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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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超級市場引進電子資料交換(EDI)的重要因素 / The Key Factors in the Adoption of EDI by Supermarket

李志豪, Lee, Kevin Unknown Date (has links)
EDI 已是二十多年的老觀念,直到最近幾年才成為一種逐漸流行的資訊應用。 雖然 EDI 在國外已經蓬勃的發展,但在國內仍屬於萌芽的階段。國內的超市產業在消費者的需求多元化、營運成本高升的情況之下,欲適應此一環境的改變並在激烈的競爭當中脫穎而出,引進 EDI將是一條必要且刻不容緩的趨勢。但是在引進的過程當中,所必須考量的層面有哪些?必須加以克服的重要因素有哪些?在相關文獻付諸闕如的情況下,這是本研究所要探討的動機與目的。本研究採個案研究法進行探索式研究,研究對象的選擇是根據已經採用電子訂貨系統或目前已參與商業司所主導之超市先導系統的業者以及資策會、條策會等協助推動的單位。研究結果發現國內超市產業引進電子資料交換系統所需考量的重要因素可以由環境面、技術面、營運面與計畫管理面等四個構面來加以考量。若由基本條件與促進條件來加以分類的話,基本條件有:原印條碼的普及程度、契約行為的合法性、EDI 中文化、資料的保密性與安全性、統一的表單格式與資料元定義等五個基本條件。促進條件則有:主管機關的策劃與輔導、超市業者與供應商的企業條件與引進策略、工作合理化、電腦化程度、根據超市產業特性設計階段性的引進模式與通路成員的共同參與。在研究建議部份則分別對國內的超市業者、政府相關單位與立法機關及超市先導系統的執行單位提出建議。本研究建議超市業者建立加值型網路先導系統、事先進行工作合理化的工作、以積極的態度來看待 EDI並利用之。對政府主管機關則建議應加強橫向的聯繫、制定獎勵辦法以提昇參與意願、整合產官學的意見以制定完備的相關法規。最後本研究提供一個開發階段、整合階段、推廣階段等三個引進的階段順序,供國內相關單位參考。

坐月子中心產業的行銷策略分析-以4C交換成本分析 / The analysis of 4 exchange cost on postnatal confinement center

翁雪蕙 Unknown Date (has links)
根據內政部統計,2009年的總生育率推估為1.02,再創歷史新低,並遠低於西方工業先進國家平均1.06的水準。但在生育率持續創新低的環境下,坐月子中心產業的成長完全不受生育率低落的影響,在過去十幾年的發展下,目前在台灣,經由政府立案的產後護理之家及未立案的坐月子中心,已逾百家以上;而在高度競爭的環境下,為尋求差異的競爭策略,許多新進的業者將行銷的重心從服務導向轉而訴求提供高級的硬體設備及空間環境,如此的行銷模式也因獲消費者的認同而於近年帶動了產業內業者仿效的風潮。 本研究的目的,乃深入瞭解該產業的內涵與經營,並透過個案研究及消費者評價調查來探討不同定位的業者之行銷策略差異,並進行4C交換成本態勢分析,探討其處理各個成本的能力。 目前台灣坐月子中心產業可依目標市場的區隔將業者劃分為二大類,一是主打高端消費客層,強調提供尊榮、高級的坐月子享受氛圍,另一類則以服務能力為主要訴求。本研究發現,坐月子中心的經營看似標準化程度極高,但在不同的經營策略及目標客層下,業者間所面臨的4C交換成本問題實仍存有極大的差異。而就坐月子中心的產業特性而言,因產品技術的變化及差異性不大,故業者在外顯單位效益成本的管理控制上已趨成熟一致,降低內隱交換成本,將成為企業維持市場競爭力及地位的重要關鍵。

隔制震公司的經營策略-以A公司為例 / The business strategy of seismic isolation and energy dissipation companies -a study of A company

