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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

家戶住宅調整決策與區位選擇之研究-兼論女性的影響力分析 / Households' Housing Adjustment Decisions and Location Choice in Taipei — A Discussion of Female Decision-making Power

陳淑美 Unknown Date (has links)
國內對於住宅需求的相關研究,多偏向住宅價格、合理房價與購買力、消費量等研究,但是對於消費者住宅選擇行為的研究則較少見。住宅需求的主體以個體的家戶為單位,家戶在所得的限制之下,追求效用的最大化,做出遷移決策、區位選擇、增建決策等。 觀察台灣的都市現象,台北市的房價所得比高達8倍以上,不但居全台灣之冠,更遠超過歐美國家的水準,國內高房價的壓力會影響家戶的遷移成本與區位選擇。另外,在台北市的住宅類型八成以上為公寓大廈,只能從陽台或屋頂平台小幅增建,增加的住宅面積有限,未申請建照的增建多屬不合法的違建行為,無法自由調整,因此家戶採取增建方式調整住宅需求的行為會受到限制。而國內住、商、工混雜,土地相容使用,就業區位可能與住宅區位相距不遠,因此通勤成本可能較低,這些與國外迥異的都市背景,使得本研究想解構在台灣家戶的住宅調整決策與區位選擇行為。 本研究將家戶的生命週期類型與住宅遷移、區位選擇、增建決策相連結,探討每個特殊的生命週期家戶,其住宅調整決策的差異,分析各生命週期家戶的區隔,其結果有助於了解住宅次市場區隔以及住宅下濾、換屋行為。進一步探討家戶的住宅區位選擇: 台北市女性就業,使家庭所得、通勤成本增加,其住宅區位選擇與通勤行為應與單薪家戶不同,並驗證是否受到房價與通勤成本的取捨、相關資源與夫妻決策權力、以及家庭責任義務的影響。最後,探討戶長及配偶對於區位選擇的影響,驗證戶長配偶模式是否比過去研究以戶長屬性代替家戶屬性的模式較佳,分析家戶屬性所引申的住宅需求如何影響家戶的住宅區位選擇,以及分析夫妻的資源與決策影響力的性別差異關係。女性身為戶長,其決策影響力的消長應與一般傳統家戶的成員不同,分析是否產生女性特殊的住宅區位需求,其結果可以作為住宅政策的參考。 本文回顧相關文獻,發現單從經濟學的模式不足以說明家戶的選擇行為,而社會學與性別方面的議題和假說也未深入探討家戶的住宅區位選擇,因此考量現實的背景,希望從實證主義,剖析不同生命週期家戶的住宅調整方式,以及從大幅改變住宅屬性的遷移方式中,進一步解構家戶的住宅區位選擇行為與通勤的決策,並討論家庭責任、性別差異等相關課題。實證資料係採1990年台閩地區戶口及住宅普查台北市的資料,探討家戶對於自有住宅的調整決策,將台北市各行政區中位置相鄰、性質相近者分為六區,作為住宅區位選擇的替選區位。本研究以效用理論為基礎,分析家戶的遷移決策、遷移選擇一個新的住宅區位、以及增建決策等,追求家戶住宅需求效用的最大化,以不連續選擇模型進行實證。 結果發現高所得家戶選擇遷移的機率較高,低所得、或小孩正在成長的家戶較傾向選擇增建,住宅區位選擇的結果,也可印證人口往新興發展的郊區移動,老舊的西區流動性較差,應用在都市發展的政策上,可以針對資源的流動與新興地區的住宅及公共設施建設、交通運輸建設等相關政策做出建議。 另外,藉由女性的決策權力與需求的結果,發現女性就業的特性與所得資源對於區位、通勤選擇的影響力較低,反而是照顧小孩的家庭責任是關鍵因素,女性同時在外工作與擔任母職的角色,非常需要工作地點與住宅區為方便的連結,工作與居住分離的都市形式或許不敷台灣社會的需要,方便的交通與大眾運輸工具、以及價格合理且鄰近社區的兒童扥育設施都是女性急需的公共服務。 同時考慮夫妻兩位家戶成員的戶長配偶模式比傳統的戶長模式較能解釋住宅區位選擇的決策,但是在1990年當時的已婚女性多是無酬的家屬工作者或未就業,因此較沒有顯著的經濟影響力,惟獨年輕、教育程度較高的女性展現較不同於傳統的決策行為,而且以女性為戶長的家戶的確有孑然不同的區位選擇影響力,與台北市全體家戶、以男性為戶長的家戶相比,女性的戶長影響力較大。 / This dissertation consisted of four relative essays. Due to lack of housing adjustment decisions and location choice issues in Taiwan’s housing research, this study focus on some specific background in Taipei City, and reference to the existing studies. The relative resources and couple’s decision-making power effect is an important discussion point to which I drew attention. Using the discrete choice model and the data from “1990 Census of Population and Housing in Taipei”, the empirical studies are tested. As we known, the housing price in Taipei is the highest in Taiwan, households choose moving decision would pay higher adjustment cost. The most popular housing types in Taipei are apartments, the addition behavior without government permission is normally illegal. But under the constraint of affordability, some families would choose home improvement instead of moving to satisfy their housing needs for saving adjusting cost. In the first paper, I examined different choices of moving decision, housing location choice, and addition decision, which every household made. Households in different life cycle stages, indicating different income level, number of members, marriage status or other specific characteristics, they how to adjust their housing demand and make their housing decisions. The results will provide housing market segmentation information and explain the housing filtering behaviors. This second paper explores the effects on housing location choice in single and double income households in Taipei, and examines the relative hypotheses, such as relative resources and couple’s decision-making power, and household responsibility constrains. Households’ residential location choice are subjected to income constrains, facing the trade-off between housing price and commuting cost. Husbands who are usually the financial resources of a family economy get more decision- making power than wives. However, it would not play more significant role on location and commuting choices for wife to taking care of children. The results would suggest the government to provide convenient public transportation mode and children care service. The last two papers examine the impact of aggregated needs of household members on the choice of housing location in Taipei. Especially the discussion of family decision- making issues was raised. The results indicate that the choice of housing location is significantly impacted by the age, family origin, past housing location, education and occupation status, and the location of workplaces of both spouses. We also find that this decision is more significantly influenced by the attributes of the male spouse□than the female. However, among the households with a female household head, the female spouse□characteristics are more likely to be significant. Our results also offer a snapshot of today□Taiwanese culture that is dramatically different from the commonly understood male-dominance in the Chinese tradition.

