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Att undervisa individintegrerade grundsärskoleelever i grundskoleklass : Fem grundskollärares erfarenheter av att anpassa undervisningen i årskurserna 1-9 / To teach individually integrated special school students in a primary school class : Five primary teachers' Experiences of adapting teaching in primary school grades 1- 9Li, Anna January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to contribute with knowledge of how five elementary school teachers in practice implement policy regarding individually integrated elementary special school students in their teaching. The questions are: How do the five teachers reason about the teacher’s role in working with individually integrated students? How do the teachers reason about adapting the teaching for individually integrated students? To find teaching strategies that are seen as beneficial for learning and to identify challenges in the context the research review focused on the topic of inclusion and integration for students with intellectual disabilities. The study has a qualitative approach and the method consists of semi-structured interviews with five primary school teachers who have or have had individually integrated classes. The result is analysed based on Dillon’s teaching theory model, whose seven elements together make up the overall teaching context. The result is sorted under the respective elements which meant that several themes are illustrated. The result shows that the teachers initially felt lonely and stressed about teaching integrated classes. What the teachers want is for there to be more adults in the classroom at the same time and enough time for collaboration and planning regarding adaptations. The teachers experience a certain amount of stress regarding the collaboration an integrated class requires, but despite this, this collaboration is seen as supportive and necessary in several ways. The teachers are also positive about having individually integrated elementary special school students because they contribute positively to the class in various ways and develop them as teachers.
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Att bidra till elevers kommunikationsutveckling : En intervjustudie med pedagoger verksamma inom grundsärskolans ämnesområdenLindfors Boij, Veronica, Halling, Sandra January 2023 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att bidra med kunskap om några pedagogers erfarenheter av att stötta kommunikativ utveckling hos elever som läser ämnesområden inom grundsärskolan. De frågeställningar som legat till grund för studien är: Vad betraktar pedagogerna som möjligheter respektive hinder för elevernas kommunikationsutveckling? Hur beskrivs elevernas roll i processen med kommunikationsutveckling? Hur kan pedagogers erfarenheter förstås utifrån specialpedagogiska perspektiv? Digitala semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med åtta pedagoger verksamma i grundsärskolan. Materialet transkriberades och tematisk innehållsanalys genomfördes samt analys utifrån följande specialpedagogiska perspektiv: ett relationellt perspektiv, ett kategoriskt perspektiv, ett kritiskt perspektiv och ett dilemmaperspektiv. Vårt resultat visar att pedagoger betraktar AKK-verktyg som den främsta möjligheten för elevers kommunikationsutveckling. Pedagogerna beskriver att de har erfarenheter av att använda bland annat bildstöd i form av till exempel pekkartor, scheman och digitala kommunikationsverktyg samt tecken som stöd i undervisningen. Det framkommer även att det är viktigt att ha en fungerande samverkan med vårdnadshavare och andra insatser kring eleven för att kunna skapa de bästa kommunikativa miljöerna för eleverna. Av resultatet framgår också vikten av utbildning och kompetens hos pedagoger inom kommunikation vilket återspeglar mycket av tidigare forskning. Brist på utbildning och kompetens leder till hinder för pedagoger att anpassa undervisningen utifrån elevers kommunikativa behov. I resultatet framkommer att elevernas roll i processen med kommunikationsutveckling främst beskrivs som behövande och att pedagogerna ser det som sin uppgift att kompensera för elevernas kommunikativa svårigheter med olika stödinsatser där AKK är den främsta insatsen. I vår analys ser vi att ett relationellt perspektiv är det mest framträdande perspektivet bland annat genom att relationen mellan pedagog och elev lyfts fram av pedagogerna som avgörande för elevernas kommunikationsutveckling. / The purpose of this study is to contribute knowledge about some pedagogues experiences of supporting communicative development in students with moderate or severe intellectual disability. The questions that formed the basis of the study are: What do pedagogues consider opportunities and obstacles for students' communication development? How is the students' role described in the process of communication development? How can pedagogues experiences be understood from a special education perspective?Digital semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight pedagogues active in the elementary special school. The material was transcribed, and thematic content analysis was carried out, as well as analysis from the following special education perspective: a relationship-based perspective, a categorical perspective, a critical perspective as well as a dilemma perspective. Our results show that pedagogues regard augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) tools as the main opportunity for students' communication development. The pedagogues describe that they have experience of using, among other things, visual support in the form of, for example, point maps, schedules and digital communication tools as well as sign language as support in teaching. It also appears that it is important to have a functioning collaboration with guardians and other efforts around the student in order to create the best communicative environments for the students. The results also show the importance of education and competence of pedagogues in communication, which reflects much of previous research. Lack of education and competence leads to obstacles for pedagogues to adapt teaching based on students' communicative needs.The results show that the students' role in the process of communication development is mainly described as needy and that the pedagogues see it as their task to compensate for the students' communicative difficulties with various support efforts, where AAC is the main effort. In our analysis, we see that a relationship-based perspective is the most prominent perspective in that the relationship between pedagogues and student plays a large role in students' communication development.
