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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國專案單位資訊策略之研究 -- 以某研究院為案例探討 / A Research on Information Strategies for Project-Oriented Organizations Based on Case Studies Conducted by a Selected Research Institute

黃兆鴻, Huang, Chao-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
資訊科技不斷的日新月異,整個社會也已經邁入了資訊時代。網路科技帶來了「網路經濟」,在此階段裡有許多新興的企業產生,但在歷經了網路泡沫後,許多企業也因而消失。這整個帶給人們在策略上新的思維,藉由網路、資訊科技,企業似乎可以比以前更有競爭力,藉由網路,企業似乎可以跳脫以往疆界的觀念,而達到無遠弗屆的境界,藉由新的科技,小蝦米也可以創造一番大的事業。本研究主要是因應在資訊爆炸的時代及科技不斷進步下,以承接研究計畫的專案單位在面臨競爭的壓力時,如何藉由資訊策略來幫助提昇競爭力。 本研究的個案單位正面臨不斷競爭的壓力,不僅外在的競爭者的加入,而且因為預算不斷消減,相對以往的人事成本反而增加,在面對新的環境要如何持續保有競爭力?本研究主要是以企業競爭優勢、企業策略與資訊策略三個方向來探討分析。由研究得知以此類型個案單位的研究很少,研究資源相當有限,不過從個案單位的案例分析中,雖然個案單位對資訊化的投入一直不懈怠,然而資訊科技對個案單位的影響就格道分析來看還只是在「支援型」的階段,也就是IT對它們在作業和未來策略的制訂都影響不大。本研究的分析結果建議此類型的個案單位應從「流程改造」開始,重新開發新的整合的專案管理系統。當然除了「流程再造」及建立「專案管理系統」外,相對應的制度等也需一併配合。本研究建議資訊部門重新定位與正名是有必要的,為了激勵資訊部門的績效,其升遷制度也有必要做調整。藉由專案管理系統來改善個案單位的經營績效,然後將公司帶入「工廠型」的階段。而未來更可以透過此一階段所累積的知識資料庫,進而創造出「智庫」型的應用,再將企業轉型成「策略型」的組織。 雖然相關的研究資料難以找到,不過本研究的過程及對以承接研究專案的專案單位的資訊策略建議,希望能作為未來相關領域或相類似公司的參考。

中小企業策略優勢與成長障礙之研究 / On The Strategic Advantage and Growth Wall of Small Business

王獻堂, Wang, Shein-Tang Unknown Date (has links)
在台灣經濟的發展上中小企業一直扮演著關鍵性的角色,至今仍舊是維持台灣競爭力的一股強大力量,隨著企業的成長,許多中小企業逐漸轉型成為大型企業,然而卻依舊保持著小企業的經營格局或心態,潛藏著經營發展上的危機。本研究的主要目的即是針對台灣中小企業,探討其在不同的條件資源基礎或產業環境下,如何建構其策略優勢,並瞭解在企業發展的同時,會產生那些成長障礙,並探討其背後發生的原因。   本研究之研究目的包括:   1. 不同型態的中小企業,是如何利用其特質、產業特性或企業能力,選擇其策略重點,進而創造其策略優勢?   2. 中小企業在發展過程中為何產生成長障礙?與企業特質、產業特性、企業能力或策略作為間的互動關係為何?   本研究在研究模式上採行個案分析的探索性研究方法。以個案公司訪問與次級資料蒐集資訊的方式,來進行研究主題的探討。本研究個案公司主要以符合在產業相對規模為中小企業者,共計樣本數為七家公司。   本研究探討「策略優勢」與「成長障礙」的推論模式基礎在「策略優勢」方面有三,包括「企業特質-策略作為-策略優勢」、「產業特性-策略作為-策略優勢」、「策略作為-企業能力-策略作為-策略優勢」。在「成長障礙方面」有四,包括「企業特質-成長障礙」、「產業特性-成長障礙」、「策略作為-企業能力-成長障礙」、「策略作為-成長障礙」。   本研究的主要研究發現如下:   一、個案研究結果   本研究針對中小企業策略優勢的成因進行個案探討,主要的研究結論如下:   1. 創業資源、網路關係、企業主性格意向、組織規模,以及產業特性是形成中小企業策略優勢的來源,其中以創業資源為最主要的因素。   2. 中小企業創業者或企業主掌握產業技術與know-how是形成策略優勢的來源。   3. 中小企業主的企圖心是形成中小企業策略優勢的主要來源。   4. 中小企業透過網路關係掌握業務來源,創造競爭優勢。   5. 中小企業因為規模小而產生的經營彈性,可以創造市場競爭優勢。   6. 中小企業掌握產業特性,發展策略,可以形成競爭優勢。   本研究針對中小企業成長障礙的成因進行探討,主要的研究結論如下:   1. 創業資源、企業主性格意向、組織規模,以及產業特性是形成中小企業成長障礙的來源,其中以企業主性格意向為最主要的因素。   2. 中小企業在創業初期都將市場視為優先考慮的重點,而忽略了對人員的培養,使得人才不足成為發展上的障礙。   3. 中小企業主能順利從老闆的角色轉換到管理者的角色,是突破成長瓶頸的關鍵。   4. 中小企業主企圖心是否能持續維持,是影響企業未來發展的重要因素。   5. 中小企業主注重關係導向,許多中高階職務都由創業成員擔任,無法利用職位升遷的誘因來激勵非創業初期的新進員工,以致無法留住人才。   6. 中小企業通常專注於其擅長的工作部份,且此方面的能力愈累積愈強,組織規模擴大後,其他企業能力的不足會造成成長上的障礙。   7. 外在競爭環境的改變會形成中小企業成長上的障礙。   二、研究過程的其他觀察   本研究的其他觀察包括:   1. 中小企業透過策略作為所累積的企業能力,多為功能性的能力,較少為策略能力,此與一般中小企業主或創業者缺乏策略思考能力有關。   2. 中小企業的企業特質與策略優勢及成長障礙間有較密切的關係,形成策略優勢的因素,往往也是成長障礙的來源。   3. 網路關係代表中小企業運用外部資源的能力與意願,對中小企業而言通常可以帶來正面的利益,較少產生負面的影響。   4. 中小企業組織規模小可以創造許多大企業所沒有的優勢,但在「創業資源」結構特別複雜時,即使組織規模小,也較難發揮其規模小的優勢。

