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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skellefteå-tidningen: en tidning för alla, från alla? : En kvalitativ studie om att sända och ta emot ett budskap, som undersöker både avsändar- och mottagarperspektivet / Skellefteå-tidningen:a paper to everyone, from everyone? : A qualitativestudy about sending and receiving a message, investigating both the sender andreceiver perspective

Karlsson, Sara, Eklund, Sara January 2016 (has links)
The general purpose with this study was to investigate what happens when several different participants engage in the process of communicating a mutual message throughout a common paper. With “Skellefteå-tidningen” an official paper from the the municipality of Skellefteå, as an example, both the sender (i.e. the editorial staff) and the receiver (i.e. the reader) perspective is studied and analyzed. The result of these two perspectives are compared to see if the intended sent message is the message that the reader of the paper interpret.   The aim of this study was to investigate how the concerned parties within the municipality of Skellefteå cooperate to make a common product with a mutual message and purpose. The study also aimed to investigate how the citizens of Skellefteå, the receivers of the paper, experience the sent message. The material this study is based on was collected through qualitative interviews with the senders of the paper and focus group interviews with representatives from the receivers. In this study we have used both organizational communication theories and theories on uses and gratifications.   The result of the study indicates that concerned parties within the municipality of Skellefteå have different views on how they want to convey the general message in the paper. Some want the message to focus on Skellefteå as a place while the others want to focus on how and what the municipality of Skellefteå do as a government agency. The senders of the paper, despite their different view on how to send the message, agrees that the general message within the paper should be that Skellefteå is a great place where you can be proud to live. The results also shows that this is in fact the message that the readers interpret after reading the paper. The study show that the paper Skellefteå-tidnignen is a product that fills its purpose. It offer the reader a wide range of material to read and therefore the reader can, with the paper, fullfil many different needs. One other conclusion of this study is however that the senders have difficulties in making the citizens of Skellefteå open and read the paper.

E-tjänstutveckling ur ett medborgarperspektiv : Att skapa beslutsunderlag baserat på medborgarärendens lämplighet för olika kommunikationskanaler / Citizen-centric e-service development

Abrahamsson, Johan, Sjöberg, Robin January 2009 (has links)
<p>Citizens’ interaction with governments is an area with unique implications for channel management. Governments need to take the citizens perspective into further consideration in order to be successful in delivering high-quality e-services. This paper aims to determine if a categorization of citizen-initiated contacts from a citizen-centric perspective can be a valuable basis for decisions regarding e-service development. The study consisted of three steps. The first step was an examination of the existing related literature, which resulted in the uncovering of the most important aspects of citizens channel choice. The second step consisted of an elaboration of a classification based on perceived task characteristics and a subsequent matching of the categories to desirable channel characteristics. The third and final step consisted of an application of the proposed categorization on a content management system containing all citizen-initiated contacts in a Swedish municipality. The application indicated that the proposed categorization could possibly be used to guide investments in e-services towards a channel-appropriate direction.</p>

E-tjänstutveckling ur ett medborgarperspektiv : Att skapa beslutsunderlag baserat på medborgarärendens lämplighet för olika kommunikationskanaler / Citizen-centric e-service development

Abrahamsson, Johan, Sjöberg, Robin January 2009 (has links)
Citizens’ interaction with governments is an area with unique implications for channel management. Governments need to take the citizens perspective into further consideration in order to be successful in delivering high-quality e-services. This paper aims to determine if a categorization of citizen-initiated contacts from a citizen-centric perspective can be a valuable basis for decisions regarding e-service development. The study consisted of three steps. The first step was an examination of the existing related literature, which resulted in the uncovering of the most important aspects of citizens channel choice. The second step consisted of an elaboration of a classification based on perceived task characteristics and a subsequent matching of the categories to desirable channel characteristics. The third and final step consisted of an application of the proposed categorization on a content management system containing all citizen-initiated contacts in a Swedish municipality. The application indicated that the proposed categorization could possibly be used to guide investments in e-services towards a channel-appropriate direction.

Alternativ för kreosotimpregnerade stolpar för Skellefteå Kraft AB : Med energiteknisk kalkyl för utsläpp vid impregnering och transport av kreosotstolpar

