dissertation is to interpret the body as a semantic instance in the poem The Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790), from English poet William Blake. It holds that the depth semantics of TMHH establishes an active, integrated, and franc way of living. We will investigate the conception of a present ‘body’ of the poem to validate the hypothesis that it is possible to have lives transformed by the reading of a highly poetic text. This transformation is ultimately a consequence of the appropriation of the text by the reader. Such appropriation is not only mental, but it takes place in the incorporation, or embodiment, of the literary text. The work will be based on Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics, especially the dialectics of guess and validation. The artist’s book, a field of conceptual art of which Blake is seen as precursor, will be presented as performance and demonstration of the senses of corporeality foreseen in this interpretation of the poem. In terms of embodiment, the role of engraving in Blake’s complete creative process opens to a wild horizon of metaphors concerning the specificities of this art in relation to the poem.

O poema O Guesa, de Sousândrade, à luz da hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur

Oliveira, Rita de Cássia 22 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita de Cassia Oliveira.pdf: 727213 bytes, checksum: f30d8eb97ac55684b842083ec2899a65 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-22 / The present philosophical work bears the title The O Guesa poem by Sousândrade, in light of Paul Ricoeur s hermeneutics and intends to be an interpretation which has as paradigm the Paul Ricoeur s Phenomenological Hermeutics with respect to showing the meaning of the present existence in the symbolism of poetic foundation. I thematize the question of poetic language in its narrative aspect in the O Guesa poem and its correlation with the pertinent literature and philosophy to highlight the metaphoricity as a poetic language condition because it is constituted in a differentiated mode of thinking the world. Ricoeur turns to Aristotle Poetics and Rhetoric works as a starting point of his investigation on the significance of metaphor power when permitting that something is said indirectly by the joining of disconnected images having, nevertheless, an enclosed truth. I follow Ricoeur s same procedure in La métaphore vive, and look upon Aristotle for an understanding about the theory of metaphor in adequation to the analysis of the O Guesa poem. The development of the study reaches a correlation between the hermeneutic and the theory of narativity as to the interpretation of the act of narrating as an origin of rationality that tells actions and events according to an ordering which is characterized as the machination plot. Ricoeur s books that sustain this survey are, chiefly, La mémoire, l histoire, l oubli, Du texte à action and Temps et récit which reveal Ricoeur s reflection on the narrative identity as resulting from the interweaving of history with fiction. The narrative identity, a theme developed in Soi-même comme Un Autre, requires that Ricoeur imagine the subject in his interpersonal and institutional reflexives, bringing forth ethics and moral as indispensable knowledge for a philosophy which recognizes literature as being a vast laboratory of human experience / O presente escrito filosófico tem como título O poema O Guesa, de Sousândrade, à luz da Hermenêutica de Paul Ricoeur e pretende ser uma interpretação que tem como paradigma a Hermenêutica Fenomenológica de Paul Ricoeur no que visa o mostrar do sentido da existência presente no simbolismo da criação poética. Tematizo a questão da linguagem poética em seu aspecto narrativo no poema O Guesa e a correlação deste com a filosofia e a literatura que lhe são pertinentes, para destacar a metaforicidade como uma condição da linguagem poética por se constituir num modo diferenciado de pensar o mundo. Ricoeur recorre a Aristóteles, propriamente às obras Poética e Retórica, como ponto de partida da sua investigação sobre o poder de sentido da metáfora ao possibilitar que algo seja dito de modo indireto pela junção de imagens descontínuas possuindo, entretanto, uma verdade contida. Sigo o mesmo procedimento de Ricoeur em La métaphore vive, e busco Aristóteles um entendimento acerca da teoria da metáfora em adequação com a análise do poema O Guesa. O desdobramento desse estudo alcança a correlação entre hermenêutica e teoria da narratividade quanto à interpretação do ato de narrar como originário de uma racionalidade que conta ações e acontecimentos segundo uma ordenação que se caracteriza como tessitura da intriga. Os livros de Ricoeur que fundamentam essa investigação são, mormente, La mémoire, l histoire, l oubli, Du texte à action e Temps et récit que revelam a reflexão de Ricoeur sobre a identidade narrativa como resultante do entrecruzamento da história com a ficção. A identidade narrativa, tema desenvolvido em Soi-même comme un Autre, exige que Ricoeur pense o sujeito em suas mediações reflexivas interpessoais e institucionais, fazendo aparecer a ética e a moral como conhecimentos imprescindíveis para uma filosofia que reconhece ser a literatura um vasto laboratório de experiência humana

