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工業技術研究院(工研院) 之戰略轉型在臺灣高科技產業發展過程: 制度學習方法 / The transformation of strategies of the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in the course of Taiwan’s high-tech industrial development: an institutional learning approach米莎, Fefelov, Mikhail Unknown Date (has links)
本文考察了自20世紀70年代末台灣的高新技術產業化的過程中,由工業技術研究院(工研院)經歷了轉變。本文提出了一個框架,與經濟和政治變化的環境中所發生的高科技產業整合工研院的互動。使用機構學習模型,本文標識的組織學習能力。在本質上這些學習能力突出I工研院的相互作用調整的變化的機制。歷史分析表明三個階段,其中的研究院通過主要組織變革發生的背景。階段之間的過渡是不同的,嵌入在特定的經濟和政治背景。 / This thesis examines the transformations undergone by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) during the course of Taiwan’s high-tech industrialization since the late 1970s. This study proposes a framework that integrates ITRI’s approaches in interacting with high-tech industries on the one hand, with the broad economic and political changes happening in its environment on the other. Using an institutional learning model, the thesis identifies the organizational learning capabilities, which in essence underlines the mechanisms of ITRI’s interaction adjustment to the changes. The historical analysis suggests three stages, in the contexts of which the institute undergoes through major organizational transformations. The transitions between the stages are different and embedded in the particular economic and political contexts.
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台灣肉類貿易之政治學-選擇性保護或選擇性的自由化? / The Politics of the Meat Trade in Taiwan - Selective Protection or Selective Liberalization?史密特, Fernando Mariano Schmidt Hernandez Unknown Date (has links)
為何台灣居於部份農業貿易政策保護之位置? 本研究之目的係為了能解釋此原因。此可以被台灣歷史之理論上所施行的肉類貿易之例子所解釋。此農業貿易保護政策可被定義為選擇性之貿易保護。 / Why does Taiwan have in place a partially protectionist agricultural trade policy? The goal of the research is to find a causal explanation to this question by looking at the case of meat trade. It can be explained under the premises of historical institutionalism theory. Its agricultural trade policy can be defined as selectively protectionist.
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共享型平台企業之策略行銷分析 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Sharing Platform Companies吳其錚 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究給予即將發展共享型平台企業之新創事業及中小型企業未來策略發展方向,在發展初期,平台企業若仿效愛日租個案在極短期內透入大量資金完全複製其他成功個案的商業模式是存在失敗風險的,應該效仿Airbnb長期動態的分階段、分項解決行銷交換成本,建立一個正向的4C循環,將雙邊市場群體皆突破用戶臨界數量,以觸發網路效應,以幫助其在有限的資源之中達到有效快速的成長。 / Recently, due to the advanced internet technology and the trend of sharing economy, more and more company has changed their usual business model, from the traditional manufacturing to the service of gathering demands and supplies. Selling the tangible products and equipment is no longer the main source of profit. More and more sharing platform companies have appeared in the market and the business has transformed its business model by degrees.
Although there are more and more sharing platform companies emerge in the market, very few company can maintain the growth. This study takes the largest global house-renting platform, Airbnb, and the corresponding platform, Airizu, for comparison. And use the 4C framework to identify the transaction costs that the sharing platform companies and the bilateral party faced and further discover the different strategies used by the two cases.
Finally, this study provides the sharing platform companies some recommending strategy of future development. For those startups in the very beginning stage, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airizu took, by throwing in capitals to copy the entire business model from others, it will undertake huge financial risks, and on the other hand, if the platform companies go for the strategy that Airbnb took, by solving the transaction costs step by step in the long term, it will have better chance to get a 4C positive cycle. To not only raise the number of users from the bilateral parties to reach the network effect, but also help the company to achieve great success within limited resources.
