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911後台灣安全環境研究陳子平 Unknown Date (has links)
九一一 反恐 台灣 生存安全 國際體系 美國全球戰略 中共新安全觀 美日同盟 北韓核武危機 東協 美中台關係 武力犯台 非傳統性安全威脅
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主體性的追尋:台灣鄉土教育理念的實踐與發展 / In search of subjectivity:王雅萍, Ong, Nga Ping Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在解嚴後的22年內,一共換了9位教育部長,除了是教育改革問題外,也呈現了在台灣教育領域中台灣的國家想像(nation image)與國族主義(nationalism)之間的複雜糾葛。
本研究全文有五章,先整理鄉土教育政策發展歷程,再討論「師資」、「教材」、「施教老師與受教學生」三個面向,發現「台灣主體性」教育哲學的建構,展現解嚴後在「人的主體性」和「國家主體性」在教育領域的辯證互動。 / From the aspect of education rights, the education with Taiwan as the subject is involved with individual subjectivity and national subjectivity. In the past, education in Taiwan blurred both individual subjectivity and national subjectivity.
Since the Martial Law was abolished, there have been nine ministers of education, in part because of issues on education reforms. Moreover, it underlines the complex twist of nation image and natoionalism in Taiwan’s education system.
After the Second World War, the development of the siangtu education, education about neighboring communities and the land we live on, in Taiwan has entered the sixed stage. In the prospect of in search of the subjectivity of Taiwan, the periods before and after the implementation of the 9-year integrated curriculum are worth making observations on. Thus, this thesis looks deeper into these periods and discusses them.
There are five chapters in the thesis. First is the development of the siangtu education policy presented. Then come the discussions in the aspects of “teacher resources,” “material,” and “those who teach and those who are taught.” That results in the possible ways which may help the construction of education philosophy of the “subjectivity of Taiwan.” The debates in the education field about “individual subjectivity” and “national subjectivity” after the abolishment of the Martial Law are also shown in the thesis.
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The Taiwanese Communist Party and the Comintern (1928-1931)白安娜, ANNA BELOGUROVA Unknown Date (has links)
as English abstract / Oppressed by the severe surveillance of the Japanese police in Taiwan, short-lived Taiwanese Communist Party (TCP) (1928-1931) marked a significant step in the Taiwan’s anti-Japanese movement and social thought. The TCP was the first political organization in Taiwan to put forward the slogan of Taiwan’s independence.
Following the Comintern’s activation in the East in 1920s, the first contacts between the Taiwan’s leftists and the Comintern representatives took place in early 1920s. Starting from 1927, the Comintern pursued the policy of activation of the communist movement in the colonies and establishment of communist parties in these countries.
Established on the Comintern directive in Shanghai with the help of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and being subordinated to the Japanese Communist Party (JCP), the TCP was developing quite independently under the leadership of Xie Xuehong and in the close alliance with the Taiwan Cultural Association and the Taiwan Peasants Union, until the end of 1930 when the TCP established a contact with the Far Eastern Bureau (FEB) of the Comintern through the TCP Shanghai representative, Weng Zesheng, who served as liaison with the Comintern. As the result, the Comintern activated its work toward Taiwan, started dispatching emissaries to Taiwan who in the framework of the Comintern’s rhetoric of that time promoted the Party’s reform to eliminate the “opportunistic errors”. The activation of the Party’s work followed, the Union for Reorganization was established. The Comintern did not have chance to adjust the activity of the reformed TCP as within few months after the beginning of actual interaction between the Comintern and the TCP, the TCP was destroyed by arrests.
The thesis is devoted to the Comintern’s role in the TCP’s establishment, development, reform, establishment of the Union for Reorganization, the Party’s activation and destruction. The research is based on the TCP files deposited in the former archive of the Comintern. The documents include the correspondence of the representative of the TCP, Weng Zesheng, with the Comintern FEB. The correspondence between Weng Zesheng and the FEB sheds light on the inner-party processes in the TCP, clarifies the essence of the inner-party struggle and reform, and explores the role of personal relations in the inner-party struggle which resulted in the UFR establishment without direct involvement of the Comintern. The available now text of the consultations of Weng Zesheng with the CCP representative Qu Qiubai makes it possible to clarify the CCP’s involvement in the TCP’s development and reform and to conclude as to whose directive it was to commence the struggle against Xie Xuehong.
