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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moulin Rouge på svenska : Varietéunderhållningens kulturhistoria i Stockholm 1875‐1920 / Moulin Rouge in Swedish : A cultural history of variety entertainment in Stockholm 1875-1920

Ivarsson Lilieblad, Björn January 2009 (has links)
Syfte med den här avhandlingen är att empiriskt kartlägga framväxten och utvecklingen av varietéunderhållningen i Stockholm 1870-1920, för att kunna förstå både förhållandet till dess transnationella förebilder, ekonomiska dynamik, kulturella dragningskraft, samt förklara hur genren kom att uppfattas i den offentliga debatten. Med teorier hämtade från Antonio Gramsci och Pierre Bourdieu diskuteras varietéerna som ett uttryck för det sena 1800-talets samhällsförändringar och marknadskapitalistiska dynamik, som bl.a. synliggjordes i nya urbana livsstilar och mönster. Resultatet av dessa undersökningar visar hur den tyska, brittiska, amerikanska och franska varietéunderhållningen influerade den svenska motsvarigheten. Samtidigt var faktorer som de nationella och lokala ekonomiska, politiska och sociala förhållandena avgörande i skapandet av de specifika uttrycksformer varietéunderhållning fick i Stockholm. Avhandlingen visar också hur varietésalongernas sociala praktiker, genom en medveten disciplineringssträvan från såväl entreprenörer som politiker, kom att genomgå en förändringsprocess där den sociala samvaron minskade till förmån för en allt starkare fokus på föreställningarnas innehåll. Genom sina samhällsutmanande drag kom varietéunderhållningen även att fungera som plattform varifrån viktiga värden och normer förhandlades och medierades. Detta bidrog till att underhållningsformen blev en måltavla för sedlighets- och nykterhetsrörelsen. Moulin Rouge på svenska är, genom att sätta fokus på hur entreprenörer, artister, skribenter, musikkompositörer och kritiker tänkte och agerade i den framväxande offentliga urbaniteten, ett viktigt bidrag i förståelsen av hur den tidiga svenska massproducerade populärkulturen tog form i slutet av 1800-talet. / The purpose of this dissertation is to chart and analyze the growth and development of variety entertainment in Stockholm 1870-1920 in order to reach an understanding of its transnational models, economic dynamics, and cultural attraction, as well as to explain how this genre was understood in the public debate. With the help of theories derived from Antonio Gramsci and Pierre Bourdieu variety entertainment is discussed as an expression of the social changes and the dynamics of market capitalism that became visible in new urban life styles and patterns at the end of the 19th century. The results of this investigation show how German, British, American and French variety entertainment influenced their Swedish counterparts. At the same time factors such as national and local economics and existing political and social conditions were determinants in the creation of the specific forms of expression that variety entertainment assumed in Stockholm. The dissertation also shows how social practice in the variety halls went through a process of change due to a conscious attempt on the part of both the entrepreneurs and politicians to discipline behaviour. In this process social interaction declined and a sharper focus came to be placed on the content of the performances. Because many of its characteristics challenged social values, variety entertainment came to function as a platform for the mediation of important norms and values. This was a contributing factor in making this form of entertainment a target for the temperance and morality movements. By focussing on how the entrepreneurs, actors, writers, composers and critics thought and acted in the growing public urbanity, Moulin Rouge in Swedish makes an important contribution to understanding how early mass produced Swedish culture took shape in the end of the 19th century.

Nelly Hall : uppburen och ifrågasatt : predikant och missionär i Europa och USA 1882-1901 /

Gunner, Gunilla, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Univ., 2003.

Kvinnor och klass - en paradoxal skapelseberättelse : LOs kvinnoråd och makten att benämna 1898-1967 /

Waldemarson, Ylva, January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Stockholm : Univ.

