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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utilizing the potential resources of elderly people : An interview study about the potential resources of elderly and young (40+) people, what those resources consists of and how they can be defined.

Mrong Clewestam, Sufola January 2013 (has links)
The overall purpose of this master essay is to investigate whether there is an interest among people near retirement to contribute with their knowledge and experience after they reach the defined retirement age. Furthermore, I would like to investigate if they want to continue with their old jobs, full time/part time or to do something else, which is beneficial to the society. I also want to find out how the older people view themselves to continuing to work. Also which types of social and structural barriers that might exist for them and why. The aim is also to investigate what types of knowledge and experience they believe could be used in the future community. For that purpose I have structured interview questions and conducted eight individual interviews. Below is a brief summary of the main results. The study shows that there is a general interest in working after retirement. Most people prefer to work only part-time. Participation and influence is meaningful to the individuals. It is seen as having a positive impact on individuals, groups and societal perspectives. At the individual level, the relationship between the possibility to choose both type of work and working hours and the desire to continue working, is very strong. The choice contributes to the feeling that life is meaningful. That proved to be of great motivation to participate in the working life. The study shows the importance of paying attention to flexible working hours adapted at individual level. The results also show that the elderly are often pictured as competent, knowledgeable and skilled people, which resources can be utilized in the society. It also appeared that older people are carriers of knowledge and experiences, which can be taken care of and transferred on to the younger generations instead of being lost. The study pointed out that there is manual work situations particularly risky for older people. It also revealed negative factors such as competition for the jobs between younger and older people, which can create an opinion in society against letting older people work. The results also indicate that the mixture of older and younger people creates a knowledge and experience transfer which creates new approaches to working tasks. It also emerged a number of factors that influence an individual's choice to attend to work; Important to take an individual approach, assess the participant’s interests and abilities for the particular job, his desired working hours and the need of upgrading or retraining.

"Det är ju ändå min förening" : En kvalitativ studie om vad som motiverar styrelsemedlemmar att arbeta ideellt / ”It’s still my association” : A qualitative study concerning what motivates board members to work voluntarily

Eriksson, Alexander, Medén, Daniel, Pettersson, Tobias January 2018 (has links)
Ideellt engagemang inom idrott har enligt studier kommit att bli ett problem då det blivit svårare för idrottsföreningar att rekrytera och bibehålla sina volontärer. Faktorer som betungande arbetsuppgifter och tidsbrist är några av de orsaker som påtalats kring det problem som finns med ideellt engagemang. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad det är som påverkar motivationen hos styrelsemedlemmar att arbeta ideellt. Vi har hämtat inspiration från grundad teori och utfört åtta stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med styrelsemedlemmar i olika ideella fotbollsföreningar för att komma fram till resultatet för vår studie. Då vi endast hämtat inspiration från grundad teori har studien kompletterats med ett teoriavsnitt för att stärka analysen av vår empiriska data. Efter dessa åtta intervjuer upplevde vi en mättnad då svaren inte ledde till någon ny information. Med den insamlade datan framkom det fem stycken kategorier som påverkar dessa styrelsemedlemmars motivation att engagera sig ideellt. De fem kategorier som framställts i vår studie resulterade i en kärnkategori som vi ansåg vara mer framträdande och fyra underkategorier som alla har ett samband med vår kärnkategori. Kärnkategorin benämns i denna studie som koppling till föreningen. Vi har i studien funnit dessa kategorier som avgörande faktorer för vad det är som gör att styrelsemedlemmar ställer upp och arbetar ideellt för ideella fotbollsföreningar. Underkategorierna som vi har identifierat är gemenskap, barn och ungdomar, uppmärksammande samt föreningens överlevnad. / Volunteering in sport has, according to studies, become a problem as it becomes harder for sports associations to recruit and maintain their volunteers. Factors such as burdensome tasks and lack of time are some of the reasons that have been raised about the problem of volunteering. The purpose of this study is to investigate what is affecting the motivation of board members to work voluntarily. We have obtained inspiration from grounded theory and conducted eight semistructured interviews with board members in various non-profit organisations to achieve the results of our study. As we only obtained inspiration from grounded theory, the study has been supplemented with a theory section to strengthen the analysis of our empirical data. After these eight interviews we experienced a saturation in our empirical data as the answers did not lead to any new information. With the collected data, we identified five categories that affect the motivation of these board members to work voluntarily. The five categories produced in our study resulted in a core category that we considered to be more prominent than the others, and four subcategories, all of which are related to our core category. The core category is referred to in this study as "connection to the organisation". In this study we have found these categories to be crucial factors for what makes members of the board work voluntarily for non-profit organisations. The subcategories that we have identified are solidarity, children and youth, noticing and the survival of the association. This study is based on Swedish conditions.

