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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力之研究 / Study on Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan

黃思穎, Huang, Ssu Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討我國數位典藏館員專業能力,以深度訪談法了解數位典藏計畫、數位典藏工作範圍、功能、角色與能力之看訪,並了解數位典藏館員在數位典藏工作上所遭遇的困難與教育需求。本研究之研究目的為:(1)探討數位典藏的意涵、功能與數位典藏計畫;(2)探討數位典藏館員角色、工作範圍與專業能力;建構數位典藏館員專業能力清單,包括:館員工作範圍、能力領域與能力指標。 本研究透過內容分析與深度訪談探討我國圖書館數位典藏館員專業能力,透過內容分析建構十領域36項指標,以作為意見調查之基礎,經過深度訪談與意見調查,獲得以下幾點結論:(1)定義數位典藏係將有保存價值之實體或非實體資料,透過數位化技術予以保存以提供服務與應用。其範圍涵蓋技術、內容、服務及社群四方面,主要目的在於確保所有數位資料的可用性、持久性、及智慧整合,其具有文化典藏、學術研究、教育與學習、以及加值應用等價值;(2)數位典藏的功能以典藏、加值應用、教學最受受訪者認同;(3)受訪機構大部分仍持續進行的數位典藏;(4)數位典藏館員角色以數位典藏推廣者、文化保存者、資訊服務提供者最受受訪者認同;(5)數位典藏工作部分以委外工作人員、聘請計畫助理與工讀生等方式進行進行;(6)數位典藏館員意見調查修正數位典藏館員專業能力清單提出十領域39項能力指標;(7)數位典藏館員對於能力領域劃分較無太大更動,能力指標以metadata基礎編目能力、溝通協調能力、了解數位典藏理論基礎、具備法律相關知識、對典藏品主題背景應具備了解能力、具備文物保存的基礎知識最受認同;(8)數位典藏館員能力指標依據數位典藏館員類型不同而有所差異;(9)數位典藏館員的困難大多來自於經費、人力與授權;(10)數位典藏館員的教育需求對於透過定期教育訓練培養、和透過工作坊、研討會論壇培養、與經驗的傳承,最受認同。 針對所獲得之結論,本研究提出下列幾點建議:(1)本研究建構之數位典藏館員專業能力清單建議應用在圖書館數位典藏工作能力參考與教育訓練;(2)數位典藏館員加強資訊與數位技術領域方面能力的基礎知識;(3)數位典藏館員遭遇經費與人力困難,希望圖書館能有不同管道獲取經費;(4)數位典藏工作相關教育單位應經常定期開設數位典藏相關教育課程。 / The topic of this study is to examine Digital Archives Librarian’s Competencies in Taiwan. The main purposes of the study are as follows: (1) To investigate the meaning, function of Digital Archives and Digital Archives Program; (2) to examine the role, scope of work and competence of Digital Archives Librarian; (3) Construct Digital Archives Librarians’ elements of proficiency competence, including: scope of work, range of capacity and capability indicators. The conclusion of this study is summarized as follows: (1) Digital Archives is the entities preserves valuable information, and is maintained through the technology of digitalization to provide services and applications. Its’ ranging from the aspects of technology, content, services and the community, the main purpose is to ensure the availability, persistence, and intelligent integration of all digital data, which has cultural the value of reservation, academic research, education and learning, and reservation value-added applications. (2) Digital Archives featuring to collection, value-added applications and teaching are accepted by the most of the respondents archiving. (3) The majority of respondents are still archiving Digital Archives. (4) The roles of the Digital Archives Librarian as reservation, culture preserver and information service provider are agreed by most of the respondents promoter. (5)Preserver and part of the work of Digital Archives to commission contracted sustainability staff, hire project assistants and students part-timers and other ways to attain carry on. (6) Digital Archives Librarian’s opinions amended digital Archives librarian’s list of 10 fields of professional competence of the proposed capacity of 39 indicators. (7) Digital Archives Librarian does not respect the areas of capacity divided much changes, capacity indicators for metadata-based cataloging capabilities, communication skills, understanding of digital Archives theoretical foundation, with legal knowledge, for collection of product themes should have the capacity to understand, with a heritage preservation foundation knowledge of the most recognized.(8) Capacity index digital Archives librarians vary according to their type. (9) Most Digital Archives Librarian’s difficulty came from the funds, manpower and authorization. (10) Digital Archives Librarian’s educational needs of the most recognized are education and training for the periodic training, and through workshops, seminars, forums culture, heritage and experience. Four conclusions are made after studying all the data: (1) Listing Digital Archives Librarian’s capabilities advice can be applied to the library’s digital Archives’ work and as work reference with education and training. (2)Digital Archives Librarian strengthen basic information and knowledge in the field of digital technical capabilities. (3) Digital Archives Librarian encounter difficulties in funding and manpower, hoping to have a different library to obtain funding for the pipeline. (4) Digital Archives’ related educational institutions should regularly open Digital Archives related educational programs.

