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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡有財, Cai, You-Cai Unknown Date (has links)
「流動性」、「安全性」、「獲利性」三目標間之如何適度組合與運用,使銀行之經 營管理成為一門特殊藝術,本文之研究內容,即由一個體商業銀行經營時所面臨的這 三個目標間之消長關係談起,剖析一銀行在面臨存款提取之波動性與滿足客戶信用需 求之必要性--所謂「存款流動性」與「放款流動性」之雙面壓力下,一銀行之流動 性調整行為。全文共分五章,約五萬餘字,逐次分由資金來源面與運用面探討影響流 動性需求的因素,維持流動性之優先順序,流動性資金之項目與性質、流動性狀況之 衡量、銀行流動性之調整行為模型等,並以樣本資料分析台灣之商業銀行流動性管理 :在綜合存款與放款之雙重流動性需求之流量觀念下,分析一銀行應持有多少流動性 (How much liquidity to hold)以何種方式持有(in what forms to hold) 、長期流 動性需求之估計、未來存放款總額之估計等有關四項問題,最後並提出若干結論與建 議。


戴慶正 Unknown Date (has links)
面對無休止的區域衝突,和平維持成爲聯合國最關心的問題。在國際衝突頻繁的今天,聯合國的維持和平行動十分引人矚目。因此,筆者希望能從研究聯合國的維持和平行動中,發現其中所可能存在的問題或相似處,做為將來研究聯合國維持和平行動的參考資料。 由於世界上仍存在著各種衝突及複雜的利益糾葛,因此,維持和平行動已經成為聯合國維護國際職能的一個不可或缺的手段,以使國際關係正常化。為此,其行動已從傳統的監督停火、居中斡旋,擴大到開展預防性外交、維持和平與重建和平,相關的行動也為之擴大,更引人注意的對於和平維持觀念的修正。如擴大的維持和平部隊及第三類的維持和平行動,同區域組織的維持和平部隊合作,監督和平協定的執行;維持和平衝突後的「締造和平」;而維持和平行動所執行的任務範圍,除了傳統的軍事觀察任務外,更大幅擴張了。 國際社會只相信實力,這種調整在國際上有其行事模式,隨著時空環境的變化和國際社會的需要而有所改變。維持和平行動的任務增加,目的改變,進而執行和平協議,強制恢復或重建和平秩序,已成為聯合國維持和平的新趨勢,但無論聯合國維持和平如何變遷與發展,它還是需要依靠各會員國支持的。 我們了解聯合國維持和平行動的演變過程,有利於準確把握維持和平行動的走向。由於,聯合國宗旨為:維持國際和平及安全;並爲此目的:採取有效集體辦法,以防止且消除對於和平之威脅,制止侵略行爲或其他和平之破壞;因此,應規定聯合國與區域組織的合作應在《憲章》的框架內解決,聯合國應發展出屬於聯合國自己的「固定模式」與反應,以維持國際的安全與和平。 然自波士尼亞內戰爆發後,聯合國必須在大國一致下作成決議;必需靠調解、談判的進行及協議來達成目標;維持和平與調解應該是同步進行和平解決衝突的;但是,波士尼亞危機還是變成戰爭了,這顯示主要問題出在調解、談判及協議的進行,而不是維持和平行動失敗。 以本論文波士尼亞個案而言,聯合國介入波士尼亞問題的過程中,制約因素是多種多樣的,這些因素之所以會發揮作用,主要還在於美國缺乏足夠的意願去協助解決紛爭。事實上,這些制約因素是在特定的歷史條件下所產生的,國際環境的變化及聯合國內外在因素的變化,無疑會使一些制約因素變的不再重要。但是,一些重要因素在今後仍然存在;所以,從整體上考察美國外交政策,對美國維持和平政策的研究是有必要的。