台灣電子業研發策略改變之研究 / The changes of R&D Strategy:A case of electronics industry

李益昌, Lee, Yih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
技術創新成果對事業的獲利能力有正面的影響,因此,如何提昇技術創新績效,成為許多學者研究的重點。以往學者的研究,都希望發掘關鍵性的影響要素,以期經由要素的掌握、管理,提升技術創新績效。本研究亦期望藉著瞭解企業策略與研發策略內涵之間的關係,釐清二類策略之間的配適問題,始能提昇研發績效。   根據個案研究與問卷分析的發現,本研究歸納結論如下:   1. 在技術發展的重點上,一直以「產品技術」為重點,且有逐漸增加的趨勢。   2. 在關鍵技術來源方面,「模仿競爭者產品」的情況顯著的減少,「與國內研究機構合作開發」、「與國外廠商技術合作」的情形有顯著增加的趨勢。   3. 在主要技術專案之決策單位方面,隨著時間的演變,「由相關部門會議決定並呈報上級核准」、「由一特定委員會決定」以及「由特定部門決定」有顯著增加的趨勢。   4. 在技術專案的管理方式上,「由研發部門統籌管理」有逐漸式微的趨勢;而「成立委員會管理」、「矩陣式的新產品專案管理」等兩種情境,有隨時間演進而顯著增加的趨勢。可見,隨著時間的演進,企業常用的技術專案之管理方式,已漸漸走向整合協調各部門資源的管理模式。   5. 個案公司所進行的研究以應用研究為主(除了宏碁與聲寶有從事基礎研究),而研發經費佔營業額的比例約在3%左右,可見電子資訊業研發經費比例有較高的傾向。

台灣汽車公司自創品牌策略之研究:以納智捷汽車為例 / Brand building strategy for Taiwan automobile company: An example of LUXGEN

