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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Science Teacher Perceptions Toward Digital Simulations and Virtual Labs as Digital Tools in the 7-12th Science Classroom

Kuehne, Teresa A. 23 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Informal Knowledge Sharing : Grasping the Complexity of Sharing Knowledge in Ericsson’s Software Development

Wittwång, Arvid, Perlind, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Many organizations have realized the importance of managing what they know in a proper way, with the sharing of knowledge as one of the most central aspects. However, the practices of knowledge sharing are seldom fully understood, and thus implementations of technical systems intended to improve knowledge sharing have less effect than expected. This master's thesis project identifies that the case company – the well-known, Swedish telecom giant Ericsson – suffers some potential knowledge gaps regarding its knowledge sharing practices, and the project thus serves the purpose to identify how and why employees indulge in sharing, with emphasis on the informal and employee-driven knowledge sharing.  To understand and find ways to improve the knowledge sharing practices, the thesis project performs a case study in the rapidly expanding Ericsson Cloud RAN project. The qualitative approach of Multi-Grounded Theory is used, to focus on the perceived situation as described by the employees, with previous research as a second grounding-point. The qualitative data is collected through literature analysis, semi-structured interviews, and exploration of the digital platforms and tools internally used to share and document knowledge. The research identifies that the Cloud RAN project needs improvements of the knowledge sharing culture, and create a norm to reuse the documented knowledge. In spite of this, many employees appreciate shared knowledge and contribute to the common good of knowledge. A joy in helping others, personal benefits, and contributions to a greater good drive many employees to share. On the flipside are barriers such as a high bar for contributions from a technical point of view, and a risk of limited reuse of knowledge. As reuse is key to make use of knowledge sharing, the master's thesis report contains identified mechanisms realized in mock-up versions of tools and websites. There, emphasis is put on the importance of having proper tools and access to a contact network to navigate the documented knowledge. Summarized, the findings suggest to utilize the enthusiasm for knowledge sharing among employees for a supportive role, to champion a refined culture and lower the bar to contribute. Frequent reminders of available tools and the impact of sharing what is known in a good way, alongside creating awareness of the direction of the organization, can create company-wide awareness and motivations for improving knowledge sharing.

An Intervention Study on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the ESL Classroom: English teacher perspectives on the Effectiveness of ChatGPT for Personalized Language LearningEn

Mohammad Ali, Abrar January 2023 (has links)
The recent release of AI tools for public use allows for the development of novel teaching approaches for goals that often present challenges in the classroom, such as the need for personalized learning materials. The current study enlists a four-week ChatGPT-based personalized learning intervention in tandem with a teacher questionnaire and interviews in two upper-secondary schools in Southern Sweden to investigate English teacher perceptions of the benefits and challenges of using AI for personalized language learning. In addition, the intervention investigates the potential effectiveness of personalized learning assignments using ChatGPT on the development of students’ grammar abilities in a specific, local classroom context to both address a local need at the school in question and to serve as a proof of concept for more broad-based, future research on the use of these tools for this purpose. The questionnaire revealed that teachers initially had some concerns regarding the accuracy, reliability, and practical implementation of such tools. However, the intervention was found to significantly reduce grammar errors in student writing, and in follow-up interviews, teachers reported feeling more receptive to such approaches after interacting with the tools and seeing the beneficial results. These findings demonstrate that teachers may be hesitant to implement AI tools, which underscores the importance of training and first-hand use for promoting their successful adoption into pedagogical practices. In addition, the findings suggest that AI-based tools for personalized language learning may also be successful in a broader educational context. Finally, certain limitations, such as the small sample size, are acknowledged which emphasizes that further research is necessary to acquire a more comprehensive understanding of personalized learning using AI-based tools like ChatGPT.

Minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa på arbetsplatsen med hjälp av digitala verktyg och artificiell intelligens (AI) : En strukturerad litteraturstudie / Reduction or prevention work-related mental illness in the workplace using digital tools and artificial intelligence (AI) : A structured literature study

Hellgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
Introduktion: Den psykiska ohälsan bland befolkningen i Sverige har ökat och särskilt på svenska arbetsplatser. Omkring 1,6 miljoner människor i Sverige upplevde år 2020 hälsoproblem som var arbetsrelaterade. Den psykisk ohälsan är även ett globalt folkhälsoproblem där närmare 301 miljoner människor levde med ångest, 280 miljoner människor med depression sedan år 2019. Att främja människors välbefinnande och att säkerställa hälsosamma liv i världen är avgörande för en hållbar utveckling. Digitaliseringen är även ett viktigt verktyg för att uppnå flera av de globala målen för hållbar utveckling. Digitala verktyg och AI-baserade tillvägagångssätt har hittat sin väg till arbetshälsopsykolog och kan stödja individer med problem som stress, ångest eller depression på arbetet. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka applikationer av digitala verktyg och AI-användning för att minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa för arbetstagare. Metod: En strukturerad litteraturstudie baserad på 10 vetenskapliga originalartiklar som inhämtats från databaserna Cinahl, Pubmed och Web of Science. Artiklarna har analyserats med en tematisk analys. Resultat: Sju teman grupperades i tre övergripande kategorier. Teman var självhantering, ökad kunskap, identifiering, användbarhet, minskning av stigmatisering, oro och engagemang. Kategorierna var potential och utveckling, användbara verktyg samt inställning. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att det kan vara fördelaktigt för arbetsplatser att satsa på insatser med digitala verktyg eller AI i syfte att minska eller förebygga arbetsrelaterad psykisk ohälsa. Den psykiska hälsan kan främjas, arbetsmiljö förbättras och inte minst kan depressionssymtom minskas och psykisk ohälsa förebyggas. / Indroduction: Mental ill health among the population in Sweden has increased and especially in Swedish workplaces. Around 1.6 million people in Sweden experienced workrelated health problems in 2020. The mental illness is also a global public health problem where nearly 301 million people lived with anxiety, 280 million people with depression since the year 2019. Promoting people's well-being and ensuring healthy lives in the world is crucial for sustainable development. Digitization is also an important tool for achieving several of the global goals for sustainable development. Digital tools and AI-based approaches have found their way into occupational health psychology and can support individuals with problems such as stress, anxiety or depression at work. Purpose: The purpose was to investigate applications of digital tools and AI use to reduce or prevent workrelated mental illness for workers. Method: A structured literature study based on 10 original scientific articles obtained from the databases Cinahl, Pubmed and Web of Science. The articles have been analyzed using a thematic analysis. Results: Seven themes were grouped into three overarching categories. The themes were self-management, increased knowledge, identification, usefulness, reduction of stigma, concern and commitment. The categories were potential and development, useful tools and attitude. Conclusion: The result shows that it can be beneficial for workplaces to invest in interventions with digital tools or AI in order to reduce or prevent work-related mental illness. Mental health can be promoted, the work environment improved and, not least, symptoms of depression can be reduced and mental illness can be prevented.

Ett digitaliserat socialt arbete - Vad händer med den professionella relationen? : En kvalitativ studie utifrån en etisk kontext / Digitalised Social Work - What Happens to the Professional Relationship? : A Qualitative Study within an Ethical Context

Simson, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
This qualitative study focuses on digitalisation in the social-work field within an ethical context. As a result of society's digital development and after the covid-19 pandemic paralyzed the world, today many meetings between professionals and clients take place through digital services. The purpose of this study is mainly to examine the role of digital meetings in the social-worker-client relationship. Through interviews with professionals working with digital tools in the field of social work, this study has been able to show both the opportunities and the challenges of digitalisation for the relationship between social worker and client.