Frivilligt ledaruppdrag : En kvalitativ studie om motivationsfaktorer till ideellt arbete i en idrottsförening

Ponturo, Isa January 2018 (has links)
Studien har för avsiktta reda på vilka motivationsfaktorer som finns bakom ett ideellt ledarskap i en idrottsförening. Med ideellt arbete menas ett arbete som utförs utan ersättning, alternativt med en symbolisk summa på fritiden. Syftet är att i ljuset av den ökade individualiseringen, undersöka och få en djupare förståelse för vilka motivationsfaktorer som ligger till grund för ett ideellt engagemang.Studien har genomförts med kvalitativ metod och baseras på 10 djupintervjuer med personer som arbetar ideellt i en idrottsförening dvs på sin fritid och utan ersättning (alt. med en symbolisk summa). För att få en djupare förståelse till vad som driver människor att arbeta ideellt har uppsatsen använt inre-och yttre motivation, Self-Determination,samt sociologiska teorier om socialt kapital och oegennyttiga handlingar som teoretiska perspektiv. Gemensamt för teorierna är att de alla ryms inom området motivation. Resultatet visar att motiven till att individer börjar arbeta och engagera sig ideellt i en idrottsförening beror på ett flertal olika inre-och yttre motivationsfaktorer. I resultatet framkommer det dock främst att inre motivation såsom glädje i andras glädje och utveckling förekommer som motivation till det ideella engagemanget, trots att ett mindre antal egoistiska motiv också framkom.Studien visar även att individualiseringen har haft påverkan på de ideella idrottsföreningarna och individen motivation att engagera sig ideellt som ledare. Slutligen kan det konstateras att resultatet i denna studie i överlag har likartade resultat som tidigare studier och forskning som har gjorts om detta ämne.

O voluntariado e a fé cristã juvenil : observação sobre avanços e retrocessos a partir de casos pesquisados no Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann em HorizontinaRS

Sara Regina Hoppen 01 January 2008 (has links)
O texto apresenta uma pesquisa qualitativa bibliográfica e de campo, que contém conteúdos relacionados com o tema Voluntariado na Escola, com dados bibliográficos, coletados em obras publicadas no Brasil, e, referências encontradas via Internet, além de indicadores empíricos concluídos a partir de entrevistas realizadas com ex-alunos de Nível Médio, que freqüentaram o Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann, atualmente Centro Tecnológico Frederico Jorge Logemann, localizado em Horizontina - RS. A pergunta fundante foi: Como a escola, com ações planejadas, pode fomentar a inserção em trabalhos voluntários? O tema é pesquisado como uma experiência das práticas cotidianas na área do Voluntariado Juvenil, postulando que Escola e Igreja são formas de aprender este voluntariado. Os dados obtidos pela pesquisa de campo podem contribuir para um levantamento acerca da eficiência em propor para alunos e alunas de Nível Médio o seu engajamento em ações de benemerência ou ajuda mútua a pessoas empobrecidas, excluídas da sociedade, especialmente no Brasil. A autora postula que a Igreja tem muito a contribuir a partir do Evangelho de Jesus Cristo, que por fé e testemunho impulsiona pessoas a tornaremse voluntárias. / The text presents a bibliographical qualitative research, that contains contents related with the theme "School Volunteer", with bibliographical data collected in works published in Brazil and references found through Internet, besides empiric indicators ended starting from interviews accomplished with former-students in 2001, of The Second School, that frequented the Colégio Frederico Jorge Logemann now Centro Tecnológico Frederico Jorge Logemann, located in Horizontina - RS. The principal original question was: "How the school, with planned actions, can it foment the insert in voluntary works? " The theme is researched as an experience of the daily practices in the area of Young Voluntary, postulating that School and Church are forms of learning this society aspect. The answers obtained by the field research can contribute to a rising concerning the efficiency in proposing for students and students of The Second School, and engagement the students to help to impoverished people, excluded of the society, especially in Brazil. The author postulates that the Church has a lot to contribute starting from Jesus Christ's Gospel, for faith and testimony impels people to turn volunteers.