臺灣地區博物館歷史檔案之典藏與管理 / The Collection and Management of Historical Archives at Museums in Taiwan

鐘秉慧, Chung, Ping Hui Unknown Date (has links)
歷史檔案是用文字記錄人、事、時、地、物發生過的種種,歷史是一個國家的根基、檔案則負責歷史的真實性,因此歷史檔案是人類社會重要的資產,但人們對於歷史檔案的認知較為陌生,同時歷史檔案的典藏單位是多元化的,在博物館的歷史檔案則統一被歸屬於史料文獻的典藏品而非檔案,因此在歷史檔案的瞭解與使用上較多都以專業研究人員為主。 本研究透過文獻分析瞭解何謂「歷史檔案」以及國內外博物館在歷史檔案的典藏與管理概況,並對五所典藏歷史檔案的博物館進行深度訪談,包括:國立故宮博物院、國立歷史博物館、國立臺灣博物館、國立臺灣歷史博物館以及高雄市立歷史博物館,冀求瞭解博物館對於歷史檔案的典藏與管理情況,綜合分析其結果,提出合適於歷史檔案的典藏與管理意見,以供未來國內歷史檔案之典藏機構參考。 歸納文獻分析與研究結果發現,博物館對於歷史檔案的認識較為不足,在使用歷史檔案時也多以展覽為主,除了博物館業務繁重之外,負責歷史檔案的管理人員較多都不具有檔案專業背景,同時因為博物館蒐藏方向多有重疊,因此歷史檔案被分散典藏在不同博物館中,也讓使用者在運用時有所阻礙。藉由釐清歷史檔案的定義,以及經由專業的檔案人員整理後,國內對於檔案的重視也會日益增加。 / Historical archives use words to record people, things, places, and objects that have been on earth. History is the foundation of a country, and archives represent the reality of history; therefore, historical archives are the important fortune of human beings. However, people are not familiar with historical archives, and the collection units of historical archives are various, for example, the historical archives in Museum are not organized under collection of archives but collection of literature. As a result, the comprehension and application of historical archives are mostly conducted by professional research workers. This research analyzes historical archives and the statement of worldwide museums in collection and management of historical archives. Also, this research conducts in-depth interview on five museums, inclusive of National Palace Museum, National Museum of History, National Taiwan Museum, National Museum of Taiwan History, and Kaohsiung Museum of History, to understand the collection and management statement of historical archives in museums nowadays. Nevertheless, this research sums up the analytic results and raises suggestions suitable for the collection and management of historical archives, in order to let domestic collection of historical archives institutes can take advantage of it. According to the literature analyses and research results, museums lack awareness of historical archives and the application of historical archives always focus on exhibitions. These cause museum not only a heavy duty but also most staffs in charge of historical archives are not equipped with specialized knowledge. Meanwhile, due to the duplicate collections of different museums, historical archives are scattered in distinct museums, which create barriers toward users. Therefore, hoping domestic awareness of archives will arise increasingly after the clarification of historical archives and the rearrangement conducted by experts.