單親家長工作與家庭平衡之研究─檢視正式與非正式支持系統之性別差異 / A study of single parents’ work and family balance─The gender difference between formal and informal support system

葉歆伶, Yeh, Hsin Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討單親就業家長所面臨之工作與家庭平衡問題,並就性別觀點,針對男女單親家長所具有之正式與非正式支持系統差異進行檢視,以進一步探究影響支持其工作與家庭角色平衡之因素。本研究之方法,係以育有未滿18歲未成年子女之十一位單親就業家長為研究對象,包含五位男性與六位女性,採用深度訪談法進行質化資料分析。主要研究結果如下: 一、工作與家庭平衡概況方面:無論男女單親家長均面臨較高的工作與家庭平衡困境,但女性單親家長因家庭角色影響工作角色之程度較男性單親為高,而男性單親家長因工作角色影響家庭角色之程度則較女性單親為高。 二、工作與家庭平衡支持方面:非正式系統中,男性單親獲得工作與家庭角色平衡支持的程度較女性單親為高;正式系統中,男性單親在企業職場獲得較高工作角色支持,而女性單親則是在政府社會服務與結構性非正式系統中獲得較高的工作與家庭平衡支持。 三、工作與家庭平衡能力之影響因素方面:托顧服務及請休假制度均有助於單親家長取得家庭角色之平衡,工作彈性化措施則有助於單親家長取得工作角色之平衡;此外,傳統父系社會觀念直接影響男女單親家長取得非正式系統對支持家庭角色平衡之性別差異,職業取向則間接影響男女單親家長取得企業職場支持工作角色平衡之性別差異。   最後,根據上述研究結果,本文參考歐美先進國家之友善單親相關政策與方案,嘗試對政府之社會與勞動部門、非營利之單親服務機構及企業組織,就政策面與實務面分別提出相關改善建議,以供未來研究政策規劃與執行之參考。 關鍵詞:單親家長、工作與家庭平衡、友善家庭政策、社會支持系統、性別差異 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the work and family balance challenges of employed single parents in Taiwan. From the gender perspective, this study also examines the differences between single fathers and single mothers in formal and informal support systems. Further, this thesis explores the impact of the factors which support the single parents to balance their work and family roles. Adopting in-depth interview, this study interviews employed single parents who raise children under 18, including five fathers and six mothers. The main findings of this research are as follows: 1. Both single fathers and mothers face higher work-family balance difficulties, but single mothers’ family-work conflicts are higher than single fathers, while single fathers’ work-family conflicts are higher than single mothers. 2. Single fathers have more informal support resources to the balance of work and family roles than single mothers, and also get more support on job than single mothers from companies. Instead, single mothers get more resources from government’s social services and structured informal system to balance work and family roles than single fathers. 3. Family care service and leave program are both useful to help single parents to obtain the balances between work and family, and the measures of work flexibility are helpful for single parents to balance their job roles. In addition, under the informal systems, the patriarchal concept of traditional Chinese society affects gender differences directly in terms of single parents’ balance of family roles. On the other side, career orientation affects gender differences indirectly to obtain the balance of job roles in companies. According to the study, this thesis makes some suggestions on policy planning and implementation for government's social and labor departments, nonprofit organizations as well as companies. Keywords: single parent, work and family balance, family-friendly policies, social support system, gender difference

