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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

特種貨物及勞務稅條例對建設公司股票異常報酬率與營業收入之影響 / The impact of the specifically selected goods and services tax act on the stock returns and revenues of the construction industry

鄭苡萱 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來房價持續攀升,政府決定實施特種貨物及勞務稅條例以降低投機買賣之行為,達到防止房價泡沫化,平抑房價之目的。為探討資本市場對該條例之預期,本論文首先以事件研究探討特種貨物及勞務稅條例消息公布之際,上市櫃建設公司是否產生負的累積異常報酬率,並採用迴歸模型探討公司特性與該公司受特種貨物及勞務稅條例影響幅度的關聯性。本論文進而透過對上市櫃建設公司營業收入及營業毛利率在特種貨物及勞務稅條例消息公布後是否產生不利影響之探討,了解特種貨物及勞務稅條例消息公布對建設公司銷售面之實質影響,最後採用迴歸模型探討公司特性與建設公司銷售面受影響幅度之關聯性。 本研究研究結果發現: 1、在特種貨物及勞務稅條例消息公布之相關事件日,上市櫃建設公司普遍均產生顯著的負向股票異常報酬率。 2、股票累積異常報酬率與公司特性關聯性之迴歸結果顯示,研議及開徵特種貨物及勞務稅消息公布之事件日,存貨比率較高、公司規模較大、公司成長性較高之上市櫃建設公司,其累積異常報酬率較低。 3、在特種貨物及勞務稅條例消息公布後,上市櫃建設公司之營業收入產生不利影響,但對營業毛利率並無顯著之不利影響。 / In order to curb the housing price hike and prevent housing bubble, Taiwan government implemented the Specifically Selected Goods and Services Tax Act. The Act is expected to have negative impacts on stock market returns of construction companies and real estate market. Using event study method, this study examines the stock market reactions to the announcements of the legislature policy. This study explores the relation between the stock cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) of the Act and firm characteristics. This study finds that the stock market reacts negatively when the news of the Act are released. The regression results indicate when the news of the Act are released, for construction companies, CARs are negatively related with inventory-to-total assets ratio, corporate size and growth. This study also finds the construction companies’ revenue reflected the negative impacts on real estate market.

「未來事件交易所」的選舉預測分析 / Analysis of Election Prediction of xFuture

辛栢緯 Unknown Date (has links)
選舉事件在台灣一直是屬於重大事件,民眾對於選舉事務都非常關心。根據童振源等人(2009)和Forsythe, Rietz and Ross(1999),透過預測市場的機制來預測選舉結果非常準確,所以近年來預測市場也變得越來越熱門,新聞媒體也開始大幅報導未來事件交易所的預測結果。本論文將透過實證的方式探討除了價格之外,加入與未平倉相關的資訊是否能夠幫助我們更有效地預測選舉結果,並以此建議未來事件交易所揭露網站內的期貨未平倉合約量這項資訊,以提供交易人參考。 本論文使用資料為未來事件交易所中關於2008年總統選舉、立委選舉以及2010年五都市長選舉的資料,資料期間皆為各選舉的最後兩個交易日的資料,採用的變數有最後交易日的合約加權平均價格、最後交易日的合約未平倉量、最後交易日的合約成交量和最後交易日之價格漲跌及未平倉量增減的相乘項,並利用羅吉斯迴歸來幫助預測分析。 研究結果顯示:(一)與過去的研究結果相符合,未來事件交易所中選舉期貨合約的價格能有效幫助預測選舉的結果;(二)未平倉量和成交量均無法幫助預測選舉結果,這可能是由於未來事件交易所使用虛擬貨幣進行交易以及保證金制度,使得部分交易人在交易成交後不再關注自己的部位或是損益所導致;(三)利用最後交易日價格漲跌及未平倉量增減所得到的相乘項對於預測選情有顯著的幫助,當相乘項越大的時候,候選人當選的機率也隨之越小。 一般期貨交易中,透過未平倉合約量這項資訊可幫助交易人得到更多的資訊。而未來事件交易所的選舉期貨合約之未平倉量雖然無法提供額外的資訊,但是仍然建議可以將這項資訊揭露以供交易人參考。此外,相乘項在預測選情時能提供顯著的幫助,因此在交易上或是預測上都可以參考這項資訊以做出更佳的判斷。