張馬可 Unknown Date (has links)
兩岸兵役制度的演變,雖然每一時期或階段不盡相同,但亦有其可變性與不可變性的本質。惟其差異與特色乃反映出,當時期兩岸互動、國內外政、經、軍形勢發展、假想敵能力、人口政策與民意及輿論的需要。 國家安全並非是一種靜態的概念,而是隨著時間之動態不斷的演進。因此,國際社會已將「國家安全」擴展成為綜合性安全。是以,就國防安全而言,兵役制度政策對軍事產生的效能外,同時也會影響、牽引到橫向的政治、經濟等安全戰略的目標與運作。 首先,在政治方面,徵兵制的兵役制度近來不斷地成為民意與輿論熱門議題,除了影響國軍建軍備戰工作外,亦影響到為國服務、犧牲的意願及國家生存與發展的安全。惟該等議題之爭議實已點出國人對「政府正當性支配」、「流通性」管道阻塞、兵役法的適法性與國家認同等疑慮。 其次,在經濟方面,徵兵制造成役男役前、役後的高失業率,除衍生出新的社會問題外,也造成附加價值高的勞動力閒置,而不利國家經濟發展與競爭力。在成本效益及國家財政支出上,徵兵制較募兵制所費不貲,其因在於訓練頻繁及人力資源運用缺乏彈性,導致人才錯置,難以人盡其才,阻礙工作效能與部隊戰力的提升。 最後,在軍事方面,徵兵制與募兵制對於軍隊屬性(攻勢或守勢)、兵力需求(傳統或高科技)、兵員素質(高技術、多專長)、社會工程(公民素養)、文人統制(軍文關係)與軍方籓籬(特殊階級、文化)等等議題,有著舉足輕重的影響力。然而,對我國而言,要順利漸進降低徵兵比例,提昇募兵比例,則需良好的兩岸關係、適當的規劃時間予以轉型、武器裝備的更新、準則的發展與修訂、訓練方式的改變與相關兵役制度配套措施循序漸進的執行,才能圓滿克竟其功,達到預期的目標。 / Although each period or stage of the cross-strait military service system evolution is not quite the same, but it still has the changeable and unchangeable essence. The differences and characteristics between them reflect the cross-strait interaction, development of domestic and diplomatic political, economical and military affairs, imaginary enemy ability, population policy and the need of public opinion at that time. The national security is not a static concept, but it is a process of unceasing evolution along with the time. Therefore, the international society has expanded the meaning of "the national security" into “the comprehensive security”. That is, for national defense security, except the efficacy brought by military service system policy to the armed forces, it can affect the goal and operation of crosswise political, economical security strategy as well in the meantime. First, in political aspect, conscription of the military service system continuously becomes popular subject of the public discussion these years, this kind of phenomenon influences not only the foundation in armed forces and preparation for war of the national troops, but also the wish to serve and sacrifice for the country, even influences the security of national survival and development. Only this dispute of the subject pointed out the qualms of our countrymen in "the government reasonable control", "circulation channel obstruction”,” the legality of military service law” and “ the recognition of our country”. Second, in the economical aspect, the conscription made the high rate of unemployment of our servicemen before or after service, then new social problem came out, highly appended value labor force left unused, these are all disadvantages for national economy development and competitive ability. Finally, in the military aspect, conscription and enlistingsystem have played a decisive role in the army attribute (offensive or defensive), the military strength demand (tradition or high tech), the soldier quality (high-tech, multi- specialties), the social engineering (citizen accomplishment), the civil governance (military and civilian relations) with the military hedge (special social class, culture) and so on. However, it also need steady cross-strait relations, suitable schedule for the reforms, weaponry renewal, development and revision of the criterion, change of the training method and the necessary measure of correlation military service system proceeded in an orderly way, for our country to gradually and smoothly reduces the proportion of conscription, increases the proportion of enlisting,and at last reach the anticipated and satisfactory goal.


