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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Via mål til mening : En studie av skriving og vurderingskultur i grunnskolens tyskundervisning

Sandvik, Lise Vikan January 2011 (has links)
Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bidra til økt forståelse omkring sammenhengen mellom vurdering og skriving i fremmedspråkundervisningen. Det er særlig vurdering som læringsfremmende verktøy i forhold til elevenes utvikling av skrivekompetanse som er fokus i studien. Denne studien har både et elev- og lærerperspektiv, men særlig kommer lærerens vurderingskompetanse og betydningen av denne i elevenes læringsprosess til syne.   Skriveopplæringen i fremmedspråk i Norge foregår i all hovedsak i en skolekontekst, i et klasserom med én lærer og mange elever. Når læreren skal gi tilbakemeldinger på elevtekster, står hun overfor mange valg. Hvordan hun velger å respondere på tekstene, har betydning for hvordan eleven opplever sitt eget arbeid med å skape mening på et fremmedspråk og for hvordan forholdet mellom elev og lærer oppfattes. Denne konteksten er gjenstand for denne studien. Materialet, som består av observasjon, intervjuer, elevtekster og spørreskjemaer, har jeg hentet i en ungdomsskole, der en lærer gav meg tilgang til å observere hennes arbeid i klasserommet og med vurdering av elevtekster. Datainnsamlingen foregikk i en periode på halvannet år.   Et av hovedfunnene i studien er at formativ vurdering som medierende artefakt har betydning for elevenes skriveprosess. Så lenge elevene har forståelse for målet med skrivingen og hensikten med de tilbakemeldingene de får i skriveprosessen, vil de også arbeide grundigere med teksten på alle nivå i neste skrivefase. Samtidig bidrar en felles forståelse av målene for skrivingen til at læringsprosessen blir mer transparent og åpner opp for et bedre samarbeid mellom elevene i skriveprosessen.   Et annet viktig funn i denne studien er at det synes som lærerens vurderingskompetanse er svært sentral for elevenes utvikling av skrivekompetanse i tysk. Hele vurderingskulturen i klasserommet synes å utvikles når tolkningsfellesskap mellom lærer og elever oppstår, der prosessen, hensikten og konteksten er tydelig og forståelig for alle deltakerne i kunnskapskonstruksjonen. / The overriding aim of the study is to contribute to an increased understanding of the link between assessment and writing in foreign language teaching. There is a particular focus on assessment as a learning enhancing tool in relation to the students’ development of their writing skills. This study has been conducted from both student and teacher perspectives, but the teacher’s assessment skills and the significance of this in the student’s learning process is particularly prominent. The teaching of writing in foreign languages in Norway principally occurs in the school context. When the teacher has to give feedback on students’ texts, she is faced with many choices. How she chooses to respond to the texts has implications for how the students experience their own work in order to create meaning in a foreign language and for how the relationship between the students and the teacher is perceived. This context is the subject of this study. I obtained the data material, which consists of observations, interviews, students’ texts and questionnaires, in a junior secondary school observing one teacher and her students. The data was collected over a period of 18 months. One of the principal findings of the study is that formative assessment as a mediating artefact is significant to the students’ writing process. Provided that the students have an understanding of the purpose of the writing and the aim of the feedback they receive during the writing process, they will also work on the text more thoroughly on all levels in the next phase of writing. A shared understanding of the aims of the writing also contributes to the learning process becoming more transparent, opening up for a better collaboration on the writing process among the students. Another important finding of this study is that it appears that the teacher’s assessment ability plays a central role in the students’ development of writing skills in German. The whole assessment culture in the classroom appears to develop when teacher and students have a common reference of assessment and when the process, purpose and context is clear and understandable to all the participants while building knowledge. / Der übergeordnete Zweck der Studie besteht darin, zu einem besseren Verständnis für den Zusammenhang zwischen der Beurteilung und dem Erbringen von schriftlichen Leistungen im Fremdsprachenunterricht beizutragen. Im Mittelpunkt steht vor allem die Beurteilung als lernförderndes Mittel für die Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz der Schüler. Die Studie besitzt sowohl eine Schüler- als auch eine Lehrerperspektive, zeigt aber vor allem die Wichtigkeit der Beurteilungskompetenz der Lehrkraft und deren Bedeutung für den Lernprozess der Schüler auf. Fremdsprachlicher Schreibunterricht findet in Norwegen hauptsächlich in einem schulischen Kontext statt, wobei eine Lehrkraft viele Schüler im fremdsprachlichen Klassenzimmer betreut. Wenn die Lehrkraft Rückmeldungen zu Schülertexten gibt, hat sie zahlreiche Wahlmöglichkeiten. Die gewählte Art der Rückmeldung zu schriftlichen Leistungen hat zweierlei Auswirkungen, zum einen darauf, wie die Schüler ihre eigenes Arbeiten und somit ihr Bemühen etwas Sinnvolles in der Fremdsprache auszudrücken erleben, und zum anderen wie das Verhältnis zwischen den Schülern und der Lehrkraft aufgefasst wird. Dieser Kontext ist Gegenstand der Studie. Das Material, bestehend aus Beobachtungen, Interviews, Schülertexten und Fragebögen, stammt aus einer norwegischen "ungdomssskole" (entspricht in etwa der Sekundarstufe I in Deutschland), wo mir eine Lehrkraft Gelegenheit gab, ihre Vorgehensweise während des Unterrichtens und bei der Beurteilung von schriftlichen Leistungen der Schüler zu beobachten. Die Datenerhebung erfolgte in einem Zeitraum von eineinhalb Jahren. Eines der Hauptergebnisse der Studie besteht darin, dass eine formative Beurteilung als mediierendes Artefakt für die Schreibprozesse der Schüler von Bedeutung ist. Solange die Schüler Verständnis für das Ziel des Schreibens und den Zweck der Rückmeldungen haben, die sie während des Schreibprozesses erhalten, arbeiten sie auch in der nächsten Schreibphase auf allen Ebenen gründlicher mit dem Text. Gleichzeitig trägt ein gemeinsames Verständnis für die Ziele des Schreibens dazu bei, den Lernprozess transparenter zu machen und eine bessere Zusammenarbeit der Schüler untereinander während des Schreibprozesses zu fördern. Ein weiteres wichtiges Ergebnis dieser Studie ist, dass die Beurteilungskompetenz der Lehrkraft sehr wichtig für die Entwicklung der Schreibkompetenz der Schüler im Fach Deutsch zu sein scheint. Die gesamte Beurteilungskultur im Unterricht wird weiterentwickelt, wenn eine Deutungsgemeinschaft zwischen Lehrkraft und Schüler entsteht, in der der Prozess, der Zweck und der Kontext für alle an der Wissenskonstruktion Beteiligten deutlich und verständlich werden.