葉于禎 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討我國自2009年5月14日行政院金融監督管理委員會宣布正式採用IFRSs當日,對於某些受IFRSs影響較大的金融、百貨、航空、營建以及保險這些產業,資本市場是否有顯著之反應。而正式宣布採用IFRSs後,與IFRSs相關的重要訊息,例如有企業提前適用IFRSs,投資性不動產因公允價值估價後使公司淨值大為提升,是否會讓資本市場對於其他帳上擁有較多不動產、廠房及設備與投資性不動產之公司產生顯著影響;金管會對於不動產、廠房及設備和投資性不動產與無形資產後續衡量限採成本模式之規定是否也會讓資本市場有顯著反應等。研究發現我國金管會宣布正式採用IFRSs當日,金融、百貨以及航空業者因顧客忠誠度計畫必須估列部分收入遞延,對於此項訊息市場給予負面反應。在與IFRSs有關的重要訊息上,新版租賃會計草案使市場對於海運及航空業者有負面反應;提前適用IFRSs使公司淨值提升對擁有較多不動產、廠房及設備與投資性不動產之企業有正向影響;金管會對於不動產、廠房及設備和投資性不動產與無形資產入帳及衡量的保守態度讓市場產生負面反應。對於我國導入IFRSs,投資人、企業及主管機關等充滿了期待及關注,也多持有正向的看法,但2013年後正式採用的狀況為何,仍有待密切注意。 / This study examines the market reaction to finance, general merchandise, airline, construction, and insurance these industries at the announcement of IFRSs adoption in Taiwan on May 14th, 2009. Furthermore, it also examines how the market reacts to relative and important news about IFRSs after the announcement of IFRSs adoption. It finds a negative reaction to financial, general merchandise and airline industries at the announcement of IFRSs adoption. It also finds a negative reaction to shipping and airline industries when a new lease draft gives out. In addition, firms with more plants, properties and equipments, investment properties and intangible assets have a positive reaction when news reports there is a company adopts IFRSs previously, but have a negative reaction due to the conservative attitude of Financial Supervisory Commission to the way of the measurement of properties.

霧社事件遺族的心聲—以莫那.魯道直系家族史為中心 / The aspiration of the bereaved descendants of the Musha Incident—oriented on Mona Rudo's immediate family history

巴干‧巴萬 Unknown Date (has links)
霧社事件推演至今已經88(2018年)年,筆者以莫那.魯道(Mona Rudo)家族後裔的身分,提出關於霧社抗日事件的核心人物莫那.魯道歷史定位的新觀點。一是以莫那.魯道後裔的身分來論述其「家族史」,二為同時進行田野調查之後,參考所採集到的部落「內部」的觀點,以及三從賽德克族(Seediq)傳統「Gaya 」的倫理規範來論述。 具體而論,本文首先將今南投縣仁愛鄉賽德克族德固達雅群(Seediq Tgdaya)於日治時期霧社事件前後社會組織的變化做一番考察;進而對於霧社事件與莫那.魯道,因著不同的世代、族群、部落及女性的關係,做一番詮釋;此外,藉由瑪紅.莫那生命史的書寫,建立莫那.魯道直系家族系譜,與霧社事件後的部落發展乃至莫那•魯道遺骸之流轉,亦有一番爬梳。 / It has been eighty-seven years since the Musha Incident has happened. As the descendant of Mona Rudo, the author wishes to propose new perspectives about the historical status of this key figure in the Mushaanti-Japanese movement from three aspects. The first is to discuss his “family history” fromthe standpoint ofhis descendent. The second is to conductfieldwork and provide viewpoints from within the tribe.The third is to present the incident from the ethnic codes of traditional“Gaya” of the Seediq. To be specific, this thesis will first examine the changes of the local community of the SeediqTgdaya people before and after the Musha Incident during the Japanese reign in Renai Township, Nantou County. It will then interpret the relationship between the Musha Incident and Mona Rudo from the angles of different generations, communities, tribes and gender. Besides, this thesis will construct the genealogy of Mona Rudo's immediate family members through the writing of Mahung Mona's life history. It will also trace the development of the tribe after the incident and the handing down of the corpse of Mona Rudo.


倉石, 宏樹 23 May 2024 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(教育学) / 甲第25479号 / 教博第303号 / 新制||教||224(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院教育学研究科教育科学専攻 / (主査)教授 楠見 孝, 教授 齊藤 智, 准教授 高橋 雄介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Education) / Kyoto University / DGAM

漢語(不)方便/便利框架語意的凸顯類型研究 / Patterns of Profiling of the (In)convenience Frame in Mandarin Chinese