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"Jag var liksom svår att hantera" - elevers upplevelse av inkludering och identitetsskapande i gymnasiesärskolanAndersson, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
Recent research show that young people with mild intellectual disabilities are raising complaints against the society´s demand for categorization in order to provide the right amount of support (Ineland, Molin & Sauer 2013, Tideman 2012). This study’s purpose is to find out how students attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, are affected by their school attendance in their identity making. With focus on finding out:1.What situations within the school prove specific importance in relation to students’ identity making?2.How are the students identity making limited or enabled by their attendance at the school for students with intellectual disabilities? 3.How are the students identity making affected by being included or excluded?The theoretical framework is inspired by theories based on social constructionism. The author has chosen to adopt an intersectional analysis that claims that different power relations in society affects and reinforce each other. Another important theory is social identity theory and representations theory. These theories explain how social identity is created in the relation between the individual and the social world that she exists in. The empirical material was collected through interviews with six students currently attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, “gymnasiesärskola” in Swedish. The results show that the specific situations that proved importance for the student’s identity making were: When they were not being able to make choices. How other people, especially teachers, were relating to them combined with the social climate in groups they belonged to. And the overall sense of not being “normal” and having a diagnosis. Results that appeared to be new compared to other studies were that the students interpreted their diagnosis as a school issue and not something that was connected to their own person.
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”Jag var liksom svår att hantera” – elevers upplevelse av inkludering och identitetsskapande i gymnasiesärskolanAndersson, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
Recent research show that young people with mild intellectual disabilities are raising complaints against the society´s demand for categorization in order to provide the right amount of support (Ineland, Molin & Sauer 2013, Tideman 2012). This study’s purpose is to find out if and how students attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, are affected by their school attendance in their identity making. With focus on finding out:1.What situations within the school prove specific importance in relation to students’ identity making?2.How are the students identity making limited or enabled by their attendance at the school for students with intellectual disabilities? 3.How are the students identity making affected by being included or excluded?The theoretical framework is inspired by theories based on social constructionism. The author has chosen to adopt an intersectional analysis that claims that different power relations in society affects and reinforce each other. Another important theory is social identity theory and representations theory. These theories explain how social identity is created in the relation between the individual and the social world that she exists in. The empirical material was collected through interviews with six students currently attending a senior high school for people with intellectual disability, “gymnasiesärskola” in Swedish. The results show that the specific situations that proved importance for the student’s identity making were: When they were not being able to make choices. How other people, especially teachers, were relating to them combined with the social climate in groups they belonged to. And the overall sense of not being “normal” and having a diagnosis. Results that appeared to be new compared to other studies were that the students interpreted their diagnosis as a school issue and not something that was connected to their own person.
