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市場價格與管理機制關聯性之研究-以多國公司為例 / The Relationships between E2E Pricing and Managerial Mechanisms—the Case of a Multinational Corporation陳宛平 Unknown Date (has links)
This study extends research on pricing methods of Multinational Corporation (MNC) from the financial aspect to managerial perspective, creates the term managerial mechanisms and examines theories with actual organizational changes applied by the case company, the leading IPC provider, Company A.
In this research, the researcher first identifies determinants of E2E pricing (market pricing), then defines the five components (organizational structure, information sharing, coordination mechanisms, management control system, and authority delegation) and lists elements within each component to form the managerial mechanism model between HQ-Subsidiary as the reference to align with market price determinants. With the degree of centralization being the core of the model, the analysis shows that information sharing between HQ-Subsidiary is the key to a successful E2E pricing decision; to do so an MNC has to have an organizational goal in parallel with subsidiary interests, and proper authority delegation while exerting control and coordination with flexibility.
This research presents that organizational changes made by Company A in coordination with E2E pricing method do follow the managerial mechanism model proposed by the researcher. Specifically, the analysis first describes the pricing method and managerial mechanisms of the case company; second, managerial issues are recognized and linked with the model developed by the researcher; finally, corresponding changes Company A made are examined by literature theories. This research also reveals that the application of proper measures is simply the initiative of organizational changes; an MNC has to anticipate internal reluctance in order to carry out the optimal result of its managerial mechanisms.
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多國籍企業之最適汙染稅 / The Optimal Taxation on Pollution under Multinational Enterprise余斯婷, Yu, Shih Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文以 Barnett (1980) 一文為基礎,採用第三地市場以納入廠商型態為多國籍企業 (multinational enterprise) 的模型。本文旨在分析當兩國政府面對獨占廠商的生產不效率及製造過程中汙染排放引發的生產外部性時,如何制定最適汙染稅稅率。並比較經濟開放後資本要素可自由於兩國間移動,最適汙染稅稅率會如何變化。
本研究發現政府課稅將受三種效果影響:消費者剩餘效果 (consumer surplus effect)、利潤移轉效果 (profit-shifting effect)、汙染控制效果 (pollution control effect)。不論在封閉經濟體系或開放經濟體系下,當消費者剩餘效果大於利潤移轉效果時,政府會將最適汙染稅率制定低於皮古稅 (Pigouvian tax),以補貼獨占廠商增加產量以提高社會福利;若利潤移轉效果大於消費者剩餘效果時,最適汙染稅稅率將高於皮古稅,以藉由汙染稅獲取更多的企業利潤。
當經濟開放後資本可於兩國間自由移動,除原先稅率對產量的直接效果(direct effect) 外,稅率亦會透過資本間接影響產量,為間接效果 (indirect effect)。間接效果將使產量對於稅率的變動較不敏感,因此為吸引具流動性的資本要素進入當地投資,政府會將汙染稅稅率調高以獲取更多企業利潤。 / Based on the setting of Barnett (1980), the thesis develops a model to analyze the optimal pollution tax on multinational enterprises with negative externalities. Governments have only one policy variable: the pollution tax. Each government levies the pollution tax on the output of multinational enterprises, and the tax revenues are returned to the residents in a lump sum manner. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the optimal taxation on the multinational enterprise with externalities and mobile capital flow.
The thesis obtains several results: First, no matter in the case of closed economy or open economy, the second-best optimal pollution tax may be less or greater than the marginal pollution damage. It may be lower because the consumer surplus effect dominates the profit-shifting effect, so the government chooses a lower tax rate to stimulate production and to increase social welfare.
Second, when the capital can freely move between countries, the governments will levy a tax rate higher than that of a closed economy. Doing so can attract the flow of capital so that government can get more profit.