Öfvernormala företeelser och själsgåfvor : Maktdynamik inom den svenska spiritismen 1891–1922

Barholm, Niklas January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore different power dynamics in the spiritualist movement of fin-de-siècle Sweden. The source material for this exploration is the spiritualist magazine of Efteråt, which was the main spiritualist magazine in Sweden at the time, in print between 1891–1922. The main material for this study is specifically the texts that fall under the genre of ”fictionalized witness-accounts” of supernatural phenomena. These witness accounts yield reoccurring tropes that are either actors, arenas, or narratives. The process of finding these tropes is made through discourse analysis as constructed by Norman Fairclough complemented using grammar and props as presented by Mattias Fyhr. The theoretical tools utilized are the framework of Luce Irigaray and the relationship between the subject and the object, the concept of receptivity as coined by Ann Cvetkovich, and finally the concept of heterotopia as coined by Michel Foucault. The relationship between a masculine subject and a feminine object is generally maintained throughout the source material. However, this dynamic is open to destabilization. This is especially prominent in the arena of the séance room, where perceived feminine volatility is both a liability and a resource. This also rises interesting perspectives concerning male mediums. This destabilization in further deepened when the concept of receptivity is applied and the relationship between the spirit world and the material world is come into question: where is agency situated? The last result concerns the spiritualist movement and its relationship to hegemonic society. With the help of the concept of heterotopia the different spiritualist rooms show what is deemed lacking in society at large, as well as the perceived functions they have within the movement.

Sökande anses intet kunna förtjena : En analys av fattigvårdens behandling av fysiskt, kroniskt sjuka kvinnor åren 1906, 1916 och 1926 i Maria Magdalena församling på Södermalm i Stockholm / Applicants are not considered able to earn  : An analysis of the treatment by the Poverty Relief of physically, chronically ill women in the years 1906, 1916, and 1926 in Maria Magdalena parish in Södermalm, Stockholm

C. Sandell, Evelina January 2024 (has links)
This essay examines the contact between the poor service and chronically and physically ill women during the first half of the 20th century at the Maria Magdalena parish at Södermalm in Stockholm. At the time the district was home to a substantial, poor population. Three years have been studied: 1906, 1916 and 1926 to investigate whether the amended Poor Care Act of 1918 affected the situation of the sick women. Through my results, I have not been able to see any real change except that fewer woman, in percentage terms, after 1918 were allowed to take part in the poor welfare support. The philanthropy was an important element in the lives of the poor women which diminished as time went by. My findings show that modern, medical science played a significant role in the lives of the sick women. The study also confirms that the women's behavior was the basis for the support they received from the poor service and that most of them were permanently supported and thus deprived of their right to vote. The study problematizes the stigma that the sick, poor women lived under, expectations based on gender roles connected to the possibility to receive help as well as the importance of paid work for participation in the community and a full citizenship. What is presented through the essay is that poor, sick women struggled with their livelihood during the examined period and that this group of people still do in our time in Sweden today.

När arbetet blev farligt : arbetarskyddet och det medicinska tänkandet 1884-1919 / When Work Became Dangerous : Industriai Welfare and Medical Thinking 1884-1919

Arvidsson, Maria January 2002 (has links)
In the end of the1940's Occupational Medicine was institutionalised in Sweden. Health hazilards in the work place was not a new field for the Swedish physicians. They had been preocrcupied with these problems for a long time. The aim of this thesis is to analyse and describe how health hazards in the work placees, ecpecially in the factories, were perceived and described by Swedish physicians at the turn of the 20t century. The aim is also to clarify the physicians' role m shaping, developing and supervising the Occupational Safety and Health Acts. The city of Norrköping is used as anexample in discussing how physicians at a local level paid attention to health and safety issues in the work place. According to the physicians, there were a number of harmful factors in the factory work that could endanger health, but these were also seen to be dependent on the worker. Workers ldisplayed different kinds of vulnerability to the harmful factors. Sex, heredity, age, health, physique, habits and behaviour were understood as determining components. The preventive measures not only contained guidelines for the factories. They also included advises on how '!the workers should organise and live their lives outside work. The life style and behaviour the physicians would like to encourage were aligned with the !cultural values of the bourgeoisie at the tum of the 20th century. It is vital to recognise the cultural lens through which the physicians perceived and spoke of the workers' situation, their way of life and their behaviour inside as well as outside the factory.