劉怡君, Liu, I-Chun Unknown Date (has links)
裕隆企業集團創辦人嚴慶齡先生與夫人吳舜文女士,本著工業報國的理念,於1953年創立裕隆汽車製造公司,發展代表「火車頭」的汽車工業,希望「為中國人裝上自己的輪子」。1987年,裕隆集團由董事長吳舜文女士帶領,自創台灣第一個國人自行設計車身的汽車品牌-Feeling101(飛羚101),然而並未妥善規劃的品牌策略,最終宣告失敗。 2003年起,裕隆集團董事長嚴凱泰憑藉著多年來與日本日產汽車(NISSAN)技術合作累積的組裝與研發能力、代理與經銷中華汽車的通路與營運管理能力,輔以2005年政府獎勵國內廠商自創品牌的契機、充分利用台灣的IT產業優異的能力,以及策略聯盟等資源的累積之下,於2007年成立納智捷汽車股份有限公司(以下簡稱納智捷),推出自有汽車品牌LUXGEN,以SUV與MPV的車款切入車市,並同時以海外市場為目標,佈局全球通路。 裕隆集團不將角色侷限於汽車製造商,而是以企業思維在汽車產業鏈上耕耘,透過子公司建置、併購以及技術合作等模式,擴充其核心資源與能力。 LUXGEN將汽車定位為「移動價值鏈」。有別於傳統休旅車以家庭溫馨為宣傳主軸,納智捷以科技、生活、樂趣等創新定位,重新詮釋SUV與MPV休旅車,並結合集團內的造車技術,以及台灣國際知名的IT技術,創造出納智捷獨特的品牌價值。 裕隆集團歷經近五十個年頭,透過資產與能力的累積,企業策略逐漸由整合式策略邁向多角化的策略,其中,汽車本業的垂直與水平整合更為顯著。在垂直面上,裕隆集團已將汽車業價值鏈,從上游製造整車、中游行銷、下游行銷通路,甚至到汽車產業的週邊服務拓展完備;而在水平整合部分,早期由兩大汽車中心廠-裕隆汽車與中華汽車,擔綱製造與整車的核心,近年來轉以合資或技術合作方式,代理裕隆日產、東風裕隆等至集團名下,達成企業的多品牌策略。 LUXGEN透過以科技智慧的差異化定位,以品牌商身分向前整合通路,透過LU特有的汽車生活館,以體驗行銷的模式與消費者建構品牌意象與品牌價值。在可控制的通路管理制度下,間接節省企業營運成本,維護品牌形象。 本研究也發現,納智捷在進入國內外市場係透過海內外的策略聯盟、技術合作廠商與合資合作廠商等,來建立產品的功能與效益;部分的技術專利也透過技術合作取得。也就是說,策略聯盟與合作夥伴,支撐與豐沛了LUXGEN自創品牌的資源與效益。 2011年11月,LUXGEN高層管理幹部出訪俄羅斯約莫兩週,計畫將以CKD的方式拓展歐亞市場;2011年12月,LUXGEN又於台北國際世貿車展發表了最新的轎車產品-Neora,以「Cross over」的思惟,欲切入競爭最激烈的轎車市場。LUXGEN的知名度與外銷市場規模,已透過創立初期積極參與的國際車展加速:於國內的銷售量迄今已晉升為國內第七名。 LUXGEN是裕隆集團第二次自創品牌,由董事長嚴凱泰承接創辦人的使命。本研究在於剖析裕隆集團自創品牌的歷史因素與動機,以及如何運用競爭優勢,以各項企業策略的角度支撐自有品牌LUXGEN。 / With the spirit of “contribution to the country by developing industry.” , Mr. Tjing-Ling Yen, founder of Yulon Group, was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Vivian Wu Yen, established Yulon Motor Co. in 1953. The company engaged in the production of automobiles, and led relevant companies to boost Taiwan's auto-related industry which was a capital and technology intensive one. In 1987, Yulon Group, led by the chairman of Mrs. Vivian Wu Yen, created the car brand-Feeling101, which was the first self-designed body of car in Taiwan. However, not well-planned brand strategy failed ultimately. Since 2003, Mr. Kenneth K.T. Yen , chairman of Yulon Group ,with long term technical and R & D cooperation with NISSAN ,and been agency of Mitsubishi for years, has accumulated capabilities in car assembly, distribution , and operational management. Supported by government policy for encouraging companies who build its own brand in 2005, Yulon launched his own car brand LUXGEN, and found LUXGEN automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as LUXGEN) in 2007, entering the automobile market with SUV and MPV cars focused on overseas markets and global distribution channels by taking full advantages of Taiwan`s excellent IT technology and alliance strategy. Yulon Group not only positioned itself in an automobile manufacturer, but also put a lot of efforts on the value chain of the automotive industry by setting up subsidiaries, acquisitions, and technical cooperation etc. to expand its core competences and capabilities. LUXGEN define the car as a “mobile value chain.” Unlike traditional sport utility vehicles (SUVs) for the promotion of family-groups , LUXGEN interpret the automobile features as technologic, life, fun , and innovative etc. creating a unique brand equity and customer value. LUXGEN is the second own brand, by the founder, Mr. Kenneth K.T. Yen undertake the mission. This study is to clarify the historical factors and motivations of building own brand of Yulon Group, and analyze how Yulon use competitive advantages, its` own resources, group`s equities, and corporate strategy to support its own brand LUXGEN.

