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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Folksagans prinsessa - en god förebild än idag : ”Prins Hatt under jorden” genom illustrationer av Elsa Beskow / The Folk Tale Princess – A good role model even for today : “Prince Hat Under Ground” through illustrations of Elsa Beskow

Björk, Chanda January 2006 (has links)
The text discusses the folk-tale princess as a good role model for both children and adults, from a feminist debate concerning this issue. Also an iconographic study, it compares women in folk-tale illustrations with women represented in fin-de-Siècle art concentrating on the Great mother goddess and the femme fatale, finding similarities between folk-tale illustrations and other art. Besides that, the text look at the interest for Swedish folk-tales in the 1890´s, the connection between women as illustrators of children’s books and ideas about nature and womanhood that might have had influence on the Swedish artist Elsa Beskow at the time.

Diskurs och dissonans : "den Samme" och "den Andre" i Mary Shelleys Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus / Discourse and Dissonance : "The Same" and "the Other" in Mary Shelley´s Frankenstein ; or, the Modern Prometheus

Bradling, Björn January 2014 (has links)
This essay – Discourse and Dissonance – deals with Mary Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus (1818). The focal point is the construction of “Them and Us”, as defined by scholars such as Stuart Hall, viewed in terms of the following categories: race, gender and family, class, and sexuality. Rather than applying an outside perspective, e.g. a feminist or Marxist one, to the text, I use Cultural Criticism as described by Arthur Asa Berger in order to deconstruct and reconstruct the discourse, as explained by Michel Foucault, within Shelley’s work. In doing so, I view the hermeneutics of suspicion as the starting point due to its recognition of every text’s hidden truth. Stephen Greenblatt’s term dissonance is useful for the study’s aim of finding the differences and similarities in the voices of the novel’s characters. Intersectionality functions as the tool with which I intertwine the above categories in my analysis.     In conclusion Frankenstein; or, the Modern Prometheus does not convey a message of conformity. Its class-, race- and gender-bound discourse is reproduced in the text, but simultaneously challenged. The dissonant voices of the novel show the discourse from different perspectives and make it obvious that there are cracks on the surface of the discourse, which Shelley deepens by putting it into writing – whether she was aware of it or not.

Filmkultur och nöjesliv i Örebro 1897-1908 / Movies and entertainment in Örebro 1897-1908

Jernudd, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
Åsa Jernudd: Movies and Entertainment in Örebro 1897-1908 This dissertation is a historical study of film exhibition in the context of emerging popular entertainment in Örebro, a medium-sized town in Sweden, 1897 to 1908. It argues that since 80% of the population resided in towns and rural areas around 1900, studying the impact of film culture in a town setting is essential for an understanding of early film culture in Sweden. The local press is used as primary source of marketing schemes, venues and programming policies as well as of cultural debate and conflict. Across Europe, theatres and fairgrounds were the preferred venues of traveling exhibitors of film shows. In Örebro, however, film exhibition preferably took place in the ‘respectable’ halls of voluntary organizations. Of special importance to local film culture were two working class societies: the liberal Arbetareföreningen (AF) and the labor-based Arbetarekommun (AK) ― albeit in different ways. AF, which embraced reformist ideals, owned the most popular venue for film exhibition and transformed their hall into a movie theater in 1907. AK encouraged the working class population to spend leisure time (and money) on popular forms of cheap entertainment by opening an amusement park in town and by frequently organizing bazaars, funfairs and variety shows. Socio-cultural conflict was concentrated to the fairground around the turn of the century and later turned to AK’s bazaars and funfairs. The emerging film culture influenced opinion in the big cities of Sweden, yet in Örebro it only received sporadic public attention. In stark contrast to the situation in the big cities, the transformation of itinerant film exhibition to permanent forms was a gradual and relatively inconspicuous process in Örebro that took place in the shadow of AK’s more obtrusive culture of cheap amusements. Three movie theatres opened in 1907 and were accepted by the town’s public with relative ease. / <p>Also affiliated to Stockholm University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Cinema studies. Diss. Stockholm : Stockholm University, 2007</p>

Den svenske samtidskritikern : Historicitet, nationalism och svenskhet i Richard Berghs måleri och konstteoretiska skrifter.