蔣嘉俊, John,Chiang Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,數位典藏在我國政府國家型科技計畫的補助研究下漸漸有了雛形與發展,在商業化的價值上面,可說是無限寬廣。範疇包括創意加值、應用授權與技術軟體等,漸漸趨於多元,其中商業類型與模式也是依照不同的廠商類型有著不同的考量與敘述。本研究目的有三:1.描述數位典藏產業的廠商類型與特性並且了解數位典藏產業所掌握的核心資源與競爭優勢。2.以『核心資源』觀點來探討數位典藏產業在不同類型的廠商中所顯示出的核心能耐是否有所異同。3.歸納「數位典藏廠商」之核心資源與能耐,並據以提出相關方向與建議供產、官、學、研各界參考。 本研究以吳思華(1996)利用資源基礎理論來檢視與確定數位典藏廠商的基本能力資源的所在,並且利用Hamel and Prahalad(1990)核心能耐原則來檢視廠商由既有資源建立核心能耐的過程與準則。另外,本研究的研究方法採用個案研究法以及質化研究,深度訪談得意典藏股份有限公司以及新視科技股份有限公司的高階經理人,獲得以下結論: 一、數位典藏廠商的核心能耐: 本研究發現對於數位典藏廠商的各項核心能耐當中,每一項都跟其他項目有所關聯,存在的是互依互存關係,也就是說會將本身能耐作為基礎,繼續發展其他與本身資源相關連的核心能耐,譬如說以專利、資料庫為基礎,可以藉此發展出為了此一資料庫所訂立的行銷策略計畫等。並且因為數位典藏的產業環境,商品走向都不偏向民生必需品為主,所以數位典藏廠商都會建構與蓄積關於組織能力的核心能耐來加強商品的知名度以及銷售量。 除此之外,在數位典藏廠商的各種資源特性當中,都會因為領導者的特質與能力,間接或是直接提昇公司的競爭能力。當然一般的數位典藏產業也會加強在與公家機關的互動,來增加產業的敏感度以及拓展這方面的人際關係。 二、不同類型數位典藏廠商的比較: 在『創意加值』類型的數位典藏廠商的部份,會因應市場對於內容多樣化呈現的需求,產生組織創新能力、市場行銷策略等,並且擁有掌握市場需求與技術發展的能力,並且『創意加值』類型廠商大多以公家機關或是一般業界的素材授權後,作有效的加值利用,所以在一開始的授權金、數位化設備、數位化時間、成果等,會比『資訊技術』類型廠商更耗資金與成本,當然也會因為兩種類型廠商的所掌握的資源以及核心能耐的不同,所以導致客戶端的類型也會有所不同。 『資訊技術』類型廠商以技術提供者為主,會具備有助於與內容廠商合作之資源與能耐。此核心能耐包括領導人特質(客戶關係)、應變能力、市場行銷策略與能力等。

Web 2.0概念與技術在我國檔案典藏單位應用之研究 / A Study on the Use of Web 2.0 Conception and Technology for Archives in Taiwan