「夾心餅乾」的修煉史 ─大臺北地區警察心理壓力模型建構 / A qualitative research on Stress : The Process Model of Policemen in General Taipei

劉婷安胥, Liu, Tinganxu Unknown Date (has links)
自針對心理壓力的研究盛行以來,心理壓力和工作績效的關係得到了學界諸多領域的關注。警察是高壓群體,在量化和質化研究的雙重驗證下,得到了學界一致性的認同。而警察的壓力所影響的並不僅只是其個人工作績效,更關乎整個社會的治安狀況。此外,對於壓力而言,局限於測量警察族群的壓力,對於解決問題本身沒有根本性作用。基於以上原因,本研究專注於警察高壓的原因及形成機制。根據非正式預訪談得知所長是警察生涯中壓力最為突出的一個階段,故本研究將目標鎖定在警察階段的所長族群。為了挖掘所長高壓原因及其形成機制,本研究透過質化深入訪談的研究方法,深入訪談了大臺北地區7位男性派出所所長和3位女性所長。經過紮根理論的研究流程和資料分析法,結果發現所長階段的壓力較為嚴重的原因主要在於其特殊的工作特點,以及家庭和工作的難以平衡;就其工作特點而言,包括:壓力多元化、工作時間過長、體力硬線要求高、休假異常、績效結構欠佳、公務冗雜和媒體壓迫。也正是因為工作特點而使得其較難在工作與家庭之間取得平衡。對於女性而言,刻板印象和社會期待均使其在警察工作中處於劣勢,但優秀的表現也會獲得更多的讚賞,與期望破壞理論(Expectancy Violation Theory)一致;而男性也恰正是因為刻板要求和社會期待使得其肩負著和女性警察機制不同但是程度相當的心理壓力。總體而言,警察體制內受到詬病的是績效考核方式,績效結構不合理並且指標沒有上限,專案頻繁,儘管不同來源的所長最終都將自我調整心態到了無可奈何的接受狀態。也正是這一結果,證明目前警察體系內協助警察舒緩壓力的管道較為匱乏,亟需改善和解決。 / The influence by stress on performance is one of the popular research issues. Former qualitative and quantitative researches proved that policeman is one of jobs with high working stress. Stress on policeman not only affect their own working performance but also societal safety. Only measurement of stress cannot make policeman perform better. Thus, this study focuses on causes and mechanism of policeman’s stress. Police inspectors in local police stations are with extremely high working stress according to informal interviews. This study interviewed three female and seven male police inspectors from Taipei City, New Taipei City and Keelung in Taiwan. After data analysis with Grounded Theory, this study concludes that special working conditions and unbalance between family and work are the main sources of stress on policemen. This job is stressful with several traits including multi-faced stress, overtime work schedule, exhausting physical energy, irregular days-off, unreasonable performance evaluation structure, complicated working issues and bothering media. It is these working conditions that make policemen stressful and difficult to make balance between work and family. Furthermore, stereotypes and social desirability burden female policemen. However, consistent with Expectancy Violation Theory, female policemen would also gain more recognition and compliment when they perform positively; Male policemen are required to take over more work for female policemen because of social desirability. In general, the biggest source of stress for policemen in Taiwan is the unreasonable performance evaluation system. It comes out as taking it without other alternatives for most policemen no matter where they were trained before. There has not been effective assistance for policemen within police system in Taiwan.

