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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uso do territorio e fronteiras internas : o caso da proposta de redesenho fronteiriço do municipio de Holambra (SP) / The use of territory and inland borders : the case of the proposal for borderline re-arrangement in the municipality of Holambra (SP)

Galli, Telma Batalioti 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Marcio Antonio Cataia / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociencias / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T08:14:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Galli_TelmaBatalioti_D.pdf: 6143335 bytes, checksum: b157f5941072d5cb2e9df38523b73000 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: A proposta de novo redesenho fronteiriço do município de Holambra (SP), expressa a complexidade de relações no território brasileiro com a presença nos lugares de vetores da economia global. À luz do atual período desenvolve-se uma economia globalizada que vem sendo comumente confundida como "sem fronteiras", no entanto, os redesenhos fronteiriços, presentes em todo território nacional desacreditam a tese do fim das fronteiras ou de sua obsolescência. Entre os entes federativos (estados e municípios) acentuam-se disputas territoriais produtoras de dinâmicas locais exigentes em regulação política. A complexidade de relações internas e externas a uma fronteira amplia a necessidade de maior regulação, justificando-se o Estado e suas fronteiras. Ao município portador de poder legiferante cabe-lhe uma racionalidade própria de solucionar localmente o uso social e o uso corporativo do território. Este é o caso do município de Holambra que ao propor um novo redesenho de suas fronteiras, reorganiza o território, a partir da especialização produtiva de flores e plantas ornamentais, marcando uma hibridização entre Estado e economia na medida em que ao primeiro cabe atender aos reclamos do segundo, é assim, que política e economia conformam-se um par dialético dos novos usos do território brasileiro. / Abstract: The proposal for a new borderline re-arrangement in the municipality of Holambra (SP) manifests the complexity of relations in Brazil with a presence in the venues of the global economy's vectors. In the light of the current period, a globalized economy is being developed which is commonly and mistakenly referred to as "borderless", yet the borderline rearrangements seen throughout the country refute the issue regarding the end of borders or of their obsolescence. Territorial disputes have grown among the federative bodies (states and municipalities), which have given rise to local dynamics that require political regulation. The complexity of relations within and without a border increases the need for greater regulation, justifying a State and its borders. A local government in possession of legislating powers will be in charge of its own rationale in order to decide locally on the social and corporate use of its territory. This is the case in the municipality of Holambra, which while proposing a new rearrangement of its borders is reorganizing its territory based on the specialized production of flowers and ornamental plants, encouraging a hybridized relation between State and economy inasmuch as the former is responsible for meeting the latter's requirements, this is how politics and economics form a dialectical couple for the new uses of Brazilian territory. / Doutorado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Doutor em Ciências

Satisfação do paciente hospitalizado com sua privacidade física: construção e validação de um instrumento de medida / The satisfaction of the hospitalized patient with his/her physical privacy: construction and validation of a measurement instrument.