影響網路謠言傳播的因素及擴散模式-由電子郵件謠言的散播與企業闢謠作為談起 / The Determinants of Internet Rumor Diffusion - Patterns of E-mail Based Rumor Diffusion and Corporate Clarification Strategies

鍾宏彬, Chung, Hung Pin Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路是繼電子計算機發明後,帶給人類最大衝擊的一項革命,它突破了地理的籓籬,資訊的流動可以在極短暫的時間內跨越國界,這是其他媒體所望塵莫及的。而這種傳播特性最為人所詬病的問題之一,就是網路謠言的充斥。透過E-mail、BBS、NEWS、WWW等各種不同的管道散播出來的謠言,不僅可能造成個人的名譽受損、企業的形象破壞,許多的犯罪手法也因而產生。就企業主而言,網路謠言的殺傷力莫過於對公司形象與品牌聲譽的損害,而如何防範與澄清消息的正確性,已成為企業公關與危機管理的重要一環。 本研究則分析現有的謠言與消息來源理論,探討謠言的結構、傳播過程以及其社會心理成因等,並比較電腦中介傳播 (CMC) 與一般謠言口耳相傳 (FtF) 之下的謠言特性,以及探討傳統大眾媒體與網路媒介傳播謠言效果之差異,歸納出影響謠言傳播的可能因素包括謠言的可相信度、渾沌不安、訊息特性、涉入度、網路訊息惰性、人口統計變數與網路使用行為等。利用這些可能的變數,本研究設計兩組實驗來衡量謠言散播與闢謠效果,實驗一利用可相信度與渾沌不安兩個變數操弄謠言,並以小樣本的散播實驗來衡量謠言操弄的結果,探討謠言散播模式與影響變數,並以計數器追溯謠言散播的情形,來了解謠言散播的真實面貌;實驗二則以類似的實驗方法,選擇一則已發生的網路謠言案例來研究謠言散佈模型,並以發送闢謠信件的方式來探討其謠言防治效果。 實驗一在經網路謠言散播實驗之後,發現操弄變數的差異並不顯著,故實驗一改採Regression檢定,最後發現可相信度、訊息特性與渾沌不安是影響謠言散播的主要因素,網路訊息惰性則對謠言散播有間接影響效果,而可相信度有部分的中介效果;在電子郵件闢謠實驗方面,實驗二發現可相信度與網路訊息惰性對訊息的散播有顯著影響效果,而可相信度有部分的中介效果。由此可知,兩個實驗的散佈模式並不相同,其原因有可能是因為涉入度的差異。另外,兩個實驗皆發現經由電子郵件散播的訊息符合創新採用理論,其中實驗一的謠言與實驗二的闢謠訊息為Rogers所說的不完全散佈模式,而實驗二的謠言則為所謂的「S」形創新散佈曲線。 此外,本研究利用謠言的追蹤計數,得到了散播曲線與訊息散播方程式,並估計而求出了謠言的散播速度。由追溯的結果得知,網路謠言傳播的速度十分快速,尤其實驗二的謠言在第2.2日時就達擴散曲線的反曲點,一星期內散佈的人數高達原來樣本數的兩倍;相反的,不被眾人散播的謠言可以在短短幾天之內就趨於平息。而本研究也對網路訊息的「散播者」與「非散播者」作出比較,發現散播者的散佈可能性、對謠言的相信度、渾沌不安等都比非散播者高,但網路訊息惰性則較低。在粗淺的瞭解這群可能的網路「意見領袖」之後,企業界可以專注於這群人作有效的闢謠公關活動,讓網路謠言的管理更有效率。 最後,本研究彙整謠言的應對策略,並對企業因應謠言的危機管理的模式,提出許多的方案與建議,讓企業界在面對網路謠言時,能有參考的依循,並將損害減至最低。 / Not only has the internet increased the efficiency of communication, it has also brought out severe crises in the real world. Messages can be circulated all over the world in just seconds. As a result, geographical barriers have been virtually broken down. However, while rumors and hoaxes can easily be distributed through e-mail, BBS, news group, and so on, such false information may cause severe damage to individuals and corporations concerned, even trigger criminal offenses. How to prevent potential damage of commercial reputations which may cause by internet rumors and clarify the existing grapevines is one of the most important issues each corporation needs to address in the present information society. This thesis is inclined to find out the differences between Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) and Face-to-Face (FtF) Communication in terms of the variables which affect the diffusion of rumors, i.e. Credibility, Anxie-uncertainty, Message Property, Involvement, Internet Inertia, demographical variables, and personal internet behavior. Two experiments are designed in this research. Exp.1 operates Credibility versus Anxie-uncertainty into four rumors and illustrates the correlation between Diffusion Possibility and each of the aforesaid independent variables which can facilitate establishing the diffusion model for Internet Rumors accordingly. Exp.2 is an empirical study based on the diffusion model built up in Exp.1. A pre-selected existing rumor is used as the research sample. It remodels the rumor diffusion and measures the clarification effect through e-mail as well. Moreover, both experiments use Site Meter to trace the mechanism of rumor diffusion. Numbers of the rumor being viewed and its responses and clarifications can be easily counted. According to experiments, Credibility and Anxie-uncertainty are originally well operated in pretests. However, the manipulated variables are not fully distinguished in Exp.1. Hence, Regression is employed to test the hypotheses and as a result, Credibility, Anxie-uncertainty, and Message Property are the key variables that directly influence rumor diffusion in Exp.1 while Internet Inertia has indirect effect on the outspread of a rumor. In Exp.2, both Credibility and Internet Inertia play important roles in the diffusion behavior while Credibility acts as a partial mediating variable in this case. Additionally, this research also shows the possibility and degree that Involvement might be the factor which causes discrepancy between these 2 models. However, it needs to be confirmed by further research. Moreover, both models fit the Distribution Theory of Innovations developed by Rogers. Rumors in Exp.1 and clarify message in Exp.2 are both Unsuccessful Diffusion while rumor in Exp. 2 belongs to S-shaped Normal Diffusion. Incidentally, diffusion curves and the function of rumor diffusion are obtained to work out through simulation equations and so are the diffusion rates, which surprised us for their rapid distribution. The inverse point was reached in the 2.2 days after the rumor message was distributed in Exp.2, and almost two folds of the original group numbers were reached in just one week. On the other hand, rumors which were not circulated would be quelled in few days. Comparisons between the Distributor and the Non-distributor in the Internet society are also made in this study in facilitating the management of corporate grapevines. The Distributor believes rumors and are more aggressive in rumor distribution and shows higher Anxie-uncertainty, while their Internet Inertia are lower than Non-distributor. Knowing more about the so-called Internet “Opinion Leader” helps corporations focus on crisis management by initiating effective public activities not only because they are cores of grapevines but are also easier to approach than others. Finally, various corporate strategies of confining rumors are developed in the thesis. Suggestions and alternatives are provided in conclusion. Corporate administrators can therefore take them for reference when dealing with rumor-caused crises.


