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Spatial ecology and demography of eastern coyotes (Canis latrans) in western VirginiaMorin, Dana Janine 29 July 2015 (has links)
Coyote (Canis latrans) range expansion in the Central Appalachian Mountains has stimulated interest in ecology of this predator and potential impacts to prey populations. This is particularly true in the Ridge and Valley Region in western Virginia where white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations are restricted by low nutritional carrying capacity and are subject to two other predators, bobcats (Lynx rufus) and American black bears (Ursus americanus), in addition to an active hunter community. I address two primary objectives of the Virginia Appalachian Coyote Study: to investigate 1) spatial ecology and 2) population dynamics of coyote populations in Bath and Rockingham counties. I deployed 21 GPS satellite collars on 19 coyotes over 32 months. I estimated home range size (mean = 13.46 km², range = 1.23 km² - 38.24 km²) across months using biased-random bridges and second-order habitat selection at four scales using eigenanalysis of selection ratios. I developed a metric to classify social status of individuals as either resident or transient based on stability of home range centers over time. I found evidence for class substructure for selection of territories where adult residents had a higher probability of mortality in high productivity/high risk habitats, compared to subadults and transients that were restricted to less productive habitats. I collected scat samples over five scat surveys across 2.5 years and extracted fecal DNA to identify individual coyotes in a mark-recapture framework. I estimated coyote densities in Bath (5.53 – 9.04 coyotes/100 km²) and Rockingham Counties (2.41 – 8.53 coyotes/100 km²) using a spatial capture-recapture model. Six-month apparent survival was lower in Bath County (Φ<sub>Bath</sub> = 0.442, 0.259 – 0.643; Φ<sub>Rockingham</sub> = 0.863, 0.269 – 0.991). The Bath County population demonstrated persistence despite high mortality and the Rockingham population demonstrated boundedness with recruitment inverse of changes in density. Findings at both sites suggest density-dependence, and tests of territoriality, presence of transients, and territory turnover demonstrate a capacity for immediate local immigration in response to high mortality in Bath County. I suggest that landscape-level habitat management may be a viable strategy to reduce potential conflicts with coyotes in the region. / Ph. D.
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Le chez-soi et la construction des identités géographiques individuelles : habiter en communauté fermée à São Paulo (Brésil)Gingras, Catherine 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose d’aborder la relation entre le chez-soi et la construction des identités géographiques. Plus précisément, il s’agit de se pencher sur l’importance que revêt cette dimension intime et familière de l’habitat dans la part des identités qui mobilise les lieux, territoires et paysages comme référents. S’interroger à cet égard s’avère d’autant plus pertinent aujourd’hui, dans un contexte de fragmentation socio-spatiale à l’échelle urbaine et de prolifération d’enclaves résidentielles qui témoignent d’un enfermement et d’une introversion de l’habitat. Nous abordons la question à travers le cas du projet AlphaVille São Paulo (Brésil), un large développement résidentiel composé de plusieurs communautés fermées. Les entretiens semi-directifs réalisés auprès de onze habitants de ce projet permettent de confirmer l’importance du chez-soi dans leur construction identitaire. En effet, le chez-soi en communauté fermée représente l’aboutissement d’un parcours géographique et permet au regard des habitants rencontrés une expérience de l’espace résidentiel qui s’approche de celle qu’ils ont connue au cours de l’enfance et qu’ils ont perdue à mesure que la ville s’est transformée en un milieu de plus en plus hostile. Ainsi, il leur permet dans une certaine mesure de revivre un idéal perdu. Néanmoins, habiter en communauté fermée contraint les territorialités : au sein de la métropole, le chez-soi fait figure de refuge. Il n’en demeure pas moins que les réponses des résidents révèlent une conscience que leur choix d’habitat constitue en quelque sorte une fuite de la réalité. Ainsi, ils entretiennent à l’égard de leur milieu de vie une relation qui oscille entre illusion et désillusion. / This thesis proposes to study the relationship between the home and the formation of geographic identities. More precisely, it aims understanding the role of this intimate and familiar place in the part of human identity that is defined through the individual’s interaction with places, territories and landscapes. This question appears particularly relevant in the present urban context, largely characterised by socio-spatial fragmentation and the proliferation of residential enclaves, which express a confinement of the home environment. We approach this question through the case of the AlphaVille São Paulo project (Brazil), a large residential development composed of various gated communities. The semi-directed interviews that were conducted with eleven residents allow us to confirm the relevance of the home in their identity formation. Indeed, the dwelling inside a gated community represents the final destination of the residents’ geographical trajectories. According to the inhabitants, this allows for a residential experience similar to the one they underwent during childhood and that was subsequently lost as the city transformed into a more hostile environment. Thereby, it allows, to a certain extent, for the revival of a lost ideal. However, living in a gated community constrains territorialities: within the urban context, the home place becomes a refuge. Nonetheless, the residents’ answers reveal a degree of consciousness that their choice of residence represents an escape from reality. Thus, their relationship towards their living environment oscillates between illusion and disillusion.