Jussara Simone Lenzi Pupulim 26 February 2009 (has links)
Estudo do tipo metodológico com abordagem psicométrica que lida com a teoria e desenvolvimento de instrumentos de medição. O percurso metodológico norteou-se nos procedimentos teóricos, empíricos e analíticos para a elaboração de instrumento psicométrico (PASQUALI, 1998), e fundamentou-se em duas teorias da privacidade (WESTIN, 1970; ALTMAN, 1975), na teoria da territorialidade (ARDREY, 1966) e na teoria proxêmica (HALL, 1986). Os procedimentos teóricos compreenderam a definição do construto privacidade física no contexto hospitalar, em especial a exposição e manipulação corporal, o qual delineou-se a partir do referencial teórico adotado, da literatura pertinente e de estudo junto a 34 pacientes internados nos hospitais de Maringá-PR, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando-se a análise de conteúdo (BARDIN, 2000). Esse estudo permitiu descrever a percepção do paciente hospitalizado sobre a privacidade em geral e sobre a privacidade física, identificando-se três categorias empíricas referentes à privacidade em geral, a saber, dignidade e respeito, espaço pessoal e territorial e autonomia, e com relação à privacidade física extraíram-se iguais categorias, acrescentando-se às anteriores a categoria intimidade e toque. Tais categorias compuseram os quatro domínios do instrumento em construção. O instrumento foi submetido à análise semântica e conceitual por um painel de juízes composto por sete peritos, e na seqüência a um pré-teste junto à população-alvo, resultando em um instrumento com 22 itens, tendo o domínio dignidade e respeito 8 itens, intimidade e toque e espaço pessoal e territorial 5 itens cada, e o domínio autonomia 4 itens. Os procedimentos empíricos englobaram a aplicação do instrumento construído, Escala de Satisfação do Paciente Hospitalizado com sua Privacidade Física (ESPH-PF), a uma amostra de 254 pacientes internados na rede hospitalar de Maringá- PR, entre novembro de 2007 e fevereiro de 2008. Os procedimentos analíticos englobaram a análise da consistência interna ( de Cronbach total de 0,68 e variação entre 0,35 e 0,60 nos domínios) e a validade de construto por meio da análise fatorial, extraindo-se seis fatores (57,6% da variância total) e optando-se por manter os quatro pré-estabelecidos (47,7% da variância explicada). A validade convergente do construto utilizando-se a correlação produtomomento de Pearson (p < 0,01) e aplicação da Escala do Sentimento frente à Invasão do Espaço Territorial e do Espaço Pessoal do Paciente Hospitalizado (EMS-FIETEP), contemplou o domínio espaço pessoal e territorial da ESPH-PF e confirmou o poder discriminativo de todos os 22 itens do instrumento. A validade discriminante do construto empregando o teste t de student (p < 0,05) não encontrou diferença estatística significante, exceto nos grupos extremos relativos à escolaridade. A análise psicométrica demonstra que a ESPH-PF pode ser aplicada para medir a satisfação do paciente com sua privacidade física no contexto hospitalar, sobretudo no que diz respeito à exposição e manipulação corporal. Os resultados obtidos junto a essa população não podem ser generalizados, porém comprovam a importância de se avaliar a satisfação do paciente com sua privacidade física, visto que o nível de satisfação revela, implicitamente, as preferências e necessidades dele por privacidade, e indiretamente também reflete o desempenho dos profissionais de saúde relativo à proteção e manutenção da privacidade no hospital. / The study is of a methodological type using the psychometric approach which deals with the theory of the development of measurement instruments. The methodological apparatus is based on empirical and analytical theoretical proceedings, to the development of a psychometric instrument (PASQUALI, 1998), and is grounded in two privacy theories (WESTIN, 1970; ALTMAN, 1975), on the territoriality theory (ARDREY, 1966) and on the proxemic theory (HALL, 1986). The theoretical proceedings entailed the definition of the physical privacy construct in hospital context, especially the exposure and body manipulation, drawing on the theoretical apparatus used, the related literature and a study with thirty-four patients admitted in hospitals in Maringá-PR, with qualitative approach, using the content analysis (BARDIN, 2000). This study allowed to describe the perception of the hospitalized patient as regards general privacy and physical privacy, identifying three empirical categories concerning general privacy, namely dignity and respect, personal and territorial space and autonomy, and as regards physical privacy the same categories were extracted, adding to the previous ones the category of intimacy and touch. Such categories composed the four domains of the instrument under construction. The instrument was subjected to semantic and conceptual analyses by a panel of judges composed by seven connoisseur, followed by a pretest with the target population, resulting in an instrument with 22 items, in which the domain dignity and respect had eight items, intimacy and touch and personal and territorial space had five items each, and the domain autonomy had four items. The empirical proceedings entailed the application of the constructed instrument, Satisfaction Scale of the Hospitalized Patient with his/her Physical Privacy (ESPH-PF), to a sample of 254 patients admitted in the hospital chain of Maringá-PR between November 2007 and February 2008. The analytical proceedings entailed the internal consistency analysis (-Cronbach total of 0,68 variation between 0,35 and 0,60 in the domains) and the construct validity by means of factorial analysis, extracting six factors (57,6% of total variation) and opting to maintain the four preestablished ones (47,7% of explained variation). The convergent validity of the construct utilizing the correlation product-moment of Pearson (p < 0,01) and the application of Feeling Scale before the Invasion of Territorial and Personal Space of the Hospitalized Patient (EMSFIETEP) contemplated the domain personal and territorial space of ESPH-PF and confirmed the discriminating power of all 22 items of the instrument. The discriminating validity of the construct employing the test t of student (p < 5005) did not find significant statistical difference, except for extreme groups regarding education. The psychometric analysis shows that the ESPH-PF can be applied to measure the patients satisfaction with his/her physical privacy, once the level of satisfaction implicitly reveals his/her privacy preferences and necessities, and also indirectly reflects the performance of health professionals as regards protection and maintenance of hospital privacy.