陳椿齡, Chen, Chun-ling, Unknown Date (has links)
中文摘要 我國銀行業自民國79年推行金融自由化並陸續開放16家新銀行設立後,由於各銀行之產品同質性高,為追求業績成長競相採取價格競爭策略爭取客戶;加上銀行間有不當擴張客戶信用,導致銀行出現利差下降、逾放增加、授信品質惡化、營運績效大不如前的不利現象。銀行如何提供創新或差異化產品或服務以區隔市場,或者如何做好授信風險控管等皆是未來影響銀行營運優劣的重要課題。 銀行業除面臨以上的問題外,由於係屬使用資訊密集之產業,對資訊科技仰賴甚深;尤以Internet興起後,銀行更可藉此提供打破時空限制之線上服務(諸如:網路銀行或電子商務),更對銀行的經營模式與經營管理產生重大衝擊與影響。在經營環境生態改變以及資訊科技的衝擊下,如何配合企業經營策略擬定合適的資訊策略,建構有利的資訊架構與資訊系統,以導引資訊化的有效發展,進而有助於銀行降低成本、提高營運管理績效、提升服務品質與創造競爭優勢,實是值得研究。 為奠定本研究根基,本研究從銀行業經營面臨挑戰、企業策略與實務運用、資訊科技架構及銀行資訊科技應用、資訊策略等方面進行文獻探討,得到如下資料: 企業策略對企業的經營、競爭等營運績效影響甚鉅。正確的資訊策略將有助於企業策略之達成,故對企業的營運績效同具密切影響力。IT在不同企業會顯示出不同的策略角色,擬定資訊策略者要先了解企業策略,再者要清楚了解IT在組織中的角色,方可適切擬定資訊策略。同時企業要清楚採用何種資訊策略後,方有助企業的營運定位與資源分配,並可避免失敗,進而提升營運績效。 本研究的研究架構係以企業策略、資訊策略、資訊架構、企業實務等四個構面來探討其相互關連性,並導引出資訊策略與其他構面之主從關係,以及不同資訊策略之作法與影響。 而研究方法主要採行文獻探討與個案研究的方式。所選的個案公司,乃因其具有營運的特殊性、時間的洽當性、資訊的客觀性,故而以其研究主體。研究工具,以深入訪談、資料分析為主軸。 對個案公司的研究,先從公司的相關資料的整理著手、次而探討公司制定資訊策略相關構面,最後作綜合分析並提出如下的結論與建議: (一)結論:個案公司具有如下營運與資訊策略議題: 1.營運應考量,如何有效改善目前資訊系統僅作為業務支援性的角色; 同時由現有的資訊影響結構圖可知:其資訊策略、資訊架構及企業策略都僅著眼目前問題的解決;其實應著眼未來的定位、經營方向與策略的確立,以為未來企業發展與資訊發展的依循。 2.資訊策略議題,應注意有效連結企業策略、改變現有支援型資訊策略為策略型資訊策略、不同系統間整合、加強網路化及整合性服務提供、如何改變資訊部門角色與地位等之議題。 (二)建議:個案公司訂定資訊策略應考量如下幾點: 1.掌握資訊化契機 2.執行資訊策略實務工作的建議: (1)作業流程流線化,節省處理時間及成本。 (2)有效整合多方繁雜的現有系統。 (3)將資訊部門角色由過去的系統開發與維護改變成捕獲外在 策略資源、資訊資源分配、資訊管理之推廣與教育訓練等。 (4)建立資訊長之職責與資訊政策。 (5)建立以平衡計分卡為基礎之資訊開發專案管理制度。 關鍵詞 資訊策略、資訊架構、企業策略、企業實務、競爭策略、銀行 / Abstract Since the banking industry in our country implemented financial liberalization in 1990, sixteen new banks have been gradually established. Because the products of each bank are very similar, the banks compete with pricing strategies in order to seek for business growth and gain clients. In addition, some banks improperly expand client credit, leading to unfavorable results such as: dropping the profit spread of banks, increasing the amount of overdue loans, worsening of credit quality and declining performance. Several important issues need to be considered which can influence the success of the bank's operation in the future. Firstly, how can the innovation or differentiation of products or services to segment market be achieved; and how can better credit risk control be achieved? In addition to facing the problems mentioned above, the banking industry is one that mainly relies on information technology. Especially, since the introduction of Internet banking, banks can provide online services to break through space and time limitations via Internet banking or electronic commerce. These new creations have had a great impact upon the business model and operating management. Under the impact of information technology and the change of operating environment, several points need to be investigated: 1. How to set up a suitable information strategy to match the business strategy for enterprises? 2. How to establish favorable information framework and system to induce efficient development of information? in order to reduce costs for banks, to increase operation management performance and to improve the quality of service and to create competitive advantage. In order to establish foundation of this research, this research searched literature review from the operational challenges facing the banking industry, the need for practical application, business strategies, IT framework and application, resulting in the collection of the following data: 1. Business strategy largely influences the performance of operation and competition. 2. Correct information strategy will be helpful in achieving business strategy so as to influence operating performance. Information technology will demonstrate different strategic roles in different businesses. The planner of information strategies should understand business strategy and further clearly understand the role of information technology within the organization so that the suitable information strategy can be planned and implemented. In the meantime, businesses need to understand which information strategies should be applied in order to help the positioning of business operation and resource allocation not only to avoid failure but also to increase operating performance. The structure of this research is based on business strategy, information strategy, and information framework and business practice. There are four components whose interrelationships need to be discussed and which induce subordinate and lesser relationships between information strategy and the other components, and the application and impact of different information strategies. Research method mainly utilizes literature review and case studies. Selected case study companies were chosen for their operation characteristics and suitability of timing and objectiveness of information. Study tool mainly uses extensive interview and data analysis as the main focus. The starting point for researching the case study company was the arrangement of relevant data of this company. The next step was to study the company's setup of related components of information strategy. Finally, a summary analysis was made and the proposed conclusions and suggestions are as follows: A. A case study company has the following operation and information strategy issues: 1. With regards to operations, it should be considered how to effectively improve the current information system only as a supporting role. In the meantime, from the structure graph of the current influence of information, it is understood that information strategy, information framework and business strategy all emphasize upon solving current problems. Actually, it should focus on how to position future business direction and strategy establishment for the guidance of future business development and information development. 2. Information strategy issue should include effective linking with business strategy, changing the currently supporting information strategy into strategic information strategy, integrating different systems, strengthening network formalization and providing integrated services and changing the role and position of the information department. B. Suggestions: The case study company wishing to set up information strategy should consider the following: 1. Take the opportunity of information transformation. 2. Suggestion of information strategy implementation into practice: a) Streamlining of operation workflow to save cost and time of processing b) Effectively integrating many currently used complicated systems c) Changing information department from the previous functions of system development and maintenance into capturing strategic resources, allocating information resources, promoting information management and educational training d) Establishing the responsibility of the CIO of information and policies of information e) Establishing information development project management system based on Balanced Score Card Keywords: Information strategy; information framework; business strategy; business practice; competition strategy; bank