Esoterism i konst – konst för de invigda : Tolkningar av Hilma af Klint och hennes verk genom det esoteriska prismat

Dallyn, Yana January 2020 (has links)
Esoterismens förekomst i konst- och kulturlivet i Sverige är särskilt utmärkande under sekelskiftet. Fenomenet har tidigare funnits i samhället men genom lagstiftningar marginaliserats till det övre samhällsskiktet och därmed förbjöds allmänheten från sådana praktiker. Esoteriska praktiker och idéer om verkligheten kan däremot spåras i modernismens konstnärliga rörelser som symbolism och abstrakt konst. Hilma af Klint var en av de konstnärerna som praktiserade esoterism och förmedlade dess ideologier i sina verk. Uppsatsens syfte är att lyfta fram fenomenet i konst under sekelskiftet och studera hur det etablerades, samt vilken effekt hade det i konst-och kulturlivet? Hur kom de esoteriska influenserna till uttryck i konst? Hur kan dess effekter spåras i ett konstnärskap? Uppsatsen utgörs av två huvudkapitel, som undersöker den esoteriska kontexten, budskapsförmedlingen i konstverk samt dess effekt i af Klints konstnärskap. Undersökningen visar att esoterism spreds till följd av modernitetens innovationer. De skapade de rätta förutsättningarna för esoterismens etablering och influerande i konst-och kulturlivet under tiden. Kultursfärens transnationella resor bidrog också till approprierande av esoteriska idéer i andra europeiska länder, som inte begränsades av lagstiftningar. Sådana idéer togs med hem till Sverige och spreds. Det abstraherade bildspråket i konstverken är sprungen ur esoteriska praktiker som seanser och automatism, samt dess verklighetsföreställningar. Därför kan bildspråket anses vara symbolladdat och refererande. Sådan konst kräver en betraktare initierad i de esoteriska visdomarna för uttolkningen av det symboliska meddelandet. Den insikten resulterade i slutsatsen att marginaliseringen av esoterismen till övresamhällsskiktet var med syftet att bevara den visdomen bland invigda i de esoteriska kunskaperna. Konstnärer som af Klint etablerade inom den kontexten, bör således omvärderas från enbart abstrakta, till möjligen missionerande spirituella sådana, som sökte återge och etablera esoteriska ideologier.

Transformationer : 1800-talets svenska translitteratur genom Lasse-Maja, C.J.L. Almqvist och Aurora Ljungstedt

Holmqvist, Sam January 2017 (has links)
Literary descriptions of shifting from and transgressing assigned sex were common in 19th Century Sweden. This thesis forms a contribution to the larger project of writing a history of Swedish trans literature, and develops new interpretations of certain works of fiction by applying a transgender studies perspective. Through trans readings the thesis also examines what potential and possible implications literature might have for trans people beyond the literary realm. Trans readings are able to supplement earlier research by providing a nuanced understanding of the production of trans- and cisgenders. The theoretical perspectives used in the thesis are drawn for the most part from queer and transgender studies. The thesis adopts a conceptual understanding of trans as a movement, and aims to widen the scope of what may be considered relevant to a history of trans literature. The primary objects of analysis are the 1833 autobiography of widely known thief and cross-dresser Lasse-Maja (Lars Molin), C.J.L. Almqvist’s Drottningens juvelsmycke (1834), and Aurora Ljungstedt’s Moderna typer (1874). In closing, two texts from the fin-de-siècle are also closely read; Amanda Kerfstedt’s Reflexer (1901) and Frida Stéenhoff’s “Ett sällsamt öde” (1911). A wide range of other fiction is additionally studied in order to establish a contextual pattern of trans literary traditions. The thesis demonstrates that trans permeates all kinds of fiction, and that the characters analysed construct both trans and cis gender categories. It concludes that trans is done in a variety of ways, and with a variety of meanings in 19th and early 20th century literature. Trans is often depicted as a positive, fruitful and desirable act, through trans characters who are both themselves subjects of erotic desire and who become symbols of liberty and emancipation. Other trans figures however are often counter images of what are considered to be correct sexes, and are depicted as threatening and/or ridiculous. Both these negative and positive representations of trans affirm the gender binary. At the same time, they also break and destabilize that same binary, and the trans characters in the study both can and cannot be interpreted as transgressing cis- and heteronormativity respectively.