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Territorialisation culturelle et poïétique d'un espace intercommunal : Le cas d’Ouest Provence et la régie culturelle Scènes et Cinés / Cultural territorialization and the poïetics of inter-communal space : The case of the Ouest Provence Urban Community in France, its inter-communal syndicate and the management of culture by the Scènes et Cinés public institutionPamart, Emilie 09 December 2011 (has links)
Dans un contexte de complexité territoriale où les référents spatiaux se multiplient, se fragmentent, se recomposent et entrent en concurrence, aborder la question de la territorialisation culturelle comme un processus communicationnel est le moyen par lequel ce travail contribue à la réflexion sur les phénomènes de requalification et de recomposition des territoires. Par emprunt de la notion de territorialisation à la Science politique et à la Géographie, notre posture s’appuie sur une boîte à outils (théorique et méthodologique) capable de construire un regard oblique dont le principe est celui de l’indissociabilité des composants d’un même phénomène. En effet, l’originalité de cette recherche se situe principalement dans l’articulation d’approches habituellement considérées comme irréconciliables étant donné le caractère polyphonique des discours qui participent de cette poïétique territoriale – les modalités de la (re)génération d’un territoire – : l’approche identificationnelle matérialisée par les discours des acteurs politiques, et l’approche appropriationnelle qui s’intéresse aux récits de pratiques territoriales des habitants et des usagers. L’enjeu scientifique de cette thèse réside donc dans la compréhension du fonctionnement de ce processus communicationnel et de sa capacité à enchanter, par la médiation des discours, un espace intercommunal.Pour la compréhension de ce processus, nous avons pris appui sur le cas d’Ouest Provence, ancienne « ville nouvelle » située sur les rives de l’étang de Berre, au nord-ouest de Marseille, marqué par une imposante activité industrielle et polluante. Cette agglomération se trouve aujourd’hui dans une phase de normalisation, après avoir bénéficié, pendant quarante ans, du régime exceptionnel de ce projet de développement urbain initié et soutenue par l’État. À partir d’une approche ethno-sémiotique, nous avons constitué et analysé un corpus hétérogène de discours circulants (discours d’inauguration de l’identité nouvelle d’Ouest Provence, extrait du numéro inaugural du journal intercommunal, toponyme, logotypes, programmes et éditoriaux de saison de la régie culturelle SCOP), et de discours provoqués (entretiens ethnographiques auprès des acteurs politiques, administratifs et culturels, et auprès des spectateurs-abonnés de la régie culturelle SCOP). L’objectif étant de mettre au jour le travail d’obturation d’une partie du champ de vision de l’habitant et de l’usager que mènent les acteurs politiques, par une restructuration de leurs pratiques ou du moins de leurs effets, afin d’enchanter leur imaginaire territorial. Et c’est par l’intermédiaire d’un opérateur, le dispositif de la régie culturelle Scènes et Cinés, que se met en place cette stratégie. Effectivement, la pratique de sortie au théâtre est donc décrite comme une pratique de mobilisation des habitants et des usagers de manière à leur faire-croire en cette « communauté imaginée » qu’incarne Ouest Provence. Mais à côté de ces discours d’élus, l’analyse des récits des pratiques des abonnés de Scènes et Cinés laisse entrevoir une territorialité dont les trois régimes que esquissés (le sentiment du chez-soi, l’engagement, et l’attachement à un être-ensemble) sont motivés par un rapport sensible au territoire. Cette dimension de la pratique de sortie au théâtre nous semble fondamentale en ce qu’elle révèle la nature du rapport individuel et collectif des spectateurs à leurs espaces de pratiques culturelles qui est, avant tout, façonné par la sensation et l’émotion. La territorialité