Ruin, Otto January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur svensk konst och den svenska konstnären formuleras i Richard Berghs konstteoretiska skrifter och måleri. Utgångspunkten är den mediala debatt som pågått under 2010-talet om svenska värden och deras innebörd. Blickarna har i denna debatt ofta riktat sig mot nationalromantiken som stilbildande för att kategorisera en reaktionär och nationalistisk föreställning om vad som är svenskt. Däremot har försvaret av nationalromantiken alltid problematiserat begreppet, mycket utifrån den väldokumenterade politiska radikalism som många av sekelskiftes konstnärer hade. Uppsatsen vill visa genom Ludmilla Jordanova begrepp periodic feel, att betraktelsen av nationalromantisk konst ofta görs utifrån vissa föreställda politiska värden. Genom att betrakta Berghs verk bortom denna diskursiva debatt vill uppsatsen visa hur Bergh formulerar det svenska som en djup form av samtidskritik. På så sätt intar det svenska en estetisk politisk form bortom reaktion och revolution och ser istället åt samtiden. Det svenska formuleras hos Bergh som något som måste ständigt omgestaltas mot tidens utveckling och måste anpassa sig därefter. När konsten är samtida och rotad i den nationella självkänslan, uppstår således sann och livskraftig konst enligt Bergh.

Modernitet och dekadens i Henning Bergers författarskap : Konturerna av ett idékomplex

Neu, Agnes January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar Henning Bergers författarskap åren 1901-1911, utifrån en nyläsning av verken Där ute, Ridå, Ysaïl, Drömmen om helvetet samt Drömlandstrilogin (Drömlandet, Bendel &amp; Co och Fata Morgana). Utifrån ett dekadens- och modernitetsperspektiv reviderar jag den traderade uppfattningen om författarskapet som ytligt, och visar att Berger gör en betydande skildring av moderniteten, med större komplexitet än man tidigare uppmärksammat. Jag belyser jag konturerna av ett underliggande idékomplex, som särskiljer honom från samtidens svenska författare men ställer honom med förbund till stora, internationella modernitetsskildrare. I och med åren som utvandrare i Chicago, är han i vissa avseenden före sin tid när han debuterar i Sverige. Amerika blir i hans skildringar en representation för en längre gången utveckling än man erfarit i Stockholm vid samma tid; jag tar hjälp av Anna Jörngårdens begrepp tidströskel för att konceptualisera tidsandan, med dess skiljelinje mellan framtid och förflutet.       Jag förhåller mig till den övergripande frågeställningen om vilken attityd till det moderna som kan utläsas i verken, samt vad de uttrycker om moderniseringens innebörd för människan. Den kluvenhet som genomsyrar Bergers verk fungerar som ett sammanhållande tema i min analys. En av uppsatsens huvudfrågor är hur denna kluvenhet skall förstås och förklaras, i ljuset av hans starka skildringar av såväl positiva som negativa sidor av moderniseringen. Bergers verk visar upp moderniteten i all sin glans, men utan att skönmåla. Asfaltsromantik, nuets underverk, tyglandet av naturkrafterna, möjligheterna och berusningen, ställs sida vid sida med dess destruktiva konsekvenser: skördandet av offer, skövlingen av allt gammalt, mänsklig nedbrytning och skärande orättvisor. Jag drar slutsatsen att hans skildring ytterst är bejakande gentemot utvecklingen. Acceptans och determinism framträder som förklarande nyckelbegrepp. Intertextualitet mellan min studie och Marshall Bermans Fauststudie bidrar till att synliggöra den faustiska kärnan hos Berger; utvecklingens destruktivitet betraktas som ett nödvändigt och oundvikligt ont. Jag har därmed kunnat påvisa konturerna av en existentiell analys, som tidigare forskning inte uppmärksammat. Börsmotivet framträder där som ett centralt motiv.      En annan slutsats av min genomgång är att författarskapet förhåller sig avvisande till det svenska sekelslutets pessimistiska tankestrukturer. Det svenska och amerikanska behandlas som antiteser; den svenska mentaliteten framstår som ett nedtyngande arv. I arvet ingår dock även ett romantiskt drömmartemperament, vars status är mer tvetydig. Stilistiskt används t.ex. en naturromantiskt vokabulär på unikt moderna företeelser. Även om framställningssättet framhäver de romantiska aspekterna av det moderna, kategoriserar den yttre handlingen ett romantiskt sinnelag som icke gångbart i den amerikanska moderniteten. Arvet blir ett hinder för den som vill ansluta sig till den nya tiden – tidströskeln kräver en själslig transformation, ett definitivt brott med arv och bakgrund, och med alla egenskaper som tillhör det förflutna.

"En ventilartad slemhinneduplikatur af vexlande form" : Beskrivningar av mödomshinnan i sexhandböcker 1889-1904 / "A vented mucous membrane duplication of varying shape" : Descriptions of the hymen in sex manuals 1889-1904

Lindvall, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
This thesis discusses how the hymen is described historically in Swedish sex manuals between 1889-1904, along with descriptions of defloration and chastity. The analysis is based on the assumption that science and gender are social and cultural constructions.  The purpose of this thesis is to examine late nineteenth-early twentieth century’s conceptions of women, sexuality and chastity by discussing this period's descriptions of the hymen in a historical context. This study is concluded by reading and contextualizing sex manuals published in Sweden around the turn of the century. The conclusion of this thesis is that the hymen is not necessarily viewed as a membrane, although every sex manual writer believe that there is some sort of fold, referred to as the hymen, in virgin females' genitals. However, the hymen is not seen as evidence of women's chastity by the authors because of the assumed occurrence of irregularities in this "fold". Under "normal" circumstances, the hymen is believed to break during a woman's first intercourse which is described as painful (and bloody) by the authors of the sex manuals.