The TCP’s history was short but very intensive. Abandoned by its superior, the JCP, and not having relations with the international communist leadership, the TCP suffered lack of the financial and ideological support, and was left for the mercy of unpredictable fate of the exhausting inner factional struggle, still was able to survive under the “white terror” until the Party’s reorganization in 1931. According to the research results, the TCP inner-party struggles during 1928-1931 were in fact the result of resistance to emigrant party groupings who were attempting to take control over the TCP’s Taiwan based Party organization. Neither the JCP and the CCP, nor the Comintern had a real opportunity to influence the activities of the Taiwan-based communists. Taiwan’s communists overseas used the Comintern’s rhetoric and their contacts with the Comintern and the CCP to promote their agenda in the inner-party struggle. The implementation of the plans of Weng Zesheng and the opponents of Xie Xuehong in Taiwan on the Party’s reform and activation led to the Party’s destruction by the Japanese administration.
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醫療觀光網路平台關鍵成功因素之研究-以醫學美容與健康管理為例 / Key success factors in internet platform of medical tourism - a perspective from cosmetic medicine and health improvement紀俊麟 Unknown Date (has links)
透過網際網路的發展以及跨領域與旅遊觀光產業的串聯,健康管理與醫療機構的經營模式已有重大的變革,機構的服務對象及客戶病患來源,不再受到距離與地域的限制; 醫療過程前-中-後的關鍵步驟,例如手術前的資料收集、客戶諮詢,亦或是治療後的追蹤、關懷,都能透過「醫療觀光網路平台」的運營,來提昇客戶滿意度及達成永續經營的遠景。醫療觀光網路平台要能成功發展,機構必需具備「關鍵成功因素」,本研究經由文獻回顧,了解醫療觀光之產業特色及其網路平台之需求後,採取個案研究法,分析「雄獅旅遊網」的歷史發展、組織沿革、經營策略、全球佈局等,將個案發展過程中的重大關鍵決策,與本研究提出的八大構面以及其內含的關鍵成功因素,進行比對與分析。
(一) 分析「醫療觀光產業」之特色及其對「健康醫療網路平台」之需求與應用; (二) 找出「醫療觀光網路平台」的關鍵成功因素; (三) 建構「醫療觀光網路平台」構面模型。
研究結果發現, 「醫療觀光網路平台」的「關鍵成功因素」構面模型包括: (一)「品牌行銷構面」;(二)「信任溝通構面」; (三)「專業品質構面」; (四)「感動體驗構面」; (五)「資訊科技構面」; (六)「資源整合構面」; (七)「人才管理溝面」; (八)「永續維繫構面」。
本研究提出的構面模型,可提供醫療觀光網路平台的經營者,做為企業發展重大決策的參考依據; 醫療觀光生態圈的所有成員,應本研究提出的關鍵成功因素,讓各構面之間相互整合,並加強生態圈成員之間的緊密合作。如此一來,平台就能實際幫助到目標客戶族群,讓台灣醫療觀光的發展更上一層樓。
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月隱福爾摩沙--北台灣華語穆斯林紀實攝影專題報導 / Neglected Muslims in Formosa: A Documentary Photography Project On Chinese-speaking Muslims in north Taiwan崔楠 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣伊斯蘭教(臺灣仍慣稱回教)的發展自古至今分為兩個階段,即明清時 期與 1949 及以後,且皆由中國大陸遷移而來。隨著 1949 年國民黨退居臺灣以來, 數萬信奉伊斯蘭教的軍公教人員分多批次隨之來台,使伊斯蘭教(回教)在臺灣 的發展加入了新的蓬勃血脈,雖然來台原因多有悲情成分,但此卻可謂是伊斯蘭 教(回教)在近現代正式傳入臺灣之始。
作為台灣的極少數族群,僅佔台灣人口 0.23%的台灣華人穆斯林如今已有明 顯的地方化與生活化現象,隨著老一代教胞的逐漸消逝與新生代脫教問題在該群 族中日益顯現,臺灣華人穆斯林的傳承問題便尤為棘手。對於臺灣社會來講,甚 少有人留意這群在臺灣多元社會中來自他鄉的離散者,實踐著與臺灣宗教生活中 佔據主流地方的佛教、道教信仰截然不同之宗教。此番情勢與穆斯林議題在世界 範圍內的討論熱度天壤之別,但卻與台灣在世界版圖中咸少被人提及的情況不謀 而合,而這本身亦是一種「弔詭」的現象值得人們反思。
本創作是台灣首次以民族誌影像的方式,利用紀實攝影手法完成的專題圖片 深度報導,主要拍攝為北台灣華語穆斯林族群,選取台北清真寺及桃園龍岡清真 寺為田野調查點,通過在這兩座清真寺進行日常禮拜的穆斯林,尋找不同年齡 層、不同性別、不同家庭環境的拍攝對象,力圖盡可能全面的再現北台灣華語穆 斯林宗教活動及日常生活的點滴過程,并最終以展覽形式呈現於世人。 / Islam in Taiwan-usually still called Hui Religion-has developed as two stages, Ming & Qing Dynasties and after 1949, which both were originated from Mainland China. Since Kuomintang’s retreat in 1949, thousands of Islamic soldiers came to Taiwan, infusing new blood into Islam’s development. Although the retreat is somewhat tragic, this could be called the formal initiation of modern Islam in Taiwan.
