Spelling suggestions: "subject:"”ehe outsider”"" "subject:"”ehe outsiders”""
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H.P. Lovecraft's Literary "Supernatural Horror" in Visual CultureWallace, Nathaniel R. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Global Gender Policy Development in the UN: A Sociological Exploration of the Politics, Processes, and LanguageJauk, Daniela F. 26 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Finns det spår av en spontan bildterapi i Jungs Röda Bok?Mårtenson, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
I den här magisteruppsatsen gör jag en deskriptiv innehållsanalys av den Schweiziske psykologen Carl Gustav Jungs verk den Röda Boken. Jag kommer att använda mig av tre målningar från boken och via dem analysera Jungs process i arbetet och hur de speglar hans liv under denna period. Min frågeställning är om skapandet av den Röda Boken även innebar en spontan bildterapi för Jung. Lyckas Jung via skapandet av bilderna och skrivandet av boken även bedriva och hitta en ny väg för egenterapi? Slutligen så kommer jag fram till att Jung via sitt arbete med den Röda Boken och den katarsis som medföljer, hittar nya metoder för terapeutiskt arbete som senare kom att utvecklas till den analytiska psykologin. Det blev också en sorts egenterapi där Jung börjar integrera sedan barndomen förträngda delar av sin personlighet. Och det är i uppbrottet från Freud som dessa har aktualiserats. Enligt min tolkning så är det dock en del av Jungs personlighet som han aldrig riktigt kommer att erkänna, som han bara utforskar genom den Röda Boken. Det är konstnären Jung, som enligt Jung själv krockar med vetenskapsmannen Jung. Men den Röda Boken är i allra högsta grad ett konstnärligt verk som visar på konstens läkande funktion.
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Society and its outsiders in the novels of Jakob WassermannVolckmer, Katharina Barbara Emmy January 2014 (has links)
This thesis looks at a number of Jakob Wassermann’s novels and the ways in which society is depicted in them. Seen as a whole, Wassermann’s oeuvre can therefore be understood as an attempt to portray (mostly) German society at different historical stages. The periods in question are Biedermeier Germany, the Wilhelmine era, the years of the Great War and finally the Weimar Republic, the depiction of all of which reveal Wassermann as a fierce critic of his time. In addition to this interest in society, this thesis will examine Wassermann’s concern with various outsider figures which complement his portrayals of society. The outsider figures Wassermann seems to be mostly interested in are the Jew, the woman, the child and the homosexual man. However, Wassermann is not just interested in these outsiders on their own but also draws extensive parallels between the various forms of exclusion they experience in a society dominated by the Gentile man or, as in the case of the child, by the adult. These parallels have proven to be revelatory and have led to new insights into Wassermann’s works. The dynamic of the outsider vs. society is, however, in many ways no longer applicable to those novels written during and after the Great War. Instead Wassermann now combines his interest in the figure of the outsider with an interest in the depiction of character. At the same time character becomes a mirror not only for the society Wassermann portrays in his writing but also for the society he lived in. This makes for an altogether more complex but also more intriguing structure of his later writing. This thesis will examine how all these different elements when combined offer new ways of looking at Wassermann’s writing.
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Det ligger i deras händer : En sociologisk studie om segregationen mellan Bredäng och MälarhöjdenAfram, Daniel, Celebi, Suleyman January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to bring out the social economic residential segregation that exists in Bredäng and in Mälarhöjden by experiences and perceptions from local residents with a qualitative research. The study will also show how these expectations forms from local residents in these districts. Both these districts take place in southern Stockholm. Bredäng, the public housing neighborhood and Mälarhöjden, the garden neighborhood are two districts that was built up during two different eras but has a social economic difference bigger than the geographic distance. The majority of the local residents in Bredäng are low incomes and have a lack of university or college education. The majority of the local residents in Mälarhöjden have a higher percentage of university graduates and the average income per year are twice the size of Bredängs resident’s. The main focus of this study will be to inquire into why the social economic elements lead to residential segregation in these districts, but also in how Mälaräng will effect on this. The main focus will