SARAH FERREIRA DO COUTO 11 November 2016 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo apresenta uma proposta de ensino de expansão do vocabulário em Português como Língua Estrangeira (PLE) através das teorias dos campos lexicais e de estudos que envolvem o ensino-aprendizagem do aluno na atualidade, com ênfase no ensino-aprendizagem através de um AVA (ambiente virtual de aprendizagem) adaptado: o Skype. É apresentada a rotina da aula neste ambiente juntamente com outras ferramentas digitais, podendo assim contribuir com a prática de professores que desejam ministrar aulas online. Utilizam-se aqui os pressupostos metodológicos da pesquisa-ação para a coleta de dados feita através de aulas experimentais no ambiente Skype. Os resultados dessa pesquisa mostram como é produtivo o ensino de PLE através da teoria dos campos lexicais, uma vez que o ensino-aprendizagem do vocabulário é aplicado de forma progressiva através de uma sequência didática baseada em assuntos diversos, porém, interligados. Percebe-se também como as ferramentas digitais potencializam o aproveitamento das aulas por parte dos alunos. / [en] This study aims to present a teaching proposal regarding a vocabulary expansion in Portuguese as a foreign language (PFL), through lexical field theories and studies that entail the contemporary teaching-learning process. This proposal enphasizes the teaching-learning process that is set in an adapted Virtual Learning Environment (VLE): Skype. The study displays an example of a class routine set in the VLE and also presents other online tools that may contribute to teachers who aspire to lecture online classes. The study is based on methodological assumptions that encompass research-action used to collect the data from experimental classes in the Skype environment. The results of this research show how productive the teaching of PFL is through the lexical field theories. The teaching-learning of vocabulary is done in a progressive way through a didactic sequence based on diverse subjects, yet interconnected. It is also seen that online tools can enhance the learning process of students.

Hybridundervisning : Interaktionsupplevelser via digitala verktyg och plattformar ur ett studentperspektiv

Heino, Paulina, Fridehäll, Kajsa January 2023 (has links)
Digital utbildning erbjuder många möjligheter, men det finns även utmaningar som behöver övervinnas för att fullt ut utnyttja dess potential. En av dessa utmaningar är kvaliteten och effektiviteten hos digitala verktyg och plattformar. För att säkerställa en framgångsrik digital utbildning måste digitala verktyg vara av hög kvalitet och tillförlitliga. Det är också viktigt att ha välfungerande digitala verktyg och plattformar för att skapa en engagerande och dynamisk inlärningsmiljö. Studien fokuserar på hybridundervisning, där studenter deltar både på campus och på distans samtidigt. Genom att undersöka både synkron och asynkron interaktion mellan studenter och lärare via digitala verktyg och plattformar strävar studien efter att få insikter om hur studenter upplever interaktionen. Forskningsfrågorna undersöker vilka faktorer som kan hindra interaktion inom hybridundervisning, om det finns skillnader i interaktionsupplevelser mellan distansstudenter och studenter på campus, samt vilka utmaningar som finns kopplade till interaktionsupplevelserna inom hybridundervisning. Genom att identifiera och förstå dessa interaktionsutmaningar och skillnader kan studien ge värdefulla insikter för att optimera digitala verktyg och plattformar inom hybridundervisning. Resultaten kan bidra till att skapa en mer engagerande och effektiv inlärningsmiljö för studenter som deltar både på distans och på campus. / Digital education offers many opportunities, but it also presents challenges to overcome to fully leverage its potential. One of these challenges is the quality and effectiveness of digital tools and platforms. To ensure successful digital education, digital learning resources must be of high quality and reliability. It is also important to have well-functioning digital tools and platforms to create an engaging and dynamic learning environment. The study focuses on hybrid education, where students participate both on campus and remotely. By examining both synchronous and asynchronous interaction between students and teachers through digital tools and platforms, the study aims to gain insights into how students experience this type of interaction. The research questions investigate factors that may hinder interaction in hybrid education, whether there are differences in interaction experiences between remote students and on-campus students, and what challenges are associated with interaction experiences within hybrideducation. By identifying and understanding these interaction challenges and differences, the study can provide valuable insights for optimizing digital tools and platforms in hybrid education. The results can contribute to creating a more engaging and effective learning environment for students participating both remotely and on campus.

Digitaliseringens påverkan på revisionsprocessen och revisorns roll : en studie med inriktning på artificiell intelligens, Big data och robotisk processautomation / The impact of digitalization on the audit process and the auditor's role : a study with a focus on artificial intelligence, Big data and robotic process automation