spectatorielle constitue ainsi une expérience qui participe, tout au moins momentanément, du processus d’enchantement territorial. / Our research contributes to the understanding of a requalification and reorganization phenomenon by questioning cultural territorialization as a communicational process, in a context of territorial complexity where spatial referentials are multiplied, split up, recomposed and brought to compete with one another. Borrowing from the notion of territorialization as found in political sciences and geography, our posture is supported by a theoretical and methodological personal construction that enables us to build an oblique view point, the principle of which is the indivisibility of the above mentioned phenomenon’s components. Indeed, the originality of this research lies mainly in the combining of different approaches usually considered irreconcilable, given the polyphonic character of the discourses that participate in territorial poïetics - conditions of (re)generation of a territory - : the identification-based approach formed by political actors’ discourses, the function of which is the production and the circulation of standards and values in the public space, and the appropriation-based approach which is interested in the narrative given by inhabitants and practitioners of their territorial practices. The scientific argument of our thesis lies in the understanding of how this communicational process functions and its capacity to “enchant” an inter-communal space that becomes meaningful again, through the mediation of a series of discourses.In order to understand this process, we have used, as a case study, the urban community of Ouest Provence, which had the status of a “new town”, and thus benefitted for forty years, from major state development policies. This urban area, on the banks of the Etang de Berre, north west of Marseilles, where France’s major oil refineries, gaz and petro-chemical factories are located, is marked by this impressive industrial activity and the image of pollution that it gives. The Ouest Provence area is about to be “normalized”, by becoming an ordinary group of smaller towns with a new inter-communal status. From an ethno-semiotic approach, we have constituted and analyzed a heterogeneous corpus of circulating discourses (inaugural speech for Ouest Provence’s new identity, excerpts from the inter-communal newspaper inaugural issue, toponyms, logotypes, programs and editorials taken from the Scènes et Cinés’ cultural season) and instigated discourses (ethnographical conversations with political, administrative and cultural professionals and with the Scènes et Cinés’ spectators-subscribers). The intention was to bring to light the attempts by the political actors to modify the representations that local inhabitants and users have of their territory by restructuring in particular their theatre practices in order to re-enchant their territorial imagination. It is through an operator, the device of the cultural institution Scènes et Cinés, that this strategy is set up. The practice of theatre-going is thus described as a practice of mobilization of the inhabitants and the users so as to make them believe in this “imagined community” that the Ouest Provence embodies. The analysis of the practice narratives of the Scènes et Cinés subscribers gives us a glimpse of a territoriality where three aspects which we highlighted (the feeling of being at home, the commitment to the theatre, and the attachment to a sort of togetherness in this practice) are motivated by an emotional relationship to the territory. This theatre-going dimension seems to us fundamental, as it reveals all the complexity of the spectators’ relationships with each other and with the spaces linked to their cultural practices, which are particularly shaped by both individual and collective sensations and emotions. So, such a spectator experience is involved, at least temporarily, in the process of territorial enchantment.