班級同儕學習投入與數學表現的城鄉差距 —階層線性模型的分析 / Urban-rural differences in peer engagement and mathematics performance: an analysis of hierarchical linear modeling

林靜怡 Unknown Date (has links)
學習表現為教育社會學中的重要議題,其中城鄉間的學習表現差距受到重視。過去研究認為家庭背景與地區的教育資源是影響學生學習表現的主要因素,然而這些研究缺乏班級因素與同儕效果的分析。因此本研究使用台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫(Taiwan Education Panel Survey, TEPS)在2001年與2003年的國中生樣本,以階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Modeling, HLM)分析國一班級同儕學習投入對國三數學表現的影響,學習投入以學生為課業所付出的時間為指標。分析結果發現:(1)學生數學表現的總變異中有24%來自班級因素的影響,76%為學生因素。(2)國三數學表現、個人學習投入與班級同儕學習投入有城鄉差距。(3)在控制其他變項下,個人學習投入、班級同儕學習投入對數學表現有正向效果。(4)班級所在地區的都市化程度透過班級同儕學習投入間接影響國三數學表現。 / Academic performance has been an important topic of research on educational sociology for a long time, while urban-rural differences have been already well documented in literatures. In the past, the literature indicated that the key factors to affecting academic performance are family background and the educational resources. But these researches have ignored the factors of class level and peer effects. In this study, the data are from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001 and 2003, use Hierarchical Linear Modeling (HLM) to assess how peer engagement affects junior high students’ mathematics performance. The time students spend in studying is an index of engagement. The main finding are: (1) This research model accounts for 76% of the variation in student level and for 24% of the class variation in class level with regard to mathematical performance. (2) Students in the urban and rural city show a differences in their mathematics performance, student’s own engagement and peer engagement. (3) When controlling variables, student’s own engagement and peer engagement have positive effect on mathematics performance. (4) Urbanization levels indirectly affect mathematics performance through peer engagement.


田代, 亨 03 1900 (has links)
科学研究費補助金 研究種目:一般研究(C) 課題番号:03660013 研究代表者:田代 亨 研究期間:1991-1992年度

閾限空間:薩爾曼•魯希迪《摩爾人的最後嘆息》之後殖民閱讀 / Liminal Space: A Post-Colonial Reading of Salman Rushdie's The Moor's Last Sigh