Konkurrensförhållandet mellan kultur och ekonomi : En idéhistorisk analys av spänningsförhållandet mellan kultur och ekonomi i svenska kulturpolitiska dokument / The competitive relationship between culture and economics : An idea-historical analysis of the tense relationship between culture and economics in Swedish culture policy documents

Helmersson, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera två för Sverige betydelsefulla kulturpolitiska styrdokument, för att analysera hur relationen mellan kultur och ekonomi gestaltas i respektive diskurs. Genom att jämföra 1970-talets med det tidiga 2000-talets kulturpolitik, med de kulturella och ekonomiska begreppens historiska utveckling från senmedeltiden och framåt, förklaras det spända förhållandet mellan kultur och ekonomi. De idéer och teorier som utgör grunden för de kulturpolitiska diskurserna kommer att analyseras genom att använda den hermeneutiska metoden, innehållsanalys och semiotisk diskursanalys, där olika strategier för kulturell och ekonomisk planering utgör idealtyper för uppsatsens undersökning. Samtidigt som kultur och ekonomi har en delad historisk utveckling i samband med det moderna samhällets uppkomst, blir det tydligt att det rör sig om två motsatta synsätt där antingen kulturen eller ekonomin ges prioritet i kulturpolitiken, där den ena blir ett ändamål för att uppnå den andra. / The purpose of this essay is to analyze two key documents in relation to Swedish culture policies, and to analyze how the relationship between culture and economy manifest in their respective discourses. By comparing the 1970’s to the early 2000’s cultural policies, with the cultural and economic terms and historical development from the late middle ages forward, theories and ideas from which the tense relationship between culture and economics will be explained. Also, by using the method of hermeneutics, content analysis and semiotic discourse analysis with the ideal types of different strategies for culture and economic, the ideas which formed the basics of the policies discourses will be shown. While showing that culture and economy has a shared historical development in conjunction with the development of modern society, the result showed two opposite points of view in which either culture or economics is considered a priority which leads to achieving the other.