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Cultures locales et identités : l’exemple des pays du Sud Sud-Ouest landais (France) / Local cultures and identities : the example of the countries of the South Southwest of the Landes (France)Pendanx, Marie 04 December 2013 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la mondialisation et dans celui, concomitant, d’une certaine uniformisation culturelle, nous sommes confrontés au paradoxe de l’émergence d’identités et de territoires très localisés (en Aquitaine comme ailleurs), s’appuyant sur des représentations comme sur des pratiques culturelles originales ou, tout au moins, qui s’affichent comme telles. En quoi consistent exactement ces cultures locales qui souvent se déclinent dans un contexte de recomposition socio-spatiale plus ou moins profonde (périurbanisation, littoralisation des populations …) ? Dans quelle mesure la confirmation ou l’émergence de ces cultures locales identitaires et territorialisées exerce des incidences sur la citoyenneté, l’aménagement du territoire et le développement territorial ? Comment des univers sociaux arrivent-ils à s’affirmer ? Sur notre terrain d’investigation, l’angle du département des Landes et plus particulièrement sa partie sud-ouest au contact du Pays-Basque et du Béarn, nous sommes en présence d’une société qui est en renouvellement. Il est par conséquent opportun de s’interroger sur la manière dont se constitue la localité que nous avons choisie comme espace d’étude. Etant confrontés à des objets changeants, chargés d’idéologies, de représentations, nous avons adopté une démarche combinatoire qui s’inscrit au cœur d’une géographie sociale et humaniste. Le travail d’enquête et de recherche réalisé nous permet de montrer que sur cet espace la culture locale est une culture marquée par des apports extérieurs et des singularités propres. L’étude de la vie quotidienne dans notre aire d’investigation sud-landaise a mis en évidence des éléments endogènes constitutifs d’une culture de l’habiter, de l’Ici, de la fête, vivante et populaire. Pour autant, ces spécificités apparentes ne sont le produit que de "branchements" réalisés par des individus de plus en plus mobiles, indépendamment du contexte urbain ou rural. Le local apparait ainsi comme une construction permanente, innovante à travers une logique de "bricolages" identitaires. / Within the framework of globalization and the implicit process of cultural standardization, we are confronted with the paradoxical emergence of local identities and territories - in Aquitaine and beyond - which are supported by original cultural practices or claiming, at least, to be as such. What are the particulars of these local cultures, which often come in a variety of forms in the context of a more or less deep sociospatial recomposition (development of peri-urban et coastal areas) ? To what extent do the confirmation or emergence of these cultures, firmly rooted in local identities and territories, impact on citizenship, country planning and regional development ? How can social realities assert themselves ?On our ground of investigation, the south-west corner of the Landes département bordering the Pays basque and the Béarn, we are in front of society in a state of renewal. Therefore it is convenient to figure out the lines along which the local territory we chose takes shape. Confronted with changing objects full of ideologies and representations, we adopted a combining approach which lies at the heart of a social and humanist geography. Our work of investigation and research has enabled us to show that the local culture of this area is marked both by external influences and its own features. The study of daily life in our area of investigation in the south of the Landes has shed light on the inner components of a whole culture based on living, the sense of the “here” and popular and lively celebrations. Nevertheless these apparent specificities are the outcome of “connections” worked out by increasingly mobile individuals, regardless of the urban or rural context. Local features thus turn out to be permanently under an innovatory process of construction fed by makeshift identity creations.