林柏仲, Lin, Po chung Unknown Date (has links)
本論文旨在探討近義詞的相關議題,特別是要檢視其背後的概念結構與表層的語法功能。透過「方便」與「便利」的研究,本文就這對近義詞在語意上的差異做深入並有系統地分析,並期以此解釋他們在語法層次上不同的表現。   以框架語意學(Frame Semantics)為理論架構,本研究發現近義詞「方便」與「便利」會引導出「方便框架」(CONVENIENCE frame)與「不方便框架」 (INCONVENIENCE frame),而這兩個語意框架雖有相對應的框架成分(frame element),實質上卻是引發出不同的概念型態。近一步說明這對近義詞在語意上的差別,「方便」與「便利」對於他們所涉入的複雜事件(complex event)持不同的觀點:「方便」主要是專注在結果次事件(result-subevent)並採受恩者(BENEFICIARY)的觀點;而「便利」則較專注在原因次事件(cause-subevent)並採動作者/施恩者(AGENT/BENEFACTOR)的觀點。此外,由於「方便」與「便利」具備了正面、值得嚮往的特質,這也解釋了何以「方便框架」比「不方便框架」有更高程度的目的性(intentionality)。   為檢視近義詞在概念上的差異是否會反映於在他們的語法表現上,本研究闡明了「方便」與「便利」的語法功能及其使用分布的情況、以及參與角色(participant role)的凸顯類型(profiling pattern)。結果顯示「方便」與「便利」主要有五種語法功能,即名詞化、修飾名詞、修飾動詞、不及物動詞謂語、及物動詞謂語,最常使用的語法功能為名詞化與動詞謂語(包含及物與不及物)。此五種語法功能皆會突顯某些參與角色,但主要都是突顯了「目的」(PURPOSE)與「手段」(MEANS);而其他參與角色也會在不同語法功能的使用中被突顯,並且這些突顯類型皆可由「方便」與「便利」在概念上的差異來做解釋。   總結來說,本論文闡釋了近義詞「方便」與「便利」在概念上不同的偏好會導致他們在語法上有不同的表現;此外,「方便」與「便利」在參與角色的凸顯類型上亦不相同,這說明了,「方便」與「便利」是屬於不同的構式(construction)。最後,本論文也再次確認了詞彙背後的語意概念會決定其語法的表現。 / The purpose of this thesis is to approach the issue of near-synonyms via the examination of their respective underlying conceptual structures and surface syntactic functions. Specifically, the present study aims to furnish a fine-grained and systematic analysis of the semantic differences between the near-synonymous pair fangbian and bianli that shall better explain their differential syntactic behaviors.   Based on the theoretical framework of Frame Semantics, this study found that the conceptual structures of fangbian and bianli are associated with the frames of CONVENIENCE and INCONVENIENCE. While pertaining to a corresponding set of frame elements, the two frames actually prompt distinct conceptualizations. Precisely, fangbian and bianli differ in their perspectivization of the complex event involved: fangbian focuses on the result-subevent and takes the BENEFICIARY’s perspective whereas bianli on the cause-subevent and takes the AGENT/BENEFACTOR’s perspective. In addition, the fact that convenience is desirable and thus typically intended also explains the stronger intentionality involved in the CONVENIENCE frame than in the INCONVENIENCE frame.   To investigate whether conceptual differences between the near-synonyms would be manifested in their syntactic behaviors, this thesis further elucidated the syntactic functions and their distribution of fangbian and bianli as well as the profiling of the participant roles in each syntactic function. In particular, five main syntactic functions of fangbian and bianli were identified: nominalization, nominal modifier, verbal modifier, intransitive verbal predicate and transitive verbal predicate; each serves to profile distinct participant roles, mostly PURPOSE or MEANS. Moreover, the profiling of other participant roles can be accounted for by the perspectival distinction between the near-synonymous pair. Finally, the distribution of syntactic functions of fangbian and bianli demonstrated that the usage of the near-synonyms as verbal predicate and nominalization is the most dominant categories.   To conclude, this thesis has shown that the conceptual preferences of fangbian and bianli in terms of their perspectivization lead to their different syntactic behaviors. Moreover, the near-synonymous pair also differs in their profiling of the participant roles; in other words, they display distinct profiling patterns and therefore pertain to different constructions. Finally, it still holds for the present study that the semantics of a word drives its syntactic behaviors.