張禮範, chang, li-fan Unknown Date (has links)
半個世紀以來,中國的威脅一直是我國「國家安全」意涵中最主要甚至是唯一的焦點,因此可以說「國家安全」意涵是與軍事安全概念一致的。國家安全的威脅,不僅是來自外部的各種挑戰,還包括了來自內部的天然因素與人為因素的威脅,殆無疑義。921大地震、桃芝颱風造成嚴重傷亡與財產損失,就是例證。國內的安全維護,顯然必須兼顧非軍事面的安全戰略研究、設計、宣傳與執行,才能達成全面性的安全保障。因此,建立全面綜合性安全觀念,乃是不論政府與民間,必須確立的基本共識與觀念,亦是我國邁入21世紀所必須積極著手的準備。然而,當前對我國安全深具威脅的因素中,反而非軍事性因素居多,值得深究。 因此本論文研究側重於中國運用非軍事手段之方式,破壞我國重大設施之國家安全面向為主要探討範圍。並將進一步探討:中國對我可能採取之戰爭型態、影響國家安全之重大設施現況、中共利用政府採購管道進行超限作戰、國內重大設施應有之防護作為等問題,探討的重大設施著重在與民生關係緊密的公共設施,包含(電力、自來水、交通、電信、科學園區、機場、港口、公路、鐵路)等,中國對我使用非軍事手段方面除經濟貿易、環境、能源、族群衝突、民主化發展、毒品與犯罪、恐怖主義、以及疾病傳染等等外,最可能從介入此類重大公共工程設施之防護以進行秘密活動,伺機安裝引爆裝置,並使全台各重要據點所預置之破壞因子同時發作,致使國內救災體系整個癱瘓、民生丕變、金融交易停滯、高科技產業停擺、並形成一陣社會恐慌、社會失序、終致形成無政府狀態;值此同時,中國即以維護國內秩序之名義接收政權,國際團體及友邦無法介入支援或救助。對內完成統一大業,對外宣示一個中國,順理成章地以達到以非軍事手段替代軍事行動所產生之最低成本換取最高效益。 / Since the past half century, the threat of China has been the most important spotlight in "national security". Therefore, it is the same concept with both of national security and military safety. The threat of the national security is including not only the various challenges that come from the exterior but also the natural factor of the inner part and the threat of the artificial factors. It is doubtless that the 921 heavy earthquakes and the Typhoon Torajis cause serious dead, injured and properties lost, are a series of illustration. The domestic security safeguards must look after both sides of the safe strategy research, design and publicize and carry out obviously in the parts of non- military. So we can reach the comprehensive security guarantee eventually. Therefore, establish overall synthesizes safety concepts are our goal to exceed into 21 centuries must begin actively of preparation; in spite of the government and civilian. This thesis research lays emphasis on making use of the non-military means breaking our country’s public facilities by China. Also I will further inquire into: What kind of war type will be adopted by China? How about the current conditions of domestic public facilities? China probably makes use of the governmental procurement to carry on super limit's battling. What kinds of protection we should take in action on regarding public facilities. The major public facilities which I focus on are people's livelihood. It will contain(electric power, the resource of water, transportation, telecommunication, science-based industrial park, airport, port, highway, railroad) etc., In addition to economy trading, environment, energy, ethnicity conflict, democratization development, drug and crime, terrorism, and diseases infecting the etc., the most possible of China is using the non-military means to get involved in breaking major public facilities in order to carry on the secret activity, wait for an opportunity to install an exploding device, and make each important spot prepare to place of the breakage factor goes into action meanwhile. So that It would cause domestic disaster response system whole paralyze, people's livelihood largely change, the finance trade stagnate, high-tech industry lockout, become a social dismay and lose the preface, eventually with the result that formation anarchy appearance; meanwhile, China namely with safeguard the name of the domestic order to receive the political power. And then the international group and allied countries can't get involved the support or salvages. China will claims to have completed to unify the whole country in the inner part and claims to have one China to all foreign country. At last, China will reach to act for the military action with the non- military means to exchange the highest benefit the lowest cost of creation.


蔡顯炎, TSAI,HSIEN-YEN Unknown Date (has links)
在冷戰結束之後,隨著蘇聯之垮台以及南韓與中共之建交,使得北韓在東北亞區域內之地位受到嚴重之衝擊,再加上經濟上之困難,使北韓為了本身安全以及政權之存續,引發了一連串的核武危機。北韓以核武牌作為談判之籌碼,為自身爭取到龐大的國家利益,獲取了其最需要的能源以及輕水式反應爐,並在談判過程中使美國做出了讓步。美國防止核子武器進一步之擴散,而對北韓採取紅蘿蔔加棍子政策,另一方面加強與盟國之聯繫,以期可順利解決核武危機。以現實主義來看北韓之外交策略,北韓透過核武的運作,成為區域內的主要行為者。 北韓核武危機期間雖經歷了柯林頓總統與小布希總統之北韓政策演變,但整體而言,仍持續朝對話與協商發展。「六方會談」主要係為解決北韓所引發之一連串的核武危機,所設立之一個多邊會談機制。中共持續在北韓核武問題上積極進行外交斡旋,說服各國參與北京的「六方會談」,使得會談成為實現東北亞區域各國之國家利益的角力場。而南北韓關係亦為區域內之重要變數。南北關係之演變,是朝鮮半島和平安全之主軸,今後兩韓是戰是合,顯然具有決定性之因素。四強對朝鮮半島雖有相當之影響力,卻無法改變雙方的真正意向。 美國希望各國藉此對北韓施壓,共同承擔對北韓談判之責任,共同來實現與對北韓的承諾與援助;中共則大力促成「六方會談」之舉辦,希望藉此奠定大國之地位以及逐漸掌控在東北亞區域的主導權,削弱美國與日本在東北亞之影響。日本則欲藉由會談重建其在東北亞式微之影響力,俄羅斯在冷戰結束後,將戰略重心由歐美地區轉向亞太地區,將北韓核武危機視為提升其國際地位的一個機會,扮演各國孤立北韓政策的平衡力量。南韓則是利用此次危機,提升對朝鮮半島事務的主導權。南韓延續陽光政策,並提升在區域之自主性與獨立性,在中共與日本於東亞地區權力之競逐間,增加自身之發言權與地位。雖然就當前情勢而言,南韓尚無脫離與美國軍事同盟之可能,未來東北亞區域之前景,南韓之策略將會為東北亞之權力平衡帶來何種衝擊,更是值得觀察。