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風險社會下的開放政府:以台北市為例 / The Open Government in Risk Society: The Case of Taipei City王尹辰, Wang, Yin Chen Unknown Date (has links)
根據學者Gwanhoo Lee和Young Hoon Kwak所提出的開放政府程度之檢視以及開放政府的三大準則—透明、公共參與、合作,對照本研究之測量,本研究發現:台北市公民與專家對資訊的準確程度未呈現質疑態度,而資訊品質之評價亦為正面,符合「資料透明」。然而,普遍來說公眾會隨著年齡不同而對於公民參與的認知有所不同,實際參與的次數也不高。綜上所述,本研究認為台北市開放政府的情形有涵蓋資料透明但缺乏「公民參與」。也因為缺乏公民參與,以至於合作的概念目前尚未實踐。至於如何突破現階段的困境,可做為將來研究的方向。 / This paper uses right to information and the level of civic participation as indicators to discuss citizens living in a risk society how the open government performs in Taipei City. The study adopts the World Justice Project(WJP) Open Government Index as the foundation of questionnaires and has done some revision, focusing on the case in Taipei City. The general public questionnaire aims to survey whether citizens in different age ranges hold different opinions toward right to information and civic participation; Expert questionnaire, on the other hand, is to investigate whether experts have different perspectives toward these two indicators.
Based on the survey of the level of open government and the three principles proposed by Gwanhoo Lee and Young Hoon Kwak: transparency, public participation, and collaboration in contrast to the assessment of the study, the paper discovers that citizens and experts in Taipei City are undoubting of information accuracy and hold positive feedback to information quality, which corresponds to “information transparency.” However, generally the public varies in the understanding of civic participation as citizens age. The frequency of the actual participation remains low. In sum, the study deems that open government in Taipei City has incorporated information transparency but lack “civic participation.” Because of this, the concept of “collaboration” has not yet achieved. As for how to break through the current difficulties, it can serve as a research direction in the future.
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體驗經濟下,休閒飯店經營管理之探討--以台東如意休閒事業飯店為例 / Experiential Economy,the study of Leisure Hotel Management and Administration--A case study of Tai-Tung Ru-Yi Leisure hotels李慕雄, Lee, Mu Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
在這個世代希望創造自己和朋友、家人、孩子們的歡樂童年和美好回憶。忘憂館景觀旅店和曙光渡假酒店,要朝向這方向前進,要提供好的條件給消費者,藉由人的感受所創造的價值,是需要不斷提昇和優化來帶動經濟成長和發展。 / Tai-Tung tourism and leisure industry catch everyone’s eyes, hundreds of B & B in Tai-Tung, have been playing an important role in tourist-stay market. B & B could be found everywhere. With transportation to connect Tai-Tung and other cities will have great improvement in the nearly 3 to 5 years due to south-link highway and the Su-Hua Highway. Hotels in Tai-Tung downtown by BOT are being completed. Threrfore, Tai-Tung, as a tourist city, is expended to have a bright future. Since, the hardware and software of tourism are gradually being matured.
In this "casual person-centric" era, the era of experience economy is becoming a growing concern, full of vigor and vitality. Experience economy fullfills to cousumers’ needs , emotion and self-actualization. Experience Economy is customer-centric economy, which reflects consumers’ behavior and consumer psychology are moving forward to a higher level.
We recommend Tai-Tung Ru-Yi Leisure Hotels can move in the following directions, 1) Theme hotel 2) theme experience 3) Promote Public Education
4) cross-industry alliance to create success. People in this age want to create the joy of childhood and lovely memory for their friends, family, and children. The forget worry village and Sunrise Hotel should donate themselves to be the providers who provide customers the good living conditions, with the feelings of people to create value, is the need to constantly improve and optimize to boost economic growth and development.