林國勳, Lin, Guo Syun Unknown Date (has links)
隨著電腦和網路的發展,檔案也由傳統之紙本檔案發展至紙本與電子檔案雙軌並存之方式。Web 2.0提供了比以往Web 1.0更多元豐富且便利的網站經營和使用方式,目前已經被廣泛地運用在各類型網站中,在現在以及未來之網路環境中將可以預見的是—網站將不再只是為了讓使用者取得特定的內容資訊,而會更重視使用者與網站管理者,以及使用者彼此間的互動性關係。因此要如何在資訊日新月異的電腦和網路時代將檔案服務與網路加以結合,透過Web 2.0技術之發展在這一方面的應用有突破便是值得我們加以思考和探討之方向。 本研究目的分為四項:一、探討Web 2.0概念與包含之技術;二、探討國外檔案界對於Web 2.0網站的使用現況與經驗;三、探討目前國內檔案典藏單位網站所提供之服務內容;四、探討哪些Web 2.0網站技術適用於國內的典藏單位。 本研究首先透過文獻分析法彙整並探討Web 2.0與Library 2.0相關文獻,其後使用深度訪談法由訪談之機關檔案典藏單位與國家檔案典藏單位所獲得之資訊加以彙整分析。最後結合文獻與訪談資料內容進行綜合分析後提出四項結論:一、Web 2.0具有彌補共享及互動不足,提升使用率和豐富性之優勢;二、國外多個國家檔案館已經提供Web 2.0之服務;三、檔案典藏單位網站面臨之問題與解決方式;四、適合融入國內檔案典藏單位網站的Web 2.0服務項目。 最後依據研究之結論提出五點建議:一、建立機關檔案典藏單位網站一套完整之制度或規範;二、充實檔案典藏單位在網站管理之專職人力;三、加強檔案典藏單位網站服務與推廣;四、培訓檔案管理人員對Web 2.0之認識與應用;五、針對Web 2.0服務於檔案典藏單位網站進行小規模實驗計畫。 / Along with develop of computer and network, archives are come from only paper made to both of paper made archives and electronic records. Web 2.0 provides more comfortable and convenient ways of website manage and use than Web 1.0, it has more and more use in any kind of website now. Website will not only provide information for user to read in future, but also place importance on the interaction between website manager and user. So how do we use Web 2.0 to combine archive service with network will be an important question. The thesis aims to: (1) Web 2.0 conception and technology; (2) the using of Web 2.0 in archive websites in the world; (3) the situation of archival repository websites in Taiwan; (4) what kinds of Web 2.0 technology are useful for archival repository websites in Taiwan. The thesis apply literature analysis in Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 first, then interview eight archives in Taiwan. At last generalize five conclusions from literature and interview information: (1) Web 2.0 has an advantage position on sharing and interaction, to promote website utility rate; (2) many national archives in the world are already provide Web 2.0 website; (3)problems and resolutions of archival repository websites in Taiwan; (4)useful Web 2.0 service in archival repository website in Taiwan. Finally, the thesis provide five suggestions: (1) establish a complete website system for organization archival repository; (2) provide more sole duty staffs to website management; (3) enhance archival repository website service and advertisement; (4) the training of Web 2.0 and information education to archive managers; (5) give a small experiment on the useful of Web 2.0 using in archival repository websites in Taiwan.

我國檔案典藏單位危機管理之研究 / A Study on Crisis Management of Archival Repositories in Taiwan

王昉晧, Wang, Fang Hao Unknown Date (has links)
檔案是人類智慧資產累積的成果,真實記錄了人類文明發展的歷程,為後世留下真實、原始的歷史軌跡,更是體現知識經濟的重要資源。因此,對於檔案的妥善保存與有效開發使用,是發揮檔案價值的重要方法。而身處於不確定的年代,危機管理的觀念是十分重要的議題。如何在緊急突發的災難與危機中,有效降低傷害,並加速善後、復原及重建等工作,甚至在平日做好危機預防、偵測及演練等預防措施,都是現代組織經營管理中非常重要,且不可或缺的課題。   本研究旨在瞭解我國檔案典藏單位危機管理相關發展概況,進而結合實務需求與文獻理論,提出適用於我國檔案典藏單位之危機管理模式,以作為未來相關單位參考之用。   本研究採用文獻分析法,彙整檔案典藏危機管理之相關文獻,而後綜合使用個案研究與訪談,以分析及瞭解我國六個檔案典藏相關單位在檔案典藏危機管理工作所遭遇過危機之情況及相關危機管理模式。最後,結合文獻與所獲得之資料結果進行綜合分析與歸納,提出適用於我國檔案典藏單位之危機管理模式。   根據本研究發現,提出的結論如下:一、主要檔案典藏單位對於危機管理多相當重視;二、整合式之危機管理計畫仍有待制訂,但零散規範眾多;三、政府機關在資通安全方面堪稱完備;四、管理階層常感心有餘而力不足,支援有限且基層程度參差不齊。   最後,根據前述之研究結果提出下列建議:一、政府單位應重視檔案危機管理,並提供適當支援;二、建立我國檔案典藏單位危機管理經驗交流與合作機制;三、儘速制訂危機管理計畫,包括有:(一)進行危機偵測並加強預防;(二)定期舉辦危機管理教育訓練與演習;(三)危機處理須有SOP;(四)危機通報須迅速確實。 / Archives are made up of records which have been accumulated over the course of an individual or organization's lifetime. For knowledge-based economy, archive is an important resource. Therefore, preservation and usability of archives are essential issues for archivists. In an uncertain era, the concept of crisis management is a very considerable subject. Nowadays, it is an important and essential issue for the modern organizational management. Archivists care about how to reduce damage, handle the aftermath of the incident, recover and reconstruct in crisis work, and set up the preventive measures such as prevention, detection and exercise.   The thesis is to investigate the general situation on crisis management of archival repositories in Taiwan, and combine the theory and practical needs. I apply literature analysis in crisis management of archival repositories, case study in two archival crises which occurred in Taiwan, and interview six archival repositories. Finally, the thesis provides a reference model of crisis management for the archival repositories in Taiwan.   The findings of the thesis are as follows: (a) Main archival repositories have paid attention to crisis management, (b) There are several rules of crisis management, but the integrated plans are rare, (c) The information security is sufficient in government departments, (d) The managements are frustrated about the limitation of support and the uneven professional level of primary staffs.   The following are my suggestions. First, Government departments should attach importance to crisis management of archival repositories and provide support. Second, archival repositories should establish the exchange of crisis management experience and cooperative mechanism. Third, archival repositories should develop the crisis management plans as soon as possible. Besides, I recommend three methods on the management plans which are as following: (a) Crisis detection and prevention. (b) Regular education, training and exercise. (c) Standard operating procedures on crisis dispose, (d) Inform the crisis instantly and exactly.