ElHarthy, Kamal January 2017 (has links)
Kreosot är ett träskyddsmedel som förstärker träet mot röta och levande organismer vid impregnering. Problemet är att ämnet kreosot klassas som hälsofarligt och påverkar miljön i flera aspekter. Kemikalieinspektionen har beslutat om en förlängd användning av ämnet fram till år 2018. Därefter riskerar bekämpningsmedlet en gradvis utfasning i hela landet. En stor del av elkraftstolparna som Skellefteå Kraft AB använder i deras elnät är kreosotimpregnerade stolpar. Vid utfasning av ämnet kommer företaget att behöva ha en ny strategi angående elkraftstolpar. Med hjälp av undersökningar och analyser ska denna rapport beskriva en lämplig strategi för Skellefteå Kraft AB att använda sig av när kreosot förbjuds. På grund av de goda egenskaperna hos materialet trä och dess låga belastning på miljön avgränsas rapporten för just undersökning av metoder och medel som endast involverar materialet trä, bland annat furu på grund av dess goda förmåga vid inträngning av träskyddsmedlet. Rapporten undersöker först miljöpåverkan för kreosotstolpar genom studier av så kallade livscykelanalyser (LCA). En sådan undersökning inkluderar alla utsläpp som uppstår under en kreosotstolpes livslängd och dess påverkan på naturen och människan. Här utfördes en energiteknisk beräkning av det totala utsläppet för två olika exempel, en kortare (150 mil) och en längre (500 mil). Resultatet av denna analys visar att energiåtgången var bara ca 1/3 högre för den längre transporten. Det största utsläppet var växthusgasen koldioxid vilket skedde i betydligt större omfattning för den längre transportsträckan. Rapporten fortsätter att undersöka vilka impregneringsmetoder som används i Sverige och vilka medel som används. Detta görs för att analysera vilken av dessa metoder som kan vara en lämplig ersättning för kreosotimpregnering. En samlad bedömning av resultat och data från denna undersökning visade att Skellefteå Kraft AB kan fortsatt använda sig utav kopparsaltimpregnerade stolpar (Wolmanit CX-8 eller Wolmanit CX-8N) ifall kreosot fasas ut. Dessutom föreslås tryckimpregneringsmetoderna (fullcell eller Lowry metoden) behållas. Skellefteå Kraft AB har redan ett inköpsavtal med Rundvirke Poles AB angående beställning av nya stolpar. Rundvirke Poles AB tillverkar kopparsaltstolpar i alla dimensioner och storlekar och för Skellefteå Krafts del kan det tills vidare vara lämpligt att inköpsavtalet fortsätter gälla. Företag som Skellefteå Kraft bör dock vara öppna för nya och bättre medel och träskyddsmetoder som kan ge bättre prestanda och en mer fördelaktig livscykel. Ett sådant kan vara RVP Repellent som Poles AB utvecklar men här bör fördjupade tester, livscykelanalyser och kontroller utföras på träskyddsmedlet och produkten.

Skellefteås återkomst : En fallstudie om migrationsmönster och urbana effekter under en industriell expansion / The Return of Skellefteå : A case study of migration patterns and urban effects during an industrial expansion