A territorialização da atenção primária à saúde no Sistema Único de Saúde : perspectiva de adequação ao perfis do território urbano de Pouso Alegre-MG / Territorialization of primary attention to health in the Unique Health System (SUS) : perspective of adequacy for the urban territorial profiles of the Pouso Alegre-MG

Faria, Rivaldo Mauro de, 1975- 08 June 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Arlêude Bortolozzi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Geociências / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T11:55:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Faria_RivaldoMaurode_D.pdf: 13210732 bytes, checksum: 14049caaae323d42acaaf9b945ee0cf0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Este trabalho foi construído em torno de dois objetivos intimamente ligados: discutir a territorialização como técnica e política de gestão dos serviços de atenção primária à saúde no âmbito do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e apresentar uma perspectiva de adequação desses serviços aos perfis do território urbano. Os caminhos metodológicos foram construídos a partir das orientações dadas por Maria Cecília Minayo, para as pesquisas qualitativas em saúde, e a categoria território usado em Milton Santos foi tomada como fundamento para a construção da base teórico-conceitual. A pesquisa comunica teoria e prática. Por isso, o território urbano de Pouso Alegre-MG foi definido como local de estudo e aplicação. A reflexão sobre a territorialização da saúde levou a concluir que se trata de uma concepção política e pragmática do território, com dimensão padronizada e elementos burocráticos que fragmentam o sistema de atenção. Como técnica, a territorialização "cria" territórios políticos para a saúde e como inscrição espacial impõe os limites de abrangência para os serviços. O seu ponto de partida são os serviços e o número de habitantes. A perspectiva dos perfis territoriais apontou um caminho diferente. O ponto de partida, nesse caso, deve ser o reconhecimento dos usos do território, através dos quais são identificados os seus perfis. Dessa forma, os serviços de atenção primária devem se adaptar a esses perfis territoriais. Como técnica, essa perspectiva reconhece os usos do território e como inscrição espacial se adapta a esses territórios reconhecidos pelos seus usos / Abstract: This work was developed based on two closely connected aims: discuss the territorialization as technique and management policy of the services of primary attention to health in the SUS (Unique Health System) and present a perspective of adequacy of such services for the urban territory profiles. The methodology was researched having the support of Maria Cecília Minayo, for the qualitative research in health, and the territory category used in Milton Santos was taken as foundation for the construction of the conceptual-theoretical support. This research deals with theory and practice, this is why, the urban territory of Pouso Alegre-MG was defined as the venue of studies and application. The reflection upon the territorialization of health lead to the conclusion that there is a political and pragmatic conception of the territory with patterned dimension and procedural elements which divide the system of attention. As technique, the territorialization "generates" political territories for health and as spatial registration enforce the limits of ranges for the services. Therefore, the starting point is the services and inhabitants figure. The perspective of territory profiles have shown a different way. The starting point must be the acknowledgement of the uses of the territory and from them the profiles are identified. This is why the services of primary attention should be adapted to these territory profiles. As a technique, this perspective acknowledges the uses of territory and how spatial register adapts to these territories acknowledge by their uses / Doutorado / Análise Ambiental e Dinâmica Territorial / Doutor em Geografia

Responsabilité sociétale et ancrage territorial d'une entreprise de services urbains : le cas de Lyonnaise des Eaux / Corporate social responsibility and territorial embeddedness of a utilities company : Lyonnaise des Eaux case study

Batisse, Julien 10 July 2015 (has links)
Dans un contexte de réflexions contemporaines sur la durabilité des services urbains d’eau potable, nous nous intéressons à la stratégie de responsabilité sociétale de Lyonnaise des Eaux comme contribution à la mise en mots et mise en œuvre du développement durable dans ce secteur d’activité. L’objectif de ce travail est d’analyser et questionner la stratégie de responsabilité sociétale de l’entreprise (RSE) pour y mettre en lumière d’une part ses causes, processus, finalités, et en comprendre, d’autre part, les impacts sur l’ancrage territorial de l’entreprise. Le mouvement de territorialisation de la RSE s’exprime dans un processus d’interaction global-local aboutissant à la régionalisation de la stratégie RSE de Lyonnaise des Eaux et à son incarnation locale sous la forme de projets développement durable. A partir de l’exemple de la gestion de l’eau potable dans la métropole bordelaise, nous avons étudié et mené deux projets de développement durable au sein de Lyonnaise des Eaux : le premier centré sur la gestion des usagers en situation de précarité hydrique ; le second portant sur l’accompagnement des usagers à la gestion durable de leur consommation d’eau. L’exploration des conditions territoriales de faisabilité de ces projets met en lumière les possibilités offertes à l’entreprise de répondre aux enjeux du territoire en limitant l’impact lié à son activité et de générer les ressources spécifiques nécessaires à son intégration dans des dispositifs locaux d’innovation. L’analyse spatiale de la responsabilité sociétale montre qu’elle est aussi l’interface négociée de l’adaptation et de l’action territorialisée de l’entreprise aux différents échelons. / In a context of contemporary reflections on the sustainability of urban water utilities, we focus on Lyonnaise des Eaux’s corporate social responsibility strategy as a contribution to putting into words and implementing sustainable development in this sector. This work aims at analyzing on the one hand the causes, processes, goals of Lyonnaise des Eaux CSR strategy and understanding on the other hand the impact of these strategies on the company’s territorial embeddedness. CSR's territorial impetus is expressed via a global-local interaction process leading to the regionalization of Lyonnaise des Eaux CSR strategy and, its local embodiment through sustainable development projects. Based on the example of water management in the Bordeaux metropolis, we have studied and conducted two sustainable development projects within the company, one focused on water poverty management and the other focused on sustainable management of domestic water consumption. Exploring the feasibility conditions of these CSR projects highlights the opportunities for the company to meet the challenges of the territory by limiting the impact associated with its business or generate specific resources necessary for its integration into local innovation systems. The territorial approach of corporate responsibility strategy shows that it also appears as a negotiated interface used by Lyonnaise des Eaux for its adaptation and action at different scales.