葉曉明 Unknown Date (has links)
921後,政府與民間重新審視並修訂建築法,提升對建築物耐震能力的要求。A公司順勢切入市場,致力將此器材推廣至更多工程中。然而隔減震產品於國內裝置為時不長,相關產業鏈、市場面、學術與實務研究非常稀少,多集中在產品技術面。 本研究目的在瞭解A公司面對的問題與挑戰,並與A公司及策略夥伴共組團隊,透過研究深入分析,建立A公司產業價值鏈雛型,從產品、市場、垂直整合、規模、地理涵蓋範圍與競爭優勢各面向,分析A公司的現況與優勢劣勢,最後提出A公司的市場競爭策略。 首先回顧策略文獻,整理策略之定義、規劃方法與分析工具,對所屬產業的相關論述,再針對A公司進行環境分析、資源分析、SWOT分析,並選擇其主力制震壁產品線進行五力分析,最後以策略矩陣分析法、產業矩陣分析法,研究A公司目前的策略形態,找出其策略具競爭優勢的環境前提與條件前提,並以4C交換成本理論分析,進一步組合利益關係人之目標,分析其網路定位策略形態與未來的事業策略形態,最後提出建議A公司的功能決策與組織方式。 A公司由於技術水準高,進入時機早,研發能力強,具自有品牌實績,且居中程度高,形成其優勢之來源。領先全球的研發能力為A公司的獨特能力,使A公司掌握118個世界各國專利,得以在台灣市場獨家銷售金屬製隔震、制震產品,並與美國品牌B相互技術研發合作及授權,強化品牌聲譽。 未來A公司可以努力成為唯一取得綠建材標章的隔震、制震器材廠商,產品外觀塗裝標準化,強化自有品牌視覺風格與企業形象。針對台灣市場切入更具指標性質的豪宅建案,更聚焦於私人工程專案,建立台灣、中國市場供應商資料庫並因應需求增加中國市場代理商,努力取得製造成本下降的規模經濟,追求大中華地區銷售具體成長,並且將中國市場之生產基地轉移至中國。

資料交換與查詢在XML文件與關連資料庫之間 / Data Exchange and Query Language between XML Documents and Relational Databases

王瑞娟 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著全球資訊網(World Wild Web,簡稱WWW或Web)的日趨普及,我們發現愈來愈多的資料是直接從網路上呈現與存取的。不同於過去關聯式資料庫(Relational Database Management Systems,RDBMS)的結構式資料(Structured Data)。現今許多資料都是直接以HTML(Hypertext Markup Language)格式呈現,然而HTML 的標籤只是在做資料的呈現。為了讓網際網路上的資料可真正順利傳達於組織間,新興的XML逐漸受到重視。相較於HTML,XML標籤是在做資料的定義,讓定義好的資料直接透過網際網路傳達於組織間,具有在組織間再使用(Reuse)的能力,因此現在逐漸成為組織間資料整合與轉換時一個好的解決方式。但面對傳統的關連式資料庫又該如何與XML文件整合(Data Integration)的動作,讓兩種不同來源的資料能夠相互運算(Interoperability),達成異質性資料的同質化(Homogeneous)的功效。使不同來源的資料可雙向的互相溝通,是目前急欲被探討的問題。因此本研究便發展了對關聯式資料庫與XML文件兩種來源相互轉換的溝通機制,讓資料能在這兩種來源間相互交換與利用。 / With the popularity of WWW( World Wild Web or Web ),we have seen large volume of data is available on the Web. Different from the data stored in traditional RDBMS (Relational Databases Managements Systems) which is structured data, huge data now is stored directly in the form of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) pages. For representing data and interchange data between multiple data sources on the Web, XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a fast emerging as the dominant standard. Like HTML, XML is a subset of SGML. However, whereas HTML tags serve the primary purpose of describing how to display a data item, XML tags describe the data itself. The initial impetus for XML may have been primarily to enhance this ability of remote applications to interpret and operate on documents fetched over the Internet, so it has become the best solution now to solve the problems with data exchange and translation between the multiple sources. But XML also raises a problem: how to integrate XML documents with data stored in the traditional RDBMS. The objective is to communicate bi-directional data sources between RDBMS data and XML documents, and has the ability to interoperate data between multiple data sources. Finally, reach the purpose of heterogeneous data become homogeneous. In this research, we try to develop a translation model between RDBMS data and XML documents, in order to exchange and reuse data between different sources.