Percep??es das rela??es entre trabalho remunerado e trabalho volunt?rio: um estudo com volunt?rios da pastoral da crian?a

Trigueiro, Renata Paula Costa 27 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T13:53:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RenataPCT_DISSERT.pdf: 889273 bytes, checksum: 0d91711f98744c46beaa3c0913e3b6cf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-27 / O trabalho ? uma atividade de fundamental import?ncia na vida do homem porque ? uma condi??o essencial para sua exist?ncia social. Ao longo do tempo o trabalho teve diversas defini??es e significados, mas na atualidade pode-se dizer que ele sintetiza e satisfaz tr?s necessidades essenciais da natureza humana, a necessidade de subsistir (fun??o econ?mica), a de criar (fun??o psicol?gica) e a de colaborar (fun??o social). Nesse contexto a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender as rela??es estabelecidas entre os trabalhos remunerado e volunt?rio, na perspectiva de identificar os aspectos convergentes e divergentes dessas atividades, que possam explicar a perman?ncia dos sujeitos nas duas dimens?es laborais e ao mesmo tempo entender qual a import?ncia e reflexo que ambas as atividades t?m na vida dos entrevistados. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-estruturada do tipo focalizada. Foram entrevistados nove l?deres da Pastoral da Crian?a no m?s de dezembro de 2009 na cidade de Natal/RN. Os dados foram interpretados ? luz da an?lise de conte?do, proposta por Bardin. Os principais resultados encontrados quanto aos aspectos convergentes do trabalho remunerado foram a import?ncia do sal?rio para prover a sobreviv?ncia, conviv?ncia com as pessoas e troca de experi?ncia al?m do valor do trabalho para manter a dignidade do homem. Os pontos divergentes enquadraram: trabalho como obriga??o, competitividade no ambiente laboral e baixa remunera??o. Quanto ao trabalho volunt?rio, os aspectos convergentes emergidos foram a realiza??o pessoal, a solidariedade, o envolvimento com a causa da Pastoral, valoriza??o das coisas que possui diante de outras realidades mais dif?ceis, reconhecimento e prest?gio dos volunt?rios pelas fam?lias assistidas, e por fim a vis?o do trabalho volunt?rio como complementa??o da vida. Com rela??o aos pontos divergentes foram citados a falta de comprometimento de alguns volunt?rios, bem como a necessidade de ades?o de novas pessoas ? este tipo de trabalho, limita??o de querer fazer mais e n?o poder, exig?ncias do p?blico assistido e imagem distorcida da miss?o da Pastoral da Crian?a por parte das fam?lias, al?m da constata??o dos n?veis de pobreza e injusti?a social que geram desigualdades as mais diversas. Sobre os aspectos marcantes para a perman?ncia dos sujeitos nas duas esferas de trabalho, o amor, a dedica??o, a realiza??o pessoal foram os motivos mais apontados. Nas rela??es entre os dois trabalhos, as transfer?ncias de valores aparecem como rec?procas e naturais, sendo aproveitados para estabelec?