Etat et Nation dans le constitutionnalisme africain : étude thématique / State and nation in African constitutionalism : thematic study

Ngando Sandje, Rodrigue 17 June 2013 (has links)
Seul l’État disposait d’une personnalité juridique au sortir de la Révolution de 1789. Déduite de la formule « [l]’État est la personnification juridique d’une nation », la personnalité sus-évoquée dote le premier (l’État), au détriment de la seconde (la nation), de droits subjectifs. Qu’en est-il après la Révolution démocratique de 1989, c'est-à-dire quelque deux siècles plus tard ? La présente étude tente de démontrer la revanche de la nation dans la théorie du droit à partir d’un contexte où elle a été particulièrement brimée. D’une part, la nation bénéficie d’une double représentation médiate et immédiate du fait qu’elle participe, par un pouvoir normatif initial, à la formation de la volonté générale. On sait aussi que le renouveau démocratique a imposé la question de la légitimité par laquelle la nation peut contrôler, médiatement (par l’intermédiation du juge constitutionnel) ou immédiatement (par référendum), l’action des autres organes y compris le pouvoir constituant dont l’ensemble des compétences est encadré par la constitution. L’investissement des organes supranationaux qu’on découvre de plus en plus dans le commerce juridique national rend cette question de la légitimité plus efficiente dès lors que la nation, mais aussi ses différentes composantes (par la capacité de saisir les instances régionales, communautaires ou même internationales), peut requérir la condamnation de l’État pour manquement à une obligation juridique. L’idée de légitimité suppose ainsi, pour la nation, la possibilité d’évaluer l’action des organes classique de l’État à partir d’un vaste ordre juridique.D’autre part, la reconnaissance constitutionnelle de la diversité nationale et mieux encore sa prise en compte dans la gestion publique de l’État a profondément reconfiguré le principe d’une souveraineté (nationale) une et indivisible entretenu par le droit constitutionnel révolutionnaire. À partir des principes de personnalité et de territorialité, le contexte africain apporte l’évidence de ce que la nation et les communautés infranationales sont désormais titulaires de droits (politiques, socioculturels) subjectifs ; ce qui modifie le paysage de l’État moderne. On parle de plurijuridisme pour caractériser un agencement politique pluriel. Il suit que la nation (pas seulement elle, mais toutes les composantes sociologiques de l’État) jouit d’une double personnalité juridique (nationale et internationale) qui s’oppose à celle de l’État. Celui-ci reste à la quête d’une nouvelle identité qui traduira la somme des compétences infra et supra nationales des acteurs du système juridique ; laquelle identité devrait par ailleurs indiquer le sens définitif de la théorie postmoderne de la personnalité juridique de l’État. / Only the State had a legal personality at the end of the 1789 Revolution. Derived from the phrase "[t] he State is the legal personification of a nation", the above-mentioned personality endows the first (state), to the detriment of the second (the nation), subjective rights. What about after the democratic revolution of 1989, that is to say, some two centuries later? This study attempts to show the revanche of the nation in legal theory from a context in which it was particularly bullied. On the one hand, the nation has a double mediate and immediate representation of the fact that it participates, with an initial legislative power, the formation of the general Will. We also know that the democratic renewal imposed the issue of legitimacy which the nation can control mediately (by the intermediation of the constitutional Court) or immediately (by referendum), the action of other organs including the constituent whose power skill set is framed by the constitution. Investment supranational bodies we discover more and more into the national legal trade makes the question of legitimacy more efficient when the nation, but also its various components (the ability to capture the regional, community or even international Instances), may require the condemnation of the State for breach of legal obligations. The idea of legitimacy is thus assumed for the nation, the opportunity to evaluate the work of state bodies from a large legal system. On the other hand, the constitutional recognition of national diversity and even taking into account the governance of the State profoundly reconfigured the principle of (national) sovereignty maintained by the revolutionary constitutional Law. Based on the principles of personality and territoriality, the African context provides evidence that the nation and sub-national communities are now holders of rights (political, socio-cultural) subjective, which changes the landscape of the modern State. We talk about plural juridical ways to characterize a plural political arrangement. It follows that the nation (not only her but all the sociological components of the State) has a dual legal personality (national and international) that opposes that of the State. The State remains in search of a new identity that will reflect the sum of the sub skills and supranational actors in the legal system which identity should also indicate the final direction of the postmodern theory of the legal personality of the State.