Kokkalis, Elena, Adler, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Idag står världen inför nya typer av utmaningar för att möta hållbarhetsmål och nya behov somuppkommer. Många städer genomgår därför stora förändringar i utvecklingen där både förväntadeoch oväntade konsekvenser kommer att uppstå. Sedan Northvolt beslutade att etablera sig iSkellefteå år 2017, står staden inför den stora möjligheten att bli en pionjär stad för grön utveckling.Den nya utvecklingen har inte bara satt industrin på prov, utan även staden som helhet. Kommunensutmaning är att sprida budskapet om vad den kommande utvecklingen har att erbjuda, i hopp om attsätta fart på inflyttningen då kompetensbehovet är Skellefteås främsta utmaning idag. För att mötavisionerna kring utvecklingen behöver alla aktörer samverka för att bli en stad för grön elektrifiering.Välfungerande socialt kapital mellan offentlig sektor, industri, akademi och medborgare är enförutsättning för att skapa en framgångsrik utveckling.Arbetet utforskar hur en stad som genomgår en omfattande och snabb industriell expansionpåverkas. Genom att studera migrationsmönster ur “push and pull”-teorin undersöker arbetet hur detär möjligt att generera en ökad in-migration i olika målgrupper, som studenter eller hemvändare.Samtidigt som Skellefteå är beroende av att ha ett positiv inflyttningsnetto behöver även denuvarande invånarna bibehållas. Därför har intervjuer och en enkät genomförts för att få en tydligbild av styrkor och svagheter i utvecklingen av Skellefteå. Resultaten av enkäten och intervjuernaanalyserades och diskuterades genom en exemplifiering av de två teorierna push and pull och teorinom socialt kapital.Stora industriella expansioner av denna storlek skakar städerna till sin kärna, eftersom stadensidentitet och attribut ifrågasätts under denna typ av förändring. Vid en utveckling av denna storleksätts det sociala kapitalet på prov och beroende på dess effektivitet kan utfallen skilja sig åt. Stadentvingas väga olika faktorer mot varandra; ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga, då alla inte är möjligaatt upprätthålla till samma grad. Eftersom det största målet är att skapa en ökad in-migration till denexpanderande staden måste de pull-faktorer som finns och främjas ifrågasättas; Vad erbjuderegentligen Skellefteå? Arbetet identifierade sex möjliga grupper av in-migration; kontraurbanister,livsstilsmigranter, människor som flyttar för relationer/hemvändare, människor som flyttar förjobbmöjligheter, studenter och människor som flyttar för hållbarhetsskäl. Genom att lyfta fram enuppsättning av pull-faktorer specifikt för Skellefteå har staden den unika möjligheten att påverkamigrationsmönstren till deras behov och skapa en hållbar och attraktiv stad för den nuvarande ochframtida invånaren. / Today the world stands in front of the challenge of adapting to new demands, where solutions thatincrease sustainability are required. Many cities are therefore undergoing big changes indevelopments where both expected and unexpected consequences will arise. Since 2017, whenNorthvolt decided to establish in Skellefteå, the city stands in front of the opportunity to become apioneer city of green evolution. The new development has not only put the demands of the industryat test, but also the city as whole. The challenge of the municipality is how to spread the message ofwhat the upcoming development has to offer to boost the in-migration, as the need for competence isthe main challenge of Skellefteå today. To be able to fulfil and meet the visions of the transformation,all actors need to work together in becoming the green city of electrification. To create a successfuldevelopment, the overlapping collaboration between the government, industry, academia andcommunity needs to be of high quality and thus the social capital will increase.The thesis explores the effects of a city that undergoes a fast expansion. By studying migrationpatterns through push and pull theory, the thesis investigates how to generate an increasedin-migration in different target groups, such as students and returners. While Skellefteå is dependenton having a positive netto in-migration, the current residents also need to be maintained, thusinterviews and a questionnaire has allowed the thesis to obtain a clear picture of strengths andweaknesses of the development in Skellefteå. The results of the questionnaire and the interviews areanalysed and discussed through an exemplification of the two theories of push and pull and thetheory of social capital.Large industrial expansions of this size shake cities to their core, as the identity and attributes of thecity are questioned as they change. When dealing with a development of this size, the social capital isput to the test and depending on its effectiveness, the outcomes can differ. The city is forced to weighdifferent factors against each other, the benefits of accommodating economic, social andenvironmental factors are measured and prioritised as all are not possible to sustain. As the main goalis to create an increased in-migration to the expanding city, the pull factors available and promotedneed to be questioned; What is Skellefteå in fact offering? The thesis identified six possible groups ofin-migration; counterurbanists, lifestyle migrants, people moving for social ties/the returners, peoplemoving for job opportunities, students and people moving for sustainability reasons. By highlightingone set of pull factors, Skellefteå has the unique opportunity to influence the migration patterns totheir needs and create a sustainable and attractive city for the current and future residents.

I fattiga omständigheter : Fattigvårdens former och understödstagare i Skellefteå socken under 1800-talet

Engberg, Elisabeth January 2005 (has links)
<p>The aim of this thesis is to shed light upon the Swedish nineteenth century poor relief system, how it operated in a local rural context, how it changed over time, and not least, who was supported and why. It raises questions about how the poor laws were interpreted on the parish level, how the welfare systems interacted with local society and about who was considered to be poor and entitled to support. The geographical setting of the thesis is Skellefteå, a rural parish in northern Sweden, and it concentrates upon the period 1830–1875.</p><p>Swedish poor relief was governed by the fundamental principle that each parish had a duty to support their own poor and each parish was allowed a large amount of freedom to adjust their welfare arrangements according to local conditions. In Skellefteå, the main incentive for modification of the poor relief system was not new regulations from the national level, but social and economic transformations on the local level. This implies that local requirements were put before national legislation and suggests the existence of several regional, and perhaps also local, poor relief systems in nineteenth-century Sweden.</p><p>On the local level, the results indicate the existence of a parochial social citizenship based upon a common understanding of social rights and duties in the community, and grounded in a strong sense of affiliation with the local society. Generally there was a larger distance between the poor and their providers in the wealthier and more socially stratified villages, hence a more egalitarian context seem to have facilitated identification and empathy with the poor. The local provision for the poor created and maintained bonds within a community, as well as it helped to build and reinforce boundaries towards those who did not belong. A sometimes suspicious and negative attitude towards outsiders was to some extent caused by a fear of increased poor relief expenses, but it also bears witness to a rural culture with a strong sense of belonging to one’s own village or hamlet.</p><p>The majority of men and women supported by poor relief in Skellefteå belonged to the lower strata of society long before they became welfare recipients. They were landless rural people with weak kinship networks, that in most cases were unable to mobilize any significant support in times of need. Childhood, early middle age, and old age were identified as phases in the life cycle that seem to have entailed an increased risk of poverty and dependence. A substantial proportion of the poor were breadwinners, middle aged men with large households to support, while the widowed and unmarried paupers usually were women. For many of these households the life cycles’ vulnerable periods were further reinforced by other factors: a breadwinner’s illness or disability, the death of a spouse, a major subsistence crisis, or a larger marginalization caused by a deviation from society’s moral standards. In most cases there seems to have been a delicate interplay between several social risks that determined if and when a person or a household was to end up being supported by poor relief.</p>