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Entre a serra e o mar: memória, cultura, tradição e ancestralidade no ensinar-aprender entre as gerações do Quilombo da Fazenda - Ubatuba/SP / Among the mountain range and the sea:memory, culture, tradition and ancestrality in teaching-learning among generations of Quilombo da Fazenda Ubatuba-SPPerez, Carolina dos Santos Bezerra 17 March 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo realizar uma descrição densa (GEERTZ, 2008) partindo das narrativas e memórias da comunidade quilombola do Sertão da Fazenda da Caixa, situada na cidade de Ubatuba, Litoral Norte do Estado de São Paulo, sobre o seu passado, futuro e presente, compreendendo o seu patrimônio material e imaterial, suas referências culturais e a influência do seu universo sociocultural e simbólico em sua prática educativa. A pesquisa, de cunho etnográfico, buscou compreender, por meio do estudo, pesquisa e análise da memória, das narrativas, dos mitos e da resistência quilombolas, as estratégias de sobrevivência material e simbólica criadas por essa comunidade na construção de seu imaginário, que estrutura: seu sentido de etnicidade, como também o desenvolvimento da relação do ensinar e do aprender entre as diferentes gerações; sua relação com a construção de uma identidade quilombola; e o papel das gerações mais velhas na iniciação das gerações mais novas na cultura do grupo, compreendendo o sentido da educação na comunidade e a relação que a mesma estabelece e estabeleceu com a instituição escolar. Evidenciou, ainda, os diversos tipos de racismos sofridos por essas populações, bem como a dessimetria existente entre a cultura oral e a escrita, que termina por impossibilitar uma gestão compartilhada do território e a utilização dos seus recursos naturais. Os resultados podem subsidiar três importantes eixos de ações de políticas públicas: a) auxiliar na efetiva implantação das leis 10.639/03 e 11.645/06, tanto na formação de professores como na reformulação do currículo escolar, que passa a ser revisto para incluir a temática da História e Cultura Afro-brasileira, Africana e Indígena em todas as escolas públicas e particulares do país; b) subsidiar o reconhecimento do patrimônio material e imaterial das comunidades quilombolas/caiçaras, dando visibilidade à sua cultura, às formas de transmissão da educação, do conhecimento e da memória comunitária, que lhes permitem identificar-se como quilombolas; c) balizar o trabalho de pesquisa sobre a temática identitária dos grupos quilombolas, com implicações no campo jurídico, na questão da demarcação de terras. / This research aimed to perform a thick description (Geertz, 2008) based on the stories and memories of quilombola community of Sertão da Fazenda da Caixa, in Ubatuba city, northern coast of São Paulo, featuring its past, future and present, including its tangible and intangible heritage, its cultural references and the influence of its sociocultural and symbolic universe in its educational practice. The research, which has an ethnographic approach, tried to understand through specific studies, research and analysis of narratives memory, myths and quilombola resistance, material and symbolic survival strategies created by this community to build its imagination, which comprises: its sense of ethnicity, as well the development of the relationship of teaching and learning between different generations; its relationship to the construction of a quilombola identity and the role of older generations in the initiation of the younger ones in group\'s culture, including the education meaning in the community and the relationship that it establishes and established with the school institution. This paper also emphasized the various types of racism suffered by the mentioned populations as well the existing unsymmetrical relationship between oral culture and the written one, which precludes a shared land management and the use of its natural resources. The obtained results can support three important axes of public policy actions: a) to help the effective implementation of 10.639 / 03 and 11.645 / 06 laws, both to improve teacher training and the overhaul of the school curriculum, which is on revision to include the History and Afro-Brazilian Culture, African and Indigenous themes in all public and private schools in the country; b) to support the recognition of the tangible and intangible heritage of quilombola comunity, giving visibility to its culture, forms of education transmission, knowledge and community memory that allow them to identify themselves as quilombolas; c) to guide the research efforts on the theme of quilombola groups identity, with implications for the legal area, on the land demarcation issue.
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[pt] A dissertação analisa o processo de construção social do
Refugiado em dois
momentos históricos específicos da segunda metade do século
XX: entre 1945-
1954 e no pós-Guerra Fria. O objetivo central é mostrar
como as práticas
discursivas relativas ao Refugiado são informadas pelas
estruturas constitucionais
da sociedade internacional e pelas crenças e valores
fundamentais que definem os
critérios de legitimidade da ação estatal. Procura
evidenciar o caráter contingente
e variável da definição do Refugiado em dois contextos de
transformação da
ordem internacional. A pesquisa parte da abordagem
construtivista, assentada na
proposta de Reus-Smit (1999) e de Onuf (1989), na tentativa
de fornecer uma
explicação mais adequada dos processos sociais de
constituição do Refugiado na
moderna sociedade de Estados, enfatizando o papel das
internacionais, em especial do Alto Comissariado das Nações
Unidas para os
Refugiados (ACNUR). Neste sentido, ressalta a importância
da territorialidade e
do imaginário espacial enquanto critérios centrais para a
delimitação dos
fenômenos migratórios forçados, critérios esses tensionados
a partir da década de
noventa. / [en] The dissertation s main purpose is to analyze the process
of social
construction of the Refugee in two specific historical
moments in the second half
of the twentieth century: from 1945 to 1954 and after the
end of the Cold War.