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Vi ändrar oss : Vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av att deras barn bytt från grundskolan till teckenspråkig specialskola. / We change our minds : Gudardians' experiences of their children switching from mainstream school to a signing special school.Skillmark, Ida January 2024 (has links)
Studien undersöker vårdnadshavares erfarenheter av deras barns byte från grundskolan till specialskolan. Det är en intervjustudie med fem informanter som deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien undersöker vilka erfarenheter vårdnadshavarna har av de två skolformerna och vad som ledde till beslutet att byta från grundskola till specialskola. Grundskolan beskrivs som en verksamhet som vill väl men saknar kunskap och ekonomiska förutsättningar att kunna anpassas till DHH elever. Detta leder för samtliga till beslutet att byta till specialskolan. Studien beskriver även erfarenheter av ansökningsprocessen till specialskolan som snårig och svårnavigerad. Intervjuerna analyseras med hjälp av tematisk analys. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna är hörselnormen som utgår från att alla är hörande och att avvikare ska anpassa sig till detta. Vidare används begreppet mainstreaming för att problematisera inkludering specifikt för DHH elever. Mainstreaming grundar sig i ett kulturellt lingvistiskt perspektiv på dövhet, som vänder sig mot synen på döva som personer vilka behöver åtgärdas med hjälp av hörseltekniska hjälpmedel. Slutsatserna är att flera faktorer påverkar vårdnadshavares beslut när de väljer skola för sitt barn men att de ofta blir påverkade av ”experter” inom vård och skolas tyckanden. Studien visar också att föräldraskapet utmanas på flera sätt när man får ett dövt barn. Dessutom visar studien att grundskolans brister i inkludering leder till social utsatthet. I dessa familjer beslutar sig därför för ett skolbyte till specialskolan där barnet nu får sina behov tillgodosedda på ett bättre sätt.
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Världens opålitlighet : Begreppsanalys av livsförståelsearbete i särskolan / The Unreliability of the World : A Concept Analysis of the Work of Understanding One’s Life in Special SchoolStefansson, Ingalill January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the work of understanding one’s life. The work of understanding one’s life is what I call the work that pupils in special school and special school for adults (education for pupils, children as well as adults with intellectual challenges) themselves initiate. It is a “real” job, based on the pupils’ conditions where the purpose is to understand his or her self and learn to live in a world that is or can be experienced as unreliable. In special school the teacher has very obviously the pupil’s life in his or her hand and the way of approach that the teacher chooses is of great importance for the possibility for the pupil to work with his or her understanding of life. Analyses of concepts from existential philosophers with interdependence in focus have the purpose of understanding the work of understanding one’s life. For example K.E. Løgstrup’s philosophy on the ethical demand is discussed, as also spontaneous and revolving life expressions, Karl Jaspers’ border situations, Paul Tillich’s the courage to be and Henry Cöster’s work on ethics and social care. The discussion is put in relation to two different ways of approach that the pedagogue can choose. I call them following and leading approach. The analyses are illustrated with drawings from pupils’ and stories based on my experience of many years’ work in special school. The method, to see the alternative with distinctions, has been inspired by K.E. Løgstrup’s phenomenological interpretation of everyday reality. The result – a theory on what the work of understanding one’s life is about – is based on the discussion of the different concepts of the analysis in combination. The theory makes it possible to both speak about and relate to the work of understanding one’s life. Finally examples are given of areas, activities and situations where knowledge about the importance of the work of understanding one’s life is important for people’s possibility of taking part in community of society.
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Kunskap om sex och samlevnad hos elever med normbrytande intellektuell funktionsvariation : En kvalitativ studie om grundsärskoleelevers tillgång till kunskap om sex och samlevnad / Knowledge About Sex and Relationships in Differently Abled Pupils : A Qualitative Study of Pupils in Special SchoolsElfvelin, Love, Moberg, Frida January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers in schools for youths with intellectual disabilities view their pupils’ abilities to access sex education. The study is based on individual interviews with five teachers in years 6 - 9. The theoretical framework has been set by Michel Foucault’s theories on normality and power and “the ignored curriculum” as described by Nathalie A. Gougeon. It is also supported by additional theories on normality and sexuality. The results of the study show that, these pupils have a harder time finding information about sex and relationships, because of the stigma surrounding people with intellectual disabilities in relation to sexuality, and because of the lack of information about sex outside the classroom for youths with intellectual disabilities. Youths with no intellectual disabilities learn about sex also outside of classrooms to a large extent, which is more difficult for youths with intellectual disabilities. The role of the teacher as provider of sex education is therefore crucial.