Younan, Johan, Aladin, Danial-Darian January 2023 (has links)
Digitalisering är ett välkänt fenomen som utvecklats med rask takt de senaste decennierna och haft en stor påverkan på omvärlden och påverkat människor både privat och arbetsmässigt. Företag och organisationer har utnyttjat digitaliseringen genom automatisering av processer, effektivisering och minskning av kostnader. Revisionsbyråer är inget undantag och har även dem utnyttjat och tagit del av digitaliseringens framfart och den utveckling som sker. Genom att tillämpa och implementera nya digitala verktyg kan företag automatisera vissa arbetsmoment, insamla och analysera stora mängder data. Vidare har digitaliseringen påverkat arbetsmarknaden genom att nya arbetsmöjligheter utformats eller att befintliga arbetsroller förändrats till följd av digitaliseringen. För att få en ökad förståelse kring hur revisionsprocessen och revisorer påverkats av digitaliseringen har studien utgått efter att undersöka detta fenomen mer djupgående genom att fördjupa sig inom artificiell intelligens, Big data och robotisk processautomation. Studien har således utgått efter detta som syfte och utvecklat tre frågeställningar för att besvara studiens syfte. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ metod genom semistrukturerade intervjuer för att undersöka fenomenet. Det som undersöks är hur digitaliseringen påverkat revisionsprocessen och revisorns roll, vilka effekter och skillnader som uppstått, fördelar och nackdelar med digitaliseringen samt framtida utsikter för hur digitaliseringen kan komma att påverka revisionsprocessen och revisorns roll. Resultatet indikerar på att digitaliseringen påverkat revisionsprocessen och revisorsrollen genom olika sätt. Studiens resultat presenterar att digitaliseringen påverkat genom att revisionen övergått från pappershantering till digital hantering och lagring, nya digitala verktyg som uppstått som automatiserar, förenklar, underlättar revisionen och revisorns uppgifter samt att digitaliseringen förbättrar revisionens kvalité. Resultatet visar även att digitaliseringen ökat betydelsen av digitala samtalsverktyg för att hålla kontakt med kollegor och kunder vilket ses som effektiviserande, tidssparande, miljövänligt och ekonomiskt gynnsamt. Resultatet visar även negativa sidor med digitaliseringen som säkerhetsaspekter, sociala aspekter samt brister inom lagstiftning och regelverk. Studien visar slutligen att digitaliseringen kan komma att påverka revisionen ytterligare, särskilt med artificiell intelligens och automatisering, och många revisorer ser optimistiskt på digitaliseringen och revisionens framtid. Denna studie är skriven på svenska. / Digitalization is a well-known phenomenon that has developed at a rapid pace in recent decades and has had a major impact on the outside world and affected people both privately and at work. Companies and organizations have taken advantage of digitalization by automating processes, streamlining and reducing costs. Audit firms are no exception and have also taken advantage of and taken part in the progress of digitalization and the development that is taking place. By applying and implementing new digital tools, companies can automate certain work steps, collect and analyze large amounts of data. Furthermore, digitalization has affected the labor market by creating new job opportunities or changing existing work roles as a result of digitalization. In order to gain a greater understanding of how the audit process and auditors have been affected by digitalization, the study has been carried out after investigating this phenomenon more deeply by delving into artificial intelligence, Big data and robotic process automation. The study has therefore proceeded according to this as its aim and developed three questions to answer the study's purpose. The study has used a qualitative method through semi-structured interviews to investigate the phenomenon. What is investigated is how digitalization has affected the audit process and the auditor's role, what effects and differences have arisen, advantages and disadvantages of digitalization, and future prospects for how digitalization may affect the audit process and the auditor's role. The results indicate that digitalization has affected the audit process and the auditor's role in various ways. The results of the study present that digitalization has affected the audit by moving from paper handling to digital handling and storage (digitization), new digital tools that have emerged that automate, simplify, facilitate the audit and the auditor's tasks, and that digitalization improves the quality of the audit. The result also shows that digitalization has increased the importance of digital communication tools to keep in touch with colleagues and customers, which is seen as efficient, timesaving, environmentally friendly and economically beneficial. The result also shows negative aspects of digitalization such as security aspects, social aspects and shortcomings in legislation and regulations. Finally, the study shows that digitalization may further impact auditing, especially with artificial intelligence and automation, and that many auditors are optimistic about digitalization and the future of auditing. This study is written in Swedish.