韓文卿, Han, Wen-ching Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以第三代行動通訊(3G)技術標準之提出與應用,影響所及的相關產業活動的變化下,企業在經營策略發展上最佳的規劃方向為題。在無線通訊與網際網路持續交相演化發展,從前的窄頻已升級到寬頻,從前的有線已提升到無線、行動;顯然行動網際網路已取得未來發展的主流地位。由於寬頻行動網路的未來影響既深且廣,舉凡個人生活、企業經營、社會制度,及經濟活動都將出現解構與重組的變化模式,企業應如何掌握機先及變化的軌跡,調整企業的營運策略,將是企業成功的關鍵因素之一。 因此本研究從無線通產業發展的匯流趨勢出發;1)探討寬頻行動服務的技術與產業應用的發展架構;2)探討寬頻行動網路的生態演;3)整理有關的策略選項、解析產業結構的轉移,企業願景及核心競爭優勢的基礎。從而,運用解構與重組理論及動態的策略觀點,提出未來寬頻行動服務的策略發展規劃方向,以為企業策略管理研究之參考。 / Abstract This study is based on the application of the recent launched 3G technology standards to explore the impact on the related industrial activity and the strategy of optimizing the managerial benefits. Due to the recent fast development of the wireless communication and internet; the narrow band internet has been replaced by the wide band internet and the wire internet service has been replaced by the wireless and mobile internet service. The mobile internet will soon lead the industry in the near future. Since the broad band mobile internet is going to results in a huge impact on the personal lifestyle, industrial operation, social infrastructure, and even the economical activity. It becomes a key factor for an enterprise to face on the model and change of the upcoming disaggregation & aggregation and then adjust the current operational strategy to pursuit the sustain success in the future. Therefore, this thesis starts from the analysis of the future trend of mobile internet industrial development and then study on 1) the framework of broad band mobile service V.S. industrial application, 2) the Eco-revolution the broad band mobile internet, 3) the basis of strategic options, shifting of industrial infrastructure, industrial vision, and core competence advantage. Thus, this study utilizes the theory of the disaggregation & aggregation and the dynamic strategic point of view, to propose the strategic planning direction of future wide band mobile service, so as to be the research reference of business strategic management.