Att gestalta etnicitet : En semiotisk analys av miljöerna och karaktärerna i serien Tunna blå linjen

Elie, Nakhoul January 2021 (has links)
This essay aims to create a deeper understanding of how the meaning-making of the series Thin Blue Line contributes to the debate of culture, cultural representation and exclusion in contemporary Sweden. Through a popular cultural perspective based on the theory of representation and a survey through the method semiotic analysis answer the following two questions: How is Swedishness represented in the TV series? How does racialized swedes appear in the TV series? The material analyzed is limited to four environments, from four scenes from the series. The analysis of semiotic resources such as the environment and characters show a representation of Swedishness and racialized swedes, confirming Stuart Hall's (1997) theory that racialized swedes are often represented in contexts linked to crime and bad behavior. This is found above all in denotation and connotation which depicts racialized swedes as "the others" in relation to the concept of "Swedishness". In conclusion, I believe that the outcome is due to the creators attempts to present the reality of the population in the city, followed by the lack of swedish research that sheds light on the opposite representation of racialized swedes.

Konstmuseers arbete med digitalisering av sina samlingar : En semiotisk analys / Art museums' work on digitizing their collections : A semiotic analysis

Rinaldo, Nina January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine how six different art museums are working on digitizing their collections, and how they are made available to the public. To answer the purpose, three research questions were formulated; how the museums work with digitization, what is digitized and which programs and guidelines are used, and how the digitized material is made available to the public on the websites. The museums examined in this thesis are Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C., Moderna Museet in Stockholm, the National Palace Museum Taiwan in Taipei and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Prior to the study, previous research on digital humanities, digitization in museums, and the role of museums and their approach to digital collections, were studied. The theoretical framework used in the analysis consists of theories regarding “New media” and digital humanities, theories about “The museum process” and Actor-network theory, ANT. The method used is qualitative content analysis and semiotic image analysis of the museum websites. The results and analysis show that the museum websites differ in terms of design, functions, user-friendliness and collection content. In addition, the museums use different guidelines and software programs in the digitization process of their collections, although there is some overlap. The analysis shows that the Rijksmuseum, the Smithsonian and the National Palace Museum Taiwan are the museums in the study that have made the most progress with digitizing their collections and using interactive elements on their websites. The museum with the least developed digitization work is Moderna Museet, whose search page is the simplest and most standardized in comparison with the other museum websites.

Politiker på nätet - Nutidens influencers? : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om svenska partiledares framställning på Instagram. / Politicians on the Internet  - Today's influencers? : A qualitative content analysis of Swedish party leaders' presentation on Instagram.

Olsson, Thea January 2022 (has links)
A qualitative study of the Swedish party leader’s presentation on Instagram.  Social media has become a big part of political communication. It makes it possible to spread messages and information directly to its voters without having to go through the traditional media, which they needed to before the age of social media. After finding a research gap about politicians' presentation on Instagram in a Swedish context, this study aims to examine four Swedish party leaders' presentations on Instagram by using qualitative methods where their image and text art studied. The study is based on Goffman's dramaturgical perspective and the phenomenon of personal branding.  The study shows that the party leaders' posts have a clear political focus with varied personal elements in the self-presentation depending on the party leader and the political affiliation. Posts with political content show a prominence that aims to emphasize its role as a leader, which is enhanced by the formal dress and the setting shown in the pictures. These posts are aimed to influence, inform and enlighten. The more private and personal pictures are supposed to present an ordinary side of the party leader and create recognition that the voters can relate to by showing emotions, family life and hobbies. But even though these pictures may feel personal and look like the party leader lets the followers into private life, there is an impression control, where they themselves have chosen what they want to share and highlight the sides in the self that they want to associate their personal brand with.