日治時期臺灣文學雜誌圖書館典藏與數位化調查研究 / Survey on Library Curation and Digital Digitalization of Taiwanese Literature Magazines During the Japanese Colonial Period

謝宗容 Unknown Date (has links)
日治時期臺灣的文學雜誌是日治初期抗日運動失利後,另一個對抗殖民統治的方式、文化啟蒙的工具,後來也發展出以通俗娛樂為主或社會寫實等路線的各類雜誌,使日治時期臺灣文學雜誌呈現不同的樣貌,也讓日治時期臺灣文學雜誌成為日治時期研究的重要史料。 2012年傳出《文訊》雜誌社辦公空間與文藝資料被迫搬遷,面臨無處可去的窘境,讓我們必須思考在文藝資料與許多珍貴的文物、史料的徵集與保存之餘,面對日益豐富的典藏與文物,應該採取更適當的典藏方式,而因資訊科技發展而興起的數位典藏與數位圖書館,也是面對大量館藏無法保存管理的解決之道。 本研究欲探討的是日治時期臺灣文學雜誌是否完整保存下來?圖書館作為重要的典藏機構,是否完整典藏這些日治時期臺灣文學雜誌?另一方面,文學文物保存問題也突顯出在資訊時代傳統典藏方式已無法滿足日益增多的實體館藏。數位典藏與數位圖書館的興起即是為這些問題提供另一種解決之道。而資訊科技的發展,資訊的快速傳播,數位資源的多樣化與各種應用,讓實體館藏數位化後有更多的可能,不再是傳統的徵集、典藏與使用關係。目前臺灣出現許多不同的數位典藏計畫,而這些數位典藏是否已完整典藏日治時期臺灣文學雜誌,則是本研究要探討的另一個主題。本研究獲致研究結果如下: (1) 日治時期臺灣文學雜誌與當時社會環境密切相關,具有時代意義;(2) 目前尚未有研究或典藏能日治時期臺灣文學雜誌的完整面貌;(3) 日治時期臺灣文學雜誌數位典藏應建立聯合目錄;(4) 四、 日治時期臺灣文學雜誌數位化工作流程;(5) 日治時期臺灣文學雜誌數位典藏模式建議;(6) 著作權問題處理方式並不明確影響數位典藏發展。 本研究最後針對日治時期臺灣文學雜誌實體與數位典藏提出以下建議: (1) 日治時期臺灣文學雜誌目錄的建立應從學術單位擴及私人收藏家;(2) 各學術單位應積極合作,建立完整日治時期臺灣文學雜誌目錄與整合查詢系統;(3)數位化工作應加速進行,並應用於學術研究、文學推廣、複刻本出版等方面;(4)應明確處理數位化成果的著作權處理問題;(5)數位典藏成果推廣應更為積極主動。