林琮盛, Lin , Choung-sheng Unknown Date (has links)

醫療用血管理策略發展--以提昇分離術血小板運用績效為例 / The Development Strategy on Medical-use Blood Management --Take promoting the perfermance on the use of Apheresis platelet as the example

黃谷鶯 Unknown Date (has links)
在醫療體系中,醫療血液的管理和調整,是一件很重要的任務,供應鏈管理的重要性是不容忽視的。其中含括了捐血中心、醫院、甚至用血病患和捐血人。在其他方面因為高品質醫療血液的需求增加則使分離術血小板變成了重要要素。在醫療用血中象徵是高品質的血小板,然而因為他簡短的生命週期和避免輸血感染,因此供應鏈管理變的更加重要且複雜,身為捐血中心的一員對於分離術血小板的捐入與供應是需要有全面性的理解與認知的。為了能夠快速反應的執行,這研究的目標是找出分離術血小板推測影響因素和分離術血小板使用的預測期望;通過經驗資料和專家採訪, 我們首先設定一個研究框架,其中包含了使用病患的特質、醫院的類型,運用(率)以及他們與預測期望的關聯性。 在六年資料裡的首要分析中,我們第一次透過時間序列的方法去測試資料即ARIMA。結果顯示ARIMA(1,1,2)是被最多人認為其運用是沒有季節的影響,進一步的研究通過要素分析被採用於尋找交互作用在分離術血小板的病人特徵和運用之間, 並也用在捐血條件和供血。最後一點, 本篇報告代表交叉比對在上述的資料和結果的解釋。更具體的報告將被做為表現改進計劃。被察覺的問題的作用和流程管理潛在的發展是值得進一步的研究。 / Medical Blood Handling is mission-critical and can be seen as Supply Chain Management (SCM) including Spending Centre, Hospitals and even blood consumers and spender. Among others, Aphaeresis Platelet (AP) becomes a crucial element due to increasing higher quality demands on medical blood. However, it in turn makes the SCM more complicated because of its short life-time and infection-sensitivity. Hence, there is need for comprehensive understanding on its supply and consume. In order to be capable of quick response, the aim of this research is to figure out the influence factors to and a forecast model for the usage of AP. By means of experience data and expert interview, we have at first set up a research framework, which involves patient characteristics, type of hospitals, utilization (rate) and their relation to derive the forecasting model. After a priori-analysis on the data of 6 years, we have at first test the data by means of regression, viz. ARIMA. The result shows ARIMA(1,1,2) is most sound to this work and there is no influence of seasons to the utilization. Further studies by means of factor analysis was adopted to search for the correlation between patient characteristics and utilization of AP, as well as the spending conditions and blood supply. Last but not least, this paper presents cross-check on aforementioned data and interpretation of the result. More structured report is to be made for performance improving plan. The effects of perceived issues and potential developemnt of BPM are worthy of further investigation.

冷戰後中共軍事外交之研究 / A Study of China's Military Diplomacy in the Post-Cold War Era

高念祖, Kao, Nien-Tsu Unknown Date (has links)
冷戰後,中共外交作為上已有重視軍事外交的趨勢,一方面是由於軍事關係原本即為雙邊關係的一環;另一方面,軍事上的交流與合作同樣會有戰略上的意涵,可供中共加以運用。 本論文研究目的在對中共軍事外交做一全面的認識,從中了解其在中共總體外交作為上扮演何種角色。論文首先對「軍事外交」此一概念做出釐清,解釋其在冷戰後發展之原因。並對中共軍事外交做一回顧與介紹中共執行軍事外交的組織架構,且分析其目的。其次,了解冷戰後中共外交政策上的思維與軍事戰略,藉此觀察中共軍事外交在外交政策與軍事戰略中的角色,對中共軍事外交有一背景上的認識。並從儀式性的軍事交往深入到戰略層面行動,以及長期的職業軍事教育交流、非傳統安全領域之合作與參與聯合國維和行動,從中探究出其發展上的機遇與挑戰,並以外部衝擊與內部限制作為分析的分水嶺。最後綜合歸納出中共軍事外交對內外的影響。 研究發現中共軍事外交日漸蓬勃有其國內外大環境配合,但同時也受其制約,而冷戰後中共軍事外交更趨靈活,在發展的層面日漸擴大,並融合進中共的中長程目標,對我國的威脅將與日俱增。