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多國性企業因匯率風險對策與模式李顯章, LI, XIAN-ZHANG Unknown Date (has links)
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多國籍企業外匯風險管理之理論與實證邱永順, GIU, YONG-SHUN Unknown Date (has links)
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多國性企業輿技術移轉之關係李慶成, Li, Qing-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
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西藥經銷商之策略規劃許立慶, Xu, Li-Qing Unknown Date (has links)
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多國公司由區域型組織轉型為全球化組織之研究:以美商石化公司為例梁育強 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共計分為五章,第一章敘述研究背景與動機、研究問題與目的和研究流程;第二章則探討多國公司之改革與發展、多國公司之策略與類型、 多國公司整合─回應架構之應用和多國公司子公司之策略性角色;第三章提出初步研究架構、個案研究法和研究限制。第四章為個案背景與分析、第一節將先描述個案所面臨的全球環境、然後針對個案A1事業部所處的產業環境和顧客加以分析、並運用Porter五力分析了解A1事業部的產業競爭優勢。第二節將探討全球策略下的組織轉型及全球化的組織架構。接著在第三節詳述如何由國際區域型組織轉型為全球化組織,並以個案的全球化專案小組為例,說明如何成立專案小組、選擇成員、建立新的資訊平台與作業系統、和相關部門溝通到系統建構完成與測試計劃的擬定。第四節則以A1事業部為例,比較原有的組織架構和全球化組織架構的差異,同時將論及全球化企業中最重要組織控管原則,然後聚焦於國際行銷管理的4P、新產品開發及知識管理,最後希望能歸納出多國公司全球化的主要步驟和關鍵成功因素。第五章為結論與建議。
1. 由全球最高管理階層召集高階主管組成全球組織轉型專案小組
2. 根據企業所處全球競爭環境擬訂全球策略並設計全球組織架構
3. 依據全球策略及組織架構擬訂作業流程並選擇全球資訊平台與作業系統
4. 由全球最高管理階層發佈並說明企業面對之環境及公司未來目標和願景
5. 選擇適當人員組成區域專案小組,負責推動組織轉型
6. 訓練區域專案小組成員熟習全球資訊平台與作業系統,並依照此系統設計業務準則
7. 建構全球資訊平台與作業系統、進行數據轉換
8. 全球資訊平台與作業系統之测試與評估
9. 定期向全公司溝通“全球化”之進度
10. 定義全球企業組織之職務及權責(Role & Responsibilities)
11. 進行組織轉型、人事調整,區域型組織轉型為全球化組織
12. 發佈全球化組織的業務準則及作業流程
13. 定期追蹤組織績效,蒐集客戶和基層人員反映,以供修正業務準則及作業流程參考
1. 企業最高級主管的願景(Vision)及意志力;
2. 足夠的財力以建立、維護並更新全球作業系統;
3. 具跨文化管理經驗及能力的管理團隊;
4. 良好的業務準則及管理系統;
5. 遵守業務準則的企業文化;
6. 全球一致的企業語言及價值觀;
7. 跨業務單位的協調機制;
8. 定期反饋市場情況的能力;
9. 與時俱進的國際人力資源管理制度。
1. 企業全球化之前必須了解各子公司所在地的法律以確保子公司及全球總公司所做的任何交易和投資都符合當地法律,避免誤蹈法網。同時對各地的法律的瞭解亦可保護公司資產、取得較佳稅率以增進獲利能力。
2. 全球化的第一個步驟就是企業管理的制度化、標準化、透明化和正式化。而企業控管能力的強化更是不可或缺的條件。台灣企業雖然已逐步邁向國際化但是除了少數大型企業以良好的制度管理公司以外,大部分的企業依舊有較大的改善空間。
3. 全球企業管理系統的建立可以提供全球子公司共同的作業平台和全球連結的管理系統,然而如何在此龐大的系統中注入適當的彈性以滿足地區市場和客戶的需求是組織全球化之前必須仔細考量的問題。
4. MEGA 公司對知識管理的重視和如何建立一個有效的全球知識管理系統足以作為台灣企業的借鏡。企業領導人必須重視知識管理並且全力推動。全球知識經驗的累積和分享將可協助企業成為學習型的組織。
5. 企業全球化需要及早儲備國際化的人才、培養多國公司語言〈英語〉,並加強書面溝通的能力。台灣企業在本身人才不足的情形下可考慮引進外國人才以加速國際化的腳步。
1. 本研究並未取得MEGA化學公司轉型前後之財務報告及進行全球化轉型所投入之經費,故無法以量化呈現研究結果。日後相關研究若能取得量化資料,將可從另一角度分析全球化的效益以供業界參考。
2. MEGA化學公司全球化之後,並未對跨全球事業部的業務進行探討,如何處理這些業務是全球化企業的另一挑戰,爾後應可針對此議題加以研究。
3. 支援性的價值活動(Support Activities)在全球化企業中扮演著非常重要的角色,幕僚單位(FunctionalGroups)如何在全球化組織中運作及發揮功能、其效能在組織轉型前後之比較是可研究的另一題目。
4. 本研究並未對組織全球化的缺點詳細探討,日後或可針對全球化的缺點及改善的對策深入研究。
5. 本研究以MEGA 公司的亞洲分公司為研究對象,歐、美分公司對組織全球化反應及變革管理的作法可能不同,此題目可為日後研究的方向之一。 / Globalization is a term widely used by almost all the enterprises in the world. It is also a challenge to most of companies and even individuals in the 21st century. How to transform from regional structure to global organization is a common challenge for all the multinational companies (MNCs) nowadays as they already have affiliates doing business in different part of the worlds and can access all kinds of resources easily. MNCs major concern is how to allocate their value activities in appropriate locations so that its maximum efficiency can be achieved, in the mean time its effectiveness can also be improved through delicate coordination and integration among the value activities. They are thinking how to strengthen existing organization through globalization, and capitalize their global accessibility to further expand scales of economy in order to become an organization with global competitiveness in the world market.