I fattiga omständigheter : Fattigvårdens former och understödstagare i Skellefteå socken under 1800-talet

Engberg, Elisabeth January 2005 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to shed light upon the Swedish nineteenth century poor relief system, how it operated in a local rural context, how it changed over time, and not least, who was supported and why. It raises questions about how the poor laws were interpreted on the parish level, how the welfare systems interacted with local society and about who was considered to be poor and entitled to support. The geographical setting of the thesis is Skellefteå, a rural parish in northern Sweden, and it concentrates upon the period 1830–1875. Swedish poor relief was governed by the fundamental principle that each parish had a duty to support their own poor and each parish was allowed a large amount of freedom to adjust their welfare arrangements according to local conditions. In Skellefteå, the main incentive for modification of the poor relief system was not new regulations from the national level, but social and economic transformations on the local level. This implies that local requirements were put before national legislation and suggests the existence of several regional, and perhaps also local, poor relief systems in nineteenth-century Sweden. On the local level, the results indicate the existence of a parochial social citizenship based upon a common understanding of social rights and duties in the community, and grounded in a strong sense of affiliation with the local society. Generally there was a larger distance between the poor and their providers in the wealthier and more socially stratified villages, hence a more egalitarian context seem to have facilitated identification and empathy with the poor. The local provision for the poor created and maintained bonds within a community, as well as it helped to build and reinforce boundaries towards those who did not belong. A sometimes suspicious and negative attitude towards outsiders was to some extent caused by a fear of increased poor relief expenses, but it also bears witness to a rural culture with a strong sense of belonging to one’s own village or hamlet. The majority of men and women supported by poor relief in Skellefteå belonged to the lower strata of society long before they became welfare recipients. They were landless rural people with weak kinship networks, that in most cases were unable to mobilize any significant support in times of need. Childhood, early middle age, and old age were identified as phases in the life cycle that seem to have entailed an increased risk of poverty and dependence. A substantial proportion of the poor were breadwinners, middle aged men with large households to support, while the widowed and unmarried paupers usually were women. For many of these households the life cycles’ vulnerable periods were further reinforced by other factors: a breadwinner’s illness or disability, the death of a spouse, a major subsistence crisis, or a larger marginalization caused by a deviation from society’s moral standards. In most cases there seems to have been a delicate interplay between several social risks that determined if and when a person or a household was to end up being supported by poor relief.

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
<p>Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society.</p><p>The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland.</p><p>The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.</p>

Learning Destinations : The complexity of tourism development

Gibson, Laila January 2006 (has links)
Our world is becoming increasingly complex, and is rapidly changingwith distances being reduced. Societies today are also in atransition from traditional production industries to increasingreliance on communication, consumption, services and experience. Asone of these emerging ‘new industries’, tourism is part of thismovement. Globalisation also makes further development of tourismpossible through, amongst other things, the spreading of languages;the development of low-cost carriers; international monetary systems;telecommunications and other technological innovations. Tourismcontributes to the globalisation of society and at the same time is aproduct of it. This is confirmed by complexity theories that stressthe systematic and dynamic nature of globalisation and theinterdependence of the global and the local. Hence, in this thesis,it is argued that acknowledging the complexity of tourism isnecessary for understanding tourism development, and more knowledgeabout tourism also leads to greater knowledge of our society. The main aim of this thesis is to understand the complexity of localand regional tourist destination development, by exploring social andcultural factors that influence this development. In order to fulfilthis aim, analysis has been conducted at three different levels:places, projects and people. More specifically, by examining placesand how they develop as destinations; investigating the structure of,and processes within, groups and networks important for destinationdevelopment and by exploring the roles, resources and attitudes ofenterprising people who are seen as key for development. The thesisis based on a research project including three studies of tourismdestinations and projects in Northern Sweden and Scotland. The social and cultural factors connected to tourism development arein turn part of learning processes, which in this thesis are seen asfundamental mechanisms for processes of development. A frameworkcalled ‘Learning Destinations’ is introduced that demonstrates howimportant social and cultural factors manifest themselves at each ofthe three levels: places, projects and people. History and heritageand rationales are the main cultural factors discussed, whilstinteraction and boundaries are prominent social factors found toinfluence tourism development. It is suggested that the framework of‘Learning Destinations’ may serve as a tool for understanding thecomplexity of local and regional tourism development.

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