國際關係理論中的多邊主義:以歐盟共同外交暨安全政策為例 / Multilateralism in International Relations Theory—EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy as an Example

吳慧真, Wu, Hui Chen Unknown Date (has links)
在現今的國際社會中,多邊主義儼然已經成為大多數國際建制的運作模式。然而我們必須瞭解的是,多邊主義作為一種國家間關係運作的模式,它所代表的意義不只是許多國家聚集在一起,更蘊含著參與國必須遵行共同的遊戲規則、並且各自有著自視為成員的向心力等重要的意涵。因為其運作存在著這些特性,全球性的多邊主義機制大大裨益國際秩序的建立。儘管這個重要的概念直至九O年代才被真正突顯出來,但從過去國際關係的發展經驗來看,多邊主義早已運作良久,而其強調的概念也可詳見於各種國際關係理論之中,因此,此概念的提出,重要性可見一斑。 本研究先從歷史脈絡找出多邊主義的相關概念,再以魯傑的多邊主義概念出發,做一理論性的概念分析。而為進一步瞭解多邊主義機制及其內含概念的成形,本研究以歐盟的共同外交暨安全政策作為實例,從其演進的過程中循線找出多邊主義各個概念的蹤跡。從一開始的歐洲政治合作演變成共同外交暨安全政策,歐盟試圖建構出高階政治領域中歐盟國家所應遵行之普遍行為準則,其後又因為共同安全暨防禦政策以及《歐洲安全戰略》的出現,使得歐盟國家逐漸體認到歐盟在國際社會上所應該扮演的角色,因而找出自己的認同,進而強化機制的向心力量。顯然,歐盟的共同外交暨安全政策正在朝著成為一個多邊主義機制的方向邁進,如此進化的動態過程可進一步幫助我們理解多邊主義機制的形成與演化,進而使我們更加瞭解多邊主義的概念。 / Multilateralism is a kind of institutional form and now exists in most international institutions. However, for this term “multilateralism” not only the gathering of many states, but also the common rules all the participants need to follow and the centripetal force from the member states who think they are bound together have to be understood. With these characteristics multilateral institutions are really contributive to the forming of international rules. Though this important concept was not much discussed until the 1990s, we could see it from the working of many international regimes for a long term. Besides, the concepts it stresses were also scattered in all sorts of international theories. Therefore, it must be understood that multilateralism is now one of the most important constitutional concepts for international regimes and from this point of view there should be more understanding in its meaning and its internal workings. The main theoretical discussion of this research starts with John Ruggie’s perspective and some more exploration was made from this viewpoint. To know more deeply the formation of multilateralism and its interior concepts, EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) was taken as an example to see the evolutional process of a multilateral institution and to find how those above-mentioned concepts emerge in such an institution. From the European Political Cooperation (EPC) to CFSP, European states tried to build up some common rules for high politics. The European Security and Defense Policy and the European Security Strategy then helped them to realize the role European Union should play in the world, to find their identity, to strengthen the centripetal force of this institution. Apparently, this institution is tending to become a multilateral institution. This active development aids the understanding of the formation and evolution of a multilateral institution and the concepts of multilateralism as well.


房彼得, Fang, Bi De Unknown Date (has links)
中共軍事思想發展之歷史軌跡已歷經三代領導人,分別為毛澤東軍事思想、鄧小平新時期軍隊建設思想及江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,三者依序反映出各時期之相異背景與時代特徵。 江澤民主政期間一面遵循鄧小平理論政策,一面強調「一個中心三個著眼」,逐漸形成「打得贏、不變質」的國防和軍隊建設思想,其重要決策諸如:建立新時期軍事戰略方針、堅持「科技強軍」政策、提出「兩個武裝」號召、以「三步走」和「跨越式」為發展戰略、加速新型武器裝備與軍事人才之建設、積極於共軍機械化與信息化建設、要求貫徹「三個代表」思想、推進「中國軍事變革」等。 江澤民國防和軍隊建設思想,成為建設國防和軍隊的基本理論與指導思想,因而確立江澤民軍事思想於中共現代軍事思想之地位,並為現階段胡錦濤時期之國防現代化與信息化發展奠定根基。

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