Konstnär eller medium? Andlighet och konst i receptionen av Hilma af Klint.

Körling, Mia January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsen handlar om hur receptionen av Hilma af Klints konst sett ut från 1986 fram till 2012 utifrån diskussionen om andlighet. Genom att se på olika konstskribenters texter lyfts mönster av värderingar fram som visar på inställningen till andligheten i Hilma af Klints konst.  Konsthistorikerna James Elkins och Suzi Gablik exemplifieras som två motpoler och värderingarna länkas samman med deras teorier om andlighet och religion i samtida konst.

Litteratur för seklets barn : En studie av bearbetningen av Mark Twains The Prince and the Pauper (1881) till Barnbiblioteket Sagas Prinsen och Tiggargossen (1912)

Wallin, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Ett sunt land i en sund kropp : Om naturnationalism och kroppsdisciplin speglad i Svenska turistföreningens årsskrifter 1908-1916

Dickson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
<p>Nationalism during the early 20th century, was often shaped around efforts to create feelings of fellowship within the frontiers. Fellow feelings was considered as a necessity to convince the people that their efforts served mutual goals.</p><p>Beginning in the 19th century, the European nations experienced a great many projects for this purpose. In the early 20th century the efforts grew. The danger of war and the competition for economic power, contributed the increase of nationalist movements. At the same time, many influential intellectuals also expressed apprehensions about the urbanized way of life; measures were necessary to secure the future success of the nation.</p><p>The national movements in Sweden, played a prominent role in the creation of a greater patriotic feeling. This paper is about one of these movements: Swedish Tourist Association (STF), founded in 1885. Around the motto “Know your country”, STF promoted Swedish tourism aiming to spread knowledge of the country and its people.</p><p>Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities and Michel Foucault’s Discipline & Punish has influenced the interpretation of STF’s yearbooks 1908-1916. This paper aims at explaining STF’s activities as a combination of efforts to create fellow feelings among the Swedes, and efforts to discipline them to a healthier way of life.</p><p>STF’s vision was to construct mutual heartfelt emotions towards the Swedish nature. The sound nature was seen as a symbol for the sound nation. It was thereby desirable that the Swedes were given the opportunity to experience this nature. Tourism became a technique to solve both the need for Swedish fellowship and the need for healthy citizens.</p><p>Tourism placed the Swedish bodies in the Swedish nature, which disciplined them to mutual patriotic feellings for their beautiful country, and at the same time gave them the healthy constitution and moral strength that should characterize every Swede.</p>

Ett sunt land i en sund kropp : Om naturnationalism och kroppsdisciplin speglad i Svenska turistföreningens årsskrifter 1908-1916

Dickson, Emil January 2008 (has links)
Nationalism during the early 20th century, was often shaped around efforts to create feelings of fellowship within the frontiers. Fellow feelings was considered as a necessity to convince the people that their efforts served mutual goals. Beginning in the 19th century, the European nations experienced a great many projects for this purpose. In the early 20th century the efforts grew. The danger of war and the competition for economic power, contributed the increase of nationalist movements. At the same time, many influential intellectuals also expressed apprehensions about the urbanized way of life; measures were necessary to secure the future success of the nation. The national movements in Sweden, played a prominent role in the creation of a greater patriotic feeling. This paper is about one of these movements: Swedish Tourist Association (STF), founded in 1885. Around the motto “Know your country”, STF promoted Swedish tourism aiming to spread knowledge of the country and its people. Benedict Anderson’s Imagined Communities and Michel Foucault’s Discipline &amp; Punish has influenced the interpretation of STF’s yearbooks 1908-1916. This paper aims at explaining STF’s activities as a combination of efforts to create fellow feelings among the Swedes, and efforts to discipline them to a healthier way of life. STF’s vision was to construct mutual heartfelt emotions towards the Swedish nature. The sound nature was seen as a symbol for the sound nation. It was thereby desirable that the Swedes were given the opportunity to experience this nature. Tourism became a technique to solve both the need for Swedish fellowship and the need for healthy citizens. Tourism placed the Swedish bodies in the Swedish nature, which disciplined them to mutual patriotic feellings for their beautiful country, and at the same time gave them the healthy constitution and moral strength that should characterize every Swede.

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