黃信凱, Huang, Paul Hsinkai Unknown Date (has links)
薩爾曼•魯希迪的《摩爾人的最後嘆息》運用想像與史實描繪出一個印度家族的故事。這個四代家族所經歷的時間橫跨整個二十世紀,一般說來在這個世紀前半部分大多數國家經歷了殖民統治與帝國主義,而在後半部分則面臨去殖民與國家主義的風潮。因此,書中論及的這些殖民與後殖民的經驗也引發了一些重要的議題,像是混雜、多元文化,和國家主義。霍米•巴巴提出‘閾限空間’這個概念有助於對這本小說做深入的評價與賞析,特別是能促進對以上三個議題更深入而具體的認知。霍米•巴巴將許多概念納入‘閾限空間’這個總括性術語的討論範圍,因此本論文將從中擷取三個概念來論述這本小說,分別是混雜、文化差異、及國家意識。 本論文的導論先闡釋霍米•巴巴‘閾限空間’這個概念並且發掘魯希迪這本小說中許多重要的後殖民議題。這些議題與‘閾限空間’ 這個概念的關係密不可分,因此這個概念所延伸論及的理論便可用於理解並賞析這本小說。接下來的三章將分別以混雜、文化差異、及國家意識來發掘並建立《摩爾人的最後嘆息》與‘閾限空間’這概念之間的關係。第二章將藉由霍米•巴巴對殖民者與被殖民者之間的矛盾關係的論述進而深入理解小說中意欲呈現的殖民混雜與後殖民混雜。這種矛盾的關係理論上與他者化的過程有關聯,在這過程中身分認同與主體化不論是在後殖民理論還是此本小說中都是值得商榷的議題。第三章利用霍米•巴巴的‘文化差異’來重新檢視並且重新定義所謂的多元文化。魯希迪在小說中巧妙地將現在的印度重疊在過去由摩爾人統治的西班牙之上,這種後殖民的羊皮紙影像便可藉由文化差異與多元文化的概念得到更具體的意義。此外,閾限空間也是一種不同文化的接觸地帶,這樣的中介地域也有助於理解魯希迪在流行文化與高等文化間所採的折衷主義。第四章則著重於探討霍米•巴巴如何發展閾限空間與國家意識的理論關係,還有國家與敘事之間的關係。此章也將利用國家與敘事的關係來理解魯希迪是如何在這本小說中運用許多文學技巧在小說世界中重構國家形象,尤其是文本互涉的材料與歷史的指涉這樣的技巧。 最後的總論將重申在本論文中提及的一些重要的論點,藉由重申這些論點來總結論文提及的一些重要概念的大意,並且讓魯希迪的《摩爾人的最後嘆息》與巴巴的‘閾限空間’這個文本與理論相互闡釋並佐證的關係更為清楚。 / Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh delineates, fictively and historically, a family saga in India. The four-generation family approximately spans the twentieth century that, generally speaking, has gone through colonization and imperialism in the first half as well as de-colonization and nationalism in the second half. Accordingly, they bring forth a few significant issues, such as hybridity, multiculturalism, and nationalism. Homi Bhabha’s idea of ‘liminal space’ is conducive to the evaluation of the novel, and expressly to the discussion of the above three concepts in a more specific way. He subsumes a lot of ideas under the umbrella term ‘liminal space’, so this thesis is to extract three ideas—hybridity, cultural difference, and nationness—to elaborate on the novel. The introductory chapter expounds Bhabha’s idea of ‘liminal space’ and also explores a few post-colonial issues in the novel. The issues in question are related to Bhabha’s idea of ‘liminal space’, from which some key ideas are derived so as to appreciate the fictional world Rushdie constructs in the novel. The following three chapters are respectively based on the three liminality-related ideas, whereby to find the relation of the novel with Bhabha’s ‘liminal space’. The second chapter is to obtain a deeper apprehension of colonial and post-colonial hybridity through Bhabha’s argumentation concerning the ambivalent relationship between colonizer and colonized. The ambivalent relationship is theoretically associated with the othering process. In the process, identification and subjectification are moot questions not only in post-colonial theory but in the novel as well. The third chapter is intended to make use of Bhabha’s idea of ‘cultural difference’ to review and redefine what the word ‘multiculturalism’ is like. In turn, it helps to shed much more light upon Rushdie’s palimpsesting modern India over Moorish Spain. In addition, liminal space refers to a contact zone of cultural difference that elucidates Rushdie’s eclecticism between popular culture and high culture in the novel. The fourth chapter is to discuss the way Bhabha colligates liminal space and the idiolect ‘nationness’ and the way he relates the idea of nation to narration. The relationship between nation and narration is applied to the understanding of how Rushdie utilizes literary techniques, especially intertextual materials and historical allusions, for a re-construction of a nation in a fictional world. The conclusive chapter is to reiterate some important arguments that are germane to the above key concepts and to the reciprocal clarification between Bhabha’s ‘liminal space’ and Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh.