Granskning av Parken Zoo i medier : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om mediernas bevakning av Parken Zoo händelsen / A study of the Parken Zoo incident in media : A quantitative and a qualitative analysis of the Parken Zoo incident in the media

Pörhölä, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how media has followed the Parken Zoo incident and analyse how media convey the issue about the Parken Zoo incident. The different results have been compared. To answer the purpose of the study three issues has been formulated:  how do the different media relate to the ideal of objectivity? Who come across and get to speak in the different media? What differences and similarities are in the media?    The theories that have been used in this study are mainly McCombs theory of agenda setting, Strömbäck’s theory of framing and theory of media logic, Kovach & Rosenstiel theories of journalism and Manning’s theory of objectivity. The methods that have been used are a combination of a quantitative content analysis and a qualitative semiotic analysis. The material that has been observed in this study is newspaper articles, television news reports and television programs.   The results of the quantitative analysis showed that articles of Eskiltuna Kuriren, news reports of SVT1 and the program Debatt had most objectivity in there reporting. The news reports of TV4 and program Kalla Fakta had most biased reporting of the incident. The qualitative analysis showed that SVT1 news broadcast was more objective and TV4 news broadcast was more biased. The mainly sources in the media that has been used was the other media, the president to Parken Zoo and veterinaries. The newspapers used sources from other media, like the program Kalla Fakta, then also former employees from Parken Zoo and veterinaries. SVT1 and program Debatt used more other sources, more sources from Parken Zoo. In the qualitative analysis the result showed that the news broadcast from TV4 had the focus on how the Parken Zoo takes care of the animals, that they have put to death pumas and that Helena Olsson had lied to TV4. The broadcast from SVT1 focused on the mistakes Parken Zoo had done but also how they are going to fix the problems that they have. The news broadcasts gave different kind of framing effects to the viewers.

"En skål för andras lidande" : Bildanalys av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008

Rodling, Emma, Ekman, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>En undersökning av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. World Press Photo är världens största fototävling och är prestigefylld att vinna för pressfotografer. Syftet var att undersöka vad de senaste årens bildjournalistik förmedlar till sina betraktare genom nyhetsbilderna som vunnit World Press Photo of the Year under 2000-talet. Syftet har förgrenat sig i frågeställningarna:</p><p>Vilka teman har vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008?</p><p>Vad förmedlar innehållet i bilderna?</p><p>Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan bilderna?</p><p>Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjort bildanalyser av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. Vi har använt oss av semiotisk och retorisk bildanalys. Resultaten visar att vinnarbilderna som representerar det bästa inom bildjournalistiken visar ett begränsat antal teman, krig, sociala problem och fattigdom samt naturkatastrofer. De flesta bilderna är från Asien och framförallt Mellanöstern. Bilderna är negativt laddade och människorna på bilderna visar oftast sorg och lidande.</p>

"En skål för andras lidande" : Bildanalys av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008

Rodling, Emma, Ekman, Maria January 2010 (has links)
En undersökning av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. World Press Photo är världens största fototävling och är prestigefylld att vinna för pressfotografer. Syftet var att undersöka vad de senaste årens bildjournalistik förmedlar till sina betraktare genom nyhetsbilderna som vunnit World Press Photo of the Year under 2000-talet. Syftet har förgrenat sig i frågeställningarna: Vilka teman har vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008? Vad förmedlar innehållet i bilderna? Vad finns det för likheter och skillnader mellan bilderna? Studien är en kvalitativ undersökning där vi gjort bildanalyser av vinnarbilderna i World Press Photo of the Year mellan 1999-2008. Vi har använt oss av semiotisk och retorisk bildanalys. Resultaten visar att vinnarbilderna som representerar det bästa inom bildjournalistiken visar ett begränsat antal teman, krig, sociala problem och fattigdom samt naturkatastrofer. De flesta bilderna är från Asien och framförallt Mellanöstern. Bilderna är negativt laddade och människorna på bilderna visar oftast sorg och lidande.