be to examine why the social economic elements leads to how segregation forms from the expectations that exist. It generally occurs similar beliefs and perceptions from all respondents about these districts. The results shows that all respondents confirms that it exist social economic differences between Bredäng and Mälarhöjden with consequences that Bredäng becomes the segregated district towards to Mälarhöjden that is considered the “fancier” district with higher “status”. We have used the concept segregation that is central in this study and two theoretical points, Goffman’s identity and Elias and Scotson who writes about established and outsiders. We use the theoretical perspectives to connect the empirical part about how individuals form experiences and perceptions toward to the opposite district. We also find how identity creations forms from the categories that the individual gets. / Med hjälp av en kvalitativ undersökning är syftet med denna studie att belysa hur bostadssegregation och hur områdets invånare formar föreställningar om både sitt eget område och i jämförelse med det motsatta området. Bredäng och Mälarhöjden ligger i södra Stockholm och är de två områden som kommer att undersökas. Vidare kommer vi i studien även belysa hur dessa står i relation till varandra utifrån lokalinvånarnas upplevelser och uppfattningar. Bredäng, miljonprogramområdet och Mälarhöjden, trädgårdsstaden är två stadsdelar som byggdes under olika tidsperioder men där de socioekonomiska skillnaderna är betydligt större än det geografiska. Majoriteten av de lokala invånare i Bredäng är låginkomsttagare och saknar eftergymnasial utbildning till skillnad från Mälarhöjden där fler är högutbildade samt där årsinkomsten är det dubbla jämfört med Bredäng. Studiens främsta fokus kommer vara att undersöka varför de socioekonomiska faktorer leder till hur bostadssegregation formas utifrån de föreställningar och uppfattningar som råder. Det förekommer generellt liknande föreställningar och uppfattningar från samtliga informanter kring stadsdelarna. Resultatet visar oss att samtliga respondenter bekräftar att det råder socioekonomiska skillnader på Bredäng och Mälarhöjden där konsekvenserna blir ett segregerat område där Bredäng ses som det segregerade området gentemot Mälarhöjden som framställs som det mer ”finare” och området med högre ”status”. Till den teoretiska biten har vi använt oss av ett centralt begrepp, segregation och två teoretiska utgångspunkter varav en av Goffmans identitetsskapande och sedan även Elias och Scotson som redogör för etablerade och outsiders. Med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven finner vi en anknytning till det empiriska avsnittet på hur individer formar uppfattningar och föreställningar gentemot det motsatta området. Vidare finner vi även hur identitetsskapandet formas utifrån de kategorier med egenskaper man blir tilldelade.
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Seditious theology : imaginative re-identification, punk and the ministry of JesusJohnson, Mark January 2011 (has links)
The following thesis investigates the British punk movement of the mid-late seventies and suggests that, by performing acts of imaginative re-identification, we may gain greater insights into both the phenomenon of punk and aspects of Jesus’ life, ministry, and teaching despite their axiomatic and sometimes problematic differences. To do this we explore the power of the sartorial creations that the movement adopted and the way in which they conveyed an oppositional protest message and stance. We explore punk graphics and the way in which they could offer a targeted critique of the nation. We look at punk performances and how they confrontationally engaged with their audiences and what they wanted to elicit in return. We reflect on women in punk, punk in Northern Ireland and the relationship between punk and the black community and the degree to which punk exhibited a counter-cultural attitude to relationships. Concluding our look at punk we investigate how society, the authorities and commerce reacted to the movement, before investigating punk as a trans-historical essence. Having explored punk and established imaginative connections we then revisit aspects of Jesus’ life and consider him as a subversive who negated some of the national symbols of Israel, collided with Jewish national authority and reversed many of the nation’s perspectives. We look at the more confrontational nature of Jesus, his use of symbolic physical statements and his interaction with women, teaching on enemies and the way he related to the outcast. We then conclude by showing the degree to which the present-day church has been absorbed into the surrounding culture and explore two instances in post-war theology where there has been a recovery of the more seditious pattern within Jesus’ life before seeing whether there is anything that the church may learn from imaginatively identifying with punk.