軟體典藏庫資料分析:以GitHub為例 / Data Analysis for Software Repository: A Case Study of GitHub

劉耀文, Liu, Yao Wen Unknown Date (has links)
GitHub是2008年開始發展,提供線上源碼託管服務的網路平台。除了提供使用者建立組織、專案和存取軟體庫之外,更提供一些網站社交功能,包括允許使用者追蹤其他用戶、加入專案組織與關注軟體庫的動態,並且對於軟體源碼的修改和針對程式錯誤(bug)提出評論等,使用者或組織成員透過平台上版本控管服務來共同開發軟體專案,並透過GitHub提供的社交服務來完成溝通與協調。 本研究針對GitHub資料集進行整體性的觀察與分析,透過不同的社群網絡指標與分析方法,發現GitHub平台上的協同合作與社交活動。舉例來說,為了找出GitHub上網路的彈性,我們使用度分布,還有近距中間度及參與中間度的值。同時,我們針對使用者或專案之間的互動情形來分析關聯性,並以平台上不同的操作事件來觀察使用者是否偏好某些行為,抑或是某些事件之間是否會互相影響。 研究目標希望能透過GitHub平台所取得的部分資料,來推論GitHub上的真實情況。希望透過專案之間的關聯性,來找出平台上最具影響力的專案或使用者;也將針對程式語言與公司組織的關聯性,觀察技術之間的可替代性,與公司之間的相互合作的情況。同時以GitHub平台上不同操作事件之間的相關性,觀察出何種操作行為會影響使用者進行貢獻(提交源碼)。 另一方面,本研究將以專案的吸引力與黏著度等角度,來針對GitHub平台上的專案進行分析。針對這兩種維度進行觀察,期望進一步得知專案的貢獻程度,與專案隨著時間的所產生的變化。換言之,本研究方法將針對資料集中所有專案進行演進的推論,區分出專案演進的四個階段(活躍期、流動期、穩定期、衰退期),並分析出目前GitHub上專案所處於的階段,最後研究出各階段轉換所可能的機率為何,進一步推論出專案未來演進的趨勢。最後,本研究提出了其他延伸之議題,例如重新定義專案演進階段、選擇適合的專案成員與專案的推薦等,以提供未來可行的研究方向。 / GitHub began to develop in 2008, providing an online open source hosting platform. In addition to providing user-created organizations, projects and software repositories, it also provides more social features, including allowing users to track other users, join the dynamic project or organization, watch software repositories, modify the source code for the software, and make comments for the program error (bug). In this study, we analyze of GitHub data sets; by using different network indicators and analysis methods in order to find collaboration and social activities on GitHub plat-form. For example, in order to find flexibility of networks on GitHub, we analyze degree distributions and values of closeness centrality as well as betweenness centrality. At the same time, we investigate the interaction between GitHub users and projects in order to analyze the correlation between them. On the other hand, we analyze attraction and adhesion of the projects on GitHub platform. By using these two indicators, we can get the degree of contribution of the pro-jects, and the changes of the projects over time. We consider the four stages of evolution (active, flow period, stable, recession) of the projects on GitHub. Finally, we study the probability of transition of the all stages, and further we infer the trend of the future evo-lution of the projects on GitHub. Finally, this study could be extended and used to support other studies. For example, we can redefine the evolution stage of a project, select members for the project, and rec-ommend the project.

我國國家層級檔案館與圖書館典藏與應用服務整併之可行性研究 / The Feasibility Study on Integration of Collection and Services between National Level Archives and Libraries in Taiwan