Sujeito e alteridade em Paul Ricoeur e Emmanuel Lévinas: proximidades e distâncias

Douek, Sybil Safdie 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T17:27:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Sybil Safdie Douek.pdf: 1865791 bytes, checksum: ebc827ec6b5f55d21c76a00bfc6d1d0e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / The present dissertation intends to confront Paul Ricoeur and Emmanuel Levinas philosophy, from an essential point of view: the relationship between the subject and the other, subjectivity and alterity. Question which relevance seems to be dramatic after the Two World Wars, particularly after the Shoah: which could be, subsequent to this historical experience, the meanings of words such as subject, man and ethics? Aware of the necessary and indispensable critics toward classic humanism, and willing to withdraw the subject of his central position in philosophy, since Descartes, both authors seem to rehabilitate the subject, and put again faith in him, without paying to the subject unrestricted reverence. The result is the idea of a subject that includes in itself alterity: self as another , says Ricoeur; the other in the same , says Levinas. But which is the place assigned to the other? Levinas insists in the absolute priority of the other, and proposes the deposition of the subject in behalf of the other: the subject substitutes himself to the other, it is hostage of the other, being absolutely passive in his relationship with him. Ricoeur, in his turn, defends the importance of both (oneself and other) and prefers to think in terms of reciprocity, and receptivity of the subject. These different perspectives concerning relationship between subject and other imply two conceptions of ethics: for Levinas, ethics of responsibility and election; for Ricoeur, ethics of promise, of good living together and mutuality. It implicates also two different attitudes in regard of a question not always considered as philosophical: transcendence or the Name of God. For both, God is a question which deserves attention, but Ricoeur excludes the Name of his philosophical speech, building a hermeutics of the self without the support of transcendence; while for Levinas, the problem of subjectivity goes along this the problem of transcendence. Therefore, a question is born: the presence or absence of the Name of God in their philosophy of subjectivity could have connections or correspondences with their respective religious traditions Ricoeur´s Protestantism and Levinas Judaism? Traditions never denied by both of them, although kept far from their philosophical reflections, each one in his own way / A presente tese se propõe a confrontar as filosofias de Paul Ricoeur e Emmanuel Lévinas, a partir de uma questão essencial: a relação do sujeito com a alteridade. Questão cuja relevância se coloca de modo dramático após a experiência histórica das duas Guerras Mundiais, em particular da Shoah: que sentido dar, hoje, às palavras: sujeito, homem ou ética? Conscientes da necessária e incontornável crítica ao humanismo clássico e, desejosos de retirar o sujeito da posição central que vem ocupando na filosofia, desde Descartes, ambos parecem querer reabilitar o sujeito, fazer-lhe novamente confiança, sem por isso, render-lhe irrestritas homenagens. O resultado é uma concepção de sujeito que inclui em si próprio a alteridade: si mesmo como um outro , diz Ricoeur; o outro no mesmo , diz Lévinas: mas que lugar dar a outrem? Lévinas insiste na prioridade absoluta do outro, propondo a deposição do sujeito em favor de outrem: o sujeito se substitui ao outro, é refém do outro, sendo absolutamente passivo na relação; Ricoeur, por seu lado, defende a importância dos dois pólos e prefere falar em reciprocidade da relação e em receptividade do sujeito. As diferentes perspectivas na relação sujeito-outrem implicam em duas concepções de ética: em Lévinas, ética da responsabilidade e da eleição; em Ricoeur, ética da promessa, do bem viver-junto e da mutualidade. Como também em duas atitudes diferentes, no que diz respeito a uma questão nem sempre considerada filosófica: a transcendência ou o nome de Deus. Se para ambos Deus é uma questão que merece atenção, Ricoeur O exclui de seu discurso filosófico, construindo uma hermenêutica do si que não necessita da transcendência para se sustentar; enquanto para Lévinas, o problema da subjetividade e o da transcendência caminham juntos. Nasce uma questão: a presença ou a ausência do nome de Deus nas filosofias do sujeito de Ricoeur e Lévinas poderia ter conexões ou correspondências com suas respectivas tradições religiosas - o protestantismo de Ricoeur e o judaísmo de Lévinas? Tradições que eles nunca negaram, embora as tenham mantido afastadas, cada um a seu modo, de suas reflexões filosóficas