Of law and land and the scope of Charter rights

Karazivan, Noura 12 1900 (has links)
L’application extraterritoriale de la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés soulève la question du rôle du principe de territorialité dans la détermination de l’étendue des droits constitutionnels. De façon plus générale, elle soulève la question du rapport entre territoire et droit. Cette thèse explore, dans un premier temps, les jalons de la méthodologie territorialiste en abordant les prémisses qui sous-tendent l’ascension du principe de territorialité comme paradigme juridique dominant. Les anomalies de ce paradigme sont par la suite présentées, de façon à illustrer un affaiblissement du principe de territorialité. Par la suite, l’auteure entreprend de déterminer le rôle du principe de territorialité dans l’établissement de l’espace occupé par la Charte canadienne des droits et libertés en situation d’extraterritorialité. Les développements jurisprudentiels récents attestent de la prédominance du paradigme territorial, mais de nombreuses difficultés d’application sont rencontrées. Après avoir testé la viabilité de ce paradigme, l’auteure entreprend de définir un nouveau cadre analytique permettant de répondre à la question de l’application de la Charte en situation d’extraterritorialité sans se référer à la position géographique du demandeur, ni à son appartenance à une certaine communauté politique pré-déterminée. Ce cadre repose sur une conceptualisation de la notion d’autorité étatique transcendant l’exercice d’un pouvoir coercitif de l’État fixé à l’intérieur de ses limites territoriales. Une autorité relationnelle, qui s’appuie sur l’idée que tout pouvoir étatique tire sa source de la Constitution et, conséquemment, doit être assujetti à son contrôle. / This thesis is about the relationship between law and territory, and more particularly, about the relationship between the principle of territoriality and the scope of Charter rights. The author first introduces territoriality as dominant legal paradigm and analyses its underlying premises. The challenges that territoriality and methodological territorialism have recently faced are also examined. The purpose of the first part of this thesis is to show that the territorial paradigm is not immune to challenge, and to provide conceptual tools to get out of the “territorial trap”. The author then looks at how, and to what extent, territoriality currently shapes the scope of Charter rights. By analysing cases on point, the author concludes that although territoriality is, officially, the answer to the question of the scope of Charter rights, in practice, the principle does not provide sufficient guidance to the judiciary. The territorial principle’s normative weaknesses are added to its practical inability to determine the scope of Charter rights. In order to examine potential alternatives to the territorial principle, the author examines the parallel debate regarding the extraterritorial scope of American constitutional rights. American courts, rather than endorsing strict territoriaity, emphasize either the membership of the claimant (the subject of constitutional litigation), the limitations on state actions (the object of constitutional litigation), or pragmatic concerns in order to determine whether a constitutional protection applies in an extraterritorial context. The author then proceeds to examining how an alternative model could be developed in Canada in the context of extraterritorial Charter cases. She argues that the personal entitlement approach, when superimposed on the territorial paradigm, brings more injustice, not less, in that people can be sufficiently related to Canada to trigger a state action, but insufficiently connected to trigger Charter protection, hence creating a state of asymmetry. She also argues that territoriality, if understood in Westphalian terms, leads to the belief that a state action is not an action within the authority of the Canadian government if it is conducted outside of Canada, hence shielding these actions from constitutional srcutiny. The model the author advocates is based on a notion of relational authority and it seeks to emphasize not the place where a government act is performed, nor the identity of the persons subject to it, but the idea that any exercise of government power is potentially amenable to constitutional scrutiny.