連子杰, Lien,Tzu-Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
投資人在投資決策之過程中,所分析之資料可分為財務性與非財務性資訊兩大類,然而受限於傳統財務資料格式之不一致,可能需花費額外之財力與物力來處理,甚至浪費精力於資料的重新輸入。另一方面,非財務資訊在投資決策過程中日益重要,但其龐大的資訊揭露量卻往往徒增投資人閱讀與搜尋上之不便,甚至降低了可閱讀性。 有鑑於上述兩大投資分析不便之處,本研究運用文字探勘(Text mining)技術,嘗試處理股東會年報中與企業策略相關之非財務性資訊,以協助閱讀者有效率地分析、整理這些半結構化,甚至是非結構化文字資訊。另一方面,本研究利用可延伸企業報導語言(eXtensible Business Reporting Language, XBRL)不受軟體平台限制,可於網路上自由下載流通等特性,作為財務資訊之資料來源,同時建立一種新的分析模式,透過連結機制之設計以連接非財務性與財務性資訊,並運用ROMC系統分析法與雛型系統設計法完成本企業策略分析決策支援系統,希冀能協助投資人能於短時間內瞭解並印證標的公司之產業發展與競爭策略,提升決策品質。 / There are two main data types in investment decision process: financial and non-financial. Because the inconsistent of data type in traditional financial data, investors may have more additional costs to solve this problem. In addition, non-financial data become more and more important in investment decision process, but huge amount of non-financial disclosure may reduce the readability and increase the difficulty of searching. To solve the above problems, we try to use text mining technology to handle the semi-structured or unstructured non-financial data related to business strategies in the annual reports of public companies effectively and efficiently. In addition, we use XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) to be our financial data resources because of its interoperability and re-usability. We also develop a new analytic method to link financial and non-financial data together. Finally, we use two system methodologies: R.O.M.C. and prototyping to design and build our business strategy analysis decision support system in order to help investors understand and prove strategies in companies, and improve the decision quality which they make.

企業策略與國家文化對跨國購併之影響 : 以鴻海購併夏普為例 / The Influence of Corporate Strategy and National Culture on Cross-Border M&A

王靖傑, CHING-CHIEH WANG Unknown Date (has links)
跨國購併為企業持續成長的重要策略之一,學者針對此議題亦有諸多探討, 而過去的多數研究皆著重於—企業執行跨國購併後,企業策略與國家文化對於後 續整合的影響。然而,本研究認為文化的影響自企業開啟跨國購併談判以來,便 始終存在。此外,購併談判為跨國購併之起始,其重要性不亞於購併後的整合。 因此,本研究以企業跨國購併歷程為主體,藉此探討跨國購併企業雙方之文化差 異對於整體購併行為之影響。 本研究之目的為探討企業實際購併個案研究,讓企業未來在實際執行購併策 略時,能持續思考國家文化差異之影響,並依據其購併階段之不同,而有相對的 因應方式。 本研究以次級資料作為質性研究依據,藉由廣泛地蒐集資料,撰寫成鴻海購 併夏普之跨國購併個案。透過此篇實際個案研究,發現家文化差異對於企業能否 順利進行購併談判有重大影響,並提出企業依其所屬之購併階段不同,處理相對 應需著重之文化構面,可提高企業跨國購併談判之效率及成功率。 / Cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&A) are one of the most important strategies for sustainable growth of a company. Many scholars had various discussions on this issue. Most of researches concentrated on how corporate strategy and national culture affect the integration after cross-border M&A. However, this study suggests that cultural impacts have long existed from the very beginning of cross-border M&A negotiations. In addition, M&A negotiation is the start point of cross-border M&A. It is equally important in the integration stage after M&A. Therefore, this study focuses mainly on the process of cross-border M&A in order to explore overall influence on the cross-border M&A due to cultural differences between the enterprises. By analyzing a real M&A case, the purpose of this study is to make enterprise consider the impact of cultural difference when they are having cross-border M&A negotiation. Besides, through this study company can understand what the most important dimension of national culture is while having M&A project. This study is a qualitative research based on extensively searching secondary data of Hon-Hai and Sharp M&A. This case study found that cultural differences between nations affect -whether the enterprise can successfully carry out M&A negotiations. This study also shows that company may generate different strategies corresponding to the difference between national culture dimensions in accordance with different M&A negotiation stage. Doing so may lead to smooth and successful M&A negotiation.