吳宇凡, Wu, Yu–Fan Unknown Date (has links)
檔案館與圖書館有著相似的特性、功能與工作流程,館藏內容、形式從以往有著明顯區隔,漸趨多樣、重疊,分歧愈顯模糊,難以劃分何種機構應典藏何種類型物件,兩館灰色區域逐漸擴大顯然已成為一種趨勢。以美國總統圖書館為例,該館雖稱圖書館,然其館藏囊括與總統相關之圖書、檔案、文物三者,若將圖書留存圖書館,檔案、文物分送至檔案館與博物館典藏,不僅破壞保存的完整性、原始順序,更徒增成本、造成使用者的不便,弊多於利。 本研究之主要目包括四項:(1) 瞭解國際檔案館與圖書館館際合作與整合的趨勢與發展;(2)比較檔案館與圖書館功能、任務、館藏、典藏環境等,重新檢視兩館之異同;(3)分析我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位對於典藏與應用服務合作或整合的看法,並擷取國外經驗,探討在我國實行之可行性;(4)參酌上述資料,提出我國未來檔案館與圖書館在典藏與應用服務合作與整合上的建議,以供未來規劃、發展方向之參考。 研究結果發現,檔案館與圖書館於功能、任務、館藏及典藏環境漸趨一致,而國際上文化典藏單位整合已有成功案例,相關組織與研究亦相繼成立,館與館間的資源整合已成為文化典藏未來的趨勢。我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位對於這樣的趨勢,皆認為現階段應以合作取代整併,以解決所面臨相同的問題。 因此在研究結論中,呼應我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位面對整併與合作時所遭遇的困境,提出具體解決方案,包括政策、館舍、人力資源、應用服務等幾個面向,以確立我國國家層級檔案與圖書典藏單位整併或合作之可行性。 / Archives and libraries share similar characteristics, function, and workflows. The content and formats of their collections have become undistinguishable. Take Presidential library system in USA for example. Its collection encompasses books, archives, and objects related to presidents. To divide these collections to libraries, archives, and museums respectively would ruin the integrity and original order. Moreover, it would add cost and make inconvenience. The purposes of this paper are as follows. (1) Understand the international trend of the cooperation and integration between archives and libraries. (2) Compare and contrast the function, missions, collection, and environment between archives and libraries. (3) Analyze the perspectives of national level archives and libraries on the collaboration or integration of conservation and application services, and complement foreign experiences to explore the feasibility of combining these two services. (4) Suggest the future scheme and development of the collaboration and integrating of conservation and application services offered by archives and libraries in Taiwan. The results revealed that the function, missions, collection, and conservation environment of archives and that of libraries were getting identical. Furthermore, there were some successful cases of the integrating of conservation units, and related research and organizations founded in succession. It demonstrates that the future cultural conservation will turn to information integration between institutions. The study concludes by proposing specific plans, such as policies, buildings, human resources, and services to solve the difficulties faced by archives and libraries when they tried to integrate or cooperate with each other, and thus make their integration or collaboration feasible.