Lost in Space : Sökandet efter mening hos människan i Titan A.E.

Fogelholm, Jens January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the depiction of meaningfulness and meaning-making, as seen in human characters in the 2000 animated science fiction film Titan A.E. (directed by Don Bluth). The analysis aims to show how Titan A.E. portrays a collective humanity in their search for a meaningful existence, given the outer space setting of its story. Evil is also brought up, in the context of how it creates meaning within the main narrative of the story. The emotions expressed by the story's characters are treated as if they were real. Meaningfulness and meaning-making get exemplified in both dialogue and visual components seen in the film. In addition to this, some reflection is made on the promotional trailers of Titan A.E. and how their displayed contents differ from the finished product. In parallel to the main analysis, there is a wider discussion made about the relationship between films and their real-world process of production, especially regarding whether theological reflection and the film industry can intersect or not.

Den qvinnliga konstnären: : representationer i tidskriften Palettskrap 1877 –1904 / The woman artist: : representations in the journal Palettskrap 1877 – 1904I

Österberg, Susanna January 2016 (has links)
Jag har ägnat denna uppsats åt att undersöka Kungliga Konstakademiens elevtidning Palettskrap från och med att det grundades 1877 till och med 1904.Tidningen består av anteckningar, protokoll och en mängd med bilder såsom porträtt, illustrationer och skämtteckningar. Mitt syfte har varit att se hur konflikten kring kvinnorollen generellt och kvinnliga konstnärsrollen specifikt kommer till uttryck under det sena 1800-talet i en intern elevtidning som Palettskrap. Jag har huvudsakligen utfört bildanalyser men även lyft fram text ur Palettskrap som har varit relevant för mitt ämne. Jag har analyserat bildernas uttryck och bildbudskap utifrån Roland Barthes semiotiska metod. För en genusmedveten och kritisk blick på det konsthistoriska sammanhanget, har jag har tillämpat ett feministiskt perspektiv som varit verktyg för att dekonstruera den maskulina myten om modernismen och konstnären. Min undersökning visar att det finns två etablerade stereotyper/kategorier av den kvinnliga konstnären: den ”okvinnliga” konstnären och ”amatören”. Dessa två stereotyper återspeglar den borgerliga synen på kvinnlighet/femininitet som oförenlig med konstnärsrollen. / I have dedicated this essay in researching the journal Palettskrap founded by students at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts in 1877. Palettskrap consists of notes, protocols and a variety of images such as portraits, illustrations and satirical cartoons. My purpose has specifically been to see how the conflict of the woman artist is articulated during the late 1800's in a student journal such as Palettskrap, and also more generally, how the woman's role in society is articulated. I have primarily analyzed images but I have also exposed text from Palettskrap which has been relevant to my subject matter. By using Roland Barthes' semiotics, I have analyzed the images' expression and message. For a gender-sensitive and critical eye on the art historical context, I have applied feminist theory which has been useful in deconstructing the masculine myth on modernism and ”the artist”. My research shows that there are two established stereotypes/categories of the woman artist: the ”unwomanly” artist and the ”amateur”. These two stereotypes reflect the bourgeois notions of womanhood/femininity as incompatible with the role of the artist.

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