Living as minorities in Taiwan with a population of only 0.23% in Taiwan, Asian Islam have been very much localized. Given that old Muslims are passing away and new generations are no longer believing in Islam, the problem of inheritance becomes more and more tough. In Taiwan, few people notice that these travelers have been living a different religious life different from the mainstream Buddhism or Taoism, which is totally the opposite compared with the world scale. However, both being ignored by the world, it coincides with Taiwan’s international position, which is unusual and worth study.
This investigative project is designed to show as realistic as possible Asian Islam’s life in Taiwan as a whole by documenting religious and daily lives of Muslims of different ages, genders and families through photography, who are mainly from Northern Taiwan. Field researches have been done in Taipei Mosque and Taoyuan City Mosque. The final product will be a photo exhibition the mass.
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競業禁止和營業秘密之實證研究 -以台北地院民事判決為例(2012年到2015年) / Non-competition and Trade Secret Empirical Research莊苡婷, Chuang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
營業祕密之保護和競業禁約款都在於維持雇主之競爭力,但從其構成要件和性質來觀察卻不盡相同,本文在競業禁止部分係著重在僱傭關係結束後之討論,而營業秘密之部分則是包括在職期間和離職後兩種情況,而競業禁止和營業秘密這兩者在某程度之關聯上,除了基本之理論介紹,本文亦會從台北地方法院近三年之相關判決加以探討,藉由統計方法中的量化和質化研究,分析並了解營業秘密和競業禁止之互動關係,並結合理論和實務之運作,提出一些有關於實務上運作之建議。 / Business secrets are the production under the era of globalization. In addition, it start playing an important role on business development. After employees who have been touched the business secrets had left their jobs might lead to leaking out highly valuable commercial secrets making the company suffer great losses. Company will protect their trade secrets and prevent economic losses by asking employees to sign non-competition clauses. With the protection, companies are willing to invest more assets and money on research and development, making market more active. Eventually, these kinds of clauses and precautions can promote technological and commercial environment and development.
Trade secret protection and non-competition clauses can maintain competitiveness of employers. But trade secret and non-competition are not the same due to the original source of law and elements. This thesis related to the non-competition clauses are focusing on the periods of the end of the employment relationship. But trade secrets divided into two situations including employment periods and after-service periods. In fact, non-competition and trade secrets have a certain extent of connections. In addition to the basic theoretical introduction, the thesis explored and extracted judgment from the Taipei District Court ruling during the past three years. With methods of Statistical Analysis. We can understand the relationship and interaction between trade secrets and non-competition. By combining the theories with empirical research, we can speculate the results and conclude the suggestions about the operation of the practice.