Paul Mpagi Sepuya : en semiotisk och psykoanalytisk tolkning av den fragmenterade kroppen i samtida fotografi

Bergvik-Forsander, Annika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Global form av reklam och dess vetenskapliga debatt : En kvalitativ studie av fyra globala kampanjer / Global Advertising and its Scientific Debate : A Qualitative Research about Four Global Campaigns

Petrovic, Maria January 2009 (has links)
I’ve chosen primary to analyze commercial form of advertising by world leading companies; McDonald’s, Coca-Cola and HP due to their implementation of global advertising. The fourth campaign that’s being analyzed is not of commercial type instead it’s characterized as an informative campaign that the ideal organization Amnesty is carring out.  The study has been successful in gathering data that could be presented in correlation with already established theories and then comparing the results. The goal of the research is to create an understanding regarding global advertising as well as the scientific debate that’s going on within the subject. The scientific research has been debated for a long time regarding advertising that’s positioned globally; whether it should be standardized or adapted. This means whether advertising should look the same in all countries or if it should be adapted to a nation’s specific culture. Scientists haven’t yet been successful in establishing what’s considered to be more prominent due to various diverse opinions. By implementing content analysis together with semiotic analysis as a reinforcer, the study was able to examine the global advertising’s design and their common characteristics. Within this study the campaigns have been studied both visually and verbally in addition to their messages and values. The McDonald’s and Coke campaign has been categorized as advertising that reflect specific kinds of lifestyles and therefore characterized as “lifestyle format”. HP campaign on the other hand was using celebrities. This contributed that their global campaign became very personal because the celebrities were reflecting their own personality in the commercials. That’s why HP was categorized as the “personalized format” while Amnesty remained characterized as an informative campaign. Results show that these campaigns’ global form of advertising weren’t only implementing standardized form but also incorporated adapted commercial characteristics as well. This is what the theorizers Hassan, Craft and Kortam call a”hybrid strategy” that’s by their opinion most effective form of global advertising. Another important result was that the “creative strategy” (its promise/statement) is what makes the campaign cohesive. While the “creative tactic” (the visual elements) differs more or less within an advertising campaign. / Jag har valt att främst analysera kommersiella kampanjer från de världsledande företagen McDonald’s, Coca-Cola och HP eftersom de tillämpar global form av reklam.  Den fjärde kampanjen som analyseras är inte av kommersiellt slag då den karaktäriseras som en informativ kampanj som den ideella organisationen Amnesty har genomfört.  Studien har lyckats generera data som kunde sättas i relation med de redan fastställda teorierna och på så vis jämföra resultaten. Forskningens mål är att skapa en förståelse angående global reklam samt den vetenskapliga debatten i ämnet. Den vetenskapliga forskningen har länge debatterat angående om reklam som appliceras globalt borde vara standardiserad eller anpassad, det vill säga om den ska se lika ut i alla länder eller om man borde anpassa den till varje lands individuella kultur. Forskarna har fortfarande inte kommit fram till vad som anses vara mest effektivt då en splittrad syn angående denna fråga uppstår.   Genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys med förstärkning av den semiotiska analysen så kunde studien granska den globala reklamens utformning och dess gemensamma karaktäristiker som uppstår. I denna studie så har reklamkampanjerna granskats både visuellt och språkmässigt samt dess budskap och värderingar. Reklamkampanjerna McDonald’s och Coca-Cola blev kategoriserade som den form av reklam som reflekterar specifika livsstilar och därför karaktäriserades som ”livsstilsformatet”. HP är den reklamkampanj som använde sig av kändisar. Detta gjorde att deras globala reklam blev väldigt personlig då den reflekterade kändisarnas personligheter. Därför kategoriserades HP:s reklamkampanj som det” personifierade formatet” medan Amnesty förblev karaktäriserad som informativ form av kampanj. Resultatet visade att dessa reklamkampanjers globala reklam inte endast implementerade standardiserad form utan likaså integrerade anpassad form. Detta kallar teoretikerna Hassan, Craft och Kortam för ”hybridstrategi” och anses enligt dem vara mest effektivt tillvägagångssätt när det gäller global reklam.  En annan viktig sak som resultatet påvisade var att den ”kreativa strategin” (dess utlovande/påstående) är det som gör kampanjen sammanhängande medan den ”kreativa taktiken” (dess visuella element) mer eller mindre skiljer sig inom en kampanj.

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