在網際網路衝擊下金融電子資料交換角色探討 / A Study of Internet Impact on Financial Electronic Data Interchange

潘世光 Unknown Date (has links)

大陸學生來台學習參與影響調查之研究 / The studies on the learning participation and the influences of the mainland students who come to Taiwan

李文瑜 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採取質性訪談及問卷分析法,以曾經選擇短期、一學期、一學年在臺灣的大學院校研習修課的大陸學生為主要研究對象,透過質性訪談及問卷分析的方式,探討兩岸文教學生的交流之影響。 兩岸文教交流近五年間歷經極大轉變,從第一波開放只有個位數的大陸學生,僅只能選擇短期一周或一個月間如寒暑假短期交流方式,至今幾乎臺灣的各大學院每一所校約計有超過數十位的大陸學生與臺灣學生一起共同學習上課,部份臺灣的私立大學還有超過數百位,甚至近千位的短期大陸研修生,大陸學生在臺灣儼然在校園裡成為特殊的「大陸研習生」新文化,這一波兩岸交流熱潮預料將持續掀起新一波的大型浪潮,悄悄地改變臺灣的高等教育生態。 為深入瞭解大陸學生選擇來臺灣研習的了解大陸學生在臺灣學習之過程經驗,是否足以再吸引更多大陸學生來臺之強烈動機,藉此提供臺灣大學院校掌握大陸學生之需求以及可能吸引大陸學生的原因。本篇論文採取問卷及訪談方式,為求瞭解陸生來臺之後,對於臺灣地區學生之學習態度、競爭力、師資設備與課程規劃知覺與預期相較之差距,對於未來再次來臺研習意願之關聯性,本文透過結構式問卷進行資料收集。 整體而言,陸生來臺實際接觸臺灣地區教學環境之後,普遍認為臺灣地區學生之學習態度略為高於預期、師資設備與課程規劃亦同優於陸生之預期,因此,陸生未來再次來臺意願偏高,惟有競爭力一項,陸生對於臺灣地區學生競爭力之知覺,明顯劣於來臺學習行前之預期。 深度訪談中則顯示大陸學生對臺灣的大學院校有較佳的意願興趣度,分析探討之因素多為兩岸學生在同一種語言學習環境裡、離家較近等距離時空因素,而臺灣的大學生在大陸學生的印象中,活潑、熱情、對社團參與度高,加上臺灣的師資水準仍具一定影響力,使大陸學生仍願意選擇在臺灣學習上課,甚至在兩岸高校互相簽定姐妹校關係下,採取學分交換方式,到臺灣擔任交換生。 / By interviewing and analyzing the questionnaires of the mainland students who studied in the universities in Taiwan for one or two semesters, the current research studied the influences of cultures and educations across strait through the exchange student programs. In the recent five years, there has been a big change in the cultural and educational exchange cross strait. In the beginning, there were only less than 10 exchange students from China to study here for only one week or one month, as well as short-term exchanges for summer or winter breaks only. Currently, almost every large-scale of universities in Taiwan, more than ten mainland students attend classes with Taiwan students. For some private universities, more than hundreds, even thousands of mainland students come to study. It has formed a new culture of “mainland students” on campus in Taiwan. This new culture is predicted to be a big trend which quietly changes the environment of higher education system in Taiwan. The objective of this study was to understand the motivations of these students from mainland China to study any program in Taiwan. The results of this study will provide colleges and universities in Taiwan with informative sources for attracting more Chinese students and understanding their needful. Both questionnaire and interviewing methodologies were used for this study. The results show that most of the Chinese students were interested in colleges and universities in Taiwan because students from both sides speak the same language and short distances between China and Taiwan for returning home. The impressions of local students to those Chinese students were active, passions and highly bound to extra curriculum. The level of teaching quality and environment in Taiwan was impressed and effective to the Chinese students. For all of the above mentioned reasons, students from China were still willing to attend the classes in Taiwan for some credit hours through the exchange student programs and mutual beneficial programs.