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A arquitetura espontânea de Niki de Saint Phalle: o jardim de tarôCabañas Pedro, Carmen Cecília [UNESP] 16 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
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cabanaspedro_cc_me_ia.pdf: 5295856 bytes, checksum: a8c9a5039b8aa9967830938958a1f32a (MD5) / Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) / O presente trabalho concentra-se no estudo de um conjunto específico de obras da artista Niki de Saint Phalle, analisados sob o viés da arquitetura espontânea. Esse termo, bastante, desconhecido, é empregado para definir obras quer, pela sua escala e forma podem ser compreendidas como construções arquitetônicas diferenciadas, produzidas por “não-arquitetos”. Essa produção é geralmente associada à produção de artistas outsiders , aproximando-se mais da arte e da fantasia. Essas construções vão surgindo gradualmente na obra do artista Niki de Saint Phalle, que são destacadas uma a uma nesta investigação. Para maior embasamento foi feito o levantamento de de outras manifestações da arquitetura espontânea, compreendendo o trabalho construtivo de artistas e arquitetos espontâneos. Esses esforços criativos podem ser encontrados em várias partes do mundo, principalmente na Europa e América. A segunda parte da dissertação é dedicada inteiramente ao Jardim de Tarô, parque de esculturas projetado e construído por Niki, na Toscana, Itália. O jardim recebeu a influência do Park Guell do arquiteto Gaudi e é construido por esculturas monumentais que representam as cartas do tarô. A escolha do foco da segunda parte da dissertação neste jardim justifica-se por ele concentrar a maior quantidade de exemplos da arquitetura e espontânea na obra da artista. / The present work is concentrated on the study of a set specify of works of the artist Niki de Saint Phalle, analised under the slant of the spontaneous architecture. This term quite unknown, is employed in order that define works that , by the scale and form there can be understood how differential architectural constructions produced by non-architets This producation is generally associate to the outsider's artist production bringing near more near more than the art and the fantasy. These constructions are appearing gradually in the work of the artist Niki de Saint Phalle, that I detach one to one in this investigation. For bigger foundation, I do the lifting of other demonstrations of the spontaneous architecture, understanding the constructive work of these artists and spontaneous architects. These creative efforts can be found in several parts of the world, mainly in Europe and America. The second part of the work is dedicated completely to the Tarot Garden, park of sculptures projected and built bu Niki, in Tuscay, Italy. The garden received great influence of the Park Guell of the architect Gaudi, and it is constituted by monumental sculputures represented by letters of the tarot. I chose to focus the second part of the dissertation on this garden because it concentrats the biggest quantity of examples of the spontaneous architecture in the work of the artist.
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Produire et reproduire la langue et la culture à l’école primaire au pays de Galles : Gwaith athrawon a chynorthwywr addysgu yng Nghaerdydd / Le travail d’enseignantes et d’aides-enseignantes à CardiffTurner, Karine 28 May 2020 (has links)
La recherche entreprise dans le cadre de cette thèse doctorale se veut une réflexion sur le travail des enseignantes et des aides-enseignantes d’une école primaire de langue galloise, à Cardiff, capitale du pays de Galles. Ce travail apparait marqué par des rapports de force entre la langue majoritaire (anglais) et la langue minoritaire (gallois), et s’inscrit dans un contexte sociétal de revendication et de reconnaissance de la langue en situation diglossique. Par l’entremise d’observations consignées dans un journal de bord réflexif et d’entretiens semi-dirigés, j’explore la façon dont ces membres du personnel de l’école contribuent à la (re)production de la langue et de la culture galloises. Plus précisément, j’appréhende leur travail au regard de deux dimensions de cette (re)production linguistique et culturelle, soit : les politiques linguistiques éducatives et la culture de l’école. Les résultats de cette enquête ethnographique, présentés dans le cadre d’articles scientifiques, mettent en évidence les voix et les perspectives des aides-enseignantes et enseignantes, encore trop peu présentes dans les travaux de recherche sur l’éducation en gallois.
Le premier article vise à démontrer que le travail des enseignantes et des aides-enseignantes s’inscrit dans un processus dynamique de mise en oeuvre des politiques linguistiques éducatives. De fait, celles-ci sont en mesure d’adopter, de résister, de négocier, voire même de créer ces politiques au sein de l’école ou de la salle de classe. Leurs discours et leurs pratiques montrent qu’elles se questionnent quant à la place à accorder à la langue majoritaire, et qu’elles sont parfois à la recherche de compromis visant à mitiger les effets néfastes perçus à l’égard d’un règlement scolaire qui interdit l’usage de l’anglais. Le deuxième article de cette thèse explore la notion de la culture de l’école. Compte tenu de la prévalence de la langue anglaise à Cardiff et dans la plupart des foyers des élèves qui fréquentent cette école, les enseignantes et aides-enseignantes réalisent un important travail de valorisation de la langue et de la culture galloises. En s’appropriant la mission de l’école et en perpétuant des traditions et rituels, elles contribuent à façonner la culture de l’école d’une manière qui permet aux élèves d’évoluer dans un cadre à la fois communautaire et familial, ancré dans la langue et la culture galloises. Enfin, par l’entremise du troisième article, l’ensemble des données de cette étude sont mises en relation avec mon parcours de chercheure franco-ontarienne, confrontée aux défis de l’apprentissage d’une langue et de l’ethnographie en milieu non familier. Je pose un regard critique sur mon positionnement d’Insider/Outsider en exposant tant les aspects qui provoquent un rapprochement au terrain que ceux qui entraînent une distance avec celui-ci. Il s’agit, entre autres, d’un aller-retour entre ma familiarité avec le contexte sociétal de la langue au pays de Galles, qui s’apparente à celui de l’Ontario français, et le sentiment d’éloignement provoqué par mon immersion dans un milieu scolaire entièrement gallois.