The main goal is to demonstrate how discursive practices
related to the refugee
are informed by the constitutional structures of
international society and by the
fundamental values and beliefs that legitimate state
action. It also aims at showing
the contingent and changing nature of the refugee
definition in contexts of
profound transformations in international orders. The
research is based on a
constructivist approach, mainly in Reus-Smit (1999) and
Onuf s (1989)
frameworks, in an attempt to provide a more adequate
understanding of the social
processes constitutive of the refugee in the modern society
of States, highlighting
the role of international organizations, in particular the
United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). In that sense, it gives
emphasis to the
primary importance attached to territoriality and the
spatial imagery as
fundamental criteria to establishing the limits of forced
international migration, a
criteria that has faced great challenges since the nineties.
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L'épuisement des droits de propriété industrielle dans l'espace OAPI (Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle) / The exhaustion of industrial property rights in african intellectual property organization (OAPI)Johnson-Ansah, Ampah 03 October 2013 (has links)
L’organisation africaine de la propriété intellectuelle (OAPI) a consacré la théorie de l’épuisement des droits depuis sa révision de 1999. Elle en a posé les conditions légales. On découvre que ses conditions, qui sont une limitation du droit exclusif de commercialisation des titulaires, n’en préservent pas moins la quintessence. À travers une mise en circulation limitée au territoire national pour la marque et au territoire régional pour le brevet, le législateur a fait partiellement échec au libre commerce des produits protégés. L’existence des zones de libre-échange peut néanmoins contribuer à élargir le domaine de l’épuisement qui deviendra alors communautaire dans l’UEMOA et la CEMAC. L’encadrement de l’épuisement des droits est rigide mais maîtrisé. Il est cohérent avec le principe de départ qui est la protection des droits de propriété industrielle. Aussi l’épuisement international est-il tout simplement rejeté, alors même qu’il aurait pu constituer un moyen de régulation de la libre circulation des produits protégés. Néanmoins, il faut relativiser ce rôle et se tourner vers une véritable quête de transfert de technologie qui est le seul moyen de transformer le sort de la propriété industrielle sur le continent africain. / The African intellectual property Organization (AIPO) consecrated the theory of exhaustion right since the revision of 1999. It puts the legal conditions of the theory. It seems that these conditions, which are considered as a limitation of the monopolistic right of the t industrial property owners, after all, protect this right and give consistency to it. Through the right of commercialization that is limited to the national territory for marks and to the regional territory for patents, the African legislator keeps the products from free-trade. Nevertheless, the existence of the free-trade areas like UEMOA and CEMAC could enlarge the domain of the trade of the merchandises. The theory of exhaustion is stringent, without a far-reaching influence. It is consistent with the principle of the protection of the intellectual property rights that is of paramount importance. The international exhaustion is rejected even though it can be a means of the regulation of the free trade of the marked or patented products. So, the impact of international exhaustion may be itself relativized. The African countries have to search the transfer of technology that appears as the one means which can transform the industrial property in Africa.
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Movimento social e conflitos na pescaMarinho, Marcos dos Santos 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:22:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Marcos dos Santos Marinho.pdf: 7411786 bytes, checksum: c3513ae8cc50ae843b4eb9bf4c15fb5b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / The fisherworkers and the riverine populations of the Amazon
river estuary, as well as the people who leaves in the coast of the
Amapá state have in fishing one of their essential activities. However,
the creation of conservation units, prohibition of fishing and the
arrival of other states boats to its fishing areas are causing serious
difficulties for their social reproduction and their stay in the territories
they are occupying for decades. The interventions of the State create
a division in these populations, by privileging some segments and
disdaining others. Indians and quilombolas communities have in the
Amapá their recognized territories. Artisanal fisherworkers have
achieved many rights and were already organized. Meanwhile, the
riverine populations remain almost incapable to political interaction
and have no access to the ways to demand their rights. There are for
sure legal instruments to support these traditional populations in their
claims for territories, cultural identity and to keep their way of life / Os pescadores e ribeirinhos da região do estuário do rio
Amazonas e do litoral do Amapá têm na pesca uma de suas
atividades essenciais. Entretanto, a criação de unidades de
conservação, de defesos de pesca e a invasão de barcos de outros
estados em suas áreas de pesca provocam sérias dificuldades para
sua reprodução social e manutenção nos territórios que ocupam há
várias décadas. As intervenções do Estado criam uma divisão nessas
populações, ao privilegiar alguns segmentos e desprezar outros.