蕭雯純 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在瞭解博物館實施員工訓練之概況,並進一步探討博物館人員專業訓練施行後的成效、不同背景的博物館人員對訓練實施成效看法有無差異,以及主管階層對員工訓練實施成效的看法,以期研究所得能作為國內博物館規劃及人員訓練的參考。 為達研究目的,首先蒐集相關文獻,分析博物館人員專業訓練的相關資料;其次,透過個案研究國內自籌備設館以來即有計畫進行人員培訓、且為國科會數位典藏計畫主要成員之一的國立自然科學博物館,以了解該館數位化工作人員專業訓練概況;最後,則以問卷對數位化工作人員進行調查,以了解員工接受專業訓練的成效、不同個人背景與工作部門對員工訓練成效的影響,以及各組主管對員工訓練實施成效的看法。 研究結果發現:(1)數位化工作人員的專業訓練偏重在技術應用層面;(2)數位化工作人員對訓練軟硬體設施普遍感到滿意,但對訓練的評估及後續的升遷與福利等方面滿意度較低;(3)數位化工作人員在受過訓練後,在「數位化相關知識與整體概念」、「與業務有關的專業技能」及「工作目標認知與合作態度」等方面的學習皆有很大的進步,同時也能夠學以致用,確實應用在實際工作上;(4)數位化工作人員對訓練不滿意的原因以課程內容安排不當、未能切合自身工作需要及受名額或班次限制為主;(5)個人背景因素及工作組別不會影響數位化工作人員對訓練成效的看法;(6)主管多認為員工在接受訓練後,不僅在知識技能、工作態度等方面有明顯進步,對組織整體營運也有很大的助益;(7)數位化工作人員認為未來訓練課程的規劃仍應加強〝技術方面〞的課程,主管人員則認為可再加強與相關單位進行經驗交流。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議,作為培訓單位、國立自然科學博物館日後辦理數位典藏相關人員訓練業務之參考:(1)加強「資訊技術」方面的訓練課程,考量報名學員的背景設計課程內容深度;(2)課程主題應時有更新,對於報名踴躍的課程可增加開課班次或名額;(3)實行職務代理人制度,確定員工的訓練需求,提供員工將訓練所學應用在工作上的機會;(4)重視員工訓練成效評估,明確制定訓練的賞罰,給予員工適當的回饋,以激勵增強其學習動機。 / This research is to provide a general understanding of the staff training in a museum, an evaluation of staff training, and the responses of managerial level in the hope that it might be a reference for the museum management in Taiwan. Firstly references related to staff training in the museum are collected and analyzed with the National Museum of Natural Science studied for a deep and practical understanding of the staff-training program. This museum is a member of the digital museum project, and its staff-training program is well established. Then the feedback from the staff of the digital museum project is analyzed to understand the effect of staff training, the influence to the training from different personal backgrounds and varied departments, and the evaluation from managers. The findings of this research include: (1) the emphasis of the training of the staff of digital project is in skill application; (2) the staff of digital project are generally satisfied with the training of hard- and soft-ware equipment, but less satisfied in the evaluation and the promotion and welfare after training; (3) the staff of the digital project have a huge improvement in the knowledge and the whole concept about digitalization, related professional skills, the recognition of targets and goals, and the attitude in cooperation. In the meantime the trainees are also able to apply what they have learned to their work; (4) the staff are dissatisfied with the content of the training program, the irrelevance to their job needs, and the limitation of the number of applicants or training sessions; (5) personal backgrounds and the different departments won’t affect the perception of the staff; (6) managers mostly approve the huge improvement of the staff in the knowledge and the attitudes to work, as well as the great benefit in organization; (7) the staff of digital project consider that the future training should still focus on skills and techniques, while managers consider that it should emphasize in the exchange of experiences with other organizations in the digital project. According to the result of this research, the following suggestions are offered to staff training centers as well as National Museum of Natural Science for the future training sessions for the staff of digital project: (1) Training sessions about information technology should be emphasized and the contents of sessions should be designed with the consideration of staff’s backgrounds; (2) The subject of the session should be updated, and more sessions and applicants should be provided in popular subjects; (3) The agent system should be established, the needs of trainees assured, and opportunities offered for the staff to practice what they have learned; (4) There should be the serious evaluation of staff training, the regulations for rewards and punishment, and proper encouragements to the staff to intensify their learning motives.


游傳勝, YU, CHUAN-SHENG Unknown Date (has links)
數位內容產業即將成為台灣未來下一個重要的策略性產業,對於現有業者與企盼進入的業者,在市場需求快速成長的吸引下,本研究主要目的為利用個案公司之營運策略與規劃,提出相關建議以作為有興趣業者的參考,同時俾利於後續研究者進一步的深入探討。 本研究的主要架構係根據David A. Aaker的理論架構基礎來進行內在與外在分析,同時探討研擬策略規劃方向。整個研究架構分為四個階段:一、探討相關的文獻,以作為研究的原則基礎。二、進行內、外在分析,以界定外在環境中可能發生的機會與威脅,並界定該產業的關鍵成功因素,接著分析個案公司所擁有的優劣勢。三、綜合根據前述之分析,歸納出個案公司所面臨的問題。四、提出可行的策略方向與目標,並擬定個案公司之競爭策略與營運策略。 研究分析結果呈現國內數位內容產業之關鍵成功因素為:擴大內需市場規模、提升產品技術水平、培訓高階專業人才與提供租稅獎勵。而數位內容產業業者之關鍵成功因素為:能夠提供顧客未滿足的需求、將新科技所帶來不同的應用方式延伸、徹底瞭解顧客行業的特性,並從其角度思考、長期上、中、下游的配合關係與信任度、專案管理的執行能力與品質、專案業務累積的經驗與良好口碑、對於長期經營的態度與信念必須誠信及落實、危機趨勢及風險的處理暨因應能力與健全的董事會功能。

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