-las o que cada atividade laboral apresenta de melhor. Conclui-se que o altru?smo, a solidariedade, a generosidade, o acolhimento, a paz espiritual, o bem-estar e sobretudo o amor, s?o sentimentos que sustentam e confortam o homem, cujas rela??es aparecem de forma expressiva nas falas dos entrevistados e permeando todo o decorrer da pesquisa. / O trabalho ? uma atividade de fundamental import?ncia na vida do homem porque ? uma condi??o essencial para sua exist?ncia social. Ao longo do tempo o trabalho teve diversas defini??es e significados, mas na atualidade pode-se dizer que ele sintetiza e satisfaz tr?s necessidades essenciais da natureza humana, a necessidade de subsistir (fun??o econ?mica), a de criar (fun??o psicol?gica) e a de colaborar (fun??o social). Nesse contexto a presente pesquisa objetivou compreender as rela??es estabelecidas entre os trabalhos remunerado e volunt?rio, na perspectiva de identificar os aspectos convergentes e divergentes dessas atividades, que possam explicar a perman?ncia dos sujeitos nas duas dimens?es laborais e ao mesmo tempo entender qual a import?ncia e reflexo que ambas as atividades t?m na vida dos entrevistados. Como instrumento de coleta de dados foi utilizado a entrevista semi-estruturada do tipo focalizada. Foram entrevistados nove l?deres da Pastoral da Crian?a no m?s de dezembro de 2009 na cidade de Natal/RN. Os dados foram interpretados ? luz da an?lise de conte?do, proposta por Bardin. Os principais resultados encontrados quanto aos aspectos convergentes do trabalho remunerado foram a import?ncia do sal?rio para prover a sobreviv?ncia, conviv?ncia com as pessoas e troca de experi?ncia al?m do valor do trabalho para manter a dignidade do homem. Os pontos divergentes enquadraram: trabalho como obriga??o, competitividade no ambiente laboral e baixa remunera??o. Quanto ao trabalho volunt?rio, os aspectos convergentes emergidos foram a realiza??o pessoal, a solidariedade, o envolvimento com a causa da Pastoral, valoriza??o das coisas que possui diante de outras realidades mais dif?ceis, reconhecimento e prest?gio dos volunt?rios pelas fam?lias assistidas, e por fim a vis?o do trabalho volunt?rio como complementa??o da vida. Com rela??o aos pontos divergentes foram citados a falta de comprometimento de alguns volunt?rios, bem como a necessidade de ades?o de novas pessoas ? este tipo de trabalho, limita??o de querer fazer mais e n?o poder, exig?ncias do p?blico assistido e imagem distorcida da miss?o da Pastoral da Crian?a por parte das fam?lias, al?m da constata??o dos n?veis de pobreza e injusti?a social que geram desigualdades as mais diversas. Sobre os aspectos marcantes para a perman?ncia dos sujeitos nas duas esferas de trabalho, o amor, a dedica??o, a realiza??o pessoal foram os motivos mais apontados. Nas rela??es entre os dois trabalhos, as transfer?ncias de valores aparecem como rec?procas e naturais, sendo aproveitados para estabelec?-las o que cada atividade laboral apresenta de melhor. Conclui-se que o altru?smo, a solidariedade, a generosidade, o acolhimento, a paz espiritual, o bem-estar e sobretudo o amor, s?o sentimentos que sustentam e confortam o homem, cujas rela??es aparecem de forma expressiva nas falas dos entrevistados e permeando todo o decorrer da pesquisa.