Eléments d'une théorie de la frontière appliqués au droit fiscal / Elements of a theory on borders applied to tax law

Robert, Eric 08 September 2011 (has links)
Alors que sa disparition semble se profiler à l’horizon, du moins à l’intérieur de l’espace Européen, la notion juridique de frontière qui dessine les limites du territoire de l’Etat reste l’objet d’une imprécision surprenante. Aucune définition générale et intelligible ne semble encore lui avoir été consacrée, nonobstant la place centrale qui lui est attribuée par nombre d’analyses savantes sur les institutions de la modernité politique (Etat, souveraineté, territoire). Une tentative de définition (ou de théorisation) de la frontière est donc nécessaire. Théoriser la frontière n’implique pas de s’éloigner de la réalité : ce sont au contraire des données empiriques, sélectionnées à l’intérieur d’une foison d’informations disponibles sur le sujet, qui doivent guider un travail de systématisation. Au sein de celles-ci, la place privilégiée du droit fiscal (interne, communautaire et internationale) s’explique par les affinités personnelles de l’auteur. Ce dernier n’a toutefois pas omis de balayer d’autres disciplines, à l’instar du droit international public ou du droit international privé, aux fins de caractériser une substance irréductible et invariable de la frontière. Deux fonctions distinctes, bien que complémentaires, s’imposeront très rapidement comme les éléments constitutifs de la notion de frontière : la ligne réputée impénétrable en droit international qui sépare les territoires des Etats, d’un côté (ou « frontière internationale »), le filtre perméable qui régule les circulations entre les territoires des Etats (ou « frontière-obstacle »), de l’autre. Le temps et l’espace imposeront de limiter l’analyse au premier élément, à savoir la frontière internationale. À raison de ses fonctions pour commencer : quel est son rôle ? Mais aussi à raison de son objet : à quoi, ou à qui, s’applique-t-elle ? L’analyse des fonctions permettra d’abord de vérifier que la frontière internationale, en tant que cause et conséquence du principe de l’exclusivité territoriale, est étroitement liée à la notion d’Etat moderne. La naissance de la notion moderne de souveraineté, dans la mesure où elle est largement tributaire de la conquête du monopole de la violence légitime au profit des autorités centralisatrices de l’Etat, n’aurait pas été envisageable sans la constitution de frontières impénétrables aux limites du royaume. Plus largement, bien des notions fondamentales associées au droit étatique moderne (intégrité territoriale, centralisation de la contrainte, dualisme juridique,…) peuvent être reconsidérées à la lumière de la notion de frontière. L’analyse de l’objet de la frontière internationale permettra, ensuite, de surmonter bien des incertitudes. Celle qui touche, en particulier, au rapport entre la frontière impénétrable et le principe de territorialité des lois (ou des impôts) : la territorialité normative, sous toutes ses formes, ne peut-être assimilée à une manifestation (ou à une composante) de la frontière internationale. Celle qui touche, aussi, à la nature et à la portée de l’assistance administrative internationale entre les Etats dans le domaine fiscal. Le développement récent de celle-ci, sous toutes ses variantes (assiette et recouvrement), ne se traduit qu’exceptionnellement par des entorses à l’impénétrabilité des frontières. Toutes les activités de l’Etat n’ont pas, en effet, vocation à s’arrêter aux limites du territoire en application du droit international public. Seul l’imperium de l’Etat entendu stricto sensu, c’est-à-dire le pouvoir coercitif proprement dit, semble être soumis au respect de cette imperméabilité. En somme, à défaut de parvenir à dresser une théorie générale de la frontière en droit, certaines de ses caractéristiques majeures seront en l’espèce esquissées dans l’espoir de fournir au juriste une grille de lecture supplémentaire, et si possible originale, du droit positif. / Even though its disappearance seems to be predictable, at least within the European Union, the legal notion of “Border” remains subject to a high degree of uncertainty. No general definition which combines clarity and precision, has been formulated on this matter yet. Therefore, time has come to provide a rigorous “definition” of this limit which separates the territories of the states. In other words, an attempt to theorize the notion of “Border” will be carried out in this book. The choice of a theoretical approach does not necessarily imply, however, to undertake a study remote from reality. To the contrary, an appropriate definition must be based on empirical data: selected matters among the huge amount of information available will be, as a result, the main source of this work. Among them, tax law (domestic, European and international) will play a key role due to the personal background of the author. The latter, however, did not forget to cover other disciplines. A wide-ranging scope is necessary where the objective is to reach the irreducible gist of a legal notion: International Public Law, Private International Law, Political Science as well as Sociology will be dealt with in this book. Two distinct functions (meanwhile complementary) will immediately be identified as the main components of the notion of “Border”: the dividing line, seen as impenetrable under International Public Law, that separates the territories of the States on one hand (so-called "international border"), and the permeable filter which regulates by way of discriminatory rules the movements (e.g. goods, persons, rights, values) between the states on the other hand (so-called “obstacle-border"). Due to limited time and space, however, this book will only focus on the first component, namely the international border. A study of its functions (i.e. what is the purpose for the impenetrability of the border?), will be followed by a study of its object (what is the scope of the impenetrability of the border?). The study of the functions will demonstrate that the international border, as a cause and a consequence of the principle of territorial exclusivity (i.e. monopoly of violence within the territorial borders), has strong ties with the concept of “Modern State”. Moreover, many fundamental notions generally attached to modern statute law (e.g. coercion, sovereignty, legal dualism) will be reconsidered in the light of this principle of impenetrability. Further, the analysis of the object of the international border will enable the author to eliminate certain jeopardizing uncertainties. Among others, the issue concerning the existence (or not) of a kinship between the “Border” and the territoriality of the law (including Power to Tax) will eventually be resolved: the territoriality principle, irrespective of its forms, is not an appearance (neither a component) of the international border. All activities undertaken by a state (i.e. legislative and executive powers), therefore, are not forced by law to be circumscribed to the territorial limits of that state. Only the core of the Imperium of a Modern State, that is to say the coercive power itself, seems to be subject to the impenetrability of the Border. In short, this book does not provide for (and is not aimed at) a general and all-comprehensive theory on “Borders”. Some of the major features of the latter are, however, clearly characterized herewith in order to provide the reader with another tool to scrutinize positive law.