?Foram os livros que escrevi que me fizeram? : o espa?o autobiogr?fico de Jos? Saramago

Laitano , Paloma Esteves 21 March 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-05-19T12:53:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 468838 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1065857 bytes, checksum: 3976f654668076f919d14ab1994d23b6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-19T12:53:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 468838 - Texto Completo.pdf: 1065857 bytes, checksum: 3976f654668076f919d14ab1994d23b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-21 / Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This study aims to define the Jos? Saramago?s autobiographical space by identifying the expression of subjectivity present in his chronicles, his memoir (confessional literature) and his novels (fictional literature) of the portuguese writer. The analysis of the texts that make up the corpus has privileged, from each one of the texts, which can be related with three themes: man/ideology, man/past and man/literature. Based on the theoretical formulations, especially the one?s by Paul Ricoeur and Javier del Prado Biezma, this study demonstrates the identification of recurrent thematic fields in the narrative and structural marks left by the Self in the texts. These aspects made it possible to trace the presence of the subject that is expressed through writing and also the definition of a Saramago?s autobiographical space. / O presente estudo buscou delimitar o espa?o autobiogr?fico de Jos? Saramago atrav?s da identifica??o da manifesta??o da subjetividade presente em suas cr?nicas, seu livro de mem?rias (literatura confessional) e seus romances (literatura ficcional). A an?lise dos textos que comp?em o corpus privilegiou passagens de cada uma das obras, relacionadas com tr?s n?cleos tem?ticos que nortearam o trabalho: homem/ideologia, homem/passado e homem/literatura. Com base, especialmente, nas formula??es te?ricas de Paul Ricoeur e Javier del Prado Biezma, o estudo identificou campos tem?ticos recorrentes nas narrativas e marcas estruturais deixadas pelo Eu nos textos. Esses aspectos possibilitaram o rastreamento da presen?a do sujeito que se expressa atrav?s da escrita e, assim, a defini??o de um espa?o autobiogr?fico saramaguiano.

La fotografía como elemento (re)constructor de la memoria en Escenas de cine mudo de Julio Llamazares y Retrato en sepia de Isabel Allende

Savaris, Michele January 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca uma aproximação entre fotografia e literatura à luz do processo mnemônico que se forma por meio desse tipo de imagem. Assim, o objetivo principal consiste em analisar e mostrar como a fotografia atua e de que maneira contribui para que alguém (re)construa seu passado relacionando-o à memória. Para isso, parte-se da análise das obras literárias Escenas de cine mudo do autor espanhol Julio Llamazares e Retrato en sepia da escritora chilena Isabel Allende, que nos servem como ponto de partida para a discussão analítica, destacando-se a importância da fotografia para a literatura. Dessa maneira, faz-se necessário um estudo cuidadoso dos elementos que compõem cada uma das referidas obras, com a finalidade de perceber e compreender as relações que se estabelecem para a formação da memória, já que em Escenas de cine mudo e Retrato en sepia, o modo de (re)construção do passado através de fotografia é diferente. O termo “memória” está associado a diversos conceitos, de acordo com a área em que é aplicado. Levando em conta essa ideia, a proposta é partir dos conceitos de “memória” estabelecidos por Aristóteles, Platão e Ricoeur, aplicando-os às obras literárias mencionadas. / Esta disertación busca un acercamiento entre fotografía y literatura a la luz del proceso mnemónico que se forma por medio de ese tipo de imagen. Así, el objetivo principal consiste en investigar y mostrar cómo la fotografía actúa en la literatura y de qué manera contribuye para que uno (re)construya su pasado relacionándolo a la memoria. Para esto, se parte del análisis de las obras literarias Escenas de cine mudo del autor español Julio Llamazares, y Retrato en sepia de la escritora chilena Isabel Allende, que nos sirven como puntos de partida para la discusión analítica, destacándose la importancia de la fotografía para la literatura. De esa manera, se hace necesario un estudio cuidadoso de los elementos componentes de cada una de las referidas obras, con el fin de percibir y comprender las relaciones que se establecen para la formación de la memoria, ya que en Escenas de cine mudo y Retrato en sepia, el modo de (re)construcción del pasado a través de la fotografía es distinto. El término “memoria” está relacionado a diversos conceptos, de acuerdo con el área en que se aplica. Llevando en cuenta esa idea, la propuesta es partir de los conceptos de “memoria” establecidos por Aristóteles, Platón y Ricouer, aplicándolos a las obras literarias mencionadas.

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