徐瑋伶, Hsu, Wei-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在了解使用同儕評量為考核方式時,可能影響團體成員公平知覺等心理反應的因素。研究中以96名大學女生為實驗對象,採2x2x2實驗設計,探討“同儕評量與自評之差異”、“團體成員相對親疏關係”及“決策控制力(自評對獎金分配之影響力)”等三個因素對團體成員公平知覺之影響,並了解內外控傾向在此影響機制中扮演的角色。研究結果顯示,當團體使用同儕評量之考核方法時,“同儕評量與自評之差異”對個體的公平知覺、結果滿意、團體吸引力、再次合作意願均有非常顯著的影響。顯示個體相當關心自我評量與同儕評量之差異,當同儕評量比自評低時,個人在以上幾種心理反應都顯著的較弱。在“相對親疏關係”上,結果顯示個體進入團體中時,若感覺其他兩位成員間之親疏關係,比個體自己與其他任一人間為親密時,其公平知覺會較低。在“決策控制力”上,則發現其對公平知覺與再次合作意願有顯著影響,當自評對酬賞結果具有影響力(決策控制力高)時,個體的公平知覺會較高,也較願意再次與其他兩位成員合作。在“同儕評量與自評之差異”、“相對親疏關係”、“決策控制力”三者之交互作用方面,分析結果顯示均未達顯著。在內外控此變項上,除發現其對公平知覺有顯著影響,即愈外控者之公平知覺愈低外,另亦顯示內外控與“相對親疏關係”具有交互作用,但與“決策控制力”、“同儕評量與自評之差異”之交互作用並不顯著,表示內外控只在“相對親疏關係”對公平知覺之影響上有調節效果。本研究最後對未獲驗證之部份加以討論,並依實驗所得結果,提出可能之貢獻、限制、對未來研究的建議及工商實務上之應用。 / This study, employing 96 undergraduates and 2×2×2 experimental design, examined the effects of “discrepancies between peer rating and self rating”, “ relative relationship” and “decision control (the influence of self rating on reward) ” to group members’ perception of fairness. The role of locus of control was also explored. When using the peer rating, subjects who received relative lower peer rating showed weaker perception of fairness, less satisfied with outcome, less attracted to other two coworkers and lower recooperative willing. Subjects perceived fairer when the relative relationship is equal (the familiarity within group members is the same). With the high decision control, subjects’ perception of fairness and recooperative willing were higher. No interaction effect of these three independent variables was found. Locus of control had moderating effect on the relation between relative relationship and perception of fairness. Implications for management and future research are discussed.