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Kolegialita a spolupráce učitelů v základní škole speciální / Collegiality and cooperation of teachers in basic special schoolMikšovská, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Filozofická fakulta Katedra pedagogiky Abstrakt Diplomové práce Bc. Eva Mikšovská Kolegialita a spolupráce učitelů v základní škole speciální Collegiality and cooperation of teachers in basic special school Praha 2013 Vedoucí práce: doc. PhDr. Hana Kasíková, CSc. This thesis focuses on teachers' collegiality and cooperation in order to map their current possibilities and needs in this field. On the basis of acquired knowledgecontribute to better understanding, improving and extending the cooperation andcollegiality of teachers, as well. The theoretical part deals with the cooperation in general and defines the basic terms. It provides the information about the typical shapes and forms of cooperation within the school environment and about the teachers' cooperation at Czech elementary schools. It also discusses the factors facilitating cooperation, the instruments for the development of teachers' cooperation and school management's role during the cooperation. It describes a teacher's personality, his competencies, the environment and the organization of a special basic school.The empirical part looks into the specific level of teachers' collegiality and cooperation at the special basic school in Kolín. Keywords: collegiality, cooperation, teacher, basic special school, colleague,...
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O processo de inclusão escolar no municipio de Ibiúna: descobrindo caminhos...rompendo com equívocosGavioli, Maria Aparecida Ouvinhas 07 April 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-04-07 / The starting point of study is the question: How to evolve from integration to inclusion? How can regular and special schools overcome errors and assume new roles?" It was conceived at Municipal Special Education School Novo Arco-Íris , in Ibiúna, and was enriched by the experience of many teachers, students, parents, and principals, united by a desire for a better education for everyone. Therefore, this is a collective study, shared by many authors and people, whose lives fortunately have crossed with this project, which seeks to understand the proposed process of School Inclusion of the City of Ibiúna, including its theoretical and practical premises. This investigation involved qualitative fieldwork, originally of an exploratory nature, which evolved to an analysis of some selected schools. The analyses and interpretations used methodological approaches based on new educational paradigms and the concept of a single school, open to everyone. The recommendations of this research indicate that effective school inclusion requires more than the school s commitment, that is, more comprehensive public policies to ensure improved living conditions for the population. They also suggest some education issues that require urgent action, with prospects for change. / Este estudo parte da seguinte questão: Como evoluir da integração para a inclusão? Como poderão as escolas, regulares e especiais, romperem com equívocos e assumirem novos papéis? Foi germinado na Escola Municipal de Educação Especial Novo Arco-Íris , de Ibiúna, onde tudo começou. Ampliou-se e enriqueceu-se com a experiência de muitos docentes, alunos, pais e diretores, unidos pelo desejo de uma educação melhor para todos. Portanto, é um estudo coletivo, resultado de partilhas com muitos autores e pessoas, cujos trajetos de vida, felizmente se encontraram com o presente trabalho que procura compreender o processo da proposta de Inclusão Escolar do Município de Ibiúna, em seus pressupostos teóricos e práticos. Para esta investigação realizou-se uma pesquisa de campo de abordagem qualitativa, inicialmente de caráter exploratório evoluindo para a análise de algumas escolas selecionadas. As análises e as interpretações foram efetuadas à luz de abordagens metodológicas, tendo em vista novos paradigmas educacionais e a concepção de uma escola única, aberta para todos. As recomendações dessa pesquisa convergem no sentido de que, para uma efetiva inclusão escolar é necessário mais do que o compromisso da escola, ou seja, políticas públicas mais amplas que garantam a melhoria das condições de vida da população. Apontam ainda as questões a serem tratadas com urgência na educação, mostrando possibilidades de mudança.