地方記者資訊蒐集行為研究--一個社會網絡與資源交換的觀點 / How Local Newspaper Journalists Gather Information? A Study in Social Network Approach

李品葭 Unknown Date (has links)
新聞記者的日常工作可視為一資訊蒐集行為,在資訊蒐集的過程中需要運用許多資源,其中,人脈扮演重要角色,然而目前從社會網絡角度出發,關照記者如何運用網絡中所蘊含的資源以協助記者日常新聞資訊蒐集活動的研究卻不多,因此,本研究企圖了解新聞記者在資訊蒐集場域中的人脈網絡樣貌,存在哪些資源類型及如何採取交換策略。 在研究方法與研究對象的選擇上,本研究從個案著手,以一位報社地方記者作為研究對象,藉由參與觀察法及深度訪談蒐集田野資料三十天。 本研究將蒐集而來的資料以量化及質化方法續作分析,繪製兩種網絡圖像,展現新聞中顯見的消息來源以及在蒐集過程中運用的人脈,結果發現許多在過程中取得資源的對象其實隱沒於新聞稿中。 本研究進一步發現,人脈可以提供不同類型的資源,包括一般資訊、珍稀資訊、知識經驗、中介資源、引薦資源以及權力資源,皆有助於記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動,除此之外,強連帶與弱連帶各有其資源優勢,強連帶較常提供珍稀資訊與引薦資源,而弱連帶則最常提供一般性的資訊以及中介性資源。 總括而言,新聞記者的新聞資訊蒐集活動倚靠人脈,但只有少數的人脈會被展現在新聞報導之中,許多人脈的運作隱藏於幕後,且不同連帶關係的人脈對象在過程中提供不同類型的資源與幫助,新聞記者必須辨識並活用之。而為了和不同連帶關係的人脈取得資源,記者會採取不同的社會交換策略。和強連帶的資源交換策略包括給予資訊資源、版面資源、知識資源、中介性資源、服務性資源以及信任性資源,特別的是,平常便會交換情感性資源以維持雙方關係;而面對弱連帶對象,當一般報酬無法滿足對方時,可藉由人脈中當作橋樑影響弱連帶以達成資訊蒐集目的。 / Information gathering is one of the major tasks in journalistic work. Among the resources that journalists employ to gather news, social ties is an important factor that contributes to journalistic work. However, it is rarely known how social network was used as journalistic resources in daily news-gathering activities. This thesis aims to explore the above issues by employing a field study. This field study is based on a case of newspaper reporter who is assigned to local beat in Central Taiwan. The researcher made participatory observation and intensive interviews in a period of 30 days. Data was collected and kept in field journals. The data gathered were analyzed by both quantitative and qualitative methods. Two social graphs were plotted to show how the news sources distributed in both news reported and daily journals. This paper further found that journalist benefits of social ties are quite diverse; social ties not only facilitates gathering of routine information, but also exclusive news, knowledge, experience, referral resources, power and trust. Strong and weak ties also provide different types of resources. In conclusion, journalists contact many social ties in their daily information gathering tasks. Only very few appear on news reporting, while many were hidden behind the scene. These social ties provide reliable aid in news gathering activities. And a journalist has to identify, activate the connections, and make exchanges to get help according to the types of ties and resources needed.

Pricing for First-to-Default Credit Default Swap with Copula

林智勇, Lin,Chih Yung Unknown Date (has links)
The first-to-default Credit Default Swap (CDS) with multiple assets is priced when the default barrier is changing over time, which is contrast to the assumption in most of the structural-form models. The survival function of each asset follows the lognormal distribution and the interest rate is constant over time in this article. We define the joint survival function of these assets by employing the normal and Student-t copula functions to characterize the dependence among different default probability of each asset. In addition, we investigate the empirical evidences in the pricing of CDS with two or three companies by changing the values of parameters in the model. The more interesting results show that the joint default probability increases as these assets are more positive correlated. Consequently, the price of the first-to-default CDS is much higher.