This study is to understand how a MNC transformed from regional structure to global organization through observation of the real case of a major American petrochemical company. Hopefully it can help identify key success factors, provide major procedures and share the learning of global organization transformation to parties interested. Apart from the above mentioned, the study used the Integration- -Responsiveness Framework to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the value activity of International Marketing and Sales before and after organization change. Knowledge Management in the two different organization structures is another subject will also be briefly discussed in this study.
The study once again confirms that globalization will help company increase competitiveness and achieve better financial results in the short term, but it will also become less responsive to local customers and markets due to centralized decision making process, which may hurt long term growth opportunity for certain industries. However, for a petrochemical company, the drawbacks of globalization may not really affect them as they have stronger bargaining power in the world where natural resource is getting less every day. Another issue really concerns the company is the reduced communication among different business units , it becomes a silo for almost every business unit as people only care and focus on things really matter to them. How to improve and enhance communication among business units and assign workforce to manage things not belong to a single business unit is anther challenge to be tackled. Since the study focused mainly on the organization transformation in Asia, it would be good if people can do further study based on the observation in other regions, across the business units, or focus on the drawbacks of globalization.
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多國公司區域策略、區域組織及子公司角色改變-三者關係之研究李貴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
總結來說,本論文對於多國公司的組織設計提出具體的理論與實務上的建議。在不同的環境前提與能力條件前提的考量下,多國公司可考慮在母公司或子公司進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合,也可以設立一個新的平台-即區域總部或次區域總部-來進行目標、環境認知、決策、流程、能力、資源等的整合。多國公司的母公司可以透過設立區域總部、劃分次區域、以及設計以下三個組織層級─區域總部、次區域總部和子公司─的分權程度及所扮演的角色,將區域的競爭優勢達到最大。 / The thesis explores the roles and responsibilities change of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries when MNCs change to adopt regional strategy in accordance to the environmental changes by a qualitative research method. Ten MNCs among the top 500 enterprises with good performance and operation in Taiwan are investigated in order to understand how they design their regional organizations in the host region and what the roles Taiwan subsidiaries play along with the change to regional strategy.
The thesis consists of four studies. The first study explores how network resources influence MNCs subsidiary to gain, maintain or lose the roles of center of excellence or mandates in Taiwan by grounded theory. The study finds that policies of headquarters, flows of resources within a MNC, the importance of a host country, the cooperative and competitive local players and initiative-taking by subsidiaries are important factors for the evolution of subsidiaries roles. When a subsidiary becomes a center of excellence or has a mandate, it may improve its ability and then in turn further enables it to gain more responsibilities – a subsidiary will become stronger and stronger and get more and more charters.
Using a case study approach, the second study explores how regional strategy adopted by MNCs influences the role of contribution subsidiaries. A contribution subsidiary will be more important to a MNC in the following situations: when a key successful factor of the industry is network embeddedness; when sophisticated consumers in the host market are opinion leaders within the region; and when a parent does not have enough knowledge about the host country of a black hole while the nature of the market served by the contribution subsidiary is similar to that host market. A MNC can adopt three kinds of organizational design to explore the ability of contribution subsidiaries, namely, virtual, charismatic and focused centers of excellences. The more important a contribution subsidiary is, the more knowledge it integrates, and the more functional activities it is in charge. Subsidiary autonomy increases with the increase of subsidiary importance, too.