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Godkänd i särskolan : pedagogiskt meningsskapande i betygssättning i skolformen särskolan / Passed in the special school : how teachers add meaning to assessment and grades in schools for children with intellectual disabilitiesKowalska, Barbara January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine how teachers in special schools for children with mental disabilities add meaning to the process of assessing their pupils with a grading system. The study was carried out in a focus group that, during three qualitative dialogues, discussed the grading system in special schools in general and on the basis of the national school curriculum. The material was analyzed from a theoretical viewpoint taking into account both the French philosopher Michel Foucault’s perspective on empowerment and that of post-structuralism.</p><p>The results show that it is clearly problematic to assess children with intellectual disabilities. Due to the children´s differing conditions it is not possible to establish common knowledge goals and grades cannot be weighed in relation to the child’s level of knowledge. However, by considering the individual conditions of the children, formative assessment can be practiced and by avoiding not-passed grades all pupils in the special school can reach their individual goals and it is guaranteed that pupils always receive a grade that allows them to pass. The study also shows that the assessment still contains a comparative aspect; in fact, a comparative aspect is already incorporated in the assignment process to the special school which in Sweden bases on comparing the pupils intelligence level with that of other children of similar age. The goal-related grading system thus builds on a comparative system, in which children tested with a certain value from the normal test scale, are expected to not reach the curriculum goals and are then placed in a special school.</p><p>The results of this study also illustrate the consequences of grade assessment for children´s identity and future. The teacher´s handling of curriculum goals and grades results in the subjectivization of the pupils. Children are shaped to be learning subjects in an environment of discourses that segregates the children by labeling them as being different from normal. Both, pupils and personnel operate in a system of (ranked) power where disciplinary actions are part of a normalization process, a process that creates and is created by the prevailing ranking of power. The study shows that the assignment of grades in special schools and schools for children with mental disabilities is in itself part of a social process that singles out individuals who get diagnosed as intellectually disabled and that places them at the margin of society.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka hur pedagoger i särskolan skapar mening i betygssättningen av elever i denna skolform. Studien har genomförts i en fokusgrupp som i kvalitativa samtal vid tre tillfällen har diskuterat betygssättning i särskolan allmänt samt med utgångspunkt i grundsärskolans nationella dokument. Materialet har analyserats utifrån ett teoretiskt perspektiv med det poststrukturalistiska och Michel Foucaults maktperspektiv för ögonen.</p><p>I resultatet har det framkommit att betygssättning i särskolan är problematiskt. Elevers olika förutsättningar gör det omöjligt att ha gemensamma kunskapsmål och viktningen av betyg låter sig inte göras i förhållande till kunskapsnivån. Genom att ta hänsyn till de egna förutsättningarna kan formativ bedömning dock tillämpas och avsaknaden av ickegodkänt betyg gör att barnens individuella mål kan uppnås och ett godkänt betyg alltid garanteras. Analysen av materialet visar också att den jämförande aspekten i bedömningen finns kvar inte minst i själva mottagandet till särskolan, då det svenska systemet grundar sig på att elever föreslås skolformen särskola utifrån en jämförelse med jämnårigas intelligensnivå. Skolans mål- och kunskapsrelativa betygssystem bygger därmed på ett relativ jämförande ordning, där barn som testats och fått ett visst värde på normalskalan, förväntas att inte uppnå grundskolans mål och tas emot i särskolan.</p><p>Studiens resultat har också visat betygssättningens och särskolans betydelse för elevers identitetsskapande och framtid. Pedagogers hantering av kunskapsmål och betyg för med sig en subjektivering av elever där barnen formas till lärande subjekt i en miljö fylld av diskurser som vill särskilja dem som avvikande från det normala. Såväl eleverna som personalen själv verkar i en maktordning där disciplineringen är en del i en normaliseringsprocess, en process som skapas av och skapar den rådande maktordningen. Studien visar att betygssättningen i särskolan och den särskilda skolformen i sig är en del av den samhällsprocess som verkar för att sortera ut personer som får diagnosen utvecklingsstörning och som placeras i utkanten av samhället.</p>
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