陳櫻桂 Unknown Date (has links)
財務會計準則公報第三十四號「金融商品之會計處理準則」,導入金融商品以公平價值衡量之原則並對避險會計作明確規範,明訂金融商品除少數例外情形,必須以公平價值衡量,且公平價值變動數須認列為當期損益,該公報亦就適用避險會計設定了若干條件,其中尤以衡量避險有效性最為不易,並非所有的財務避險均可適用避險會計處理方式,該公報亦未強制避險交易必須適用避險會計,致適用避險會計雖可降低公平價值變動對企業財務報表的衝擊,但企業及金融機構適用避險會計之家數並不普遍。 「如果不具備財務金融背景者,難以一窺究竟」 ,因為金融業為增加業務競爭力,不斷推出創新金融商品以滿足客戶需求,其本身為妥善管理風險亦積極從事避險交易,其適用避險會計之意願與能力理應較一般企業為強,惟實際情形並非如此,本文針對選樣的金融機構展開問卷調查,探討避險會計適用現況與問題癥結。 在樣本中約有一半的金融機構適用(含部份適用)避險會計,且以金控旗下的大型銀行為主,適用的理由以充分揭露銀行經營績效者最多,其次為簽證會計師建議及自行研究討論等;不適用的主要原因為不具預期效益、其次依次為被避險商品結構太複雜、政策未強制採用避險會計等。 由金融機構調查的結果大致可以推論企業適用避險會計之比率更低。 本文針對金融機構普遍承作的資產交換避險交易,舉一實例探討如何適用避險會計,並衡量避險有效性。該實例以代替變數(proxy)衡量利率單項因素對債券價格的影響變動數,發現如果適用避險會計時,「被避險項目和避險工具之公平價值變動數對於損益的影響」會小於不適用者。就評估避險有效性而言,公平價值避險會計單就利率單項因素對債券價格之影響評估,其正確性及穩定性遠較不區分利率與信用因素之自然避險方式為佳。 鑑於衡量避險有效性的過程繁複,嗣後之定期性評價與避險有效性衡量亦為沈重負擔,建議專業之財金資訊系統業者,除評價功能外,亦能提供避險性衡量之功能。此外,金融機構於設計新種金融商品,最好能同時針對相關之避險交易,研究如何以公平價值衡量以及如何計算避險有效性,除了可直接因應本身適用避險會計之需要外,尚可提供予其企業客戶參照適用,間接有助於金融商品之行銷。至於目前國內極為普遍之以可轉換公司債為標的之資產交換避險交易,尚有待於金融業者與會計業者共同研究出可行之避險會計處理方式。 本論文係利用彭博資訊(Bloomberg LP)提供之功能,用以探討避險會計實例,後續研究者,亦可嘗試以其他資訊系統提供之套裝功能測試是否仍有相同之結果。

利率衍生性商品之定價與避險:LIBOR 市場模型 / Pricing and Hedging Interest Rate Options in a LIBOR Market Model

吳庭斌, wu,Ting-Pin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文第一章將 LIBOR 市場模型加入股價動態,並求出其風險中立過程下的動態模型,並利用此模型評價股籌交換契約。第二章將 LIBOR 市場模型擴展成兩國的市場模型,加入兩國股價動態,並求出風險中立過程下的動態模型,並利用此模型評價跨國股籌交換契約。本論文第二部份說明如何實際使用此模型,並使用蒙地卡羅模擬檢驗此評價模型的正確性。 / This thesis includes two main chapters. Chapter 2 is entiled as "Equity Swaps in a LIBOR Market Model" and Chapter 3 is entitled as "Cross-Currency Equity Swaps in a LIBOR Market in a Model". The conclusions of this thesis are made in Chapter 4. In Chapter 2, we extends the BGM (Brace, Gatarek and Musiela (1997))interest rate model (the LIBOR market model) by incorporating the stock price dynamics under the martingale measure. As compared with traditional interest rate models, the extended BGM model is easy to calibrate the model parameters and appropriate for pricing equity swaps. The general framework for pricing equity swaps is proposed and applied to the pricing of floating-for-equity swaps with either constant or variable notional principals. The calibration procedure and the practical implementation are also discussed. In Chapter 3, under the arbitrage-free framework of HJM, we simultaneously extends the BGM model (the LIBOR market model) from a single-currency economy to a cross-currency case and incorporates the stock price dynamics under the martingale measure. The resulting model is very general for pricing almost every kind of (cross-currency) equity swaps traded in OTC markets. The calibration procedure and the hedging strategies are also provided in this paper for practical operation. The pricing formulas of the equity swaps with either a constant or a variable notional principal and with hedged or un-hedged exchange rate risk are derived and discussed as examples.

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