The third study explores the organizational adjustments within MNCs following the trend of regional integration. The result shows that MNCs set up sub-regional headquarters (e.g., Greater China sub-regional headquarters) under a regional headquarters (e.g., Asia-Pacific regional headquarters). A sub-regional headquarters replaces a regional headquarters in order to directly manage subsidiaries within the sub-region. The emergence of sub-regional headquarters is in response to the need for a balance between integration and local responsiveness. An increasing number of decisions are made by sub-regional headquarters, instead of by subsidiaries, parent companies, or regional headquarters. Although the emergence of sub-regional headquarters is a trend, industry characteristics and the degree of the transfer of a firm’s specific advantages (FSAs) from home to a host region both affect the delegation of authority to a sub-regional headquarters.
The fourth study explores the motivation of MNCs in adopting regional strategies and the reaction of MNCs to design regional organization and assign subsidiary roles. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of economies of scale, a contribution subsidiary becomes a periphery and the regional headquarters becomes a strong integrator. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of regional opportunity, a contribution subsidiary becomes an opportunity provider and the regional headquarters becomes an opportunity executor. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more centralized. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of following the customer, a contribution subsidiary becomes a service provider and the regional headquarters becomes a supporter. When a MNC adopts a regional strategy for the purpose of facilitating the knowledge transfer, a contribution subsidiary becomes an integrated player and the regional headquarters becomes a knowledge facilitator. The two motivations mentioned above make a regional headquarters more decentralized. The location of a regional headquarters is decided according to the location of the most important stakeholders. The decision whether to set up sub-regional headquarters is made according to the frequency of the interaction with the cross subsidiaries in that sub-region.
MNCs can design a regional organization to make sure the regional strategy can be executed in the most efficient way. MNCs can gain competitive advantage through the assignments of the roles of regional headquarters, sub-regional headquarters and subsidiaries under the regional strategy.
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中韓自由貿易協定之研析 / Study of a free trade agreement between China and South Korea吳惠娟, Wu, Hui Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:中國、南韓、自由貿易協定、多國多部門之一般均衡分析 / China and South Korea are in the process of pursuing a free trade agreement. The purpose of this study is to assess its economic effects. The paper employs CGE models and the GTAP database to conduct a simulation with full elimination of tariffs in all sectors. Two CGE models are used. One is a static CGE model that captures the short-run effects, and the other captures the static effects as well as the capital accumulation effects arising from higher savings and investment induced by the static gains.
The study finds that both South Korea and China will enjoy the welfare gains from the deals. We suggest that China and Korea complete feasibility studies and start the negotiation process at the earliest possible time for the purposes that China can play a leading role in building an East Asian economic integration and that Korea can enjoy the effects of multiple FTAs due to the Korea-China FTA plus Korea-US FTA. In addition, none of the bilateral agreements in Asia includes Taiwan. Taiwan should aggressively engage in trade negotiations under a multilateral system to decrease the discrimination caused by the free trade agreements and adopt diversified forms of agreements instead of focusing on “FTAs” only. Besides, Taiwan should prioritize the issues that can avoid the political pressure from China and expand Taiwan’s economic benefit, such as Bilateral Investment Agreement and Double Taxation Agreement, in order to pave the way for a formal FTA.
Key words: China, South Korea, Free Trade Agreement, GTAP
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臺灣地區多國籍企業行銷資訊系統使用現況與資訊需求之研究 / An Empirical Study of Marketing Information System for Multinational Corporations in Taiwan : Usage and Information Requirement施穎偉, Shee, Y. Daniel Unknown Date (has links)
此外,本研究也將分析目前國內的多國籍企業行銷資訊系統的資訊需求。希望藉由此一深入的研究,能夠歸納出一套適用通則,使得目前與未來想要開發行銷資訊系統的企業能有所參考與依據,以期未來開發的成果能應付企業營運之需,提昇企業的經營績效,進而成為企業的一個競爭利器。 / There are many firms facing operational pressures from the global business environment. For the sake of dealing with such dilemmas, these firms must adopt strategies with a global perspective and utilize information technology to gain competitive advantages.
The purpose of this thesis is to determine the overall status of marketing information systems (MkIS) for multinational corporations in Taiwan through empirical study. Several aspects of marketing information system usages are described, including strategic goals, organizational architecture, development of system effectiveness, managing departments, information categories, information sources, decision content, and the scenarios for network marketing utilization.
This thesis further attempts to establish feasible recommendations for these marketing information systems' critical information elements by analyzing current marketing information requirements for multinational corporations in Taiwan. It is hoped that multinational corporations seeking to undertake successful MkIS development will benefit from recommendations proposed herein, and that these suggestions will help those companies to eventually establish greater operational effectiveness and competitive advantages.
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