Índios e quilombolas têm no Amapá seus territórios reconhecidos.
Pescadores artesanais têm vários direitos e foram organizados em
outros momentos. Enquanto isso, os ribeirinhos permanecem com
pouco poder de interlocução política e nenhum acesso a meios pelos
quais possam exigir seus direitos. Existem instrumentos jurídicos em
que essas populações tradicionais podem apoiar suas reivindicações
por territórios, identidade cultural e para manter seu modo de vida
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Movimento social e conflitos na pescaMarinho, Marcos dos Santos 03 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T14:57:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Marcos dos Santos Marinho.pdf: 7411786 bytes, checksum: c3513ae8cc50ae843b4eb9bf4c15fb5b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-06-03 / The fisherworkers and the riverine populations of the Amazon
river estuary, as well as the people who leaves in the coast of the
Amapá state have in fishing one of their essential activities. However,
the creation of conservation units, prohibition of fishing and the
arrival of other states boats to its fishing areas are causing serious
difficulties for their social reproduction and their stay in the territories
they are occupying for decades. The interventions of the State create
a division in these populations, by privileging some segments and
disdaining others. Indians and quilombolas communities have in the
Amapá their recognized territories. Artisanal fisherworkers have
achieved many rights and were already organized. Meanwhile, the
riverine populations remain almost incapable to political interaction
and have no access to the ways to demand their rights. There are for
sure legal instruments to support these traditional populations in their
claims for territories, cultural identity and to keep their way of life / Os pescadores e ribeirinhos da região do estuário do rio
Amazonas e do litoral do Amapá têm na pesca uma de suas
atividades essenciais. Entretanto, a criação de unidades de
conservação, de defesos de pesca e a invasão de barcos de outros
estados em suas áreas de pesca provocam sérias dificuldades para
sua reprodução social e manutenção nos territórios que ocupam há
várias décadas. As intervenções do Estado criam uma divisão nessas
populações, ao privilegiar alguns segmentos e desprezar outros.
Índios e quilombolas têm no Amapá seus territórios reconhecidos.
Pescadores artesanais têm vários direitos e foram organizados em
outros momentos. Enquanto isso, os ribeirinhos permanecem com
pouco poder de interlocução política e nenhum acesso a meios pelos
quais possam exigir seus direitos. Existem instrumentos jurídicos em
que essas populações tradicionais podem apoiar suas reivindicações
por territórios, identidade cultural e para manter seu modo de vida
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O lugar e o tributo: estudo sobre o critério espacial da regra-matriz de incidência tributária no exercício da competência tributária para instituir e arrecadar tributosBritto, Lucas Galvão de 05 October 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-10-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study's purpose is the spatial criterion of the matrix-norm of tax incidence. Investigates it from an hermeneutic-analytical point of view, departing from the understanding of how spatial categories help humans in understanding the objects of experience, in order to isolate and transpose these categories to the study of law, testing them with the established theory of place of crime and conducting the analysis results for the formulation of a theory of the place of tribute / Esta pesquisa tem por objeto o critério espacial da regra-matriz de
incidência tributária. Investiga-o desde um ponto de vista analítico-
hemenêutico para, a partir da compreensão de como as categorias
espaciais ajudam o ser humano na compreensão dos objetos da
experiência,transpor as categorias isolada são direito,testando-as com a
já estabelecida teoria do lugar do crime e, conduzindo os resultados da
análise para a formação de uma teoria do lugar do tributo
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