22 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] Com a internacionalização da economia a partir dos anos 1950, década em que se conformava um padrão alimentar global, os africanos passaram a ser integrados no mercado de trabalho assalariado urbano. Por conseguinte, eram vistos como agentes econômicos sujeitos a novos hábitos de consumo e inseridos nas estratégias de enquadramento social, estas, ajustáveis a uma classificação colonial que se espelhava espacialmente, demarcando as linhas de uma territorialidade. Ao defendermos o consumo alimentar como expressão dinâmica de um vivido territorial, esta Tese tem como objetivo central apresentar de que forma os habitantes da cidade de Luanda reconstruíram cotidianamente as suas formas de ser, estar e comer em uma experiência social ambígua, porque entrecortada por fluxos múltiplos. Para tal, alicerçados em um referencial teórico-metodológico que se inscreve na geografia, antropologia e história social, cotejamos informações apresentadas em diferentes tipologias de fontes, incluindo-se periódicos, documentos médico-nutricionais e investigações sócio-antropológicas elaborados pelas autoridades coloniais. Ao apostarmos na metodologia da História Oral nos baseamos, também, em entrevistas realizadas com angolanos que experimentaram a vivência na Luanda daquele tempo. Os resultados da análise nos permitiram perceber como a população da cidade, apesar dos diferentes fatores de contingência social, teceram os fios de sustentação para a garantia de seus desejos alimentares e como, em diferentes campos, a agência feminina era um imprescindível sustentáculo. No movimento conflituoso de negociação para a realização desses desejos, pudemos notar a relevância das estratégias cotidianas fundamentadas em conhecimentos técnicos engendrados localmente, dentro das quais se tornou fulcral a interface com a materialidade dos alimentos para o dinâmico atar e desatar das redes comerciais e relações sociais tecidas, em especial pelas mulheres africanas, mas também por uma multiplicidade de agentes que buscavam fabricar uma cidade e fazer dela o seu território. / [en] As a result, to the internationalization of the economy started in the 1950s, decade in which a global food ingestion pattern was established, Africans began to be a part of the urban labor market. They became economic agents subject tonew consuming habits as well as to the strategic social frameworks adjustable to the colonial classification, therefore establishing territorial lines. This thesis, as we support the idea of food consumption as a dynamical expression of a given territorial experience, focuses on the presentation of how Luanda s inhabitants rebuilt daily their ways of eating and being as an ambiguous social experience due to the multiple fluxes that cross it. To accomplish our goal, we anchored our work in theorical, and methodological references derived from Geography, Anthropology and Social History. Furthermore, we analyzed information from different sources, journals, nutrition and medical documents, social-anthropological investigations carried by colonial authorities. Our work was also based on Oral History methodology through recorded interviews given by Angolans who lived in Luanda at that time. The results of this analysis allowed us to perceive how de population of the city, despite the different social contingency factors, weaved threads to support and guarantee their desires concerning food. We were also able to realize the precious role played by women to sustain that network. The conflicting movement to meet those desires showed us the importance of daily strategies founded on the knowledge of their local technical resources. Those strategies were crucial for the dynamic of weaving and unweaving commercial and social relations established around food products. Especially in what concerns the role of women, but also to other multiple agents that were in search to build a city where they could also create their own territory.