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雙邊國際貿易公司商業計劃書 / Business Plan of a Binational Trade Company李彦磊, Breitenmoser, Peter Unknown Date (has links)
This business plan is written for a to-be-founded trade company which focuses on the trade between Taiwan and Switzerland. The environmental analysis (Chapter 4) shows that there are countless opportunities for trade between the two countries. The goal of the company is to find products and solutions with considerable potential. Therefore, this business plan does not focus on just one product; instead a process defines how the company selects and develops the products in its portfolio (Chapter 3). By making these products available in the other country, the company gives Taiwanese and Swiss manufacturers new business opportunities and gives the potential customers better and different solutions to their problems.
The company’s goal is to build long-term partnerships with its suppliers in order to ensure a high level of quality (Chapter 5). The company will set up two logistic centers, one in Taiwan and one in Switzerland, which will be the hubs for standardized and efficient distribution processes (Chapter 7). In order to keep the costs low during the first years, marketing and sales (Chapters 8 and 9) will focus most of its activities on B2C products which are mainly sold through ecommerce activities. Finally, the financial forecasts (Chapter 10) show that there is a very high level of uncertainties for the financial success of the company. Therefore the cost structure of the company must be highly flexible to be adjustable to the company’s growth.
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含外生多變數之TAR模型分析與預測 / Analysising and Forecasting for TAR Models with Exogenous Multi-Variables陳致安, Chen, Chih An Unknown Date (has links)
本研究使用含外生多變數為門檻值之TAR模型,分析並預測103年到105年的台股指數。建構多變量之門檻自迴歸模式較傳統以時變或自變數自動控制值更能反映出時間數列結構改變的過程與趨勢。這對於模式分析與預測有更優的解釋能力。且含外生多變數為門檻值之多變量門檻模式的可適用範圍很廣,尤其是當時間數列中的結構改變的現象,來自於外在多個變數衝擊,或非線性現象。此時加入多個外生變數作為考量,更能精準分析資料和做預測。我們以台股指數為例,實證結果顯示,我們所提出之模型,較傳統預測方法有更高之準確度。 / In this research, we use exogenous multi-variables as threshold values to construct a threshold autoregressive model in order to analysis and forecast TAIEX index between 103 years and 105 years. Constructing the threshold autoregressive model with multi-variables is better to reflect the process and trend of the change in time series structure than traditional model. This provides the better explanatory ability for model analysis and forecast. Also, the threshold autoregressive model with multi-variables containing exogenous multi-variables can apply more range, especially, as the structure change in time series due to the exogenous multi-variables shock. Through adding more exogenous variables, one can analyze data and forecast accurately. In this paper, the empirical results of TAIEX index shows that the threshold autoregressive model with multi-variables containing exogenous multi-variables is more precise than the traditional way.
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群眾募資平台之策略行銷分析:以Kickstarter、flyingV為例 / Strategic Marketing Analysis in Crowdfunding Platforms: The Cases of Kickstarter and flyingV梁育馨, Liang,Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
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法籍創業家在台灣創業之動機 / Motivations of French entrepreneurs to start a business in Taiwan方若蜜, Fontaine, Romy Unknown Date (has links)
This paper investigates French entrepreneurs’ motivations to start a business in Taiwan as well as what they find most satisfying and challenging in the process. The data used for the research was collected from interviews of 11 French entrepreneurs and 4 foreign entrepreneurs. The results show that there are two groups of French entrepreneurs: those who came to Taiwan with the intention of starting a business and those who were already in Taiwan before starting a business. The key findings are the following: even if the two groups have different personal motivations to first come to Taiwan, on average, French start a business in Taiwan because of the business opportunities of the country. Indeed, most of them started a business in a niche market. The analysis shows that French and foreigners have the same motivations to start a business in Taiwan. French entrepreneurs are satisfied about the rapidity of business creation and the help received from many people. They also acknowledge the growing startup community but highlight that there are still a lot to be done in order to improve the foreign startup ecosystem.
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