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台灣華語正常及構音異常幼童之習得現象:華音產製研究 / Phonological Development and Disorder in Taiwan Mandarin:The Status of Glides許馨云, Hsu, Hsin Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文檢視台灣華語為母語之正常幼童以及構音異常幼童之滑音[j],[w], [ɥ]發展與產製表現,採長期觀察之方式,詳細描述正常幼兒滑音產製之出現及穩定年齡、頻率、正確率和發展順序,並且比較此三滑音於各音節位置之產製表現,進而比較兩組幼童之台灣華語滑音產製及音韻歷程之使用行為。本研究以標記理論及位置層級理論來檢驗幼兒滑音之發展與表現。
研究結果顯示,正常幼兒之滑音出現順序和穩定順序皆符合標記理論之預測,無標音早於有標音,其滑音產製之穩定度與音節位置相關,音節首位之滑音表現較音節中與音節末之滑音表現來的穩定,這與位置層級理論之推測相符合。構音異常幼童組中發現了有別於正常幼童之特殊取代模式,由較晚習得語音取代較早習得語音,其所產製的語音中會違反華語的音法限制。音韻歷程之表現在兩組幼童中皆偵測到刪除、換位、取代三種模式,其中皆以刪除為主要策略。 / The purpose of the present study is to report the developmental process of three Mandarin glides [w, j, ɥ] in terms of three word positions by examining the age of emergence and stabilization, the order of stabilization, and accuracy rate of thechildren’s production, and further compare the normative data with phonological disorder data in order to explore the possible phonological processes. This study alsoaccounts for the developmental process of glides on the basis of markedness theory and positional prominence hierarchy.
A longitudinal study was carried out for the investigation of two normally-developing children, aged between 0;9-2;4 and 0;10-2;4, and two phonologically-disordered children, one of whom is between 4;3 and 4;9, and the other between 3;10 and 4;3. The data were collected at two-week intervals.
The results showed that the order of glide emergence and stabilization of the normally-developing group is in accordance with the markedness theory. The unmarked [j], [w] precede marked [ɥ]. Moreover, the stabilization order of the three glides in terms of the three syllable positions was found to reflect the interaction between markedness constraint and positional prominence hierarchy. The unmarked glide in the initial position is the first to stabilize and the marked glide in the non-initial position is the last to stabilize. On the other hand, the children in the phonologically-disordered group were found to consistently replace the presumably earlier-developing glide with a presumably later-developing one, which differs from the process used in the normally-developing group. Furthermore, this group of children produced the combination that violates the phonotactic constraints of Taiwan Mandarin. In addition, there are three phonological processes, including deletion, metathesis, and substitution detected in children’s data. The most commonly used process is deletion in both groups of children.
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大眾運輸系統對房價的影響-以台北捷運信義線為例 / The Influence of Metro System on Housing Price-Evidence from Taipei Metro Xinyi Line温弘裕, Wen, Hung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台北捷運系統自1996年開通, 2013年11月24日起台北捷運信義線正式啟用,本研究以實價登錄資料做分析與比較,信義線捷運車站共8站,經中正區、大安區及信義區等3個行政區,此為台北市內經濟發展屬較為均衡地域且信義線距離差距較短居民對交通運輸需求較為一致,將可以避免區位效果差異性極殊可能產生的統計徧誤。
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政府支出規模與經濟成長-臺灣的實證分析李春長, LI, CHUN-CHANGE Unknown Date (has links)
本文的特色著重於對內生成長(Endogenous Growth) 理論的評述,其主要總結為,當
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台灣山地籍立法委員暨省議員之問政內容研究陳東達, CHEN,DONG-DA Unknown Date (has links)
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由『相互依存』概念檢視美援時期之中美關係簡美霎, JIAN,MEI-SHA Unknown Date (has links)
自1920年代發展的“福利經濟學”認為政府的經濟角色只是在市場失靈(market fail
設;J.E.Alt和K.A.Chry-stal(1983 PP.28-30) 指出政府的經濟功能包括:生產性、
構--先將政治市場的主要成員:(1)官僚政治(2)民意代表(立法者) (3)利益團體定
最後,依A.Prest 看法,管制政策會造成隱蔽性賦稅,但如何估計,尚有技術方面的
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