技術發展型態與經濟成長關係之研究 / A Study of Technology Development Type and Economic Growth

張綱紘, Chang, Kang-Hung Unknown Date (has links)
本文嘗試在傳統的R&D模型中,引入技術引進的概念,並從技術發展型態的角度來探討其與經濟成長之關係。理論的結果告訴我們各個國家會採取何種技術發展的型態決定於其本身的技術水準。技術水準愈低的國家,基於成本的誘因,會採取較具優勢的技術引進的發展策略;相反地,技術水準較高的國家,則會利用本身較佳的技術優勢而自行研發。 採取不同技術發展型態的國家,其經濟成長的型態也跟著不同。採取技術引進策略的國家其成長的速度取決於本身和世界的技術差距,當差距愈大時,成長的速度就愈快;相反地,隨著差距的縮小,成長的速度也就會跟著緩慢下來。採取研發的國家,如同大部分R&D模型的結論,其均衡的成長路徑是維持一固定的成長率。 不同於以往內生成長模型只專注於長期的成長,我們的模型中,除了具有長期持續成長的特色外,更強調各個國家由於初始條件的差異及其成長的速度和世界成長的速度的不同,致使成長的路徑也會不同,而且每個國家收歛的恆定狀態也不相同,這也說明了為什麼世界各國之間會存在廣泛的所得差異性的現象。 另外,我們的理論也強調技術落後的國家不見得會永遠處於落後的地位,只要其成長的速度足夠支持其發生技術發展型態的結構性改變,就有可能追趕上先進國家,甚至超越。而原先處於領先地位的先進國家,也有可能因本身研發的效率退步,致使成長速度落後於世界的平均水準,結果反倒是由領先的地位退到落後國家之林。 而成長的另一個普遍獲得實證支持的現象,也就是在Solow模型中預測的條件性收歛,在我們的模型中的解釋是當一個國家的成長路徑一直高於世界的平均水準的話,換言之,該國家是一直在不斷進步的過程中,則也會發生所謂條件性收歛的現象。而我們的理論更預測了另一種現象是,當一個國家的成長路徑是處於世界平均水準之下的話,也就是說是由原本的領先退步到落後的過程中,其成長的速度反倒是開始時會較慢,而在接近收歛時開始加快速度,然後達到恆定狀態,這種現象和所謂的條件性收歛恰好反其道而行,我們稱之為逆條件性收歛現象。 除了理論之外,我們更藉由數值模擬的方式進行了政策上的分析。我們發現在成長速度上處於領先地位的國家,若要保持其領先的優勢,必定要採取研發的策略。而處於成長速度較緩慢的國家,若想要擺脫落後並追趕上領先國家的話,就得靠技術引進的方式來加快其成長的速度。 同時我們亦分析了幾種改變成長速度的政策手段,發現每一種政策的效果對不同的國家而言也不盡相同,所以各個國家所應採取的手段應視其條件而定。另外,當外生的世界成長率加快時,我們發現這個現象對成長速度落後的國家是很有幫助的,因為可以使得其速度加快趕上世界的水準。


林慧蘭 Unknown Date (has links)
加速產業升級為我國政府近年來努力的目標,而科技人才的培育與運用,則為目標達成與否的關鍵因素,因此在歷次全國科技會議中,均將科技人才的培育、延攬與運用列入重要議題。由於近幾年海外學人在技術引進上扮演了相當重要的角色,因此今後應更積極延攬海外科技人才,以彌補國內人才供應不足的現象。雖然政府有相關延攬人才的方案,但是卻沒有進一步的研究來探討這些人才回國後的適應狀況、工作績效等,如此是否政府的相關延攬措施對國內的產業發展帶來了效益,除了承辦人員累積的經驗感受外,似乎無實證的研究瞭解。因此本研究目的在於探討海外高級科技人才返國工作動機以及返國後之適應狀況,並進一步探討影響海外高級科技人才適應的決定因素以及適應與組織承諾間的影響關係。   本研究之研究對象係指財團法人工業技術研究院之返國海外高級科技人才,具有博士學位海外工作經驗3年以上;具有碩士學位海外工作經驗4年以上;學士學位海外工作經驗5年以上三者之一,對國內技術提昇、產業發展有所貢獻的人才。   本研究透過問卷調查方式,獲得工研院之人力資源經理研究支持協助下,共計取得有效問卷45份,主要運用典型相關分析來檢定本研究假設,並進一步針對變項間的關係,運用迴歸分析、Pearson相關統計檢定結果以為參考。而為彌補研究樣本規模之限制,並進一步進行個案訪談分析作為研究結果之輔證,共計有效訪談個案6位。   本研究獲得以下數點結論:   一、人才返國工作之動機多受前程發展動機與歸屬感動機之影響而回國。   二、從人才返國後的整體適應狀況在平均值之表現上來看,顯示人才之適應狀況良好。   三、人才之返國工作動機會影響人才之適應狀況,且人才越是持前程發展動機回國者,其在工作適應與生活適應的表現上較佳。從個案訪談本研究發現人才之動機是否明確將會影響適應狀況。   四、本研究無法驗證海外高級科技人才之文化傾向與適應狀況之影響關連,但本研究推論文化差異對人才適應狀況之影響在於人才對於文化差異的認知程度與調適情形。   五、家庭支持程度會對人才之適應狀況造成影響,但本研究亦進一步推論,若海外高級科技人才在其決定返國時的人生順序上,是將個人的工作生涯在人生中擺在相當重要的位置上,甚至是超過家人的順序,若是如此,則家人的支持程度對於人才的適應狀況影響程度將會較弱。   六、人才對於組織所提供支援之滿意程度會影響人才之適應狀況,且組織提供支援的方向以有利於人才工作發揮的支援對於人才之整體適應較有幫助。   七、人才對於組織承諾之平均值表現呈中度傾向;且組織承諾與適應狀況間呈顯著正相關,人才之適應狀況會影響人才之組織承諾。本研究從個案訪談中發現個案之組織承諾與個案對工研院的需求相關,如個案返國是以尋求創業機會為主要目的,則工研院的工作環境對他們而言會是一個跳板因而對於工研院的組織承諾將會較低。