Surfplattans påverkan på skrivutvecklingen : En fenomenografisk studie om hur lärare uppfattar surfplattans påverkan på elevers stavning i svenskundervisningen. / The tablet's impact on writing development : A phenomenographic study of how teachers perceive the tablet's impact on students' spelling in Swedish teaching.

Andersson, Emelie January 2021 (has links)
Skolan idag präglas av digitala verktyg och ett av dessa är surfplattan. Elever skriver för det mesta digitalt idag och penna och papper försvinner alltmer. I styrdokumenten står det tydligt att eleverna ska få möjlighet att använda digitala verktyg, men hur mycket de ska användas och till vad är varje skolas val. Genom en fenomenografisk metod med kvalitativa intervjuer ämnade denna studie undersöka hur lärare upplever elevers stavning, när de skriver med penna och papper respektive när de skriver digitalt. Studien utgår från ett sociokulturellt perspektiv, då surfplattan ses som ett medierande verktyg. Surfplattans rättstavningsprogram kan bidra till appropriering hos eleverna, det vill säga att eleverna reflekterar över varför en rödmarkering, uppstår och omedelbart korrigera ordet. Resultatet av analysen visar att eleverna har brister i stavningen när de skriver för hand. Elever idag förlitar sig på autokorrigering av rättstavning och när den inte finns tillgänglig uppstår det stavfel. Studien visar även att stavfelen kan variera beroende på var skolan ligger geografiskt. Stavfel som görs av elever som går på en skola i Småland; skiljer sig från elever som går på en skola i exempelvis Stockholm. Autokorrigering kan användas på olika sätt och beroende på hur programmet används kan eleverna gynnas eller hinder kan uppstå. Genom att variera arbetsformer och stänga av stavningskontroll på surfplattan bör stavningen förbättras, enligt de medverkande i studien. / Schools today are characterized by the use of digital tools and one of these is the tablet. Students write mostly digitally today, and pen and paper disappear more and more. The governing documents clearly state that students should be given the opportunity to use digital tools, but how much should it be used, is each school's choice. Through a phenomenographic method with qualitative interviews, this study aims to find out how teachers experience students' spelling, when they write with pen and paper as opposed to when they write digitally. The study includes a socio-cultural perspective, as the tablet is seen as a mediating tool and spelling programs can contribute to an appropriation among the students, that is, the students reflect on why a red mark arises and must correct the word immediately. The results of the analysis show that the students have spelling shortcomings when they write by hand. Students today rely on auto-correction and when it does not exist, spelling errors occur. The study also shows that spelling errors can vary depending on where the school is located. Spelling mistakes made by students who go to a school in Småland differ from that of students who go to a school in, for example, Stockholm. Auto-correction can be used in different ways and depending on how it is used, students can benefit from it, or it can create obstacles for them. By varying the working methods and turning off the spelling checker on the tablet, the spelling should improve, according to the participants in the study.

Peer Review in EFL Writing: Its Effect on Critical Thinking Skills and the Role of Digital Tools in Facilitating the Process / Kamratrespons i skrivning för engelska som andra språk: effekterna på kritiskt tänkande förmågor och rollen av digitala verktyg i främjandet av processen.

Al-kefagy, Murtadha, Nagy, Cristina January 2021 (has links)
This paper focuses on peer reviewing as part of the writing process and as a pedagogical strategy that can help students develop their writing and critical thinking skills. To do so, it examines the extent to which peer reviewing can develop English as a foreign language (EFL) students’ ability to evaluate and reflect on their writing in upper secondary school. Moreover, this study investigates whether digital tools can help to facilitate the peer review process. By reviewing and synthesizing ten empirical studies from the period 2013-2020, the study found that students who engage in peer reviewing in writing develop critical thinking skills, self-regulation and evaluation. It further shows that there is a consensus between researchers regarding the usefulness of peer review in developing critical thinking skills. However, the findings indicate the importance of including guided peer review training before peer review activities. Furthermore, there is a strong indication that digital tools can help facilitate the peer review process if used appropriately. Digital tools help engage students in the peer review process since they are able to interact with each other’s texts online. Lastly, the findings of the study are in line with the Swedish national curriculum and the English syllabus for upper secondary school. Therefore, teachers in Sweden should consider the use of familiar digital tools to engage students in peer review to develop their writing and critical thinking skills.

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