Vai ser bailarina! : um estudo sobre construção de identidade e luta por reconhecimento / Being a dancer : a study about identity construction and it searches for recognition

Ferreira, Marcos Rodrigues 14 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Agueda Bernardete Bittencourt / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-14T20:14:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ferreira_MarcosRodrigues_M.pdf: 21084510 bytes, checksum: 31121f5a6b23dd5ffb320cee4caa34c7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / Resumo: Este trabalho estuda uma experiência de ensino de dança clássica para crianças de um bairro/favela do município de Mogi das Cruzes. A experiência iniciada na escola pública estadual, no quadro do projeto Escola da Família, é dirigida pelo trabalho voluntário de duas mulheres, uma bailarina e sua mãe. O estudo parte das narrativas orais - produzidas pelas voluntárias professoras de dança e pelas famílias das crianças envolvidas - para compreender as possibilidades de atribuição de sentidos próprios a uma atividade tradicional e portadora de prestígio e reconhecimento. Interpreta o lugar reservado para as oficinas de balé em relação ao movimento dos moradores do bairro nos embates com a cidade, com os poderes públicos e com a imprensa. O local onde as oficinas são realizadas, a Vila Estação, está em luta com o poder público pelo reconhecimento como espaço oficial. Este espaço/lugar mostrou-se um acontecimento que resulta das articulações e das desarticulações entre as multiplicidades simultâneas que nele coexistem. O que o estudo apreende no encontro do trabalho voluntário com as lutas políticas do bairro/favela são expressões da complexidade da cultura contemporânea nesta tensão/distensão emaranhada de diferenças e semelhanças, disputas e alianças. A construção do reconhecimento de um bairro e a formação de identidade pessoal, de uma persona meticulosamente elaborada, são projetos que se entrecruzam na história tratada nesta dissertação. / Abstract: This work studies an experience of classic dance education for children of a quarter/slum quarter of the city of Mogi das Cruzes. The experience initiated in the state public school, in the Escola da Família project, is directed by the voluntary work of two women, a dancer and her mother. The study it has left of the verbal narratives - produced for the voluntary teachers of dance and the families of the involved children - to understand the possibilities of attribution of precise meanings to a traditional and carrying activity of prestige and recognition. It interprets the place reserved for the workshops of ballet in relation to the movement of the inhabitants of the quarter in them strike with the city for recognition. The place where the workshops are carried through, the Vila Estação, is in fight with the public power for the recognition as official space. This space/place revealed an event that results of the joints and of the disarticulations between the simultaneous multiplicities that in it coexist. What the study it apprehends in the meeting of the voluntary work with the fights politics of the quarter/slum quarter entangled distention of differences and similarities are expressions of the complexity of the culture contemporary in this tension, disputes and alliances. The construction of the recognition of a quarter and the formation of personal identity, and the process about one persona meticulously elaborated, are projects that intercross the history treated in this dissertation. / Mestrado / Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte / Mestre em Educação

Power Relations in the Voluntary Work with Immigrants. A Qualitative Study of a Migrant Self-Organisation in Bologna, Italy

Greve, Tinka Maria January 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study of a migrant self-organisation in Bologna, Italy analyses the power relations between immigrants and supporters within the field of voluntary work in the migration sector. Based on eight semi-structured interviews it explores the perception of power relations of the members of the intercultural association Spazio per tutti. The material was analysed with the help of thematic analysis and a postcolonial and intersectional perspective. In the first part of the discussion, it is demonstrated, along the theory of “strange encounters” of Sara Ahmed (2000), how dominant norms, such as the invisible norm of whiteness, are still present in the association and immigrants are confronted with the paradigm of integration. The second part of the analysis shows instead, with the help of Homi Bhabha’s theory of the third space (1994), how the association creates a space where fixed identities and roles can be challenged and negotiated. By taking the intersectional approach into account, it gets further clear that the internal power relations are more complex for being grasped along binary categories (e.g. immigrants and non-immigrants), as they for example do not reflect the special subject position of Black women. In a nutshell, the present case study demonstrates the need to draw the attention to the political dimension of social work with immigrants and to create more awareness for intersectional justice, also within organisations that already follow an empowerment approach.

Deutsch von Anfang an für Flüchtlinge fördern.