客製化塑膠機械產業廠商營運策略探討-以百塑公司為例 / A study on the operation strategies of customized plastic machinery industry manufacturer-a case of the multiplas enginery co.,ltd.

解文明 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著高分子材料工業的快速發展,塑膠材料被廣泛地應用在日常生活中各個不同的領域,而提供塑膠材料加工製品所需設備的塑膠機械產業的地位就日益重要。在我國國內的塑膠機械產業的年產值已經超過400億,而且在外銷的比例上更高達八成以上,是僅次於工具機的第二大機械類產業;然而由於經濟全球化的發展,以及中國大陸等新興國家崛起的衝擊,使得國內的塑膠機械產業受到嚴重影響而呈現外移的現象。 在這個動盪劇烈的年代,企業將無法再滿足於現狀的象牙塔之中,而是必須不斷的藉由創新開發增加企業的能量,建立企業產品的差異化,將創意轉化為滿足顧客需求的客製化實體價值,來提升企業自我的競爭優勢;是以在做個案公司策略研究時,依據企業所處的的產業外部環境與企業本身所具有的條件,然後探討其策營運略形成與所產生的策略效果。 本研究最後係以策略六大構面理論作為策略分析的結論,對於採取有別於計畫性量產的塑膠機械產業業者,而以客製化為營運模式的代表性業者,以進行深度訪談的研究方法,來進行個案企業的策略研究;在面臨越來越激烈的國際競爭環境中,對於未來的環境發展動向的掌握,企圖透過對於個案企業的營運策略的研究,匯聚個案公司過往的營運經驗,提供相關產業業者參考方案,共同開創新的市場利基,以真正提升我國國內塑膠機械產業在國際上的競爭優勢,也為產業業者的永續發展奠定穩固的基石。 / As the polymer materials industry's rapid growth, plastic materials are widely used in daily life in many different areas, and provides plastic materials processing products required equipment for plastic machinery industry increasingly important role. The plastic machinery industry's annual output of more than 400 million, and in the export ratio is as high as 80%, is only next to the machine tools - the second largest of the general mechanical engineering industry; However, because of the development of economic globalization, and the Mainland China, and so the impact of the rise of emerging countries, makes plastic machinery industry severely affected and move out. In this turbulent rapid, enterprises will no longer be able to meet with the status quo of ivory, Instead, the enterprises must continuously by innovation development increase energy, set up an enterprise product differentiation, creativity to meet customer demand for customized orders entity value, to enhance the competitive advantage of corporate self; In the case of the company policy of doing, according to the enterprise's external environment of industrial and enterprise itself has a condition, and then examine its strategy of trading on the formation and the resulting policy effects. This last line to policy six dimensions theory as policy analysis of the case, for taking different from planned volume production of the plastic machinery industry firms, and to customized to operating mode of representation firms, by depth interviews of research methods, to conduct research on enterprise policy cases; in the face of increasingly fierce international competition environment, for the future development of the environment, using for cases of operation of the enterprise strategy, will bring together the cases previously operating experience, provide relevant industry operators reference scenario, common around the world to market niche, to really improve the domestic plastic machinery industry in the world of competitive advantage, as well as industrial companies in the sustainable development lay the cornerstone.

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