VERONICA FENOCCHIO AZZI 20 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese argumenta que as operações de garantia da lei e da ordem (Op GLO) no Brasil são práticas soberanas internas que se baseiam em uma convergência entre segurança doméstica e segurança nacional que permitem o emprego das Forças Armadas na segurança pública. Ela sustenta que tais operações reforçam a autoridade soberana de formas violentas conforme os militares exercem sua prerrogativa constitucional de garantia da ordem no espaço público quando atuam em funções de polícia ou quando se engajam em esforços de pacificação doméstica. A pacificação no Rio de Janeiro é voltada para certas áreas marginalizadas da cidade que se encontram em território nacional, mas que o Estado considera como áreas fora de seu controle pelo fato das mesmas estarem sujeitas a autoridades paralelas, como o crime organizado. Como o Estado considera esses espaços fora de seu controle e como ameaças à governança efetiva e à integridade nacional, ele busca reintegrá-las forçadamente através meios violentos. Partindo do pressuposto de Michel Foucault de que o Estado não pode ser entendido de forma dissociada das práticas que o constituem, a análise adotará uma concepção de fronteiras como procedimentos excludentes que representam limites violentos do poder soberano para entender como a soberania enquanto prática é reforçada quando as Forças Armadas são empregadas na pacificação dos dentro/fora do Estado para combater um certo inimigo interno. O arcabouço teórico da tese será construído com base na teoria de práticas e no conceito de biopolítica de Foucault como metodologia. / [en] This thesis argues that law and order enforcement operations (Op GLO) in Brazil are internal sovereign practices based on a convergence of domestic and national security which enables the deployment of the Armed Forces for public security. This study sustains that these operations reinforce sovereign authority in violent ways as the military exercises its constitutional prerogative of guaranteeing order within the public space by performing policing roles or engaging in domestic pacification. Pacification in Rio de Janeiro is aimed at certain marginalized areas of the city located within the national territory, yet that the Brazilian state considers to be outside of its control and subject to the rule of parallel authorities, mainly organized crime. Since the state regards these outsides as threats to effective governance and to national integrity, it aims to forcefully reintegrate them by deploying violence. By assuming Michel Foucault s notion that the state cannot be understood apart from the practices that constitute it, a conception of borders as excluding procedures that represent power thresholds of sovereign violence will be adopted to understand how sovereignty as a practice is reinforced when the Armed Forces are deployed domestically to pacify the inside/outsides of the state and tackle a certain enemy within. The thesis theoretical framework will draw from the practice theory and from Foucault s concept of biopolitics as a methodology.

Fences are like Ghosts are like Monuments : ephemeral social agreements under the neoliberal rule

Jansson, Herkules January 2024 (has links)
This essay delves into the intricate dynamics of Berzelii Park, focusing on the interaction between the mesh fence constructed in 2016 and the Raoul Wallenberg monuments. It examines the fence as a nationalist monument, revealing its transformative impact on the communal space and highlighting its role in shaping memories, identity, and ideological conflicts within the urban landscape. Through qualitative text analysis and theoretical frameworks on monumentality, phenomenology, and bordering, the study navigates layers of exclusion, memory, and identity formation within the park. The collision between nationalist symbolism and the narratives of memory becomes a focal point for nuanced discussions about memory and identity formation. The conclusions of the research questions reveal how the fence transcends its functional simplicity and becomes a symbol of nationalist ideology and exclusionary practices. It interprets the mesh fence in Berzelii Park as a nationalist monument by examining its impact on the park's communal space and the narratives it depicts. Furthermore, the study explores the significance of the fence in relation to the Raoul Wallenberg monuments, complicating the dynamics between these elements in the park's location. The essay provides insight into the complexity of urban spaces and the continual redefinitions of collective identities and memories. / Denna uppsats fördjupar sig i den besvärande dynamiken i Berzelii Park, med fokus på samverkan mellan nätstängslet som restes 2016 och Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten. Den studerar stängslet som ett nationalistiskt monument, avslöjar dess transformativa inverkan på det gemensamma rummet och belyser dess roll i att forma minnen, identitet och ideologiska stridigheter i stadslandskapet. Genom kvalitativ textanalys och teoretiska fackverk rörande monumentalitet, fenomenologi, och gränsdragning navigerar studien i lager av utanförskap, minne och identitetsbildning inom parkens gränser. Kollitionen mellan nationalistisk symbolism och minnets narrativ blir en samlingspunkt för nyanserade diskussioner om minnes- och identitetsskapande. Forskningsfrågornas slutsatser avslöjar hur stängslet överskrider sin funktionella enkelhet och blir en symbol för nationalistisk ideologi och exkluderande metoder. Den tolkar nätstängslet i Berzelii Park som ett nationalistiskt monument genom att undersöka dess inverkan på parkens gemensamma utrymme och de berättelser som stängslet skildrar. Vidare utforskar studien stängslets betydelse i förhållande till Raoul Wallenberg-monumenten, vilket komplicerar dynamiken mellan dessa element på platsen i parken. Uppsatsen ger inblick i stadsrummets komplexitet och ständiga omdefinieringar av kollektiva identiteter och minnen.

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