動態環境(下)企業成長時的策略與核心能耐演化之研究 -- 以台灣本土醫藥X公司為例 / A Study of the Evolution of Strategy and Core Competence during a Corporate Growth under the Dynamic Environment – A Case Study of a Local Pharmaceutical Company

陳澤民 Unknown Date (has links)
策略的目的是在特定的競爭環境中,憑藉企業的特質條件為它創造競爭地位或發展的方向,也就是創造具競爭性的差異優勢,使企業得以順利發展和持續成長。在競爭的環境中,組織能耐常會隨著時間經過而演化;演化的方式會隨著技術本身的特性、外部市場競爭強弱、與內部的組織與管理特性的差異,而有所不同。除此之外,體制環境會影響整個產業內的創新速率,因而對廠商的能耐演化造成影響。但是在環境急速變動的情況下,組織能耐要完全由內部產生不但不可能,而且其速度亦嫌過於緩慢,再加上現代企業的專業分工網絡,企業必須與客戶、供應商、甚至競爭同業合作,以獲得相關的資訊與技術;在企業的發展歷程中,如何有效提升內部經營管理及促進組織之間的知識交流與能耐移轉,便成為組織管理的重要課題。 本研究以一家台灣本土醫藥公司,在台灣生技製藥產業的架構下,創業、轉型、成長的發展歷程,仔細描述影響企業發展的關鍵因素 ─ 企業策略轉變、環境變動、能耐演化,以及企業內部管理提升,彼此之間如何相互配適,並塑造出企業的獨特發展路徑;茲藉由個案公司過去的回顧,描繪其成長的軌跡,作為其未來發展路徑的參考。 / Under the favorable government policy support and a well-established regulatory environment, there are more and more new start-up companies established in Taiwan biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry in the past dacade. However, most of the new emerging companies are still facing very difficult situation. New drug discovery is one kind of long-term time-consuming and heavily cash-investment-needed business. Besides, Taiwan is a small market in the world. The market potential can not afford to develop a R&D based local pharmaceutical company. However, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry is a very diversified and versatile industry. Under such circumstances, how does a biotech and pharmaceutical company make use of the limited resources and scarce capital assets to identify the niche market, create a new business model, develop the corporate competence, and construct the internal operation to strengthen the core business and secure a sustainable growth in the industry? Besides, due to the evolution of the modern tools including genomic science, bioinformatics, high-through-put screening machine, and gene therapy, the speed of new drug discovery becomes much faster and much more efficient, but the product life cycle also becomes much shorter. How does a local company play in such a highly competitive, technically professional, and dramatically changed environment? This study tracks the growth path of a local pharmaceutical company to show how the key factors, which are, environmental uncertainty, the development of core competence in the firm, and the choice of a successful strategy by top management and the organization, can be manipulated in the entrepreneurial firm that grows rapidly and formalizes its structure and internal operation. The growth path of the company in the past years could be interpretated as the mutual interactions (dynamic fit) of those key factors. Evenmore, the interaction consequences influence the strategic intent to confront the changing environment, and facilitate the practice of the law and the establishment of a government policy. Besides, in order to improve the whole healthcare system in certain medical care, the company develops a new operation model to run the specific business. Traditionally, most pharmaceutical companies are pursuing market-oriented product management, instead of sales-oriented business management. Nowadays, most multi-national firms are actively involved in disease management to expand the market share of certain disease. However, how to integrate the healthcare system and strengthen individual disease management under the specific healthcare system has become a new operation model of a pharmaceutical company to a specific market segment. The company has to work together and closely with the stakeholders, such as health authorities, medical societies, patient associations, healthcare personnel, and the patients themselves to improve the whole healthcare system and even the policy of the law, regulatory, social, and welfare system in the specific medical care, as well.

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