Kobelt, Ann-Kathrin, Centeno Garcia, Anja 28 August 2017 (has links)
Ehrenamtliche Deutschvermittlungspraxis will sichtbar gemacht und mit professionellen Ansätzen, Theorien und Forschung in Dialog gebracht werden. Der Fachtag „Deutsch von Anfang an für Flüchtlinge fördern“ (DAFF) ist einer der ersten Schritte, den diesbezüglichen Austausch zwischen Theorie und Praxis anzustoßen und damit eine Grundlage für die Systematisierung und Fundierung ehrenamtlicher Angebote der Sprachbegleitung in den ersten Aufenthaltsmonaten und darüber hinaus, z.B. auf dem Weg in die Arbeitswelt, zu schaffen. Mit Unterstützung des Fachverbandes Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache (FaDaF) und in Kooperation mit der Initiative Deutschkurse Asyl Migration Flucht (DAMF), einer Projektgruppe des Ausländerrats Dresden, ist der Dialog im August 2016 am Zentrum für Integrationsstudien (ZfI) der TU Dresden initiiert worden. Die vorliegende Dokumentation lässt den ersten Fachtag Revue passieren, fasst die zentralen Ergebnisse zusammen und bietet die Grundlage für einen nachhaltigen Austausch – mit dem Ziel, eine Schnittstelle zwischen ehrenamtlichen und institutionellen Angeboten zu gestalten, Erfahrungs- und Forschungswissen aufeinander zu beziehen und so dazu beizutragen, dass Fachwissenschaftler*innen, professionelle Lehrkräfte und ehrenamtliche Sprachbegleiter*innen miteinander arbeiten und sprechen, anstatt lediglich übereinander zu reden.:Vorwort 5 Grußwort von Petra Köpping, Sächsische Staatsministerin für Gleichstellung und Integration 7 1. Einleitung 9 2. Sprachlehre und Sprachbegleitung zwischen Ehrenamt und Institution: Idee und Tagungskonzept 11 3. Perspektiven zum Thema 3.1 Das Eröffnungspanel 13 3.2 Spannungsverhältnisse und wissenschaftliche Reflexion Rebecca Zabel (Herder-Institut der Universität Leipzig) 14 3.3 Integration durch Sprache Dorothea Spaniel-Weise (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena) 15 3.4 Lehrmaterialien in der Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung Christina Schanzleh (Langenscheidt Verlag) 17 3.5 Ehrenamtlicher Einsatz und Qualitätssicherung Rico Ehren (Initiative DAMF, Student der TU Dresden) 18 3.6 Arbeitsmarktzugang und Arbeitsmarktintegration Solveig Buder (Verein Jugend . Arbeit . Bildung e.V.) 20 4. Erfahrungsaustausch, Fragen und Lösungskonzepte 4.1 Poster und Verständigung 23 4.2 Disqspace – der Diskussion Raum geben 24 5. Abschlussplenum 27 6. Fazit und Ausblick 31 Anhang Qualitätsmanagement natürlich auch im Ehrenamt, Poster von Deutschkurse Asyl Migration Flucht (DAMF) 34 Deutschbuch und Deutschkurs der Heilsarmee Dresden, Poster der Heilsarmee Dresden 35 Das Wormser Modell, ein Weiterbildungskonzept für ehrenamtliche Deutschlernhelfer*innen, Poster von Sandra Sulzer (TU Darmstadt) 36 Serlo ABC: Eine intuitive Open-Source-App zur Alphabetisierung im Selbststudium, Poster der Organisation Serlo 37 Spracherwerb und Verständigung, Poster des Sächsischen Staatsministeriums für Soziales und Verbraucherschutz (SMS) 38 „Deutsch im Keller“, Poster des Netzwerks „Willkommen in Löbtau“ 39 Lernen – Lehren – Helfen (Kooperationsprojekt zwischen der Deutsch-Uni Online und dem Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprache der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität), Poster von Anne Biedermann 40

Building an Landscape in Yogyakarta, Indonesia : -A study of Ecological planning for Building and Landscape.