敵意併購下防禦措施之問題研究-以毒藥丸之規範為中心- / A study of hostile takeover defensive Tactics- Focusing on the regulations in poison pills

楊峻宇 Unknown Date (has links)
當併購行為未經目標公司之經營階層同意時,目標公司之經營階層,是否得採取對抗敵意併購之防禦措施?由於經營階層在採取防禦措施並成功排除敵意併購下,將產生確保自身經營權之效果。從而,防禦措施之採取恐有涉及其自身之利害關係,是否得以任意採取防禦措施即生疑義。再者,防禦措施之採用,涉及該項措施相關領域之基礎規範,包括法律及行政命令之範疇,此等規範之內容,亦有釐清之必要。此外,縱使符合防禦措施所涉及各該相關法律領域之基礎規範,針對於防禦措施之適用本身,是否可能發展出不同於基礎規範之內容,包括防禦措施所應有之適當程序與規制內容。本文試圖對此作等問題,整理相關學說及實務見解,並提出個人之淺見。 本文共分為七章,分別闡述題目所涉及之若干議題。第一章為「緒論」,說明研究之基本理念與架構。第二章為敵意併購之概說,首先本文先對敵意併購之意義作一界定與說明,其次介紹敵意併購之類型,包括所謂有害企業價值之相關敵意併購類型。再者說明敵意併購與防禦措施之關聯,董事會於敵意併購發生時,是否應具有中立之義務,亦或得基於保護全體股東之利益而積極採取防禦措施,值得加以說明。此外,本文將一一介紹常見防禦措施之內容,其類型包括預防性之防禦措施與臨時性之防禦措施,並分析此二類防禦措施區分之實益。 第三章為防禦措施之妥當性問題。敵意併購關於不同當事人間之利益狀態,包括經營者與股東間、收購者與目標公司股東間,以及目標公司股東與利害關係人間之利害狀態等,實影響法律對於防禦措施規範之立場,宜先予分析。其次,分別介紹英國、歐盟、美國、日本,以及我國法制上對防禦措施規範之處理態度。 最後,整理我國學者在立法論上之意見及提出本文之淺見。 第四章為防禦措施於我國法下之可行性。本文將一一分析,於第二章所介紹外國所常出現之防禦措施,於我國法制下適用之可行性,包括黃金股、多數表決權特別股、黃金降落傘、銀降落傘、錫降落傘、白馬侍從、期限利益或授權之喪失、改變公司資本結構、鯊魚驅逐、員工持股計畫、白馬騎士、小精靈防衛戰、支付綠色郵件之贖金、目標公司買回股份,以及阻止或延緩股東會之召開等防禦措施。此外,我國實務於經營權爭奪上常見之定暫時狀態假處分,其意義與法制規範之內容,本文亦作一介紹,並分析其適用於公司經營權爭奪之運作情況。 第五章為日本法上毒藥丸之適用。日本過去因其特殊之交叉持股結構,及股東對公司之忠誠度遠高於歐美之故,敵意併購之發展未如美國,然而近年來日本亦開始出現敵意併購,同時發展出日式毒藥丸之運用,實值得作為我國之參考。首先,本文介紹日本法上關於新股預約權之意義及其相關之規範。其次,日本近年來所發生之三件對抗敵意併購之案件,包括日本放送事件、ニレコ(NIRECO)事件以及ブルドックソース(BULL-DOG SAUCE)事件,本文亦將一一介紹其事實之經過,並分析日本法院之見解。 第六章為毒藥丸於我國防禦措施之適用。毒藥丸為防禦措施中,最為傳統且典型之防禦措施,毒藥丸於我國法下適用之可行性,值得詳加琢磨。首先本文介紹認股權所呈現之各種型態,包括員工認股權憑證、認股權憑證、附認股權特別股、附認股權公司債、可轉換公司債等,並說明其於我國法下之規範內容。其次再進一步分析此等認股權型態之內容於我國作為防禦措施之可行性。 第七章為本文之結論。本文試圖提出防禦措施之妥當規範所應有之適當程序與內容,並分析於我國法下之運用,以作為本文之結論。

印度「黃金廟事件」之文字與影像歷史再現研究 / Historical Representation Studies of Indian “Golden Temple Incident” in Words and Images

林珈羽, Lin, Jia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
當過去歷史透過電影重現,電影以特定的形式與內容重新編排將會使歷史有著不同意義,影響行動者認知及將某種行為成為可能。因此,探討電影如何再現歷史對閱聽人相當重要。 本研究探討影視文本如何再現歷史,以1984年印度黃金廟事件為例,採用《火柴》(Maachis,1996)、《阿畝》(Amu, 2005)及《旁遮普 1984》(Punjab 1984, 2014)三部電影為研究個案,取徑影視史學與民族寓言理論並透過文本分析法,探討三個面向:第一,電影拍攝時空環境與歷史事件時空環境兩者之間的辯證關係。第二,電影文本如何再現過去歷史並呈現其關鍵要點;第三,書寫歷史與影視歷史間呈現的關係。 研究發現,當歷史以影視文本再現時,呈現出以下幾個特點。第一,影視文本歷史再現關注現在。第二,影視文本歷史再現反映當代主流觀點。第三,以角色人物為主之民族寓言。第四,敘事安排製造懸疑感、凸顯關鍵要點。第五,影視文本歷史再現開啟換位思考。 / This study aims to analyze how films reproduced history by using Maachis, amu and Punjab 1984 as case studies which focus on the history of the “Golden Temple Incident of 1984” in India. The methodology of this study is based on concepts of historiophoty by Haden White and national allegory by Fredric Jameson. Textual analysis is adopted to explore three films for the following questions. First, what is the relevance between the filmic background and the historical incident? Second, how does the film text represent history and focus on key points? Third, what is the relationship between Historiography and Historiophoty? This study finds that, first, the historiophoty focuses on present situations. Second, historiophoty reflects the dominate perspectives in present time. Third, the films represent characters as the figures in national allegory. Fourth, arrangement of narrative creates suspenses and foregrounds crucial moments. Lastly, historiophoty opens the possibility for the audience to identify with characters in films.