Cette ethnographie se veut à la fois une enquête sur le rôle des enseignantes et des aides-enseignantes dans la (re)production de la langue et de la culture galloises, et un examen de ce que signifie mener une ethnographie dans un contexte linguistique minoritaire autre que celui auquel appartient la chercheure.
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Unstable Income and the Welfare State in AsiaYen, Wei-Ting, Yen January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Konstruktion und Transformation von Identität in der Migrationsgesellschaft / Familienbiographien und Generationenverhältnisse bei Migrationsfamilien aus der Türkei. Eine EthnographieCan, Halil 20 October 2022 (has links)
Migration ist eines der präsentesten und prägendsten Themen unserer Zeit. In dieser Ethnographie richtet sich der Blick exemplarisch auf die Akteur*innen der (‚Gastarbeits‘-)Migration, hier konkret auf mehrgenerationelle Familien im transnationalen sozialen Migrations- und Verflechtungsraum Türkei-Deutschland. Im Fokus stehen dabei ihre Identitätsprozesse, In- und Exklusionserfahrungen und Empowermentpraxen nicht nur während der ‚Gastarbeits‘-, sondern auch in der Prä- und Postmigrationsphase. Migration wird in dieser Forschungsarbeit akteurszentriert aus dem konkreten sozialen, hier familiär eingebetteten Alltagshandeln und den Narrationen ihrer Subjekte in dichter teilnehmender Beobachtung beschrieben. Auf den Fersen der Familien(angehörigen) und ihren Identitäten in Bewegung erweiterte sich die Feldforschung zu einer multilokalen, -methodischen und -lingualen Ethnographie. Als Proband*innen traten dabei zwei Familien aus der ostanatolischen Dersim-Region der Türkei mit zwei Spezifika hervor; zum einen durch ihre ursprünglich familiäre Sprache Zazaki und zum anderen ihre Zugehörigkeit zur alevitischen (Glaubens-)Gemeinschaft, wobei innerhalb des alevitischen Glaubenssystems die eine einer Ocak- und die andere einer Talip-Familie angehört. Migration und darin auch Identitätsarbeit zeigen sich in dieser Familienethnographie als ein geistig, körperlich wie auch emotional konflikthafter und komplexer individuell-sozialer Prozess der permanenten Aushandlung und Veränderung unter Bedingungen von Diversität und intersektionaler Differenz. In ihrer Ambivalenz ist dieser Prozess somit Herausforderung und Chance zugleich. Resümierend lässt sich Identitätsarbeit im transnationalen Migrations- und Familienraum auch als Empowerment- und Powersharingarbeit beschreiben, als einem kreativ-interaktiven Handeln im „dritten Raum“, dem „Zwischenraum“ (BHABHA), in dem jenseits von Norm und Abweichung bzw. Insider- und Outsider-Positionalitäten (ELIAS/SCOTSON) „hybride“ bzw. „transkulturelle“ Identitäten und Lebensentwürfe möglichen werden und damit als dritte Positionalität die transformative Positionalität des Transsiders entsteht. / Migration is one of the most prominent and formative issues of our time. In this ethnography, the analytical gaze is trained on the actors of (guest work) migration, specifically on multi-generational families in the interwoven transnational migration space of Turkey-Germany. The focus is on their identity processes, experiences of inclusion and exclusion, and empowerment practices not only during the ‚guest work‘ phase, but also during the pre- and post-migration phases. In this study, migration is described in actor-centered fashion through the close participant-observation of concrete social actions embedded in the families’ everyday lives as well as the narratives of the research subjects. Following the family members and their identities in motion, the field research constitutes a multi-local, multi-method, and multi-lingual ethnography. The main research subjects are two families from the eastern Anatolian Dersim region of Turkey with two specific characteristics. On the one hand, the families speak Zazaki as their original native language. On the other, they belong to the Alevi (faith) community, whereby one belongs to an Ocak family within the Alevi belief system while the other belongs to a Talip family. Migration and the identity work associated with it emerge in this family ethnography as a mentally, physically, and emotionally complex individual and social process that requires constant negotiation and change under conditions of diversity and intersectional difference. In its ambivalence, this process is both a challenge and an opportunity. In sum, identity work in the transnational migration and family space can also be described as empowerment and power-sharing work, as creative, interactive action in the „third space“ or „in-between space“ (BHABHA). Beyond the positionalities of the norm and the exception, the insider and the outsider (ELIAS/SCOTSON), „hybrid“ or „transcultural“ identities and life plans become possible, and the transformative third positionality of the transsider emerges.
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