Svensson, Pia-Lice January 2008 (has links)
<p>The objective with this final thesis is to show how to work and help as an engineer by an ecological planning for building and landscape in an Asian and Muslim country like Indonesia.</p><p>The qualitative working method that was used highlights the importance of field trips and free structured interviews. Talking to the people involved and seeing the specific areas gives understanding you can not get by studying literature.  </p><p>The importance of all the work areas in the process of exploiting an area formulates the problem. This is later investigated and practiced in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and was encourage by the SIDA scholarship “MFS”.</p><p>Indonesia is a big country divided in 17500 islands but there are more that are different to Sweden. The author describes the unwritten rules, religions and the climate difference and also the working process for work and study on Java in Indonesia.</p><p>The main part shows and explains the result; a proposal on how an existing student accommodation in the city Yogyakarta in Indonesia could be renewed with an ecological plan for its building and landscape.</p><p>Conclusions and thoughts are made by the author about the possibilities for the future. Potential exchange of knowledge, labor and other services should be made between schools in Sweden and Indonesia and also help-organizations.</p> / <p> </p><p>Detta examensarbete syftar till att visa hur man kan arbeta och hjälpa till som byggingenjör genom ett ekologiskt plannerande för byggande och landskap i ett land som Indonesien.</p><p>Vikten av alla arbetsområden i processen för att exploatera ett område formulerade problemmet. Detta undersöktes och prövades sen i Yogyakarta, Indonesien och uppmuntrades av SIDA stipendiet "MFS".</p><p>Den kvalitativa arbetsmetoden som använts belyser vikten av studie resor och fristrukturerade intervjuer. Att prata med människorna som är involverade och se platserna ger en förståelse som inte är möjlig att få om det enbart görs literatur studie.</p><p>Indonesien är stort land och är uppdelat i 17500st öar men det är mer som är olikt från Sverige. Författaren beskriver de annorlunda oskrivna regler, religioner och klimat och även arbets processen för att jobba eller studera på Java i Indonesien.</p><p>Huvudelen visar och förklarar resultatet; ett förslag till hur ett befintligt student boende i staden Yogyakarta i Indonesien kan förnyas med en ekologisk plann för byggnad och landskap.</p><p>Slutsattser och tankar är slutnligen formulerade av författaren om möjligheter i framtiden. Utbytte av kunskap, arbete och andra tjänster bör utövas mellan skolor i Sverigeoch Indonesien men även hjälporganisationer.</p>

Engagiert ein Leben lang?

Heller, Anne 15 June 2009 (has links)
Vor dem Hintergrund des demografischen Wandels und einer steigenden Zahl Älterer, steht die Gesellschaft vor der Aufgabe, Ideen und Konzepte zu entwickeln, engagierten Älteren sinnvolle Perspektiven zur gleichberechtigten Partizipation zu bieten. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich vor diesem Hintergrund mit der Motivation älterer Menschen, sich in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase für das Gemeinwohl zu engagieren. Empirischer Ausgangspunkt für die Fragestellung war das Modellprogramm „Erfahrungswissen für Initiativen“, das im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend in zehn Bundesländern mit der Zielstellung durchgeführt worden ist, ein Handlungs- und Strukturkonzept zu entwickeln, mit dem das Erfahrungswissen Älterer für den Freiwilligenbereich nutzbar gemacht werden kann. Die auf der Grundlage von leitfadengestützten Interviews erhobenen Daten der Stichprobe mit einem Durchschnittsalter von 63 Jahren weisen einen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen lebensgeschichtlichen Ereignissen und konkreten Engagementtätigkeiten nach. Engagement in der nachberuflichen Lebensphase speist sich demnach aus historischen, gesellschaftlichen, kulturellen und familiären Erfahrens- und Erlebensräumen, die in gemeinwohlorientierten Projekten erneut sichtbar werden. Als maßgebliche Einflussfaktoren gelten die Lebensphase der Kindheit und Jugend im Kontext der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit, elterliches Vorbild und familiäre Prägung, die Familiengründung, berufliche Entwicklungen und Weiterbildungsteilnahme sowie krisenhafte Lebensereignisse und das Erleben der Phase des Übergangs vom Arbeitsleben in die Phase der Nachberuflichkeit. / In the content of the demographic challenge an increasing number of older people has been searching for a new and active role in society. Therefore voluntary work becomes more and more necessary and develops as an important component in society. It is necessary to develop innovative ideas and concepts according of getting chances for the involvement of these people in local communities. The actual study works on the topic of individual motivation of older people, who decide to become volunteers after their career. The empiric background of the research was the Federal Model Programme „Experience for Initiatives“, that took place under authority of the Federal Ministry für Familiy Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. About 1.000 older people at the age range from 55 to 70 and older have taken part in courses to become a seniortrainer and get active across the ages. Their aim is to work with children, young and older people and become ambassadors for a new image of old age. The results of the study show the very high importance of individual biography according to the decision to start volunteer work after the family phase and career. Especially the familiar background, historical events (World War Two and the Political Change in Germany) and critical life events influence the way of volunteering. Biographical themes become topical in present volunteer projects of the older people and they are to find in the different fields of community life, where seniors are active. It is obvious, that there exists a great wealth of knowledge and life long experience, that can establish community life and innovation apart from traditional ways of volunteer work.

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