量化寬鬆對信用風險的影響-以歐豬五國為例 / The impact of quantitative easing on credit risk in the Eurozone-take PIIGS for example

林顥峰, Lin, Hao Feng Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以事件研究法的方式,研究歐洲央行宣布量化寬鬆(Quantitative Easing, QE)對歐豬五國信用風險的影響,本研究以各國主權信用違約交換的超額報酬顯著性衡量量化寬鬆政策對信用風險的影響。 研究結果為多數的QE政策宣告對歐豬五國信用風險的影響在事件期中有正向有負向,且時常交錯分布,未有一固定的模式,故無法得到一個明確的結論。 / This paper examines the impact of the ECB’s (European Central Bank) quantitative easing program on the credit risk of PIIGS. In this case, we used each underlying countries’ excess return of their sovereign CDSs to identify if their credit risks are decreased significantly. Our finding was that most QE announcements by the ECB had multiple impacts on the credit risk of PIIGS. They had both positive and negative impacts. Also, the patterns were not the same, so we do not have a clear conclusion on whether the QE policies are good or bad for the credit risk of PIIGS.

看不見的維穩:中國群體性事件的媒介框架與話語 / Invisible Stability Maintenance: Framing mass incidents in Chinese market-oriented media

陳宇, Chen, Yu Unknown Date (has links)
過去20餘年來,在「穩定壓倒一切」的思維邏輯下,中國特色的維穩體系顯著擴張,預示中國正步入維穩國家。維穩體系主要是處理改革、發展與穩定的關係,目的無外乎鞏固中共韌性威權。然而,既往學者從媒介控制角度研究中共威權統治,往往聚焦於改革與發展,漠視已成社會常態的維穩。本研究旨在彌補這一不足,並希望以群體性事件為觀察對象,檢視市場化媒體與維穩之間的統合與衝突。依框架包裹取徑,本文歸納出高壓維穩、開明維穩、官民互動、為民維權四種媒介框架與話語。研究結果發現,面對群體性事件,媒體分別扮演了黨國喉舌、監督者和公眾利益代言人的角色;媒介框架呈現出多元化特徵,但框架並非固定不變,相反潛藏著動態變化的可能;多元衝突的框架實際可以整合到更宏觀的信任與擁護政府的框架中。本研究的另一重要發現是,在嚴格新聞管制之下,媒體最常見的框架建構是開明維穩,表明市場化媒體服從維穩需要仍是主流。這一研究結果在一定程度上解釋了市場化媒體如何鞏固中共威權統治。 / Over the past two decades, the systematic stability maintenance apparatus has expanded dramatically under the logic of “stability overrides everything”, which indicates that China is turning into a security state. The operation of Stability Maintenance mainly deals with the relationship between reform, development and stability. The purpose is nothing less than strengthening the CCP’s resilient authoritarianism. However, Stability Maintenance has been ignored when researchers who study China’s authoritarian rule from the perspective of media control paid much attention to the reform and development. Choosing mass incidents as case study, this paper aims to cover the shortage mentioned above, and examines the relationship between market-oriented media and Stability Maintenance. By taking framing package approach, this paper showed that mass incidents were framed as one of the following: coercion, enlightened coercion, official-civil interaction, and legal rights safeguarding. This study found that market-oriented media played different roles as party-state mouthpiece, supervisors and spokesperson for the public interest. It also showed that the pluralistic frames of mass incidents actually can be integrated into a broader pro-government frame. More important, enlightened coercion became the most common frame under tight news censorship. It indicated that market-oriented media subjected to the necessity of Stability Maintenance is still the mainstream for media coverage on mass incidents. To a certain extent this result explained how market-oriented media sustain the CCP’s authoritarian rule.

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